Evolution Strawberry - Orange Tree Samples

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Evolution StrawberryPreface . 6Achieving Realism. 6What's Under the Hood?. 7Installation . 9Step 1: Extract the ZIP File. 9Step 2: Activate Through Native Access . 9Step 3: Load in KONTAKT . 9KONTAKT Sample Library Organization. 10Factory Presets. 11Snapshots . 11Interface . 12Sections . 12Fretboard. 12Controls . 12Play . 13Mapping . 13Strum. 14Strumming Pattern Slot . 14Pattern Options . 14Articulation Selection . 15Strum Velocity . 16Strum String Range . 16Strum Speed . 16Chords . 17Disabled . 17Held Notes Only . 17Automatic Chords. 17User's GuidePage 2 of 37

Evolution StrawberryCustom Chords . 18Tone . 19Distortion. 19Tremolo . 19Volume . 20Wah . 20Reverb (Pedal) . 20EQ . 21Compressor . 21Chorus . 22Flanger . 22Reverb (Rack) . 23Delay . 24Amp . 24Spring Reverb . 25Cab . 26Setup . 27Guitar Pickup . 27Multitracking . 27Multitrack Humanization . 27Pick Style. 27Pick Modeling . 27Pick Position . 28Pick Noise Amount . 28Release Volume . 28Fretting Position . 28Dynamic Morphing . 28Dynamic Curve . 29Dynamic Low Limit . 29User's GuidePage 3 of 37

Evolution StrawberryDynamic High Limit . 29MIDI Guitar Mode . 29Capo Position. 29Alternate Tuning. 29Velocity To Strum Speed . 30Velocity To Strum Distance . 30Strum Velocity Decay . 30Legato Volume . 30Legato Range Up . 30Legato Range Down. 30Bend Mode . 31Bend Selection . 31Bend Range Up . 31Bend Range Down . 31Resonance Amount . 31Vibrato CC. 31Vibrato Curve . 31Vibrato Width . 32Vibrato Speed . 32Auto Fret Noise Volume . 32Dynamic Memory . 32Lock Mapping . 32Strumming Humanization . 33Strum Key Downstroke. 33Strum Key Upstroke . 33String Selection Keys . 33Chord Mode Selection Keys . 33Keyswitch Unlatch . 34Quantize Strum Pattern Keys . 34User's GuidePage 4 of 37

Evolution StrawberryLicense Agreement . 35Credits . 36Contact . 37User's GuidePage 5 of 37

Evolution StrawberryThank you for purchasing the Evolution Strawberry sample library! This electric guitar samplelibrary features over 3.4 gigabytes (compressed to 1.6 GB using the lossless NCW audio format)of 24-bit samples, powered by KONTAKT’s extensive scripting engine.The guitar sampled for this library has a body made of tropical Mahogany wood, giving it apowerful and warm sound. The top and neck is crafted out of North American Hard RockMaple, which provides a crisp tone. The fretboard is made of a custom composite wood (whichgives it a tone very similar to that of ebony) that is designed to eliminate any “hot spots” orother unevenness in tone. The bridge and nut are both specially designed to give the guitarmaximum sustain. The alnico pickups are optimized for a fat, vintage tone. The strings used arespecial coated steel strings (11s), known not only for their long life, but also their bright toneand punch, which is characteristic of non-coated strings.Emulating a guitar is a complex task because there are so many articulations and techniques tocover when it comes to lead guitar playing, strumming, or chordal picking patterns. In additionto the wide collection of sampled articulations, we also used Kontakt's scripting to make certaintechniques more dynamic. For example, we used a combinations of samples and scripting togenerate slides that can be played between notes at any speed. Similarly, rather that recordingsamples of strummed chords, we included a powerful strumming pattern system that generatesrealistic strummed chords from individual samples.Many aspects are also physically modeled. This includes tonal modeling, incorporated in thepick position control, since the location of where the string is picked affects the timbre andattack of the guitar's tone. We also used modeled the motion of the guitar pick to capturefactors such as how the picking direction and string skipping changes pick noises. And speakingof pick noises, the strumming engine uses different pick noises because the strings are attackedin a different way when strumming.Legato is an important element in guitar playing, whether it's playing slides or simply fretting adifferent note without plucking it, achieving what are known as hammer-ons and pull-offs--thefirst being to an upward legato interval and the latter referring to a downward interval.Another important factor that we included is string resonance. Sometimes open strings or theirharmonics will resonate with the currently ringing note. This resonance adds additional depthand nuance to the tone of the guitar. Of course, as with many of the features in Strawberry, thestring resonance is adjustable.User's GuidePage 6 of 37

Evolution StrawberryLastly, Strawberry uses custom LFO shapes to produce authentic guitar vibrato. We alsoincluded several types of vibrato, which specialize in different styles of music. The speed anddepth of the vibrato are both adjustable, giving you a lot of options when it comes to finetuning the vibrato to suit your guitar track.At its core, Evolution Strawberry has over 3,500 samples, recorded in 24-bit at 48khz. You getthree dynamics, downstroke and upstroke pick directions (when applicable), with 2 round robineach. Each string was recorded individually.Because effects are a big part of guitar playing, Evolution Strawberry comes with a robustguitar effects engine. That way it isn't reliant on an external guitar effects plugin, although youhave the option to bypass Strawberry's own effects to use your own plugins. The built-in effectsystem includes a vast collection of over 8,000 of guitar pedals, modeled using convolutionimpulses and scripting. Additionally, you have selectable guitar cab sizes with several optionsfor microphones and mic placement. In total, you have a complete guitar effects suite at yourfingertips without external guitar effect processors necessary to get amazing-sounding tones.In terms of articulations, Evolution Strawberry includes sustains, half palm mutes, full palmmutes, mutes, squeals, tapping, natural harmonics, plus special effects such as chugs, scratches,string slaps, and much more. There are also MIDI articulations for instant techniques such asgrace notes, buzz trills, slides (velocity-based and tempo-synced), octaves, and powerchords.All these articulations are available in our custom mapping system, which allows you to set howyou want the different playing techniques to be triggered. For example, you can assignarticulations to velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, or even custom latching and non-latchingkeyswitches. There's also a dynamic memory option--when enabled, unused articulations willbe automatically unloaded from memory, keeping the library as efficient and compact memorywise as possible.User's GuidePage 7 of 37

Evolution StrawberryBy emphasizing realism and playability, we want playing Evolution Strawberry to give you thesame excitement and inspiration as playing a real electric guitar.We at Orange Tree Samples are proud of the results, and hope you enjoy this extensive electricguitar library!User's GuidePage 8 of 37

Evolution StrawberryThe first thing you need to do after downloading the ZIP file from your account on the OrangeTree Samples website is to extract Evolution Strawberry. Both Windows and macOS cannatively extract ZIP files without requiring other software. The entire library is self-containedwithin this ZIP file, so you can always move the folder afterwards to relocate the libraryanywhere you like.After the library has been extracted, it needs to be activated using the Native Accessapplication.Run Native Access and log into your Native Instruments account, registering an account ifnecessary. Next, click the "Add a serial" button and enter your serial number for EvolutionStrawberry, which can be found in your order confirmation email as well as in your account onthe Orange Tree Samples website.Afterwards, Native Instruments will prompt you to go to the "Not installed" tab and click the"Add library" button, which lets you can browse to the library's folder. That way Native Accessknows where you've installed the library. In this case, you'll need to select the main "EvolutionStrawberry" folder.Note: If you ever move the library's folder after it's been activated, you'll need to reopen NativeAccess to update its records about where the library's folder is currently located. Afterwards,Native Access automatically relays this information to software like KONTAKT, KompleteKontrol, and Maschine.Next, launch the KONTAKT plugin or standalone application. On the left side of KONTAKT'swindow, navigate to the "Libraries" tab, which lists all the KONTAKT Player libraries you own,and find the listing for Evolution Strawberry. After clicking on the "Instruments" button,double-click on the "Evolution Strawberry.nki" instrument.After the instrument finishes loading, you’re ready to play Evolution Strawberry!User's GuidePage 9 of 37

Evolution StrawberryAs your collection of KONTAKT libraries expands, it's important to keep them organized. Forexample, keep them all within a main "KONTAKT Sample Libraries" folder rather than scatteredaround your hard drive. Backing up the installation files for your sample libraries is also a goodidea, although you’ll always be able to re-download the library from your account on theOrange Tree Samples website if necessary.The next step in organizing your sample libraries is in KONTAKT itself. One of the benefits ofstoring your sample libraries all in the same place is that it makes finding them faster whenmanually loading them. For KONTAKT Player instruments such as this one, the "Libraries" planelacts as a useful shortcut to access your libraries. However, bear in mind that this section islimited to KONTAKT Player libraries only.Another convenient way to access your KONTAKT libraries is by adding them to the Quick Loadpanel. This allows you to create shortcuts to your libraries, sorted into any folder/subfolderarrangement you wish. The Quick Load panel can be quickly accessed with a single right-click inany empty area of the multi-rack (the large portion of KONTAKT's interface that displays theloaded instruments), or by clicking on the "Quickload" option available in KONTAKT's panelmenu (the icon of three small rectangles in the top center of the interface). To load aninstrument from the Quick Load panel, simply double-click on the patch you wish to load, ordrag it into KONTAKT's multi-rack.User's GuidePage 10 of 37

Evolution StrawberryEvolution Strawberry uses Kontakt's snapshot system to manage factory and user presets. Thisoffers a convenient way to navigate through presets one-by-one, or access a dropdown list ofall the available presets. It also integrates nicely with the Native Komplete Standard, giving youconvenient access through the Komplete Kontrol software as well as hardware such as theKontrol S-Series keyboards and Maschine.You can access the snapshots from the header portion of the instrument's interface, which isthe top portion of the instrument that looks like this:In order to see the snapshot controls as shown in the picture above, the camera icon needs tobe selected (as opposed to the "i" icon, which is for a extra information about the instrument).Afterwards you can click on the arrow button to the left of the snapshot name to open adropdown menu of all the presets available for navigating directly to a preset. You can alsoaudition the presets one-by-one using the left and right arrow buttons to the right of thesnapshot name.By default, there isn't a snapshot loaded, which is why it shows "No snapshot loaded". Withouta snapshot preset loaded, the instrument is in its default, initialized state.You can store your own user presets using the disk icon button. Once you've created your ownuser preset(s), they will be present in the snapshot dropdown menu alongside the factorypresets for easy and convenient access.User's GuidePage 11 of 37

Evolution StrawberryAt the top of the interface, you'll see five sections labeled "Play", "Strum", "Chords", "Tone",and "Setup". These buttons navigate to each of the sections of the interface. The controls andinterfaces are organized into these sections to make it faster to get to the options you'relooking for.In the "Play" section, you have controls to customize how you want to trigger the includedarticulations. For example, you can set articulations to velocity ranges, latching and nonlatching keyswitches, MIDI CCs, and more.The "Strum" section has a built-in strumming pattern editor to make it convenient to create andplay realistic strumming patterns right inside the sample library.The "Chords" section lets you how the chords are detected. On option is to make the exactnotes you hold to get strummed. There's also an automatic mode, which takes the chord thatyou have held and translates it into a real guitar voicing taking into consideration the inversionof the chord. It also uses the current fretting position to figure out whether the chord should bevoiced at the base of the fretboard or high up on the neck. The last chord option gives you acustom chord editor, in case you have very specific chord voicings you want to use.The guitar fretboard view lets you see the notes as they're played. That way you can see whichstrings are getting played and where on the neck they are. It also helps visualize how elementslike the fretting position, capo, and tuning of the guitar affect where notes are played on thefretboard.At the bottom of the interface are all the available controls for the section of the interfaceyou're currently viewing.User's GuidePage 12 of 37

Evolution StrawberryThis is a scrollable list of articulations available in the Strawberry sample library. You canspecify the condition you want to trigger the articulation, such as a velocity range, sustainpedal, MIDI continuous controller, or latching and non-latching keyswitches. If you use acondition such as the velocity range, you can set the exact range of values necessary to triggerthe articulation.If you have the articulations mapped in a way where there's overlap, only one articulation willget played. Which articulation gets chosen is based on the condition and its position on thearticulation list. Velocity ranges have the lowest priority, followed by MIDI controllers, sustainpedal, non-latching keyswitches, and finally latching keyswitches with the highest priority.Beyond that, the lower on the list the articulation is, the greater priority it has.In other words, if you set the full palm mute articulation to a keyswitch, and the half palmmute articulation to a low velocity range, playing a note at a low velocity, yet holding down thekeyswitch will trigger the full palm mute articulation rather than the half palm mutearticulation. Although the conditions are met for both articulations, the instrument chooses thefull palm mute articulation because it has a higher priority, since keyswitches take priority overvelocity ranges.User's GuidePage 13 of 37

Evolution StrawberryThe Evolution guitar engine has a sophisticated built-in strumming pattern editor. There are sixavailable slots for strum patterns within a single instance of the instrument.You can select the slot to edit using these six buttons. Each strumming pattern slot has akeyswitch that it's assigned to--by default these are set to C0 through F0, although you can clickon the value to enable a MIDI learn mode, and after pressing the new key on your keyboard thepattern will be mapped to that key instead. LengthThe length in measures of the strumming pattern.BeatsThe number of beats in a measure, allowing you to create patterns in a variety ofmeters.DivisionHow many units each beat is divided into in the strumming pattern.SwingThe amount of swing applied to the strumming pattern. At 0%, the rhythm is playedevenly, while at 100% the strumming pattern uses the maximum amount of swingavailable.User's GuidePage 14 of 37

Evolution StrawberryClicking on the small circles at the top of the strumming pattern display brings up a dropdownmenu with a list of available articulations to use for the strum. You can also add oneshot effectssuch as string slaps to the pattern here.Bear in mind that if there is no articulation selected for the particular strum, the previous strumwill continue to ring. If you wish to mute the strum, use the "rest" articulation. You can also useoneshot effects, such as a string slap effect to mute the currently playing notes.User's GuidePage 15 of 37

Evolution StrawberryThis percentage controls how loud the strum is played, relative to the velocity that the strumpattern key is held.The strum graphic has handles on the top and bottom that you can drag vertically to selectwhich strings get strummed. The strum begins at the small circle, and plays up to the pickgraphic. The arrow icon inside the pick direction clarifies the direction of the strum.If you want to flip the strum direction, you can drag the top handle beneath the bottom handle,and the direction will be inverted. You can also set the top and bottom handles to the samestring to have the pattern pluck a single note.The handle in the middle of the strum graphic can be dragged vertically to adjust the speed ofthe strum. The strums are played at the beginning of their respective rhythmic divisions, sousing slower strums can result in a delay in the perceived rhythm. However, if you need a strumto anticipate the rhythm, this can be achieved by anticipating the beat with a very slow strum,and use a single note strum on the beat. This technique can be seen in the "Spicy Stuff" factorystrum pattern, for example.User's GuidePage 16 of 37

Evolution StrawberryWith the chord mode disabled, the strum downstroke and upstroke keys are still available, butas keys to repeat the last played note or chord. This can be a useful performance aid whenplaying repeated notes (like tremolo or repeating powerchords), by alternating between playingnotes in the main playing range and playing the downstroke/upstroke keys.In this chord mode, the main playing range is muted, allowing you to hold a note or chord anduse the strum downstroke and upstroke keys to strum the exact notes you have held. Thismode is great if you want to strum very specific chords and chords that have fewer notes inthem.This chord mode also mutes the main playing range, but translates the held notes into a realguitar voicing that takes the fretting position, capo setting, guitar alternate tuning intoconsideration when selecting a guitar voicing. The inversion of the chord you hold on thekeyboard makes a difference in the resulting guitar voicing.User's GuidePage 17 of 37

Evolution StrawberryIn this chord mode, the main playing range is muted. However, it lets you specify which notesand chords translate into custom voicings. For example, you could make it so that holding asingle "C" key will translate into a full custom C major chord voicing, or literally any othervoicing you want. The chord recognition also works with very complex chords as well, so youcan create a simple or complicated custom chord system. The chords are automatically sortedon the list of custom chords to keep them organized by root and chord type. Learn New ChordAfter pressing this button, you can play a note or chord on your keyboard, and thatexact note or notes will be included as a custom chord to trigger a custom guitar voicingthat you can specif

Kontrol, and Maschine. Next, launch the KONTAKT plugin or standalone application. On the left side of KONTAKT's window, navigate to the "Libraries" tab, which lists all the KONTAKT Player libraries you own, and find the listing for Evolution Strawberry. Aft

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