LUTHERAN Annual Report 2017 SOCIAL SERVICES Lsssc .

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Dear Friends,Lutheran Social Services of Southern California continues our commitment to serve women, men and children who struggle daily onthe margins of society.We are responsible for 10 Southern California counties and over 50 different programs yet, there are still gaps in the services weprovide. This is because not all clients are the same. Some are very poor and need assistance just to make it through the day whileothers are caught somewhere in the middle. They have a job and work hard to make ends meet, but at the end of the month there issimply not enough money to pay the bills, or purchase groceries. A savings account or safety net is a dream not a reality.Through our community care centers and Central City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino, our emergency services help individualsrespond to an immediate crisis. In addition, highly trained professionals offer behavioral health counseling that enables adults,adolescents and children to address their particular situation in both a practical and fulfilling manner.Many social problems like homelessness, unemployment and crime can be traced back to a lack of therapeutic treatment in aperson’s life. To that end, new counseling services have been added to address both new and continuing trends. Patients andcaregivers facing end of life issues will be supported. Housing counseling will provide viable options to those trying to purchasetheir first home or retain their current property. A diverse range of needs requires an equally diverse strategy to address them.We are grateful for your support of Lutheran Social Services of Southern California and for the difference your donations havemade to so many people. We could not provide these services without your faithful and dedicated contributions. The informationthat follows offers a brief description of our services. For more information, please visit our website at Christ’s Service,Ron Drews President/CEO and Terry Paulson, Ph.D. Chair/LSS Board Chair

Three words describe what LSS is all about. Embrace, Equip and EmpowerEMBRACEEQUIPEMPOWERIn Ventura County our winter meal and shelter service involves 435 volunteers from 50 houses of faith, workingalongside community groups, to serve a hot meal seven nights a week for the homeless. Shower and laundryare available, and our food pantry is open to all. 31,000 total meals served last year; over 1,200 unduplicatedclients served.Central City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino provides lodging for up to 70 men each night, as well as 12community homes for at-risk populations, serving over 1,300 people. A noon meal is offered to anyone whoshows up, including residents in the neighborhood. There is also an after-school program for children and aclothes closet.LSS offers professional behavioral health counseling at numerous levels and locations throughout San BernardinoCounty. This includes wraparound supportive programs for individuals and families, as well as intense therapy forclients of all ages.*Names and images may be changed to protect the privacy of our subject

EMBRACEWe EMBRACE those in crisis,with short-term,emergency services.LSS embraces all clients at the point of their immediate need:food to fill their stomachs, a place to lay their head, or a listening earso they can bare their soul.MISSIONLUTHERANSOCIAL SERVICESS O U T H E R NC A L I F O R N I AIgnited by faith, we live out God’s love by embracing, equippingand empowering vulnerable people in Southern California

Gerald Brower worked 37 years in the mortgage banking business. Duringthe 2007 recession he lost his job, and sold his family home.After moving from one humble location to another, he hit bottom. That’s when afriend’s wife drove him to Lutheran Social Services in Thousand Oaks.We gave him food, groceries and referred him to the winter shelter program inWestlake Village. We also listened to his story. He likens his experience with LSS ashaving a new family. “When I had no place to live, and no way out of my situation,LSS embraced me with love and patience, and insisted I still had a future ahead ofme.”Diagnosed with Large B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, he endured six roundsof chemotherapy, and is cancer free today. LSS embraced him with dignity, andstayed with him through his recovery. Even when he was by himself, he realized hewas not alone.With much assistance from LSS staff, Gerald found and moved into his ownapartment at the beginning of 2018. He had given up on life when he first arrived,but through his experience with LSS, he had learned God has not given up on him.

EQUIPWe EQUIP individualsand families,with program resourcesto help them on their journey.LUTHERANVISIONFred came to CCLM because he needed a place to spend the night.He was also looking for a way to deal with the death of his20 year-old-son. He was equipped to deal with both, and much more.SOCIAL SERVICESS O U T H E R NC A L I F O R N I ASharing the love of Christ,we are a community to care and be cared for. Where the vulnerable are safer and stronger Where the dependent are self-sustaining Where the isolated dwell in community Where the weary will be given hope

Fmotelred came to Central City Lutheran Mission because his wallet was stolen from hisroom and he needed a place to sleep. But that was not the real reason hecame. His 20 year-old-son died, and the grief was eating him up. He wasdepressed, angry, and frustrated.Everything he saw reminded him of the son he loved. All parents assume that oneday their children will bury them. Fathers and mothers never dream they will bury achild.Fred left his wife in Arizona and came to California. He wasn’t looking forsomething new. He was running away from pain. He and his wife could not grieveas a couple, and that took a toll on their marriage.CCLM equipped him with tools to deal with anger, depression and frustration.Slowly he began to address his grief.He worked in the Mission’s kitchen, improved cooking methods, food handlingand storage procedures. His efforts earned our kitchen an “A” rating from the Boardof Health.After 4½ months Fred’s pain was controlled, and he was ready to work with hiswife on their marriage. He wrote, “The day I left CCLM, you lost a kitchen worker,but I found a new life.”

EMPOWERWe EMPOWERpeople to break the cycle of poverty,live with dignity andbecome self-sufficient.“Without the Our Children Project (Apple Valley), our familywould not have survived the trauma of early childhood sexualabuse. Although it was one child who received services,it was our entire family who received the benefit.”LUTHERANVALUESSOCIAL SERVICESS O U T H E R NC A L I F O R N I ACompassion I Advocacy I Collaboration I RespectInnovation I Stewardship

Catherine and Robert adopted three siblings: 11, 7 and 5. The oldest, Charlene,acted out destructively. Biological relatives had abused her in the past.Charlene entered the LSS Our Children Project for children sexually abused. It’s theonly group program in San Bernardino County.She joined a group of abused girls, and announced: “I’m not the only one, Mom.Those girls are just like me! They know how I feel!”Those girls embraced her, and her therapist cared for her. After three years, shefound a way to live in the present, without being tormented from the past. Charlene isnow a high school senior, active in sports, leadership groups, and a peer-counselingprogram that helps classmates face troubling issues.Catherine said, “We knew the children had been abused before we acceptedthem. But nothing could have prepared us for the deep wounds our children suffered.“Without the Our Children Project, our family would not have survived the traumaof early childhood sexual abuse. Although it was one child who received services, itwas our entire family who received the benefit.”LSS helped the entire family empower themselves so they could claim the life Godhad in store for all of them.

Agency Income and ExpensesAuditedfinancial informationis available emailinfo@lsssc.orgfor anyadditional questionsor concerns.LUTHERANINCOME 2016-2017 9,514,889 IncomeProfessional Fees 3%C A L I F O R N I 9%ContractPrograms58%SOCIAL SERVICESS O U T H E R NEXPENSES 2016-2017 9,723,669 ExpenseManagement TeamOperations9%Other6%Salary andBenefits65%

Church Donor ListJanuary 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017Enhancing our impactVolunteers WelcomedAll Saints Lutheran ChurchAnthem ChurchAscension Lutheran ChurchAscension Lutheran ChurchAscension Lutheran ChurchAscension Lutheran ChurchAscension Lutheran SchoolBethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Lutheran School K-8Bethel Lutheran ChurchBethel Lutheran ChurchBethel Lutheran ChurchBethlehem Lutheran ChurchCalvary Community ChurchCanoga Park Lutheran ChurchCARING Housing Ministries, Inc.Sun Valley CAThousand Oaks CAThousand Oaks CATorrance CARanchos Palos Verdes CASan Diego CATorrance CASan Diego CALong Beach CALong Beach CAEncino CAWillmar MNSanta Maria CALos Alamitos CAWestlake Village CACanoga Park CAEl Monte CACentral Lutheran ChurchChrist Lutheran ChurchChrist Lutheran ChurchChrist Lutheran ChurchChrist Lutheran ChurchChrist Lutheran ChurchChrist Lutheran ChurchChrist the King Lutheran ChurchChrist The Shepherd Lutheran ChurchChrist's ChurchConejo Valley Community ChurchCovenant Presbyterian ChurchCross & Crown ChurchEden Lutheran ChurchELCA, Endowment FundEmmanuel PresbyterianEpiphany EpiscopalVan Nuys CAValencia CAOrange CARancho Palos Verdes CASan Diego CACompton CALong Beach CAGlendale CAAltadena CAYucaipa CAThousand Oaks CALong Beach CARancho Cucamonga CARiverside CAChicago ILThousand Oaks CAOak Park CA

Church Donor ListYoung greeters hi-five participants of the2017 LSS Ventura Walk to Fight Poverty.Evangelical Lutheran Church of the CrossFaith Lutheran ChurchFaith Lutheran ChurchFaith Lutheran Church of MoorparkFaith Lutheran Church WELCAFirst Christian Church of Thousand OaksFirst Congregational ChurchFirst Evangelical Lutheran ChurchFirst Lutheran ChurchFirst Lutheran ChurchFirst Lutheran ChurchFirst Lutheran ChurchFirst Lutheran Church & LWMLFirst Presbyterian ChurchGethsemane Lutheran ChurchGloria Dei Lutheran ChurchGood Shepherd Lutheran ChurchRialto CACapistrano Beach CACanoga Park CAMoorpark CASun City CAThousand Oaks CASan Bernardino CARedlands CAManhattan Bch CAOntario CAVan Nuys CATorrance CALake Elsinore CASan Bernardino CALa Crescenta CALong Beach CAClaremont CAGood Shepherd Lutheran ChurchGrace Evangelical Lutheran ChurchGrace Lutheran ChurchGrace Lutheran ChurchGreater Long Beach Cluster WELCAHoly Trinity Lutheran ChurchHoly Trinity Lutheran ChurchHope Lutheran ChurchHope Lutheran ChurchHouse of Prayer Lutheran ChurchImmanuel First Lutheran ChurchIn Faith Community FoundationIslamic Center of Conejo ValleyKing of Glory Lutheran ChurchKing of Glory Lutheran ChurchKing of Kings WELCALIFEhouse Lutheran ChurchIrvine CARiverside CACulver City CARidgecrest CALakewood CAThousand Oaks CAHacienda Hts CARiverside CAPalm Desert CAEscondido CAWest Covina CAMinneapolis MNNewbury Park CAFountain Vly CANewbury Park CAOceanside CANorthridge CA

Church Donor ListLightshine ChurchLord of Life Lutheran ChurchLutheran Church at the WellLutheran Church of Our RedeemerLutheran Church of Our Savior & WELCALutheran Church of the FoothillsLutheran Church of the MasterLutheran Church of the MasterLutheran Church of the ResurrectionMagnolia Presbyterian ChurchMary & Martha GuildMonte Vista Presbyterian ChurchMount Cross Lutheran ChurchMount Olive Lutheran ChurchMt Calvary Lutheran, Paper RollersMt Olive LWMLNaval Air Station, North Island ChapelJanuary 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016Newbury Park CAMoreno Valley CALancaster CAOxnard CASan Bernardino CALa Canada-Flintridge CALos Angeles CACorona Del Mar CARedondo Beach CARiverside CASherman Oaks CANewbury Park CACamarillo CASanta Monica CACypress CAPoway CASan Diego CANew Beginning Christian ChurchNew Hope Lutheran ChurchOlivet Lutheran ChurchOur Redeemer Lutheran ChurchOur Redeemer Lutheran ChurchOur Savior Lutheran ChurchOur Savior's Lutheran ChurchOur Savior's Lutheran ChurchOur Saviour's Lutheran ChurchOur Saviour's Lutheran ChurchPacifica Synod, ELCAPalisades Lutheran ChurchPeace Lutheran ChurchPeace Lutheran ChurchPeace Lutheran ChurchPeace Lutheran ChurchPrince of Peace Lutheran ChurchCanoga Park CAAgoura Hills CAHawthorne CAGarden Grove CAWinnetka CAArcadia CABanning CASan Clemente CALong Beach CAOrange CASanta Ana CAPacific Plsds CACorona CASan Diego CACamarillo CASanta Ana CACovina CAPrince of Peace Lutheran ChurchPrince of Peace Lutheran ChurchPrince of Peace Lutheran ChurchRedeemer Lutheran ChurchReformation Lutheran ChurchResurrection Lutheran Church93,038MEALS PROVIDEDAnaheim CAHemet CANorthridge CAHuntington Beach CAWestminster CALong Beach CA

January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016Church Donor ListResurrection Lutheran ChurchRock of the Foothills Lutheran ChurchSalem Lutheran ChurchSalem Lutheran ChurchSan Marcos Lutheran ChurchShepherd of the Valley LutheranChurch & FoundationSherman Oaks Lutheran ChurchSisters of St. Joseph HealthcareFoundationSolheim Lutheran ChurchSouthwest California Synod, ELCASpirit of Peace Lutheran ChurchSt Matthews EvangelicalSt Matthews United MethodistSt Patricks Episcopal Church- The Mad AtticHuntington Beach CALa Verne CAGlendale CAWhittier CASan Marcos CAWest Hills CASherman Oaks CAOrange CALos Angeles CAGlendale CABig Bear CANorth Hollywood CANewbury Park CAThousand Oaks CASt Pauls Lutheran ChurchSt Peters By The Sea Lutheran ChurchSt. James Lutheran ChurchSt. John Lutheran Church - LWMLSt. Julie Billiart Catholic ChurchSt. Julie Billiart Council No. 8397St. Mark's Lutheran SchoolSt. Matthew Lutheran ChurchSt. Olaf Lutheran ChurchSt. Paul's Lutheran ChurchSt. Stephen's Lutheran Church WELCASt. Timothy Lutheran ChurchTemple Adat ElohimThe GatheringTierrasanta Lutheran ChurchTrinity FellowshipTrinity Lutheran ChurchOrange CASan Diego CAImperial Beach CACovina CANewbury Park CANewbury Park CAHacienda Hts CATorrance CAGarden Grove CARancho Pls Vrds CAGranada Hills CASan Diego CAThousand Oaks CALong Beach CASan Diego CARushford MNVictorville CATrinity Lutheran ChurchTrinity Lutheran ChurchUnited MethodistWestchester Lutheran ChurchWestminister Lutheran Church of HopeWestminster PresbyterianChurchZion Lutheran WomensLeague/Anaheim CAChurch World Service, Inc.Elkhart INTemecula CARiverside CAWestlake Village CALos Angeles CAWestminster CAWestlake Village CA47,190UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS SERVED

Individual Donor ListJanuary 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016Embracing Our CallingHelga AbelCraig AdamHelen AdamsAurelio A & Gertrudis AlbaisaLisa AlbrechtLois AllbechBrenda AllenBruce & Cassandra AllenDavid AllenLauren AllenPhilip & Terry AllenThomas AllertRoger AllmandingerAllstate Employee GivingChriss & Gary AlwoodAmgen Employee Giving & FoundationWayne AncherTiffany AncherilKathryn AndersonGwendolyn AndersonJames AndersonMilton H & Betty E AndersonThomas L & Bernita H AndersonRoger & Lora AndersonAnnie Schafer EstateElaine ArcherConnie ArndtSidney ArndtVicki ArndtWayne L ArnoldPriscilla AronsonArrowhead Credit UnionEmily ArthurJudy ArthurBarbara AshcraftHenry L & Doris K AsmussenMargaret AstrothAT&T Employee GivingPatricia AtyimAnn AugustineAudrey AuseJacob O & Ann E Bach, JrWalter T & Josephine BacheDavid J & Delores K BadenKaren BaezaDelores BaileyGail BairdBryan BakerCarol BakerMarvin BallardBank of America Employee GivingM Dean & Gaynelle BarkleyRichard & Alaine BartusFlorence BatchelorMary BatesAndrea BattoneBiron BauerTom Baughman-CollingeElise BaumannElmer F & Barbara BaumgartenLynn BaxkerChuck & Faith BearchellJanet BeatConnie BeauIvan BeavanThomas BeddingfieldH Wilhelm & Sondra L BehrensDavid E & Ruth M. BeiterKari BeiterCarl G & Betty BengstonMark BenkendorfBruce & Cheryl BensonDaniel & Carol BensonDiane BerendesKathleen BergTheresa BergGordon & Karen BerghCarl E & Avis BerglundLouise BergmannNorman J & Kellie BerndsPamela BernierMyrna BianchiLinda BirtlerMarilyn BittleMartha Bjerke

Individual Donor ListLindsey BlackGlenn R & Marianne BlackshawBob BlairMerylee BlairJohn F & Barbara Blancett, Jr.Norwood M & Jo Lynn BlankeBlois Family Living TrustWalter L & Meredith BlossClyde C & Deborah M. BlylevenStuart F & Alice BockmanBoeing Employee GivingMargarete BoergerMatt BoguszBolan Family TrustMary & Mario BolanosCarolyn BolzKelly BondBruce & Bonnie BoordDaniel BootheMatthew BordoniTony & Laural BourbonnaisDorothy BowenJeffrey BowerGary L & Kari L BowmanSarah BowmanJonathan J & Donna BoyceLinda BoydBarbara BoyteauxRichard & Sandra BoyumRev Charles N & Sandra L BradyRichard P & Diane BransonAnnette & Dale BrantMarie BrauerHoward L & Jaquelyne L BreitenfeldJoe BrennanRobert BrennemanGary & Claudia BrennenDonald BrennerWilliam BrethauerBritta BriceDenise BriggsIrene BrightRuth Ann BrinkmannJohn BrittonGordon K & Barbara BrobergRichard & Julie BrookeJames BrooksPatricia BrooksAlbert & Ellen BrovickDonald & Joan BrovickJames BrownMayme BrownR & E BrownRobert E & Shirley BrownScott M & Joan D BrownShirley BrownJerry A. & Cynthia A Brown, JrKathleeen BrysonJo & Lynn M BulockRev Charles S & Elizabeth A BunnellThomas C & Helga C BuntzJohn R & Janice D BurgertBarbara BurkeLinda & Jerome BurkhardtCraig & Kym BurnsRobert BurnsPhyllis BurrowsDonald & Yan Jin BurtDavid BurtchDixie BurtonWilliam BurtonAlan & Jo Dena BurzlaffMonica BylerKim J & Lisa CabodiKelly CaleKelly Caleb47,190PEOPLE SERVEDJudy CampbellCanoga Park Women's ClubGerald & Rosemary CapodieciPatty CappuccinoCard MakersCaring Enterprises, IncCathy Carlson

Individual Donor ListCarlson Family TrustDouglas W & Gloria CarmichaelJoaquin & Mildred I Carreno, Jr.CARSJulie CarsonElizabeth CarthewJames T & Barbara CatlowKeith CatlowKenneth & Phyllis CaudillJordan ChallgrenRowland L ChandlerShiaw Wlen & Jacqueline A ChangKevin ChenStephanie ChenKaren CherryMarsha ChewRoberta ChilstromJeanette & Paul ChristensenRuth ChristiansenPaul W & Carol E ChristoffersenThomas P & Heidi ChristopherTom ChristopherChristopher Law Group, IncHarland & Jennifer ChuchillDuane CirksCity of San Bernardino Finance Dept.Juliette ClarkRonald L & Janet ClarkHans ClausenJohn S & Carolyn S Clauss, JrKenneth A & Maxine ClevelandEloise CohenKathryn ColeMarjorie ColePaul ColemanDave CollinsFran & Norman CollinsLinda CollinsAllies and ambassadorsattend our inauguralVoices of HopeDream Builders Luncheon.Community Foundation The Arbor FundPhilip & Karen ComoJohn F & Shirley CooperMichael F & Pamela CooperGreg & Jill CorbettAlfonso CortezDennis CosgroveEugene CoufalWilliam R & Janet R Cramer, JrChris CraneyBarbara CranfillJames & Marie CrawfordPaul & Luanne S CrockettL E CrownerArt CuadroHena CuevasJill CulverClifford & Barbara CummingsSheila CzajkowskiDorothy DaggettJoann D'AgostinoEsther D'AgularJeffrey L & Wendy DahlgrenT Eugene & Jayne DahlgrenSusan Dahlin-NoschesKenneth J. & Eloise DaleBruce W & Deborah DannemeyerMary DapasBarbara D'AversaDiane DavidsonBob & Laura DavisShannon DavisMike DawsJames & Kimberly DawsonGary W & Marlene De FreseSusan de GolyerIrene de los SantosKaren DeanPaul DeanL DeCourseyDemocratic Club of the Conejo ValleyBetty DennisAnnie DericksonCraig & Mary Deutsche

Individual Donor ListKaral DevineJeff DeVoreKarin DevoreTheodore R & Janet L DibbleDiug DickensonBob DicksonMarilyn DielmannMargaret DietrichPatricia DigreFrederick & Ruth E DitschM DobberteenLawrence M DodsonColleen & Richard DoeringKathy DoeringCharles R & Phyllis DonaldsonMarion DongoskeHeidi DonovanDorothy A Marconi EstateCarol DossJane Ann DouglasRobert & Katie DouglasSusan DownerTamara DrakeDennis DrewsRon & Julie DrewsTimothy & Linda DromDonald DrostH E & Tamara DurbinRev John G & Nancy DurkovicCarl J & Karen A DuthlerElizabeth EarnestTim EdmondsonRebecca EdwardsSheri EdwardsRev Jay EgenesPaul EichIris EichmanDalene EimonRobert & Cathy EismanElevation Media Inc.Elisabeth Albrecht Family TrustSuzanne ElliottNorman F & Carolyn G ElsasserRev Charles A & Helen S EndterDavid & Sandi L EnghLillian EppsEliana EraisBeverly ErckBarbara EricksonDarin A & Cheryl EricksonCynthia EricsonRev Gloria A EspesethJames H & Mildred EspyDonna EsquerJessica EsquivelJoanna EsquivelJoseph L & Joyce C EstesRev Thomas & Nadine EvensPaul & Louise EvensonNatalie EveroMartin L & Ramona EwaldFairoaks ManorVladimir J & Arlene A FajnorKaren FalkGregory H & Lucinda C FallCindy FalveyMichelle & Travis FarleySusan FaukRonald FehrDorothy FeistelDenise FelliMark FenskeBrian FesterlingMarisa FesterlingFidelity CharitableJay FieneJoseph D & Nancy FilsonMarcy FinamorePhilip & Norma FinchKarl & Mary FinkPaul J & Marilyn FirnettDavid D & Laurie FischerYasuko FischerElvira FitzgibbonsBud & Arlene FlachAudrey FlickingerAmbria FlippoAnn FooseGeorge B & Marilyn R ForbesSandra & David FoxWilliam & Ngar FrankJerone Bezemer & Janny FrankenScott FreidmanChristopher FreistedtSam & Kath-Main French FundHerbert FreseFront PorchDavid G & Peggy FrostadFred FruehanSherry L Fuller

Individual Donor ListJohn C & Marilyn C FursmanFrederick & Barbara GableWilliam GableLynn GaedeLillian GaitanGerald & Katherine GalboRobert L & Etta GallSteve & Terry GaltanJohn E & Marlene GannonDavid GarciaErnest & Dorothy GarciaPatrick & Deon GarciaRichard & Marilyn GardnerStephanie GascaRobert L & Brenda GaumerGary L & Christine L GeilHerbert G & Kiulan GeislerSt GeorgeTela GeorgeJennifer GerlachrsenR&Y GhaemmaghamiCaris R GiampietroFrank A & Shari L GibbsRuth GieseMarilyn GilbertGilbert Heritage FoundationJulie GildersleeveHarold E & Dorothy GillmannMegan GilmourKimberly GimlinGary M & Gail McGinnisGary & Kathryn GitchJames Glynn TrustRev Erik & Desta GoehnerEd & Gertrude GoeppingerIvan & Dorothy GolakoffLauren GoldsteinSue GoldsteinLarry D & Shirley GolnickMary GoodenoughMarcia GordonJames B GorslineKenneth R & Bharti P GossRon GothbergCynthia GouldGregory GouletMarcella GrahamBetty GranheimRev Paul & Jean GravrockWilliam & Glenda GreasonGreater HorizonsCharles GrebingDale B & Betty GreeneWendell W & R Gizella GreenleeGail GreerMarilyn GregoryAlpha GriggsPaul & Melodie GrinvaldsMark & Sheri GroenveldPatty GroslandRichard D & Dixie B GrossmanM GrudeEric G & Pauline B GruenlerGuerin FoundationInes GuerreroCarol GuillebeauxPaul O & Kathryn GulsrudSuzanne GuntherTherrien & Nancy GuthrieAlex GuzmanVictorino Guzman & Evelin RubioDouglas & Melissa HaasMary HaasPaul F & Jean M HackmannJames G & Carol HaffterTimothy HagelStacy HagemyerDiana HagenDon HagstromCarol HartmanLSS Board Chair Terry Paulson bringsgreetings to the LSS San FernandoValley Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast.

Individual Donor List20,526SHELTERED NIGHTS PROVIDEDGail HartungHarold R & Elizabeth P HaugenHelga HauptmannJohn & Elizabeth HaveyR D & Rosalie D HaywardJames H & Mary Beth HeglundShirley HeidersbachRandal L & Roxanne HeimbuckHans HeimburgerLowell B & Karen HelgagerTimothy & Jeanne HengstGordon & Melissa HenrySheila HepworthBrent R & Lora HerambJessica HerbertSteve R & Julie HerderLinda HerzbergRachel HeslinAnsley E & C.A. HesterNanfo HeyburnTimothy HeyneRon & Lisa HigginbothamRobert & Autumn HilgerMaurice & Gail HillRobert HillWayne HillardDarrell V & Carol A. HindsWendy Hintz-PruntyMarie HinzDale HirschelmanJames & Barbara L HitchcockMui Tse HoDavid A & Patricia H HoagChristine HochwarthCarole HodgersonEileen HoferDale P & Marilyn C HoffmanEileen HoffmannGrant HollingsworthGary L HolmenRich HolmesShelly HolmesRichard W & Shirley HookCameron HooverClifford S & Norma J HornRobert M HornMartha HorningShaun & Laura HorriganPaul & Jan HortonKindred HospicaRobert & Viola HotingDeborah HoutsmaEdith HoveyDonald A & Elizabeth A HowardMark E & Sandy HoweShawn & Susan HowieTravis & Aleta HowlandPeggy HuggardJodi HundtAllen HuotariWilliam J & Mary HurleyWilliam HutchinsonRobert B & Irene HutchisonFrederick, Carla & John HuttonCliff & Sherrill HyinkMary ImslandAyako IriMimi IrvinSandy IrvineIngrid IsaksenLarry G & Susan IvanjackGabrielle IvanyAndre JacksonWilliam & Nancy JacksonJames & Nancy JaegerStephen & Rev Stephanie JaegerTheresa JaffeMythili JaganathMichael JakobRaymond JamesLarry JangRosalyn JazwiecLori Jemelian-HobbsWilliam E &Barbara H Jennings, JrEric JensenJE Jensen

Individual Donor ListMichael JerryAlton H & Margaret JohnsonBarry E & Virginia JohnsonBrian G & Lori JohnsonCharles L & Virginia JohnsonLinda JohnsonM JohnsonMichael JohnsonPatricia JohnsonRev Larry H & Sally JohnsonRonald A & C D JohnsonGeorge JonesKathryn JonesJeffrey R & Jennifer JordanDiane JorgensenLinda JorgensenCynthia Jorgensen-MobleyJaak JuhkentaalDavid JulifsKristie KalerJohn N & Lisa KaneJack M & Mary KantolaTwyla KarkutDr. Ronald P & Sarah KarzelRuth KaumeyerWilla KayRobert KeckKevin D & Marian KellyRonald KempVictoria KempElisabeth Kempe-OlingerDavid KendleF KennedyElizabeth KenyonPaul F & Janet M KepplerLeroy KeranenSteven & Cathy KienleDolores KieslingBryan & Cindy KilduffFiona KilnerBrewster KingJack E KingJames L & Mary C KinlochDouglas KinsmanLarry & Melodee KistnerSusan KitchensAdil & Susanne KleinFrank & Diane KleinJennifer KleinRobert D & Ra Nel KnaakHerbert F & Frances KniesMarcia KnowltonPrentiss KnowltonJanet KnutsenSteve & Debbie KnutsonBarbara KokkinakisKenso & Keiko KonoCorinne KopenShawn & Patricia A KortlanderEdward H & Peggy KossartWayne E & Ruth L KozakCordell R & Janet Eby KrabbenhoftRonald A & Ruby KraftRev Ronald E & Ila KragthorpeLoren T & Arlene J KramerJoann KrausmanJohn S & Helene KristensenLarry KristnerSusan KroegerKrogerCasey KrumDick & Barb KrumUrsula KrummelRichard KrussowLE & EM KucheraMark & Mei KuntzRev John P & Marian KuntzRichard C & Virginia A La BahnLake Matthews Elementary SchoolDebra LambKevin & Wendy LambRobert D & Renee LambertRobert D & Lisa Lambert JrAllison LammBjorn LandbergEdward & Carol LaneTania LaneMelvin C & Shirley LangelandRoxann Langum DavisDeborah LantonPatricia LapointeKat LapuzArthur LarsonSteve LarsonChad LastDavid L & Renee LathropDon & Sheryl LautenschlagerRosemary LawsonLarry C & Sheila LawtonRoger Leach247,270CASE MANAGED HOURS PROVIDED

Individual Donor ListVolunteers prepare donationsfor the LSS Long Beachfood pantry.Daphne LeeAllen & Anne LelandCarrie LeonardRobert LeonardJanet LetourneauJames D & Ann E LetzDennis LevineSue LevineJulie LevonianRuth LevyMary LewallenBob LewisGregory & Deborah LewisGeraldine LickeRay A LienhardVern & Joan LiermannSandi & Nancy LieuDeborah LindelGary N & Karen LindgrenDustin & Barbara LindseyEugene M & Carolyn S LinhartRodger C & Nancy M LivermanLiving Water FoundationLivingston Memorial FoundationScottie & Karen LloydPhyllis LockeJohn M LoehnertThomas LoftusPaul A & Elayne LohrRichard LondgrenLarry & Ann Marie LongMarjorie LorenzFrancie LoreyJohn LoweTroann LoyJack & Kay LucasRebecca & Sam LucasPeter LuedtkeMary LueningHector LunaL Karsten & Kirsten LundringBrenda LussierPete LusslerPaul & Yvonne LuxLuxury Vintage Concept, IncL LynchJames LyonsAlbert MaasEugene V & Norma MaasSusana MacEllen & William MackEllida MakiLois MakiKathryn MalinSuzanne MaliskiMichael D & Janis Y MaloneBill MantheiRuth MarcheseLawrence MaronaDeniece MarshallGene MarshallDawn MartinK MartinJulie MartindaleRoberta MartinezRobert L & Jan MartusStephen B & Jan MasedaJ Keth & Janice L J. MasonRay MathiasenChristopher MatternJeff MatthewsHoward & Carol MattoonLawrence B & Jean MattsonRalph & Michelle MaurielloJack C & C H MaySandor X & Deloris MayugaDavid W & Carol Anne Mc AnernDorothy Mc KinneyM W & Judy Mc MichaelJames McCannSusanne McConnellDouglas McCulloughJerry McilhaggaKenneth McKenzieBrooke McKillodDonald R &Susan W. McLaughlin, JrJudy McMichaelMike McMichaelWallace McMillan JrRobert & Eva MecknaCarl A & Marilyn MehrHarry J MeinholtzKatherine MeneesHerm & Ione MensingAnthony MenzieJanice MeredithAlbert & Nancy MeschC MeyerSandra & Donald Meyer

Individual Donor ListDawn MichelleLynn MickelsonAvis MileyFP & LS MileyLucille MileyCarol Miley ReinhartRodney E & Ann MillardDoris MillerElvina MillerJames MillerJerry H & Margaret S MillerLaura MillerLeroy & Shirley A MillerStephen B & Andrea MillerStephen MillerTom MillerSara MillsScott & Cynthia MinshallRuth MischnickGary & Joanne MonteithShang I MoonDennis B & Karen MooreRev Gilbert C & Lavona B MooreRobyn MooreAnn MorandiRichard A & Ann MorandiJeannine & Keith MorelandJeri MorgansternGeri MorganstromHolly MorrisPatrick & Sally MorrisRay H & Betty MorrisEileen MorrisonDonald C & Laurie MorrowMarcia MorrowFritz H & Mary Jane MoserEdward & Sheri MossutoRobert S & Rhonda MuellerSteve & Nina MuellerElaine MullinMichael J & Tamora A MundiaGeorge F & Marjorie MurphyMary MussonKeith & Kris MyersFlorence NaatzTimothy NagelRev David & Ivy NaglerKiyoaki & Miriam NakayamaNational Charity LeagueNational Philanthropic TrustTom P & Marian Nau, JrMarlene & William NaumannLeroy & Sandra NeelyTeresa NelesenDavid A & Carolyn NellAlbert & Jane NelsonDean W & Marianne L NelsonGrace NelsonKara NelsonKaren J NelsonLinda NelsonMarvin & Barbara M NelsonMarvin E & Judy Ann NelsonNettles FamilyNetwork for Good Employee GivingRandall NeudeckAlfred NeukuckatzJames A & Ruth NeumannNew Products Group, Inc.Richard D & Patti NewcombDolores NickersonRobert W & Linda NicolGrant NissenNo Room at the InnFrederick NoahGreta NorrisDarryll E & Patti NorteNorthrop Grumman Employee GivingGary P & Lizabeth NortonStephanie NovakAbe & Virginia NungesserLinda NyquistRonald & Sharon NystromJeff OakinsObedience ClubRobert R O'BergFred & Toshiko OdaThomas F & Debra OdaNorma OdellMartin OemigClaire O'GarroJames A & Karen L OhrtLarry J & Kelly L OhrtDawn OldsBill & Elisabeth OlingerRichard W & Ann P OlsenWarren OlsenDeLois OlsonPaul & Betty OlsonOlson Family Foundation

Individual Donor List2,338VOLUNTEERSNorman P &Karen Olson GuetschoffJill OlssonDr Chidi C & Ursula OmezeLois O'NeillOneOCScott & Lori OnishukAndrew & Ellen OppenbergJerry OreficeJeff OskinsLo

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pile resistances or pile resistances calculated from profiles of test results into characteristic resistances. Pile load capacity – calculation methods 85 Case (c) is referred to as the alternative procedure in the Note to EN 1997-1 §, even though it is the most common method in some countries. Characteristic pile resistance from profiles of ground test results Part 2 of EN 1997 .