DISCIPLINE OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERInformal ProcessPrivate informal disciplinary Conference before the ExecutiveCommittee Discretionary at any time under Code 7-3(a)Hearing ProcessCharges preferred by a Memberagainst a Member (Code 7-2(a))Within 45 days of offense (Code7-2(b))Charges preferred by the Exec.Comm. against a Member (Code7-2(a)) Within 90 days of offense(Code 7-2(c))Disciplinary Hearing before the Executive Comm. (Code 7-3(b))Within 20 days of preferring charges (Code 7-3(b))Penalty Imposed (Article 7, Section 3 and Code 7-1)Expulsion, Disassociation, Indefinite Suspension, DefiniteSuspension, Probation, Fine, Censure, or Other Lawful PenaltyAppeal to Formal Disciplinary Hearing (Code 7-3(d))Within 14 days of the Executive Committee’s actionFormal Disciplinary Hearing (Code 7-4)Within 14 days of receipt of the appealAppeal from Formal Disciplinary Hearing (Code 7-5)10 days for member to file notice of appeal10 days for High Gamma to prepare the record on appeal10 days for member to file written appeal20 days for the Grand High Pi to ruleReinstatement after Penalty (Code 7-9)1 year from Indefinite Suspension (Code 7-9(a))5 years from Expulsion (Code 7-9(a))Automatic Disciplinary Penalties under Article 7, Section 6Suspension for Financial Delinquency (Code 7-7)Automatic 30 days after the bill is due.Probation for Scholastic Deficiency (Code 7-8(b)Automatic for failure to make grades in one termSuspension for Scholastic Deficiency (Code 7-8(c)Automatic for failure to make grades in two consecutive terms
CERTIFICATIONThis, the Forty-Fourth (2018) Edition of the Constitution and Statutory Codeof Lambda Chi Alpha, has been examined by the undersigned and is herebycertified to be an accurate compilation of the Laws of the Fraternity, exceptingthe Initiation Ritual and Orders of the Grand High Zeta, as adopted at theEighth (Indianapolis, 1920) General Assembly and amended at the Ninth and allsubsequent General Assemblies and by actions taken by referendum.Gregory A. CastaniasGrand High PiAugust 20, 2018CREED OF LAMBDA CHI ALPHAWe believe in Lambda Chi Alpha, and its traditions, principles and ideals. Thecrescent is our symbol; pure, high ever growing, and the cross is our guide;denoting service, sacrifice, and even suffering and humiliation before the world,bravely endured if need be, in following that ideal.May we have faith in Lambda Chi Alpha and passion for its welfare. Maywe have hope for the future of Lambda Chi Alpha and strength to fight for itsteachings. May we have pure hearts, that we may approach the ideal of perfectbrotherly love.Copyright 2018 Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. All rights reserved.
PREAMBLEIn order to provide better government, to promote more perfect unity, andto encourage and ensure a high standard of intellectual, moral, and socialdeportment among its Members, the General Assembly of the Lambda ChiAlpha Fraternity, an international general college social fraternity foundedat Boston University on November 2, 1909, convened in official session atIndianapolis, Indiana, on December 28, 1920, hereby adopts this Constitution tobecome effective on January 3, 1921.The Constitution and Statutory Code are in place to provide a framework forour organization. Each Chapter High Pi, High Alpha, and other appropriateMembers are encouraged to reference this document as necessary to guideChapter operations and effective decision making.Constitution and Statutory Code
A NOTE ON ORGANIZATION AND FORMATTINGAlthough the Constitution and the Statutory Code are two separate documents,they are presented here as a combined document for ease of use. Relevantportions of the Statutory Code are presented along with the Articles of theConstitution to which they relate. For clarity, provisions of the Constitution arepresented in Times New Roman font, while provisions of the Statutory Codeare presented in Arial font and are slightly indented.Forty-Fourth Edition
SOME DEFINITIONSChapters and ColoniesA Zeta is that organization consisting of all Members (defined below) at any collegeor university, alumni and undergraduate, after it shall have been granted a charter bythe Fraternity. (Article 3, Section 1)The term Chapter refers to those Collegiate Brothers and Associate Members in aZeta. (Article 3, Section 1)The term Colony refers to that organization consisting of all Collegiate Brothers andAssociate Members at any college or university, after colonization but before it shallhave been granted a charter. (Article 3, Section 1)To limit multiple references to “Chapters and Colonies” or “Chapters/Colonies,” theuse of the words “Chapter” and “Chapters” in both the Constitution and the Statutory Code shall be deemed to refer both to chartered units (Chapters) and to unchartered units (Colonies) unless the context specifically indicates to the contrary. Wherea reference only to an unchartered unit (Colony) is intended, the word “Colony” willbe used. Where a reference only to a chartered unit (Chapter) is intended, the word“Zeta” will be used.MembershipCollegiate Brothers are those initiates of a Chapter who are undergraduate studentsat the institution where that Chapter is established, who are transfer students underCode 4-12 of the Statutory Code and who contribute to the support of a Chapter inthe form of regular dues, or who are graduate students or students with equivalentprofessional status at the institution and who contribute to the support of the Chapterin the form of regular dues. (Article 4, Section 1(a))Alumni Brothers are those initiates of a Chapter who are no longer undergraduatestudents, or classified as graduate students, or who have the equivalent professionalstatus at the institution in which they are enrolled. Honorary Members are considered Alumni Brothers. (Article 4, Section 1(b))Associate Members are those students who have been accepted for association bya Chapter but who have not participated in the Initiation Ritual. (Article 4, Section1(c))“Association” shall be deemed to begin on the date an offer of associate membershipis accepted by a prospective new member in writing. (Article 4, Section 1(c))The term “Member” shall be deemed to include all persons in all three classes ofmembership - Collegiate Brothers, Alumni Brothers and Associate Members. (Article 4, Section 1)The term “Brother” shall be deemed to include only Collegiate Brothers and Alumni Brothers. (Article 4, Section 1)Constitution and Statutory Code
TABLE OF CONTENTSARTICLE 1 - Name, Incorporation, and Laws.1Section 1. Name.1Section 2. Incorporation.1Section 3. Laws.1Section 4. Objects.1ARTICLE 2 - Organization and Officers of the General Fraternity.3Section 1. General Assembly.3Code 2-1. Time and Place of Meeting.3Code 2-2. Notice of Sessions.3Code 2-3. Delegates’ Qualifications.4Code 2-4. Duties of the Official Delegate.4Code 2-5. Representation Required.5Section 2. Action by Referendum.5Section 3. Alumni Conference.5Section 4. The Grand High Zeta.6Code 2-6. Nominating Committee.11Code 2-7. Nominations.11Section 5. The Board of Councilors.12Section 6. Administrative Officers.12Code 2-8. Conclave Areas.13Code 2-9. Regional Events.13Forty-Fourth Edition
Section 7. Official Publications.13Code 2-10. Cross & Crescent.13Code 2-11. Official History.13Code 2-12. Circularizing the Fraternity.13Code 2-13. Student Advisory Committee.14ARTICLE 3 - The Zeta. 16CHAPTERSSection 1. Zetas, Chapters and Colonies.16Section 2. Colonization and Chartering.16Section 3. Chapter Operating Standards.16Section 4. Installation.17Section 5. Name.17Section 6. Revival of Dormant Chapter.17CHAPTER OFFICERSCode 3-1. High Zeta.18Code 3-2. Eligibility to Hold Office.18Code 3-3. Time and Frequency of Election. .18Code 3-4. Commissioning of Officers.19Code 3-5. Disability of High Alpha.19Code 3-6. Removal from Office.19Code 3-7. High Pi - Qualifications,Appointment and Term.19Code 3-8. Powers and Duties of High Zeta Officers.20CHAPTER COMMITTEESCode 3-9. Executive Committee.23Code 3-10. Other Chapter Committees.24Constitution and Statutory Code
CHAPTER MEETINGSCode 3-11. Frequency of Meetings;Formula for Conducting Meetings.24Code 3-12. Quorum and Voting.24Code 3-13. Examination of Visitors.24Code 3-14. Status of Associate Membersin Business Meetings.24CHAPTER ALUMNI BOARDSSection 7. Alumni Advisory Board.24Section 8. Alumni Control Board.25ARTICLE 4 - Membership and Initiation.27Section 1. Classes of Membership.27Code 4-1. Good Standing.27Code 4-2. Inactive Standing.27Section 2. Manner of Association.29Code 4-3. Voting on ProspectiveAssociate Members.29Code 4-4. Scholastic Requirements ofAssociate Membership and Initiation.29Code 4-5. Special Powers andLimitations of the Committee on Membership.30Code 4-6. Termination of Associate Membership;Reassociation.30Code 4-7. Instruction of Members.31Code 4-8. Hazing of Members.31Forty-Fourth Edition
Section 3. Membership Requirements for All Members.31Code 4-9. Voting on Candidates for Initiation.32Code 4-10. Official AuthorizationRequired to Initiate.33Section 4. Honorary Membership.33Section 5. Methods of Initiation.33Section 6. Rights and Duties of Members.34Code 4-11. Proof of Membership.35Code 4-12. Transfer of Affiliation.35Section 7. Registration of Members.35Code 4-13. Registration and Numberingof Initiated Members.36Code 4-14. Brothers in Good Standingat Time of Chapter Suspension.36ARTICLE 5 - Finances.37Section 1. Dues, Fees and Other Charges.37Section 2. Fiscal Year.37Code 5-1. Annual Budget.37Code 5-2. General Operating Fund.37Code 5-3. General Fraternity Dues,Fees and Fundraising.37Code 5-4. General Assembly Expenses.39Code 5-5. Lambda Chi AlphaEducational Foundation.39Code 5-6. Chapter Rehabilitation Accounts.40Code 5-7. Financial Operations ofChapters and Affiliated Organizations.40Constitution and Statutory Code
ARTICLE 6 - Emblems, Ritual, Regalia, and Awards.42Section 1. Description.42Code 6-1. Rituals.42Code 6-2. Official Jewelers.42Code 6-3. Official Badge.43Code 6-4. Official Associate Member Pin.44Code 6-5. Official Recognition Button.44Code 6-6. Coat of Arms.44Code 6-7. Official Seal.44Code 6-8. Official Flag.44Code 6-9. Scholarship and Activity Keys.44Code 6-10. Official Graduation Cords.45Code 6-11. Fraternity Intellectual Property.45Section 2. Official Flower.45Section 3. Order of Merit.45Section 4. Order of Achievement.46Section 5. Order of Interfraternity Service.46ARTICLE 7 - Discipline of the Individual Member.48Section 1. Offenses Defined.48Section 2. Jurisdiction.48Section 3. Penalties.48Code 7-1. Penalties Defined.48Section 4. Basic Rights of the Accused.50Forty-Fourth Edition
Section 5. Disciplinary Procedures.51Code 7-2. Preferring Charges.51Code 7-3. Disciplinary Conferences and Hearingsbefore the Executive Committee.51Code 7-4. Formal Disciplinary Hearing.53Code 7-5. Appeal from Decision of theFormal Disciplinary Hearing.56Code 7-6. Hearing Records.57Section 6. Automatic Disciplinary Penalties.57Code 7-7. Automatic Suspension forFinancial Delinquency.57Code 7-8. Automatic Probation/Suspensionfor Scholastic Deficiency.58Section 7. Resignation.60Section 8. Discipline of Members of the Grand High Zeta.60Section 9. Discipline of Members of the Student Advisory Committee.60Code 7-9. Reinstatement after Penalty.61Section 10. Dues and Fees during Disciplinary Period.62ARTICLE 8 - Discipline of the Chapter.63Section 1. Probation for Disciplinary Reasons.63Code 8-1. Effects of Probation.63Section 2. Suspension for Other than Financial Reasons.63Section 3. Emergency Suspension for Other than Financial Reasons.63Section 4. Suspension for Financial Reasons.64Section 5. Termination of a Colony.64Code 8-2. Effects of Suspension of aChapter and Termination of a Colony.65Constitution and Statutory Code
Section 6. Review.65Code 8-3. Process for Review of an Orderof Probation or Suspension of a Chapter orTermination of a Colony.66Section 7. After Suspension of Operations or Termination of a Colony.67Code 8-4. Firearms, Explosives andIncendiary Devices.67Code 8-5. Alcohol-Free Housing.68ARTICLE 9 - Unification and Absorption; Amendments to the Laws;Conflicts with Existing Laws.69Section 1. Unification or Absorption Agreement.69Section 2. Terms of Agreement.69Section 3. Amendments to Constitution or Initiation Ritual.69Section 4. Amendments to Statutory Code.69Section 5. Adoption of and Amendments to Policy Resolutions.69Section 6. Approval of Non-Substantive and Technical Changes.69Code 9-1. Proposed Legislation and Resolutions.70Section 7. Revocation of Orders.70Section 8. Annulment of Conflicting Laws.
Appeal from Formal Disciplinary Hearing (Code 7-5) 10 days for member to file notice of appeal 10 days for High Gamma to prepare the record on appeal 10 days for member to file written appeal 20 days for the Grand High Pi to rule Appeal to Formal Disciplinary Hearing (Code 7-3(d)) Within 14 days of the Executive Committee’s action Formal Disciplinary Hearing (Code 7-4) Within 14 days of .
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
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Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. 3 Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.