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CelebratingLocal ContentFollowing the huge success of StoryWorld in 2016, we haveexpanded our horizons with StoryWorld 2. Celebrating localstories and culture, StoryWorld 2 offers new content fromNew Zealand, the Pacific, and around the world.StoryWorld 2StoryWorld 2 is all about expanding horizons. This seriesof 10 32-page collections offers longer, more complextraditional tales enriched with 8 pages of non-fictionsupport material. Featured countries/cultures includeNew Zealand, Tonga, Tibet, Iran, the Philippines, Ethiopia,Romania, Vietnam, the Punjab, and Armenia. Supported byFREE Inquiry Learning Teacher’s Notes. Levels 22–26. 10 titlesavailable as Small Books and Big Books. See page 24.ContentsEarly to Middle LiteracyThe Joy Cowley Club: Little Rabbit 2There Was an Old Woman. 4Middle and SeniorSchool Literacy andInquiry LearningThe Joy Cowley Club: Wishy-Washy 5StoryWorld 2 24The Joy Cowley Club: Junior 6Wise Up! Years 3–4 26The Joy Cowley Club: Big Bearand Little Bear 8Wise Up! Years 5–6 28The Joy Cowley Club: Miss Dolland Friends 10Signatures 32The Joy Cowley Club: Sets 1 and 2 12The NEW Joy Cowley Collection 14The NEW Joy Cowley Collection:Yellow and Green 16The Joy Cowley Collection 18The Joy Cowley Plays 21StoryWorld 22StoryWorldPresented in a flip-book format, StoryWorld 24-page collectionsinclude traditional tales and 8-pages of non‑fiction text, in arange of writing genres, to introduce the country and cultureof each story. Featured countries/cultures include New Zealand,Samoa, China, Canada, Arctic/Inuit, Peru, Sri Lanka, Korea,Afghanistan, and East Africa. Supported by FREE InquiryLearning Teacher’s Notes. Levels 16–23. 10 titles available asSmall Books and Big Books. See page 22.Wise Up! Years 6 and Up 30ODD Books for Cool Kids! 38Active Lives: Biographies on Stage 40Library Resources/Picture BooksReading Alive 44Joy Cowley Classics 46Maths ResourcesOrigo Big Books 47The Think Tank 50Zupelz 52Fundamentals 53Mathematics for Young Minds 54There Was an Old Woman.Enjoy a creative New Zealand retelling of atraditional tale. This story features humorousillustrations, New Zealand native animals, andis supported by non-fiction information forextension. Level 15–16. Available as a Small Bookand a Big Book. See page 4.The Book of Facts 55Dominoes 55Maths Support Resources 56New Product for 2017

AGES 5–6The Joy Cowley Club:Little RabbitTitles in the SeriesLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedThe birds were flyingin the sky.The Joy Cowley Club:Little Rabbit is a charming newEarly Literacy series from JoyCowley – New Zealand’s bestloved children’s author. Join withLittle Rabbit and his family andfriends to bring quality literatureto our youngest readers.Little Rabb it said,“This is a good flying day.Let us try to fly.”With five titles at each of Levels 3,4, and 5, the Little Rabbit books willdelight readers, teachers, andparents with picture-book qualityillustrations and real stories with abeginning, middle, and end.32Level 3, RedLevel 4, RedLevel 4, RedThree titles are also available asBig Books:Level 4, RedCh icki e and Squ irrelloo ked at the cupcake.6 Little Rabbit’s Laugh, Level 3The y ran bac kto see Do cto r Duck. Smile, Level 47“Wh at will you do?”they said to Little Rabb it.Level 4, RedLevel 4, RedLevel 5, Red Who Is the Biggest?, Level 5“Will you jump?Will you run? ”Level 5, RedAudio CD76Level 5, Red2Also available as Big BooksLevel 5, RedLevel 5, Red3

AGES 5–6AGES 0–8There Wasan Old Woman.The Joy Cowley Club:Wishy-WashyTitles in the SeriesThis New Zealand retelling of a traditionaltale is packed with rhyme, rhythm, andrepetition. Featuring New Zealand nativeanimals, There Was an Old Woman comes in a Big Book for Shared Readingand a Small Book for Guided Reading(Level 15–16). With additional non-fictioninformation for extension (Level 19–20,)photographs with both Te Reo and Englishlabels, and Teacher’s Notes, this book maynot excite your tastebuds, but it will warmyour heart!Level 2, PinkLevel 2, PinkLevel3, 3RedLevelLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 3, RedLevel 4, RedLevel 4, Red“You think the old womanswallowed a fly? Kao! This is ourkuia, and what a puku nui she has!This wonderful book will make youkorikori with laughter. ”– Joy CowleyAudio CDLevel 4, Red4Also available as Big BooksLevel 4, RedLevel 4, Red5

AGES 5–6The Joy Cowley Club:JuniorTitles in the SeriesLevel 3, RedLevel 4, RedLevel 4, RedThe Joy Cowley Club: JuniorCarefully designed to build children’sliteracy skills, The Joy Cowley Club:Junior provides readers withdifferent subjects and illustrationstyles while they are in the earlystages of literacy. These entertainingbooks contain what Joy calls “storymagic”. Every book is a real storywith a beginning, middle, and end.Level 5, RedAges 5–6, Literacy Levels 3–9,16 pages each, Teacher’s Notesare on the inside back cover ofeach book.Level 5, RedLevel 6, YellowLevel 6, YellowLevel 7, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 9, Dark BlueAudio CDLevel 9, Dark Blue6Level 9, Dark BlueAlso available as Big BooksLevel 9, Dark Blue7

AGES 5–6The Joy Cowley Club:Big Bear and Little BearTitles in the SeriesLevel 7, YellowLevel 7, YellowLevel 7, YellowThe Joy Cowley Club:Big Bear and Little BearEnjoy the charming exploits of BigBear and Little Bear as they learnabout the world around them,and help your young readersexpand their world, too. Worldrenowned children’s author JoyCowley has used her many yearsof experience to create texts thatboth empower and delight thereader, with beautiful picturebook quality illustrations.Level 7, YellowAges 5–6, Literacy Levels 7–9,8 pages each, Teacher’s Notesare on the inside back cover ofeach book.Level 7, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 9, Dark BlueAudio CDLevel 9, Dark Blue8Level 9, Dark BlueAlso available as Big BooksLevel 9, Dark Blue9

AGES 5–7The Joy Cowley Club:Miss Doll and FriendsTitles in the SeriesThe Joy Cowley Club:Miss Doll and FriendsJoin Miss Doll and her friends inan exciting early literacy seriesfrom Joy Cowley.Level 6, YellowLevel 6, YellowLevel 6, YellowLevel 6, YellowJust like people, Miss Doll andher friends all have differentpersonalities, so we invite youto meet the main players: M iss Doll – a kindly, but bossyrag doll Panda – a soft, rather gentleyoung pandaLevel 6, YellowLevel 6, YellowLevel 6, YellowLevel 7, Yellow Pelican – a green and purplepelican that sometimeschallenges Miss Doll Fire Engine – a wooden toythat delights in being helpfulChildren will love to read abouttheir playroom antics!Level 7, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowLevel 8, YellowAudio CDLevel 9, Dark Blue10Level 9, Dark BlueAlso available as Big BooksAges 5–7, Literacy Levels 6–12,8 pages each, Teacher’s Notesare on the inside back cover ofeach book.Level 12, Green11

AGES 5–7The JoyCowley ClubAudioAudio CDThe Joy Cowley Club features trios of stories about new characters fromJoy Cowley. The Set 1 trios include:The Joy Cowley Club, Set 2 trios include: Anna and her “wild” lamb, Barbie A family of friendly ogres called the Gruesomes A big brother and wise little sister who visit a fun fair Oscar – the little brother who tries to keep up with his siblings The classroom equipment that comes to life after school The classroom equipment that comes to life, part 2 Advice for pets on how to live and behave with humans The exciting escapades of Mr Tang and his special taxi The adventures of Miniboy and his pet “horse”, Mousie The lives of a group of teddy bears in a toy museumTitles in Set 112CDTitles in Set 2(Available as Small Books and Big Books)Level 10, Dark BlueLevel 14, GreenLevel 7, YellowLevel 12, GreenLevel 7, YellowLevel 12, GreenLevel 12, GreenLevel 10, Dark BlueLevel 11, Dark BlueLevel 10, Dark BlueLevel 12, GreenLevel 16, OrangeLevel 12, GreenLevel 13, GreenLevel 8, YellowLevel 13, GreenLevel 12, GreenLevel 12, GreenLevel 12, GreenLevel 11, Dark BlueLevel 13, GreenLevel 17, TurquoiseLevel 14, GreenLevel 14, GreenLevel 9, Dark BlueLevel 13, GreenLevel 12, GreenLevel 13, GreenLevel 14, GreenLevel 12, GreenAlso available as Big Books13

AGES 5–7The NEW Joy CowleyCollectionCritically acclaimed children’s author Joy Cowley has written30 delightful early literacy stories for Clean Slate Press, basedaround some of her most well-known and much-loved characters.After repeated requests from students and teachers around theworld, Joy has written new books on the further adventures ofMrs Wishy-Washy; The Hungry Giant; Smarty Pants; Dan, the FlyingMan; The Meanies; Huggles; Hairy Bear; Mr Whisper; and SloppyTiger. All titles in The New Joy Cowley Collection are available asboth Small Books and Big Books. Audio support is also available.Key Features Engaging stories and illustrations created by New Zealand’sbest for New Zealand children Positioned between Levels 8–20 Teacher’s Notes are included on the inside backcovers of both the Small Books and Big Books.These notes were written by New Zealand RT: Lits and arealigned to the Literacy Learning Progressions, which are thebasis of the National Literacy Standards. Audio support of all 30 stories (on two CDs), read byNZ actor and voice artist Miranda Harcourt, is availableeither as Audio CDs or in MP3 format14SONGS!15 Joy Cowleysong -stories, withmusiccomposed a nd performed byNZ tea chers a nd musicia ns.Musical support forThe JoyCowley Collection –Green.15

AGES 5–7The NEW JCCYellowThe NEW JCCGreenTitles in the Series (Available as Small Books and Big Books)16Titles in the Series (Available as Small Books and Big Books)Level 8Level 10Level 9LevelLevel11 11Level 15Level 15/16Level 17/18Level 16Level 13/14Level 9Level 12LevelLevel12 12Level 16Level 16Level 16/17Level 17Level 15Level 15Level 10LevelLevel10 10Level 16Level 20Level 18Level 18Level 17Level 15/16Level 16Level 12Level 14Level 14Audio CDAudio CD17

Back by popular demand, New Zealanders’ favouriteStory Box books have been re-released as The Joy CowleyCollection. Reunite with Mrs Wishy-Washy, The Hungry Giant,and other popular characters created by New Zealand’sown world-famous author Joy Cowley. The Joy CowleyCollection features 35 titles, available as both Small Booksand Big Books.The Joy Cowley CollectionTitles in the SeriesSet 1AGES 5–7The Joy CowleyCollection An excellent foundation forearly readers aged 5–7 Quality fiction titles from respectedchildren’s author Joy Cowley; studentswill love the engaging characters andrhythm featured in each story Easy to incorporate into any currentreading programme providing Shared,Guided, and Independent Readingopportunities for the whole class Teacher’s Notes are included on theinside back cover of each book18Level 7Level 7Level 8Level 8Level 8Level 9Level 12Level 13Level 14Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 3Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 5Level 6Level 7Level 7Level 10Level 12Level 13Level 13Set 2Key FeaturesLevel 619

AGES 6–9The Joy Cowley CollectionSet 3Titles in the SeriesLevel 2Level 7Level 9Level 10Level 12The Joy CowleyPlaysPlays are an interactive, inclusive, and enjoyable wayfor students to develop their reading fluency. Thisexciting series provides 10 plays by the renowned andmuch-loved children’s author Joy Cowley. The JoyCowley Plays are a unique collection of SharedReading texts for ages 6–9, and will be a resourceyou and your students will use over and over again.Titles in the SeriesKey FeaturesLevel 15Level 15Level 18Level 18From Joy Cowley“Children need to find affirmationin a story. The story shouldempower children in several ways:helping them to see themselves assuccessful readers; helping them tofeel good about their ability to makecognitive connections and to solve problems;helping them to see their own worthiness inthe characters.”20Level 19 Delightful texts by Joy Cowley and illustrated bytalented New Zealand and Australian illustrators Designed for multi-levelled groups to ensuredynamic group sessions Addresses the Drama Component in The ArtsCurriculum Assists in developing comprehension andinterpretation skills Ideal for whole class and small grouppresentations Sold as 6-packs Free downloadable Teacher’s Notes available atwww.cleanslatepress.com21

AGES 6–8 StoryWorldNZLiteracy Levels 16–23AuthorsStoryWorld is a new literacy/social studiesresource for Years 2 and 3. In our increasinglyglobal environment, it is important for students tohave a strong sense of their place in the world.StoryWorld provides NZ students and teacherswith a collection of traditional tales and additionalmaterial centred around countries and cultures.Set 1 of StoryWorld includes traditional talesimportant to our local culture, such as Ma–ori andSamoan collections. It also includes stories fromChina, Korea, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, East Africa,Canada, the Arctic, and Peru.Presented in a flip-book format, titles inStoryWorld Set 1 include: A 16-page traditional tale with full colour,modern illustrations An 8-page information section exploring thecountry/culture of origin in a range of formats:non-fiction reports, photo essays, poems,journals, procedural texts, and interviews A separate literacy level is given for the 16-pagetale and the 8-page information section. Thetale is at a lower level to allow for ease ofreading. The information section is at a higherlevel to allow for extension. All StoryWorld Collections are available as bothBig Books and Small Books Each book is supported byFREE Inquiry LearningTeacher’s Notes on theClean Slate Press websiteDownload– www.cleanslatepress.comA Visit with Moon and Sun/Inuit Life (Level 18/21)Inuit/ArcticCarlos and Diego/Guinea Pigs Galore (Level 18/21)PeruThe Hidden Treasure/Treasures of Sri Lanka (Level 16/22)Sri LankaNanabozho and the Maple Trees/Maple Madness (Level 18/22)CanadaThe Girl and the Waterfall/Explore China (Level 18/22)ChinaHungry Tiger and Clever Rabbit/Tiger Talk (Level 20/22)KoreaThe King and the Cobbler/All About Afghanistan (Level 20/22)AfghanistanThe Strongest Mouse/From Small to Big (Level 16/23)East AfricaSina and the Eel/Fa’a Samoa (Level 18/22)SamoaRata and the Waka/Aotearoa (Level 20/22)New ZealandFlip to see theinformation sectionTea cher’s NotesFREE2223

FORAGES 6–8 TNEW PRODUC2017StoryWorld 2NZLiteracy Levels 22–26StoryWorld 2 opens up a world of story andinformation. Carefully selected folk tales areaccompanied in a flip-book format with non-fictiontext about the country and culture they comefrom. StoryWorld 2 is not only a literacy and socialstudies resource, it also promotes empathy,understanding, compassion, and critical thinking.StoryWorld 2 includes traditional tales important toour local culture, such as Ma–ori and Tongancollections. It also includes stories from Iran,Philippines, Romania, Punjab – India/Pakistan,Armenia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and Tibet. Presented ina flip-book format, titles in StoryWorld 2 include: A 24-page traditional tale with full colour,modern illustrations An 8-page information section exploring thecountry/culture of origin in a range of formats:non-fiction reports, photo essays, tourist salesinformation, journals, procedural texts, andshort facts. A separate literacy level is given forthe 24-page tale and the 8-pageinformation section. All StoryWorld Collections are availableas both Big Books and Small Books Each book is supported by FREE InquiryLearning Teacher’s Notes on theClean Slate Press website– www.cleanslatepress.comAuthorsWali Dad and the Gold Bracelet/The Land of Five Rivers(Level 22/24) Punjab (India/Pakistan)Marcela and the King’s Tricks/Island Hopping (Level 23/24)PhilippinesMizilca/The Real Romania (Level 24/24)RomaniaThe Fortune Teller and the Forty Thieves/Incredible Iran(Level 25/24) IranMiobe’s Fear/Exciting Ethiopia (Level 22/25)EthiopiaDawa the Wise Woman/The Roof of the World (Level 22/26)TibetRaven and the Star Fruit Tree/Voyage to Vietnam (Level 22/26)VietnamWise Anait and the Woven Words/Carpets, Colour, and Culture(Level 22/26) ArmeniaThe Sun Child/Tonga the Friendly Islands (Level 25/24)TongaRangi and Papa/Matariki (Level 24/25)New ZealandFlip to see theinformation sectionDownloadTea cher’s NotesFREE2425

AGES 7–9 Wise Up!NZAuthorsYears 3–4Literacy Levels 21–25, Maths Levels 2 Captivate your Years 3 and 4 students with Wise Up!Small Books and Big Books from Clean Slate Press!Wise Up! takes an Inquiry Learning approach to teaching NZ curriculum literacy and mathscontent in recognizable real-world contexts. Set 1 (Years 3 and 4) contains three 16-page non‑fiction titles and seven 16-page fictiontitles with full-colour, high-impact design. Maths focus questions, called Wise Up!, are sprinkled throughout each book and providethe opportunity to practise the maths content.DownloadTea cher’s NotesFREE Page 16 contains a glossary, answers to the Wise Up! questions, and a follow-on challengeactivity. Inquiry Learning Teacher’s Notes outlining both Literacy and Numeracy AchievementObjectives and lesson plans for each title are available FREE on the Clean Slate Presswebsite – www.cleanslatepress.com.Titles in the Series (Available as Small Books and Big Books)26Level 22, Maths 2 StatisticsLevel 23, Maths 2–3Number & AlgebraLevel 23, Maths 2 Geometry &MeasurementLevel 22, Maths 2 Geometry &MeasurementLevel 21, Maths 2 Number & AlgebraLevel 25, Maths 2–3Geometry &MeasurementLevel 24, Maths 2 StatisticsLevel 22, Maths 2 Geometry &MeasurementLevel 22, Maths 2 Number & AlgebraLevel 22, Maths 2 Number & Algebra27

AGES 9–11 Wise Up!NZAuthorsYears 5–6Literacy Levels 23–26, Maths Levels 2–3We’ve been hearing NZ teachers say they want Big Books forYears 5 and 6, so that’s what we’ve made!Wise Up! takes an Inquiry Learning approach to teaching NZ curriculum literacy and mathscontent in recognizable real-world contexts, with NZ content. Small Books and Big Books available! Set 2 contains a range of non-fiction and fiction titles, including financial literacy and enterprise(Money Matters, Think Outside the Box, Bidding Battles, Costume Party Cost and Confusion),sports (X-Treme Sports, Number Patterns), environment (Forests and Trees, Weather Watch), andscience (Wild and Weird Record Breakers, Weather Watch, Symmetry Rules, Forests and Trees).DownloadotesTea cher’s NFREE Maths focus questions, called Wise Up!, are sprinkled throughout each book and provide theopportunity to practise the maths content. Page 24 contains a glossary, answers to the Wise Up!questions, and a follow-on challenge activity. Inquiry Learning Teacher’s Notes are available FREE – www.cleanslatepress.com. Wise Up! Set 2 was named as a finalist in the 2013 CLNZ awards for Best Primary Resource.Titles in the Series (Available as Small Books and Big Books)28Level 25, Maths 3Number & AlgebraLevel 23, Maths 3Number & AlgebraLevel 25, Maths 3StatisticsLevel 26, Maths 2–3Number & AlgebraLevel 26, Maths 3Number & AlgebraLevel 24, Maths 3Geometry &MeasurementLevel 23, Maths 3Number & AlgebraLevel 23, Maths 2–3StatisticsLevel 25, Maths 2–3Geometry &MeasurementLevel 26, Maths 3Geometry &Measurement29

AGES 10–13 Wise Up!NZAuthorsYears 6 and UpLiteracy Levels 23–30 , Maths Levels 3–4Finally, content-packed Big Books for Years 6, 7, and 8!Wise Up! takes an Inquiry Learning approach to teaching NZ curriculum literacy and maths contentin real-world contexts, with NZ content. Wise Up! is perfect for promoting scientific, technological, andmathematical literacy. Set 2 was a finalist in the 2013 CLNZ awards for Best Primary Resource, andSet 3 was a finalist in 2014!DownloadotesTea cher’s NFREE All titles available as both Small Books and Big Books. A range of topics are covered, includingsports and recreation (The Biggest Fish – this lower level title provides content for strugglingstudents), science and environment (Monster Crop Circles and Other Mysteries, Nature’s Numbersand Patterns, Tracking Predators and Prey, Space Maths, Wild Waters: Facts and Stats), and socialstudies/technology/transport (Bridging the Gap; Pyramids, Temples, and Tombs; Tracking Trains). Maths focus questions, called Wise Up!, are sprinkled throughout each book and provide theopportunity to practise the maths content. Page 24 contains a glossary, answers to the Wise Up!questions, and a follow-on challenge activity. Inquiry Learning Teacher’s Notes are available FREE – www.cleanslatepress.com.Titles in the Series (Available as Small Books and Big Books)30Level 23, Maths 3Geometry &MeasurementLevel 28, Maths 3–4Geometry &MeasurementLevel 29, Maths 4Geometry &MeasurementLevel 27, Maths 3–4Geometry &MeasurementLevel 30 , Yr 7, Maths 4Geometry &MeasurementLevel 30 , Yr 7, Maths 4Geometry &MeasurementLevel 30 , Yr 8, Maths 4Geometry &MeasurementLevel 30, Maths 3–4StatisticsLevel 27, Maths 3–4Geometry &MeasurementLevel 27, Maths 3Number & Algebra31

AGES 8–12SignaturesSignatures is an exciting series of 60 chapterbooks for Years 4–8. Joy Cowley has written15 of the Signatures child-centred chapter booksand selected and edited 45 more books fromNew Zealand and Australian authors.What sets Signaturesapart from other chapterbooks? Signatures is divided into “mini-series” of3–5 titles following the same quirky characters.Students are hooked into the first book andare provided with motivation to continuereading to follow the adventures of theirfavourite characters.Teacher’s Notes discscontaining lesson plansfor every book in Set 1and Set 2. Signatures is child-centred, with strongplots, distinctive characters, and highlybelievable child protagonists. The writingstyle is contemporary and highlyappealing to students. Signatures covers a range of genres,including fantasy, action adventure,mystery, and realistic fiction.3233

Signatures, Set 1Titles in the SeriesNZ AuthorTHE BIG HAIRY AUTHORDAN’S DAYSAuthor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Adrian FlavellSeries Editor: Joy CowleyRoss Beansack, the big hairy author, writes storiesfor children about saving the whales, therainforests, and The Entire Planet. But he discoversthat children also want to read about weird andwonderful things some very weird things indeed!Share Dan’s experiences at school withnew kids, cool kids, good friends, and not-so-goodfriends. Meet his parents, dog, soccer-playingGranny, and the older sister who teaches Danabout the Drama of Life.Reading Age 9–10 yearsReading Age 8–9 yearsTHE GRIBBLESTHE MCCORKLESAuthor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Jaz GhentSeries Editor: Joy CowleyFred, Asia, and Silas Gribble are very ingeniousinventors. But with their parents away overseas,they’ll need all their ingenuity to stay out oftrouble with a little help from Mrs Munch thecook, Creep the python, and Birdie the parrot.Reading Age 8–9 yearsReading Age 10–11 yearsTALES FROM A SMALL TOWNMAX STONE ANDRUBY JONESAuthor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Frances AdlamSeries Editor: Joy CowleyJoin a heartwarming array of characters froma small town as they share special moments anddiscover that extraordinary things happen evenin the most ordinary places.Reading Age 8–9 yearsThe McCorkles are a very odd family. Nineyear-old Hamish can talk to birds, his sisterEugenie makes everyday objects walk and talk,and his grandmother is half dragon. Thenthere’s the black sheep of the family, evilUncle Weevil Reading Age 10–11 yearsMADAM SPRY, THE VERY SLY SPYMax Stone hated school. It was boring witha capital B. He was always in trouble with acapital T. But everything changes when Maxand Ruby win a place on THE BRAIN, thenewest and coolest TV survivor show.MIKE COOL-AS-YOU-LIKEAuthor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Justin BrownSeries Editor: Joy CowleyViolet Spry, the very sly spy, has a red leatherspy-suit with thirteen pockets, fly-foot bootsfor walking down walls, and a faithful houndnamed Hugo. Can you solve the latestmystery before Madam Spry?Grandfather thinks Mike is the cat’s pyjamas, so he sends MikeCool-as-You-Like on some very cool adventures. Join Mike as heruns a pet shop, travels around the world,and even journeys into space!Reading Age 9–10 yearsSIR BRIAN FLOCKARTAuthor: Joy CowleySir Brian Flockart is a gentle knight who hatesfighting, horse-riding, and sharp implements. Howwill his friend Meg the dairymaid and their dragon,Grund, help Sir Brian stay out of trouble?Reading Age 9–10 years34Reading Age 10–11 yearsDetailed GuidedReading lesson plansand Blackline Mastersare provided for everytitle in Set 1.35

Detailed Guided Readinglesson plans andBlackline Masters areprovided for everytitle in Set 2.Signatures, Set 2Titles in the SeriesNZ AuthorThe 30 chapter books in Signatures, Set 2 have all been selected andedited by Joy Cowley. Joy has acted as an editor and mentor to thesevibrant New Zealand and Australian authors, who were chosen becausetheir writing style is fresh and reader-focused.JENNA AND GRANAuthor: Eleanor HughesSeries Editor: Joy CowleyKey Features Signatures, Set 2 is published as mini-series of three titles following the same charactersor theme. Students are hooked into the first book and want to keep reading.Reading Age 9–10 yearsJenna loves going on holiday with her adventurous Gran, althoughsometimes it seems that it is Jenna who is doing all the lookingafter. Jenna discovers that parasailing, fishing, and skiing offerplenty of thrills and spills when they’re performed Gran-style!SECOND-HAND STEVIEAuthor: Frances AdlamSeries Editor: Joy Cowley Detailed Guided Reading lesson plans and Blackline Masters are provided on discfor Set 2. These plans were written by New Zealand RT: Lits and are aligned to theLiteracy Learning Progressions, which are the basis of the National Literacy Standards.Stevie Smart loves living above his parents’ second-hand store. Hisbest friends Millie and Eddie love it too – there is always somethingexciting to be found. Stevie and his friends learn that some of thebest things in life are recycled!Reading Age 9–10 yearsReading Age 8–9 yearsJAKE THE SWIMMERBEAT OF THE DRUMAuthor: Denis EdwardsSeries Editor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Clare ScottSeries Editor: Joy CowleyJake desperately wants to win his race in the school city championships,but the wall at the end of the swimming pool keeps turning into rubberand bending away from him. Jake needs more practice, but how is hegoing to get it now the local pool has been closed for repairs?Samantha, or Sam as she prefers to be known, loves to drum. She loves rockdrumming, drumming for a good cause, and pipe-band drumming. Dad wishesshe would take up a new hobby, but when Sam gets the chance to show offher skills at a very special rugby game, Dad changes his mind!JOSH AND NATHANGINNY GILESAuthor: Eleanor HughesSeries Editor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Marlo GarnsworthySeries Editor: Joy CowleyJosh and his younger brother, Nathan, are ordinary kids whowant to be famous. In their search for stardom, they form a band,try to create new world records, and save their mum from rodents!Budding poet Ginny Giles strives to be a pool of tranquillity, but she is challengedby smelly cheese, a fear of skiing, tricky poetry requests, and a strange itch.Will her best friend, Madison, prove to be a help or a hindrance?Reading Age 10–11 yearsReading Age 8–9 yearsReading Age 8–9 years36Reading Age 9–10 yearsReading Age 10–11 yearsTHE JONES MOBTHE WINGED LIONAuthor: Justin BrownSeries Editor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Sue CasonSeries Editor: Joy CowleyAndy Jones and his cousins, Lance and Vance, seem to invite trouble.But when Andy visits his favourite radio station, he discovers that thingsaren’t always as they seem. The Jones Mob learn that some buttons justshouldn’t be pushed!Life in Ancient Rome was full of mysteries, including the mystery of the wingedlion. Could Felix the beast catcher capture a winged lion for the Emperor?Would the lion help Zelli’s family escape before the Roman soldiers invaded?And who would finish the winged lion sculpture for the Queen’s garden?Reading Age 11–12 yearsWILLIAM’S WHEEL OF SPORTTHE AMAZONIA SISTERHOODAuthor: Justin BrownSeries Editor: Joy CowleyAuthor: Jaz GhentSeries Editor: Joy CowleyWilliam may not be great at running or catching, but he is someone youwould always want on your team. Luckily for William, his friends Sprint andGrace have enough sporting skills for all of them. Plus, William has somethingno one else has – a magic wheel he spins to see whether he can play sportinstead of doing school work!Buzzwick Street is home to the Amazonia Sisterhood Recycling Depot, Lila’sLatte Palace, and the Bud and Blossom Shoppe – not to mention an arrayof fantastical characters and a minature carnival tent with a mind of its own!Reading Age 11–12 years37

AGES 8–12ODD BooksODD Booksfor Cool Kids!ODD is a Classroom Library/IndependentReading series from Clean Slate Press thattakes a look at some of the world’s mosteccentric personalities and events.ODD features easy-to-read text, within a full colour,high-design, magazine-style format. Each of theeight ODD books contains high-interest, quirkysubject matter presented in a visually compellingformat, complete with engaging

Wishy-Washy Level 2, Pink Level 3, Red Level 3, Red Level 4, Red Level 2, Pink Level 3, Red Level 3, Red Level 4, Red Level 3, Red Level 4, Red Level 4, Red Titles in the Series Level 3, Red Level 3, Red Level 4, Red Level 3, Red Also available as Big Books There Was an Old Woman. You think the old woman swallowed a fly? Kao! This is our

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