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UPPER SCHOOLUPPER SCHOOL boarding students are requiredto take three courses. Day students may take one,two, or three courses. Students may also sign up forthe optional SAT Preparation course for an additional fee. The SAT Prep course does not count towardsthe three-course load requirement for UPPERSCHOOL boarders. UPPER SCHOOL day studentsenrolling in the SAT Prep course must also enrollin at least one other academic course.preference, along with three alternate choices.IMPORTANT: Exeter Summer reserves the right tocancel courses for which there is insufficient enrollment and to limit the size of classes where necessary. It is essential that you list alternate courses,not different formats of the same course. If a classis canceled due to insufficient enrollment, studentswill be reassigned to their alternate choices andnotified of these changes.All UPPER SCHOOL boarding students participatein a sport for at least one hour four afternoonsper week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. Note: PhysicalEducation is optional for Day students.The Charles J. Hamm ’55 Leadership Program Thisspecial program is an alternate option for students.It consists of two courses: Leadership & Societyand The Practical Leadership Seminar. You choosea third course from any other subject in the “C” or“D” format. Students interested in applying for theleadership program should indicate so on the application and pick their third class, along with threealternate choices as admission to this program islimited and selective.All students may, for an additional fee, enroll inprivate music lessons, the SAT Prep course, or replace the two sessions of sports with Exeter CrewClub, Exeter Soccer Club, or Exeter VolleyballClub. UPPER SCHOOL students may also participate in musical or choral groups.DESIGNING YOUR OWN CURRICULUMAs an UPPER SCHOOL student, you have the freedom to design your own academic curriculum. Youmay enroll in any three of the more than 100 courses offered by Exeter Summer. Most students takecourses in three separate disciplines; we stronglyencourage you to include at least one course thatemphasizes Harkness (our word for seminar) discussion.Exeter Summer regularly reviews and revises courseofferings to meet the changing interests and needsof our students. Course offerings give students awide range of academic choices. You should givecareful thought to selecting courses and alternates as it is difficult to make changes once theprogram has begun. Please review the coursedescriptions and levels of proficiency required toensure that the courses you select are appropriate.On the application, select your courses in order ofCOURSE AND FORMAT SELECTIONIn order to avoid conflicts, pay attention to the format(s) in which a course is offered, indicated afterthe course title. The format is the meeting time fora given course. Students may not sign up for twocourses that meet during the same format.IMPORTANT: Choose your alternate courses inthe order of preference paying close attention tothe format(s). The alternate courses should notbe the same as your preferred course selections.When selecting courses, be aware that there aretwo types of courses:1. Single Period Course: Most classes are singleperiod courses that meet five times per week (i.e.,A, B, C, or D formats).2. Extended Period Course: A few classes areextended period courses that meet three times perweek in two double periods and one 90-minutesession (i.e., A/B MWF or C/D TTS).EXETER SUMMER UPPER SCHOOL 3

PREREQUISITES AND GRADE LEVELSTUITION AND FEESPrerequisites listed in the course description enablestudents to choose the appropriate level of a course.In addition, each course lists the appropriate gradelevel(s) which the student should be entering. In thefinal assigning of students to courses, proficiencyrather than grade level alone is the essential consideration. Adjustments based upon academic abilitymay be made during the first few days of classes.Boarding Student: 9,170- includes:- three academic courses- room and board- PE classes from general offeringsCOURSE CHANGESPrior to the start of the session, course changerequests are expected to be kept to a minimum.Reassignment into another course is based uponavailability. Requests for course changes must bemade by a parent/guardian via email to ExeterSummer before May 1. The Exeter Summer Office will not accept requests for course changesby phone. Requests for course changes after thesession has begun must be teacher-initiated andreceive the approval of the Director. No coursechanges will be made after the first Wednesday ofthe session.2021 UPPER SCHOOL ON-CAMPUS PROGRAMDay Student: 1,750per course- includes:- meals while on-campus- PE classes from general offerings (optional)Optional Extracurricular Fees:SAT Preparation Course (Live Online): 795Crew Club 995Soccer Club 895Volleyball Club 895Music Lessons- Full Lesson (five 50-minute) 390- Half Lesson (five 25-minute) 235DAILY SCHEDULE SAMPLE FOR UPPER SCHOOLSundayBrunch9:00 - WednesdayBreakfastBreakfastBreakfastBreakfast6:45 - 8:456:45 - 8:456:45 - 8:456:45 - 8:456:45 - 8:456:45 - 8:45A-FormatA-FormatA-FormatA-Format8:30 - 9:208:30 - 9:208:30 - 9:208:30 - 9:20B-FormatB-FormatB-FormatB-Format9:25 - 10:159:25 - 10:159:25 - 10:159:25 - 10:15Snack TimeResidentialLifeAssembly/Meetings10:20 - 11:05A-Format8:30 - 10:00Snack Time10:20 - 11:05C-Format10:20 - 11:0510:05 - 11:3510:20 - 11:05C-FormatC-FormatC-FormatC-Format11:10 - 12:0011:10 - 12:0011:10 - 12:0011:10 - 12:00D-FormatD-FormatD-FormatD-Format12:05 - 12:5512:05 - 12:5512:05 - 12:5512:05 - 12:55PEPEPEPE2:00 - 4 :002:00 - 4:002:00 - 4:002:00 - 4:00LunchSaturdayB-Format8:30 - 10:00D-Format10:05 - 11:35LunchDinnerDinnerDinnerDinner5:00 - 7:005:00 - 7:00Dinner5:00 - 7:00Dinner5:00 - 7:005:00 - 7:005:00 - 7:00Dinner timesmay varyDorm Check-inDorm Check-inDorm Check-inDorm Check-inDorm Check-inDorm Check-inDorm Check-in9:009:009:009:009:009:0011:00Lunch is served Monday – Friday from 11:30am – 2:00pmEXETER SUMMER UPPER SCHOOL 4

UPPER SCHOOLCourse Listing by FormatFORMAT AFORMAT BFORMAT CFORMAT DTheaterIntroduction to ActingMusicSongwriting and Music RecordingVisual ArtClothing Design and ConstructionComputer AnimationDigital PhotographyOil Painting (A/B TTS)3D Computer DesignFilmVideo ProductionTheaterIntroduction to TheaterPerformanceVisual ArtDigital Photography2D Design and CompositionOil Painting (A/B TTS)3D Computer DesignFilmIntroduction to Film/Media StudiesTheaterSpeechmakingMusicJazz ImprovisationSongwriting and Music RecordingVisual ArtArchitectureCeramics (C/D MWF)Clothing Design and ConstructionDrawing: Learning to LookDanceDance WorkshopFilmVideo ProductionTheaterIntroduction to TheaterPerformanceMusicChamber MusicVisual ArtArchitectureCeramics (C/D MWF)THE ARTSCOMPUTER SCIENCEIntroduction to Computer ScienceGame ProgrammingENGLISH & WRITING SKILLSCreative WritingDebate & ArgumentationGrasping GrammarGreat Books/Great ReadingJournalismWriting the College AdmissionsEssayENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVESPEAKERSBecoming a Confident WriterCreative Writing for Non-NativeSpeakersGrasping Grammar for Non-NativeSpeakersUSA: Exploring American CultureHEALTH AND HUMANDEVELOPMENTThe Science of HappinessHISTORY AND SOCIALSCIENCESHistoryFreedom and Justice for All?U.S. HistoryHumanitiesPhilosophy and Everyday LifeThe Moral LifePsychologyHis/Her/SelfIntroduction to PsychologySocial SciencesEconomics and Business PrinciplesGlobal EconomicsLANGUAGES AND CULTUREBeginning FrenchBeginning SpanishClassical MythologyMATHEMATICSEnvironmental Issues: What do theNumbers Tell Us?Problem-Solving in AdvancedPrecalculusProblem-Solving in AlgebraProblem-Solving in IntermediatePrecalculusIntroductory Problem-Solving inMatrix AlgebraSCIENCEIntroduction to PhysicsCurrent Topics in EnvironmentalScienceMarine BiologyGenetic EngineeringRelativity and Quantum PhysicsTHE ARTSCOMPUTER SCIENCEGame ProgrammingENGLISH & WRITING SKILLSThe Craft of the EssayCreative WritingJournalismWriting the College AdmissionsEssayWriting Process WorkshopENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVESPEAKERSBecoming a Confident WriterGrasping Grammar for Non-NativeSpeakersUSA: Exploring American CultureHISTORY AND SOCIALSCIENCESHistoryGlobal SecurityHumanitiesThe Media and SocietyBelief and DoubtPsychologyIntroduction to PsychologyThe Journey InwardSocial SciencesBasic Principles of Criminal JusticeEconomics and Business PrinciplesPolitics: Power and ResponsibilityLANGUAGES AND CULTUREIntermediate ConversationalFrenchIntroduction to LatinMATHEMATICSProblem-Solving in GeometryCryptographyAdventures in Problem-SolvingProblem-Solving in IntermediatePrecalculusSCIENCEIntroduction to BiologyIntroduction to ChemistryNuclear ScienceHuman Physiology and AnatomyObservational AstronomySports ScienceBioethicsTHE ARTSTHE ARTSCOMPUTER SCIENCECOMPUTER SCIENCEENGLISH & WRITING SKILLSENGLISH & WRITING SKILLSENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVESPEAKERSENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVESPEAKERSIntroduction to Computer ScienceCreative WritingDebate & ArgumentationGreat Books/Great ReadingInternational Crime FictionWriting Process WorkshopBecoming a Confident WriterCreative Writing for Non-NativeSpeakersUSA: Exploring American CultureHEALTH AND HUMANDEVELOPMENTEuphoria: The Human PursuitHISTORY AND SOCIALSCIENCESHumanitiesGlobal JusticePsychologyIntroduction to PsychologySocial PsychologySocial SciencesEconomics and Business PrinciplesGlobal EconomicsLeadership and SocietySocial EthicsLANGUAGES AND CULTUREBeginning ChineseBeginning GermanBeginning ItalianBeginning KoreanSpanish Grammar ReviewMATHEMATICSEnvironmental Issues: What do theNumbers Tell Us?Problem-Solving in AlgebraIntroductory Problem-Solving inTrigonometryAdvanced Problem-Solving inTrigonometryIntroduction to Discrete MathProblem-Solving in IntermediatePrecalculusSCIENCEIntroduction to PhysicsAdvanced BiologyAdvanced ChemistryHuman Physiology and AnatomyModern AstrophysicsGenetic EngineeringGame ProgrammingAP Level PreparationThe Craft of the EssayCreative WritingLiterature of American PoliticsWriting Process WorkshopBecoming a Confident WriterGrasping Grammar for Non-NativeSpeakersHISTORY AND SOCIALSCIENCESHistoryModern Europe (1945-Present)Understanding War and PeaceHumanitiesThe Art of Being HumanThe Media and SocietyPhilosophy and Everyday LifeUnderstanding ArgumentsPsychologyIntroduction to PsychologyNeuropsychologySocial SciencesBasic Principles of Criminal JusticeSustainable Investing in aChanging WorldLeadership for a Better WorldLeadership in AthleticsThe United Nations: GlobalCommunityLANGUAGES AND CULTUREBeginning FrenchIntermediate ConversationalChineseIntermediate ConversationalSpanishMATHEMATICSProblem-Solving in GeometryProblem-Solving: Fun withProbabilityStatistics Through SimulationProblem-Solving in IntermediatePrecalculusProblem-Solving in CalculusProblem-Solving in AdvancedCalculusSCIENCEIntroduction to ChemistryIntroduction to ElectronicsSports ScienceExploring Careers in AnimalScienceTransgenics EXETER SUMMER UPPER SCHOOL 5

UPPER SCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTIONSThe Arts: Dance, Film,Theater, Music, andVisual ArtThe Arts Department offers a range of artisticexperiences in the studio, classroom, andrehearsal space designed to challenge studentsand open a new world of creative possibilities.Arts Week, the final week of the program,features exhibitions, stage, and assemblyperformances from students. DanceDance WorkshopSDD-DAN Format D All Grades (two levels: introduction andintermediate/advanced)Through daily technique classes and rehearsals, students willlearn movement vocabulary and explore several Americandance genres: modern, jazz, musical theater, and hip-hop.Instructors pair technique classes with dance history. TheExeter Summer Dance Company prepares for a culminatingmixed-repertoire performance in the Goel Center for Theaterand Dance during the final week of the session. Students willperform original dance pieces choreographed by instructors,and will have the opportunity to dance in their own and/orpeer choreography. Through this course, students develop adeeper appreciation for dance and gain confidence both onand off stage. Students of all experience levels are welcomeand will be placed in either an introductory or intermediate/advanced class by the teachers on the first day. Both classeswill perform together in the dance company performance atthe end of the session. Please Note: Due to the requiredpractice and rehearsal time, students enrolled in thisclass will have dance rehearsal as their afternoon sport. FilmIntroduction to Film/Media StudiesFIL-IFM Format C All GradesIn this course students will enter the world of cinema throughtheory, criticism, and analysis. A survey of the films thatshaped (and continue to shape) generations, genres, andnational histories will be reviewed. This class will introducestudents to the different techniques of cinematography,editing, lighting, and sound that have been used and discusstheir artistic significance and influence. Simultaneously,this class will investigate the diverse critical approaches forinterpreting film and provide close examinations of directors,cinematographers, screenwriters, and production companies.Students will learn to use film to develop their writing andargumentation skills, prose, and critical thinking abilities.Video ProductionFIL-VID Format B and D All GradesAre you curious about what it takes to make a documentaryfilm? In this introductory class you will learn the fundamentalsof innovative video making. You and your classmates willproduce a short creative video featuring the campus and yourfellow students. Some of the skills learned will include using avideo camera, shot composition, recording sound, and editing.Students will shoot the activities of their fellow students inclass as well as during leisure time, assemblies, field trips,and athletics. The final product will be an entirely studentproduced overview of the summer program in documentaryformat. Students of all experience levels are welcome, althoughit is an introductory level course. TheaterIntroduction to ActingSDD-IAC Format A All GradesThis course is a creative introduction to the acting process.You will engage in both collaborative and individualexercises in concentration, breath-release, and physical/vocal improvisation. Students will gain a familiarity inprojecting the voice, ensemble building, and building onstage confidence in the course. The course will build onout-of-class assignments including monologue memorizationand scene rehearsals. You will be assigned and work eithera classical or contemporary monologue in class. In additionto this expectation, you will be assigned and work one scene,contemporary or classical. Under the instructor’s direction,a final in-class scene performance will bring the wide rangeof acting elements into synthesis. Each student leaves with awell-rehearsed monologue suitable for college or professionaltheater auditions.EXETER SUMMER UPPER SCHOOL 6

Introduction to Theater PerformanceSDD-ITP Format B and D All GradesThis course combines fundamental elements of collectivecreation, acting and stagecraft. As a member of this class, youwill be part of the ensemble company of actors and techieswho will produce the UPPER SCHOOL drama production.The ensemble will create an original work of theater througha series of self and universal explorations. Students willdevelop techniques in theme and scene study along withphysical and vocal expression in the exploration process ofdevising theater; creating and developing every aspect ofthe final show. The ensemble members will gain hands-onintroduction to stagecraft which will lead them into theprinciples of set design and construction, lighting, sound, andcostuming. Students in this course will develop confidenceboth on and back stage, hone strong public speaking skills,and create a plethora of material that can be used for collegeand professional artistic portfolios and resumes.SpeechmakingSDD-SPE Format C All GradesDo you want to learn how to prepare and deliver speeches informal and informal environments? This class will provideyou with plenty of experience in both respects. We will stressthe mastery of basics such as poise, use of gestures, vocalemphasis, appropriate volume, adequate eye contact, andongoing awareness of audience response. We will focus onwriting techniques that appeal to logic, emotion, and ourcredibility as speakers. Using text and video, we will analyzea wide range of speeches for effective writing and deliverystrategies, and we will respond with constructive criticism toeach other’s work throughout our ongoing process of revisionand reflection. MusicThe Music Department invites every ExeterSummer student, from advanced performer toabsolute beginner, to study an instrument, singin a chorus, play chamber music, or learn jazzimprovisation or theory. Whatever your level, wehave a place for you. Come join us! Note: UPPERSCHOOL boarding students have the option ofadding any music course listed below as a fourthcourse.enhance your skills as a chamber musician, develop creativeinterpretation of a variety of musical styles and perform ina public concert. Chamber Music is recommended for theintermediate to advanced instrumentalist.Jazz ImprovisationSMU-JAZ Format C All GradesThis course, for intermediate or advanced players, includesthe study of the literature, history, and theory of jazz. You musthave a minimum of three years playing experience and be ableto play major scales in eighth notes in at least 6 different keys(C, F, Bb, G, D, A) to participate. Students will discover how topractice and develop improvisational skills, build a repertoirefor concerts and jam sessions, participate in collaborativeprojects with other performing groups, and perform in a finalassembly. Related activities might include workshops orfield trips to jam sessions and concerts with professional jazzmusicians from the area. Students need not play an instrumentnormally found in a jazz band (i.e., harmonica, violin, or flute).Songwriting and Music RecordingSMU-SMR Format A and C All GradesDo the songs you listen to tell the stories that you want to tell?If you sing, play an instrument, and/or enjoy creative writing,this course will introduce you to the craft and techniques ofsongwriting and music production. Students in this course willlisten to and analyze traditional and contemporary songs fromthe traditions of folk, blues, jazz, rock, and pop. They will then,individually or in collaboration with classmates, begin to createsongs of their own. As these creations take shape, students willlearn how to record them using GarageBand or Apple LogicPro. They will learn about the proper use of microphones aswell as EQ and filters for the mixing process. The course willconclude with a listening session that will allow students toshare their creations with an audience.Private Music LessonsStudents may take private music lessons on a variety ofinstruments and in voice for an additional fee ( 375 forfive 50-minute lessons; 225 for five 25-minute lessons).Students planning on taking lessons should indicate so onthe application and must apply by May 1.Chamber MusicSMU-CMB Format D All GradesThis is a class devoted to the practice and performance ofinstrumental chamber music from the Baroque era to thetwenty-first century. Through coached participation in smallensembles and work with improvisational techniques you willEXETER SUMMER UPPER SCHOOL 7

Visual ArtIt is our mission to create an experience thatfocuses on the process, excitement, and hardwork of making art. Students pursuing an artportfolio suitable for college submission areencouraged to enroll in the department courseofferings where fundamentals are taught.All students enrolled in studio courses willexhibit their work in the Student Art Exhibit inthe Frederick R. Mayer Art Center on campusduring the final week of the session.ArchitectureSAR-RCH Format C and D All GradesThis course is an introduction to architectural model building.Projects require you to research, design, and produce a posterof a well-known architect, understand and draw the layoutof your dorm room, and make plans and a model for a smallhouse. Serious architecture students are encouraged to take3D Computer Design which features SketchUp . Studentswho take both classes will have access to the Maker Lab andcan make professional models using a laser cutter and 3Dprinters.CeramicsSAR-CER Format C/D MWF All GradesDo you like the idea of being able to have your morning teaor coffee in a mug you made? Want to eat your ice creamfrom a bowl you threw? Try your hand at the potter’s wheel(and other methods) in this class and you will go home witha variety of cups, bowls, and “who-knows-what” made ofoven-, microwave-, and dishwasher- safe ceramic ware. Whileyou’re at it, you just might learn a thing or two about makingart by hand – like proportion, symmetry, emphasis, texture,contrast, the fine art of moisture control with clay, properbody mechanics on the potter’s wheel, and how to glaze yourfinished work. No prior experience is necessary.Clothing Design and ConstructionSAR-CLO Format A and C All GradesIn this course you will learn how to conceptualize, design,and build your very own garment! No previous experienceis required, just an open mind and love for fashion. You willlearn the elements of design and how to work with multiplemediums. You will get to know fashion design terminologyand the design process by studying experts in the worlds offashion and theater. From there, you will produce your ownoriginal rendering, learning the basics of machine sewingand hand stitching along the way. At the end of the course,you will have an overall understanding of design, how tocommunicate that design, and how to make it a reality!Limit: 8 students per format.Computer AnimationSAR-CAN Format A All GradesAnimation plays an increasingly large role in digital media,advertising, film making, and web design. This courseexplores animation both as a creative art and as a commercialmedium using software such as Adobe After Effects andAutodesk Maya . It will expose students to a wide range ofdigital content creation including small web and mobilebased animations and fully rendered 3D characters. Studentswill learn about developing concepts, creating media content,editing, and using animations to convey an idea or story.The class will also discuss the role that this type of mediaplays in society and how it impacts the fields of art, design,performance, architecture, and advertising.Digital Photography: The Creative ExperienceSAR-DPH Format A and B All GradesStudents who are interested in learning how to use theirdigital camera or smart phone camera will find this a veryinformative course. This introduction to photography stressesthe photographic image as a significant visual statement.Through the work done on various assignments, studentslearn how to make effective compositions that are expressiveand meaningful. Along with the photographic assignments,we will learn about the basic elements of composition, such ascolor theory, shape, form, and texture, as well as elements ofthe history of photography. Students are required to bring adigital camera or smartphone. However, a digital camerais strongly recommended for a more complete experience.2D Design and CompositionSAR-DDC Format B All GradesThis course allows both beginners and experienced artists tostudy a variety of artistic techniques as they pursue individualprojects. Students will experiment with a wide variety ofmaterials and explore two-dimensional composition. Wewill discuss the steps for transition from assignment-basedart projects to realizing your own artistic vision. Inspirationwill be found from works across genres. We will considertopics such as line, shape, value, balance, texture, perspective,depth, and color in discussions of each other’s works inprogress. This is the perfect class for anyone who is lookingto expand their artistic portfolio. From realistic to abstract,classical to comic book, you decide what direction your artwill take you this summer!Drawing: Learning to LookSAR-DRW Format C All GradesIf you want to learn how to draw or develop the skills thatyou already have, then this is the perfect class for you. In thisobservational drawing course, students have the opportunityto develop a thoughtful understanding of design, form,proportion, light and shadow, perspective, and space througha series of drawings from observation. Students will learn howto render and shade objects ranging from basic shapes (suchEXETER SUMMER UPPER SCHOOL 8

as cubes and cylinders) to more complex objects. Finally, theclass will progress to drawing portraits and learn about all theconcepts that encompass them, including anatomy, mood,and form. This course uses different mediums includingpencil and black and white charcoal.Oil PaintingSAR-OIL Format A/B TTS All GradesThis course is a stress-free introduction to water-based oilpainting. Students will explore the paint through basic forms,color mixing, painting techniques, and composition. They willrework a master painting and then explore their own piece ofchoice whether it is portraits, landscapes, or still life. We willalso look to past and present artists for insight, and we willbring multiple perspectives to our paintings through groupcritiques. This is an all levels class and no prior experience isnecessary. The more advanced students can further developtheir technique and get personalized lesson plans.3D Computer DesignSAR-TDC Format A and B All GradesSketchUp is an easy-to-learn yet extraordinary artistictool for developing 3D designs. Starting with a chair designtutorial, you will learn the tools of this drawing software. Youwill design a chess set and a project of your own choosing. Noexperience is necessary. Serious architecture students shouldconsider this course in conjunction with the Architecturecourse. Students who take both classes will have access to theMaker Lab and can make professional models using a lasercutter and 3D printers. Students are required to bring theirown laptop computer that is capable of downloadingsoftware and has a USB port. Chrome books, tablets andiPads cannot be used in this course.EXETER SUMMER UPPER SCHOOL 9

Computer ScienceThe Computer Science Department at ExeterSummer is committed to the belief that througha combination of group activities and individualexploration students acquire problem solvingskills. Our objective is that every student becomecomfortable using a computer, whether in thearea of information technology (applications)or in computer programming. Students arechallenged to express themselves using currenttechnology available through Exeter’s extensivetechnological resources. Each course stressescooperative work, problem solving techniques,structured use of applications, and ethical usesof the computer within a community.Game ProgrammingCMP-GAM Format A, B, and D All GradesThink about those online games that you play. Have youwondered how software engineers write these programs?Is it complex? Actually, it is not too difficult, but does taketime to learn how to write a program using animation. Thiscourse will introduce you to the basic concepts of gameprogramming. No previous experience is needed. Youwill have the opportunity to understand basic animations,movements, and collision detection, using graphics andsound while learning the elemental principles of creatinga dynamic game. You will leave with an appreciation of thetechnical skills of a game designer and write a few of yourown games to play with your friends.Students are required to bring their own laptop computerthat is capable of downloading software and has a USBport. Chrome books, tablets and iPads cannot be used inthis course.Introduction to Computer ScienceCMP-ICS Format A and C Prerequisite: one year of algebraHow do we write a simple program? How do we talk to thecomputer? While we learn the technical skills necessaryto write a program, much time will be spent on honingyour logical thinking skills in algorithmic development soyou begin to understand how to think about problems tobe solved. The strategies applied in this course are easilytransferred across many disciplines. Each day will beginwith a new puzzle. What do you already know? What do weneed to find out? What is the desired outcome? By workingas a group we can solve the problem employing particularproblem-solving strategies. The next step is to get thecomputer to solve the problem for us. You will learn to parsethe data and apply clearheaded thinking to the problemof the day. By the end of this course, you will be confidentof your new computer science skills. You will come awayknowing how to approach a problem from a programmer’spoint of view, and be ready to take a full year of computerscience at your high school.Students are required to bring their own laptop computerthat is capable of downloading software and has a USBp

Club, Exeter Soccer Club, or Exeter Volleyball Club. UPPER SCHOOL students may also partici-pate in musical or choral groups. DESIGNING YOUR OWN CURRICULUM As an UPPER SCHOOL student, you have the free-dom to design your own academic curriculum. You may enroll in any three of the more than

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