Multiperiod Consumption, Portfolio Choice, And Asset Pricing

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Part IIMultiperiod Consumption,Portfolio Choice, and AssetPricing139

Chapter 5A MultiperiodDiscrete-Time Model ofConsumption and PortfolioChoiceThis chapter considers an expected-utility-maximizing individual’s consumptionand portfolio choices over many periods. In contrast to our previous singleperiod or static models, here the intertemporal or dynamic nature of the problem is explicitly analyzed. Solving an individual’s multiperiod consumption andportfolio choice problem is of interest in that it provides a theory for an individual’s optimal lifetime savings and investment strategies.Hence, it hasnormative value as a guide for individual nancial planning. In addition, justas our single-period mean-variance portfolio selection model provided the theoryof asset demands for the Capital Asset Pricing Model, a multiperiod portfolio141

142CHAPTER 5. A MULTIPERIOD DISCRETE-TIME MODELchoice model provides a theory of asset demands for a general equilibrium theory of intertemporal capital asset pricing. Combining this model of individuals’preferences over consumption and securities with a model of rm productiontechnologies can lead to an equilibrium model of the economy that determinesasset price processes.1In the 1920s, Frank Ramsey (Ramsey 1928) derived optimal multiperiodconsumption-savings decisions but assumed that the individual could invest inonly a single asset paying a certain return. It was not until the late 1960s thatPaul A. Samuelson (Samuelson 1969) and Robert C. Merton (Merton 1969) wereable to solve for an individual’s multiperiod consumption and portfolio choicedecisions under uncertainty, that is, where both a consumption-savings choiceand a portfolio allocation decision involving risky assets were assumed to occureach period.2ming.Their solution technique involves stochastic dynamic program-While this dynamic programming technique is not the only approachto solving problems of this type, it can sometimes be the most convenient andintuitive way of deriving solutions.3The model we present allows an individual to make multiple consumptionand portfolio decisions over a single planning horizon. This planning horizon,which can be interpreted as the individual’s remaining lifetime, is composed ofmany decision periods, with consumption and portfolio decisions occurring onceeach period.The richness of this problem cannot be captured in the single-period models that we presented earlier. This is because with only one period,an investor’s decision period and planning horizon coincide. Still, the results1 Important examples of such models were developed by John Cox, Jonathan Ingersoll, andStephen Ross (Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross 1985a) and Robert Lucas (Lucas 1978).2 Jan Mossin (Mossin 1968) solved for an individual’s optimal multiperiod portfolio decisions but assumed the individual had no interim consumption decisions, only a utility ofterminal consumption.3 An alternative martingale approach to solving consumption and portfolio choice problemsis given by John C. Cox and Chi-Fu Huang (Cox and Huang 1989). This approach will bepresented in Chapter 12 in the context of a continuous-time consumption and portfolio choiceproblem.

5.1.ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTATION OF THE MODEL143from our single-period analysis will be useful because often we can transformmultiperiod models into a series of single-period ones, as will be illustrated next.The consumption-portfolio choice model presented in this chapter assumesthat the individual’s decision interval is a discrete time period. Later in thisbook, we change the assumption to make the interval instantaneous; that is,the individual may make consumption and portfolio choices continuously. Thislatter assumption often simpli es problems and can lead to sharper results.When we move from discrete time to continuous time, continuous-time stochastic processes are used to model security prices.The next section outlines the assumptions of the individual’s multiperiodconsumption-portfolio problem.Perhaps the strongest assumption that wemake is that utility of consumption is time separable.4The following sectionshows how this problem can be solved. It introduces an important techniquefor solving multiperiod decision problems under uncertainty, namely, stochasticdynamic programming. The beauty of this technique is that decisions over amultiperiod horizon can be broken up into a series of decisions over a singleperiod horizon. This allows us to derive the individual’s optimal consumptionand portfolio choices by starting at the end of the individual’s planning horizonand working backwards toward the present.In the last section, we completeour analysis by deriving explicit solutions for the individual’s consumption andportfolio holdings when utility is assumed to be logarithmic.5.1Assumptions and Notation of the ModelConsider an environment in which an individual chooses his level of consumptionand the proportions of his wealth invested in n risky assets plus a risk-free4 Time-inseparable utility, where current utility can depend on past or expected futureconsumption, is discussed in Chapter 14.

144CHAPTER 5. A MULTIPERIOD DISCRETE-TIME MODELasset.As was the case in our single-period models, it is assumed that theindividual takes the stochastic processes followed by the prices of the di erentassets as given. The implicit assumption is that security markets are perfectlycompetitive in the sense that the (small) individual is a price-taker in securitymarkets. An individual’s trades do not impact the price (or the return) ofthe security. For most investors trading in liquid security markets, this is areasonably realistic assumption. In addition, it is assumed that there are notransactions costs or taxes when buying or selling assets, so that security marketscan be described as “frictionless.”An individual is assumed to make consumption and portfolio choice decisionsat the start of each period during a T -period planning horizon. Each period isof unit length, with the initial date being 0 and the terminal date being T .55.1.1PreferencesThe individual is assumed to maximize an expected utility function de nedover consumption levels and a terminal bequest. Denote consumption at datet as Ct ; t 0; :::; T1, and the terminal bequest as WT , where Wt indicatesthe individual’s level of wealth at date t.A general form for a multiperiodexpected utility function would be E0 [ (C0 ; C1 ; :::; CTsimply assume that1 ; WT )],where we couldis increasing and concave in its a starting point, we will assume thatHowever,has the following time-separable, oradditively separable, form:E0 [ (C0 ; C1 ; :::; CT1 ; WT )] E0"T 1Xt 0U (Ct ; t) B (WT ; T )#(5.1)5 The following presentation borrows liberally from Samuelson (Samuelson 1969) andRobert C. Merton’s unpublished MIT course 15.433 class notes "Portfolio Theory and CapitalMarkets."

5.1.ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTATION OF THE MODEL145where U and B are assumed to be increasing, concave functions of consumptionand wealth, respectively. Equation (5.1) restricts utility at date t, U (Ct ; t), todepend only on consumption at that date and not previous levels of consumption or expected future levels of consumption.While this is the traditionalassumption in multiperiod models, in later chapters we loosen this restrictionand investigate utility formulations that are not time separable.65.1.2The Dynamics of WealthAt date t, the value of the individual’s tangible wealth held in the form of assetsequals Wt .yt . 7In addition, the individual is assumed to receive wage income ofThis beginning-of-period wealth and wage income are divided betweenconsumption and savings, and then savings is allocated between n risky assetsas well as a risk-free asset. Let Rit be the random return on risky asset i overthe period starting at date t and ending at date t 1: Also let Rf t be the returnon an asset that pays a risk-free return over the period starting at date t andending at date t 1: Then if the proportion of date t saving allocated to riskyasset i is denoted ! it , we can write the evolution of the individual’s tangiblewealth asWt 1 (Wt ytCt ) Rf t nXi 1 St Rt! it (Rit!Rf t )(5.2)where St Wt yt Ct is the individual’s savings at date t, and Rt Rf t PnRf t ) is the total return on the individual’s invested wealth overi 1 ! it (Rit6 Dynamic programming, the solution technique presented in this chapter, can also beapplied to consumption and portfolio choice problems where an individual’s utility is timeinseparable.7 Wage income can be random. The present value of wage income, referred to as humancapital, is assumed to be a nontradeable asset. The individual can rebalance how his nancialwealth is allocated among risky assets but cannot trade his human capital.

146CHAPTER 5. A MULTIPERIOD DISCRETE-TIME /CPChoices 10.pdfFigure 5.1: Multiperiod Decisionsthe period from date t to t 1.Note that we have not restricted the distribution of asset returns in anyway.In particular, the return distribution of risky asset i could change overtime, so that the distribution of Rit could di er from the distribution of Rifor t 6 .Moreover, the one-period risk-free return could be changing, sothat Rf t 6 Rf .Asset distributions that vary from one period to the nextmean that the individual faces changing investment opportunities. Hence, in amultiperiod model, the individual’s current consumption and portfolio decisionsmay be in‡uenced not only by the asset return distribution for the currentperiod, but also by the possibility that asset return distributions could changein the future.The information and decision variables available to the individual at eachdate are illustrated in Figure 5.1. At date t, the individual knows her wealthat the start of the period, Wt ; her wage income received at date t, yt ; and

5.2. SOLVING THE MULTIPERIOD MODEL147the risk-free interest rate for investing or borrowing over the period from datet to date t 1, Rf t .Conditional on information at date t, denoted by It ,she also knows the distributions of future one-period risk-free rates and wageincome, FRf jIt and Fy jIt , respectively, for dates t 1; :::; T1. Lastly,the individual also knows the date t conditional distributions of the risky-assetreturns for dates t; :::; T1, given by FRi jIt .Date t information, It ,includes all realizations of wage income and risk-free rates for all dates up untiland including date t. It also includes all realizations of risky-asset returns forall dates up until and including date t 1. Moreover, It could include any otherstate variables known at date t that a ect the distributions of future wages, riskfree rates, and risky-asset returns. Based on this information, the individual’sdate t decision variables are consumption, Ct , and the portfolio weights for then risky assets, f! it g, for i 1; :::; n.5.2Solving the Multiperiod ModelWe begin by de ning an important concept that will help us simplify the solution to this multiperiod optimization problem. Let J (Wt ; t) denote the derivedutility-of-wealth function. It is de ned as follows:J (Wt ; It ; t)maxEtCs ;f! is g;8s;iTP1U (Cs ; s) B (WT ; T )(5.3)s twhere “max” means to choose the decision variables Cs and f! is g for s t; t 1; :::; T1 and i 1; :::; n so as to maximize the expected value of theterm in brackets. Note that J is a function of current wealth and all informationup until and including date t.This information could re‡ect state variablesdescribing a changing distribution of risky-asset returns and/or a changing riskfree interest rate, where these state variables are assumed to be exogenous to

148CHAPTER 5. A MULTIPERIOD DISCRETE-TIME MODELthe individual’s consumption and portfolio choices. However, by de nition J isnot a function of the individual’s current or future decision variables, since theyare assumed to be set to those values that maximize lifetime expected utility.Hence, J can be described as a “derived” utility-of-wealth function.We will solve the individual’s consumption and portfolio choice problem using backward dynamic programming. This entails considering the individual’smultiperiod planning problem starting from her nal set of decisions because,with one period remaining in the individual’s planning horizon, the multiperiodproblem has become a single-period one.We know from Chapter 4 how tosolve for consumption and portfolio choices in a single-period context. Once wecharacterize the last period’s solution for some given wealth and distribution ofasset returns faced by the individual at date T1, we can solve for the individ-ual’s optimal decisions for the preceding period, those decisions made at dateT2. This procedure is continued until we can solve for the individual’s opti-mal decisions at the current date 0. As will be clari ed next, by following thisrecursive solution technique, the individual’s current decisions properly accountfor future optimal decisions that she will make in response to the evolution ofuncertainty in asset returns and labor income.5.2.1The Final Period SolutionFrom the de nition of J, note that8J (WT ; T ) ET [B (WT ; T )] B (WT ; T )(5.4)Now working backwards, consider the individual’s optimization problem when,at date T8 To1, she has a single period left in her planning horizon.keep notation manageable, we suppress making information, It , an explicit argument ofthe indirect utility function. We use the shorthand notation J (Wt ; t) to refer to J (Wt ; It ; t).

5.2. SOLVING THE MULTIPERIOD MODELJ (WT1; T1) maxCT1 ;f! i;TCT1 ;f! i;TETmaxU (CT1gTo clarify how WT depends explicitly on CT(5.2) for t TJ (WT[U (CT11g11491; T1; T1) B (WT ; T )](5.5)1) ETand f! i;T1 g,1[B (WT ; T )]substitute equation1 into equation (5.5):1; T1) CTmax1 ;f! i;T1gU (CT1; T1) ET1[B (ST1 RT1 ; T )](5.6)where it should be recalled that ST 1WT 1 yT 1 CT 1 and RT 1PnRf;T 1 i 1 ! i;T 1 (Ri;T 1 Rf;T 1 ). Equation (5.6) is a standard single-period consumption-portfolio choice problem. To solve it, we di erentiate withrespect to each decision variable, CT1and f! i;T1 g,and set the resultingexpressions equal to zero:UC (CTET1; T1)ET[BW (WT ; T ) RT1 )] 0(5.7)(5.8)where the subscripts on U and B denote partial di erentiation.9Using the1Rf;T1] 0; i 1; :::; n1[BW (WT ; T ) (Ri;T1results in (5.8), we see that (5.7) can be rewritten asUC (CT1; T1) ET1BW (WT ; T ) Rf;T1 nP! i;T1(Ri;T1Rf;T1)i 1 9 NoteCT1Rf;T1 ET1[BW (WT ; T )]that we apply the chain rule when di erentiating B (WT ; T ) with respect tosince WT ST 1 RT 1 depends on CT 1 through ST 1 .(5.9)

150CHAPTER 5. A MULTIPERIOD DISCRETE-TIME MODELConditions (5.8) and (5.9) represent n 1 equations that determine the optimal choices of CTand1! i;T1.They are identical to the single-periodmodel conditions (4.6) and (4.10) derived in the previous chapter but with theutility of bequest function, B, replacing the end-of-period utility function, U .If we substitute these optimal decision variables back into equation (5.6) anddi erentiate totally with respect to WTJW UC@CT@WT@CT UC@WT 1 ET11 ET RT111@WT @CT@CT 1 @WT@CT UC@WT11we havedWTdWT 1nBWTX @WT@WT @WT 1 i 1 @! i;TBWTnX1 ET1@CT@WT"as well as (5.9), UC Rf;T1 ET1[Ri;T1Rf;T1 ] STi 1111@! i;T@WT111(5.10)1Using the rst-order condition (5.8), ETRf;T@! i;T1 @WT111BW T"1,1 ET11[BWT (Ri;T1Rf;T1 )] 0,[BWT ], we see that (5.10) simpli es to JW [BWT ]. Using (5.9) once again, this can be rewritten asJW (WT1; T1) UC CT1; T1(5.11)which is known as the “envelope condition.”It says that the individual’s optimalpolicy equates her marginal utility of current consumption, UC , to her marginalutility of wealth (future consumption).

5.2. SOLVING THE MULTIPERIOD MODEL5.2.2151Deriving the Bellman EquationHaving solved the individual’s problem with one period to go in her planninghorizon, we next consider her optimal consumption and portfolio choices withtwo periods remaining, at date TJ (WT2; T2) 2. The individual’s objective at this date ismax U (CT2; T2) ET2[U (CT1; T B (WT ; T )](5.12)The individual must maximize expression (5.12) by choosing CTf! i;T2 g.1)2as well asHowever, note that she wishes to maximize an expression that is anexpectation over utilities U (CTdecisions, namely, CT1these future values of CT1; Tand f! i;T11) B (WT ; T ) that depend on future1 g.and f! i;T1gWhat should the individual assumeto be? The answer comes from thePrinciple of Optimality. It states:An optimal set of decisions has the property that given an initialdecision, the remaining decisions must be optimal with respect tothe outcome that results from the initial decision.The “max” in (5.12) is over all remaining decisions, but the Principle ofOptimality says that whatever decision is made in period Toutcome, the remaining decisions (for period T2, given the1) must be optimal (maximal).In other words,f(Tmax2);(T1)g(Y ) maxfT2g fTmax1;j outcom e from (TThis principle allows us to rewrite (5.12) as2)g(Y )(5.13)

152J (WTCHAPTER 5. A MULTIPERIOD DISCRETE-TIME MODEL2; T2) maxCT2 ;f! i;TET2CT2gfU (CTmax1 ;f! i;TThen, using the de nition of J (WT1g1; T2; TET12) [U (CT(5.14)1; T1) B (WT ; T )]1) from (5.5), equation (5.14) canbe rewritten asJ (WT2; T2) CTmax2 ;f! i;T2gU (CT2; T2) ET2[J (WT1; T1)](5.15)The recursive condition (5.15) is known as the (Richard) Bellman equation(Bellman 1957). It characterizes the individual’s objective at date T2. Whatis important about this characterization is that if we compare it to equation(5.5), the individual’s objective at date T1, the two problems are quite similar.The only di erence is that in (5.15) we replace the known function of wealth nextperiod, B, with another (known in principle) function of wealth next period, J.But the solution to (5.15) will be of the same form as that for (5.5).105.2.3The General SolutionThus, the optimality conditions for (5.15) are1 0 Using the envelope condition, it can be shown that the concavity of U and B ensuresthat J (W; t) is a concave and continuously di erentiable function of W . Hence, an interiorsolution to the second-to-last period problem exists.

5.2. SOLVING THE MULTIPERIOD MODELUC CTET2[Ri;T2; T2 JW(WT2 ET1; T2[JW (WT Rf;T JW (WT1)]i2 ET1; T1) RT[JW (WT2; T Rf;T 21531; T2]1)]2)2 ET(5.16)2[JW (WT1; T1; :::; n1)] ;(5.17)Based on the preceding pattern, inductive reasoning implies that for any t 0; 1; :::; T1, we have the Bellman equation:J (Wt ; t) max U (Ct ; t) Et [J (Wt 1 ; t 1)]Ct ;f! i;t g(5.18)and, therefore, the date t optimality conditions areUC (Ct ; t) Et [JW (Wt 1 ; t 1) Rt ] Rf;t Et [JW (Wt 1 ; t 1)] JW (Wt ; t)Et [Ri;t JW (Wt 1 ; t 1)] Rf;t Et [JW (Wt 1 ; t 1)] ; i 1; :::; n(5.19)(5.20)The insights of the multiperiod model conditions (5.19) and (5.20) are similarto those of a single-period model from Chapter 4. The individual chooses to-

154CHAPTER 5. A MULTIPERIOD DISCRETE-TIME MODELday’s consumption such that the marginal utility of current consumption equalsthe derived marginal utility of wealth (the marginal utility of future consumption).Furthermore, the portfolio weights should be adjusted to equate allassets’expected marginal utility-weighted asset returns. However, solving forthe individual’s actual consumption and portfolio weights at each date, Ct andf! i;t g, t 0; :::; T1, is more complex than for a single-period model. Theconditions’ dependence on the derived utility-of-wealth function implies thatthey depend on future contingent investment opportunities (the distributionsof future asset returns (Ri;t j ; Rf;t j ; j1), future income ‡ows, yt j , andpossibly, states of the world that might a ect future utilities (U ( ; t j)).Solving this system involves starting from the end of the planning horizonand dynamically programing backwards toward the present. Thus, for the lastperiod, T , we know that J (WT ; T ) B (WT ; T ). As we did previously, wesubstit

from our single-period analysis will be useful because often we can transform multiperiod models into a series of single-period ones, as will be illustrated next. The consumption-portfolio choice model presented in this chapter assumes that the individual s decision interval is a discrete time period. Later in this

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