6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Graphic opulationDensityPopulationGrowthMichigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 1 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Big Idea CardBig Ideas of the Lesson 1, Unit 1 People are not evenly distributed across the Earth. Some places on the Earthare densely populated and some are sparsely populated. Population density refers to the number of people in a defined area such as asquare mile. The distribution and density of people on the Earth is related to differences ingeographical features, resources, and the availability of things such as jobs,food, water, and transportation.Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 2 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Word Cards1demography2populationthe study of populationpatterns and changeall the people of aparticular areaExample: In studying demography, socialscientists study topics such as populationdistribution and population density.Example: Social scientists calculatepopulation at many different scales from localto global.(SS060301)(SS06301)3population density4populationdistributionthe number of people in a defined areasuch as a square milethe pattern, or spread, of people in agiven areaExample: Population density can becalculated by dividing the population of aregion by its area.Example: Studying population distributionleads us to question why people are notdistributed equally across the Earth.(SS06301)(SS060301)5cartograma type of map used topresent statistical information.Example: A cartogram showing land area ofthe Earth is very different from a cartogramshowing population.(SS060301)Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 3 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Size of the Selected StatesState/RegionTotal Land in square ORTH CAROLINA48,708NORTH DAKOTA68,994NEBRASKA76,878NEW HAMPSHIRE8,969NEW JERSEY7,419NEW MEXICO121,365NEVADA109,806NEW YORK48,708OHIO40,953OREGON96,003RHODE ISLAND1,045SOUTH CAROLINA30,111SOUTH WISCONSIN54,314WYOMING97,105Whole USA3,551,627Source: Area. Overpopulation Myth. 9 November 2012 es.htm .Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 4 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Source: Outline World Map. 14 October 2012. http://climate.unur.com/etopo-landmask.pngMichigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 5 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Population Densities by Region, 2012Density(population/sq. km.)World52More developed27Less developed70Less developed (excluding China)61Least Developed43Africa35Northern Africa25Western Africa53Eastern Africa54Middle Africa20Southern Africa22Americas22Northern America (U.S. and Canada)16Latin America and the Caribbean29CaribbeanSouth America17922Asia134Asia (excl. China)130Western Asia50South Central Asia169Southeast Asia135East Asia135Europe32Northern Europe56Western Europe172Eastern Europe16Southern EuropeOceania1174Source: 2012 World Population Data Sheet. 14 November 2012 http://www.prb.org/pdf12/2012-population-datasheet eng.pdf .Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 6 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Teacher Reference Sheet for Population Densities by Region ChartMore developed regions, following the UN classification, comprise all of Europe and NorthAmerica, plus Australia, Japan and New Zealand.All other regions and countries are classified as less developed. The least developed countriesconsist of 48 countries with especially low incomes, high economic vulnerability, and poor humandevelopment indicators. Thirty-three of these countries are in sub-Saharan Africa, 14 in Asia andone in the Caribbean.LIST OF LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIESAfrica (33)1Angola2Benin3Burkina Faso #4Burundi #5Central African Republic #6Chad #7Comoros *8Democratic Republic of the Congo9Djibouti10Equatorial Guinea11Eritrea12Ethiopia #13Gambia14Guinea15Guinea-Bissau *16Lesotho #17LiberiaAsia (14)1Afghanistan #2Bangladesh3Bhutan #4Cambodia5Kiribati *6Lao People’s Democratic Republic rMalawi #Mali #MauritaniaMozambiqueNiger #Rwanda #São Tomé and Príncipe *SenegalSierra LeoneSomaliaSudanTogoUganda #United Republic of TanzaniaZambia #891011121314Nepal #Samoa *Solomon Islands *Timor-Leste *Tuvalu *Vanuatu *YemenLatin America and the Caribbean (1)1Haiti ** Also a Small Island Developing State# Also a Landlocked Developing CountrySource: Least Developed Countries List. United Nations. 9 November 2012 http://www.unohrlls.org/en/ldc/ .Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 7 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Drawing Conclusions from OceaniaMichigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 8 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Analyzing Country Population DataWrite down the ten countries you think have the highest populations. Place them in the orderbeginning with the one you think has the greatest population.12345678910Compare your list to the list on the Country Population Data Sheet. How many countries did youget correct?How many did you get in the correct order?Where they are surprises in the data? If so, what were they?Look carefully at the Population Density data located beneath the Population Data. Write downthree interesting things this data shows or questions the data raise for you:Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 9 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Country Population DataCountryChinaIndiaUnited iaJapanCountryChinaIndiaUnited 70153143128PopulationDensity (popper sq km)141383331272322718410628338Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 10 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global IssuesUnit 3: Population and MigrationSS60301Lesson 1Source: World Robinson Projection Map with Country Outlines. 9 November 2012 table/WorldRobinCountryLinesPrint.jpg .Michigan Citizenship Collaborative CurriculumOakland SchoolsPage 11 of 11November 9, 2012
6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global Issues SS60301 Unit 3: Population and Migration Lesson 1 Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum Page 1 of 11 Oakland Schools November 9, 2012 Graphic Organizer Population Patterns Population Growth Population Distribution Population Density . 6th Grade Social Studies: World Geography and Global Issues SS60301 Unit 3: Population and .
LLinear Patterns: Representing Linear Functionsinear Patterns: Representing Linear Functions 1. What patterns do you see in this train? Describe as What patterns do you see in this train? Describe as mmany patterns as you can find.any patterns as you can find. 1. Use these patterns to create the next two figures in Use these patterns to .
1. Transport messages Channel Patterns 3. Route the message to Routing Patterns 2. Design messages Message Patterns the proper destination 4. Transform the message Transformation Patterns to the required format 5. Produce and consume Endpoint Patterns Application messages 6. Manage and Test the St Management Patterns System
Std. 6th Perfect Hindi Sulabhbharati Workbook (MH Board) Author: Target Publications Subject: Hindi Sulabhbharati Keywords: 6th std maharashtra board english medium, 6th standard hindi workbook, hindi workbook for class 6, std 6th, sixth standard hindi book, 6th std hindi sulabhbharati book Created Date: 1/25/2017 2:46:54 PM
Creational patterns This design patterns is all about class instantiation. This pattern can be further divided into class-creation patterns and object-creational patterns. While class-creation patterns use inheritance effectively in the instantiation process, object-creation patterns
Distributed Systems Stream Groups Local Patterns Global Patterns Figure 1: Distributed data mining architecture. local patterns (details in section 5). 3) From the global patterns, each autonomous system further refines/verifies their local patterns. There are two main options on where the global patterns are computed. First, all local patterns
these two distinct concepts of density will serve as a basis for understanding the meaning of high density. Hopefully, this chapter will establish the ground for the discussions in later chapters on the design of high-density cities with respect to the timeliest social and environmental issues. Source: Vicky Cheng Figure 1.1 People density
Density of soil is defined as the mass the soil per unit volume. 3. Bulk Density: Define (U) Bulk density is the total mass M of the soil per unit of its total volume. 4. Dry Density: Define (U d) The dry density is mass of soils per unit of total volume of the soil mass. 5. Define: Saturated Density (U sat) When the soil mass is saturated, is .
since 2012. The third and final year of the strategy provided a good opportunity for us . to take stock of what we as nurses, midwives and care staff have achieved through the strategy and how we have contributed to ensuring high quality, compassionate care. This means not only thinking about this final year, but also reflecting on the last three years as a whole. I have been privileged to .