Governor’s Message - Washington Mayflower

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THE NEWSLETTER OF THE SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN WASHINGTON STATEVOLUME 30 Issue 2 – Summer"Of Plymouth Plantation”William Bradford’sStolen ManuscriptBy Samuel Eliot MorisonGovernor’sMessageGovernor William BradfordWilliam Bradford (bap 19 Mar 1590-9 May 1657, age 67), theauthor of this History, was born at Austerfield, Yorkshire, in theearly spring of 1590. He was the third child and only son of WilliamBradford, a yeoman farmer of the parish, and Alice Hanson,daughter of the village shopkeeper. His father died when Williamwas only a year old, his mother married again, and his grandfatherand uncles then took him in hand to be trained as a farmer. At theage of twelve he became a constant reader of the Bible—the Genevaversion that he generally quotes—and when still a lad he was so(Continued on page 5)Inside This IssuePage123-46710- Governor William Bradford’s Stolen Manuscript- Membership changes.- Report on 104th Annual Meeting, April 2, 2017- Society 2-year Calendar of Events- In Memoriam, Suzanne Albright- Summer Picnic — Bellevue's Kelsey Creek Park- Fee for Life Membership RaisedMARK YOUR CALENDARS!!Sunday, July 16, 2017.SummerPicnicCome meet with your cousins. 11:30 am,Sunday July 16 at the covered picnic shelter Kelsey CreekFarm Park, Bellevue WA. Entrance and parking is FREE.Youth under 12 years age eat free. Meet and greet and havea photo opportunity with a colonial re-enactor.Kelsey Creek Park is centrally located near freewaysand offers covered picnic shelter, modern restrooms, pavedwalkways, farm animals for viewing and petting, toddlersplay area and wide open fields and walking trails.Spring is finallyhere! I love seeing andhearing the first robin,seeing the firstdaffodils, and thewarm sun shiningdown on us.It was so nice to see such a good turn-out for theAnnual Meeting. I would like to thank you all for electingme as your governor for the next two years. I feel we havea very strong board who will be working for you tohopefully better the Society. If you have any questionsplease send me an email and I will answer you as soon aspossible. governor@washingtonmayflower.orgOur Summer picnic is July 16, 2017 at Kelsey CreekPark in Bellevue, Washington. Details are in this SpringNewsletter. Hope to see you all there and enjoy the funpicnic we always have. There are tables but you might wantto bring your own lawn chairs, blankets, etc. Weathershould be nice but be prepared for anything. We have avery nice shelter to keep us dry if it does rain.September 8-10 is Triennial Congress in Plymouth,Mass. We as a society can have 11 delegates. This is wherewe elect the new Governor General and Officers. There aretours also you may attend. The list is in your TheMayflower Quarterly Magazine . It’s a fun time to walk thestreets our ancestors walked 397 years ago. I get goosebumps still when I walk where I know they did. So pleaseif you plan on attending, let us know so we can get thepaperwork done. You must register to attend.Looking forward to serving you and hope to see eachand every one of you at the meetings to come.Respectfully yours,Reservations are due Saturday, July 8. Details, seePage 10. Reservation form on Page 11. []Governor Judith Arnold []

WELCOME ABOARD!New MembersCongratulations on tracing your family’s history to a 1620passenger of the ship Mayflower, emigrants from England andHolland, Signers of America’s first self governance agreement (theMayflower Compact) and present at America’s first lsboVancouverSultanSpokaneSagle, IDNameCameron T. WhiteDiana M. ThompsonV. Beth BrownfieldLauri E. SchweyenMatthew C BinsfieldRonald G CushmanLoren T KohlerDonna P PhillipsWillam S SturgeonAncestor (gen#)WA#John Howland (12) 1751Richard Warren (12) 1752Wm Brewster (13) 1753John Alden (11)1754Edward Doty (12) 1755Stephen Hopkins(13) 1756Francis Cooke (12) 1757William Bradford(12 1758John Alden (11)1759Supplemental Applications ApprovedMember NameRobert ThompsonAncestor ( )George Soule (10)Isaac Allerton (11)Junior Members WelcomedJunior members annually receive a birthday card through their 18thbirthday. A great gift for newborns and juniors in-state or out-of-state.Send changes in mailing addresses for Juniors and request for Juniors’application forms to this email he Washington State Society is pleased to welcome thefollowing new Juniors. Their sponsors are William Sturgeon andShirley Stirling. Of passenger John Alden:Of passenger Richard Warren:Samantha SturgeonDarby KnappMoira DonnellyLiam DonnellyWashington SocietyBoard MembersGovernor Judy Arnold, Governor@WashingtonMayflower.orgDeputy Governor, Jocelyn ing Secretary, Marilynn esponding Secretary, Tim respondence, questions, address changes, phone changes.Treasurer, Margaret n, Jerri McCoy, Historian@WashingtonMayflower.orgAssistant Historian—Juniors, Bruce er.orgElder, Carol Jean Gaffney Elder@WashingtonMayflower.orgCaptain, Jeffry Doughty Captain@WashingtonMayflower.orgAssistants:Sandra Fisher, LakewoodSteve Arnold, YakimaDorothy Hull, University PlaceCheryl Eastwood, RedmondKathleen Quickstad, SammamishLuanne Green, LakewoodDavid Raese, MukilteoJane Ritchey, Kitsap CountyLynn Pittier, BurienGeneral Society OfficersMember at Large, andDeputy Governor General (DGG), Steve ArnoldAssistant General (AG), Judy ArnoldImmediate Past Governor, Guy MoellendorfThe Board member’s email addresses are also listed on our website. Select the “Officers” tab and then click on their “OfficeTitle” to open an email to them. Website:www.WashingtonMayflower.orgWant to invite a potential member? Send an email message witha link to our brochure. The link (may need copy, then e.pdfEVERGREEN LOGEDITOR - Guy antsHappenings — Neighbor StatesMembers near the border of Idaho or Oregon may want tocontact these websites, or persons, for info on their meetings.Oregon websites: www.mthoodmayflower.comIdaho website: EVERGREEN LOGCatherine RobertiSteve Arnold Published three times a year in February, June and OctoberMaterial received by the Editor less than thirty days prior to issue month can notbe guaranteed inclusion in the current EVERGREEN LOG. 2017 Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of WashingtonAll Rights reserved - Society members may reprint if credit is given - Allothers contact editor for permission - Authors retain rights to their work.ADDRESS & LIFE CHANGES - Notify the Corresponding Secretary(19025 Grannis RD, Bothell, WA 98012-6948) of changes tomembers’ address, phone numbers, email and births or deaths.SUMMER 2017

105th Annual Meetingand LuncheonApril 2, 2017Tacoma Yacht Club, Tacoma, WashingtonThe luncheon began at 11:45 am with a social time.Programs were placed at each table setting. Displays at theback of the room includedSocial Time began at 11:45 am with 104 members, guestsand junior members registered. In the room Guy Moellendorfprovided a display of member names active in “MayflowerPassenger Family Societies” and “Other Heritage Society.”Plymouth Scenic Pictorial books were offered for sale. New isthat the grounds of the Tacoma Yacht Club had been raisedone story for new development, which changed the secondfloor to be the first floor, and the former first floor a basementarea. This also eliminated the stairway at the buildingentrance. Several members had difficulty finding the entryroad when their GPS had not been updated to show the newstreet entry that opened a year earlier.At 12:20 pm, the meeting was called to order by GovernorGuy Moellendorf.Elder Mavis Ratcliff gave the Invocation andCorresponding Secretary Genie Parrott led the Pledge ofAllegiance.Governor Moellendorf welcomed attendees, introducedformer governors and retiring officers and board of assistantsfor 2015-2017. He then led the Ancestor Roll Call.Historian Jerri McCoy and Corresponding Secretary GenieParrott welcomed new members, Kathleen Hylkema, SharonMcConville, Carolyn Pasquier, Colleen Peck, E. "Pat" Stoneand Diana Thompson.Assistant Historian Ann Shipley welcomed junior memberAlysa Tompkins with an attendance certificate.At 12:45 a break for lunch was taken.About 1:45 pm, Deputy Governor Jocelyn Paulsonintroduced our speaker, Captain Ken Lazarus of the LadyWashington, Washington State’s only tall ship.The Lady Washington is a replica of the original LadyWashington, named after Martha Washington. The replicawas launched in 1989, on the 200th anniversary of the launch3 EVERGREEN LOGof the original Lady Washington.The Lady Washington is comparable in size to our Mayflower.The Lady Washington has two masts; the Mayflower had three.The Lady Washington took three years to build, at a cost of 2.2 million, with extensive donations of time and materials. Hercurrent replacement cost would be 5.5 - 7 million. It isdifficult to find timbers of this size and length (made of Douglasfir).The Lady Washington has been featured in the Pirates of theCaribbean movies. In the movies a ship’s wheel is shown;however, the real Lady Washington has a 600 lb. tiller.The Lady Washington is based out of The Grays HarborHistorical Seaport, whose mission is to teach young people aboutboats, ships and maritime history.Captain Lazarus also sails the Hawaiian Chieftain, a Hawaiianbuilt shallow beaching boat, based in Sacramento, CA.The Lady Washington is in Puget Sound during the summer,and is available for charters and weddings. Google LadyWashington for more information.Governor Moellendorf thanked our speaker and remindedattendees about the Mayflower Congress in Plymouth inSeptember. Also, the Summer Picnic will be Sunday, July 16, atKelsey Creek Park in Bellevue. (Information will be in the nextnewsletter.)The Governor then introduced the slate of officers proposedby the Nominating Committee for the two-year term of April2017 through the Annual Meeting of 2019 (probably in March).They are:Officers:Governor: Judith A. Arnold, YakimaDeputy Governor: Jocelyn Paulson, Bonney LakeRecording Secretary: Marilynn Sabo, TacomaCorresponding Secretary: Tim Rogers, BothellTreasurer: Margaret Spangler, TacomaHistorian: Jerri McCoy, OlympiaAssistant Historian/Juniors: Bruce Harrington, SeattleElder: Carol Jean Gaffney, SeattleCaptain: Jeffry Doughty, BothellAssistants:David Raese, MukilteoCheryl Eastwood, RedmondSandra Fisher, LakewoodLynn Pittier, BurienKathleen Quickstad, SammamishOur Historian, Jerri McCoy (far right) welcomed six new members:Left to right, Diana Thompson, E. Pat Stone, Colleen Peck,Kathleen Hylkema, Sharon McConville, and Carolyn Pasquier.SUMMER 2017

A new Board of Officers and Assistants were elected for the two-year term of Annual Meeting 2017 to Annual Meeting 2019. They are, l to r,Immediate Past Governor Guy Moellendorf, Assistant Jane Ritchey, Deputy Governor Jocelyn Paulson, Assistant Cheryl Eastwood,Assistant Dorothy Hull (also our sponsor at Tacoma Yacht Club), Historian Jerri McCoy, Elder Carol Jean Gaffney, Governor Judy Arnold,Assistants David Raese and Luanne Green, Treasurer Margaret Spangler, Recording Secretary Marilynn Sabo, Captain: Jeffry Doughty,and Assistant Historian-Jrs. Bruce Harrington. Welcome aboard!(Luncheon, from page 3)Dorothy Hull, University PlaceSteve Arnold, YakimaJane Ritchey, Kitsap CountyIt was asked if there were anyother nominations, and hearingnone, it was moved, seconded andpassed by voice vote to elect theproposed slate of officers andassistants. Their term began at theclose of the meeting.Deputy Governor JocelynPaulson and GSMD Ex-officioDGG Steve Arnold thankedGovernor Moellendorf for hisservice and presented him with abouquet of roses. A Past Governormedal was ordered, but did notarrive on time, and will bepresented at a later date.Deputy Governor JocelynPaulson presented a certificate ofappreciation to our speaker CaptainLazarus. Elder Mavis Ratcliff gavethe Benediction. Photos weretaken of new officers andassistants.Captain Ken Lazarus of the ship Lady Washington gave an entertaining andinformative story of experiences on Washington State’s only tall ship .Board Action June 10, 2017Photographs were taken byChris Paulson and Judy Arnold.Respectfully submitted,Marilynn Sabo, RecordingSecretary []4 EVERGREEN LOGFee for Life Membership RaisedAfter much discussion, the Board approved raising the Life Membership fees. A change wasadopted to the Bylaws at the 2016 Compact meeting eliminating the purchase of Life Memberships toanyone under 35, and who had not been a Society member for one year. However, the Board ofAssistants can change the Standing Rules, which lists these fees. The new fees approved June 10,2017, are listed below and will be published in the next yearbook. If questions, contact our Treasurer,Margaret Spangler, as shown on page 2.Ages 36 to 45: 880,Ages 56 to 65: 500,Ages 46 to 55: 680,and over age 65 years: 320. []SUMMER 2017

(Continued from page 1)moved by the Word as to join a group of Puritans who met forprayer and discussion at the house of William Brewster in thenearby village of Scrooby. When this group, inspired by the Rev.Richard Clyfton, organized itself as a separate Congregationalchurch in 1606, Bradford joined it despite “the wrath of hisuncles” and the “scoff of his neighbors.”From that date until his death half a century later, Bradford’slife revolved around that of this church or congregation, first inScrooby, next in the Low Countries and finally in New England. Inhis own words one may read of their escape to the Netherlands, theirshort sojourn at Amsterdam, and long one at Leyden, under aremarkable pastor, the Rev. John Robinson. Bradford, upon comingof age in 1611, received an inheritance from his parents, whichapparently he expended in some sort of mercantile venture; buthe saved enough to buy a house in Leyden, where he followed thetrade of weaver. Largely through his own efforts he learnedDutch and a certain amount of Latin and Hebrew, and acquired awide knowledge of general literature and a fair-sized library,which he brought with him to the New World.In 1617 when the preparations began for the removal of thisband of brothers to America, Bradford was twenty-seven yearsold; but his ability had evidently so impressed the elders of thecongregation that he was chosen one of the committee to makethe practical arrangements. He sailed in the Mayflower with hisfirst wife, Dorothy May, whom he had married at Amsterdam in1613. They had one son, John (1617-1676) who had no children.He took part in the boat expedition that explored Cape Cod,including the one that scudded into Plymouth Bay before asnowstorm and landed, traditionally on Plymouth Rock, on 11December 1620. On returning to the Mayflower at Cape Cod(now Provincetown) Harbor, he learned that his “dearest consort,accidentally falling overboard, was drowned in the harbor.” Hisfailure to mention this in the History is consistent with his modestreticence about his own role of leadership in the colony; but itmay be that he suspected (as do we) that Dorothy Bradford tookher own life, after gazing for six weeks at the barren sand dunesof Cape Cod. For we have it from other tenderhearted womenwho came to New England among the pioneers, that their heartsgrew faint and sick when they first beheld that wild-lookingnorthern land, so different from the green and cultivated Englandthey had left. Three years later, when a former member of theLeyden church, the widow Alice (Carpenter) Southworth, cameout to Plymouth with her two small boys, Bradford married herand she bore him three children, William, Mercy (no children)and Joseph.In May 1621, after the death of Governor John Carver,5 EVERGREEN LOGWilliam Bradford’s birth place,Austerfield, England, UKWilliam Bradford, just turned thirty-one, was unanimously chosento that office, “the difficulties whereof were such that, if he hadnot been a person of more than ordinary piety, wisdom andcourage, he must have sunk under them.” And he was re-elected tothe same office no less than thirty times, for a total term of 33years—every year from 1622. In other words, he was Governor ofPlymouth Colony continuously from 1627 to 1656 inclusive,excepting for five years when he “by importunity gat off,”according to Governor Winthrop; and in those years he waschosen an assistant to Governor Winslow or Governor Prence.Principal LeaderSo, from 1621to his death in May 1657, Bradford was theprincipal leader of the Pilgrim Fathers. William Brewster, who hadhad a university education, was elder of the church; EdwardWinslow, more a man of the world than Bradford, did thePilgrims’ diplomatic business; Myles Standish provided the powerto their politics. But Bradford, who never left New England afterhe had once landed there, was the man who made the majordecisions. He exercised more plenary authority than any governorof an English colony in his day, with the possible exception of SirWilliam Berkeley in Virginia.If Bradford had been moved by love of power or ambition forwealth, he had an opportunity in 1630 when the Warwick Patentfrom the Council for New England was made out in his name. Hemight then, had he wished, have become the sole lord andproprietor of Plymouth Colony; like Lord Baltimore in Maryland.Instead, he promptly shared his proprietary right with the “OldCorners,” as the Pilgrim Fathers were called in their own day; andin 1640 he persuaded the “Old Corners” to surrender the patent tothe whole body of Freemen. He was one of the small group knownas the Undertakers, who were given by the Freeman a monopolyof offshore fishing and fur trading in order to pay off their debt tothe merchant adventurers who financed the Mayflower’s voyage. Itis true that we have never heard the Adventurers’ side of the story,except in their own letters that Bradford incorporated in hisHistory; but even on their showing they treated the Pilgrims muchas a loan shark treats a man in financial difficulties; the morebeaver and other commodities they sent to England, the more thedebt grew. Finally it was paid off in 1648 after Bradford, Alden,Standish, Winslow and Prence had sold houses and large parcelsof land to make up the balance.Thereafter, Bradford continued the Indian trade on his ownaccount, through trading posts on Buzzard’s Bay and the Kennebec.At his death at the age of sixty-seven on 9 May 1657 he owned ahouse in Plymouth valued only at 55, an orchard and severalparcels of land at Plymouth; a “great beer bowle” and two smallerones, six leather chairs, three “carved chairs,” a “great chair,” and acourt cupboard, ten and a half pairs of sheets, a large quantity of tablelinen, about five dozen pewter dishes and vessels, a red Turkeygrogram suit of clothes, a red waistcoat and a “sad colored” suit, a“stuff suit with silver buttons,” an “old violet colored cloak” and “twohats—a black one and a colored one.”“He was a person for study as well as action,” records CottonMather; and this may be seen not only by his literary skill, but by thefact that he had at his death a library of about 400 volumes, includingJohn Speed’s Prospect of the Most Famous Part of the World,Peter Martyr’s de Orbe Novo, Jean Bodin’s de Republica, Pierrede la Primaudaye’s French Academy, and “divers Dutch books.”It is a pity that the Governor did not continue his Historythrough 1650, for we would like to have known his opinion of FatherGabriel Druillettes, a Jesuit from Canada who visited him at the endof the year in order to come to some arrangement about the AbnakiIndians on the Kennebec. The Governor (whom Druillettes calls“Jehan Brentford”) received him with courtesy and invited him to(Continued on page 6)SUMMER 2017

(Continued from page 5)dine, taking care to serve a fish dinner because it was Friday, although Puritansmade rather a point of not eating fish on Fridays.In his later years the Governor wrote out three “Dialogues” between“Ancient Men” of Plymouth, explaining to “Young Men born in New England”the principles of their religion and their church organization. He wrote a gooddeal of indifferent verse, some of which is appealing from its very simplicity andsincerity:From my years young in days of youth,God did make known to me his truth,And called me from my native placeFor to enjoy the means of grace.In wilderness he did me guide,And in strange lands for me provide.In fears and wants, through weal and woe,A Pilgrim passed I to and fro.In his later years the Governor felt that the glory had departed fromPlymouth; the town declining in numbers, population dispersed, young peopleindifferent to religion and heedless of their fathers’ sacrifices, luxury coming inwith prosperity, Indians growing insolent.Unfortunately we have no contemporary biographical sketch of Bradford;not even a portrait or description of his person. But it will not be difficult foranyone to infer his character from this History; as fair a permanent monument asany man could wish.Manuscript DescribedThe book in which Bradford’s History is written is a vellum- boundvolume, measuring 11.5" x 7.75”, containing about 270 leaves, most of whichBradford numbered himself, very inaccurately. He skipped from 79 to 91,occasionally he left a number out; he went back to the 100s when he was in the200s, and so forth. Mostly he writes on the obverse only, but sometimes on thereverse. His numbers, such as they are, I have placed in the text enclosed invertical rules at the beginning of each folio, to facilitate reference to the original,the facsimile, or to other editions. Bradford, as he states in Appendix I, started towrite in 1630, finished through Chapter x that year, did the rest “in pieces” until1646, and added a few items as late as 1650.The first folios, unnumbered, are occupied by Bradford’s Hebrewexercises,8 in the middle of which comes this statement which, judging from theink and handwriting, was written by Bradford in 1650:"Though I am grown aged, yet I have had a longing desire to see with myown eves something of that most ancient language and holy tongue in which theLaw and Oracles of God were writ, and in which God and Angels spoke to theholy patriarchs of old time; and what names were given to things from theCreation. And though I cannot attain to much herein, yet I am refreshed to haveseen some glimpse hereof, as Moses saw the land of Canaan afar off. My aimand desire is to see how the words and phrases lie in the holy text, and to discernsomewhat of the same, for my own content."Manuscript LoansAccording to a manuscript note by his great-grandson Samuel Bradford,recorded on one of the flyleaves on 20 March 1705, the manuscript bookdescended first to the Governor’s eldest son, Major William Bradford, thento his son Major John Bradford, and then to his son Samuel. In the meantimeNathaniel Morton, the old Governor’s nephew, later Secretary of the Colonyof New Plymouth, had used the manuscript in writing his New EnglandsMemoriall (Cambridge 1669), the first published history of a New Englandcolony. A large part of Morton is a mere paraphrase of Bradford. Not contentwith this, however, and (by his own confession) somewhat spurred by fellowPlymotheans who thought he had not done well by Uncle William, the piousNathaniel faithfully copied into the Plymouth church records most of theBradford History through Chapter ix of the First Book, together with extractsfrom the rest.Increase Mather had already borrowed the manuscript as a source for hisown history of the Indian wars. Before he got around to returning it, IncreaseMather lost his house by fire on 27 November 1676. Fortunately the Historywas not involved, and the manuscript does not show any sign of having been6 EVERGREEN LOGSOCIETY EVENTSMark your calendar!Tentative Schedule of Meetings: Timeand Place to be Announced2017July 16, Sunday, Summer PicnicKelsey Creek Park, BellevueSept 9-11, Congress, Plymouth, MAOctober 29, Sunday, Compact Day2018***March 18, Sunday, Annual MeetingTacoma Yacht ClubJuly 17, Sunday, Summer PicnicBellevueNovember, Sunday, Compact Day2019March , Sunday, Annual MeetingJuly , Sunday, Summer PicnicNovember, Sunday, Compact Meeting** Change from the previous newsletter.Other Heritage Happenings-June 15-18th, Foss Waterway, Tacoma,"Festival of Sail." board the tall ships including theLady Washington, similar in size and sail to shipMayflower of 1620. 28-30, Enumclaw, WA, NorthwestScottish Highland Games and Clan als.htm-August 10-13, George Washington Inn, PortAngeles, WA. Northwest Colonial Fesival. Itpromotes our Colonial History and the path leadingup to 1775. Colonial village, re-enactors, makeconnections to DAR, ubjected to undue heat.Increase Mather's son Cotton used the manuscriptin his account of the Plymouth Colony in the MagnaliaChristi Americana, completed before the end of thecentury and printed at London in 1702. A WilliamHubbard used it in his History of New England,finished before 1683 but not printed until 1815. And,at some time between 1705 and 1728, Judge SamuelSewall, author of a famous Diary, borrowed themanuscript; for what purpose we know not.We do know that the book was in Sewall’spossession in 1728, from a note in the manuscript(Continued on page 7)SUMMER 2017

Governor Thomas Hutchinson used the Bradford manuscript inthe second volume of his History of Massachusetts Bay (BostonIn MemoriamHearts Be Free and Spirits BlessedSuzanne Shanklin Albright, 9-11-2016 #1120The book below was donated to the SeattlePublic Library’s genealogy collection andmarked with a bookplate “in memory of”Suzanne S. Albright:Mayflower Families through FiveGenerations. Vol.16, Part 5. John Alden,Sarah Alden, 2016 .(Continued from page 6)itself made by the next borrower, the Rev. Thomas Prince,minister of the Old South Church in Boston. One of the firstcollectors of Americana, Prince began to accumulate books whenhe was in Harvard College; and by 1718, when he becamecolleague minister of the Old South Church, his library was solarge that he fitted up the “steeple room” of the meeting house as“The New England Library.” A few years later Prince decided towrite a New England history of his own. The one document heneeded for the Plymouth Colony was the Bradford History. Hecalled on Major John Bradford at Plymouth in 1728 andapparently offered to buy it. According to Prince’s own note inthe manuscript itself, the Major said “he would never part withthe property, but would lend it to me and desired me to get it”—of Judge Sewall, which he promptly did. Prince then jotted down,on a flyleaf of the manuscript: “I write down this that MajorBradford and his heirs may be known to be the right owners.” YetPrince’s own New England Library book label is pasted on thesame page! Major Bradford, according to another note by Prince,consented that the manuscript be deposited in the New EnglandLibrary on condition that “he might have the perusal of it whilehe lived,” and the Major’s son Samuel regarded himself as theowner. But Prince undoubtedly regarded the loan as one of thatindefinite sort which librarians and bibliophiles are apt to convertinto complete ownership.Thomas Prince made good use of the Bradford History in hisChronological History of New England (Boston 1736), and themanuscript bears much evidence of his earnest perusal Not only didthe reverend borrower make notes of his own on blank pages; hewent right through the text underlining passages that he deemedimportant, even in some instances correcting the Governor’sspelling. And when Prince died in 1758, he left the manuscript,together with his entire New England Library, to the Old SouthChurch.1767). But after the War of Independence had been fought andwon, the manuscript was no longer to be found in the NewEngland Library. What had become of it? Naturally the finger ofsuspicion pointed to Governor Hutchinson. He was a Tory. Hewent to England in 1774. The book was not on the shelf in 1780.Very suspicious!Manuscript Vanishes 1780But there are other circumstances to be considered. Within ayear of the Governor’s departure for England, a British army wasbeing besieged by that of the United Colonies in Boston. The OldSouth Meeting House, which still stands at the corner of Washingtonand Milk Streets, was used by the British garrison as a riding school.After the siege was raised, Thomas Prince’s valuable library in thetower was found to be somewhat dilapidated, and the Bradfordmanuscript was not the only book that had disappeared. Fortunatelythe Bradford text through Chapter ix had been copied into thePlymouth church records, and that version was published byAlexander Young in Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1841. Butthe entire Book II of the History had never been copied, and everyNew England historian and antiquarian bewailed the loss.Enough has been said here to show that the contention of arecent writer, George F. Willison, that the Pilgrim story (or “saga” ashe calls it) “was wholly the creation of the nineteenth century,” isnonsense. All the essential parts of the Pilgrim story had been in printsince 1669; the Mayflower Compact since 1622. Captain John Smithin his General History of 1624, and all eighteenth-centuryhistorians of the English colonies, mention the Plymouth Colonyin its right place and give it the proper emphasis.The centenary of the Mayflower’s voyage was celebrated atPlymouth in 1720, and Forefathers’ Day was annually celebrated—on the wrong date to be sure—from 1769. The term PilgrimFathers was

Governor Judy Arnold, . Captain Lazarus also sails the Hawaiian Chieftain, a Hawaiian built shallow beaching boat, based in Sacramento, CA. The Lady Washington is in Puget Sound during the summer, and is available for charters and weddings. Google Lady Washington for more information. Governor Moellendorf .

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