August-2015 Newsletter - Gwrra-ga

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Gold Wing Road Riders AssociationRegion A, GA DistrictLAVONIA, om/GA I2/Director’s NotesFRIENDS FOR FUN,SAFETY AND KNOWLEDGEWe were back on the road July 10th to the South Carolinadistrict Rally in Anderson, South Carolina. We had 13 members to ride over onFriday. We had a great time at the rally ,it was fun watching Robert drive thewhacky tractor, you never know what you will see at a rally. South CarolinaDistrict did a great job and they had a fabulous location.After we left the rally we stopped at Cracker Barrel to eat. We had a great mealand a lot on good fellowship, that is what it is all about anyway.We had a big turnout at our meeting at Shoney’s July 18th with 38 members andvisitors, what a great bunch of people.July 25th we had a lunch ride to Down Town Café in Lavonia , 6 membersattended. We had a great time talking and eating ,we were there for 3 hours, howtime flies when you are enjoying yourself.Our next meeting at Shoney’s will be August 15th .Then to Wing Ding in Huntsville Al. Sept. 3-6 .Come on and ride with us and join in on the fun. Till next timeRide Safe and Enjoy Life.Frank & Melinda BrothersGa Chapter I-2 Senior Directors,Georgia District Ride Educators, &MEDIC First-Aid CoordinatorsAugust 2015Volume 6, Issue 8Senior Chapter DirectorsFrank & Melinda BrothersCell: 706-491-5205Res: 706-356-4966gachapteri2@gmail.comAsst. Chapter DirectorsRonnie & Karen LewisCell: 706-498-8231randklewis@att.netChapter TreasurerLinda WatkinsCell: 678-316-6307lindanwatkins@gmail.comChapter EducatorLarry & Delores Crouse706-757-3021olddude600@yahoo.comMembership EnhancementGenie & Joel Deaton706-677-1000joelgenie@aol.comMotorist Awareness "MA"& HospitalityJeanna & Alan PhillipsCell: 706-224-12062015 GA-I2 Coupleof the YearJane & Paul MoriczCell: 706-491-7758Goodies SalesVacantNewsletter EditorRonnie VaughnCell: 706-340-7320Scrapbook Editor &Chapter PhotographerDoris & Rob DougherCell: 708 481 6866Web Master&Asst. Chapter DirectorRonnie VaughnCell: 706-340-7320ronniev@bellsouth.netFriends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge1Chapter I-2 MascotsBucky & Cupcake Blacksheep

Larry CrouseChapter Rider Educator mem.php2


Rider EducationSeminars, and classes that are available at theChapter Level.1. 1. "Level Up" PPT Presentation2. 2. Co-Rider Seminar3. 3. Co-Rider-Two Seminar4. 4. Riding With New and/or InexperiencedRiders5. 5. Motorcycling for Mature Riders6. 6. Seasoned (Mature) Rider Supplement7. 7. Road Captain Course8. 8. Team Riding Seminar9. "Dealing With Different Elements"10. Riding in the Heat11. Night Riding 12. Motorcycle Crash Scene Response13. High Side Scenarios14. "Going, Going, Gone"15. Trailering Seminar16. Why Motorist Awareness 1 2013.ppt17. "Think Motorcycles" ppt presentationView your Rider Ed Level accomplishments: mem.php4

To All Georgia GWRRA Friends,Buddy and Kim Summer have joined the Region "A" TEAM as Motorist AwarenessCoordinators. We know they will do a great job just as they have done inevery position they have held in the past. Please see the message from JimJackson below.Larry and Pamela ClemmerDistrict DirectorsGWRRA, GA DistrictgeorgiaDD@gwrra-ga.comLadies & Gents,Please join me in congratulating Buddy and Kim Summer as they begin servingas our Southeast Region 'A' Motorist Awareness Coordinators.pending thedocumentation being completed next week. Buddy and Kim are long time hardworkers for GWRRA, the Region and in particular the South Carolina Districtwhere they have served in various District and Chapter positions. Of coursethey served Region 'A' as our Couple of the Year 2014 and represented theRegion in the 2014 International Couple of the Year Selection. They areUniversity Presenters and have presented many seminars at all levels ofGWRRA and in particular for their home Chapter. They are absolutely funfolks to be around and I'm confident they will carry our Region MotoristAwareness Program to the next level.And Ladies and Gentlemen, please let our Former Region Motorist AwarenessCoordinators Ron and Pam Lantz know how we appreciate their dedication,devotion and hard-work over the past few years. They are the best and itwas difficult to accept their resignation. Good luck to Ron and Pam and wehope to see them on the road or perhaps at a GW function in the near future."LEAD LIKE YOU RIDE"JJJim & Sue Jackson - GWRRA Life MembersSoutheast Region 'A' Director - AL, FL, GA, MS, SCGold Wing Road Riders Association5

Gold Wing Road Riders AssociationAugust Birthdays8th Ralph Aultman20th Sally Funderburke28th Rob DougherAugust Anniversaries5th6th26th28thJoyce & Glen ArgoJane & Paul MoriczJeanna & Alan PhillipsDoris & Rob DougherCongratulations to Jane & PaulMoricz for being selected asChapter I-2’s Couple of the Year2015 (COY).CONCERNSRoy Degler, former Georgia District RiderEducator, will be returning to Georgia for a shortstay due to having minimally invasive" surgeryof the abdomen at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA. Datestill to be determined.CONDOLENCESOur condolences to Kristen Degler Sloan, daughter of Roy and Julie Degler, former GeorgiaDistrict Educators, on the passing of husband, and Son-in-law respectively, Daron Sloan. Arrangementsfor Daron are Saturday, August 1st, 2015 with Visitation at 1pm, and Memorial Service will be at 2pm atthe United Methodist Church, in Colquitt GA.6

Up Coming EventsFor 2015 Jan 1New Years Day Lunch Ride. “Cottage House Restaurant”, 5702 Hwy 115 East, Cleveland,Georgia. Come on 2,3 or 4 wheels. We will leave Lavonia Exxon at 11:00 Am. Jan 24Chapter I-2's Gathering for this month only will be the 4th Saturday vs. the 3rd Sat. atShoney's. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm. This change was necessary due to the "OfficersConference" on the17th. Jan 17"Chilly Willy" is back in conjunction with the GWRRA Ga. Chapter's "OfficersConference". Being held again this year at “Buckner’s Family Restaurant”, Jackson, Ga. Feb 14Chapter S “Sweetheart Fun Day”. Midway Christian Church, 1406 Hog Mountain Road,Winder, GA. Feb 21Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's”. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm. I-2 Co-Rider, and CoRider Plus training Seminars will be held after our monthly gathering at Line Fire Dept. Feb 28We'll deliver the District Hot-Potato to Chapter E-2, Pooler, Ga. We will need to leaveLavonia at 10:30 am. March 21Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's”. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm. March 24We will be visiting Chapter R, “Sidelines Grille”, 147 Reinhardt College Parkway, Canton, GaTuesday, March 24th. We’ll leave Lavonia at 3:30 pm. Hope some of you can make plans togo and visit them. March 28Chapter I-2 Lunch Ride to “Vanna Country BBQ”. Meet at 10:30, leave at 11:00 am fromLavonia Exxon, or join us at "Vanna Country BBQ", Hwy 17S, Vanna, GA at 11:30am. April 18We’ll not have our regular Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's” this month. Instead we willvisit Chapter T for their Fun-Day. Leave Lavonia Exxon at 9:00am. April 18GA Chapter T’s fun-day at Blacks Creek Baptist Church 3754 Blacks Creek Church RoadCommerce, GA 10am until 1pm. April 25Chapter I-2 Lunch or Dinner Ride, Location and Times to be decided. April 25Visitation to GA Chapter B for their “Fun-Day” being held at Red Top Mountain State Park &Lodge, 50 Lodge Road Southeast, Cartersville, GA 30121. Some of us may go over there onFriday and spend the night let me know if you would like to make it a weekend trip. May 16Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's”. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm. May 23Memorial Day “Motorist Awareness” campaign at the “Georgia / South CarolinaI-85 "Welcome Center”.(Continued on page 8)7

(Continued from page 7) May 23Chapter I-2 Dinner Ride, following the “Motorist Awareness” campaign, Location T.B.A. June 2Ga Chapter S visitation, and “HOT TATER” delivery. June 18-20 2015 Georgia District Convention; “GoldWing Dynasty Wing Fling- It’s a Family Thang”."River Vista Mountain Village", 20 River Vista Drive, Dillard GA 30537. June 27Chapter I-2 Lunch or Dinner Ride, Location and Times to be decided. July 9-11 "Wings Over The Smokies 32". The rally for 2015 will be held on July 9th-11th, 2015 inCherokee, NC. It will be at the "Acquoni Expo Center", 1501 Acquoni Road, Cherokee, NC. July 10Chapter Ride to “Wings Over The Smokies”. It will be at the "Acquoni Expo Center", 1501Acquoni Road, Cherokee, NC. We will leave Lavonia Exxon At 8:00 am. Come ready to ride. July 17Chapter I-2 day-ride to SC District Rally, 2015. Civic Center of Anderson, SC. Leave Exxon at 9:00am. July18Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's”. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm August 15 Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's”. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm. August 22 Chapter I-2 Lunch or Dinner Ride, Location and Times to be decided. Sept. 3-6Wing Ding 37 at the "VonBraun Center" Huntsville, Alabama. Sept. 19Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's”. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm.Florida District Convention, KissimmeeAlabama District Convention, EufaulaSouth Carolina District Convention, AndersonGeorgia District Convention, DillardWing Ding 37, Huntsville, ALRegion "A" Convention, Eufaula, ALMarch 19-21May 14-16July 16-18June 18-20Sept. 3-6October 28-31 Sept 26 Chapter I-2 Lunch or Dinner Ride, Location and Times to be decided. October 17 Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's”. Eat at 11am, Meeting 12-1pm. October 24 Chapter I-2 Lunch or Dinner Ride, Location and Times to be decided. October 28-31 Region "A" Convention, LAKEPOINT STATE PARK RESORT LODGE, Eufaula, AL. November 14Ga District 2015 Wind Down, James E. Worrall Community Center, 1060 Keith Drive, Perry Ga. No Chapter I-2 Gathering at “Shoney's” for November and December. November 21 Chapter I-2 "End of Year 2015 Celebration". Same location and time as last year: “Quincy's ofToccoa”, 605 Big A Rd, Toccoa, GA, 7:00 until

Updated: August 4, 20151. Goldwing 1500 SE 25th anniversary edition 2000. One owner, Must sell can not ridetwo bikes. Asking 7,000.00 well maintained and have the records. I have a complete list of every thing that has been added and recent prevented maintenance alsopictures upon request. Contact Sid Cohen @ 706-340-5737 or E-mail we sold my bike we don't need all those extra parts we have from Phil'sbike when we converted it into a Trike. See below, Thanks, Linda.2008 GoldWing; Complete Back End, Swing Arm. Set of Perfect WHITE Saddle Bags.Mounted Back Wheel with New Tire, and New Front Tire. Tires are Shinko Brand.Asking 200 for all of this.Call Phil at 770-561-3376 or email at philatco@windstream.net3.9Assorted Bits and pieces leftover from '02 1800 GoldWing (Illusion Blue), and '08 1800GoldWing (Dark Red Metallic) TRIKE CONVERSIONS. These parts include, completerear-end assemblies, brake-discs, rear-wheels, side-bags, etc. IF You need parts for repairs or just to have extra on-hand contact me. Ronnie at 706-340-7320 or

For information on being a SponsorE-Mail: gachapteri2@gumlog.netWeb Site:

Strickland FuneralHomeCaring Friends When Life HurtsMost11

July 2015STSeptember 2015W T F S1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31August 2015MSMT16 7 813 14 1520 21 2227 28 29W T F S2 3 4 59 10 11 1216 17 18 1923 24 25 rday2627282930311Joyce & Glen Argo's An.Jane & Paul Moricz's An.56293104111213Ralph Aultman's Birthday 7142317241825192021Jeanna & Alan Phillips .Rob Dougher's Birthday 26Doris & Rob Dougher's .27 11:00AM - 1:00PMChapter I-2 MonthlyGathering (Shoney's,Lavonia, Ga.)15Chapter I-2 Lunch or. LocationSally Funderburke Birth.168282229GWRRA Wing Ding 37 "VonBraunCenter" Huntsville, Alabama. 303112345

October 2015August 2015SS12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31September FSMTWT F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31SaturdayGWRRA Wing Ding 37 "VonBraunCenter" Huntsville, Alabama. 30311234GWRRA Wing Ding 37 "VonBraunCenter"Labor Day Hun.United States 67Genie Deaton Birthday 891011Jeanna Phillips Birthday 13145 10:00AM - 2:00PM GaDistrict A FunDay (Griffin,GA)12Joel Deaton Birthday 15161718 11:00AM - 1:00PMChapter I-2 MonthlyGathering (Shoney's,Lavonia, Ga.)19Chapter I-2 Lunch or. Location2021222324252623Ronnie & Karen Lewis' .272829301

Goldwing Road Riders AssociationGeorgia DistriCt NewsletterAugust 2015District TeamDistrict DirectorsLarry & Pamela ClemmerGeorgiaDD@gwrra-ga.com678.525.5433Asst. District Directors NorthJim & Kay Elrodjimelrod@ellijay.com770.893.8078Asst. District Directors EastGarland & Charleen Dennisga webmaster@yahoo.com321.363.6337Asst. District Directors West/Couple of the Year CoordinatorsVance & Fern hip EnhancementCoordinatorsNorman & Wendy Mortonnorwen@att.net404.761.3775District Treasurer/Event CoordinatorLawana Woodardlawanag@hotmail.com770.310.8280Ride Educators/Medic First AidFrank & Melinda dership Trainer/Newsletter EditorJim & Dee Allengaltptrainers@gmail.com404.435.7527Region A DirectorsJim & Sue Jacksonregiondirector@gwrra-regiona.orgFun Outside of Our Region!Hi everyone! We just visited with Region N at the North Carolina Rally and hadfun, fun, fun! The Rally was held in Cherokee, NC just outside the Great SmokeyMountain National Park. They do thingsa little different than Region A, so it is always great to see what other regions do.NC had lots of vendors of every sort, notjust motorcycle vendors, and a lot of themplan on coming to the Georgia Rally April21-23. We attended an opening ceremonyThursday night and enjoyed ice cream fromBabbles, one of the vendors. He plans to bein Georgia for our Rally.Friday night we had a fine meal cateredby a local restaurant called Granny’s ofCherokee. We also attended the entertainment afterwards with music by Tim Hall &Buffalo Country, who took requests fromthe audience and played a variety of songs.They make a comment that they were “surprised that we liked the same songs theyliked to play”. I guess we are not as old asthey thought we were! We also participated in the Director’s Challenge. We camein third. Tennessee won! The ladies had topick up balloons and stuff them under theirspouse’s tee shirt!The gist of this article is that you canhave fun outside our region and show yoursupport for GWRRA. Georgia did just thatLarry & Pamela ClemmerGeorgia District Directorsat the NC Rally. Georgia had 97 membersin attendance and won 500 for the District! Region A also had the largest numberfor a Region outside Region N, so RegionA won another 500! See what we can doif we go have fun at these Rallies! You alsolearn new ideas and foster good relationships with friends from all over.We encourage you to attend as many Rallies as you can afford, in and out of RegionA, and of course continue to make yourchapters better and more active and haveLarry and Pamela ClemmerGeorgia District DirectorsA note from Wings Over the Smokies from Jim Jackson.I’ve got to tell ya, ya’ll make me so proudof Region ‘A’ I don’t know what to do.I’ve been strutting around like a proudRooster. We had more District Directors attending WOS than Region ‘N’ hadand we were in their home Region. Wehad 327 Region ‘A’ Delegates which wasabout half the folks in the auditoriumat closing ceremonies. Many thanks toeach of you for coming to WOS and supporting Goose and Ms. Goose. I knowthey appreciate it. This year, like lastyear, Region ‘A’ took home 500 bucksfor having the most delegates there fromout of Region and Georgia took home 500 bucks for their treasury for having the most District delegates attendingfrom out of District Way to go Georgia. Again, many thanks for attendingWOS in force and I look forward to seeing everyone again in South Carolina thiscoming weekend. We are still hangingaround Cherokee and doing some riding,having fun and enjoying the fellowshipwith our group. Today we are heading upthe BlueRidge for a bite to eat at the MtPisgah Restaurant hanging on the side ofthe mountain. Wow life is good!Jim JacksonRegion “A” Director

Anticipating Lots of Fun and New FriendsWe are Garland and Charleen Dennis.We have just accepted the challenge of serving as one of the Assistant District Directorsfor Georgia. We will also continue to serveas Webmaster and will also be Vendor Coordinator and take care of goodie sales. Weboth look forward to visiting more chaptersthis year and getting to know more Georgiamembers. We were Senior Chapter Directors in Florida for 8 years before we movedhere in March of 2014. We have been meeting and making new friends here in Georgia.One of the things we like most is seeing newfaces and making new friends here everytime we go to another rally or Chapter Gath-ering.We attended the North Carolina rallylast weekend and are heading to the SouthCarolina rally next weekend. If you are notattending these rallies, you are missing outon a fun way to spend your time. There issomething for everyone, including classes,vendors or just riding on some new roads.Garland & Charle!Garland and Charleen DennisAssistant District Directors EastWebmasterVendor CoordinatorCharleen & Garland DennisAssistant District Directors EastWebmaster Vendor CoordinatorGeorgia District MECChapter rides are a complicated and largeissue. If you look at most calendars all yousee is Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Rides.Question: Are we going to eat when we gotout on a ride? More than likely yes.Question: Are a lot of Chapters that go onBreakfast, Lunch & Dinner Rides goingfrom a KSU direct route to a restaurant? YesSo how do we change a mind set when itcomes to riding? The simple change is renaming a ride. Using names like “Just a Ride”,Mystery Ride”, “Tail of the Tarpon Ride”,“Ocklawaha River Ride”, “Stud Run”, “Fullor Blue Moon Ride”, “Horse Farm Ride”,“Brown Bag Lunch Ride” & “Rick’s Ride”.If nothing else by naming a ride somethingother than Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner Ridepeople have a different perception of theride. Did we eat on these rides Yes! Yes westill list specific Breakfast, Lunch or DinnerRides on the calendar but they are the exception versus the rule.The other thing that needs to be addedwhen it comes to rides is destinations and/or things to do. Over the last year these aresome of the things we have done: Watermelon Festival, Thunder by the Bay, ManateeFestival, Kumquat Festival, Lipizzaner Stallions, Dairy Farm, Retired Horse Farm, Daytona Bike Week, Myakka River State Park,Ocala Horse Farms, Drum Circle, Tubing,Jungle Gardens, Butterfly Museum, StainGlass Museum, Pontoon Boat Tour.So how do you make above work? First thing is you have to have a ChapterTeam that supports the idea and is willing totrain the Chapter on the concept. Second is you need people in the Chapterthat are will to find new/interesting things todo. One key is keeping the cost down. Third and probably one of the most important is to have people that are will to plan andlead routes.Rick & Madalena BuckSoutheast Region “A”Membership Enhancement CoordinatorCouple of the Year CoordinatorChapter of the Year CoordinatorRmbuck@tampabay.rr.comANOTHER BENEFIT OF YOUR GWRRA MEMBERSHIPOffice Supply Discounts – GWRRA has partnered withOffice Depot and OfficeMax to bring you a FREE nationaldiscount program. Save up to 80%-off preferred products.Shop online or in stores. FREE next day delivery on ordersover 50! To shop or print off your savings card, go & Madalena BuckWINGERS-AND-WAVESINVITATIONYou’re invited to attend a largecruise event called WINGERS-NWAVES. The GWRRA GeorgiaDistrict is a sponsor of WINGERS-NWAVES and 17 states joined the 2015event. You will have the opportunityto meet Chapters from all over thecountry! Departs from Lauderdale,Florida to Grand Cayman, Falmouth,Jamaica and Labadee, Haiti.If you have any questions pleasecall Deanna Cisson at (386) 299-7535.Official website is Read testimonials andsee full event details.Page 2 - GWRRA Motto—“Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge”

Explaining the N-6 Form That I Ask for Each MonthI know that it is a little misleading becauseit has Rider Education on the top of the form.This form is the only one that requests information about all the activities that the chapter does for the month. Rider Education isresponsible for keeping up with all activitiesa Chapter does for the month. We need thenumber of Chapter Meetings usually (1) oneper month, with the number of participantsthat attend the meeting. The total numberof rides or other activities the chapter doesfor the month, and the total of participantsfor these activities. How many newslettersthat you print each month usually (1) one,the number of Rider Education articles in thenewsletter at least (1) one. And the numberof newsletters that you distribute each monthincluding the ones that you send out by Email. This is the information that we need tokeep up with to show how active your Chapter is along with the Rider Education Itemsthat are on the Form.If you do not have a Rider Educator in youChapter, you still need to send the chapteractivities in. I know this is the Chapter Edu-cator’s responsibity but sometimes you haveto do what you have to do. Without these reports it looks like your Chapter is not doinganything, and we know better. You know thesaying; if it is not written down it was notdone.If you can’t fill out the N-6 form thatis fine. Just e-mail me the numbers, and Iwill fill out the form for you. All I ask is youPLEASE send in something. No report tellsus that you have not done anything for themonth. For the ones that are sending in thereports, I say “Thank You” in a big way. Ifyou have any questions about how to fill outthe form please feel free to contact me andwe will try to help you out.Ride Safe and Enjoy Life.Frank & Melinda BrothersRider Educators/Medic First AidFrank & Melinda BrothersRider Educators/Medic First AidHORIZON’S CLASS A BIG HIT!July’s fireworks continued in Dallas,Georgia when 2 days of fun produced 12graduates of the GWRRA Horizon’s Program. The object of the Horizon’s programis to help officers, prospective officers andparticipants develop their skills in leadinggroups or teams. We’re proud to say that all12 of the participants left with a better senseof how to manage personalities, properlycommunicate with their team and hopefullygrow their chapters.The following topics were taught: Teambuilding Concepts, Expectations, Meetingsand Gatherings, Communications, and theOfficer Couple. Several participants tookthis opportunity to use the time as refreshercourse.A special thank you to all the peopleinvolved in teaching the Horizons Program.We’re proud of the fact that members of theGeorgia District staff successfully complet-ed the requirements to become Trainers inthe past year and are qualified to teach themodules/lessons in the Horizons program.With this in mind, Jim was able to pull fromhis qualified team of trainers to participate.Trainers were Ken and Traci Thrasher,Vance and Fern Oakes, Jim Elrod and Region Trainers Roy and Anita Fosnight.Jim and Dee AllenDistrict Leadership TrainersBushtec Trailer Announced asGrand Prize for Wing Fling 2016It has been announced that the Georgia District Teamwill be giving away a Bushtec GL Trailer (MSRP 3799,available in white or black) at the 2016 Wing Fling.Chapters get ready to get your tickets for the trailer soon.Money will be awarded to the chapter that sells most.Jim & Dee AllenLeadership TrainersAmong our sickGlenn Argo—GA-SDon Jenkins– GA-ASteve and Shirley Kremer - ALIN MEMORYChapter D-2–Wes NorrisChapter Q– Pat DenningGWRRA Motto—“Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge” - Page 3

APPOINTMENT ANNOUNCEDCongratulationsto Our Couplesof the year!Ray & Sandi Garris are very happy to announce the appointment of Barb& John Pons as National Directors of Membership Enhancement effectiveJuly 2nd, 2015. If those names sound familiar, they are our 2014-15 International Couple of the Year.As your newly appointed National Directors of the Membership Enhancement Program, their commitment is to inject FUN into everything that theydo.John and Barb can be reached at & Sandi GarrisGWRRA International DirectorsInternational —Jon & Barb PonsRegion A—Dewey & Alice ColeGA-A—Gary & Juanita RackleyGA-B—Paul Loeser &Geraldine DuenasGA-B2—Dick & Gail CrossGA-D—Joel & Jenny ReasonsGA-F2—Randy & Georgia MooreGA-I2—Paul & Jane MoriczGA-J—Dave & Judy HurdGA-L—Murry & Dawn CailGA-O–Barry & Barbara OwensGA-S—Craig & Pat WhitehouseGA-T—Tommy & Vicky MartinMAKE YOUR PLANS NOW!WIND DOWN - Nov. 14, 2015Opening at 10:00AMPerry Parks and Recreation BuildingJames E. Worrall Community Center1060 Keith Drive , Perry, Georgia 31069Chilly Willy - Jan. 16, 2016Regstration 10:00AM Meal at 11:00AMOfficers Conference 1PM4TH OF JULYBuckner’s Family Restaurant1168 Bucksnort Rd, Jackson, GA 30233AUGUST GA-B,D56GA-T781213GA-K,M1415 GA-A, C2,Georgia Traveler’s Plaque:Chapter GA-A captured theGeorgia Traveler’s Plaquefrom GA-T! It will be givenaway on August 8th at Southern Cooking, 715 IndustrialBlvd., McDonough, GA.Sign in 12:00PM - 1:00PM.Plaque awarded at 1:15.The Georgia HotPotato—Was last seen withat Georgia H in Leesburg.Look out for the Hot Potato!You could be the next in line!I2, JUPCOMING EVENTSWing DingWings OSeptember 3rd – 6th, 20151617 GA-O181920 GA-D22122 GA-B2, E2 Chapter A Treerific Fun DaySeptember 12th, 2015Chapter Q’s Dessert AuctionOctober 3rd , 2015Mississippi Rally2324252627 GA-H, L, R 2829October 15th-17th, 20153031Region A RallyOctober 29th - 31th, 2015Wind DownChapters frequently have had changes in meeting locations and time. The District website ( also posts November 14th, 2015times and locations of Chapter Gatherings. As always, call before you visit to confirm date, time and location.Page 4 - GWRRA Motto—“Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge”

workers for GWRRA, the Region and in particular the South Carolina District where they have served in various District and Chapter positions. Of course they served Region 'A' as our Couple of the Year 2014 and represented the Region in the 2014 International Couple of the Year Selection. They are

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We have steadily grown with GWRRA, becoming Chapter Educators, Region B CPR/FA Coordinators/ Trainers, Maryland District Educators, Region B Assis-tant Educators and now, Region B Educators. I have also attained the level of Master Instructor for GWRRA Riding Courses, Senior Educator, seminar presenter and LTD Instructor. As you can see, our .

GWRRA NORTHEAST REGION (B) Pennsylvania District Somerset, PA. Monthly Gatherings Second Friday of each month. Eat at 6:00 Gathering at 7:00 Kings Restaurant 1180 North Center Ave. Somerset Pa. 15501 GWRRA LEADERSHIP President Anita ALkire REGION “” DIRETOR Tom & Renee Wasluck Rick & Andi Riek Pa. Assistant Director

GWRRA Homepage Region B Website NY District Website NY District Calendar Officer's Guidebook NY Chapters Chapter Directors C Nick Habel C Website D Bill & Julie Spencer D Website F Ron & Pat Schroth G Jerry Deyoe G Website H Rick & Connie Parson H Website K Larry Showman K Website for your member ID in the newsletter for a chance to win a Region B Directors Tom & Renee Wasluck 570-474-1014 District Director David & Bonnie Bolster 603-624-0268 NH-A Website DIRECTOR’S NOTE NH District Website

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