0Mountain View40ASK YOUR DEALER FORMICHEL MINERUN COALFOR YOUR STEAM THRESHING EQUIPMENTMOUNTAIN VIEWI 10Connected with Cardston5121063075)5608609203NEIGHBGRVIEWConnected with ForemostN EM I SCAMToll OfficeNEW DAYTONScott W—New DaytonShields W L—Now DaytonSick F Jr—New DaytonSkeitli R E—New DaytonSkcith T E—Now DaytonSkclth T E—New DaytonTracht Edward—New DaytonTrockstad E—Now Dayton614 Tudor Cyrus—New Dayton302 Wesley C I—'New Dayton306 Whitosel John—Now DaytonRDay ServiceNOBLEFORDEXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS6Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd7Duncan L B General Store1 I91012458Da ServicePUBLIC PAY STATION—McDougafI HotelEllison Milling & Elevator Co LtdGrant L M resHale Arthur J resEXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERSNelson L & Son General Merchants18225RRRRRR105Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd—Craddock1 I I104210207107Atkins C L—New DaytonAtkins R P—New DaytonBrandley H—Now DaytonCandy C—New Dayton502 Carnine L B—Neiv DaytonRRRRRR61521560561 I21 I50451 II 12513R204RR315503R109R108RC— WrcnthamCronkhife Otto G--New DaytonDoud Frank 0—Now DaytonDrake D W—New DaytonDuell E L—New Dayton514206208Kent Ralph—New DaytonKessler School H Troc'kstad Sec-Treas—RRRRRRR606Lockman Frank—New Dayton510607602103McC,allum D D—New DaytonMcKay J T—New DaytonMiami Farming Company—New DaytonMorciatid P K—New DaytonMorris Alfred—New DaytonMorrison J F—New Dayton507RRMurray R R—New DaytonNate W B—New Dayton304 Ostlund Dan—StirlingR13Luchia Cliarlio resMathcson Thomas res1620Mcdd John H Grnceiy i Dry Goods212Roloff Godfrey—New DaytonR505Schill Jacob—New DaytonNohlcford Garage Co R Luchia15Nohleford Hotel P Larda14Nuhleford Supply StorePrendcrgast Noble A resRubie Ernest r sI 2I4r2I5Seaman PMlo Leo resSherwood A M resUnited Grain Growers LtdRURAL SUBSCRIBERS32!Anderson W A—NoblcforJ316 Askew W n—Nolilcford207 Atkinson Elmer F—Nohleford308 Beaver Bros—Nohleford304 Brathamer M—Nohlcford103Christcnscn A—Nohlcford206 Claydon Arthur—Nohleford306 Gilbert A—NohlefordPeat Jas T—New Dayton604 Risinger Mrs R W—Now Dayton612Independent Grain Co Ltd24205RHutchings Fred Agt North West Wlieat CorpIsaac Wm res610RRIlurschman A S res107New Dayton613Hunt Kenneth R resImeson Wm G resKaupp Clarence—New DaytonKaupp Gust—Now DaytonRRHunt K R Implement & Hardware Agent22Edwards Sirs L L—New DaytonFiller Alfred—New DaytonGreeiio E A—New Daytonllamling James—Now DaytonIndependent School—WrcnthamJenkins Chas T—New DaytonJohnston 11 II—New DaytonRHunt F W res6r26r54Catcy 0 M—New DaytonChristcnson J6r319Blatter C—WarnerAlberta Pool Elevators LtdBank of MontrealBecker Lumber CoCanadian Pacific Railway Depot9RURAL SUBSCRIBERSRRRNo 2 Elevator3New Dayton CafeNew Dayton Scrace R P AtkinsFeat Jas T Iinplements & InsuranceAlberta Pacific Grain Co LtdI I305t 122! I309322312102Gilbert 0 E—Nohlcford108107McClain Goo—NohlefordHofman T—NohlefordHunt C J—NohlefordImeson T A—NohlcfordKaakc Aylmer—NohlcfordKnight J! F—NohlefordMarguis Farming Co Fred Hutchings KgrNolilcfordRRMcClcniian Jno—Nohleford
aPicture Butte41Station-to-Station Calls are CheapestThey are Calls from one Telephone to Another, when It is not Desired toEstablish Connection with a Particular Person.R318 Mclntosh Mrs Margaret—NahlefordR314McLain J W—NoblctordR311McNarland tVin—NoblefordR3 I5Mifflin N—NoblefordR313 Mulligan D—NoblofordR310 Mulligan L—NoblofordR209ORTONConnected with MaclcodPAKOWKINettlcton Ernest W—NoblofordR21 02 Noblo C S—NoblefordR307R302 Peters J M—NoblofordToll OfficeParker J G—NoblefordPARK VIEWR 303 Prendergast Clarke—NoblefordR106 Saundorson G II—NoblefordR3 17 Stewart A—NoblefordRIMRORIONToll OfficeToll OfficePARKLANDWitiiago G J—NoblefordToll Office203 Wurzer Jno—NoblefordSubscribers Connected with NantonO'CONNORPASSBURGDay ServiceConnected with BlairmoreEXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS2Eagle Butte Oil CoPEARCEConnected with MacleodOLIN CREEKConnected with CowleyPENDANT D'OREILLEOLSON COULEEPICTURE BUTTEConnected with LethbridgeToll OfficeToll OfficeThe Classified Section of the TelephoneDirectory is a Guide Book that will directyou to the firm supplying the service orcommodity you require.In this section will be found the announcements of merchants in all linesof business, who are ready to serve you.For Advertising Rates ApplyDirectory Advertising DepartmentALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONESCalgary, Alta.
Pincher Creek42NOTICE.—Subscribers will be held responsible for allTOLL CALLS originating from their TelephonePINCHER CREEKContinuous ServicePUBLIC PAY STATIONS—Arlington Hotel—King Edward HotelEXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS42Cridland Clarence res167Crow's Nest Forcsr Reserve R M Brown56126Cumberland T J resf25Cyr Dolpliis resSupervisor186I 15339860r343175819!ALBERTA GOVERNMENTTELEPHONES Local Agt's OfficePlant DeptAlberta Provincial PoliceAlexander J P res187171Alexandra Hotel P JIathus PropAllison C E Grocer & Butcher45159212784Allison C E resAllison R 0 Implement AgentAllison R 0 res73Anglican Church Rev N Blunt24Arlington Hotel Paul Kusclicl PropArmstrong Alf Machinery Armstrong Alf res47151Cyr Chas L res78De Meyer John resDerritt Howard EDionne G H resresDobhie W R resDrew Harry resDubuc Dr G II PhysicianDuthie R Clarke resEcho Office PiiljlisliersB1487lr3t931298767Bailey M resBarbour George res139194Bell J W resBlackburn A M res20Bossenberry H The HaberdashersBossenberry H res138189IBoyes Miss H A resBull Miss M E resBurns A resBurns P & Co ltd122124Cain M resi 12Callahan Mrs Frank resCanadian Bank of Commerce G C Wilton15528174»7r286Broadwell A resBuchanan C S res751415MgrManager's OfficeCanadian Legion Club Boom991669672t 193744t468559941062514062t 18162Depot W T Watson Agt Pincher StationCatholic Rectory J Leparoux RocChurch Mrs J C resChurch's Beauty Parlor & Barber ShopJ C Church Prop882313218414City Cafe Chow Louey MgrClark Percy resClements' Harry res1571619519Club Cafe Lcong Chuen PropColclough A resCollins M C res10715213Colpman C C DruggistConventCormier A M resCornyn A H Drug Store1 1361Cornyn A E resCnlte M P Confectionery149I 2Cotte Maruis P resCox J res65150 .Fortin FA resFournier Mrs Alfred resFournicr Jon resFRASER-McROBERTS COLIMITED Departmental StoreOfficeFrascr S A Lumber YardFraser W A resFreehaim A L Co Ltd The Dry Goods &Ladies Ready-to-WcarFreebairn A L resFrcy H M resFugina F J resG91043CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY50FORD SERVICE GARAGEW Roberts Mgr1208214215819277I7r3Foote W A resGalbraith J H resGarden Rev Jno II resGear & Drew Grocery & ButcherCcering Dr Walter H DentistGeering Dr W II resOiflespie Dr J J Office & resCioodreau J resGovernment Liquor StoreHHalton Henry res,'3JHansen P C resHart Chas resHarwflod J W Real EstateHarwood Margaret De L resHnzelton Ed res' Henderson R resIlerron John resHcslop S resIliilier J E resIlinlnn Mrs S M resHinton T H Lumber & Contractorlloare Mrs T -H res.J
oPincher CreekisTOMOVEYOURTELEPHONETen Days' Notice is Required (See Page 5, Clause 10)182Ilospital Jtother St Vincent de Paul170Huestis E S icsI 98Palm Confectionery M Thanos39Hunter I. 11 res5560r2Hunter Margaret M resHyde F 0 Hay Merchant13563Patterson A resPearson S res74Hyde II E res'196llyslop's ladies WearI27PINCHER CREEK CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION49r6Scab Office41Pincher Creek Feed & Livery Jette BrosProps) 44Imperial Oil Limited D L McCain Agent199Irwin R G res52PINCHER CREEK MOTORSR VI Morgan PropJACKSON BROS LTD Hardware9376Pincher Creek Providers ThePlunkett G D res70154Furkiss H Machine Agent6821J 59Jackson C F resJackson J H resJackson W H res143Purkiss H res130Jetta H F resI 10Rex Groceries F A Fortin133Johnson A J resI 60Johnston Dare res Saddlery & Men's WearK16 1.117Kelly Jack resKelly Miss Margaret res197Kemmis John res156Kemp J E res26Kettles Chas res22King Edward Hotel Paul Kuscliel PropR49r2Robhins FH resI I 6Roberts Wm res145Robertson Margaret res40Ross W A res18Royal Bank of Canada131I 2390Sannders J F resScott E J resSCOTT THOS H Furniture StoreLaidlaw R Y reslaidlaw W res95I 28I 68Scott Thos H resSbvin J resSmitli Mrs H J res64Laidlaw W P General Store Pincher StationI 79Stuckcy Richard res7 I r4Lake of the Woods Milling Co LtdI I64r41537I 65Lawrence Miss E II resLebol T resLevasseur Mrs K res '180Lynch-Staunton A H res«13766I 69MMacdonnell Mrs Ben resMacintosh Dr C E DentistMacKay W R resI2 IMain Mrs Gladys resI 91Main J R K resI 72Maple Loaf Bakery S J JonesI 34Marceliiis W resI8 IMarquis Mrs H resI0 I48102Mnrshail A E resMcCain D L resMcTntosh Cameron resI 64McKcnnn F 0 Barrister53462183571786McKcnna F 0 resMcKDrriclier Dan resMcLean D J Dodge DealerMcLean D J resModem Clothes CleanersMontgomery Ben resMONTGOMERY &. HART358Taylor L J resThompson & Jackson Barristers100TOWN OF PINCHER CREEKCouncil Chamber & Fire Hall10Municipal Office G D Plunkett Sec-TrcasI 05Town HallPower House1 14Tucker E G res69Tucker Mrs II res32Tucker S A res38Waikey Dr L W Physicianw5 I177Watson C 0 resWebster A res83Webster Bros General Store3049r5West Mrs Mamie resWestern Canada Flour Jlills Co ltd49r7Manager Jas Barber res89103"Wigwam" resWilson Bishop A res147Wilton G C resI 63Wright A W resFord Dealers79Morgan R W res36Municipal District of Kcrr1 7654Murtland W resNKixon Miss Mao M resWhen Calling AdvertisersPlease MentionThe Telephone Directory
0 Pincher Creek44"Long Distance'' is the Cheapest, Quickest"wand Best Means of Communication 1R 206 Dennis F 0—Pincher CreekR108 Desbiens X—Pincher CreekPUBLIC PAY STATION—BrocketRI4I1 Dickens H—Beaver MinesR20I2 Dimsdalo L E—FislibumR2202 Age C—FishburnR2506 Alberta Gas & Fuel Co Ltd—Pinclier Creek R1907 Dixon A—Spring RidgeRI9I3 Duffield E J—Spring RidgeR2403 Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd—BrocketR 802 Dugan J J—Pincher StationRl 105 Allrcd F F—Twin ButteR 813 Eastcrbrook II V—Pincher CreekR 515 Ambrose E G—Pincher CreekR2409 Easlcrbrook 11 M—BrocketRI809 Anderson J P—BrocketR 604 Farrell W F—Pinclier CreekR 806 AnkiO J—Pincher CreekRI007 Faull J B—Twin ButteR2306 Anyenheister Henry—FishburnR23I r Fitzpatrick Dave—FishburnR 804 Archer R M—Pincher CreekRI8I0 Fortona Adam—FishburnR 716 Austin F S—Pincher CreekRI7I4 Foiirnior John—Pinchor CreekRl 103 Baker \V J—Twin ButteRI405 Gamache Ed—Pincher CreekRI403 Ballantyne Geo—Beaver IlilisR 316 Garnclt Richard—Pincher CreekR 706 Barr James—SummerviewR 213 Gehcrilt Chris—Pincher CreekR 211 Bastian August—Pincher CreekR 412 Gebcrdt John—Pincher CreekR105 Bastian Carl—Pincher Creek'R 805 Gifford Fred—SummerviewRI908 Beere A H—Spring RidgeRURAL SUBSCRIBERSR517 Bendek II A—Pinclier CreekR2I 10 Bcnscl Ed—FishburnR 303 Bertram George—Pincher CreekR2303 Blackburn W F—Fishburn808 Bcag C—Pincher CreekRI6I3 BoJeil Ceo—Pincher CreekRI204 Bonertz J—Tuin ButteR2203 Bonettz J F—FishburnR2302 Bonertz L C—FishburnR2405 Bosseiiberry Brothers—BrocketRI7I2 Braniff Thomas—Pincher CreekRR 303 Bratz II—Pincher CreekR 410 Bralz 0—Pincher CreekRI6I2 Brown E—Pincher CreekRI406 Bruce E M—Beaver MinesRI2IIRRBruder T—Twin Butte603 Bnidcr W F—Pincher Creek409 Bruns J H—Pincher CreekRI5I I Buchanan C S—CowlcyR 504 Burns W W—Dry ForksR 710 Cameron Donald—BrocketRI0I3 Camphell Fred—Pincher CreekR2404 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot—BrocketR 807R16I4R 711Gifford Lloyd—Pincher StationGillot Ernest—Pincher CreekGlass Mrs Mary G—Summerview606 Godfrey 11 B—Pincher CreekRRI904Graham E—Spring RidgeRIfalvcrson Jolin—Pincher Creek207RI408R 809Ilamiiton Gavin—Beaver MinesRI703R610iJansen Elmer Aaron—Pincher CreekR514R605Hardy W Miics—Pincher CreekHarland E—Dry ForksHammond Thos—Pincher CreekHardy W C—Pincher CreekR23I6Hatfiehl II M—FishburnHatfield II M—FishburnRI602Ilay Wm M—Pincher CreekR 513R 505RI503R2002Hclicrt Max—Dry ForksR2307RI7I3Hcddcrick R B—Pinchor CreekHenderson langin—Pinchor CreekIleppncr Geo A—FishburnHcppner J C—Pincher CreekR2II9Ilcppncr V—Fishburn RI5I4Jligginbotham W—Pincher StationR2503Cliristie Mines—Pincher CreekRisoaConnelly JIrs Elizalieth—Pincher StationRI209 Hillicr J E—Twin ButteR 608 Hor.kstcin A—Pincher CreekRI309 Ilodgkins Ci—Pincher CreekR 9! I Hoffman Jesse J—Pincher CreekRIOM Hole G—Twin BiitioRI307Cassidy D—Pincher CreekRI920Cassidy W F—Spring RidgeHoneynian Cordon—Spring RidgeR 705R25I0R2507R 318Rl 102R 315R 403R103R 415R 208RI6I ICook Earl—Pinclier CreekRI803Cote Albert—Pincher CreekCox A E—Pincher CrockCox G F—Pincher CreekRI205 Huddlestonc W—Pincher CreekRI802 Hunter Mrs A—Spring RidgeR 302 Hunter S P- -Pinclicr CreekR24I0 Indian Agent's Residence—BrocketCraig T—Pincher CreekCridland Walter—Pincher CreekCrook A—Pincher CreekCrook W B—Pinclier CreekCummins G W—Pincher CreekCyr D E—Pincher CreekRRCyr Henry D—Pincher Creek106Cox 0 H—Twin Butte215 Jack E A—Pincher CreekR2II3James Rev F E Howley—FishburnRI902 Jenkins W C—Spring RidgeR2II I Jewell C K—FishburnRI707R 413R2206R102RI3I2Rl 603RI302Johnson Louis—Pincher CreekJoyce E H—Pincher CreekJnergena Frank—FishburnI 12 Cyr J Dominic—Pincher Creek510 Cyr Levitc—Dry ForksI 14 Cyr Paul .T—Pincher Creek104 Cyr & McCallum—Pincher CreekR2S09 Daiglo E—Pincher CreekRI71 I Daso Mike—Pincher CreekRI509 Davidoff Nick—Pincher StationR22I0 Kliinker Fred—FishhiimRI 13 Krewatch John R—Pincher CreekRI806 Kiinkel A—Pincher CreekR25i I Davies 4 Hamilton—Pincher CreekR2I 12 Davis W E—Pinclier CreekRI3I0 Lang Robf—Pincher CreekR25I5 Leedham Wtn—Pincher CreekRRRRKemble Clias F—Pincher CreekKettles Chas S—Pincher CreekKettles Mrs J M—Pincher CreekKinknde W B—Cowleyi?.a.
oPincher Station46For Long Distance RatesSee Pages 9 to 13and Points In Other Districtsor Call "92" forSt Cyprian C E Indian School—BrocketSt Henry's Church—FishburnR2504 Sandgren J 11—Pincher CreekR 708 Sandgrcn & Carlson—Pincher CreekRI308 iDhiTian r—Pinclict CreekR2406RR22I3709 Ic Tons J S—SummerviewR 910 Lillico Jack—Pincher CrockR 1415 Link F D—Beaver MinesR2I03 Little J—FishburnR I 41 6Lewery Thos—Beaver MinesInformationR22I4R 503Schaucrta J—FishburnSchmidt Ed—Dry ForksSchoening Albert—Pincher Creek411 Schocning F A—Pincljer Creek311 Schoening Otto—Pincher CrockR2502 Lunn S—Pincher CreekRR 305 Lynch J S—Pincher CreekR I 304 I.ynrli-Staunton A II—Pinrhpr CreekRR I 3 t 6 Lynch-Stauntnn F C—Pincher CreekR I 404 lynch W F—Beaver MinesR 313RI206Schoening R C—Pincher CreekSchrempp F—Thvin Butte.RI3i4RI704R2006R 406RI807R 714R2008R2I06R2I 20R20I8RI606RI 903RI4I3Schultz Henry—Pincher CreekSimpson H P—FishhnrnSimpson J D—SummerviewMaier Jacob—Pincher CreekMansfield Thos D—Pincher CreekMarcclltis E—FishhnrnR2004 Marccllus George—Pincher CreekR2I 14 Marccllus J P—FishburnR 612 Marr J C—Dry ForksR 602 Marr Walter—Dry ForksRIS02McAllister J T Creeksido Ranch—PincherCreekR I 202 McCarthy Ed—Ihvin ButteR14 I 4 McDonald M—Pincher CreekR1409 McDomall Mrs E—Beaver MinesR221 I McFarland Frank—FisiilmrnR2020 McFarland J J—FishhnrnR 312 McKcn ie A J—Pincher CreekR1604 McKcnicher A—Pincher CreekRI9I0 McLaughlin F L—BrocketRI905 McKcllis Elmer—Spring RidgeR 609 McRae W J—Dry ForksR607 McRac Wallace—Pincher CreekR 508 McWhirtcr Logan—Dry ForksRI305R2007Melvin W—Pincher CreekMctzler Sam II—FishburnRI2I0 Meyer Frank—Twin ButteR2308R2408Miller G G—FishburnMiller W C—BrocketR1705 Mongcon A—Pincher CreekR 19 I 7 Moorcy II S—EwelmeR I 504 Morris F II—Pinclicr CreekR1702 Reill A—FishburnR516 Neiiman F E—Pincher CreekR509 Neuman W 0—Pincher CreekR306 Newman T P—Pincher CreekR307Simpson V V—FishhnrnSimpson W—FishburnSingli Berama—FishburnSlater L C—FishburnSmithSmithSmith404 SoigcRR 402R 407RI4I2Albert E—Pincher CreekF M—Pincher GreekThos—Pincher CreekL B—Pincher CreekSorge Otto R—Pincher CreekSorge Theo M—Pincher CreekSpciman Bros—Beaver MinesSpetli Frank—FishhnrnSlcinke E—Pincher CreekR2305 Stcnson T F—FishhurnRI7I0 Stuckcy L E—Pincher CreekR2304 Stuekcy S—FishburnRI609 Sullivan Mark—Pincher CreekR2208R 405R2508R2II8RI709R1608R20 10R2003Sweetman A C—Pincher CreekSwlnnoy J H—FishhurnSwinney J P—FishburnTaylor Harry—Pinclier CreekTaylor ,1 I!—Pincher GreekTaylor James E—Pincher CreekRI005 Terrill Wm T—Twin ButteR 110 Therriault C—Pincher CreekRR203212R2I09R2I07Thcrriault Dan—Pincher CreekTliihaudcau J B—Pincher CroekTliotnas A R—FishhurnThomas C W—FishburnThornton Wm—Twin Butte"Tnmpkins Mrs V—Pincher CreekTopp Mrs Geo—Pincher CreekTurnhull Wm—FishburnTweddle Bros—FishhnrnHllian Henry—FishhurnR I 9 I 6 Nicks II C—Spring RidgeRII04R 408Ri507R I 5 1 3 Nie Josinli A—Pincher StationRI7I5 Oddie T It—FishburnR2104 Orcutt D D—FishhnruRI706RI8IIR20I4RI6I6 Paterson A—lloldenR 209 Pearson II—Pincher CrockRI3IS Cpton II J—Pincher CreekR2209 Fpton T F—Fi.slihnmR23I0 Upton Walter—FishhurnR 205 Vance N—Pinrher CreekR2009Newton T P—FishhnrnRi 106 Pedersen J—Twin BntleR2402 Pcigan Indian Ageney—BrocketR24I I Pcigan Indian Ilospitnl—BrocketR107 Pclletier All—Pincher CreekR I 708 Pelleticr E—Pincher CreekR24I3 I'ocack Grain Co—BrocketR 707 Potter W—SummerviewR 310 Primeau Alphie—Pincher CreekRI6I0 Quintan Thos—Pincher CreekR2I08 Benson R G—FishhnrnRai 15R22I2R 204R 216RtOieR815Webb Lewis M—Pincher Creek" hippie Russell—Pincher CreekR20I I "iltkopf R A—FishburnRI92IRRI9i2R25I4 Roulhier Mrs J C—Pincher CreekR2207 Ruhkamp H—FishburnRI9M Rndedge A I-—Spring RidgeR24I2 Sacred Heart It C Indian School—BrocketWatson Hugh—SummerviewRt605RI5I0RI9I4 Deed James J—Spring RidgeRI3M Begncr E A—Pincher Creek906 Robinson W—SummerviewParley E W—Fishhurn Valpcr Adam—Pincher CreekWalpcr Arthur—Pincher CreekWalper C—Pincher CreekWard Peter—Twin Butte"oilman George—Pinclier CreekWoolston Frank—Spring RidgePINCHER STATIONConnected with Pincher Creek
') Police Coulee4 6Call "INFORMATION" for Subscribersor Changes not found In the DirectoryPOLICE COULEERALEYToll OfficeConnected with CardstonPURPLE SPRINGSRANCHVILLEConnected with TabcrToll OfficeRAINIERDirectory Advertising PaysToll OfficeRAYMONDContinuous ServiceEXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERSH83123ALBERTA GOVERNMENTTELEPHONES13822(0176854569252364Allan Titos resI 16Allen H S resAllen Ilelter res281275572Allred C E resAllred J U resAnderson J F Jr resAnderson James S resHall J D OfficeHall J D rosllalpin T L resIlandsainto A E resHanock C E resHawk E S resHawkins James reslleal-Dr H.H DentistReggie J S ros26Holt F T res1741Holt & Son Meats 4 GroceriesHuddle Charles resB(28396(I 157292Bacon Mrs C resBank of MontrealBennett D A resBennett & Co General MereliantsBoysor. Mrs H resBrewerton Lec Grocer19Brewerton Lee res78Brown Mrs Hazel res(8IS90(3I ICanadian Pacific Kailway Depot48Clemis Wm res27(33421 13Jensen Miss Inga resI 17KKenney Grace resKing L D resManager's residence5187356712131(6King T 0 resKing 4 Green GarageKinsey Mrs D H resKirkltam A W resKnight Ray resKnight Sugar Co OfficeCanadian Sugar Factories LtdCard S B resCiiristensen Parley resCitizens' Lumber Co LtdClub Cafe Lee King PropColes Hebcr resCorlcss Annie res(026566r366r213968lafferty Chas resLamb C W resLeech Dr G W Physician 4 SurgeonLeech Dr G W resLopard R E resLongman 0 S resM82104Dahl A resDaltl Paul res136Dearden Betsy res3814460201 19I314746126Ellison Milling 4 Elcrator Co LtdEvans J W res54McBride Ira It resMeeks Jas resMehew Bros BlacksmithsMeldrum Wilford resMondenhall T T resMid West Utilities LtdMilner Marshall resMitcliel N Lorenzo resFawns Chas E resFawns D F resFawns E J resN56122G12081302112912!Maple Leaf Bakery Alvin Jones PropNalder W B resNcmcdy Julius res63Nilsson C res6284O'Brien C A resfiraliam C F resGraham Motor CoGraham R T resO'Brien T J res
oRetlaw4,7When You Want to Buy AnythingREFER TO THE CLASSIFIED SECTION(Pink Pages) OF THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORYPack L L res71Zabriskie Arnold res10530Paris Wm Plumbing i Ecating79Zobcll W H res75134107Parrisii & Eeimbeckor LtdPorks H C resPeterson D 0 res8!I I2325PIEPGRASS MEAT MARKETPowelson Urs John res408Allen H S—RaymondI 17215106204Bullock Amasa—WellingCard C W & Sons—RaymondChipman LcsRe—RaymondRalph Bros TransferRaymond High School57Raymond llercantilo Co Ltd10Raymond Mercantile Co Grocery.Dept9Raymond Mercantile Co Dry Goods89Raymond Pharmacy Percy W Cope424Raymond Public SchoolRaymond Recorder U C Peterson14 1I 1813753132I 25RURAL SUBSCRIBERSRedd Paul II resRedd Vorena B resRedd Wm resRoberts I Bliss resRoberts T K resRoss Aaron J res40Rouse W S res80I4Salmon Jno F resSchneidt William res49School of Agriculture 0 S Longman2204143024061071093073032072053041 151041051 14Smith S ros4152212081 1010320670Snow 01 1444I 24Selman D G res50Shaw Frank res145Simpson J T res143H resStandard Bank of Canada202I I4Stephens C B res4181426Stevenson Mrs Elsie M resStone Wm res59106I 0373I 0943Allierta Pacific Grain Co Ltd—Raymond1201 12Sugar City Municipal Dist No 37TTaylor Frank resTogo Cafe 11 OshiroTollcstrup C F resTollestrup R W resTown of Raymond Office102416410419405403108I 1I311308213Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd—WeUingDahl Paul—RajmondDnhle A G—RaymondElder C 11—WellingFisher J W—RaymondFflote A E—RaymondGunning Geo E—RaymondIlcnniger John T Jr—LethbridgeKnight Sugar Conipany—RaymondMaudslcy J E—RaymondMocks Bros—RaymondMcldrum Parley—RaymondNilsson C—RajmondOgiivie Flour Mills Co Ltd—RaymondPeterson C D—WellingPeterson N W—WeUingProve School Dist No 825 N W Peterson Sec—WellingRedd Paul H—RaymondRedd Wm—RaymondRomeril F W—RaymondSchumers Michel—WellingThomson R R—WellingVan Assel Leo—RaymondWackcr Roy F— WellingWalscotf E P—RaymondWalton A J—RaymondWilde A A—WellingWilde A M—RaymondWilde Donald E—RaymondWilde Floyd—RaymondWilde Jesse E— WellingWilde Reed—RaymondWilde Spencer—WellingWilde Wm W—RavmondWilde Wm W—P.avmondWilliams S B—RaymondWIpp Paul J—Raymondu334United Grain Growers LtdRETLAWUtah CafeDay ServiceV36Van Orman R A resw108135Walker James R resWatson David ros52Weed E W resI 10140Wiggill W resWing 0 R res371I IWitbeck H resWood T Oeo res6674Woolley A D resWoolley Leo C res521214623EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERSAlberta Provincial PoliceCanadian Pacific Railway StationCum LangHall W J resMcGregor hardwaae coNewton 4 Cook General Merchants18I 1Ogilvie Flour MiUs Co Ltd20United Grain Growers Ltd15WardeU B T resRetlaw Implement Co
Retlaw48To expedite local operating at manual exchanges, ask the operator forTELEPHONE NUMBER instead of the name of the subscriber desired.Call by number instead of by name.R 315 Rawliiigs Alfred—RetlawRURAL SUBSCRIBERSRI506 Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd—VauxhaURI5i4 Bain E E—VauxliallRI306 Beards Mark—VauxhallR 408 Bcauddoin J—RetlawR1510 Bearer (Alta) Lumber Ltd—VauxhallR415 Benncit W J—TaberRI3D3 Blair Cliarles—VauxhallR612 Bowes A W—TaberRI508Bray C J—VauxhallR 3II Redding II H—DocringR808R308 Rico Ira—DeeringRcinthon Mrs M—RetlawR 14 10 Ricliards P "W Massoy-Harris Agt—VauxhallR704R812Snailh Walter—VauxhallStevenson Archibald—RetlawR I 5 IIVauxhall Stock Farm Ltd—VauxhallR I5 I7Vauxhall Stork Farm Ltd—VauxhallRI503 Vauxhall Trading Co—VauxlmllR310Brodcrson Frank—RetlawRI304 Wafterherg Chas H—VauxhallR409Brooks M M—DecringR I 3 15RRI408RIS07Brown Thos E—VauxhallRI504Canada Land & Irrigation Co ltd—MedicineWhitlock J W—Vauxhall410 Winklcr Mm M—RetlawRI502 Young Clias A—VauxhallBiuimvell A JI—RellawRI403 Brumwcll Alexander M—VauxhallRINARDHatR902R903Camp—TraversRR90591 ILand 6RI308RI3I4RToll OfficeRcscrroir—TraversRJVERBOW FERRYToll OfficeClarindalc Stock Farms Office—VauxhallROLLING GREENConnected with RetlawClarindale Stock Farms res—Vauxhall804 Connor John—RetlawRI402RI3I IRl I MRI206Rl I 10RI404RI405R 702R 303Corona Hotel IV James Scott—VauxhallCrist IV H—VauxhallCulver Chas—RctlawST. KILDAToll OfficeBaigle Joseph—RetlawDavidson Axel—RetlawDavis Sam—VaiixhaliDulficid J H—VauxhallSAMMONSToll OfficeEyres R E—Purple SpringsFerguson Dan C—DecidngSCANDIARI008 Geremia Angclo—RetlawRi006 Rarris J A—RetlawR 805 Hart S A—RetlawR 413 Hciiipel Anton P—RetlawR 316 Hempel E J—RetlawRI4I2 Hemslcy J M Meat Market—VauxhallR407Toll OfficeSEAFORTHToll OfficeHiggins J E—RetlawSKIFFRI207 Jolin Joseph—RetlawR 602R 51!RI307Toll OfficeKinzell John—RetlawT.ongacre Fred—RetlawI.ovo Gordon—VauxhallSPRING COULEERI3I0 Love Percy—VauxhallRI512 lucemc Farm—VauxhallRI3I3 Malm P IJ—VauxlmllRI5I3Malmhcrg Carl—VauxhallRI4I6Martin A E Garage—VauxhallRI205R 703R 404McAndrews W E—RetlawMch'ivcn Donald—Vauxhallllerriman Lome 0—RetlawDay ServiceEXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS1Mitchell David—VauxhaHRI3I2 Morrow F K—VauxhallRI007 Mylcs Henry—RetlawRI509RI309New West Irrigation Dist—VauxhallNum Wah & Co—VanxhallR 302 Odden Julius—RetlawR I 5 I 5 Ogilvio Flour Mills Co Ltd— VauxhallRI40641!Parkinson Mrs Tlios—RetlawRIS05Parrish & Petriquin—RetlawR709Rn03Poik Norman—VauxhallPollock R M—RetlawR5Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd7Barrus E res6Canadian Pacific Railway Depot9Irwin Gco W res2Jolliffe Harry resI0r2 'Thompson Harlan H res8Thompson J C res, I0r3 Thompson R S resRURAL SUBSCRIBERSRI305 Poornian B F—VauxliallR 304 Fowls Vm—DeeringR1407 Poynfon Wm L—RetlawALBERTA GOVERNMENTTELEPHONES Agent's Office RRRR107102109104Allrcd M—Spring CouleeBrcstle.r Fred—Spring CouleeDarby 11—Spring CouleeSmith & Over—Spring Coulee
eStavely49A Silent Salesman!YOUR DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT IS ANEVER TIRES.SILENT SALESMAN THATWrite for Advertising Rates.SPRING POINTSTAND OFFToll omcaConnected with MacleodSTAVELYCostinuou* ServicePUBLIC PAY STATION—Yukon HotelEXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERSK35Kew W L res49Luke Long Paris Cafe57447Masscy-Uarris Co Ltd C P Hay Agt464147McNeill Stewart A resMiller John T resBruhn P res29Northwood N res14cCanadian Bank of Commerce31Overand John E resI ICanadian Pacific Railway Depot 1 R HallA2212Allierta Pacific Grain Co LtdAlborta Pool Elevators Ltd1621Allan R B & Co General StoreAllan Wilfred resAllen Alex res42Armor Blonville R res48B3652Bcattio & Chilton I H C Implts & Imp OU23Beaver (Alta) Lumber Ltd 0 L Riches Mgi543Blaney WlUiam 11 res28192656Beatty James H resMAgent .Chilton J Gordon resPCrumley J F HardwareCrumley J F res2738Ditto Fred S Hardware StoreDoyle Mary resP158632131859English J J res45Fleming Mrs Fred resRiford Thad resStavely Garage N NorthwoodStavely Trading Co P Bruhn MgrSt«mt Dr J Physician & SurgeonSTOGIE'S GARAGE Max Lawrenzotroud Ida resu450United Grain Growers Ltd33Walker H 0 ImplementsHHallcft J W res5534Home Grain Co Ltd24Hopkins E A Notary Public58Hopkins R A resHurdman Etta C res2Palardy Mrs Mike resCoreman Bruno res303943Municipal District of Clear Lake No 129N5Coons Frank resCressman M res17McDonald James resBrand James H Dry Goods t GroceriesBrown Joseph ros102025McCuaig Jolm res.Utopia Cafe Long Ling Propw9Walker 11 0 resI4037Webster E C Notary Public60Willis Oeo W res53Yukon Hotel LtdJenkins Bros Grocery StoreWebster E 0 resWestern Canada Flour Mills Co LtdJohnson Edwin J resJones J L res*"
Stavely5QYou Will Find Every Kind of Business inthe Classified DirectoryRI205 Lcwin F J—StavciyR 505 Lindstedt August—StavelyR 713 Lindstedt Harold li—StavelvR 903 Locke W 11—StavelyR 71! Malchow F 0—StavciyRURAL SUBSCRIBERSRl 102Aiigol Murray—StavelyR 415RI309Balfour School—StavciyBeaver Valley Sehool—Stavely706710717704Carlson Carl J—StavciyRR302 ilarsliall William—Stavely204 Mcsserli Frank—ClarcsholmCaron F—StavciyCavcny B L—StavelyRIOI ICaveny Howard—StavelyCliaiiic Fidole—StavelyClancy T B Auctioneer—StavelyR306 Mountain Peak School—StavciyR 709RI004RRl 107RI208Cochlan Sidney—Stavely410 Mover Henry S—Stavely413 Miickcnliirn Peter—Stavely712 Nelson Carl G—Stavely61 I Nordland Andrew—StavelyR 714RI206RRHR30791 IR504R509Rl 108RI302R 907R 412R 606R 103R 209RI307R 214R 108R 804R 506R212Rl 103Cochlan Thos—StavelyConncll A—StavciyDcrochle Jack—StavelyDesbro Wm—StavelyDolphin B F—StavciyR607604 Olson Martin—StavciyOxley Ranch (C Gordon)—StavelyR;303I'ark F N—StavelyRI002R 215J'cviMtt Wilfred J—StavelyFiiiik Jnhannis—StavelyGates D R—StavelyRRRHayes W'm—Stave'lyHcdin Jack—Stavely309312Rl1308Rl1204R 914RRRHay Bros—StavelvHefner Henry—StavelvIloidmillor Frank—StavelyHcmbrcp, E E—StavelyHcndrickson John—StavelyHincklcy R B—StavelyHoffman Adolph—Stavely 'chnel—ClarosholmHull WR Ltd—CalgaryHiistcd H P—Stavc'lvllnsfed W H—Stavely613 James Frank—Stavely708- Johnson A—Stavely902 Johnson Bert G-Stave!yR203R910R 5 14R 304RIOIORI306RI0I2R 208R 904R705R610(RRl1003R 405R 508Rl 104R 807R802Norton Frank A—StavelyOilier (1—StavelyRII09RI009R 906lialvarson Halvar—Stavelyilanraban Hugh—StavelyIlardie George—StavciyHatch Thomas II—Stavciy605404609Norgnrd Louis—ClarcsholmNorlcn John—StavelyNorton C L—Stavciylinns Abram A—StavciyHall Percy—Stavelv513Miller C R—StavelyMiller Glen S—StavciyFancy Arnold B—StavelyFleming Alex—StavelyFlorence C A—StavelyFoosc William—StavelyDulica J iV—StavelyEiig(jiiist W (i—StavciyRR109Malchow Otto—Stavely406403608507Gordon J C—StareiyCranlicn Olaf J—Stavely612512210707107Malchow Gus E A—StavelyMalchow M E—StavciyRRRRRI2I0R 207RRI202Coclilan Moody—StavciyRI3I0 Cage C I)—XanfonRRMalchow G—StavciyRRRRBoulton T—StavelyBroomficld R M—StavciyBurns P & Co Ltd—Stavciy908 Campbell J M—Stavciy308 Carbine W II —StavciyRI203Johnson Hans—Stavciy.Tnlmson Henry—StavelyJohnson Jamos—StavelvJohnson I, F-Stavely 'Jones Jas Henry—Stavely.fling's )lStavelyJones W'ondel—StavelyJotirnick G 11—StavelyKicly John W—StavelyLarson Chas M—StavciyLengyel John—StavelyROilier Mrs G—StavelyOlson Albert—StavelyOlson John—StavelyOrr Chnilos E—StavelyOviatt John F—StavelyPliillijis James—StavciyPrairie Dell School—Stavciy414 Ralph R N—Stavely603RR808Rick Chester L—StavelyR906Ricdiger Peter A—StavelyRR805113Riford Thnd L—StavciyR104Rodgers A E—StavciyRl 003Robinson Frank—StavelyRodge.rs Frank—StavciyRodgers Jolin W—StavciyRR205106RRR311502510RR407 Schwartz Lewis P—Stavely105 Scott W A—StavelyR1006Rush Wm—StavelySclilosscr Joseph R—StavelySclilosser Mrs H—StavelyScliutofski David—StavciySeadon Joseph P--StavelyR 905 Smith II H—StavelyR 408 Snydcr William—StavelyR 912 Stanford Jesse L—StavelyRI005 Stanford Nimham—StavelyR 602 Siindquist A—StavelyR809Siindi iiist. Emil—StavelyRR409402Sykcs J P—StavciyRR21!806R703RRR702803213Sykes James P—StavelyTinkess A P—,StavelyTyson C—StavelyWagiicss W—StavelyWakefield Wm—StavelyWallace J M—StavelyWatson John A—Stavciy303 Wilfotd Frelan—StavelyRRI207Wilford John W—StavelyRWood E H—Stavely41 I«
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170 Huestis E S ics 39 Hunter I. 11 res 55 Hunter Margaret M res 60r2 Hyde F 0 Hay Merchant 74 Hyde II E res' 196 llyslop's ladies Wear I)44 Imperial Oil Limited D L McCain Agent 199 Irwin R G res 70 JACKSON BROS LTD Hardware Saddlery & Men's Wear 68 Jackson C F res 21 Jackson J H res J 59 Jackson W H res 130 Jetta H F res 133 Johnson A J res
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1 Concerts-hommages à l'écrivain Michel BUTOR Michel Butor en musique Né le 14 septembre 1926 à Mons-en-aœul (Nod), Michel BUTOR, l'un des auteurs majeurs de notre époque, connu pour avoir renouvelé le "nouveau roman", notamment avec La Modification - ouvrage largement étudié -, est aussi un infatigable curieux avide d'approfondir sa connaissance des cultures et des arts.