9th Grade English
Follow The Steps Below!1. You will say/repeat the term verbally (with loud voices)as a class after the teacher has introduced the term.2. You will clap-out the term as a class following theteachers count down (1-2-3)3. You will read aloud (out loud) the definition as a class.4. When you catch the first “Vocab Ball” you will read the“Sample Sentence/Picture” section on the chart.5. When you catch the second “Vocab Ball” you will readthe last section titled “Other Forms or Examples” on thechart.6. Make sure you have written everything that is on eachslide onto your “Vocabulary Word Map.”7. Then we will go onto the next word.
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech Sample Sentence /(noun, verb, adjective, Pictureadverb)The narrativehad anorganizedplot, with aNARRATIVE distinctbeginning,middle, andend.Definition in YourOwn Words (orsynonymOther Forms or Examples(or non-examples)A storyNarrativepoem – apoem thattells a story(TheOdyssey)
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech Sample Sentence /(noun, verb,Pictureadjective, adverb)Definition in YourOwn Words (orsynonymOther Forms orExamples (or nonexamples)“Sing to me of theman, Muse, theAn Address to twists and turnsHomer offers ana god, usually driven time andinvocation tofor help. Anagain off course,the museonce he hadINVOCATIONepic usuallyCalliope tobegins with an plundered therequest help ininvocation to hollowed heightstelling the tale.of Troy” (Thethe muse.Odyssey)
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech(noun, verb, adjective,adverb)EPITHETSample Sentence / PictureDefinition in Your OwnWords (or synonymA word orphrase usedrepeatedly toCreate an epithetcharacterizefor yourself:or describesomeone orsomething.Other Forms or Examples (ornon-examples)Catherine theGreat Ivan theTerribleMuse, daughterof Zeus
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech(noun, verb, adjective,adverb)Sample Sentence / PictureDefinition in Your OwnWords (or synonymOther Forms or Examples (ornon-examples)Originally,Before the The works offollowing OralmassesHomer: TheTradition, thebecameOdyssey andstory of Theliterate,The Iliad.ORALOdyssey was stories wereTRADITIONsung bypassed on bystorytellers storytellers,like homeroften insong.
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech(noun, verb, adjective,adverb)EPICPOETRYSample Sentence / PictureDefinition in Your OwnWords (or synonymOther Forms or Examples (ornon-examples)The Odysseyis an epic thattells the storyof Odysseusas he returnshome fromthe TrojanWar.A longnarrativepoem aboutthe deeds ofa hero.The DivineComedy –DonteParadise Lost –MiltonBeowulf Unknown
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech(noun, verb, adjective,adverb)EPIC HEROSample Sentence / PictureDefinition in Your OwnWords (or synonymOther Forms or Examples (ornon-examples)An epic herois tasked withcompleting aquest filledwith danger.The centralcharacter, orhero, of anepic. He hasqualitiesthat aresuperior tomost, yet heis veryhuman.Frodo,LukeSkywalkerHarry PotterDorothy (Oz)
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech(noun, verb, adjective,adverb)AreteSample Sentence /PictureDefinition in Your OwnWords (or synonymOther Forms or Examples(or non-examples)“Arete” isCourage andLike:mainly used strength inExcellenceto describethe face ofPowerheroes andadversity. “Be all you cannobles,be”because oftheir strengthand courage.
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech(noun, verb, adjective,adverb)ALLUSIONSample Sentence / PictureDefinition in Your OwnWords (or synonymOther Forms or Examples (ornon-examples)A reference The HondaHondaOdyssey – to anotherOdyssey.person,perfect forJonas is anplace, oryour long thing. This allusion tojourney.Jonah fromcan bethe bible.literary,historic,musical, etc.
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech Sample Sentence /(noun, verb, adjective, Pictureadverb)ARCHETYPEDefinition in YourOwn Words (orsynonymOdysseus is an The model ofexample ofa person from“the hero”which laterarchetype.examples aredeveloped.Other Forms or Examples(or non-examples)The hero- HarryPotterThe wise manDumbledoreThe Enemy –VoldemortSnake Shifter –SnakeTrickster – Ron
The Odyssey: Vocabulary Word MapWord/Part of Speech(noun, verb, adjective,adverb)EPIC /HOMERICSIMILESample Sentence /PictureDefinition in Your Own Other Forms or ExamplesWords (or synonym(or non-examples)Homer’s use of A lengthy andsimiles allowedelaboratethe listeners to comparison ofbetter pictureone thing tothe action.another.“her mind intorment,wheeling likesome lion at bay,dreading thegangs of huntersclosing theircunning ringaround him forthe finish.
Examples (or non-examples) INVOCATION Homer offers an invocation to the muse Calliope to request help in telling the tale. An Address to a god, usually for help. An epic usually begins with an invocation to the muse. “Sing to me of the man, Muse, the twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hollowed heights
Teacher of Grade 7 Maths What do you know about a student in your class? . Grade 7 Maths. University Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 Primary. University Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 . Learning Skill
Grade 4 NJSLA-ELA were used to create the Grade 5 ELA Start Strong Assessment. Table 1 illustrates these alignments. Table 1: Grade and Content Alignment . Content Area Grade/Course in School Year 2021 – 2022 Content of the Assessment ELA Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
Grade C Grade A Level C1 Cambridge English Scale *IELTS is mapped to, but will not be reported on the Cambridge English Scale C2 C1 B1 A2 A1 Below A1 Independent user Pr oficient user Basic user Grade A Grade B Grade C Level B2 Grade B Grade C Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade A Level B1 Level A2 B1 Preliminary B2 First C1 Advanced Grade A Grade B .
Math Course Progression 7th Grade Math 6th Grade Math 5th Grade Math 8th Grade Math Algebra I ELEMENTARY 6th Grade Year 7th Grade Year 8th Grade Year Algebra I 9 th Grade Year Honors 7th Grade Adv. Math 6th Grade Adv. Math 5th Grade Math 6th Grade Year 7th Grade Year 8th Grade Year th Grade Year ELEMENTARY Geome
7 Grade 1 13 Grade 2 18 Grade 3 23 Grade 4 28 Grade 5 33 Grade 6 38 Elementary Spanish. 29 Secondary. 39 Grade 7 43 Grade 8 46 Grade 9 49 Grade 10 53 Grade 11 57 Grade 12 62 Electives. Contents. Textbook used with Online Textbook used with DVD. Teacher Edition & Student Books. Color Key
ICCSD SS Reading 2014 ICCSD SS Reading 2015 Natl SS Reading. ICCSD Academic Achievement Report April 2016 6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th . 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade e Grade ICCSD and Natio
skip grade 4 math and take grade 5 math while still in grade 4 Student A, now in grade 4, qualifies for SSA and enrolls in the accelerated course, which is grade 5 math Student A, after completing grade 5 math while in grade 4, takes the grade 4 End‐of‐Grade test Grade‐Level Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 4
Grade 1 Filipino Grade 2 English Grade 3 Mathematics Grade 4 Science Grade 5 Computer Grade 6 EPP/ TLE Grade 7 Araling Panlipunan (AP) Grade 8 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) Grade 9 HISTORY/ HEKASI Grade 10 MAPEH Grade 11 Computer Hardware Servicing Grade 12 Con