The Mind Force ManifestoThe Six Laws of the Mind ExplainedBy A. Thomas Perhacsmindforcelibrary.comVersion 4.0November, 2017Limits of Liability & Disclaimer of WarrantyThe author and publisher of this ebook and the associated materials have used their best efforts in preparing this material.The author and publisher make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, orcompleteness of the contents of this material. They disclaim any warranties expressed or implied, merchantability, orfitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages,including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. If you have any doubts about anything,the advice of a competent professional should be sought. This material contains elements protected under Internationaland Federal Copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 2
About the AuthorA. Thomas Perhacs is the author, creator, and visionary behind the Mind ForceMethod.He is also the President of Velocity Group Publishing and Director of TheInternational Mind Force Syndicate and International Society of Mind ForceSpecialists.He has written several books, courses, and systems pertaining to many differenttypes of esoteric studies such as but not limited to: Hypnosis, Self Hypnosis,Psychic Development, Qigong, The Law of Attraction, Meditation and otherinteresting topics.This version of Power of the Mind has been updated from the originalversion published in 2001.Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 3
Table of ContentsAbout the Author . 3Table of Contents .4Introduction 6Components of the MIND FORCE METHOD FRAMEWORK .8Esoteric Meditations .10Psychic Abilities .11Laws of Attraction Methods .12Healing Methods .12Hypnotic Influence & Covert Persuasion .13Chapter 1 You Can Master the Six Laws .15Get Yourself Ready To Find Some Answers .15The Divided Mind .17The Subconscious Mind .18Affirmations & Autosuggestions 19Self Image Is A Generator of Power 20Chapter 2 Law #1Every Mental Image That You Allow To Take Complete Control of Your MindTends to be Realized .23Positive vs Negative Dilemma . 24Focus of Thought 25The "Block" Technique . 27Chapter 3 Law #2Nothing in Your Mind Should be in Opposition to the Mental Image You Wish toBring About at that Moment . 29Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 4
The Danger of Double Thoughts . 30Belief is a Critical Factor 32Chapter 4 Law #3If Will and Conviction are Opposed, Conviction Will Prevail . 34Belief & Faith-Powerful Success Tools .36He Had The Car In His Head 37Chapter 5 Law #4Effort Alone Produces the Reverse of the Hoped for Effect .39You Have "Mad Skills" at Something . 40Chapter 6 Law #5Any Thought That is Motivated by a Feeling Tends to Become Reality .43Keep Your Mind Bridled . 44Placing Thoughts Into Your Subconscious . 45Chapter 7 Law #6You Must Be Convinced and Believe in the Results You Want . 50Speak Into Existence What You Desire . 51Chapter 8: Bonus Material . 52Master Key to Riches .52Tasking the Subconscious Mind . 56Resources 59Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 5
IntroductionThis powerful manuscript could change your life! The informationcontained here is so potent, that if used properly, can cause you touse your mind in ways you could never imagine.Embrace these concepts, as they absolutely work Once you truly understand the power that your mind has, you will beable to achieve everything that you could ever imagine.As you read each word of this thought provoking manuscript, you’llfind yourself becoming excited about taking action to change your lifewith the concepts contained in these pages This realization of how these concepts will benefit your life willbecome more and more important to you by the second .As you read and understand the simply yet amazing conceptsdiscussed here, you’ll find yourself getting more and more compelledto take action with the items in this manuscript that I am going tosuggest you take.The concepts contained in this manuscript are condensed down sothat you can assimilate the information much faster and when you dothat you will be able to use the concepts that much faster.What may seem like a simple concept to you can be the mostpowerful concept of all, so make sure that you read and re-read thismanuscript until you have the concepts integrated into your mind fullyand completely.By all means integrate this manuscript with any of the other productsthat you have from us as you will find that all of our products carry avery special meaning to them and often times you will find them to bevery profound.Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 6
It is my intention to give to you the knowledge to take your skills to aneven higher level than you ever thought possible.After reading this manuscript you may naturally feel as if a door hasopened up in your mind, an understanding if you will that can allowyou to grasp the simplicity of these ideas and cause you to use themto your advantage.As you read through this you will come to the conclusion that creatingand building your Mind Force is a worthwhile process Which brings the question: What is MIND FORCE?MIND FORCE is the integration of physical energy and mental powerthat creates a synergistic affect to allow you to expand and use yourminds capacity exponentially.The Mind Force Method Framework for EsotericTransformationAs with any method or system, TheMind Force Method contains aframework that allows you tomaximize your ability to develop avery unique skill set which includesmany aspects of esoteric training.No esoteric training can becomplete if it doesn’t contain mostof these elements The Mind Force Method wascreated over a 20 year period oftrial and error with many differentsystems in order to come up with a system that will work for anyonewho applies the principles.A key to learning how to do an esoteric skill comes down to learningthe base skill and then practicing that skill over and over until youhave mastered it Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 7
Before we go into the 6 Laws of Mind Force, let’s discuss theframework and how it will assist you.Understanding even the basic components of THE MIND FORCEMETHOD FRAMEWORK will enable you to see the value of learningeach piece of the method for total mastery.The Three (3) Components of the MIND FORCE METHODFRAMEWORKThese three (3) components have been discussed in detail in THETRIAD METHOD online workshop, which you can access for FREEhere.Physical: Creating a physical aspect to your energy is paramountwith any kind of energetic training. Our Chi Power Blueprint andQuantum Qigong System contain exercises, techniques andmeditations not found elsewhere that are extremely powerful.Mental (Mind Force): The physical aspect is the engine and theMind Force is the Operator of the engine. The most powerful enginecan be of no use without an intelligent operator. Mind Force becomeswhat we refer to as “Becoming a Controller” and is cornerstone of thesystem.Spiritual: Once you truly understand the spiritual component, you willrealize there is more to life than what is physically or even mentallyseen. In some ways, this might even be considered an even higherlevel than both the physical and mental as it transcends time andspace.Many esoteric practice focus on one or maybe even two of the above,but most don’t contain all three.Once I discovered that it took a combination of all three (3) of these, Iset out to find the teachers to help me with each.I met some teachers that were awesome with physical Qi energy, butdidn’t even want to know about the spiritual side Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 8
I had others who were so mentally strong, yet lacked in the physicalaspects of the externalization of the energy.And yet others were so spiritually minded, they were totallyungrounded and couldn’t care about physical or even the mental(Mind Force) aspects of training.I sought out the best in each aspect and learned how to formulate aplan for my own development that I could teach to others.Keep in mind that my entire journey into some of the aspects in thismanuscript was entirely for my benefit and years before I ever eventhought of teaching it to others.I used my own trial and error and found out what worked for me first,before I ever revealed these methods to others So let’s briefly discuss the different pieces of the MIND FORCEMETHOD FRAMEWORK.QUANTUM QIGONGOver the years, I’ve writtenmany articles, books,manuscripts and entirecourses on QuantumQigong, so to think I can dojustice to explainingeverything here would befutile (maybe in the future),but for now you can checkout the first phase of trainingwhich encompasses THECHI POWER BLUEPRINTSYSTEM.Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 9
Quantum Qigong is learning how to developthe body’s Internal Energy Systems withspecific physical exercises and meditationsdesigned to accomplish the following: Build up massive amounts of physicalQi Energy Development of Yin/Yang Qi Qi Manipulation Skills Healing with Qi Energy Cultivating Health, Vitality & Internal PowerESOTERIC MEDITATIONSQuantum Qigong is considered the Yang side of energy developmentand will allow you to build up incredible amounts of Qi Energy However, in orderto refine your QiEnergy, you needsuccessful Yinpractices to get youto deeper levels ofconcentration,relaxation andenhance energeticcapabilities Esoteric Meditationpractice is anotherof the key components in the frame work and consists of but is notlimited to: Controlled Relaxation Lucid DreamingCopyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 10
Out of Body Experiences Remote Viewing Stillness or “Dead Body” Training The art and science of QuiescencePsychic AbilitiesThe Mind Force Method is one of the few practices that recognizesand harness our innate ability to become psychic. The fact is we areall psychic to one extent or another Psychic is simply being able to tap into energy, mind forces orspiritual connections that are outside of the normal 5 senses Some refer to this as the 6th sense, but inreality it is an integration of all of thesenses to create a more powerfulreceptiveness, including but not limited to: Psychic Perception Psychic Intuition Precognition Mind Reading (several levels) Mind to Mind Communication Clairvoyance Super-Sensitivity & AwarenessCopyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 11
Laws of Attraction MethodsThere are definite “Laws” of Attraction. There are laws like the 6 lawsyou will learn in this manuscript that are part of those laws True laws of attraction include the energetic, mental and spiritualforces combining to attract what you desire This is much more than wishing orhoping for something, but astrategic plan of action to “tune”your body, mind and spirit for thethings you desire in your life, notthose things you don’t. Thisincludes, but is not limited to: Building a Mind Machine Attracting Health, Wealth,Relationships How to Become “Lucky” Creating the “Magneto” of AttractionHealing MethodsJust like we are all psychic to some extent, we all have the capabilityto heal This gift can allow youhelp people in waysyou never couldimagine.Many times we want tobe healed, not realizingwe have the potentialto “Self Heal” at anytime Copyright 2017 A. Thomas Perhacs All Rights Reserved. The Mind Force ManifestoFREE BONUS TRAINING: The Manifestation Workshop-- Click Here to Claim Your SpotPage 12
Once you understand what it takes to heal yourself, you can thenassist with others.There are many forms of healing and some of those are: Energetic Healing Physical Healing Mental Healing Spiritual Healing Emotional HealingHypnotic Influence & Covert PersuasionThe mind reacts to a certain cadence of commands when said withthe right tonality, structure of words and power of energy and mentalpictures This is what we know as Hypnotic Influence This is mind control at
A. Thomas Perhacs is the author, creator, and visionary behind the Mind Force Method. He is also the President of Velocity Group Publishing and Director of The
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