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Table of Contents:1. What is the niche?2. Google search volumes3. Market size and growth4. Reasons for entering the niche5. Sub-niches to explore6. Probems, concerns and pains in the niche7. Demographics: Target Audience8. Most common Google search terms9. Most common questions in the niche10.Products Advertised on Google Adwords11.Top Selling Amazon Products In The Niche12.Top Selling Kindle Products In The Niche13.Top Clickbank Products In The Niche14.Top JVZoo Products15.Other Affiliate Products16.Top PLR Products17.Top Authority Sites In The Niche18.Top Beekeeping Blogs19.Top Beekeeping Forums20.Top Social Media Pages & Hubs21.Top 20 Articles Written22.List of Magazines23.10 article title ideas24.Infoproduct & ebook ideas25.How to hack your way into this niche26.Report summary & conclusions3

What Is The Yoga Niche?Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophythat originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago.The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke,join, or unite.The ultimate aim of yoga, they claim, is to reach kaivalya . In contemporarypractice, this is often interpreted as meaning union.Yoga is said to be for the purpose of uniting the mind, body, and spirit.As yoga becomes increasingly diffuse and diverse, a single, commondefinition that can be agreed upon by everyone is all but impossible.Complicating matters further, the term yoga has been in use for severalthousand years and has shifted in meaning many times.In the 1980s, yoga became popular as a system of physical exercise acrossthe Western world.This form of yoga is often called Hatha yoga Hatha yoga.Many studies have tried to determine the effectiveness of yoga as acomplementary intervention for cancer, schizophrenia, asthma, and heartdisease. long-term yoga practitioners in the United States reportedmuscular–skeletal and mental health improvements.Most people undertaking in yoga are doing so as a hobby. Something theyenjoy doing but which also brings health benefits.4

Google Monthly Search VolumesGlobal: 823,000USA: 201,0005

Market Size & GrowthWebsites Sold On Flippa : 2000-uniques-momaking-325-mo-net-profit -with-2-294-uniquesmo -100-000-yogavideo-collections-no-work-autopilot se-amazon-clickbanklist-builder-low-reserve ted-cash-fromamazon-potential-income-low-bin ite-with-33-000pageviews-p-month om-being-sold-bynichearena-on-flippa.htmlNumber of products sold on Amazon:Search result:221,401number of products Clickbank : 1796

Demograpic & TargetAudience:Main sex : Women more interested in yoga )Type of person:Those people do yoga who are healthy,conscious people they areembrancing yoga and it participles and incorporating it into their busylifestyle.The stigmathat yoga is a religion has faded and even pro sports team areusing this ancient discipline for flexibility,injury prevention and strengthtraining.Age group:(Source: erything-else-they%E2%80%99re-doing/)7

Reasons For Entering The Niche Huge global demand for the hobby including a high level of searchvolume. Lots of money is spent in the niche on guides, books, equipment,clothes and classes. Thousands of products for sale on Amazon and hundreds on Clickbankso no end of products to sell to them. People into yoga are also into other health and fitness activities sothere's an opportunity for cross promotion. It's a growing niche and will continue to get more popular. Easy to find traffic online through the many blogs, forums and socialmedia hubs available.8

Sub-niches To Explore Hot YogaYoga for beginnersYoga for kidsYoga for rowersYoga for menYoga for runnersYoga for weight lossYoga for seniorsYoga for sciaticaYoga for back painYoga for diabetesYoga for eyesYoga for thyroidYoga for constipationYoga for glowing skinYoga for anxietyVinyasas YogaAshtanga YogaPower YogaJivamutki YogaKali Ray TriYogaWhite Lotus YogaIyengar YogaYoga TherapySvaroopa YogaBikram YogaHatha yogaLenovo YogaMoksha YogaDDP YogaKundalini Yoga9

Problems, Concerns & Pains In The Niche People get into yoga because of a variety of reasons including beingstressed, unhealthy, out of shape, depressed. It can releave stress and anxiety in people who suffer. Yoga can reduce muscle pain and help with cardio health. It improves the mood and body at the same time so people withmood swings or low self being can take benefit from it. Yoga can boost confidence, rid you of toxins, boost bedroomperformance for guys, increase stamina and flexibility. Doing yoga is not all good however if you're really out of shape it cancause your body more harm than good – pulled muscles and backpain if done incorecctly. It can cause damage to tendons and ligements and to the abdomenarea. Believe it or not a common problem in the yoga class is farting whenpulling poses. Other problems that happen is flabby body parts hanging out of yourtight fitting clothes – something many people find embarassing. Many people new to yoga get embarassed that they aren't as good orflexible as others and feel ashamed. Many push themselves too hard to try and keep up or compete withothers.10

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Most Common Questions In The Niche1. What is the Original Yoga System?2. Is there a good place on line to learn about anatomy?3. sun salutation - why 5 breaths?4. How To Do Meditation?5. What is initiation?6. Yoga is a relief7. What is difference between yoga and sports.8. What is a chakra.9. Yoga moves towards what we should pay attention to?10.What you need to do to become a yoga instructor17

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