School Garden Materials And Resource Guide

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School GardenMaterials and ResourceGuideMonterey County Farm to School PartnershipA Program of the Watershed Institute at CSU Monterey Bay"Inspiring healthy eating choices by promoting an understanding ofagriculture through garden-based education and by linking local farms toschool meals.”Office (831) 582-5115Fax (831) 582-3691100 Campus Center, Building 42Seaside, CA 93955This informational guide outlines specific building materials, estimated costs, andbudgets needed to get a school garden started. This is a comprehensive list of supplies forschool gardens and should be tailored to fit the size and need of your garden program.We hope that you can use this as a template to apply for garden funds, and as a referenceduring the construction and implementation phases of your school garden.Table of ContentsGetting Started pg 2Background on Garden Supplies and Garden Beds pg 3Garden Tools and Building Materials Costs . .pg 4Raised Bed Diagrams and Estimated Costs . .pg 8General School Garden Resources . pg 10Drafted and prepared by Monterey County Farm to School Partnership’sKathryn Spencer, Kari Bernardi-Ibsen, and Xeronimo Castaneda

Getting Started(Adapted from Life Lab Science Program’s Getting Started Garden Guide which isavailable for free to California School Teachers. Request a school garden resource packetby emailing Deborah Tamannaie at PLANNING THE GARDEN Form a steering committee of students, teachers, administrators, parents, andcommunity members. Begin fundraising and seeking donations Select a garden site with at least six hours of direct sunlight, access to water, andvisibility from classrooms Plan and design your outdoor classroom, indicating the location of the garden bedareas, the tool shed/storage area, the compost area, the outdoor instruction area,the greenhouse/cold frame area, and the water system Purchase tools and materials2 BREAKING GROUNDOrganize a community workdayBuild garden bedsDo a preliminary soil testCultivate soilOrder seeds/plants3 MAINTANING THE GARDENPlant seeds in containersCultivate garden bedsWeed and mulch bedsAdd soil amendmentsPlant and transplantMaintain compost areaWater plants as neededPrune plantsPlant cover cropsTest garden bed soilHarvest cropsWatch for pests and harsh weather4 MANAGING THE GARDEN Schedule class use of the outdoor classroom Post garden maintenance tasks Develop a work schedule for volunteers Plan a holiday and summer maintenance program Create a supply-ordering system2Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

Garden Equipment and SuppliesPages 5-8 show the estimated costs of building materials, tools and resources, andprofessional development needed to start a school garden. These prices are estimates orexamples of costs from local stores and catalogues. Keep in mind the size of your gardenprogram (and the number of students) while totaling up costs for tools and materials.Raised BedsRaised beds are a great way to garden on school grounds. The garden beds helpkeep out weeds and pests like gophers. Constructing these beds requires some powertools, labor and other materials. A skill saw will be needed to cut the boards down to thedesired length (unless your lumber vendor will cut them for you). Non-pressure treatedredwood is the best wood for garden bed construction, as it lasts a long time and is nottreated with chemicals that could affect your edible plants. A box of screws, a good drill,drill bits, a tape measure, and an extension cord will be needed to construct these raisedbeds. For gopher proofing the beds, a roll of aviary wire (make sure it is wider than yourgarden bed-4 feet wide!), wire cutters/wire shears, a staple gun, staples, or u-nails and ahammer will be needed. These additional items (aviary wire, staple gun, staples) will costabout 75, and can be used for gopher proofing multiple garden beds. Pages 9-10 showdiagrams of different sizes of garden beds.Note on SoilsSoil is the building block of a garden. Healthy soils make happy plants. Forhappy plants, a mix of 1/3 compost and 2/3 soil is ideal. The amount of soils needed forschool gardens are measured in cubic feet and cubic yards. Bags of soil (like ones sold atnurseries) can be found in 1 cubic foot volume. There are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard.Raised beds can need anywhere from 1-2 cubic yards of soil to fill them (look at theraised bed diagrams on page 9 for the cubic yardage needed for different sized beds).Some landscaping companies will deliver soil to school gardens, usually charging anextra delivery fee of 50-100 and requiring a minimum cubic yardage per load. Deliveryof five cubic yards of soil could cost between 200-300. Research soil and delivery costsin your area. Be wary of donated soil as it could contain large amounts of weed seed. It isa good idea to figure out how many garden beds are in the garden, and how much soil isneeded to fill them in the planning stage of the garden.3Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

Suggested Garden Equipment, Supplies, and Resources with Cost EstimatesLumber for Raised BedsDimensionsLengthEstimated Cost(in inches)(in feet)2"x6"16'202"x6"12'154"x4"8'15Non-Pressure Treated Redwood(Larger size cuts of wood available at higher cost)Building Materials for Raised BedsDescriptionWhere to find itStaple gunOSH14Estimated CostStaples1 boxOSH10Galvanized deck screws (3 inch)1 boxOSH3.00-5.00Nails (2 inch)1 boxOSH3.00-5.00U nails (poultry staples) 3/4 inchAviary Wire (for gopher proofing)1 boxOSH1/2 in. holes, 48 in wide 100 ft long OSH465(make sure the wire is wider than the boxes--48 inches )Hardware Cloth (for gopher proofing)1/2 in. holes, 48 in wide 100 ft long OSH(this is more sturdy than the aviary wire, but more expensive)160Total:Fencing MaterialsDescriptionNon Pressure Treated Redwood postsWhere to Find itEstimated Cost4"x4" posts, 8 ft tall (need posts about every 6-8 ft)13Wire for fence6 or 8 ft tall 4" wide holesOSH80/ 100ft rollCement (Quickcrete)1 bagOSH4/ bagGravel to mix with cement1 bagOSH4/bagU nails (poultry staples) 3/4 inch1 boxOSH3.00-5.00Total:Other Planting Containers1/2 wine barrelsDescriptionAsk wineries for donations orWhere to Find itbuy at OSHEstimated Cost25Window sill planterSeeds of Change20Grow tubsSeeds of Change20Black Plastic Pots1 gallon potsPeaceful Valley/OSH0.60-.803 gallon potsPeaceful Valley/OSH1.60-2.005 gallon potsPeaceful Valley/OSH2.00-4.00Peaceful Valley/OSHSeeds of Change/OSH0.351.50-3.00Seeds of Change/OSH1.70-2.004 inch small pots6 pack seedling grow trayTray holder for 6 packs(sheet of 12)Total:4Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

Soils and Fertilizers(see diagrams for estimated volumes needed)DescriptionSunland Organic Potting and Planting Mix 1 bag 1 cubic footSunland One Earth Organic Compost1 bag 1 cubic footWhere to Find itOSHOSHEstimated Cost63.51 bag 1 cubic foot, 27 bags 1 cubic yardSoil Delivery (check local companies)Depends on cubic yards & delivery costsGeneric soils and/or compostany nurseryHand Pump Sprayer for fertilizer5-5-5 Biolizer Organic Liquid Fertilizer(Non-fishy liquid fertilizer)200-300 (for 5 yards)6.00-10.00/bagOSH71 quartPeaceful Valley101 gallonPeaceful Valley26Composters (compost maker)55-100Stacking ComposterSeeds of ChangeCompost Bin100pick up at MRWMDVermi-Composter (worm boxes)5550-1502 tray "classroom" versionSeeds of Change504 tray with spoutSeeds of Change150Compost ThermometerMRWMDWorm-A Way Starter Kit(includes book)pick up at MRWMDWriggly-Ranch Worm Bins (Multi-layered bins)pick up at MRWMDRed Worms for Vermicomposter500 wormsPeaceful Valley /Seeds of Change15557530Total:Mulch/WoodchipsContact a local tree service or city arborist for free or low cost mulchGardening Tools (Children's and Adult tools)Children's ToolsHand trowelsSmall Spading ForksSmall Round Point ShovelsDescriptionRed Handled “Corona”2 feet tall w/ “D” handle3 feet tall w/ “D” handleTrash Picker UppersWhere to Find itHome DepotHome Depot/OSHHome Depot/OSHHome DepotKids gloves(Rubber Fingered gloves are best)OSHEstimated Cost710.00-15.0010.00-15.00132.50-8Children's Total:(Item price x 30 kids) Class set Total:Teacher's ToolsRound Point ShovelFlat Shovel/Square Point ShovelSpading ForkPitch ForkDescriptionWooden HandleWooden HandleWooden HandleWooden HandleWhere to Find itOSH BrandOSH BrandOSH BrandOSH BrandEstimated Cost151520.00-30.0020.00-30.00Leaf Rake/Lawn RakeOSH10.00-15.00Hard Rake (hard metal tines)OSH155Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

4 Tine Cultivator (Spading fork)HoeOSHOSH3015Push BroomOSH15.00-20.00Long handled loppersOSH30.00-60.00Wooden HandleHand Pruners/ClippersWheel barrow (assembly required)Wheel barrow (assembly required)4 cubic ft, wooden handles6 cubic ft, wooden handlesOSHOSHOSH10.00-15.003060Utility CartAdult Gloves5 cubic ftStanley brand, rubber fingeredOSHOSH4045 Gallon Storage bucket w/ lidGarbage can 32 GallonGood for tool storageOSH715Foot Wear tread cleaner25Tool Cleaning Brush5Grey Plastic bus tubsBamboo Teepee TrellisRedwood trellisBamboo stakes (4ft long, 1.5 inch round)For seeds and harvest5 feet tall3 ft tall, 3 ft wideTwine/String5'' Tee Stakes (plastic label for plants)OSH/Peaceful ValleyOSHPeaceful Valley3.00-5.0015143OSHPeaceful Valley3.00-5.000.25Teacher's Total:Tools Total:Watering/IrrigationDescriptionSoaker Hose (1/2 inch wide with hose connectors) 50 ftWhere to Find itOSHSoaker Hose (1/4 inch wide no connectors) 50 ftOSH6Irrigation timerPlastic Watering cansWide mouth for hose nozzleOSHOSH4510100 foot HoseKink FreeOSH50Fan Sprayer (hose nozzle)Yellow plasticOSH3Fits most water spigotsOSHOSH206Water wandsUniversal Water KeyEstimated Cost13Total:Seeds/plants/saplings/seedlingsFruit treesPack of SeedsDescriptionWhere to Find itBare root/ mature treesTrees of AntiquityPeaceful Valley, Seeds of Change, OSHSeedlings4-6 packsCover Crop (fava beans) 1lbEstimated Cost25-1502.00-4.504.00-10.00Peaceful Valley2.5Total:6Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

MiscellaneousDescriptionSeason ExtendersLike green housesWhere to Find itEstimated Cost70.00-200.00Collapsible Row CoverSeeds of Change70Collapsible Cold FrameSeeds of Change80Garden HouseSeeds of Change175Hard Framed Green House1,000-3,000Garden Sheds, Tool ShedsOSHTables/Benches/Tree stumpsLandscape Fabric for weed blockingVehicle/Delivery/Rental expenses100-2,000(get from school grounds)3ft by 100 ft rollSoil deliveries, tool rentals, truck use3050-300.00Camera, film, processing15-60Bat and or Raptor Boxes40.00-70.00Total:Garden/Nutrition Education Curriculum and ResourcesDescriptionGarden Based CurriculumWhere to Find itCost(All from Life Lab Science Program)The Growing Classroom38.5Kindergarten: Great Exploration1st Grade: Earth Is Home2nd Grade: Change Around Us3rd Grade: How things Work4th Grade: Connections5th Grade: Change Over TimeGardens for LearningTeacher Resource BookTeacher Resource BookTeacher Resource BookTeacher Books w/ Student Lab MaterialsTeacher Books w/ Student Lab MaterialsFREE School Garden Bookwww.csgn.orgSunset Western Garden BookClip BoardsClass Set/ 3 each75.9579.9579.9579.95189189free to teachersOSH/Sunset.comStaples303.00-5.00Salad Spinners/Colanders6.00-20.00Pot Maker KitPeaceful Valley13PH Soil Test KitInterpretive Native Plant Signs (Laminated Cards on Metal Stakes)Life Lab Garden Signs(purchase as a PDF file)Peaceful ValleyReturn of the Nativeswww.lifelabstore.org205each/100 for set6 for 100Total:Garden Based Professional DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentDescriptionEstimated CostInstructional Garden Coordinator Develops and leads garden based education 60/hr or 300/dayactivities, provides resources& suppliesGarden AssistantAssists teachers with their garden activities 25/hr or 150/dayGarden ConsultantHelps develop garden building plan and 60/hrcoordinates purchase of suppliesWorkshops/Registration FeesIndividual/ whole school training25.00-1500.00Profess. Development Travel Expenses25.00-100.00Total:7Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

Rectangular Garden Bed Dimensions and Estimated CostsDimensions for a Large Garden Bed:12’x 3’x 1.5’ (12 feet long, 3 feet wide, 1.5 feet high)2 yds soil to fill bed(3) 2”x 6” boards (cut to 12ft)4”x4” postsCut in 4 - 1.5ft high pieces(3) 2”x 6” boardsCut to 3ft wideMaterials for one Large Garden Bed:6- 2”x 6” boards of 16ft length ( 20 each 120)1- 4”x 4” post of 8ft length ( 15)2-yds soil 100Hardware (screws) 3.00Dimensions for a Medium Garden Bed:10’x 3’x 1.5’ (10 feet long, 3 feet wide, 1.5 feet high)1.66yds soil to fill bed(3) 2”x 6” boards (Cut to 10ft)4”x4” postCut in 4 - 1.5ft high pieces(3) 2”x 6” boardsCut to 3ft wideMaterials for one Medium Sized Bed:6- 2”x6” boards of 14ft length ( 17 each 102)1- 4”x4” post of 8ft length ( 15)1.66- yds soil 85Hardware (screws) 3.008Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

Rectangular Garden Bed Dimensions and Estimated CostsDimensions for a Medium-Small Garden Bed:8’x 3’x 1.5’ (8 feet long, 3 feet wide, 1.5 feet high)1.33yrds of soil to fill bed(3) 2”x 6” boards (Cut to 8ft)4”x4” postCut in 4 - 1.5ft high pieces(3) 2”x 6” boardsCut to 3ft wideMaterials for one Medium-Small Garden Bed:6- 2”x6” boards of 12ft length ( 15 each 90)1- 4”x4” post of 8ft length ( 15)1.33yds soil 65Hardware (screws) 3.00Dimensions for a Small Garden Bed:6’x 3’x 1.5’ (6 feet long, 3 feet wide, 1.5 feet high)1yd soil to fill bed(3) 2”x 6” boards (Cut to 6ft)4”x4” postCut in 4 - 1.5ft high pieces(3) 2”x 6” boardsCut to 3ft wideMaterials for one Small Garden Bed:6- 2”x6” boards of 10ft length ( 13 each 78)1- 4”x4” boards of 8ft length ( 15)1yd soil 50Hardware (screws) 3.009Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

General Resources for School GardensConstruction & Materials:Lumber: Home Depot, Local Lumber StoreSoil: Sunland Soils, OSH, local landscaping companyComposters: MRWMD, Seeds of ChangeVermicomposters: MRWMD, Seeds of ChangeSeason Extenders (like greenhouses): Seeds of Change, OSH, Home DepotGardening Supplies(Catalogues/Websites)Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden SupplyResources: tools, seeds, fertilizersContact: www.groworganic.comSeeds of ChangeResources: seeds, season extenders, toolsContact: www.seedsofchange.comHarmony Farm SupplyContact: www.harmonyfarm.comResources: tools, seedsSunland Garden ProductsResources: soil, compost, (they sell to OSH)Contact: www.sunlandgarden.comSchool Garden Resources California School Garden Network: www.csgn.orgCalifornia Foundation for Ag in the Classroom: standards based agricultural curriculum) Kid’s Gardening: Sunset Magazine: gardening tips) Farm to School National Page: KidMax-free donated materials for schools: Life Lab Science Program: www.lifelab.orgcurriculum, teacher training and more.10Monterey County Farm to School Partnership Garden Building Guide (2007)

This informational guide outlines specific building materials, estimated costs, and budgets needed to get a school garden started. This is a comprehensive list of supplies for school gardens and should be tailored to fit the size and need of your garden program. We hope that you can use this as a template to apply for garden funds, and as a .

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