Oklahoma Conference Adventurer ClubClub Certification and Membership ApplicationNote to Director: As you will note in the questions that follow, you will need planning sessions with your staff to be able to complete thisapplication. You will also need to wait until you hold your Registration/Enrollment night. The Registration/Enrollment meeting should beheld as soon as possible in the new year. The Adventurer year begins July 1st. Please mail the completed forms to the Conference office bySeptember 1st .Please also note that the real purpose for this application is not only to get your club registered, but it is also to be used as a tool to assist youin planning your major activities for the coming year. It is understandable that plans do change – surely, you would agree that it is better, byfar, to have a plan that later must be changed than not to have a plan at all.PART I: Tell us about your club1. Sponsoring Church(es):Club NameSchool where most of the Adventurers attend:2. Regular Club Meetings (Note - Meetings should be every two weeks for 90 minutes or 3 hrs per month)A. Where do you meet:B. Day of the week: Time:3. Club Staff and Leadership: (Note: Ages 18 or older except for Junior Counselors)Name of StaffPosition/TitleYrs ofHighest AY .12.13.141516.(Note: If more space is needed, use addl. pages. Be certain that you have submitted an individualVolunteer Service Information Form for each staff member.)1
PART II: Tell us about your Plans –Finance:1. Cost to Adventurers:A. How much is your club's Registration Fee (Once a year approx) B. How much are Dues? per (week, month or quarter)C. Do you take an offering at meetings in place of dues?2. Have you developed a budget for this coming year?3. Has or will it be approved by your church or sponsoring organization?Programming:4. List at least one honor that you plan to teach this year that will emphasize:A. Mental DevelopmentB. Spiritual DevelopmentC. Physical DevelopmentD. How many total honors do you plan on each Adventurer earning?(Note: 4-6 honor per year is an acceptable number.)5. Outreach Activities - List the activities and hopeful starting dates:Outreach ActivityHopeful Starting DateA. Visit Nursing HomeB.C.D.(Note: The Adventurer Manual has outreach ideas listed on page 22.)6. When will you have an Induction Ceremony for new members? Date7. When do you hope to have your first club field trip? Date8. Have you & staff given consideration to offering a Family Network/Parent's Night?(See enclosed The Family and The Adventurer Club reprints taken from the Adventurer Manual)9. If so, when/where/how will you hold it?10. Will your club participate in any service projects for your community, church or school this comingyear?11. When will you hold Adventurer Sabbath for your church?Growth Goals:12. How many Adventurers were in your club last year?13. How many do you aim to recruit this year?14. How many parents are involved?15. List at least two of your goals for this year:A.B.2
PART III: Unit Structure and Organization (NOTE: Adventurers must be between ages 6 & 9.)GIRLS' UNITA. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorAdventurer NamesBirthdateStudent atSDA School?(yes/no) Unit Number Unit NameCounselorAdventurer NamesBirthdateStudent atSDA School?(yes/no) Unit Number Unit NameCounselorAdventurer NamesBirthdateStudent atSDA School?(yes/no) If more space is needed, please photocopy this page.Please List EAGERBEAVERS SEPERATELY3
BOYS' UNITA. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorAdventurer NamesBirthdateStudent atSDA School?(yes/no) Unit Number Unit NameCounselorAdventurer NamesBirthdateStudent atSDA School?(yes/no) Unit Number Unit NameCounselorAdventurer NamesBirthdateStudent atSDA School?(yes/no) If more space is needed, please photocopy this page.)Please ListEAGER BEAVERS SEPERATELY4
Oklahoma ConferenceAdventurer Club Membership ApplicationSponsoring Church Club NamePastorElected Club DirectorMailing Address E-mailStreetCityState ZipHome PhoneWork Phone The Philosophy of AdventurersThe Adventurer program was created to assistparents in their important responsibilities as a child'sprimary teachers and evangelizers. The programaims to strengthen the parent/child relationship andfurther the child's development in spiritual, physical,mental and social areas. In this way the church,home and school can work together with the parentto develop a mature, happy child.The church's greatest resource is our children;therefore, it is imperative that as a church we meetthe challenge to provide a program for our childrenduring their early, formative years. We want righthabits, thoughts, motives, dispositions, and attitudesto be established. (Adventurer Manual, page XI).The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day AdventistChurch sponsored ministry open to all childrengrades 1-4 (ages 6-9) who agree to keep theAdventurerPledge and Law. The Adventurer children andparents are encouraged to attend all meetings andfunctions sponsored by the Adventurer Club.Your Commitment to AdventurersWe, the undersigned have read, understand, and arein full agreement with the above Philosophy ofAdventurers and agree to support our club throughthose means with which the Lord has blessed thischurch, including finances, staff volunteers, securinga place to meet, transportation on outings, and othersuch needs as may arise in the fulfillment of thisministry, and to assist and support the work of theAdventurer ministry in this conference and aroundthe world. SignaturesChurch Pastor Church ClerkHead ElderClub DirectorDateNote to Director:This Adventurer Club Membership Application is sent to every club in the Oklahoma Conference eachyear. The purpose is two-fold: 1) to allow the church leadership to indicate their support of andcommitment to the local Adventurer Club and 2) to enable the local club to receive the benefits ofConference membership. Please return this form by September 1 to the Oklahoma ConferenceAdventurer Dept., P.O. Box 32098, Oklahoma City, OK 73123.1
EAGER BEAVERPART V: Unit Structure and Organization (NOTE: Eager Beavers must be between ages 4 & 5)GIRLS' UNITA. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorEager Beaver NamesBirthdate1. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorEager Beaver NamesBirthdate1. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorEager Beaver NamesBirthdate1. If more space is needed, please photocopy this page.2
EAGER BEAVERBOYS' UNITA. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorEager Beaver NamesBirthdate1. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorEager Beaver NamesBirthdate1. Unit Number Unit NameCounselorEager Beaver NamesBirthdate1. If more space is needed, please photocopy this page.3
Parent Consent/AuthorizationFor the following Adventurer activity:Activity Date / /Name of Adventurer ClubName of AdventurerActivityTime: LeaveReturn (Approx)Club Director PhoneAs the parent/guardian of the Adventurer named above I give my permission for him/her toparticipate in the above activity and do not hold the Adventurer club, the SDA church or those in chargeof the activity responsible in the event of an accident.Date / /Signature of ------------------------------------------Parent Consent/AuthorizationFor the following Adventurer activity:Activity Date / /Name of Adventurer ClubName of AdventurerActivityTime: LeaveReturn (Approx)Club Director PhoneAs the parent/guardian of the Adventurer named above I give my permission for him/her toparticipate in the above activity and do not hold the Adventurer club, the SDA church or those in chargeof the activity responsible in the event of an accident.Date / /Signature of Parent/Guardian
Oklahoma ConferenceLocal Club CommitmentOn behalf of the Club, I will do my utmost to fulfill the(Name of club)requirement of conference membership.Our club will:1) Operate an active club program for at least nine months per Adventurer year.2) Participate in conference-planned activities.3) Submit to the conference adventurer department the following:a. Adventurer club program outline for the year, within four weeks of the initial clubmeeting for the Adventurer year.b. Adventurer club annual budgetc. Adventurer club membership (names and addresses) at the beginning of eachAdventurer year. An updated list is requested in January.4) Provide Adventurer leadership growth for club staff (Encourage youth leadership training,Master Guide, Adventurer/Pathfinder Leadership work, Basic (10 hr) Training Seminar).5) Plan for satisfactory Adventurer club attitude per semi-annual evaluation survey.6) Calendar progression in the Adventurer class requirements.7) Send Adventurer club monthly report by the fifth of the month throughout the year.8) Return the completed club application form (with staff Volunteer Service Information Forms).Club Director's SignatureDateNumber of Adventurer & staff members X 4.00 Number of Eager Beavers & staff members X 4.00 * Please send a check payable to the Oklahoma Conference for the above amount by September1st with your complete application. Please note on bottom left of your check that it is forAdventurers. (The 4.00 charge is the all-inclusive "package plan" price.)
Master Guide, Adventurer/Pathfinder Leadership work, Basic (10 hr) Training Seminar). 5) Plan for satisfactory Adventurer club attitude per semi-annual evaluation survey. 6) Calendar progression in the Adventurer class requirements. 7) Send Adventurer club monthly report by the fifth of the month throughout the year.
Adventurer Pledge and Law Adventurer Song Adventurer Uniform Adventurer Awards SECTION 3 20 Planning the Year Starting an Adventurer Club Running an Existing Adventurer Club . Adventurer families can acquire
1. Establish a relationship with your Adventurer coordinator. 2. Have and read the Adventurer Club Director's Guide and compile a list of action items for the upcoming Adventurer year. 3. Create a portfolio that contains the handouts and your notes from the workshops you attended, your Adventurer calendar, meeting schedules, and other
A D VENTURER SONG A CD with the Adventurer Song may be purchased from adventsource.org . Sheet music available on p. 105. The Adventurer Story gives a more complete history of the Adventurer Club. ItÕs available at adventsource.org . 6 Adventurer Club DirectorÕs Guide The ADVENTURER STORY Discover t
Oct 01, 2021 · 3. The club must be represented at the Adventurer Leadership Convention. 4. The club must attend the Adventurer Fun Day. 5. The club must have an Induction Service, Adventurer Sabbath, and Investiture Service. 6. The club must have at least four Family Network Meetings. 7. The club must have at least one Community Outreach project. 8.
3. The club must be represented at the Adventurer Leadership Convention. 4. The club must attend the Adventurer Fun Day. 5. The club must have an Induction Service, Adventurer Sabbath, and Investiture Service. 6. The club must have at least four Family Network Meetings. 7. The club must have at least one Community Outreach project. 8.
Adventurer Club History 6 Introduction to Little Lamb 8 Little Lamb Checklist 9 Section 1 - Little Lamb Level 10 Adventurer Logo Adventurer Pledge / Law Adventurer Song Little Lamb Goals Little Lamb Curriculum Adventurer Awards Section 2 - Ch
ADVENTURER PLEDGE Because Jesus loves me, I will always do my best. ADVENTURER SONG Please say the Adventurer Law with me as I say it aloud (read it). Now, lets say the Adventurer Pledge together (read it). Great job. Now, let’s sing our Adventurer song together (play the video, mute yourself, be vi
You need to check your peak flow: every day, twice a day to get a useful pattern of scores at the same times of day, in the morning and in the evening before you take your asthma medicine otherwise it will change the score using your best effort each time you blow into the meter so you’re comparing like with like using the same peak flow meter each time.