BYU Salt Lake CenterFinancial AssistanceProgram2017A financial assistance program of theBrigham Young UniversityDivision of Continuing EducationBYU Salt Lake Center345 West North Temple Street3 Triad CenterSalt Lake City, UT 84180Fax: (801) 933–9456Email:
Jesus describes how a certain nobleman went into a far country leaving each of his servants with acertain amount of money, which in those days was called “talents”. The servants were to invest themoney and give the nobleman the increase upon his return. Those who did this pleased their lordand were given additional talents. The one who did nothing had his talent taken away. Theapplication to our lives is as apparent as it was to Jesus’ listeners. We all have certain gifts, talents, andabilities, and we are under obligation to develop these talents and use them to bless the lives of others.The Division of Continuing Education, of which the BYU Salt Lake Center is a part, assists people inidentifying and developing their talents—their gifts and abilities. We have been joined in this effort by agroup of generous people who have provided financial support for a financial assistance program. Theseare individuals who have developed their own skills and abilities and used them in the service of others,principally in the business and professional fields. Because of their competence and hard work, they havebeen rewarded financially and materially, and they have a desire to help others improve upon theirtalents.The financial assistance is designed for adult students enrolled in continuing education programs. Ifyou need financial assistance to pursue your educational goals and you meet the criteria of this programas described below, we invite you to apply for assistance from this fund.Applicants will be selected on the basis of financial need, academic potential, character, and thecapacity to help others develop their skills, talents, and abilities.The amount of the award will vary according to the need of the student, number of applicants, andavailability of funds.QUALIFICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR BYU SALT LAKE CENTER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEIn order to be considered for the BYU Salt Lake Center Financial Assistance Program, applicants mustmeet all of the following criteria: Be a non-matriculated undergraduate student (not admitted to BYU). Application turned in by deadline listed below. The following priority deadlines are set toallow for adequate time of processing the application and notifying the applicant:Deadlines:Fall Semester—August 1Winter Semester—December 1Spring/Summer Terms—April 1Students who are admitted to the BYU Bachelor of General Studies program and attend the BYU SaltLake Center must apply through the BGS office. Deadlines differ from those listed above; contact the BGSoffice for specific dates ( Salt Lake Center Financial Aid Program 1 of 6
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SOURCESThere are four types of funds available for the use of non-matriculated students at the BYU Salt LakeCenter. Please choose the fund or funds that best represent your need for financial assistance:General Financial Assistance – Available to all non-matriculated students attending classes at theBYU Salt Lake Center. Fill out and submit the following: Personal Information Academic Information Form A or B, depending on your student status Form E (Essay)Humphris Single Parent Endowment – Applicants must be a single parent (male or female),guardian of one or more children under the age of 14, and have a financial need. Fill out and submit thefollowing: Personal Information Academic Information Form A Form C Form E (Essay)Brown Endowment for Students with Disabilities – Available to students with a chronic handicap,disability, medical condition, or illness. Fill out and submit the following: Personal Information Academic Information Form A or B, depending on your student status Form D Form E (Essay)Hardship Assistance – A need-based scholarship for hardship cases (for example: a single parent,someone who is struggling, or an individual with a unique story to tell). Fill out and submit the following: Personal Information Academic Information Form A or B, depending on your student status Form E (Essay)BYU Salt Lake Center Financial Aid Program 2 of 6
NOTICE: You may be asked to verify the information that you provide below.PERSONAL INFORMATIONLast NameFirst NameAddressCityTelephoneBYU IDMiddle/MaidenStateZip CodeBirth DateI am applying for (a separate application is required for each semester):YearFall SemesterWinter SemesterSpring/Summer TermsCHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX:LDSNon-LDSACADEMIC INFORMATIONHave you been awarded BYU Salt Lake Center Financial Assistance before?When?Have you ever taken classes at BYU and/or the BYU Salt Lake Center?Have you ever been admitted to another institution of higher G DEPENDENCY STATUSThe following questions will help the applicant to determine if he/she is an independent student or adependent student.CHECK ALL THAT APPLY:Will you be 24 or older by Dec. 31 of the school year for which you are applying for financial aid?Are you a veteran of the U.S. armed forces?As of today, are you married? (If separated but not divorced, answer yes.)Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you?Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive morethan half of their support from you?If you checked any of the boxes to the previous four questions, you are an independent studentand parental information is not required to complete your financial aid application. Complete the entireIndependent Student portion of this application.If you did not check any of the boxes to the previous four questions, you are a dependent studentand must supply student and parent information on your financial assistance application. Complete theentire Dependent Student portion of this application.BYU Salt Lake Center Financial Aid Program 3 of 6
FORM A (INDEPENDENT STUDENT)This portion of the application is for independent students only (as determined by the answers to thequestions in the Determining Dependency Status portion).ANNUAL INCOME Description of your incomeAnnual Amount Description of your spouse’s income (if applicable)Annual Amount Description of other incomeAnnual AmountIndicate sources and amounts of aid you are receiving during semester/term of application:Government Assistance Programs Employer Assistance/Reimbursement Other APPLICANT’S FAMILY INFORMATIONNumber of children dependent on applicant:Number of family members in college who are dependent on applicant:FORM B (DEPENDENT STUDENT)This portion of the application is for dependent students only (as determined by the answers to thequestions in the Determining Dependency Status portion).ANNUAL INCOME Description of your incomeAnnual Amount Description of your parents’ income (if applicable)Annual Amount Description of other incomeAnnual AmountIndicate sources and amounts of aid you are receiving during semester/term of application:Government Assistance Programs Employer Assistance/Reimbursement Other APPLICANT’S FAMILY INFORMATIONNumber of children dependent on applicant’s parents:Number of family members in college who are dependents of applicant’s parents:BYU Salt Lake Center Financial Aid Program 4 of 6
FORM C (SINGLE PARENT)Provide the following:1.Name of Bishop:2. Bishop’s address:3. Bishop’s phone number:4. How long have you been a single parent?5.Number of children:6. Children’s ages:FORM D (STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES)1. Submit appropriate current documentation of the disabling condition from a licensed professional to:BYU Salt Lake Center3 Triad Center, Suite 300345 W. North TempleSalt Lake City, UT 84180-1203Fax: 801-933-9456Email: slc@byu.edu2. In the space provided or on a separate sheet, describe the nature of the disability and how it mayimpact you.BYU Salt Lake Center Financial Aid Program 5 of 6
Form E (ESSAY)FAMILY INFORMATION AND PERSONAL GOALSEither in a typed document or with legible handwriting, please list all pertinent information regardingresponsibility to family and possible support from family. Describe your educational, professional, andother goals and how the BYU Salt Lake Center Financial Assistance Program will help you to achieve them.(Use additional page if needed)By signing this application, I authorize release of my transcript to university administrative officers orother authorized persons for the purpose of determining my eligibility to receive financial aid. All theinformation on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.SignatureDateBYU Salt Lake Center Financial Aid Program 6 of 6
BYU Salt Lake Center . Financial Assistance Program . 2017 . A financial assistance program of the . Brigham Young University . Division of Continuing Education . BYU Salt Lake Center. 345 West North Temple Street . 3 Triad Center . Salt Lake City, UT 84180 . Fax: (801) 933–9456 . Email:
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