FY19 Human Resources, Recruitment & Training Division

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Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019HUMAN RESOURCESRECRUITMENT& TRAINING2019STRATEGIC PLAN1 Page


Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019MISSION STATEMENTGuides and supports the strategic direction of the department by recruiting, hiring and retaininga diverse workforce while providing innovative solutions to organizational and human resourceissues. Enhance the positive attributes of the Department by providing career development andtraining to increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of all staff. We are committed toestablishing and implementing sound policies for equitable treatment; and promoting a healthyprofessional environment built on respect for diverse perspectives and transparency.VISION STATEMENTWe aspire to build partnerships with all management levels, seek to implement human resourcebest practices and innovative solutions, invest in professional development to build our futuredepartment leaders, and create and promote a culture which values a healthy work-life balancefor all employees.3 Page

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTDivision ChiefTraining &RecruitmentCommanderSR HR AnalystAdmin IV SupportTraining and StaffDevelopmentHR Technician IIAdmin IV SupportHR Technician IRange OfficerRange OfficerSworn RecruiterNew Officer'sTraining SgtAcademy StaffRange MasterAcademyRecruitsField TrainingProgram4 Page

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019HUMAN RESOURCESDescription of Section:The Human Resources and Recruitment Section partners with the Department to provideprofessional HR services including overseeing the recruitment and hiring for sworn and nonsworn staff; ensures compliance with labor laws and employee’s rights; maintains employeesfiles; assists with performance issues; manages payroll and the administration of workerscompensation and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) programs.FY 2019 GOALS#1 Written Directives1.1 Review and revise written directives which apply to Human ResourcesAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date1.1.1FY19 Q11. directives will be assigned to appropriate staffpersons for reviewRevised directives forwarded to supervisory staff forreviewRevised directives forwarded to Accreditation toensure compliance with standards and lawsPost approved directivesHumanResources StaffDivision ChiefSR HR 9 Q2FY19 Q3FY19 Q4#2 Promotional Processes for Sworn Staff2.1 Develop and implement promotional processes for sworn staffAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date2. ChiefDivision ChiefSR HR AnalystDivision ChiefSR HR AnalystDivision ChiefFY19 Q1FY19 Q2AssignmentTarget DateHR Tech IISR HR AnalystFY19 Q12.1.3Initiate meeting with vendor and appropriate staffWork with vendor to develop processes for ranks ofSgt., Lt., and Capt. PositionsConduct promotional processes2.1.4Post Eligibility Lists for sworn ranksFY19 Q3FY19 Q3#3 Hiring Process for Civilian Positions3.1 Streamline the hiring process for civilian positionsAction Plan3.1.1Assess current recruitment and hiring cycle todetermine if best practices are being utilized5 Page

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 20193. areas where we can increase efficiency, bothdepartmentally and in coordination with City HRPartner with City HR to determine NeoGov systemneeds/abilities to support recommended changesImplement measures to streamline the recruitmentand hiring cycleMonitor effectiveness of implemented changesHR Tech IISR HR AnalystSR HR AnalystDivision ChiefHR Tech IICity HRSR HR AnalystDivision ChiefFY19 Q2FY19 Q3FY19 Q4Ongoing#4 Pay Incentive Program for Sworn Staff4.1 Implement revised pay incentive program for sworn staffAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date4.1.1Division ChiefFY19 Q2Division ChiefFY19 Q2Division ChiefFY19 Q3Division ChiefDivision ChiefFY19 Q4Ongoing4. appropriate staff to form a committee to reviewand revise current pay incentive written directive.Assist Committee with the development of revisedprogramForward proposal of revision to Chief of Police forapprovalImplement revised Pay Incentive ProgramMonitor Pay Incentive Program#5 Career Ladder for Parking Enforcement Officer Positions5.1 Enhance and implement career ladder for Parking Enforcement Officer PositionsAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date5.1.1Partner with City HR to revise and develop careerladder program for Parking Enforcement Officers5.1.2Implement career ladder programDivision ChiefSR HR AnalystFiscal Officer IIIDivision ChiefSR HR AnalystFY19 Q1FY19 Q3#6 Re-classification of Civilian Positions6.1 Re-classification of civilian positions based on current duties and responsibilitiesAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date6. civilian positions which are working out of class Division ChiefSr HR AnalystWork with affected staff to complete Job AnalysisDivision ChiefQuestionnaire (JAQ), as required by City HRSR HR AnalystForward completed JAQ to City HR for review andDivision ChiefapprovalSR HR AnalystImplement approved re-classification of positionsDivision ChiefFY19 Q1OngoingOngoingOngoing6 Page

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019SWORN RECRUITMENTDescription of UnitThe Sworn Recruitment Unit partners with outside organizations and the community torecruit candidates for sworn positions. This Unit is responsible for the identification oftargeted populations to ensure a diverse selection pool for consideration for hire. Inaddition, the unit manages the applicants selection and on-boarding of new officers.FY 2019 GOALS#1 Recruitment of talented staff11 Implement best industry practices to recruit diverse and talented candidatesAction PlanAssignmentTarget DateRecruiterFY19 Q21.1.1 Research best industry ruitmentRecruitmentFY19 Q31.1.2planCommanderRecruiter#2 Diverse and Talented Officers2.1 Maintain hiring of diverse and talented officersAction Plan2. and partner with organizations, communitygroups, educational institutions where targetedpopulations can be assessedDevelop interview questions which will result inproviding insight on the candidates to identify thecandidate who has the skill set to perform within the21st Century Policing guidelines (CommunityEngagement)AssignmentTarget derRecruiterOngoingFY19 Q2#3 Go Green with Recruitment3.1 Automation of Recruitment and On-Boarding processesAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date3.1.1FY19 Q4Research and submit a proposal for an automatedprogram that will best track the status of applicantsRecruiter7 Page

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019TRAINING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENTDescription of SectionThe Training and Staff Development Section (T&SD) ensures the training needs of alldepartmental staff (sworn and civilian) are met. The Section consists of a dedicatedworkforce that is responsible for the following: coordination of mandatory in-service trainingand all other proficiency and qualification training programs; maintenance of trainingrecords; distribution of information regarding training opportunities; identification of newtraining opportunities; preparation of training materials; supervision of pre-academyrecruit officers; APD academy staff; academy recruit officers; new officer’s patrol training;firearms training; and maintaining an inventory of all employees’ skills, knowledge andabilities.FY 2019 GOALS#1 Written Directives1.1 Review and revise written directives for the Training and Staff Development UnitAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date1.1.1T&SD UnitFY19 onManagerFY19 Q32.1 Implement a training needs analysis surveyAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date2, UnitT&SD UnitFY19 Q1FY19 Q2TrainingCommanderFY19 Q31. directives will be assigned to appropriate staffpersons for review and revisionRevised directives forwarded to Division Chief forreview.Revised directives forwarded to Accreditation toensure compliance with standardsEnsure final and approved directives are postedFY19 Q3FY19 Q4#2 Training Needs Analysis2.1.3Develop a training needs analysis surveyDistribute Training Needs Analysis Survey to all staff,collect results and tabulate results for final reportSubmit final report for review and approval bycommand staff and Chief of Police8 Page

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019#3 Leadership Training3.1 Develop and implement training to enhance leadership development of staffAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date3. appropriate leadership training for first linesupervisors, managers and command staffSchedule and host approved trainingT&SD UnitOngoingT&SD UnitQuarterly#4 Career Development4.1 Identify and develop officers’ specific career development plansAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date4. Q3FY19 Q3FY19 Q4Identify career paths for officersDevelop career plans for identified career pathsPost approved Career Development PlansT&SD UnitT&SD UnitTrainingCommander4.2 Identify external professional career development training opportunitiesAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date4.2.1Research external professional educationalT&SD UnitFY19 Q2programs4.2.2Submit report with results of research to include T&SD UnitFY19 Q3cost effective proposal for training opportunitiesand selection process for staff#5 Automation of In-House Training5.1 Develop proposal for automated training management programAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date5. Q3FY19 Q4Conduct research of learning management programsDevelop and submit proposal for the purchase of orenhancement of current automated program whichwill accommodate continuous on-line training fordepartmental staffT&SD UnitT&SD Unit9 Page

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019NEW POLICE OFFICER TRAINING UNITDescription of Section:The New Police Officer Training Unit is responsible for the oversight and management of PreAcademy training at APD Headquarters, Recruit Officers at the Northern Virginia CriminalJustice Academy during Basic Training, and the Field Training Officer (FTO) Program. Inaddition, the Unit supervises our instructor staff assigned to the Academy.FY 2019 GOALS#1 Local Training1.1 Pre-AcademyAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date1.1.1Training SgtFY19 Q2AssignmentTraining SgtTarget DateFY19 Q32.1 Implementation of revised Field Training ProgramAction PlanAssignmentTarget Date2.1.1Training SgtFY19 Q2Training SgtTraining SgtFY19 Q2FY19 Q3Finalize pre-academy training module1.2 Post-AcademyAction Plan1.2.1Finalize post-academy training module#2 PTO/FTO Program2. all approved revisions for the Field TrainingProgramProvide training to Field Training OfficersImplement revised Field Training Program with Class13910 P a g e

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019RANGE OPERATIONS UNITDescription of UnitThe Range Operations Unit is responsible for the training and qualification of all swornemployees, in the us of all Department issued weapons, firearms related equipment andfirearms related tactics. The Range Master serves as the Department’s liaison with theNorthern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy; and ensures compliances with the VirginiaDepartment of Criminal Justice Services’ firearms standards.FY 2019 GOALS#1 Firearms Training1.1 Progressive and innovative firearms training for sworn staff.Action PlanAssignmentTarget Date1.1.1Range MasterRange OfficersRange MasterOngoingAssignmentRange MasterTarget DateOngoingRange MasterOngoing1.1.2Develop lessons plans for best industry practicefirearms training for sworn staffImplement approved firearms training1.2 Remedial firearms training for sworn staffAction Plan1.2.1Identify staff who need remedial training inaccordance to department policy1.2.2Schedule addition training for staff requiringremedial trainingOngoingMETRICS Updated and Revised written directives to ensure compliance with standards, rules,regulations, and local, state and federal laws.Development of required eligibility lists for ranks of Sgt, Lt. and Capt.The hiring of talented and skilled candidates in a timely manner.Revised Pay Incentive Program for sworn officers to align with career developmentof officers and the needs of the department.Enhancement to the Parking Enforcement Officer positions – Career LadderStaff working within the appropriate job class based on duties, responsibilities andminimum requirements.Recruitment of diverse and talented staff with skill set of perform within theguidelines of 21st Century Policing.Leadership training provided on a quarterly schedule.Career developments path identified for staff.Automation of in-house training implemented.11 P a g e

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019 New Officers’ local training revised.New Officers’ field training program revised.12 P a g e

Human Resources, Recruitment, and Training – Strategic Plan 2019 5 P a g e HUMAN RESOURCES Description of Section: The Human Resources and Recruitment Section partners with the Department to provide professional HR services including overseeing the recruitment and hiring for sworn and non-

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