The MIPS Instruction Set

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The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science17 January 2011The MIPS Instruction Setn n Used as the example throughout the bookLarge share of embedded core marketbut dwarfed by ARMn n Typical of many modern ISAsSee MIPS Reference Data tear-out card, andAppendixes B and ECSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 3n Add and subtract have three operandsn n n Two sources and one destinationadd a, b, c # a gets b cAll MIPS arithmetic ops have this formDesign Principle 1:Simplicity favors regularity.n n §2.2 Operations of the Computer HardwareArithmetic OperationsRegularity makes implementation simplerRegularity enables higher performanceat lower costCSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 4

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Sciencen n Arithmetic instructions use register operandsMIPS has a 32 32-bit register filen n n Assembler namesn n n Used for frequently accessed dataNumbered 0 to 31 t0, t1, , t9 for temporary values s0, s1, , s7 for saved variablesDesign Principle 2:Smaller is faster.CSE 420§2.3 Operands of the Computer HardwareRegister Operands17 January 2011Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 7Register Operand Examplen C code:f (g h) - (i j);n Register assignment?n f in s0, g in s1, h in s2, i in s3, j in s4n Temps?n Compiled MIPS code:add t0, s1, s2add t1, s3, s4sub s0, t0, t1CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 8

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science17 January 2011Load-Store Architecturen Data is in memoryn n n Load values from memory into registersStore result from register to memoryDetails:n Memory is byte addressedn Words are aligned in memoryn n n Each address identifies an 8-bit byteWord addresses must be a multiple of 4MIPS is Big Endiann n Most-significant byte at least address of a wordc.f. Little Endian: least-significant byte at least addressCSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 9Memory Operand Example 1n C code:g h A[8];n g in s1, h in s2, base address of A in s3n Compiled MIPS code:n Index 8 requires offset of 32Why?lw t0, 32( s3)add s1, s2, t0offsetCSE 420# load wordbase registerChapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 10

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer ScienceMemory Operand Example 2n C code:A[12] h A[8];n h in s2, base address of A in s3n Compiled MIPS code:Index 8 requires offset of 32n Index 12 requires offset of ?lw t0, 32( s3)# load wordadd t0, s2, t0sw t0, 48( s3)# store wordn CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 11Registers vs. Memoryn n n Registers are faster than memoryLoad-store è “more” instructions to be executedRegister optimization is important!CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 1217 January 2011

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer ScienceImmediate Operandsn Constant data specified in an instructionaddi s3, s3, 4n There is no “subtract immediate” instructionn Subtract is “add a negative”addi s2, s1, -4n Design Principle 3:Make the common case fast.n n n Small constants are commonImmediate operand avoids a load instructionWhy?CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 13The Constant Zeron MIPS register 0 ( zero) is the constant 0n n Useful for common operationsn n Cannot be overwrittene.g., move between registersadd t2, s1, zeroWhy a fixed register zero?CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 1417 January 2011

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science17 January 2011Sign Extensionn n How do yourepresent a number using more bits?e.g. move an 8-bit number into a 16-bit wordReplicate the sign bit to the leftn n Examples: 8-bit to 16-bitn n n c.f. unsigned values: extend with 0s 2: 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010–2: 1111 1110 1111 1111 1111 1110In MIPS instruction setn n n addi: extend immediate valuelb, lh: extend loaded byte/halfwordbeq, bne: extend the displacementCSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 19n Instructions are encoded in binaryn n MIPS instructionsn n n Called “machine code”Encoded as 32-bit instruction words (Regularity!)Small number of formats encodeopcode, register numbers, Register numbersn n n n t0 – t7 are reg’s 8 – 15 s0 – s7 are reg’s 16 – 23 t8 – t9 are reg’s 24 – 25(0-8 and 25-31 described later – procedure calls)CSE 420§2.5 Representing Instructions in the ComputerRepresenting InstructionsChapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 20

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science17 January 2011MIPS R-format Instructionsn oprsrtrdshamtfunct6 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits6 bitsInstruction fieldsn n n n n n op: operation code (opcode)rs: first source register numberrt: second source register numberrd: destination register numbershamt: shift amount (00000 for now)funct: function code (extends opcode) (Why?)CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 21R-format Exampleoprsrtrdshamtfunct6 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits5 bits6 bitsadd t0, s1, s2special s1 s2 000100011001001000000001000002 0232402016CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 22

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science17 January 2011Hexadecimaln Base 16n n Compact representation of bit strings4 bits per hex digit0123n 101011cdef1100110111101111Example: eca8 6420n 1110 1100 1010 1000 0110 0100 0010 0000CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 23MIPS I-format Instructionsn rsrtconstant or address6 bits5 bits5 bits16 bitsImmediate arithmetic and load/store instructionsn n n n oprt: destination or source register numberConstant: –215 to 215 – 1Address: offset added to base address in rsDesign Principle 4:Good design demands good compromises.n n Different formats complicate decoding,but allow 32-bit instruction uniformityKeep formats as similar as possibleCSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 24

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science17 January 2011Stored Program ComputersThe BIG Picturen n n Instructions represented inbinary, just like dataInstructions and datastored in memoryPrograms canoperate on programsn n CSE 420e.g., compilers, linkers, Binary compatibility allowscompiled programs to workon other computers with thesame ISA.Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 25n n Instructions for bitwise manipulationOperationCJavaMIPSShift left sllShift right srlBitwise AND&&and, andiBitwise OR or, oriBitwise NOT nor§2.6 Logical OperationsLogical OperationsUseful for extracting and insertinggroups of bits in a wordCSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 26

The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science17 January 2011Branch Addressingn Branch instructions specifyn n Opcode, two registers, target addressMost branch targets are near branchn Forward or backwardoprsrtconstant or address6 bits5 bits5 bits16 bitsPC-relative addressingn n n Target address PC offset 4PC already incremented by 4 by this timeCSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 53Jump Addressingn Jump (j and jal) targets could beanywhere in text segmentn n Encode full address in instructionopaddress6 bits26 bits(Pseudo)Direct jump addressingn Target address PC31 28 : (address 4)CSE 420Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 54

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Chapter 4The Processor§4.1 IntroductionIntroductionn CPU performance factorsn Instruction countn n CPI and Cycle timen n Determined by CPU hardwareWe will examine two MIPS implementationsn n n Determined by ISA and compilerA simplified versionA more realistic pipelined versionSimple subset, shows most aspectsn n n Memory reference: lw, swArithmetic/logical: add, sub, and, or, sltControl transfer: beq, jCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 2

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Instruction Executionn n n PC instruction memory, fetch instructionRegister numbers register file, read registersDepending on instruction classn Use ALU to calculaten n n n n Arithmetic resultMemory address for load/storeBranch target addressAccess data memory for load/storePC target address or PC 4CSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 3CPU OverviewCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 4

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Multiplexersn Can’t just joinwires togethern CSE 420Use multiplexersChapter 4 — The Processor — 5ControlCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 6

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Clocking Methodologyn Combinational logictransforms data during clock cyclesn n n Between clock edgesInput from state elements,output to state elementLongest delay determines clock periodCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 11n Datapathn Elements that process data and addressesin the CPUn n §4.3 Building a DatapathBuilding a DatapathRegisters, ALUs, mux’s, memories, We will build a MIPS datapathincrementallyn Refining the overview designCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 12

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Instruction FetchIncrement by4 for nextinstruction32-bitregisterCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 13R-Format Instructionsn n n Read two register operandsPerform arithmetic/logical operationWrite register resultCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 14

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Load/Store Instructionsn n Read register operandsCalculate address using 16-bit offsetn n n Use ALU, but sign-extend offsetLoad: Read memory and update registerStore: Write register value to memoryCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 15Branch Instructionsn n Read register operandsCompare operandsn n Use ALU, subtract and check Zero outputCalculate target addressn n n Sign-extend displacementShift left 2 places (word displacement)Add to PC 4n CSE 420Already calculated by instruction fetchChapter 4 — The Processor — 16

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Branch InstructionsJustre-routeswiresSign-bit wirereplicatedCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 17Composing the Elementsn First-cut data pathdoes an instruction in one clock cyclen n n Each data-path elementcan only do one function at a timeHence, we needseparate instruction and data memoriesUse multiplexers where alternate datasources are used for different instructionsCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 18

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011R-Type/Load/Store DatapathCSE 420Full Data PathChapter 4 — The Processor — 19

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011§4.4 A Simple Implementation SchemeALU Controln ALU used forn n n Load/Store: F addBranch: F subtractR-type: F depends on funct fieldALU 1set-on-less-than1100NORCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 21ALU Controln Assume 2-bit ALUOp derived from opcoden Combinational logic derives ALU controlopcodeALUOpOperationfunctlw00load wordXXXXXXadd0010sw00store wordXXXXXXadd0010beq01branch 001set-on-less-than101010set-on-less-than0111CSE 420ALU functionALU controlChapter 4 — The Processor — 22

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011The Main Control Unitn Control signals derived from 31:2625:2120:1615:1110:65:035 or 5:2120:1615:0opcodealwaysreadCSE 420Data Path With Controlread,exceptfor loadwrite forR-typeand loadsign-extendand addChapter 4 — The Processor — 23

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011n Pipelined laundry: overlapping executionn n Parallelism improves performanceFour stages: Wash – Dry – Fold - Hangn Four loads:n n Speedup 8/3.5 2.3Non-stop:n CSE 420§4.5 An Overview of PipeliningPipelining AnalogySpeedup 2n/(0.5n 1.5) 4 number of stagesChapter 4 — The Processor — 31MIPS Pipelinen Five stages, one step per stage1. 420IF: Instruction fetch from memoryID: Instruction decode & register readEX: Execute operation or calculate addressMEM: Access memory operandWB: Write result back to registerChapter 4 — The Processor — 32

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Hazardsn n Situations that prevent starting the nextinstruction in the next cycleStructural hazardn n Data hazardn n A required resource is busyNeed to wait for previous instructionto complete its data read/writeControl hazardn Deciding on control actiondepends on previous instructionCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 37Structure Hazardsn n Conflict for use of a resourceIn MIPS pipeline with a single memoryn n Load/store requires data accessInstruction fetch would have to stallfor that cyclen n Would cause a pipeline “bubble”Hence, pipelined data paths requireseparate instruction & data memoriesn Or separate instruction & data cachesCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 38

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011§4.6 Pipelined Datapath and ControlMIPS Pipelined DatapathMEMRight-to-leftflow leads tohazardsWBCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 49Pipeline registersn Need registers between stagesn To hold information produced in previous cycleCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 50

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Pipeline Operationn Cycle-by-cycle flow of instructionsthrough the pipelined data pathn “Single-clock-cycle” pipeline diagramn n n c.f. “multi-clock-cycle” diagramn n Shows pipeline usage in a single cycleHighlight resources usedGraph of operation over timeWe’ll look at “single-clock-cycle” diagramsfor load & storeCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 51IF for Load, Store, CSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 52

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011ID for Load, Store, CSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 53EX for LoadCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 54

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011MEM for LoadCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 55WB for LoadWrongregisternumberCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 56

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Corrected Datapath for LoadCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 57EX for StoreCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 58

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Pipelined Controln Control signals derived from instructionn As in single-cycle implementationCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 65Pipelined ControlChapter 4 — The Processor — 66

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers26 January 2011Datapath with ForwardingCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 75Load-Use Data HazardNeed to stallfor one cycleCSE 420Chapter 4 — The Processor — 76

Operation C Java MIPS Shift left sll Shift right srl Bitwise AND & & and, andi Bitwise OR or, ori Bitwise NOT nor ! Useful for extracting and inserting groups of bits in a word s . The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science 17 January 2011 Chapter 2

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The MIPS Instruction Set This section brie y describes the MIPS assembly language instruction set. In the description of the instructions, the following notation isused: If an instruction description begins with an, then the instruction is not a member of the native MIPS instruction set, but is available as a pseudoin-

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