An Improved State Equation In The Vicinity Of The Critical .

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JO URNAL O F RESEARCH of the Nationa l Bureau of Standards - A. Physics and Chemi stryVo l. 76A, No. 3, May- June 1972An Improved State Equation in the Vicinityof the Critical PointOlav B. Verbeke *Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo. 80302(December 21, 1971)An im prove d s ta te equa ti o n for th e vi c init y of th e c riti c a l po int is propose d. An a na lys is o f th e e xperime nt a l da ta o n he lium and xe no n has bee n ca rri ed ou t in o rde r to inves ti ga te th e influ e nce of th enumbe r of con s tant s in th e eq uati on a nd th e PpT ra nge on th e c riti c a l con s ta nt s T,. a nd p,. a nd on th ec riti c a l e xpo ne nt s ex , {3 , y. a nd 8. No s uc h inAu e nce has bee n d e tec ted. Th e mod e l fo r th e c riti ca l point.rece ntl y p roposed by Widolll . has bee n c h ec ke d regardi n g it s co nse qu e nces for th e rec tilin ea r d iam e te r.No d e fi nit e c o nnrm a ti o n but indi c ati ons for it s correc tn ess have bee n fu u nd.Ke y wo rd s: C ompress ibi lit y; c riti ca l po int ; equation of s tat e; Auid ; low te mpera ture ; me th a ne ; sca lin gla w; s pecifi c hea t ; he lium ; xenon.1. Introduction'flle d'JVe rge nce 0 (. dplII. t he rect '1dT ' wIl e re Pili ISi 'lI1 ea rRecently an equ atio n of s tate for th e vicinity of th ec riti cal point has bee n proposed by Ve rbe ke e t aI. [1).1Thi s eq uati on was appli ed to the data for xenon ofHabgood a nd Schn eid er [3]. In a s ubseq ue nt paper th eeq uati on was appli ed to d ata for me th a ne of Jan soo neet al. [2]. It is th e purpose of thi s paper to report improvements in th e eq uati on which have b een madesin ce th e n.di a me ter , is a co nseq ue nce of a mode l for the c riti ca ls tate, whi c h has rece ntl y bee n proposed by Widoma nd Row lin so n [51. Thi s dive rge nce is giv e n by a noth e rpowe r law ,;;: (Tc- T) - " ,with 0' 1 0' (as deri ve d by W ido m). Th e sa me mode l. Id s a SImi" 1ar d'Iv ergence 0 {' dp,dT ' w Ilere p, .IS t he I'In e2. Formulation of the Modified State Equation Yleof sy mm e try in th e C v(P, T) s urface wh e re C v is th eSeveral questions co ncernin g the ori ginal equations pecifi c hea t a t co ns ta nt vo lum e. A div e rge nce ofremained to be a nswered.2 swas in corporated in our origin al eq (1) in ord er to'fh e tem perature denvatl. .ve, ddT2'P werehP's IS t heprovide a si mil ar dive rge nce in all term s of th at equavapor pressure a nd T is th e te mpe rature , is beli e vedtion ; sin ce A in that equation was not necessa rilyto dive rge ase qual to L the co rres pondin g 0'1 was r estri c ted tod 2 PS (T. · - T) - "2(1)e0' 1 1- {3.C;;dPclose to the criti cal poi nt. The value of 0'2 mu st , accord in g to th e weak in equa lity of Griffiths whi c h is based onth ermodynami cs, be less than or equal to 0' {3 , where{3 is th e ex pon e nt of th e power law for the diffe re nceof th e coexis tin g de nsiti es a nd 0' is th e expo ne nt of th epower law for Ce. It has bee n proved [7] for a n equati onof state of th e type proposed by M. S. Green et al. [4],that 0' mu s t be equal to 0'2. Th e present equa ti on canalso, but mu s t n ot necessaril y, imply the latter equ ality.*On deta il to th e Nati o nal Bureau of S tand a rd s. Con trac t CST 8109. from the Katholiek eUni versiteit of Leuvcn. H ev e rl ee . Be lgi um .1It was found, howe ve r, that a va lu e of A diffe re nt from1 does introdu ce a di sco ntinuit y ac ross the criti ca lisoc hore.In ord e r to tes t th e co nj ectures on 0' 1 a nd O' made byM. S . Green et aL and Widom res pec tive ly, ouroriginal eq uation [11 was modified as follo ws:with(3)Figures in brac ke ls indic at e t he literature references a t th e e nd of th is paper.207

(4)Pili pe Pili I (Te - T.,)I - a"(5)(6)andPI pc plo( T - T8 ) I- a,.(7)It can be s hown from eq (2) that th e ex pon e nt , 0', ofthe power law for C L' ca n be expressed in te rm s of/-I- and {3 as follow s:0' press ure within a selected perce nta"e around th ecirti cal point parameters. The m e th d of d efinin othe various ranges is illustrated in figure 1. Th e actualran ges indi ca ted by th e c ro ss hatc hin g in fi gure 1are given in tabl e 1. A sin gle s ignifi ca nt parameter, N,the numb e r of data points in th e ran ge, res ults fromthi s limitin g procedure; N will be tak e n as a quanti·tative meas ure of th e ran ge . In tabl e 1 th e boundari esare defin ed for each range and for eac h substance,and the corres pondin g numbe r of data points in theran ge is give n. Ran ge No.1 for he lium ex te nd s farth e rthan any oth e r range, and for thi s ran ge th e numbe r ofcoe ffi cie nts, B, in eq (6) was varied in order to inv es ti·gate th eir relevance.1 - (2{3 /-1-).f)Several questions can now be formulated.1. I s 0' 0'1 O' ?2. Is Pili I equ al to - PIO?3. Is there any PpT range·dependence for theexponents {3, 'Y, 0 for the followin g powerlaws pe - pg - (Ye - T)13 (the indices landg re fer to liquid and gas),/ max1p//--- e;II4. How man y terms are relevant in eq uation (6)?Answers to th ese questions hav e bee n obtain ed byapplying eq (2) to two s ubs tan ces for which exce ll e ntdata is available, i.e., the data on helium by Roach [6]and the data on xenon by Habgood and Schneider[3]. As far as th e latt er data are concern ed , a rathe rlarge difference was detected previously be tween th emeas ure me nts on isochores and on isoth e rms [11. Th eerror (for version 2) with the isotherm data includedamounted to 0.00311 atmospheres versus 0.00227without. In the s ub seq ue nt analysis only meas ure mentson isochores hav e bee n con si dered.3. Analysis and ResultsBefore estimating the PpT range dependence ofth e c riti cal point parameters, th e ranges hav e to bede fin ed. Th e c hoi ce of th e ran ges will always be moreor less arbitrary. In this case the ranges are defin edb y confinin g th e variables de nsity, te mpe rature andNo. ofrangeTminTc.TmaxTFIGURE1.The variation of the error and th e apparent valu esof th e scaling exponents 0', {3, 'Y, and 0 as a fun ctionof th e number of coe ffi cie nts in eq (6) is s hown infi gure 2. Bo and B I were fo und to provide a satisfac·tory desc ripti on for data of the give n accuracy withinthe give n ran ge. Beyo nd th ese two cons tants , node penden ce on the number of B's was found for 0'and 'Y and only a slight d ependen ce for {3 and o.Consequently in further calculations all other B·shav e been assumed to be zero. Equation (2) can beapp li ed on th e data in two alternative versions; version1 whe re 0'1, 0'2, PIIII and PIO are indepe ndent adjustableBoundaries of the different PpT ranges for xeno n and helium andthe n mber of data points leji in each range( IPma pel ) (I T ma;c- T'I) P- T diagram showing boundaries of a" range" around the critical point.(lfm PI' l)ax -PcNu mber of datapoints, NXenon1. . .2 . .3 . . . .4 .c/IP-PeI8 1.p/P fip T(at saturation or at th e c riti cal isoc hore),TABLEI/1 (fiP) ITe- TI-YIP-P eIT Tc-/ lium414295

param e te rs and 'ver sion 2 , where a , at 1 - (2 f3 /-t )and Pili I - Ptu. Th e tw o ve rsio ns are co mpared forhe lium a nd for xe non in ta bl e 2. Th e diffe re nce inth e qua lit y of fit betwee n th e two versions is not s ubs tanti a l, a nd th e refore furth e r s pecu la tion s on th erange depe nd e nce of th e criti cal parameters havebe e n carri ed o ut with vers ion 2. Th e de pendence ofth e criti ca l expo ne nt s a , 8, y and f3 on th e ran ge isillu s tra te d in fi gure 3 The co ns ta nt s for ra nge 1 a ndfor ve rsion 2 of equatio n (2) a re give n for he lium inta bl e 3, a nd for xenon in tab le 4.Th e estim a tion of th e parameters has bee n carri edout throu gh a n ite rativ e procedure. Initial co ns tantshave bee n c ho se n and th e eq uation ha s been lin earized with respect to th e dev iat ions of th e con s tants.These de viations wer e th e n ca lc ulated by th e we llknown leas t- squares m eth ods for th e lin ear ,--r--r---,-,--,--,.15 ---- - ---- -------- - .' 5.34'2yC --- j ----- --9I. ,4544HE LI U M(Range I , Vers ian 2)434 .284'Number of constants 840Th e e rror analysis is carried out on the basis ofth e correlation matrix for the lin ear case. There maybe so me do ubt wheth er this is e ntirely justified inth e case of a nonlin ear equation.3.9 ,L -L-l.---'----lL-!:---'---.l.--L-'----:----'.---" L--'----:---'--'--'--L F,G URE2.C .f3.'Y and Il and their dependence on the namber aJB's in eq (2).TABLE 2.Comparison oj the relevant parameters Ja r the two versions oj eq (2) and Jo r helillm and xenonHeliumRange No.Version 11Il'Yf3C c ,O:lp",Pili I---* "i.6. PiN - NC atm2( He) and 3(Xe)XenonParamelerIl'Yf3C c ,O :lPIVPili! .00100 .00208 24. 16 1.119 .353 .173 .173 .173 - .00132 - PIO0.000724.24 1.137 .351 .161 .277 .338 - .000314 .00168 1.138 .363 .135 .135 .135 . 000l3 0.08.009·. proVersion 1Version 24.45 0.144.39 0.1011.2321.191 .01 2 .006.356.351 .005 .005.054.108 .014 .020.287.108 .014 .116.470.108 .045 .014- .0000417 .000013] - .0000145 .000004 .0000453 .0000186- PIQ0.002240.002273.734.72 0. 39 O. 761.1781. 208 .016 .012.430.324 .052 .012- .039.142 .033 .106-. 149.142 .389 .033.060.142 1.591 .033- .0000105 .0000070 - .000025 1 .0000059 .000228 .000057- pro- - -* "i. 6.PiN-NC40.000590.00059Il0.001980.00203PtvPili I5.73 8.191.284 .074.271 .129.1 72 .283.172 .283.172 .283 .0000171 .0000425- pro- --* "i. !::.Pi0.00209yf3C c ,c ,N - NC*N is th e number of data points; NC is th e number of co nstant s.209

TABLE 3.Constantsfor eq (2) applied to helium data [6)"Constants of th e equationConstantAValue2 -a2Cpc0.32043251E 04. 17091894E 01.33758179E 03.72719432E 00- .66253524E 01- .13174329E - 02 I 2,8 !L0.74227144E 02. 17232286E - 01pm!- PtOTe,8!LI - a,.51909878E 01. 35366522E 00. 1l915742E 00 2,8 !LPSI8,Ps2PsoPtOErrorThe standard deviati on is 0.000740.10131254E 03. 19034584E - 02.12381564 02.34948345E - 01.98947437E 02. 15183463E - 03Maximum error in press ure is - 0.0025 atm.At T 5.26370 andP 2.40487 atm.45068578E 00.52370344E-05.27286947E - 03.23593233E - 02.33542782E - 02Derived ConstantsConstantaYIlValu eError0.17351214E 00.1l191574E 01.41644543E 010.60508733E - 02.33542782E - 02.62999387E - 01a Th e dens ity range is 50, the tem perature range is 5 and th e pressure r ange is 8 perce nt around th e critical point. Th e nu mber of datapoints is 414.TABLE 4.Constants for eq (2) applied to xenon data [3] aConstants of th e equ ationConstan tValue2 - a2Cpc0.94959356E 04.1l860651E OJ.13935997E 04.15611421E - OJ- .28601355E 03-.14547437E - 04 1 2,8 !L0.47872048E 03.84971537E-02pml- PIOAPSI8,P stPsoPt OTe,8!LI - a, ErrQrThe standard dev iation is 0.00227.0.21903837E 03.83952672E - 03.53686691E 02.23977382E - 02.24339522E 00.3999001OE - 05Maximum error in pressure is 0.0067 atm .At T 289. 13990 K andP 56.3430 atm .12869899E 01.39913666E - 05.31386983E - 02.46079306E - 02.63731809E-02.28976481E 03.350500350 00.19110181E 002,8 !LDerived ConstantsConstantCIYIlValue0.10789750E 00.1l911018E 01.43982899E 01Error0.13966633E - Ol.6373 1809E-02.10541327E 00a The d ensity range is 50, the temperature range is 5 an d the press ure range is 8 percent around the c ritica l point, the number of datapoints is 165.210

0.4.(JaI)0--- - - - - - 0(Jf3I)f---- - -- (JyI)f-----0.2It can be seen from th e error- b-a r-S- ]-'n- figU, eXENON (Version 2 )HELI UM (Version 2)heli um is the more likely candidate for interpretationof the resulting exponents:The agree me nt betwee n th e ex pone nts for the differ·en t ranges and for the diffe re nt version s of the stateequati on for helium is almost within the error bars.Noteworthy is the fac t th at 0' 1 te nd s to be higher·(- 0. 3 0.1 ) than 0' and that a2 see ms to be evenhi gher (- 0.45) for version 1 and for both helium andxe non.W e do not exclude the possibility that th ese valuesare s uggested by version 1 but it is note worthy that an0'2 equal to 0.45 is still lower th an 0' {3 (0.15 0.355).Thi s value (at 0.45) however, would imply a thermo·dynamic pote ntial diverge nt at th e criti cal point , apossibility which is doubted by many.A weak point in eq (2) is the nonanalyti city intro'duce d by the secon d term on the right sid e of eq (6)0030 .11. 31.1'"0- - - - 0o------- ---- 9.0B.O7.0(ap)2. m. a d'Iv erge nt ap2res uItll1g6.0"-,5.04.0 ---- ------ (J8'" ,I)300400'", ----- 1001501"f or P equ a1 to Pili . 'fh isnonanalyticity ca n be avoid ed but we doubt that itsinAu ence on th e criti cal param ete rs is important.More difficult to avoid is the nonanalyticity intro·duced by th e third term of eq (2). Thi s n nan l yti c itydisappears when y/ {3 is a n integer, say y/{3 3, forinstan ce. This effect may have had th e odd result ofproducing rather high vaiues for a.3.02.03;' -200NUMBER OF DATA POINTS3. c/. {3. Y and 8for helium. and xenon and th.eir dependenceon the number of data poin.ts (error bars are indicated by the cross·h.atched strips).FIGUHE4. ConclusionsOnly qualitative co nclu sion s can be drawn fromtable 2. The values obtained for a l and at, ind eed, areconsistent with the diverge nces as claimed by Widom'and by Green e t al. Th e valu es obtai ned , however , arelarger th an a . Furthermore th e equality PIIII - PIOseems to chec k out qualitatively. It should be e m·phasize d howe ver that th e accuracy of the data ,although being wi thin th e limits of th e present stateof the art , do es not allow definite conclusions. Thesmall differences obtain ed for a , {3 , y , and 8 in versions1 and 2 and by other authors [7] could be explained b ythe fact that equation s of this type can be very sug·gestive with respect to these values.It should also be noted that th e value for a obtainedfor helium is mu ch higher th an th e values obtained inthe past by other authors [7].In a more recent analysis, however , hi gher valueshave bee n obta ined [8]; th er rece nt experiments onhelium also s u gges t high er valu es for a (e.g. , 0' 0.14 [9]).Weare ind ebted to J. M. H. Levelt Sengers forstimulating di sc ussions on thi s subject , a nd to V.J ansoone who suggested the error analysis. Most ofof the calc ulations were performed on th e CDC3800computer , the use of which was granted by the Cryo·ge nics Di vis ion of th e National Bureau of Standards ,Bould er, ColoJ:ado 80302. W eare also inde bted to the" Rekencentrum " of th e University of Leuven, Belgiumwhere part of the computation s were performed.5. References[IJ Verbeke. O. B., Jan soo ne . V., Gielen. R., J. DeBoe lpaep. J ourna lof Physi ca l Che mi stry 73, 4076 (1969).[21 J ansoo ne, V., Giele n , H. , 1. DeBoelpaep, O . B. Ve rbeke, Physica46,213 (1970).[3] Habgood, H. W., Sc hn ei der. W. G., Ca n. J . C hem. 32,98 (1954).[4] Green. M. S., Vi ce ntini·Missoni. M., Lev ell Se nge rs. 1. M. H. ,Phys. Rev. Letters 18, 111 3 (1967).[5] Wido·m . B. , Row lin son. J. S. , J . Chem. Phys. 52 , 1670 (1 970).[6] Roach. P. R., Physical Re v. 170,213 (1968).[71 Vincentini·Missoni , M. , Levell Se ngers, J. M. H., Gree n, M. S.,l Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 73A (phys. a nd Che m.), No.6,563-583 (Nuv. - Dec. 1969).[8] Green . M. S. , Coo per. M. J . Leve lt Sengers. J . M. H., Phys.Rev. Letters 26, 492 (1971).[9J Mo ld over. M. R. , Phys. Rev. 182, 342 (1969).211(paper 76A3-717)I

number of constants in the equation and the PpT range on the critical constants T,. and p,. and on the c ritical exponents ex , {3 , y. and 8. No such inAuence has been detected. The model for the critical point. recently proposed by Widolll. has been checked

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