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TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM(TPMS) & TELEMATICSU.S. – Canada Automated VehicleGovernment to Government WorkshopHamza ShafiqueAugust 27-28, 20192020-11-161

Project Background Every 10 psi of under inflation results in 1% poorer fuel economy. Under-inflated tires experience high internal stresses withdecreased fuel economy and higher heat buildup within the tires. Over-inflated tires can lead to vehicle instability and blowouts. About one out of five tractors/trucks is operating with one ormore tires underinflated by at least 20 psi. [NACFE, 2020] About one in five trailers is operating with one or more tiresunderinflated by at least 20 psi. [NACFE, 2020] Many solutions for tire pressure monitoring / automatic tireinflation system (TPMS/ATIS) exist to monitor/manage tirepressure as preventative maintenance on commercial vehicles. The reliability of TPMS/ATIS solutions are unknown in Canadianconditions.2

Project Background The publication of the proposed Phase 2 Amendments in theCanada Gazette, Part I, initiated a 75-day comment periodwhere interested parties were invited to submit their writtencomments. During this period, owner and operator associationsrequested that ECCC take into account the suitability of certainvehicle technologies expected to be adopted to meet thePhase 2 standards in the context of Canadian operatingconditions, including TPMS and ATIS. When the Phase 2 Amendments were finalized in the CanadaGazette, Part 2, ECCC responded that within the regulatoryimpact analysis of the Amendments, proportionally highermaintenance costs estimates relative to the U.S. were applied toall vehicle categories to account for the possibility of decreasedreliability and durability of trucking equipment in Canadianclimatic conditions As supplementary information, further study through atechnology evaluation campaign will deliver valuable insightsinto payback times for owner/operators .3

Previous Studies US DOT FMCSA 2007Tire Pressure Monitoring and MaintenanceSystems Performance ReportFleet results from 2014 US DOT report NACFE Confidence Report 2013Report of a study conducted by the NorthAmerican Council for Freight Efficiencyon the Confidence of Adopting Tire PressureSystems US DOT FMCSA 2014Advanced Sensors and Applications: CommercialMotor Vehicle Tire Pressure Monitoring 78CLI Transport: Gordon Food Service: https://www.gfs.ca/en-ca4

Technology Background Multiple approaches exist to managetire air leakage. Of interest include TPMS & ATIS. Benefits include: fuel savings, increasedtread life, and improved safety. Challenges include: driver training,additional maintenance, and air 8/09/640/320/halotire.jpg?ve 1&tl 5.gif5

Technology SolutionsStemco - AirBat/RF Doran - Doran 360HD Continental - ContiPressureCheck Hendrickson - TIREMAAX PROPressurePro - PressurePro 1 .Courtesy: PIT GroupStemco - AERIS Dual Dynamics - Crossfire Dual 6

Project Partners Partners include:PIT Group, National Research Council (NRC). The PIT Group has selected TRANS WEST as thecandidate fleet The PIT Group has selected ContiPressureCheck (TPMS) as the test system Project drivers include: Natural Resources Canada’s Green FreightAssessment Program Natural Resources Canada’s FleetSmart Program Canadian SmartWay Program Environment Canada’s Heavy-duty Vehicle andEngine Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations7

Project OutlinePhase I – Test Plan Development Market reviews (PIT), draft ROI calculator (PIT) &program test plan development (NRC)Phase II – Testing of a TPMS / Telematics package Objectives are to evaluate how second generationTPMS systems impact tire tread wear,maintenance, downtime/operations, and safety. The project will assess how accurate & reliable thesystems are on a long term basis, and how theirperformance is affected by Canadianenvironmental conditions (cold ambienttemperatures, salt corrosion). Finally, the project will calculate the potentialreturn on investment (ROI) for fleets, and willinform the development of the FP Innovations’ PITgroup ROI calculator.1. Courtesy: images.tc.gc.ca*Second generation TPMS systems are those with integrated telematics capabilities.8

Current Progress Phase 1 market reviews, and TPMS/Telematicstest plan is complete. 7 Class 8 tractors have been equippedwith TPMS/Telematics technology & new tires.Truck driver’s and the PIT Group will be collectingdata to evaluate their performance through 2021 9-month test campaign beginning December2020. , 3 millions KM 7 test trucks, 3 control trucks Montreal to California / West Coast Routes(extreme temperature variations), pressures willbe checked manually at pickup and destination ISAAC Instruments telematics integration Reporting will be done by the National ResearchCouncil in FY2021.9

Hamza ShafiqueResearch Project OfficerTel: (343)-550-4131E-mail/Courriel: iatives/innovation-centre.html10

TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM (TPMS) & TELEMATICS 1 Hamza Shafique 2020-11-16. . exist to monitor/manage tire pressure as preventative maintenance on commercial vehicles. The reliability of TPMS/ATIS solutions are unknown in Canadian .

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