Greater Little Zion Baptist Church - GLZBC

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Greater Little Zion Baptist Church10185 Zion DriveFairfax, VA 22032Phone: 703-764-9111 Fax: 703-764-9162Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.Email: admin@glzbc.orgWebsite: www.glzbc.org2016 Theme: "Being a Church of TLC: Touching, Loving, &Caring" John 13:34-35Church Vision: The vision of GLZBC is to reach the unsaved withthe saving message of Jesus Christ.Matthew 28:19-20Church Mission: The mission of GLZBC is to lead everyone to afull life of development in Christ.Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr., PastorE-mail: James.T.Murphy@glzbc.orgSunday, March 27, 2016

Worship on the Lord’s Day6:45 a.m. ServiceToday’s Music LeaderMusicians . Min. Keith Exum and Rev. Dr. Paul TaylorMinister of Music . . Bro. Robert FairchildCall to Worship . .Invocation . . . . . . MinisterMusical Selection (2) . . The GLZBC Mass ChoirThe Spoken Word/Sermon . Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr.Invitation to Salvation . . Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr.Worship of Giving/Prayer . . Board of Directors/Deacons(Bring Prayer Request As Well With Offering)Welcoming of Visitors . . . Greeter’s MinistryAnnouncements Benediction . Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr.Breakfast will be served, immediately following the 6:45 a.m. service.Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Please do not enter or leave the Sanctuary during this timeThis is my Bible. I am what It says I am. I have what Itsays I have. I can do what It says I can do. Today I willbe taught the Word of God. I boldly confess that mymind is alert, my heart is receptive and I will neverbe the same.In Jesus’ name. Amen.Sermon NotesMessage Notes 6:45 a.m.Scripture (s):Sermon Text:

Worship on the Lord’s Day10:45 a.m. ServiceToday’s Music LeaderMusician . . . . Min. Keith ExumMinister of Music . . . . Bro. Robert FairchildPraise and Worship . . . . Call to Worship . . Congregational Hymn #258 . There is Power in the BloodWorshippers may enterInvocation . . . . . . MinisterMusical Selection . . . . . GLZBC Mass ChoirWelcoming of Visitors . . . . Greeter’s MinistryAnnouncements . . Easter Parade . GLZ Children’s ChurchWorship of Giving/ Prayer . . . . Board of Directors/DeaconsCongregational Prayer Time . Musical Selection . . . . . GLZBC Mass ChoirThe Spoken Word/Sermon . . Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr.Invitation to SalvationBenediction . . Rev. Dr. James T. Murphy, Jr. Please do not enter or leave the Sanctuary during this time.This is my Bible. I am what It says I am. I have what Itsays I have. I can do what It says I can do. Today I willbe taught the Word of God. I boldly confess that mymind is alert, my heart is receptive and I will neverbe the same.In Jesus’ name. Amen.Sermon NotesMessage Notes 10:45 a.m.Scripture (s):Sermon Text:

Bro. Richard Boffman (Sis. Jerdleen Boffman’s husband)Pastor Roxanne Cardenas (Rev. Estelle Chandler’s niece)Bro. Charles Chandler- Health & Healing Concerns (Rev. Estelle Chandler’s husband)Sis. Barbara Collins - Health & Healing ConcernsSis. Annie & Bro. Ted Davis - Health & Sickness ConcernsSis. Frances Davis, Reston Hospital (Bro. John-Michael Chandler’s godmother)Mother Birthene Howard, Manor Care - Fair OaksSis. Beverly JonesSis. Kathryn Jones, Brooklyn, NY – Health & Sickness Concerns (Sis. Natalie Pickett's mother)Sis. Mammie Majors (Sis. Barbra Murphy’s sister)Sis. Louise McClenic, Hospice in Akron, Ohio (Patricia McClenic’s mother-in-law)Deaconess Juanita Middleton, Aldie, VA. (Sis. Mamie James’ mother)Bro. Chandler Moore, Safe travels as he ministers with Tye Tribbett (Rev. Estelle Chandler’s nephew)Sis. Ruby Parker - Health & Sickness Concerns (Sis. Brenda Perkin-Johnson's aunt)Sis. Tyra Parkey - Health & Sickness Concerns (Sis. Brenda Perkin-Johnson's Cousin)Bro. Nathaniel Payne (Bro. Stephen Hill’s friend)Bro. George Reese (Sis. Donna Reese’s husband)Sis. Cynthia Roper's brother-in-lawBro. James Self – Health & Sickness ConcernsSis. Willette Sims, Mayo Clinic (Rev. Chandler’s goddaughter)Sis. Doris Smith – Health & Sickness Concerns (Sis. Agnes Sorrel’s friend)Bro. Samuel Sullivan – Health & Sickness Concerns (Sis. Doris Dunkley’s father)Sis. Joan TyreeBro. John Wherry – Health & Sickness Concerns and Faith & Discernment (Sis. Frankie Brown’sbrother)Bro. William White – Healing (Sis. Jacqueline White’s brother)Mourning the loss of a loved one:Sis. Ruby Harney (Death of her sister)Sis. Ruby Harney (Death of her brother-in-law)Sis. Dottie Henson (Death of her mother)The Roots Family (Dea. William “Bill” Roots)Unit 1 “Tests of Faith”Resurrection FaithDaily Bible Readings of this undayDeuteronomy 6:1-91 Samuel 12:19-24Psalm 23Romans 1:1-71 Peter 1:21-251 Peter 3:14b -22Mark 16:1-8African-American Women & the U. S. Coast GuardMoments in History1945: The first five African-American females entered the SPARs: Olivia Hooker, D. Winifred Byrd, JuliaMosley, Yvonne Cumberbatch, and Aileen Cooke.1972: On 5 June 1975 ENS Thomasania Montgomery and ENS Linda Rodriguez graduated fromCoast Guard Officer Candidate School, Yorktown, VA, becoming the first African-American femalecommissioned officers in the Coast Guard.1981: SN Cecelia M. (Oakes) Stoutamire became the first African-American woman to be assigned toan icebreaker when she reported aboard CGC Glacier in 1981. She also became the first AfricanAmerican woman to participate in an Operation Deep Freeze cruise while aboard, participating withGlacier during Operation Deep Freeze 1981.1988: Pamela Autry became the first African-American female engineer advanced to E-7.1990: SKCM Mary Fowlkes was the first African-American female to deploy to the Middle East duringOperation Desert Shield-Desert Storm. She was assigned to PSU 303.1994: On 1 July 1994 Veronica Jones Sharpe retired from active duty after 20 years and 17 days alongwith Vonetta McKee. They were the first African-American enlisted women to retire from active dutyafter 20 years of service.2000: Lucille "Pam" Thompson became the first African-American woman to serve as a Coast GuardSpecial Agent: July, 2000 to July, 2004.2001: CDR Sharon Donald-Baynes became the first African-American woman to command anoperations ashore unit when she took command of Group Lower Mississippi River based in Memphis,Tennessee.2004: LCDR Louvenia A. McMillan became the first African American Female Intelligence Officer(2004); the first African American Female Field Intelligence Support Team Leader (2004); and the firstAfrican American Female to hold the Advanced Boat Force Operations Insignia (2007).2005: LTJG Jeanine McIntish-Menze became the first African-American female Coast Guard aviatorwhen she earned her wings on 24 June 2005.2006: CWO2 Apple G. Pryor, assigned as the Main Propulsion Assistant onboard the CGC Boutwell,was the first African-American female Naval Engineering Chief Warrant Officer of the Coast Guard.2007: Mary Cunningham became the first African-American female and the first active-duty female tomake Chief Damage Controlman when she was advanced from DC1 to DCC on 1 August 2007. Sheadvanced to Senior Chief in 2012.2008: Ensign DeCarol Davis was Valedictorian of the Coast Guard Academy Class of 2008. She wasthe first African-American female to earn that honor.2009: LT Carrie Wolfe and LT Olivia Grant became the first African-American female EngineeringOfficers on a "major" cutter when they reported aboard the CGC Spencer and CGC Venturousrespectively in the summer of 2009.2010: On 9 April 2010 LTJG La'Shanda Holmes became the first African-American female helicopterpilot in the Coast ronology.asp

125th Church Anniversary Team UpdateTheme: “125 Years: Remembering, Reconciling, and Rejuvenating”“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered intothe heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”I Corinthians 2:9 Zion Renovation Project (Renovate a Pew Program Status as of Sunday, March 20, 2016)# Pews to be renovated: 44# Pews committed: 44 ( 80,437.00)Paid: 31,458.50 (Includes 9 Pews Paid-in-Full)thPlease see a representative of the 125 church anniversary team in thevestibule to make a payment toward your pledge. Also, please pay all pledgedfunds by July 1, 2016.Deacon Al Moseleyth125 Church Anniversary Chair Zion Renovation Project Goal: 125,000 (Team Standing as of Sunday, March 20, 2016)Place12 Zion Tribal LeadersTeam NameAlphabet of Members'Last NameRevelationC 4,718.00Paid1Brother Dr. Lacy McLaurin2Brother Jimmy JonesActsM 4,426.003Brother Russell PettyGalatiansH 4,002.004Brother Ed JamesJamesE, F 3,065.005Brother Nolen CrockettPhilippiansD, T 2,904.006Brother Emerson BascombRomansS, N, O 2,697.507Brother Al HayesEphesiansW 2,644.008Brother Lyndon WrightenMatthewP 1,832.009Brother Willie JohnsonTitusG, J 1,685.0010Brothers Al WoodsPhilemonL, R 1,511.0011Deacon Don NewtonCorinthiansB 1,500.0012Brother Larry PyosTimothyA, I, K, V, Y 474.00Total: 31,458.50Thank You!To My Zion Family:Thank you for all of the prayers, cards, phone calls and acts of kindness shown during therecent loss of my sister-in-law, Pat Williams. The acknowledgment sent on behalf ofGreater Little Zion Baptist church was a sermon in and of itself. I am so blessed to be apart of a caring and loving church family.To God be the glory!Terri and Solomon HendersonWith a joyful heart I Thank You!God directs our path in life, the places we will go, the many ways our lives are changedby everyone we know. I am so grateful for the love and support from Zion Family. I amso appreciative for the many ads and especially to Bro. Al and Sis. Jerri Woods forcoming to 2016 Eastern Region Ushers Prayer Breakfast,Edison, New Jersey.With Love,Jerdleen Boffman, 2016 Eastern Region Usher HonoreeThank You!Pastor and Sis. Murphy,Would like to thank Special Programs, the Pastor’s Anniversary committee,The Hospitality Committee and the Greater Little Zion church family for a wonderfulanniversary.May God Bless each of you.Rev. James T. Murphy, Jr. and First Lady Barbara MurphyDaughter DayThank you for your love. God filled us all with His love and blessed us to the depth of oursouls. Thank you.May we continue to touch and care for one another.The Women’s MinistryIn care of Rev. ChandlerReminderAll announcements must be submitted to the Admin Office by noon on Wednesday.Thank you for your corporationGLZ Admin OfficeSpecial EventsAll programs, bulletins, and fliers must be submitted to the Admin Office byWednesday before the event.Thank you for your corporationGLZ Admin OfficeWelcome of VisitorsIf you are having someone other than a member of the Greeter’s Ministry on yourprogram to welcome the visitors, please coordinate withSis. Julie Lane of the Greeter’s Ministry.

Water to Flint, Michigan(Matthew 10:42) Missionary Ministry Outreach for 2016Please place your donation in a tithing envelope and annotateMissionary Ministry.POC: Sister Connie WilsonUsher Board Membership DriveThe Ushers are an integral part of our worship experience. We are in need of senior,young adult and junior ushers. We invite you to become a doorkeeper for the Lord.The Points of Contact are Sis. Gloria Lofton ( 472-4434 or Sis. Jannie Eaddy (jannie Service Project: Stuff A PurseA community service project for Homeless Women Shelter in Washington, DC"Stuff a Purse"Ladies, bring in your gently used purses that you no longer use in your wardrobe filledwith small toiletries: Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Feminine spray, Deodorant, FeminineNapkins, and Tampons, Etc.A box will be near the stairs for donation collection.GLZBC Ushers MinistryZion MemoriesMemorabilia: Attention all GLZBC Members and Family,As our Church celebrates 125 Years this year, we are asking if anyone has any photos,newspaper clippings, documents or anything else historical pertaining to Zion or itsmembers or family that you would bring the item(s). If you would, kindly put your name onyour items and give them to Ann or Suzi Vincent. They will be scanned and given back toyou. The items will be displayed for Zion Day.125 Years of Memories, History, Service, and Love - Let's tell our Story!Please contact Sis. Ann or Suzi Vincent for further information.Thank you and God BlessChurch Parking Lot- ClosedthThe church parking lot will be repaved starting March 30 , see the schedule below:·March 30 – milling of the parking lot – No vehicles will be allowed on the parking lotduring the daytime hours. It is okay to have the regularly scheduled eveningactivities.·March 31 – paving of the parking lot – No vehicles will be allowed on the parkinglot at all – day or night. All evening activities will need to be cancelled orrescheduled. The asphalt needs 24 hours to cure.·April 1 – parking lot asphalt still curing – No vehicles will be allowed on the parkinglot until after 6:30 p.m. – Can have scheduled evening activities.Bible Study for the Month of MarchWednesday, March 30, 2016 at 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. A new study beginning in Galatians 1Facilitator: Pastor MurphyScholarship OpportunityApply at gedDeadline: Thursday, March 31, 2016thFairfax Central Baptist Sunday School Union 28 Annual Oratorical EventTopic: “What Is My Responsibility as a Christian toAdvance Race Relations in My Country?”Location: Greater Little Zion Baptist Church at April 2, 2016The Oratorical rules and regulations, theme topic, andsign-in form are all available in the vestibule.POCs: Sis. Doris Dunkley:, (703) 451-0510Bro. Jeffery Allen: (571) 366-0722And the King will say, “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these mybrothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”Matthew 25:40 (NLT)Picture DayrdthSunday, April 3 & 10 after the 11:00 a.m. serviceALL Women of the church (ages 18 and up),please meet in the front of the Sanctuary for a group picture.Kingdom Women: “Fully Committed” Romans 12:1-2 (KJV)POC: Sis. Latrelle Barber, (571) 575-5472Women’s Day SeatingThe center aisle (in front of the organ) will be reserved for women onWomen’s Day, Sunday, April 24, 2016.Kingdom Women: “Fully Committed” Romans 12:1-2 (KJV)POC: Rev. Estelle Chandler, Women’s MinistryWomen of Zion and Friends:ththWomen's Day will be celebrated on Sunday, April 24 . We will have Praise and Worshipat 9:45 a.m. and worship service begins at 10:00 a.m. Our theme this year is “KingdomWomen - Fully Committed”: Romans 12:1-2 (King James Version).stAll ladies of Zion (any age) and their friends (non-members) are invited to sing in thisspecial Women's Day Choir. You don't have to currently sing with a choir in order toparticipate.stPOC: Sis. Cynthia HillPlease prayerfully consider singing with this choir for a special service of praise andthanksgiving.Women's Day Rehearsal Schedule:ndSaturday, April 2 at 11 a.m.thThursday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m.stThursday, April 21 at 7:30 p.m.POC: Sis. Miamah Braddox, Women’s Ministry Secretary(571) 214-2952

Executive Council MeetingMonday, April 25, 2016 at 7:00 PMQuarterly Church MeetingWednesday, April 27, 2016 at 7:30 PMAdministrative Professionals Day 2016Wednesday, April 27, 2016National Prayer Day EventThursday, May 5, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.Location: Main SanctuaryPOC: Deacon Terri BazemorePi Lambda Lambda Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,Incorporated ScholarshipFor: African American male graduating high school in a Prince William County,Stafford County, Manassas or Manassas Park Public SchoolDeadline: Friday, May 6, 2016For more information, see id 22&club id 433556&module id 18075.Fairfax Central Baptist Sunday School Union ScholarshipFor: An active member of the Sunday School and a graduating high school seniorwho is accepted into a two (2) or four year (4) accredited college or vocational tradeschool. Recipients must have participated in Fairfax Central Baptist Sunday SchoolUnion activities during their high school years - grades 9th through 12th.Deadline: Sunday, May 22, 2016For more information, see the church website.Suited for ChangeSaturday, June 11, 2016Final collection for items at 8:30 a.m. in the Old SanctuaryPOC: Deacon Terri Bazemore

WOMEN'S DAY 2016April 24, 2016 @ 9:45 a.m.Theme: "Women Fully Committed"Scripture: Romans 12:1-2Speaker: Rev. Roxanne CardenasMilwaukee, WisconsinMusic: Women of Zion Choir(All women of the church are invited to sing with the Women'sChoir.)Color: White - symbolizing purityFlower: Red - symbolizing the Blood of Jesus(Please see Deacon Geraldine Woods to purchase a 5.00 Redflower.)

Sunday7:45 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Service - Each one bring one7:45 and 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church 1st and 3rd Sunday (OS)7:45 and 10:45 a.m. Youth Church 1 st and 3rd Sunday (FH)8:30 a.m. Sunday School 5th Sunday - Pastor Murphy is the Adult Class facilitator9:45 –10:30 a.m. Sunday School - POC: Bro. Jeffery Allen, Sr., Superintendent – March –May 2016, Theme: “The Gift of Faith”9:45 – 10:15 a.m. Morning Prayer period – Main Sanctuary POC: Prayer Ministry9:45 a.m. Worship Service 5th Sunday1:00 p.m. Pastor’s Aide Ministry Meeting 1st Sunday (FH) - POC: Bro. James McCoy1:00 p.m. Family Ministry – Family Prayer Day, 3rd Sunday upstairs in the prayer room.Family Focus payer for the month of March: In all our families there are battles and struggles ofmany kinds that we continue to deal with on a daily basis. This month, give all thosestruggles unto the LORD and circle them in prayer. Praying that GOD's power will overcomeall the battles and temptations that you have identified in your family. FOR GOD is all powerand worthy to be PRAISED! Scriptures: Isaiah 60:1-2: Arise, shine for your light has come,and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darknessis over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. POCs:Deacon Anthony & Deacon Terri Bazemore1:00 p.m. Game of Chess, Food, Fun and Fellowship, immediately after the 11:00 a.m.service, (please see website calendar for dates) in the Fellowship Hall. POC: Bro Al Hayes andSis. LaKita Jones1-3 p.m. 125th Zion Day Team Meeting 3rd Sunday (Jan – Sept) (OS) – POC: Dea. AlMoseley1:30 p.m. Christian Education Ministry Meeting 1 st Sunday – POC: Sis. La Kita Jones1:30 p.m. Cancer Support Team Meeting (CR) 2 nd Sunday – POC: Sis. Christine DavisMonday7:00 p.m. Church Choir RehearsalTuesday6:30 p.m. Academic Enrichment (Tutoring) POC: Deacon Dr. Al Moseley7:00 p.m. Zion Inspirational Choir Rehearsal (except the Tuesday after the 1 st Sunday)7:00 p.m. Music and Performing Arts Council meeting Tuesday before the 1 st Sunday7:00 p.m. Board of Directors’ Meeting 2nd Tuesday (CR) – POC: Sis. Dolores Claytor7:00 p.m. Deacons’ Training 2nd Tuesday7:30 p.m. Hospitality Ministry Meeting 4th Tuesday (Kitchen) – POC: Sis. Carmen HoltWednesday6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting - A one-hour group session led by the Deacon Ministry. Come andpray with us. Location: Old Sanctuary All are welcome7:30-8:30 p.m. Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) All are welcomeThursday6:00–8:00 p.m. GLZ Praise Dancers Ministry Rehearsal (OS) POC: BOD Dolores Claytor6:30 p.m. Youth Ministry Meeting 1st and 2nd Thursday (FH) POC: Sis. Cynthia Turner7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministry Meeting 1st Thursday7:00-8:00 p.m. Junior Ushers’ Meeting 4th Thursday (OS)7:30 p.m. Missionary Ministry Meeting 3rd Thursday (CR)7:30 p.m. Youthful Praise of Zion Choir Rehearsal (MS) Except after the 2nd Sunday8:30 p.m. Young Adult Praise Team Rehearsal (MS) POC: Sis. Kiara MackFriday7:00 p.m. Baptism Orientation 1st Friday (CR) – POC: Rev. Estelle Chandler7:00 p.m. Zion Inspirational Choir Rehearsal Friday before the 1st SundaySaturday7-9 a.m. Men’s Ministry Prayer Breakfast 1st Saturday (FH) - POC: Bro. Al Woods8:00 a.m. Male Chorus Rehearsal (MS)9:30–11:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 2nd and 4th Saturdays (FH) - POC: Deacon GeraldineWoods10:00 a.m.- 12 noon Women’s Ministry Meeting 3rd Saturday (FH) – POC: Rev. EstelleChandler (Nov & Dec Meeting in the Old Sanctuary)10:00 a.m. Beautification Ministry Meeting 3rd Saturdays (CR) – POC: Sis. Annie McLaurin10:00 a.m. Deacons Meeting 3rd Saturday (OS) Special on-call teleconference heldperiodically. POC: Deacon Don Newton10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Ushers’ Ministry Adults Meeting 4th Saturday – POC: Sis. Gloria Lofton10:00 a.m. New Member Orientation Saturday before the 2nd Sunday11:30 a.m. Church Choir Rehearsal Saturday before the 3 rd Sunday11:00 a.m. Women of Zion Choir Rehearsal 1st & 4th Saturday & the Saturday before the 5thSunday2:00 p.m. Seniors Ministry Meeting every 3 rd Saturday (Pinn Center)Please see web-site calendar ( for more scheduled events.

Mar 27, 2016 · 2 Brother Jimmy Jones Acts M 4,426.00 3 Brother Russell Petty Galatians H 4,002.00 4 Brother Ed James James E, F 3,065.00 5 Brother Nolen Crockett Philippians D, T 2,904.00 6 Brother Emerson Bascomb Romans S, N, O 2,697.50 7 Brother Al Hayes Ephesians W 2,644.00 8 Brother Lyndon Wrighten Matthew P 1,832.00

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