Deconstructing The Illuminati

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Deconstructing the IlluminatiWhat The Illuminati Really Is & How To Defeat ItAbridged Edition

DeconstructingThe IlluminatiWhat The Illuminati Really Is & How to Defeat ItAbridged EditionKerth Barker

Also by Kerth BarkerAngelic Defenders & Demonic AbusersMemoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse SurvivorCannibalism, Blood Drinking& High–Adept SatanismMental LiberationDeprogramming Satanic Ritual Abuse, MK Ultra,Monarch & Illuminati Mind ControlPsychic Developmentfor Prosperity, Self Defense & Political InfluenceOvercoming Monarch Mind ControlFeedback from Therapists & SurvivorsSee more at

Deconstructing the Illuminati:What The Illuminati Really Is & How To Defeat ItAbridged Edition Copyright May 1st, 2017 by Kerth BarkerBook design by Author Support Coop


DefinitionsDeconstructDefinition #1. To systematically analyze something.Definition #2. To systematically dismantle something.IlluminatiDefinition #1. The Illuminated Ones: That is, those personswho are followers of Lucifer, who is the light-bearer.Lucifer is the fallen angel, who is rebellious against God.Symbolically, Lucifer, also known as Satan, represents thedesire to rebel against the morality of mainstream society.Satanism is the organized rejection of the ethical basis ofWestern civilization.Definition #2. The Illuminati is a secret society of wealthyaristocrats who use covert and criminal methods to increasetheir wealth and power. Amongst themselves, they justifytheir criminal tactics with the goal of eventually creating anall-powerful, utopian, worldwide government. This globalgovernment, however, could only come into power throughthe rejection of the basic values of Christianity and the loss ofour innate rights and freedoms granted by God and ensuredby sovereign nation-states.

Note: This Abridged Edition is isapproximately one third of the fulllength book. However, it is my beliefthat the most important informationin this book is contained in this firstsection that you have here.

INTRODUCTIONImagine that you are reading a detective story and that youhave reached the final chapter. In this scene, the detective hasgathered all of the characters into the room of the mansionwhere the murder took place. And now the detective is goingto reveal the guilty party. The mystery is about to be solved.But before he makes his announcement, he explains hislogic.In writing this book, I am going to assume that most of youreading this already know that there is something terriblywrong with our world. You may already be aware thatthere is a certain group of people to blame for many of theworld’s problems, a powerful criminal organization calledthe Illuminati.And if you wish to defeat the Illuminati, you need toknow exactly what they are and exactly how they operate.Unfortunately, much of the information about the Illuminatipresented through movies and on the internet is misleading.In some cases the information is intentionally misleadingbecause the Illuminati spreads disinformation about itself.And thereby the real Illuminati organization hides itselfbehind a cloud of confusion.In this document, I deconstruct the true nature of the

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged EditionIlluminati. In doing so, the guilty party is revealed. And,just as in a detective story, once the guilty party is revealed,he can be brought to justice.4

Part One:The Afghan Origin ofthe IlluminatiIt is not my intention to encourage a hatred for Muslimsthrough this document. And I want to make it clear that thegreat majority of Muslims are not members of the Illuminati.But the central core of the Illuminati must have originatedsomewhere, and the truth is that, as an organization,the Illuminati was originally founded inside of Islamicterritories. And the most central core of this organizationstill hides within Islamic territories.The Illuminati is an organization that conceals itself behindmany layers of deception. And when you tear off all thelayers of deception, what you find is that the Illuminatibegan in Afghanistan and was founded by persons whopublicly identified themselves as Muslims. However, infact they were not really Muslims but only pretended to liveaccording to Islamic teachings. These Illuminati memberswere in fact the followers of Lucifer. In other words, theywere secret Satanists who pretended to be Muslims.The majority of the Muslim peoples are, of course, notSatanists. Muslims worship what they believe to be the oneGod, and they believe the devil is the enemy of their God.

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged EditionSo they reject the devil.However Islam is secretly ruled over by a Satanic cultwhose members only pretend to be Muslims. So the ultimateauthorities in Islamic territories are the Satanic members ofa secret society. And this secret society is actually an ancientcriminal cult.It isn’t just Muslim nations that are subjugated to the ruleof a secret society. All nations of the world are ruled overby secret societies, and most of these secret societies areSatanic to at least some degree. These secret societies arenot identical to one another, but they all use the same tacticsfor social control. And they all publicly deny their existenceso that they can act covertly.Rule by secret society is the strategy that is used throughoutthe world because it is the strategy that works. You can’t fightagainst what you can’t see, and you can’t defend yourself ifyou don’t know that you’re being attacked. This why a smallgroup of immoral men can rule over millions of cluelesscitizens.This rule by secret society members exists in all nationsaround the world. Not all world leaders are Satanists, butmany are. And anyone with any real political power doeshave some type of connection to a secret society. However,the most toxic of these secret societies is the one that had itsorigins in Afghanistan.If you look at an American one-dollar bill, on one sideyou will see a pyramid with an invisible capstone. Thispicture has a symbolic meaning. The invisible capstone is6

Kerth Barkerthe ultimate secret society, above all other secret societies,and this ultimate secret society rules over its victims byremaining invisible to the public.The pretend-Muslims who are headquartered in Islamicterritories are the invisible capstone of the Illuminatipyramid. This is the very heart of the Illuminati. And theMuslim people are the first victims of this hidden Sataniccult. So I do not hate the Muslim people, I am simply awareof the true nature of their oppression. And I wish for theMuslim people of the world, and all people of the world, tobe freed from the oppressive Illuminati system.How did this system begin?In the 16th century in Afghanistan, a man named BayazidAnsari aka Per Roshan, “the illuminated master”, founded amovement called the Roshaniya and this word was definedas “the illuminated ones”. In English, the word Roshaniya issometimes spelt in different ways, but when translated intoLatin, this word is Illuminatus, which by the 16th centurywas pronounced Illuminati ( and Illuminati are two different words for oneand the same thing. They are the same word in two differentlanguages. And in both cases the word means “the illuminatedones”.Now those of you who have already read about the Illuminatimay be wondering why I have said that the Illuminati hasits roots in Afghanistan. You may have been told that theIlluminati was founded on May 1st in 1776 in Bavaria byAdam Weishaupt (pronounced wise.hopped). And according7

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged Editionto history, Weishaupt did not live in Afghanistan. Therefore,if this were true, the roots of the Illuminati would have notbeen in Afghanistan, but in Bavaria. And for many years,that is what I believed to be the case. However, recentlyit has been revealed to me that Adam Weishaupt was notreally the founder of the Illuminati: he merely founded theEuropean branch of the Illuminati.Some scholars have admitted that Adam Weishaupt wasinfluenced by some historical writings about the life ofPir Roshan, but it goes far deeper than that. Persons that Ihave been in contact with, who have access to informationnot available to the general public, have shown me that,organizationally, Weishaupt could not have been actingalone. He could not have invented the complex organizationalsystem for his Illuminati group simply by reading somebooks and puzzling it out by himself.The truth is that the Illuminati had already existed forhundreds of years prior to the time of Adam Weishaupt. If youhave doubts about this, I invite you to read on, and perhapsby the time you complete your study of this document, youwill come to understand how the Illuminati could only havebeen founded and operated out of Islamic territories.Notice that I am not saying that the Illuminati is a Muslimorganization. What I am saying is that the Illuminati wasfounded in Afghanistan and that its central headquarters isstill in Islamic territories. Specifically, the headquarters forthe Illuminati is presently in the city of Medina, located inSaudi Arabia.Before we go on, I want to make some points. I am aware that8

Kerth Barkerfor most Muslims, there are legitimate cultural traditions,and there is also an authentic spiritual lifestyle associatedwith Islam. The oppressive leadership of the Medina-basedIlluminati has not been able to completely suppress thenatural spirituality of all persons living in Islamic territories.But I contend that the legitimate aspects of Muslimspirituality have arisen apart from the Illuminati’s influencein Islamic territories. The highest religious and politicalauthorities in these Islamic territories, ironically, have theleast appreciation for authentic Muslim spirituality.I am a Christian and I believe that it is much, much easierto gain spiritual access to God the true Creator throughChristian philosophy than through the Islamic philosophy.But the natural desire to commune with God is so great thateven a religion with an imperfect theology cannot blockgood-hearted people from an awareness of God. So I am notwilling to judge the faith of individual Muslims. Only JesusChrist has the authority to judge the souls of human beings.But you should know that at the core of Islamic philosophy is asystem of military conquest and trauma-based mind control.So authentic spiritual experience is not really promoted bythe more dogmatic religious teachings found in Islam. Whatthere is of authentic spiritual experience in Muslim worshiptakes place in spite of these dogmatic teachings rather thanbecause of them.9

Part Two:Gospel-Based Christianity& the Rock of ZionBefore I further define the problem, I want to first describethe solution.Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve known about the Illuminati,and I’ve wondered about its true nature. Because of certainexperiences that I had when I was young, which I describein other books, I was exposed to the fact that there are secretsocieties that powerfully influence our world. When I wasyoung, a group of Satanists unsuccessfully tried to recruitme into their coven. These cult members would sometimesrefer to a global Satanic movement that they called theSociety of Lucifer.I should point out that my experiences with these Satanistswere unpleasant to say the least. And it was with greatdifficulty that I was able to escape from their influence. But Idid escape, and for more than forty years since, I’ve thoughtlong and hard about how this hidden Society of Lucifercould be destroyed.At various times in my life I have personally knownindividuals in the Illuminati who were disillusioned withit and secretly wished for its deconstruction. Also I have

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged Editionpersonally known some fellow Christians who are aware ofthe Illuminati’s existence and who have organized in covertgroups to deconstruct it. So I have been able to receiveinformation from sources that are unavailable to most people.These sources have shown me that there is a realistic planfor deconstructing the Illuminati. So you should knowthat the ideas contained in this book don’t just come fromone person. I am part of a movement. I don’t claim to be asaint, but I do believe in Jesus Christ. And I don’t claim tohave a great intellect, but I do know of information that isunavailable to most people. I have studied the problem of howto deconstruct the Illuminati for decades, and I have realizedthat there are four factors essential to its deconstruction. Ifyou understand nothing else I write here, please understandthese four items:Factor #1 - The deconstruction of the Illuminati’sworldwide criminal organization will come aboutprimarily through the spread of Gospel-basedChristianity. Satanism is a disease, the Illuminatiorganization is a particularly virulent form of thisdisease, and Gospel-based Christianity is the cure forthis disease.Factor #2 - The survival of Israel as a sovereign nationstate is the Rock of Zion upon which the Illuminati’sfinal plans for conquest will be destroyed. In ancienttimes Zion was the hill upon which the Jewish Templewas built. But since then, Zion has become a symbolicreference for the divine mandate that the nation of Israelwill survive. Whatever doubts you may or may not12

Kerth Barkerhave about Israel and Zionism, you should know thatIsrael’s survival as a nation is essential to God’s plan fordestroying the Illuminati. Let me be clear on this point.I’m not saying that Israel is going to someday rule theworld. But it is its destiny to become a dominant forcein the Middle East. And I’m not saying that the Jewishpeople are God’s chosen people. All I’m saying that thestate of Israel is God’s chosen weapon to destroy theIlluminati.Factor #3 - The ascent of scientific thought brings aboutan understanding of the universe which will ultimatelyundermine the Illuminati system. This is becausethe Illuminati system, in order to function, requiresa population of traumatized people who live in fear,ignorance and superstition. Scientific thought can helppeople develop the ability to reason. The ability toreason changes the mindset of the population in a waythat allows for a greater freedom of thought. And thisgreater freedom of thought will help to bring an end tothe Illuminati’s mind-control system.Factor #4 - The general public is mind-controlled throughpropaganda, mass-hypnosis and direct individualbrainwashing. The Illuminati is an internationalorganization that has achieved widespread mind control.The most intense focus of their mind control systemis in the Americas, the Middle East and Europe. Manyotherwise intelligent people have been lulled into apersistent state of hypnotic delusion. However, evenpeople who have been programmed with trauma-basedmind control can be deprogrammed. It is possible for13

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged Editionthose who are in a hypnotic trance to awaken fromit. Over the years, more and more people, includingmyself, have escaped from the prison of Illuminatimind control. And now, many awakened personsare organizing themselves to help in the massivedeprogramming of the public. In the near future, therewill be a widespread deprograming of the brainwashedpublic, and this will lead to noncooperation with theIlluminati system.I personally know that deprogramming is possible because Iwas subjected to the Illuminati’s trauma-based mind controlas a child, and over the years I have overcome it. I havewritten and published a number of books that talk about mypersonal experience with Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) andthe CIA’s MK Ultra mind-control program. These booksalso tell the story of my subsequent deprogramming. I havedone what I can to explain what I know about effectivedeprogramming techniques.Everyone in this culture has been programmed bythe Illuminati to at least some extent. This has beenaccomplished through mass media such as television,movies and the Internet. This repetitive indoctrination isreinforced with a culture that encourages altered states ofconsciousness. These altered states are imposed upon thewidespread population with street drugs, psychiatric drugs,fluoride poisoning and an environment of toxic electronicfields. Avoiding the mass media and detoxifying your lifeare the first steps to deprogramming yourself. Learning todeprogram yourself and others is essential to deconstructingthe Illuminati system.14

Kerth BarkerThe ultimate goal of deprogramming is to make visiblethat which once was invisible. You have been blinded byprogramming, and you must learn to see again. When youlearn to see the once-invisible Illuminati capstone, then youhave awakened from the trance.The Illuminati maintains power through widespread mindcontrol, political corruption and economic oppression.But the number of anti-Illuminati groups, both covert andpublicly known, has grown over the years. I have been incommunication with some of the leaders of these covert antiIlluminati groups, and I can tell you this with confidence:a widespread and deliberate noncooperation with theIlluminati’s control system will take place in the near future.This noncooperation will come about as the generalpopulation becomes more aware of how the Illuminatioperates. And this noncooperation with the Illuminati’scontrol system will result in the systematic deconstructionof the Illuminati’s worldwide Satanic movement.This deconstruction of the Illuminati, for the most part, willbe non-violent and orderly. It will not happen all at once.Those world leaders who help facilitate this deconstructionare likely to retain their wealth and some of their power. Onthe other hand, those world leaders who oppose this orderlydeconstruction are likely to become disempowered in everyway. This deconstruction has already begun and may takeanother forty years or longer to complete.This deconstruction will be accompanied by thereconstruction and advancement of Western civilization, sothis deconstruction of the Illuminati is actually a creative15

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged Editionact. What is going to take place over the next four decadesor so is the final evolution of Western civilization as aninternational cultural system.The term, Western civilization, may have different meaningsfor different people, so I should define what I mean when Iuse the term Western civilization in this document. Westerncivilization is often defined as the culture that has arisen inEurope and the United States. But it would be more accurateto say that Europe and the United States inherited Westerncivilization rather than to say that the Europeans andAmericans invented it. The origins of Western civilization arefound in the environment of the cultures that surrounded theMediterranean sea in ancient times. Its origins are also foundin the multi-cultural environment created by the trade routesthat connected ancient India and China with the classicalworld of ancient Greece and Rome. The origins of Westerncivilization are multi-racial. Black Africans, Middle-Easternpeoples, Asians, as well as whites contributed to this culturalmatrix. As the ancient Roman empire grew, it absorbedcultural knowledge and practices from the many nationsthat it conquered. The wisdom of Christ’s teachings broughtin a moral character to this emerging cultural matrix. Andout of this cultural matrix was born an effective system ofgovernance, science and philosophy.Both science and Christianity are essential to Westerncivilization. Some Christians may feel that science andreligion are in conflict with one another, and that scientificthought is a threat to the religion of Christianity. But I contendthat science and Christianity complement one another.In truth, science is limited in the scope of what it can explain16

Kerth Barkerabout the universe. Some scientists overstate what scienceactually can explain. However, there is a difference between anunproven theory of science and a proven scientific principle.Just because a scientist has a theory about the nature of theuniverse does not make that theory truly scientific. Realscience requires rigorous proof and verification. Therefore,many theories which are called science are not actually basedon facts or experimental evidence; much of what is calledscience is really just unproven conjecture. And the agreedupon conjecture of a group of scientists does not achieve thestatus of a proven scientific principle.When you reject the unproven theories that some scientistspretend are real science, most of the grand theories ofscience, such as Darwinism, fall to the wayside. Science isgood at answering with accuracy many small questions. Forexample, science shows us that water is made up of twoparts hydrogen and one part oxygen. But science really can’tanswer all of the big questions. For example, the question ofthe origin of life on Earth has yet to be legitimately answeredby science.Christian religion is necessary to provide insights into issuesthat go beyond the limits of what real science can explain.And there are many such issues, such as the question of whathappens in the afterlife. So Western science and Christianityare really partners who work together to create a useful,intellectual model of reality.Christian religious philosophy and scientific thought canharmoniously complement one another. And Westerncivilization is the product of these two dynamic forces. Thesciences and the technologies they create have provided many17

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged Editionadvancements for Western civilization, but Christianity hasgiven Western civilization its moral foundation.So Western civilization is valuable to the future of the worldand must be defended. But defending it is not so easy. Andpart of the defense of Western civilization involves thedefense of the nation-state of Israel.For most Christians, the defense of Israel may make sense;however I know that some Christians dislike Jewish peopleor have some doubts about the policies of Israel. And thereare some critics who would say that the Jews themselvesare the Illuminati. But if you are such a Christian, then youmust transcend such bias and see the role that Israel willplay in an international strategy that will ultimately destroythe Illuminati to save Western civilization.It is true that some prominent Jewish leaders are clearlyservants to the Illuminati. In part this is because someJewish leaders are generational dhimmi. The word dhimmiis an Islamic term that refers to a protected person or groupof protected persons.Islamic attacks on Christians and Jews are nothing new.The Islamic expansion began approximately 1400 years agoand in the early days of the Islamic conquests, widespreadslaughter of innocent Christians and Jews occurred on amassive scale. Therefore, any Christian or Jew living inIslamic-conquered territories would have to become aprotected person, a dhimmi, in order to be spared execution.On a regular basis, the dhimmi would bow down before hisMuslim protector and pay a heavy tax. Then the dhimmiwould be given an emblem or necklace to show that he was18

Kerth Barkerunder the protection of a Muslim. And because of this, theother Muslims would restrain themselves from killing himeven though he was a kafir, a non-Muslim.Some prominent Jews in the U.S. and Europe are descendedfrom Jews who held the status of a dhimmi while living inIslamic territories for many generations. So they have beenbred by Muslim controllers in the way a dog breeder mightbred a dog. Although they are Jewish, they serve and areloyal to their Muslim controllers. And although they arewealthy and no longer live in Islamic territories, they arestill under the control of their Muslim masters. There are anumber of individuals who seem wealthy and powerful, butthey are actually just generational dhimmi, under Islamiccontrol.In a systematic way, these generational dhimmi haverecruited other Christians and Jews who live in Europe andthe United States so that, in an organic manner, networksof Muslim spies and agents have grown over the centuriesin non-Muslim territories. Over time, the Medina-basedIlluminati has taken control over many of the powerfulMuslim leaders throughout much of Islam. The Medinabased Illuminati now controls these networks that are madeup of generational dhimmi, and through them the Illuminatiis able to control many powerful individuals in Westernsociety.It’s worth pointing out where the so called Star of Davidsymbol actually comes from. It has nothing to doing withKing David. And it was not associated with the Jewishreligion until the Islamic practice of dhimmi taxation andservitude began. The six-pointed star was an emblem put on19

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged Editionthe clothing of a Jewish dhimmi to demonstrate his status ofservitude and loyalty to Muslims.The Rothschild family first came into public awareness inthe 1700s, when they labeled their house (which was alsotheir place of business) with a red shield, featuring a sixpointed star. To Muslim agents and dhimmi operativesworking covertly in Christian Europe, the meaning of thissix-pointed star would have been clear. With this symbol theRothschild family was declaring its secret loyalty to theirultimate Muslim overlords. But the other Jews in that areawere not aware of the real meaning of this symbol. And so,as the wealth and status of the Rothschild banking familygrew, the dhimmi symbol of the six-pointed star becameassociated with Judaism and Zionism. This is ironic becauseit is really a symbol of Jewish servitude to an Islamic master.And this fact shows how a small number of generationalJewish dhimmi, and the agents that they have recruited,have exerted an unnatural influence over the Jewish peopleand on Christian nations.Visualize European and American society as a pyramid.At the bottom of the pyramid are Christians and ordinaryJews. At the next higher level are the mostly-Jewish bankersand they seem to be the overlords. But there is an invisiblecapstone above them that even the most paranoid conspiracytheorists have been failing to see. And that invisible capstoneis the Medina-based Illuminati.However, those Jewish leaders who are knowingly servingtheir Illuminati masters are only a small minority of all theJewish people in the world. And to blame all Jewish peoplefor the existence of the Illuminati is illogical and unfair.20

Kerth BarkerYet it is also true that there are Jews who dislike all non-Jews,whom they refer to as goyim. And the Jewish religious lawknown as the Babylonian Talmud seems to reinforce theirhatred for the goyim. As a result, some non-Jews respond tothis fact with a generalized distrust of all Jews. This is whysome non-Jews, as well as self-hating Jews, have come towrongly blame every problem in the world on the Jewishpeople in general.So this has resulted in a situation where there are manypersons who claim to oppose the Illuminati but who alsomistakenly claim that the Illuminati is essentially a Jewishconspiracy. And they can justify such a belief by pointing tothe Rothschild family and other Jewish leaders who clearlyare servants to the Illuminati organization.The elite Illuminati members who comprise the invisiblecapstone of the Illuminati pyramid are not Jews, butrather Satanists who pretend to be Muslims. But you mustalso understand that there are Jews, Christians, Hindus,Buddhists, Freemasons and even atheists who are servantsto the invisible Illuminati capstone. I can tell you that theIlluminati operates on the basis of invisibility, which is theirkey to survival and success. Those members who are themost invisible are also the most powerful. Therefore, it isprobable that those Illuminati members whose names youhave heard of are not actually at the top of the Illuminatipyramid.There is a another popular theory published on the Internetthat would have you think that the Illuminati is completelymade up of Freemasons. And it is true that high-rankingFreemasons knowingly serve the Illuminati. The symbol for21

Deconstructing The Illuminati - Abridged Editionthe Masons is a square and compasses with the capital letter“G” at the center. Ordinary Masons are told that the “G”stands for God or the Great architect. However, the highranking Masons know that the “G” stands for Gadreel, whowas the fallen angel in the Book of Enoch who seduced Evein the Garden of Eden. In other words, Gadreel is anothername for Satan. And the highest-ranking Masons deceive thelower-ranking Masons about the “G” because at the highestlevel of the Masonic order is a hidden Satanic cult.Therefore, although many of the highest level leaders of theJews and Freemasons are secret Satanists, it is inaccurate tocall all Jews or all Freemasons, Satanists. The average Jewor Mason is not a Satanist. And it would also be inaccurateto say that all Jews or all Muslims comprise the Illuminati,because they don’t. But at the highest levels of Islamicsociety you do find a secret Satanic cult.The problem is that once you realize that the leaders of agroup are Satanists, it’s tempting to generalize and labelthe entire group. Such a misconception is a distortion ofthe Illuminati’s true nature. And you will not be effective indefeating the Illuminati until you can look past such vaguegeneralities.So, although it is true that some important Israeli leaders areIlluminati operatives, it is not true that the average Israelicitizen serves the Illuminati.In reality, the Illuminati’s plans involve

organizationally, Weishaupt could not have been acting alone. He could not have invented the complex organizational system for his Illuminati group simply by reading some books and puzzling it out by himself. The truth is that the Illuminati had already existed for hundreds of years pri

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