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iiPradip Malhotra NATIONAL CENTRE FOR ANTARCTIC & OCEANRESEARCH, GOAISBN No.: 978-93-5321-283-4Report compiled by& Edited by::Pradip Malhotra, Leader & Station CommanderMaitri, AntarcticaWith assistance from:Shri Ajay Dhar, Voyage LeaderIndian Institute of GeomagnetismNew Panvel (W), Navi Mumbai - 400 218In collaboration with:National Centre for Antarctic& Ocean ResearchEarth System Science Organisation(Ministry of Earth Sciences)Headland Sada, Vasco-Da-Gama, Goa 403804Printed at : CSIR - National Institute of Science Communication andInfromation Resources, Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg,New Delhi- 110012

ivPradip Malhotra

An Overview of the 28th Indian Antarctic Expeditionv

viPradip MalhotraMonaco, July 19th 2017The situation in Antarctica is a reflection of the situation of our planet.It is a cause for weighty concern when we look at the threats facing it, thecomplexity of the factors at work and humankind's difficulties in takingaction. But it also offers hope, and is full of marvelous promise.The scientific cooperation taking place in Antarctica, particularly as aresult of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty and the Madrid Protocol adopted tosupplement this in 1991, gives us one of the finest proofs of people’sability to move forward together, when they are acting in mutual accordand in the name of shared ideals.That is what I was able to observe during my trip to Antarctica in 2009,during which I visited in particular the Indian research station Maitri, in thecompany of Dr. Pradip Malhotra and his teams.The outstanding work they are carrying out, in particularly difficultconditions, should be a source of inspiration to us all. It should guide usin our struggles to protect our planet and the Polar Regions that are undersuch threat.I am delighted that this book will contribute to spreading the word, andwill help everyone to understand the importance and the need to safeguard the Poles.

viiiPradip MalhotraCONTENTSPage No.Foreword (By The Secretary)iiiMessage from Dr. Shailesh NayakivMessage from Dr. Rasik RavindravMessage from Prince Albert II De MonacoviPrefacevii(By The Director)The TeamXXVIII ISEA Winter TeamxiiXVIII ISEA Summer TeamxivAddresses of Participating OrganisationsxviDiary of Events-xxDr Pradip Malhotra, Leader & Station Commander,28th ISEAExpedition Overview:Dr Pradip Malhotra, Leader & Station Commander,xxvi28th ISEAATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESMorphology of the auroral electrojets over Maitri station,AntarcticaAnand K. Singh, Jayanta K. Behera, Ajay Dhar, S. Saini, C.Panneerselvam and A. K. SinhaSurface measurements of atmospheric electrical parameters atMaitri,Antarctica: Preliminary resultsC. Panneerselvam, N. Jeni Victor, P.Elango, K. U. Nair,C. Selvaraj and Ajay Dhar3-911-19

An Overview of the 28th Indian Antarctic ExpeditionixCONTENTSPage No.Commissioning of Space Physics Laboratory at Indian PermanentResearch Base “Maitri”, Antarctica to study the impact of spaceweather events on high latitude ionospheric regionRupesh M. DasMeteorological programme at Maitri, Antarctica during 28thexpeditionP. Radhe SyamCharacterization of Atmospheric aerosols over Indian Antarcticstation during the Southern Hemispheric summer of 2008-2009 SSuresh Babu, Jai Prakash Chaubey, Vijayakumar S Nair, and KKrishna MoorthyTrace elemental variability in aerosols near the two Indian Antarcticresearch stations during austral summerRoseline C. Thakur21-3133-4345-6061-74EARTH SCIENCES, GLACIOLOGY & CLIMATECHANGECorrelation of crustal evolutionary history of Larsemann Hills,East Antarctica And Eastern Ghats, IndiaAshish Kumar Nath, Mervin J. D’Souza and Amit MandalStudy of the Pan-African shear zone in Wohlthat and OrvinMountains during 28th Indian Antarctic ExpeditionAmit Dharwadkar, Ashish Kumar Nath, Amit Mandal andM. J. D’SouzaGlaciological observation during the 28th Indian Antarctic ExpeditionPrakash Kumar Shrivastava, Amit Dharwadkar, Ashish Kumar Nathand Arun ChaturvediGeological mapping in Gjelsvikfjella with Norwegian Station Troll as baseAmit Dharwadkar and Prakash K ShrivastavaRemote Sensing Signature study and selection of Indian Antarcticcalibration site for polar process modelingSandip R. Oza, R. K. K. Singh, Dipak A. Maroo, Raj Kumar andN. K. Vyas77-132133-163165-177179-218219-229

xPradip MalhotraCONTENTSPage No.Study of the Glacio-Metereological parameters, surface energy231-245fluxes over different snow-ice media in Dronning Maudland inEast Antarctica during 28th Indian Scientific Expedition (200809)Uttam ChandStudies of water and wastewater quality at Indian Scientific247-256Base Maitri, East Antarctica during XXVIII ISEABhupesh Sharma, Manoj Kumar, Pawan K. Bharti, R.K. Singh,V. K. Verma and U. K. NiyogiStudies on surface and sub-surface snow samples from the257-266coastal and inland regions of East Antarctica (Program #9)Mahalinganathan K, Akshay verma and Thamban MelothAssessment of total mercury in the freshwater lakes of267-272Schirmacher and Larsemann Hills, AntarcticaNeelu Singh and Anoop K. TiwariLarge Scale Mapping of Schirmarcher Oasis and h,ManjeetSingh andVimal KishoreHydrodynamics of the Indian Ocean sector of coastal279-286AntarcticaAlvarinho J. Luis and Vinit LotlikarBIOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCESAND HUMAN PHYSIOLOGYStatus and distribution of birds in Southern Indian Ocean andAntarctica with special reference to climate changeK. Sivakumar and S. SathyakumarDiversity and ecophysiology of lichens in Schirmacher Oasis,AntarcticaSanjeeva Nayaka and D.K. UpretiA preliminary study on the effects of temperature variability onthe metabolic rates of Antarctic Krill under laboratoryconditions289-303305-326327-337

An Overview f the 28th Indian Antarctic ExpeditionxiCONTENTSPage No.Anant Pande, Atul Babar and B.G.KulkarniEffect of Antarctic Environment on Immune Response ofIndian Expedition MembersKP Mishra,Anand Prakash Yadav, Lilly Ganju andSudipta ChandaENGINEERING & LOGISTICS REPORTReport of LAN Layout339-375377-381Dr. Shailendra Saini, NCAORReport of Logistic TeamDr Pradip Malhotra, Leader & Station Commander, 28th383-388ISEAElegy of Kuldeep Wali389

xiiPradip MalhotraTHE TEAMThe WINTER TEAM of 28th Indian Antarctic Expedition:(2008-09)Sr. No1.NameDr. Pradip MalhotraInstitutionExpedition Leader &Station Commander(Central HealthService)2.Shri C. Panneer SelvamIIG3.Shri P. Radhe SyamIMD4.Shri Kuldeep WaliIMD5.Shri Uttam ChandSASE6.Shri A. Nageswara RaoNGRI7.Shri Anand Prakash YadavDIPAS8.Shri Ritesh YadavNPL9.Dr. Binod Kumar SinghITBP10.Shri Som DuttDEAL11.Shri Som Prakash ParandiyalDEAL12.Veh/Mech. T. K. RoutBRO13.Veh/Mech. P. RamakrishnanBRO14.Veh/Mech. Sanjeev KumarBRO15.Carp. P. TrinaguBRO16.Wldr, D.S.KoliBRO17.Shri Deepchand ShivrayanNCAOR18.Shri P R BishnoiNCAOR19.Shri Hukum SinghNCAOR20.Shri Sajjan Singh PanghalNCAOR

An Overview of the 28th Indian Antarctic ExpeditionxiiiTHE TEAM21.Shri Y Shiv Sankar ReddyNCAOR22.Shri Shaik MastanNCAOR23.Shri Nur HasanNCAOR24.Shri Mohammed Nazar N.NCAOR25.Ct. Ck.Totaram SharmaIndo Tibetan 25)

xivPradip MalhotraTHE TEAMThe SUMMER TEAM of 28th Indian Antarctic Expedition:(2008-09)Sr. NoNameInstitution1.Shri Ajay DharVoyage Leader IIG2.Shri Amit DharwadkarGSI3.Shri Ashish K. NathGSI4.Shri P.K.ShrivastavaGSI5.Dr. Nuncio MurukeshNCAOR6.Dr. Shailendra SainiNCAOR7.Shri Mahalinganathan KNCAOR8.Dr. R.S.DabasNPL9.Shri Rupesh M. dasNPL10.Dr. Sanjeeva NayakaNBRI11.Shri A.K.AkilanNGRI12.Shri Saroj Kumar SahuIITM13.Shri Alok Sagar GautamIITM14.Dr Sandip R. OzaSAC15.Shri Dipak A. MarooSAC16.Shri A. GanjuSASE17.Dr. K. P. MishraDIPAS18.Shri Bhupesh SharmaSIIR

An Overview of the 28th Indian Antarctic ExpeditionTHE TEAM19.Dr. Manoj KumarSIIR20.Shri Anant PandeIS21.Shri Vimal KishoreSOI22.Shri K.V.Ramana MurthySOI23.Shri Maheshwar SinghSOI24.Shjri Manjeet SinghSOI25.Shri Sanghdeep GautamAU26.Lt. Cdr Sanjeev SharmaNHO27.LSSRI, H.V.SubramanianNHO28.Jai Prakash ChoubeySPL29.Dr. K. SivakumarWII30.Dr. S. SathyakumarWII31.Dr Raj Kumar RajanZSI32.Shri Akshay VermaFRI33.Ms. Roseline Mary CuttingFRI34.Ms. Neelu SinghFRI35.Ms Vertika SinghBSIP36.Shri Ramesh Kumar PetwalDEAL37.Shri Saurabh DubeyITBP38.Ct. Ck. Nand LalITBP39.MSN, Devendra KumarBRO40.Msn Devendra SharmaBROxv

xviPradip MalhotraTHE )(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)

An Overview of the 28th Indian Antarctic (35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)

xviiiiPradip MalhotraAddresses of Participating Organisations01. Indian Meteorological Department, Mausam Bhavan, Lodhi Road,New Delhi, 11000302. Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Plot - 5, Sector - 18, New Panvel(West), Navi Mumbai- 410211803. Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,Pashan, Pune - 41100804. National Centre for Antarctic & Ocean Research, HeadlandSada,Vasco-Da-Gama,Goa - 40380405. Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleosciences, 53, University Road, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh 22600706. Forest Research Institute, P.O. New Forest, Brandis Rd, IndianMilitary Academy, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 24800607. Geological Survey of India, Antarctica Division, NH 5 - P.N.I.T.,Faridabad - 12100108. The Institute of Science,15, Madam Cama Rd, Mantralaya, Fort,Mumbai, Maharashtra 40003209. Space Application Centre, SAC PO, Ahmedabad - 38005310. Shriram Institute of Industrial Research, 19 University Road, Delhi 11000711.Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Mehu Wala Mafi, Dehradun,Uttarakhand 24800712. Space Physics Labor atory,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695022VSSCRoad,Thumba,13. National Hydrographic Office, PB No. 75, 107 A Raipur Road, DehraDun - 24800114. Zoological Survey of India, M - block, New Alipore, Kolkata - 70005315. National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 11001216. Barkatullah University, Bhopal - 46202617. Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment, Plot No.1, Sector 37 - A ,Himaparishar, Chandigarh - 16003618. Survey of India, 17 EC Road, PB No. 77, Dehra Dun - 24800119. National Geophysical Research Institute, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500007

An Overview of the 28th Indian Antarctic Expeditionxix20. Defence Institute of Physiology and Applied Sciences, Lucknow Road,Timarpur, Delhi 11005421. National Botanical Research Institute, No 436, Rana Pratap Marg,Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 22600122. Indo Tibetan Border Police, Block No 2 CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,New Delhi - 11000323. Defence Electronic Application Laboratory, PB No. 54, Raipur Road,Dehra Dun - 24800124. Central Government Health Scheme, 6 Esplanade East, Kolkata 700069

Dr. Pdi Malhotra Epediti Lead & Statio Cmmander (C H S) 2. Shri C. Panneer Selvam IIG 3. Shri P. Radhe Syam IMD 4. Shri Kuldeep Wali IMD 5. Shri Uttam Chand SASE 6. Shri A. Nageswara Rao NGRI 7. Shri Anand Prakash Yadav DIPAS 8. Shri Ritesh Yadav NPL 9. Dr. Binod Kumar Singh ITBP 10. Shri Som Dutt DEAL 11. Shri Som Prakash Parandiyal DEAL 12 .

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