2009 Cadillac STS/STS-V Navigation System M

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2009 Cadillac STS/STS-V Navigation SystemOverview .Overview.Features and Controls .Features and Controls.Navigation Audio System .Navigation Audio System.1-11-22-12-23-13-2MVoice Recognition . 4-1Voice Recognition. 4-2Vehicle Customization . 5-1Vehicle Customization . 5-2Phone . 6-1Phone. 6-2Index .1

GENERAL MOTORS, GM, the GM Emblem, CADILLAC,the CADILLAC Crest & Wreath, and the name STSare registered trademarks of General MotorsCorporation.DTS and DTS DigitalSurround are registeredtrademarks of DigitalTheater Systems, Inc.Dolby is manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbolare trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.The information in this manual supplements the ownermanual. This manual includes the latest informationavailable at the time it was printed. We reserve the rightto make changes in the product after that time withoutnotice. For vehicles first sold in Canada, substitutethe name General Motors of Canada Limited for CadillacMotor Car Division whenever it appears in this manual.Keep this manual with the owner manual in thevehicle, so it will be there if it is needed. If the vehicle issold, leave this manual in the vehicle.Litho in U.S.A.Part No. 25799183 A First Printingii 2008 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Canadian OwnersPropriétaires CanadiensA French language copy of this manual can be obtainedfrom your dealer/retailer or from:On peut obtenir un exemplaire de ce guide en françaisauprès de concessionnaire ou à l’adresse suivante:Helm, IncorporatedP.O. Box 07130Detroit, MI 48207Helm IncorporatedP.O. Box 07130Detroit, MI c.comiii


Section 1Overview .1-2Navigation System Overview .1-2OverviewGetting Started .1-4Cleaning the Display .1-121-1

OverviewNavigation System Overview1-2

A. Audio Status LineK.B. Audio Source Screen Button. See Navigation AudioSystem on page 3-2 for more information.L. CD/DVD Changer Loading Slot.C. North Up/Heading Up Symbol. See Symbols onpage 2-7 for more information.D. No GPS Symbol. See Symbols on page 2-7 for moreinformation.E. Navigation Menu Symbol. See Navigation Menu onpage 2-18 for more information.Z (CD/DVD Changer Eject) Key. See Six-DiscCD/DVD Changer on page 3-12 for more information.M.O n (Power/Volume) Knob. See “Hard Keys”under Using the Navigation System on page 2-2for more information.N. m (Navigation Screen Tilt) Key (in/out).See “Hard Keys” under Using the Navigation Systemon page 2-2 for more information.F. Map Scales. See “Map Scales” under Maps onpage 2-4 for more information.O. Clock. See “Clock” under Configure Menu onpage 2-59 for more information.G. Guidance Window Symbol. See Symbols onpage 2-7 for more information.P. Memory Point Symbol. See Symbols on page 2-7for more information.H.Z (Map DVD Eject) Key. See “Hard Keys” underUsing the Navigation System on page 2-2 formore information.I. Map DVD Loading Slot.J.M (CD/DVD Changer Loading) Key. See Six-DiscCD/DVD Changer on page 3-12 for more information.Q. POI Symbol (Point of Interest). See Symbols onpage 2-7 for more information.R. BAND Key. See Navigation Audio System onpage 3-2 for more information.S. AUX (Auxiliary) Key. See “Hard Keys” under Usingthe Navigation System on page 2-2 for moreinformation.1-3

T. ROUTE Key. See Destination on page 2-40 for moreinformation.U.) (Map) Key. See “Hard Keys” under Using theNavigation System on page 2-2 for more information.V.w (Tune) Knob. See Navigation Audio Systemon page 3-2 for more information.W. SRCE (Source) Key. See Navigation Audio Systemon page 3-2 for more information.X.e (Audio) Key. See Navigation Audio System onpage 3-2 for more information.Y. CONFIG Key. See Configure Menu on page 2-59for more information.Z.k (Navigation Voice Prompt Repeat) Key.See “Hard Keys” under Using the Navigation Systemon page 2-2 for more information.AA. t u (Seek/Scan) Key. See Navigation AudioSystem on page 3-2 for more information.1-4Getting StartedRead this manual thoroughly to become familiar withhow the navigation system operates.The navigation system includes navigation and audiofunctions.While entering the vehicle or when turning the vehicleoff, some DVD Map Disc noise is normal.Keeping your eyes on the road and your mind onthe drive is important for safe driving. The navigationsystem has built-in features intended to help keepyour eyes on the road and mind on the drive.Some features may be disabled while driving. Note thatthese functions will be grayed-out. A grayed-outfunction indicates it is not available when the vehicleis moving.

All functions are available when the vehicle is parked.Do the following before driving: Become familiar with the navigation systemoperation, hard keys on the faceplate, andtouch-sensitive screen buttons of the navigationsystem. Set up the audio by presetting favorite stations,setting the tone, and adjusting the speakers. Set up the navigation features before beginningdriving, such as entering an address or a presetdestination. Set up your phone numbers in advance so they canbe called easily with the press of a single button ora single voice command (for navigation systemsequipped with phone capability).{ CAUTION:Avoid looking too long or too often at the movingmap on the navigation screen. This could cause acrash and you or others can be injured or killed.Use the turn-by-turn voice guidance directionswhenever possible.Use the navigation system to: Plan a route. Select a destination using various methods andchoices. Follow turn-by-turn route and map guidance with{ CAUTION:voice prompts, only if permitted by traffic laws,controls, and conditions.Taking your eyes off the road too long or too oftenwhile using the navigation system could cause acrash resulting in injury or death to you or others.Focus your attention on driving.1-5

You should always be alert and obey traffic and roadwaylaws and instructions, regardless of the guidance fromthe navigation system. Because the navigation systemuses street map information that does not includeall traffic restrictions or the latest road changes, it maysuggest using a road that is now closed for constructionor a turn that is prohibited by signs at the intersection.Because the system uses limited information, youmust always evaluate whether following the system’sdirections is safe and legal for the current conditions.To help avoid a crash in which you or others could bekilled:When the navigation system is turned on, a screen mayappear with the information below, and you mustread and acknowledge the information it contains. Some system controls cannot be used the when{ CAUTION:Taking your eyes off the road for extended periodscould cause a crash resulting in injury or death toyou or others.1-6 Always concentrate on your driving first by keepingyour eyes and mind on the road, and your handson the wheel. Follow system directions only if permitted by trafficlaws, controls, and conditions. Before using this system, read the owner’s manualand learn how it operates.vehicle is moving.After you acknowledge the start up information you willbe able to access the NAV (navigation) and DEST(destination) functions. Once accessed, you can enteror delete information in the navigation system or accessother functions. See instructions later in this section.

Deleting Personal InformationThis navigation system can record and storedestinations. At times, such as the disposal of yourvehicle, you may want to delete these destinations.Refer to the following sections to delete the destinationinformation that has been stored.See “Memory Points” under Navigation Menu onpage 2-18 for deleting stored destinations.Storing Radio Station PresetsTo set preset radio stations:1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.2. Press the BAND hard key.Every fifty times the vehicle is started and the navigationsystem is turned on, the Warning screen appears.After reading the warning, select OK to load the mapDVD information. If OK is not selected, all hardkeys except for NAV (Navigation) and DEST(Destination) can be accessed. You can also press theNAV hard key to have this Warning screen appear.When getting started, set the navigation system toyour preference or delete information you may haveentered using various options.3. Select the desired band (AM, FM1, FM2, XM1, orXM2 (if equipped)).4. Seek, scan, or tune to the desired stationsusing the seek and scan hard key arrows orthe tuning knob.5. Press and hold one of the six preset screenbuttons, at the bottom of the screen, until a beep isheard or see the station displayed on the selectedpreset button.6. Repeat the steps for each preset.See “Preset Stations” under Navigation Audio Systemon page 3-2 for more information.1-7

Setting the ClockTo set the time:1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.2. Press the CONFIG hard key.3. Press theH (clock) screen button.4. Select the 12hour or 24hour screen button todisplay the time in standard or military time.5. Select the AM or PM screen buttons.6. Select the appropriate time zone screen button.Setting the Region, Entering anAddress and Point of Interest, andStoring a Home Destination and PresetDestinationsBefore entering an Address, Point of Interest, Home, orPreset Destination, select the appropriate region thatcontains the final destination. The vehicle must bestopped to perform this operation.Setting the RegionTo set the region:7. Select the Daylight Saving Time screen button,if necessary.1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.8. Press and hold the hour and minute arrow buttonsto increase or to decrease the time or press theGPS TIME screen button to reset radio time toGPS time.2. Insert the DVD map disc. See “Installing the MapDVD” under Maps on page 2-4 for more information.A notice may appear. Touch the I agree screenbutton to proceed.The radio uses the GPS satellite to set the time.The vehicle needs to be in an open area to receivethe signal. See “Clock” under Configure Menu onpage 2-59 for more information.3. Press the ROUTE hard key.4. Press the Region screen button.5. Select the appropriate region numbered screenbutton that contains the final destination.The system returns to the DESTINATION ENTRYscreen. See “Region” under Destination on page 2-40for more information.1-8

Entering an AddressTo set a destination by entering a street address:1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.2. Insert the DVD map disc. See “Installing the MapDVD” under Maps on page 2-4 for more information.A notice may appear. Touch the I agree screenbutton to proceed.3. Press the ROUTE hard key. Verify that the selectedRegion is correct.4. Press theC Address screen button.5. Enter the street name using the alpha keypad onthe screen.Do not enter directional information or street type,and use the space symbol screen button ( U )between street or city names. For example, the streetname N. Royal Oak Rd. should be entered as royalU oak. Use the backspace ( V ) screen button ifan incorrect character has been entered.6. Select the desired street name with the correctdesignation (Dr., Ln., St., etc.) from the list.7. If there is more than one city, the system displaysthe list of cities that have a street with that name.Select a city from the list.8. Enter the house number using the numeric keypadon the screen and touch the OK screen button.A map screen appears with the destination marked.9. Select theh (destination) symbol screen button.10. Select the Guide screen button.11. Once driving begins, an audio prompt to “Proceedto the highlighted route” is heard. The vehicle isnow in route guidance mode.See “Address” under Destination on page 2-40 for moreinformation.Entering a Point of Interest (POI)To set a destination by entering a Point of Interest (POI):1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.2. Insert the DVD map disc. See “Installing the MapDVD” under Maps on page 2-4 for more information.A notice may appear. Touch the I agree screenbutton to proceed.3. Press the ROUTE hard key. Verify that the selectedRegion is correct.1-9

4. Press thei (POI) screen button.5. Enter the specific title of the POI in the name space(i.e. Washington Monument) using the alphakeypad on the screen.6. Select the POI from the list.7. If there is more than one city, the system displaysthe list of cities that have a street with that name.Select a city from the list or select the InputName screen button to input the city name.A map screen appears with the destination marked.8. Select theh (destination) symbol screen button.9. Select the Guide screen button.10. Once you begin driving, an audio prompt to“Proceed to the highlighted route” is heard.You are now in route guidance mode.Using the Category or City selections will aid thesystem in finding your POI by limiting the search options.See “Point of Interest (POI)” under Destination onpage 2-40 for more information.1-10Storing a Home Destination1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.2. Insert the DVD map disc. See “Installing the MapDVD” under Maps on page 2-4 for more information.A notice may appear. Touch the I agree screenbutton to proceed.3. Press the) (map) hard key.4. Press the Menu screen button from the map screen.N Memory Points screen button.Press the L Home screen button.5. Press the6.7. Press the Add screen button.8. Press the Address screen button and enter alladdress information.9. Press the OK screen button.The L Home icon will be highlighted on theDESTINATION ENTRY screen. See “Using YourHome or Preset Destinations” later in this section formore information.See “Memory Points” under Navigation Menu onpage 2-18 for more information.

Storing a Preset Destination1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.2. Insert the DVD map disc. See “Installing the MapDVD” under Maps on page 2-4 for more information.A notice may appear. Touch the I agree screenbutton to proceed.3. Press the) (map) hard key.4. Press the Menu screen button from the map screen.N Memory Points screen button.Press the A Preset Dests. screen button.5. Press the6.7. Press the Add screen button and select thenumbered preset row to store the destination as.8. Press the Address screen button and enter alladdress information.9. Press the OK screen button.The numbered preset destination will be highlightedon the DESTINATION ENTRY screen. See “UsingYour Home or Preset Destinations” later in thissection for more information.See “Memory Points” under Navigation Menu onpage 2-18 for more information.Using Your Home or PresetDestinationsThese destinations are available for selection whiledriving.1. Press the power/volume knob to turn the system on.2. Insert the DVD map disc. See “Installing the MapDVD” under Maps on page 2-4 for more information.A notice may appear. Touch the I agree screenbutton to proceed.3. Press the ROUTE hard key. Verify that the selectedRegion is correct.4. Select the L (Home symbol) or one of the availablepreset destination symbols. A map screen appearswith the destination marked.5. Select theh (destination) symbol screen button.6. Select the Guide screen button.7. Once driving begins, an audio prompt to “Proceedto the highlighted route” is heard. The vehicle isnow in route guidance mode.See “Preset Destination” or “Home” underDestination on page 2-40 for more information.1-11

Canceling GuidanceCleaning the DisplayGuidance is canceled once at the final destination.To cancel guidance prior to arrival at the finaldestination:If the panel or the display is stained, wipe it with a dry,soft cloth, such as a silicon cloth.1. Press the) (map) hard key.2. Press the Menu screen button from the map screen.3. Press theE Change Route screen button.4. Press the Cancel Guidance screen button.5. Press the Yes screen button to confirm cancellation.Guidance VolumeTo adjust the volume of voice guidance prompts:1. Press the CONFIG hard key.3 (navigation set up) screen button.Press the Volume screen button.2. Press the3.4. Select the desired volume or select Off. The systemplays back the new volume level.See “Volume” under Configure Menu on page 2-59 formore information.1-12Notice: If you use abrasive cleaners when cleaningglass surfaces, you could scratch the glass.When cleaning the glass, use only a soft cloth anddo not spray cleaner directly on the system.Do not apply spray cleaner directly to the system, thecleaner could affect the mechanical parts.Do not wipe the panel with a hard cloth or use a volatileliquid such as thinner or alcohol, it could scratch thesurface or erase the characters.

Section 2Features and ControlsFeatures and Controls .2-2Using the Navigation System .2-2Maps .2-4Symbols .2-7Head-Up Display (HUD)(During Route Guidance) .2-17Navigation Menu .2-18Destination .2-40Keyless Access System .2-57OnStar System .2-58Configure Menu .2-59Speed Advisory .2-70Global Positioning System (GPS) .2-71Vehicle Positioning .2-72Problems with Route Guidance .2-73If the System Needs Service .2-74Ordering Map DVDs .2-74Database Coverage Explanations .2-742-1

Features and ControlsUsing the Navigation SystemThis section presents basic information needed tooperate the navigation system.Use the hard keys located on the navigation systemalong with the available touch screen buttons onthe navigation screen to operate the system.See Navigation System Overview on page 1-2 formore information.Once the vehicle is moving, various functions aredisabled to reduce driver distractions.Hard KeysThe following hard keys are located on the navigationsystem:Z (Map DVD Eject): Press this key located next tothe map DVD loading slot to eject the map DVD.The map DVD slot is the slot directly below the displayscreen.M (Load): Press the CD/DVD changer loading key togo to the loading screen and begin loading DVDsor CDs. See Six-Disc CD/DVD Changer on page 3-12for more information.2-2Z (CD/DVD Eject): Press the eject key next to theCD/DVD changer loading slot to begin ejecting DVDsor CDs. See Six-Disc CD/DVD Changer on page 3-12for more information.O n (Power/Volume): Press to turn the audiosystem on and off. Turn the knob to increase ordecrease the volume to the audio system.y m z (Tilt): Press the up arrow on the tilt key to tiltthe navigation screen forward. Press the down arrow onthe tilt key to tilt the screen rearward. There are threetilt positions to choose from.BAND: Press to access the audio source screen.The press the BAND key to toggle among the bandsavailable, FM, AM, XM (if equipped), and WX (weather).See Navigation Audio System on page 3-2.SRCE (Source): Press to switch between the audiosources

2009 Cadillac STS/STS-V Navigation System M. GENERAL MOTORS, GM, the GM Emblem, CADILLAC, the CADILLAC Crest & Wreath, and the name STS . the name General Motors of Canada Limited for Cadillac Motor Car Division whenever it appears in this manual. Keep this manual with the owner manual in the vehicle, so it will be there if it is needed. .

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