Francis Marion UniversityFaculty Handbook2020
Francis MarionUniversityFaculty Handbook2020For the latest updates to the handbook, see FacultyGovernance home page:
FRANCIS MARION UNIVERSITY FACULTY HANDBOOKTABLE OF CONTENTSADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONPresident’s Senior StaffSelection, Evaluation, and Retention of Academic Administrators111FACULTY ORGANIZATIONAcademic DivisionsFaculty Administrative StaffMembership of the FacultyVoting Faculty MembersGraduate School Faculty222233TERMS OF EMPLOYMENTContractsTeaching Assignments and LoadsPart-Time FacultyPay Periods, Checks, and DeductionsSummer Sessions (for regular on – campus courses)Sponsored ResearchDual EmploymentIntellectual Property PolicyRequired Courses: Policy and ProceduresProfessor Emeritus/Emerita Status44445555678FACULTY REGULATIONS AND POLICIESPolicies Concerning Recruitment of FacultyRecruiting and Selecting FacultyEqual Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action PrinciplesNepotism PolicyFaculty Performance Review SystemPreambleSystem GuidelinesStudent Evaluations of FacultyClassroom ObservationAnnual Performance RatingNotice of Reappointment or Nonrenewal of Appointment ofNontenured Faculty MembersAnnual Goals (Portfolio)Appeals ProcessThird -Year Peer ReviewGuidelines for the Evaluation of Library FacultyPolicy and Procedure on TenureCriteria and Procedures for Promotion in Academic RankPolicy and Procedures for Post-Tenure Review of FacultyPolicy and Procedures Concerning Academic Freedom and Tenure1010101011111111121414ii151517171820232629
Procedures for Faculty Cases not Covered by the Policy on AcademicFreedom and TenurePolicies Concerning Teaching and AdvisingPolicy on Teaching ResponsibilityMeeting ClassesClass Attendance PolicyEmergency Notification ProceduresExamination and Grading SystemGrade Appeals PolicyFaculty Role in Cases of Alleged Academic Dishonesty Involving StudentsCopyright RegulationsPolicies Concerning Scholarly ActivityIntegrity in Research and ScholarshipProfessional DevelopmentGrant ApplicationSexual Harassment Policy and ProceduresSubstance Abuse Compliance PolicyPolicy and Procedures for the Evaluation of Academic AdministratorsOther Faculty Regulations and PoliciesConfidentialityEmployee Assistance Program PolicyFirearmsFund Raising, Sales, and SolicitationsReceiving of GiftsBook buyers on CampusOfficial Academic FunctionsOutside EmploymentPolitical ActivitySmoking PolicyTravel RegulationsPolicy 15151525252525353LEAVE POLICIESGeneral PoliciesSick LeaveFamily and Medical Leave ActWorkers’ CompensationDeath in Immediate FamilyCourt LeaveMilitary LeaveReassigned TimeSabbatical LeaveAnnual Leave (for Personnel Employed on a Twelve-Month Basis Only)Leave of Absence (Without Pay)Leave Transfer CE BENEFITS66OTHER FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR FACULTYAnnuities6767iii
Bookstore DiscountCheck CashingEmployee Fee Advance ProgramPayroll DeductionsState Employees AssociationTuition (General University Fees) Assistance Policy686868686969STATE RETIREMENT PLANS70FACILITIES AND SERVICESAthletic and Cultural EventsE-Mail Usage and Privacy IssuesEquipment and Supplies, State-OwnedEquipment and Tools, Personally OwnedFacilities, Faculty Use ofFMU CardHuman Resource RecordsKeys, Loss or Replacement ofLost and FoundParking and Traffic Regulations7777777777787878787879SUMMARY OF FRANCIS MARION UNIVERSITY’S OBLIGATIONSUNDER THE LAWAnti-Discrimination and Affirmative-ActionFamily and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)Motor Vehicle RequirementsOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Guidelines808081818282APPENDICESAppendix 1.Appendix 2.Appendix 3.Appendix 4.Appendix 5.Appendix 6.Appendix 7.Appendix 8.Appendix 9.Constitution of the FacultyBylaws of the Faculty SenateBylaws of the Francis Marion College of Liberal ArtsBylaws of the School of BusinessBylaws of the School of EducationBylaws of the School of Health SciencesBylaws of the LibraryBylaws of the Board of TrusteesStudent Rating FormINDEX838394106108111116119120130132iv
An Overview of the Governance Process at FMU:The Movement of a Proposal from Initiation to ImplementationAcademicUnitsCommittees Reporting to the SenateAcademic AffairsAcademic Freedom & Tenure GrievanceAcademic SupportFaculty LifeGraduate CouncilInformation TechnologyInstitutional sk ForcesProvostAd ionProvostPresidentBoard ofTrusteesCommittees Reporting to the d hocAcademic SupportInformation TechnologyProfessional DevelopmentCommittees Reporting to the emic Freedom & Tenure GrievanceBudget Review & PlanningDistinguished Professor SelectionFaculty GrievanceInformation TechnologyOther SourcesCommittees Reporting to CommitteesAdmissions, Advising & RetentionAcademic AffairsHonors ProgramAcademic AffairsAcademic Freedom & Tenure GrievanceMediationFaculty GrievanceDistinguished Professor SelectionFaculty LifeAction CommitteesGrade Appeals (decide a case)Faculty Life (announce awards)Nominating (conduct elections)Last update: 06-05-07
FRANCIS MARION UNIVERSITY FACULTY HANDBOOKADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONPresident's Senior StaffThe President's Senior Staff is composed of administrative staff and facultyrepresentatives who work closely with him in planning operations for their areas of responsibilityand in reacting in a timely manner to issues that confront the University. The Senior Staff meetsregularly at the call of the President. Members include the President, the Provost, the VicePresident for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Administration, the Vice President forBusiness Affairs, the Vice President for Public and Community Affairs, the Vice President forDevelopment/Executive Director of the FMU Foundation, and the Chair of the Faculty.Selection, Evaluation, and Retention of Academic AdministratorsWhen a vacancy is anticipated in the position of President of the University, the faculty,through the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and/or a search committee, shall communicateto the Board of Trustees its views on filling the vacancy. When a vacancy is anticipated in theposition of Provost, the faculty, through the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and/or a searchcommittee, shall communicate to the President its views on filling the vacancy. The faculty shallelect faculty representatives to be included on any search committee.Faculty evaluation of the President, the Provost, school deans, and department chairs isconducted on an annual basis by means of an evaluation instrument developed by the faculty.(See “Policy and Procedure for Faculty Evaluation of Academic Administrators.”)Department chairs and school deans are appointed by the President following arecommendation by vote of the faculty in their respective units and a review andrecommendation by the Provost. Department chairs serve three-year terms, School deans servefour-year terms, the Provost serves a five-year term, and the President serves a six-year term(subject in the case of the President to approval by the Board of Trustees, which has the ultimateresponsibility for the renewal or termination of his/her contract). At the end of each term,administrators undergo formative evaluations by the faculty in their respective units.Administrators may be reappointed following reelection to additional terms.1
FACULTY ORGANIZATIONAcademic DivisionsThe academic units of the University consist of the Francis Marion College of LiberalArts, the School of Business, the School of Education, and the School of Health Sciences. Theacademic departments include the Departments of Biology; Chemistry; English, ModernLanguages, and Philosophy; Fine Arts; History; Mass Communication and Speech; Mathematics;Physics and Astronomy; Political Science and Geography; Psychology; and Sociology;academic sub-units within the School of Business (Business Administration, Economics, andComputer Science); academic sub-units within the School of Education (Early ChildhoodEducation, Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, and Secondary Education); academicsub-units within the School of Health Sciences (Nursing, Physician Assistant, Speech-LanguagePathology, and Healthcare Administration); and the Library. The Provost is the chief academicofficer.Faculty Administrative StaffDepartment chairs and school deans are generally responsible for the activities of theirdepartments and schools, for which they are accountable to the Provost. Their primaryresponsibility is supervising the teaching, research, and professional service of their faculty.Department chairs and school deans represent their departments and schools in relations withother departments and schools and with other administrative officers of the University. Inexercising leadership in the improvement of programs and faculty, a chair or dean is expected totake the initiative to report that unit's needs and advocate its goals and plans.A department chair's and school dean’s specific functions include the following:recommending the approval of departmental policies and procedures involving peer evaluations;recommending faculty appointment, reappointment, tenure, promotion, termination, anddismissal; interviewing prospective faculty; monitoring departmental implementation ofAffirmative Action policies and procedures; annually evaluating each member of thedepartment's faculty and staff; developing and monitoring departmental budgets; supervising thedepartment's program of instruction, including scheduling, faculty workload, and departmentalresearch and professional service; ensuring that students' rights are preserved; supervising theadvising of departmental majors and graduate and undergraduate students; monitoring studentevaluation of instruction, courses, and programs within the department; supervising summerschool programs; approving applications for professional travel and sabbatical leave; arrangingmeetings of the departmental faculty; meeting with the departmental committees; and teachingtwo to three classes each semester.Membership of the FacultyThe University faculty shall consist of the President, the Provost, the deans and otheracademic officers, including librarians, the department chairs, and all other persons who areappointed to a full-time instructional, research, public service, or administrative position with therank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor. In addition, all persons2
appointed to an instructional position on a part-time basis with faculty rank are consideredmembers of the faculty and may attend meetings of the faculty.Voting Faculty MembersThe voting faculty shall consist of full-time tenured, probationary (i.e., tenure-track), andtemporary faculty who normally teach at least two courses that total a minimum of six credithours or nine contact hours per semester. These faculty are in coded and slotted (FTE) positionsand are eligible for state-funded benefits. Department chairs are voting members of the faculty.All full-time librarians hold academic rank and are voting members of the faculty. All facultywho had voting privileges at the time of the ratification of the 2001 Constitution shall retain themfor the duration of their continuous employment in their present position. Furthermore, all facultywho (1) had voting privileges as of April 1997, (2) have retained faculty status, and (3) at thetime of the ratification of the 2001 Constitution serve in the same position as of 1997 shall retainvoting privileges for the duration of their continuous employment in their present position.Graduate School FacultyAll full-time and part-time faculty teaching graduate courses normally hold the highestearned degree in their disciplines and must have exhibited excellence in instruction and inscholarly and professional activities. The graduate courses which they teach must be in the fieldsof their respective expertise.Membership in the graduate faculty is extended on a continuing basis to academicadministrators and to those holding the rank of full professor. Membership may also be extendedon an annual basis to faculty members at any rank who have not been designated as continuingmembers but who teach at least one course numbered 500 or above during the academic year.Credentials of both annual and continuing graduate faculty are evaluated annually by departmentchairs and school deans.3
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENTContractsAppointments generally are made for a period of nine to twelve months, with twelvemonth appointments extending through the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) and nine-monthappointments, through the academic year (mid-August through mid-May). In the event thatemployment is or subsequently becomes for one semester, either fall or spring, the salary shall beone-half of that for the nine-month period. Contracts are issued annually by the President of theUniversity for employees reporting directly to him. Other contracts are issued annually by theProvost on recommendation of the appropriate dean or department chair. Contracts are sent induplicate, the original to be signed by the faculty member and returned to the Human ResourcesOffice. Contracts for interim periods and for summer teaching are issued at appropriate times.Teaching Assignments and LoadsThe usual teaching load at the University is twelve credit hours. Fifteen hours per weekis the maximum contact time in Schools or departments involved in laboratory, studio, orphysical education instruction. Teaching assignments will of course be affected by the numberof students in the class, the level of the course, research, and other factors. Adjustments inteaching loads may be made when the faculty member is assigned other time-consumingresponsibilities. Because the University must serve adults in the community who cannot attendregular daytime classes, faculty members frequently are expected to assume continuing educationassignments and evening assignments.Part-Time FacultyIn the normal offerings of its curriculum, Francis Marion University employs faculty on apart-time as well as a full-time basis. No distinction is made in the procedure by which full-timeand part-time faculty members are recruited, although vacancy announcements are less widelycirculated for part-time faculty. Part-time faculty must meet the same professional, experiential,and scholarly criteria as those of their full-time counterparts. Part-time faculty (like full-timefaculty) must have at least the Master's degree in field or a Master's degree with at least 18graduate hours in the teaching field to qualify for teaching, as required by the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Part-time faculty are employed by the semesteronly, do not accrue time toward tenure or promotion, and are not eligible for certain fringebenefits.Part-time faculty are provided orientation and supervised by their respective deans ordepartment chairs, who also have the responsibility for the evaluation of part-time faculty. As acondition of their employment, part-time faculty members agree to be available on a regularbasis to their students for purposes of academic assistance. Part-time faculty are appointed aspart-time instructors or lecturers.Part-time faculty members have the right to attend faculty meetings and enjoy theprivilege of the floor. However, they do not have the right to vote. Part-time faculty membersdo not serve on University-wide committees.4
Pay Periods, Checks, and DeductionsFaculty are paid on a semi-monthly basis with pay dates normally on the 15th day of themonth and the last day of the month. A detailed list of pay dates is published annually for ninemonth teaching faculty. Nine-month faculty are given the option of being paid in 18 payments or24 payments. Checks are usually delivered to designated campus locations for pick-up ordeposited in individual bank accounts upon request. Checks are not released to anyone exceptthe employee unless prior arrangements have been made with Payroll. Unclaimed checks arereturned to Payroll. Social Security, federal and state income taxes, state retirement,hospitalization, annuities, and other insurance plans are handled on a payroll deduction basis.Summer Sessions (for regular on-campus courses)The University offers three summer sessions: Late Spring, Summer School I, andSummer School II. Summer teaching appointments are not included in the regular academic yearcontract. Summer pay rates are subject to change. The Provost will provide to the faculty aschedule of upcoming summer school pay rates no later than January 15. The maximum whichcan be earned during the summer for teaching regular on-campus courses is 40 percent of theprevious academic year's salary. Summer appointments are not always assured, nor are facultymembers required to teach in the summer. Compensation for teaching, sponsored research,and/or other activities performed during the summer months (between academic years), and notrelated to a regular summer session for an employee whose base period is a semester or academicyear, shall be at the same rate as for his or her base period for the immediately precedingacademic year.Sponsored ResearchSponsored research during a faculty member's base period will be considered ascompensated for in the faculty member's base pay. Additional or extra compensation for suchwork will be allowed only when approved through the Dual Employment process.Dual EmploymentPermanent State employees may accept additional temporary/part-time employment withState agencies provided that prior to performing these services, appropriate dual-employmentforms have been completed and approved. No State employee may accept any work orremuneration that could be reasonably construed as a conflict of interest. Acceptance withoutproper prior approval of a work assignment or remuneration that is found to be a conflict ofinterest will be grounds for disciplinary action or termination of employment.No employee can receive additional compensation for services performed duringscheduled hours of work (including mealtimes and breaks) unless the employee takes annualleave or leave without pay. An employee's work schedule shall not be altered or revised in orderto provide time to perform dual-employment duties. However, an employee, employed on atwelve-month basis only, may use annual leave while providing services during working hoursfor a requesting agency and may receive compensation from that agency for services performedduring the period of leave. However, no
FRANCIS MARION UNIVERSITY FACULTY HANDBOOK . TABLE OF CONTENTS . ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION 1 . President’s Senior Staff 1 Selection, Evaluation, and Retention of Academic Administrators 1 . FACULTY ORGANIZATION 2 . Academic Divisions 2 . Faculty Administrative Staff 2 . Membership of the Faculty 2 . Voting Faculty Members 3 . Graduate .
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