CMMI And Agile: Combined For Project Success

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CMSEmergingEdge Forum(CEEF)June 2017Presented by:The included information is being presented to the Centers for Medicare & MedicaidServices (CMS) technical community in the presence of industry members forcollaboration and the free flow of information related to innovations and emergingtechnologies of private industry. It is understood that it is intended for market researchpurposes only, and does not represent a pre-solicitation synopsis, does not constitutean invitation for bid or request for proposal, and is not a commitment by thegovernment to purchase the desired products and services. Information providedcannot be used to create a binding contract. In addition, CMS does not providereimbursement for any costs incurred to participate in the CMS Emerging Edge Forum.This document meets Federal Section 508 Compliance standards.

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI and AgileCombined for Project Success!!KENNETH M’BALE2

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017Agenda Agile FrameworksCMMIAgile and CMMIConclusionQ&A3

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers AgileWorking Together to Solve Common Business ProblemsSolvesEmpowersCommonBusiness ProblemsAgile Ceremonies /TechniquesCMMIProcess AreasIdentify types of problemsorganizations face runningprojects.Identify how Agile Scrumaddresses the problem.The CMMI process areasaddress the necessarycapabilities the organizationneeds to apply the Scrumtechniques effectively.4

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017Agile FrameworksAgile Myths1.Agile methods are undisciplined and not measurable.2.Agile methods have no project management.3.Agile methods apply only to software development.4.Agile methods have no documentation.5.Agile methods have no requirements.6.Agile methods only work with small co-located teams.7.Agile methods do not include planning.8.Agile only works for small project teams.9.Agile development is not predictable.10. Agile development does not scale.5

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017Agile FrameworksAgile development does not scaleat the enterprise level. Agile Frameworks address scaling up from small team toenterprise. CMMI enables effective project execution, including Agile.6

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017Agile FrameworksProject A1Program AProject A2PortfolioProgram BProject B17

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017Agile FrameworksThe frameworks scale Scrum up to enable it for programs.DSDM/Atern Agile Unified ProcessFeature Driven1%1%1%Agile ModelingXPOther1%1%3%Lean2%IterativeDon't Know2%3%Custom8%Kanban5%Scrum56%Scrumban7%Scrum: 65%penetrationScrum/XP9%PROJECT LEVEL METHODOLOGIES8

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017Agile Frameworks3 Frameworks: Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Dean Leffingwell Disciplined Agile framework -here/by Scott Ambler Large Scale Scrum framework /22609354/1367558447003/201305Larman.pdfby Craig Larman and Bas Vodde9

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017AgileFrameworksSAFe utilizes Scrum at theteam level and scalesAgile and Lean acrossteams at the program andportfolio managementlevel. Portfoliomanagement helps driveEpics from enterpriseinvestment strategies.Program managementcoordinates team activitiesto enact shared businessdirection and architecturalvision, determine relatedgroups of work items forcross team dependenciesand coordinate withexternal teamrepresentatives.10

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)AgileFrameworksJune 2017Disciplined Agile DeliveryThe top four priorities inDAD are: (1) People first,(2) Learning-oriented,(3) Agile, and (4) Hybrid.Hybrid means that DADalso draws on other, moretraditional sources,especially the versions ofUnified Process forgovernance and life-cyclemanagement. Projects aredivided into three phases:Inception, Construction,and Transition.11

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)AgileFrameworksJune 2017Large Scale ScrumLeSS adopts Scrum whilemaintaining the sameceremonies and roles.For example, in the smallteam Framework, theSprint Planning ceremonyinvolves a representativefrom each team instead ofall team members. In thelarge team Framework, anew role, the Area ProductOwner, allows for severalproduct owners to performthis role.12

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMIPlanActDoStudy13

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMIManagement’s responsibility to manage Risk remains rement)Business anizationalSecuritySafetyBusiness ContinuityProjectsCustomer RelationsPeopleTechnical AspectsCostScheduleResourcesOperational SupportProvider FailureQualitySecurityInfrastructure Failure14

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI15

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMIAgile frameworks rely onProduct Owners to enactRisk Governance withinthe project or program.Therefore, it is critical thatProduct Owners follow acommon Risk Governanceapproach that pervadesthroughout projects andprograms to enableportfolio risk management.By applying CMMI, theorganization can managerisk.Maturity Level 4: Risk Governance CapabilityQuantitative ProjectManagementOrganizational ProcessPerformanceMaturity Level 3: Risk Evaluation CapabilityRisk ManagementDecision Analysis andResolutionMaturity Level 2: Risk Response CapabilityMeasurement and AnalysisProcess and Product QualityAssuranceProject Monitoring andControl16

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers AgileWorking Together to Solve Common Business ProblemsSolvesEmpowersCommonBusiness ProblemsAgile Ceremonies /TechniquesCMMIProcess AreasIdentify types of problemsorganizations face runningprojects.Identify how Agile Scrumaddresses the problem.The CMMI process areasaddress the necessarycapabilities the organizationneeds to apply the Scrumtechniques effectively.17

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers Agile010203Project estimates areunrealistic or unknown.Projects do not getdelivered on schedule.Requirements are alwayschanging.Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques: Team Estimating GamePlanning PokerSprint PlanningBacklog GroomingRequirements DevelopmentTask EstimationRelease PlanningSprint Backlog Daily Standup/ Daily ScrumRelease BurndownSprint BurndownTask EstimationRelease on DemandIncremental ReleaseBacklog GroomingSprint PlanningProduct BacklogUser Stories/ EpicsDefinition of Done (for User Stories)Top “10” FeaturesRelease PlanningCMMI Process Areas:(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level): Project Planning (ML 2) Integrated Project Management (ML 3) Requirements Management &Development (ML 2 and ML 3) Measurement and Analysis (ML 2) Quantitative Project Management(ML 4) Project Monitoring and Control (ML 2) Measurement and Analysis (ML 2) Quantitative Project Management(ML 4) Requirements Management (ML 2)Project Management & Control (ML 2)Requirements Development (ML 3)Measurement and Analysis (ML 2)Verification (ML 3)18

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers Agile0506Customer won’t committo project.Customers are frustratedwith progress.Customers are notsatisfied with the endproduct.Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques: Release Planning Sprint Planning CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level): Requirements Management (ML 2) Project Planning (ML 2) 04 Release PlanningSprint PlanningSprint DemoSprint RetrospectiveIntegrated Project Management (ML 3)Validation (ML 3)Project Planning (ML 2)Project Monitoring and Control (ML 2)Measurement and Analysis (ML 2)Definition of DoneUser Stories/ EpicsTest Driven DevelopmentSprint DemoValidation (ML 3)Verification (ML 3)Requirements Development (ML 3)Requirements Management (ML 2)19

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers Agile0809There are too many bugsduring a project or postproject.Unable to secure or retainproject resources.Lack of internal andexternal support forproject.Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques: Test Driver Development Continuous Build/ ContinuousIntegration Refactoring CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level): 07Validation (ML 3)Verification (ML 3)Product Integration (ML 3)Technical Solution (ML 3) Team AgreementsRelease PlanningDaily StandupVisionIntegrated Project Management (ML 3)Project Planning (ML 2)Risk Management (ML 3)Project Monitoring and Control (ML 2)Organizational Training (ML 3)Team AgreementsRelease PlanningSprint PlanningDaily StandupProduct Owner Meeting withCustomerIntegrated Project Management (ML 3)Risk Management (ML 3)Project Planning (ML 2)Project Monitoring and Control (ML 2)20

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers Agile1112Poor projectcommunication.Requirements are vagueor open-ended.Project teamresponsibilities are notclear.Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques: User Story/ Epic Definition of Done Backlog Grooming10Daily StandupRelease PlanningSprint PlanningSprint DemoSprint RetrospectiveProduct Owner Meeting withCustomer Team AgreementsSprint PlanningRelease PlanningIncremental ReleaseCMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level): Project Monitoring and Control (ML 2) Project Planning (ML 2) Integrated Project Management (ML 3) Requirements Management (ML 2) Requirements Development (ML 3) Integrated Project Planning (ML 2) Project Planning (ML 2)21

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers Agile131415Project team membertraining is inadequate forthe task.Failure to successfullyplan the project.Failure to foresee potentialproblems.Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques: Release Planning Release Planning Sprint Planning Backlog GroomingCMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level): Organizational Training (ML 3) Project Planning (ML 2) Project Planning (ML 2) Integrated Project Planning (ML 2) Requirements Management (ML 2) Daily Standup Release Planning Sprint RetrospectivesProject Monitoring and Control (ML 2)Risk Management (ML 3)Integrated Project Management(ML 3)Quantitative Project Management(ML 4)22

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017CMMI Empowers Agile1718Project information isn’tavailable when needed.Code quality is poor.Organizationalperformance isn’timproving.Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques:Agile Ceremonies / Techniques: 16User Stories/ EpicsSprint PlanningRelease PlanningDaily StandupRelease BurndownSprint BurndownSprint DemoVisionPair ProgrammingTest Driven DevelopmentContinuous Build/ IntegrationRetrospectivesDefinition of DoneCMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level):CMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level): Project Monitoring (ML 2)Integrated Project Management (ML 3)Risk Management (ML 3)Measurement and Analysis (ML 2)Verification (ML 3)Technical Solution (ML 3)Verification (ML 3)Validation (ML 3)Integrated Project Management (ML 3)Process & Product Quality Assurance(ML 2) RetrospectivesCMMI Process Areas(Maturity Level): Integrated Project Management(ML 3) Organizational Process Focus (ML 3) Organizational Process Definition(ML 3) Organizational Training (ML 3) Process & Product QualityAssurance (ML 2) Organizational Process Performance(ML 4) Quantitative Project Management(ML 4) Causal Analysis and Resolution(ML 5)23

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017SummaryWithin Industry, there are 2 well established camps1.Agile Camp: Agile methods provide instructions on how to do software development,purposely absent from CMMI, which works well on co-located projects. Critics of Agile state that it doesn’t have enough control and results inundocumented changes and chaos (see Agile Myths).2.CMMI Camp: CMMI provides the systems engineering practices often required on larger,high-risk projects. CMMI also provides the process management andsupport practices organization regardless of organization or project size. However, to Agile practitioners, CMMI often seems bloated andunimaginative. They complain that it is overly bureaucratic and promotesprocess of over substance, thus impeding the time-to-market requirementsneeded today.24

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017SummaryCMMI and Agile can coexist and benefit software development. There is asymbiotic relationship between the two.1.Agile:2.CMMI: Agile methodologies specify HOW things should be done. Agile methods clearly focus on people and allows people to determinetechnology and processes. CMMI specifies WHAT should be done. The CMMI model describes three aspects of development projects as (1)processes, (2) technology, and (3) people. It is well known that CMMIfocuses on processes.An Agile implementation should be tailored to match anorganization’s actual maturity level.25

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017ConclusionAgileSCiCMMISuccess!Produce Best Outcomes by Combining aCMMI Level 4 appraised Partner, Agile, and CMMI26

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)June 2017Thank YouQ&AWhite er.pdf27

CMS Emerging Edge Forum (CEEF)Select Computing, Inc. (SCi) is aninnovative CMMI level 4 appraised company,for both the development and servicesmodels. SCi specializes in blending CMMIlevel 4 process maturity and Agilemethodology to produce successfuloutcomes. SCi can help an organizationmake the transition to Agile. ImplementingAgile, using a contractor that is at CMMIlevel 4, can result in less rework and providesignificant benefits. Implementing a CMMIcompliant software development processthat is also Agile will bring the repeatabilityand predictability offered by CMMI.June 2017Arnold HuffSr. Capture/Business DevelopmentManagerMobile: 301-509-6969Office: 410-381-0082 x127ahuff@selectcomputing.comSelect Computing, Inc.9841 Broken Land Pkwy, Suite 209Columbia, MD. 21046www.selectcomputing.com28

1. Agile methods are undisciplined and not measurable. 2. Agile methods have no project management. 3. Agile methods apply only to software development. 4. Agile methods have no documentation. 5. Agile methods have no requirements. 6. Agile methods only work with small colocated teams.-7. Agile methods do not include planning. 8.

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