Scala And The JVM For Big Data: Lessons From Spark

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Scala and the JVM for Big Data:Lessons from Dean Wampler 2014-2019, All Rights Reserved


A DistributedComputing Engineon the JVM3

ClusterNodeNodeNodeRDDPartition 1Partition 1Partition 1Resilient DistributedDatasets4

Productivity?Very concise, elegant, functional APIs. Scala, Java Python, R . and SQL!5

Productivity?Interactive shell (REPL) Scala, Python, R, and SQL6

Notebooks Jupyter Spark Notebook Zeppelin Beaker Databricks7


Example:Inverted Index9

Web providesMapReduce and stores data in stores.10

lCompute Inverted Indexindexinverse stores.Miracle!! queries.block.block.11

nverted Indexracle!!inverse ./hive,1).12

import org.apache.spark.SparkContextimport org.apache.spark.SparkContext.val sparkContext new SparkContext(master, “Inv. ap { line val array line.split(",", 2)(array(0), array(1)) // (id, content)}.flatMap {case (id, content) toWords(content).map(word ((word,id),1)) // toWords not shown}.reduceByKey( ).map {case ((word,id),n) (word,(id,n))}.groupByKey.mapValues {seq sortByCount(seq) // Sort the value seq by count, desc.}.saveAsTextFile("/path/to/output")13

import org.apache.spark.SparkContextimport org.apache.spark.SparkContext.val sparkContext newSparkContext(master, “Inv. ap { line val array line.split(",", 2)(array(0), array(1))}.flatMap {case (id, contents) toWords(contents).map(w ((w,id),1))14

import org.apache.spark.SparkContextimport org.apache.spark.SparkContext.val sparkContext newRDD[String]: ./hadoop, Hadoop provides.SparkContext(master, “Inv. ap { line val array line.split(",", 2)(array(0), array(1))}.flatMap se (id, contents) toWords(contents).map(w ((w,id),1))15

val array line.split(",", 2)(array(0), array(1))}.flatMap {case (id, contents) toWords(contents).map(w ((w,id),1))}.reduceByKey( ).map {RDD[((String,String),Int)]: ((Hadoop,./hadoop),20)case ((word,id),n) (word,(id,n))}.groupByKey.mapValues {seq )16

val array line.split(",", 2)(array(0), array(1))}.flatMap {case (id, contents) toWords(contents).map(w ((w,id),1))}.reduceByKey( ).map {case ((word,id),n) (word,(id,n))}.groupByKey.mapValues {RDD[(String,Iterable((String,Int))]: (Hadoop,seq(./hadoop,20),.))seq )17

val array line.split(",", 2)(array(0), array(1))}.flatMap {case (id, contents) toWords(contents).map(w ((w,id),1))}.reduceByKey( ).map {case ((word,id),n) (word,(id,n))RDD[(String,Iterable((String,Int))]: (Hadoop,seq(./hadoop,20),.))}.groupByKey.mapValues {seq )18

Productivity?textFilemapIntuitive API: Dataflow of steps. Inspired by Scala collectionsand functional AsTextFile19

Performance?textFilemapLazy API: Combines steps into “stages”. Cache intermediate data extFile20




import org.apache.spark.SparkSessionval spark eries").getOrCreate()Exampleval flights"./flights")val planes aceTempView("flights")planes. createOrReplaceTempView("planes")flights.cache(); planes.cache()val planes for flights1 sqlContext.sql("""SELECT * FROM flights fJOIN planes p ON f.tailNum p.tailNum LIMIT 100""")val planes for flights2 flights.join(planes,flights("tailNum") planes ("tailNum")).limit(100)24

import org.apache.spark.SparkSessionval spark eries").getOrCreate()val flights"./flights")val planes aceTempView("flights")planes. createOrReplaceTempView("planes")flights.cache(); planes.cache()25

import org.apache.spark.SparkSessionval spark eries").getOrCreate()val flights"./flights")val planes aceTempView("flights")planes. createOrReplaceTempView("planes")flights.cache(); planes.cache()26

planes. createOrReplaceTempView("planes")flights.cache(); planes.cache()val planes for flights1 sqlContext.sql("""SELECT * FROM flights fJOIN planes p ON f.tailNum p.tailNumLIMIT 100""")Returns anotherDataset.val planes for flights2 flights.join(planes,flights("tailNum") planes ("tailNum")).limit(100)27

planes. createOrReplaceTempView("planes")flights.cache(); planes.cache()val planes for flights1 sqlContext.sql("""SELECT * FROM flights fJOIN planes p ON f.tailNum p.tailNumLIMIT 100""")Returns anotherDataset.val planes for flights2 flights.join(planes,flights("tailNum") planes ("tailNum")).limit(100)28

val planes for flights2 flights.join(planes,flights("tailNum") planes ("tailNum")).limit(100)Not an “arbitrary”anonymous funcRon, but a“Column” instance.29

PerformanceThe Dataset API has thesame performance for alllanguages:Scala, Java,Python, R,and SQL!30

in(right: Dataset[ ], joinExprs: Column): DataFrame {groupBy(cols: Column*): RelationalGroupedDataset {orderBy(sortExprs: Column*): Dataset[T] {select(cols: Column*): Dataset[.] {where(condition: Column): Dataset[T] {limit(n: Int): Dataset[T] {intersect(other: Dataset[T]): Dataset[T] {sample(withReplacement: Boolean, fraction, seed) {drop(col: Column): DataFrame {map[U](f: T U): Dataset[U] {flatMap[U](f: T Traversable[U]): Dataset[U] {foreach(f: T Unit): Unit {take(n: Int): Array[Row] {count(): Long {distinct(): Dataset[T] {agg(exprs: Map[String, String]): DataFrame {31



Time 1 RDDTime 2 RDDTime 3 RDDTime 4 RDD EventEventEventEvent EventDStream (discretized stream) Window of 3 RDD Batches #1Window of 3 RDD Batches #234


K-Means Machine Learning requires: Iterative training of models. Good linear algebra perf.


PageRank Graph algorithms require: Incremental traversal. Efficient edge and node reps.

Foundation:The JVM39

20 Years ofDevOpsLots of Java Devs40

Tools and LibrariesAkkaBreezeAlgebirdSpire & CatsAxle.41

Big Data Ecosystem42

But it’snot perfect.43

Richer data Python & R44


GC Challenges Typical Spark heaps: 10s-100s GB. Uncommon for “generic”, non-dataservices.46

GC Challenges Too many cached RDDs leads to hugeold generation garbage. Billions of objects long GC pauses.47

Tuning GC Best for Spark: -XX:UseG1GC -XX:-ResizePLAB Xms. -Xmx. XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent . -XX:ConcGCThread e-collection-for-sparkapplications.html48

JVM Object Model49

Java Objects? “abcd”: 4 bytes for raw UTF8, right? 48 bytes for the Java object: 12 byte header. 8 bytes for hash code. 20 bytes for array overhead. 8 bytes for UTF16 chars.50

val myArray: �Arrays“zeroth”51

val person: Personname: Stringage: Int29“Buck Trends”addr: Address Class Instances52

Hash Maph/c1h/c2keyvalueh/c3h/c4 “a value”“a key”Hash Maps53

Improving PerformanceWhy obsess about this?Spark jobs are CPU bound: Improve network I/O? 2% better. Improve disk I/O? 20% better.54

What changed? Faster HW (compared to 2000) 10Gbs networks SSDs.55

What changed? Smarter use of I/O Pruning unneeded data sooner. Caching more effectively. Efficient formats, like Parquet.56

What changed? But more CPU use today: More Serialization. More Compression. More Hashing (joins, group-bys).57

Improving PerformanceTo improve performance, we need tofocus on the CPU, the: Better algorithms, sure. And optimize use of memory.58

Project TungstenInitiative to greatly improveDataset/DataFrame performance.59


Reduce Referencesval myArray: Array[String]val person: Person0123“second”name: Stringage: Int29“Buck Trends”“first”addr: Address“third” “zeroth”Hash Maph/c1h/c2keyvalueh/c3h/c4 “a value”“a key”61

Reduce References Fewer, bigger objects to GC. Fewer cache missesval myArray: Array[String]val person: Person0123“second”name: Stringage: Int29“Buck Trends”“first”addr: Address“third” “zeroth”Hash Maph/c1h/c2keyvalueh/c3h/c4 “a value”“a key”62

Less Expression Overheadsql("SELECT a b FROM table") Evaluating expressions billions oftimes: Virtual function calls. Boxing/unboxing. Branching (if statements, etc.)63


Object EncodingNew CompactRow type:null bit set (1bit/field)values (8bytes/field)variable lengthoffset to var. len. data Compute hashCode and equals onraw bytes.65

val person: Person Compare:name: Stringage: Int29“Buck Trends”addr: Address null bit set (1bit/field)values (8bytes/field)variable lengthoffset to var. len. data66

BytesToBytesMap:h/c1h/c2h/c3h/c4Tungsten Memory Pagek1k3v1k2v3k4v2v4 67

Hash Maph/c1keyh/c2 Compareh/c3h/c2h/c3h/c4 “a value”h/c4h/c1value“a key”Tungsten Memory Pagek1k3v1k2v3k4v2v4 68

Memory Management Some allocations off heap. sun.misc.Unsafe.69

Less Expression Overheadsql("SELECT a b FROM table") Solution: Generate custom byte code. Spark 1.X - for subexpressions.70

Less Expression Overheadsql("SELECT a b FROM table") Solution: Generate custom byte code. Spark 1.X - for subexpressions. Spark 2.0 - for whole queries.71


No Value Types(Planned for Java 9 or 10)73

case class Timestamp(epochMillis: Long) {def toString: String { . }def add(delta: TimeDelta): Timestamp {/* return new shifted time */}.}Don’t allocate on the heap;just push the primiRve longon the stack.(scalac does this now.)74

Long operationsaren’t atomicAccording to theJVM spec75

No Unsigned TypesWhat’sfactorial(-1)?76

Arrays Indexedwith IntsByte Arrayslimited to 2GB!77

scala val N 1100*1000*1000N2: Int 1100000000 // 1.1 billionscala val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)array: Array[Short] Array(0, 0, .)scala importorg.apache.spark.util.SizeEstimatorscala SizeEstimator.estimate(array)res3: Long 2200000016 // 2.2GB78

scala val b t]] .scala SizeEstimator.estimate(b)res0: Long 2368scala sc.parallelize(0 until 100000). map(i b.value(i))79

scala SizeEstimator.estimate(b)res0: Long 2368scala sc.parallelize(0 until 100000). map(i ed array size exceeds VM limitat java.util.Arrays.copyOf(.).80

But wait.I actually liedto you.81

Spark handles largebroadcast variablesby breaking theminto blocks.82


java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Requested array size exceeds VM limitat java.util.Arrays.copyOf(.).at ect(.).at .spark.util.ClosureCleaner .ensureSerializable(.).at

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Requested array size exceeds VM limitat java.util.Arrays.copyOf(.).at this closure toat writeObject(.).i b.value(i)at .spark.util.ClosureCleaner .ensureSerializable(.).at

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Requested array size exceeds VM limitat java.util.Arrays.copyOf(.).at ’s.“clean” (serializable).at .spark.serializer.JavaSerializationStreami b.value(i).writeObject(.).at .spark.util.ClosureCleaner .ensureSerializable(.).at

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Requested array size exceeds VM limitat java.util.Arrays.copyOf(.).at ect(.).at .spark.util.ClosureCleaner .ensureSerializable(.).which it does

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Requested array size exceeds VM limitat java.util.Arrays.copyOf(.).at requires ect(.)What array?.i b.value(i)at .spark.util.ClosureCleaner .ensureSerializable(.).at val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0).88

Why did thishappen?89

You write:scala scala scala val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)val b sc.broadcast(array)sc.parallelize(0 until 100000).map(i b.value(i))90

scala scala scala Scala compiles:val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)val b sc.broadcast(array)sc.parallelize(0 until 100000).map(i b.value(i))class iwC extends Serializable {val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)val b sc.broadcast(array)class iwC extends Serializable {sc.parallelize(.).map(i b.value(i))}}91

scala scala scala Scala compiles:val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)val b sc.broadcast(array)sc.parallelize(0 until 100000).map(i b.value(i)). sucks in the whole object!class iwC extends Serializable {val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)val b sc.broadcast(array)So,thisclosureover“b”.class iwC extends Serializable {sc.parallelize(.).map(i b.value(i))}}92

Lightbend isinvestigatingre-engineeringthe REPL93


Transient is often all you need:scala @transient val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)scala .95

object Data { // Encapsulate in objects!val N 1100*1000*1000val array Array.fill[Short](N)(0)val getB sc.broadcast(array)}object Work {def run(): Unit {val b Data.getB // local ref!val rdd sc.parallelize(.).map(i b.value(i)) // only needs brdd.take(10).foreach(println)}}96

Why Scala?See the longer versionof this talk

Bonus MaterialYou can find an extended version of thistalk with more details

Scala, Java Python, R . and functional programming. reduceByKey flatMap textFile map map groupByKey map saveAsTextFile. 20 reduceByKey flatMap textFile map map groupByKey map saveAsTextFile Performance? Lazy API:

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