The Tower03.21"Into the Fire: Following Christ in the Wilderness”February 21 through March 28SHPC Family,Two Sundays ago, we began our series “Into the Fire” in Luke 4, looking at Christ’s temptations inthe desert. Forty days he spent in the wilderness, refusing all the taunts and trials the devil couldthrow at him, and of course after those forty days, he came out of the wilderness.And then they lived happily ever after.Not quite.“Out of the frying pan and into the fire” is the common phrase our series title “Into the Fire” refersto, and that’s about what happened for Jesus. Yes, he came through that time of temptation. Heshowed us just what kind of Messiah he intended to be. But if we thought that things wouldsuddenly get easy—or even easier—for him, we weren’t paying attention.As we continue into Lent, we’ll see how Jesus comes out of the wilderness and begins his ministry,but very quickly we’ll see that the road doesn’t necessarily become smoother for him. His rejectionin Nazareth—his home town—will definitely show us that.But today it makes me think about the next few months for us as a church. It’s starting to feel likein whatever wilderness we’ve been, particularly due to the pandemic, we’re getting closer to theother side of it. I am hopeful that’s the case!But it’s not as if the challenges for us will stop—they’ll just change.What will it be like to re-enter life together as a congregation? In some sense, we’ve never stopped,as the church never stopped being the church, and Christ never stopped calling us to follow him,but I think it’s fair to say our congregational life has definitely not been how we’re used to or whatwe’d want it to be.So what will it be like? How will we balance our eagerness to resume some activities while alsorecognizing that there likely won’t be a declared “all clear, all safe” end to the pandemic?I continue to be grateful for our congregation’s resilience, patience, and flexibility, but I knowyou’re as eager as I am to greet one another on Sundays in person again without restraint!The good news, though, if we take any encouragement from Christ’s journey out of the wilderness,out of the frying pan and into the fire, is the Spirit was with him and was leading him every step ofthe way, all the way to Jerusalem, to the cross, and out of the tomb.May we hope to follow just as faithfully.In Christ,Dr. Jay F. HowellPastor Head of Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church 865.522.9804
March 2021 at a GlanceSundayMondayTuedayWednesdayThursday123410a Staff Meetingvia Zoom6p Grief Care78FridaySaturday5610:30a Adult Bible8a Men’s BibleStudy via ZoomStudy via Zoom5:30p Women 45 Bible Study via Zoom6p Study of Christ’sTemptations via Zoom6p Study focusing onLuke & Acts via Zoom6p Youth Small Groups6:30p Women’s BibleStudy w/Erin7a Men’s BibleStudy via Zoom(Chick-fil-A Bearden group)121320910118:30a Worship in Barron Hall 10a Staff Meeting9:30a Confirmation Classvia Zoom9:30a Kingdom Zoom6p Grief CareSunday School and YouthSunday School Video posted10a Adult Zoom SundaySchool Classes11a Worship in theSanctuary Livestream4p Officer Training4:30p Stephen MinistryLeader Training6p Session Meetingvia Zoom10:30a Adult BibleStudy via Zoom5:30p Women 45 Bible Study via Zoom6p Study of Christ’sTemptations via Zoom6p Study focusing onLuke & Acts via Zoom6p Youth Small Groups6:30p Women’s BibleStudy w/Erin8a Men’s BibleStudy via Zoom12p Small GroupStudy of the Lord’sPrayer via Zoom1415161718198:30a Worship in Barron Hall9:30a Kingdom ZoomSunday School and YouthSunday School Video posted10a Adult Zoom SundaySchool Classes11a Worship in theSanctuary Livestream5p Stephen MinistrySupervision10a Staff Meetingvia Zoom6p Grief CareKnox County SpringBreak Week BeginsFISH Ministryfood drop off4:30p Youth helpstudents withhomework andserve dinner atThrive Parkridge10:30a Adult BibleStudy via Zoom5:30p Women 45 Bible Study via Zoom6p Study of Christ’sTemptations via Zoom6p Study focusing onLuke & Acts via Zoom6p Youth Small Groups6:30p Women’s BibleStudy w/Erin8a Men’s BibleStudy via Zoom12p Small GroupStudy of the Lord’sPrayer via Zoom7a Men’s BibleStudy via Zoom(Chick-fil-A Bearden group)Knox CountySpring BreakWeek Ends2122262324258:30a Worship on the10a Staff MeetingFront Lawn (or Barron Hall) via Zoom9:30a Confirmation Class6p Grief Care9:30a Kingdom ZoomSunday School and YouthSunday School Video posted10a Adult Zoom SundaySchool Classes11a Worship in theSanctuary Livestream4:30p Stephen MinistryLeader Training6:30p Deacon’sMeeting via Zoom10:30a Adult BibleStudy via Zoom5:30p Women 45 Bible Study via Zoom6p Study of Christ’sTemptations via Zoom6p Study focusing onLuke & Acts via Zoom6p Youth Small Groups6:30p Women’s BibleStudy w/Erin8a Men’s BibleStudy via Zoom12p Small GroupStudy of the Lord’sPrayer via Zoom28293031April 1Palm SundayConfirmation Sunday10a Staff Meeting10:30a Adult BibleStudy via Zoom5:30p Women 45 Bible Study via Zoom6p Study of Christ’sTemptations via Zoom6p Study focusing onLuke & Acts via Zoom6p Youth Small Groups6:30p Women’s BibleStudy w/ErinMaundyThursday8:30a Worship on theFront Lawn (or Barron Hall)Confimands join SHPC9:30a Kingdom ZoomSunday School and YouthSunday School Video posted10a Adult Zoom SundaySchool Classes11a Worship in the Sanctuary Livestream2p & 4p Easter Egg Hunt5p Stephen Ministry Supervision27Minnow’sFoodMinistry6p Confirmandsexamined bySession8a Men’s BibleStudy via Zoom6p MaundyThursday WorshipService in-personand via Livestream2Good Friday7a Men’s BibleStudy via Zoom(Chick-fil-A Bearden group)12p Good FridayWorship Servicein-person and viaLivestream3
Outdoor Worship willresume on March 21!Join us for the Palm SundayService on March 28 at 8:30 a.m.on the front lawn (children will haveJoin ust h ro u g h M a rc h 2 8for our sermons e r i e s , “ I n to t h e F i re :Following Christ int h e W i l d e rn e s s ”the opportunity to wave palm branchesat this service) or 11:00 a.m. in thesanctuary or via livestreamJoin us in celebrating our 8thgrade Confirmation class! Theywill become members of Sequoyah HillsPresbyterian Church on Palm Sunday,March 28 at the 8:30 a.m. outdoorworship service. More information tocome soon.every step of the way.Holy WeekSee the Children Ministries section for information about thisyear’s Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 28.Maundy Thursday Service April 1 at 6:00p.m. in the sanctuary and via livestreamGood Friday Service The Service of theSeven Last Words of Christ on the Cross April 2 at noon in the sanctuary andvia livestreamAs we continue into Lent, we’ll see howJesus comes out of the wilderness andbegins his ministry, but very quickly we’llsee that the road doesn’t necessarilybecome smoother for him.The good news, though, if we take anyencouragement from Christ’s journey outof the wilderness, out of the frying panand into the fire, is the Spirit was with himand was leading him every step of theway, all the way to Jerusalem, to thecross, and out of the tomb.May we hope to follow just as faithfully.Easter Sunday, April 4Easter Sunrise Service 6:45 a.m.on the front lawnSunday School 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. via ZoomTraditional Easter Services 8:30 a.m.on the front lawn 11:00 a.m. in thesanctuary or via livestreamJoin Jay on Wednesdays at 6pthrough March 31!Christ’s Temptations Lenten Bible StudyMarch 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31“Temptation in the Wilderness” (stained glass panel)VictoriaandAlbertMuseum, London
A Note from Pastor RachelOn Sunday, February 14, as he was about to receive the sacrament of baptism,little Gibson Graham Frye, held by his father, was leaning head first toward thebaptismal font. It was such a living picture of our human eagerness to be God'svery own children and to receive the blessing . to hear the words that we arebeloved, that God has a good plan for us from beginning to eternity through Hisown Son Jesus Christ!Every time we witness a baptism in worship, we can reflect on our own, and leaninto the waters that one day washed over us. We look back to see what God hasdone, and we look forward to the wonder of our future in Him.Our All Church “Stay-Retreat” will be August 13-15,as part of our joyful Rally Day weekend.It’s going to be a great time of intergenerational fellowship, recreation, inspiration, and new small groups forming for theFall! Mark your calendars for this special weekend on our own church campus. Registration for the “stay-retreat” beginson Monday, July 12!Missionary SpotlightAndrew & Iris BornmanMexicoAndrew and Iris Bornman run theagricultural program of the CommunityHealth Evangelism team. They havefour children. They say “Our intentionof our ministry here has been to combatmalnutrition among the Tarahumarathrough teaching agriculture, and totake advantage of every opportunity tocall men to repentance and salvation.”More information on the Bornmansand other missionaries can be found ionaries/SHPC Prayer ChainWould you like prayer for a specific concern, need, or joy? Eachweek there are opportunities to receive the fervent prayers ofothers in our church family. Include your joy, need, or concern(big or small) on the SHPC Prayer Chain by emailing Pam Frittsat forONE ANOTHERat SHPC!By now you should have received apostcard similar to this one fromour Prayer Committee, listing thename of another family or individualin our church family for whom weencourage you to PRAY duringthese weeks of Lent, February 17April 3. Prayers for blessings,strength, and encouragement arealways needed for all of us, especiallyin the time when we can't betogether as usual. The Holy Spiritbinds us together, and may alsodirect you to pray in a certain wayfor this family or individual. We areGRATEFUL for the gift of prayer!Let the Spirit direct your prayers.If you’d like to be in email contactwith the person/family for whomyou are praying, contact Becky
Our LocalMission Focusfor March is thePresbytery-wideHabitat forHumanity BuildSHPC has a long partnershipwith Habitat for Humanity, anonprofit, ecumenical Christianhousing ministry, whose vision is “aworld where everyone has a decentplace to live.” To date, our churchhas helped sponsor a safe and affordable home to almost 20 families inour community.This spring we have a uniqueopportunity to help in another build!The churches in the Presbytery ofEast Tennessee have united in acollaborative build with EdwardJones Region 86 to provide a newhome through Habitat for NormaCatota and her family. The total costof the build is 55,000, and thePresbytery is splitting the fundingof this home with Edward Jones.As of this time, thirteen churches inthe Presbytery, including SHPC, havecommitted to sending volunteersand/or other financial support. Thisgroup build will be a great way towork together with others in ourdenomination while helping this familyexperience the joy of owning theirown home. The funding from ourchurch for this build comes from a 1,000 donation from the LocalMissions Budget and is in additionto our yearly contribution fromBenevolence Funds to HH for ournext church-wide build (scheduledfor the spring of 2022).With the support of Edward JonesRegion 86 and the Presbytery of EastTennessee, Norma Catota, alongwith her husband Samuel and theirthree children Samuel (13), Heighlee(10), and Cristian (2), are ecstatic tobuild a home of their own this spring.Having moved to the United Statesfrom El Salvador 13 years ago, thishome will provide the space theydesperately need to study, play, andgrow. They are currently living withher mother-in-law in a two-bedroomhouse. During the pandemic, bothNorma and Samuel have reported totheir essential workplaces, as Normaworks in manufacturing and herhusband is a construction worker,while their two older children attendschool. However, despite their steadyjobs and how hard they work tosupport their family, Norma andSamuel were still unable to afford aconventional mortgage. After beingencouraged by a Knoxville Habitatsupporter to apply for the programand being accepted, Norma has beenputting in the 500 hours of sweatequity she is earning to prepare forthis momentous opportunity.Would you like to be a part of thisspecial family’s journey to own ahome of their own? Simply use thelink below to sign-up to volunteeron one of the days our church hasbeen asked to participate.The link is yahhillspres/. Besides thevolunteer slots listed on this link,SHPC will have the leadership roleon Saturday, May 15. On that day wewill need volunteers to help withregistration, a reflection leader,drinks and snacks, and a BuildingBuddy. It would be especially helpfulif the Building Buddy was fluent inSpanish as this is the primarylanguage of the Catota family. Tovolunteer for these extra positions,contact Cammy Glover directly atthe email listed below. Also, therewill be some additional volunteeropportunities throughout the buildif another church or Edward Jonescannot fulfill all of their volunteerpositions on a given Saturday. If youhave any other questions, pleasecontact Cammy Glover advance, thank you for helpingto fulfill this dream of becoming ahomeowner for the Catota family.-Cammy Glover,Local Missions ChairSupport Habitat’sRestore—“Creatingthe Opportunity fora Better Life”In addition to the Presbyterywide build, you can help Habitatfor Humanity throughout theyear by donating, shopping,and/or volunteering at theirRestore at 1511 DowntownWest Blvd. Profits frommerchandise sales help to provide a way for people inneed of decent, affordablehousing to fulfill their dreamof becoming homeowners.Visit their website: knoxvillehabitatforhumanity.comfor more information.
GET TO KNOW YOUR SHPC STAFF—BETTER!Katie McHargue, Business ManagerA verse of Scripture that has meant a lot to you in your life “Be still,and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10Favorite place you’ve ever travelled Istanbul, TurkeyFavorite ice cream flavor Dark Chocolate RaspberryWhat part of your role at SHPC brings you the most joy Working withan amazing staff and with a loving congregationWhat is one of your most cherished memories growing up Spendingsummers at the lake with my best friendWhat are you most looking forward to in this year? HugsREPORT FROM THE MODERATOR OFTHE PRESBYTERY OF EAST TENNESSEEWe had a successful presbytery meeting by Zoom on February 13. Essentialbusiness was transacted and good information from the various presbyterycommittees was presented. Our worship services for the first three meetings in2021 are focusing on the Matthew 25 initiative proposed by the PCUSA. Ourworship service on the 13th focused on “dismantling structural racism” and wasvery moving and inspiring. There was a reading of teaching elders and rulingelders who had died in 2020 from each church at the end of the service. If youwould like to see a recording of the worship service, you can use this link: I would highly recommend watching it.The other two parts of the initiative are “eradicating systemic poverty” and“building congregational vitality”. The hope is that our presbytery will vote tobecome a Matthew 25 presbytery and that individual churches will also strive tobe Matthew 25.This month, I would like to highlight an opportunity for high school studentsto attend a week-long event at Maryville College this summer. EXPANDINGHORIZONS at Maryville College is a week-long summer institute for rising 10th,11th, and 12th-grade high school students who display a promise for leadershipand an eagerness to explore theology in a college setting. Students will spend aweek living at Maryville College engaging with professors during class, exploringthe Great Smoky Mountains, and building relationships with their peers. ExpandingHorizons is a great fit for any student looking to explore theological conversations,enjoy religion classes in school, or are curious how our faith can guide us inresponding to our current climate crisis. Expanding Horizons will be held June13-19, 2021 and offers college scholarships to any students who later apply andattend Maryville College. For more information, please visit our th/MAST/expanding-horizons/I am on the Board of Church Visitors at Maryville College and each course thatMAST, Maryville Adventures in Studying Theology, offers is something I wouldlove to do! The dates this summer do not conflict with anything planned for ouryouth. I wanted to give parents and students time to consider it. Thank you foryour support as I continue as moderator this year! -Karen WhiteSESSION RECAPFebruary 9, 2021via Zoom 22 out of 27 elders; Revs.Hamburger, Howell, and Lampley;Clerk of Session Vance Link;Business Manager Katie McHargue Clerk of Session Vance Linkoffered the devotional. The main order of the day waslooking ahead to 2022 in worship,preaching, and how the gospelmight speak to our community’sburdens. Report from EndowmentCommittee (Todd Stamper andBill Taylor) Report from StrategicDevelopment Committee (ElderJim Harrison) Report from Church HealthTask Force (Elder Klair Kimmey) Report from Clerk of Sessionand Pastors
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIESJoin us on Sunday, March 282:00 p.m. for ages 0-5 4:00 p.m. for ages 6-10Everyone above the age of two will wear masks.Little Ponderosa will be here with the animals.At 2:00 p.m., the first hunt will have two sections onthe front lawn. ages 0-2 and ages 3-5At 4:00 p.m., the second hunt will have two sections aswell. ages 6-8 on the front lawn and 9-10 on the playgroundNo bunny wants to miss this!We will provide ALL the eggs for thehunt. We request that you pre-registeron our website, and we will have acheck-in table by the front office (with temp checks).Children should bring their own baskets for the hunt.Register now: LOFT YOUTH MINISTRYHigh SchoolSki Trip to BeechMountain, NorthCarolinaWe talked about Shattered Dreams and howeven when our dreams and plans turn out tobe different than what we expect, God’s plandoesn’t change for us. Brene Brown says,“Jesus doesn’t say I’ll take away the pain,but instead He says, I’ll sit with you in it.”We were grateful for a time to get away andprocess the pain of the past year and thatGod continues to sit with us in it. It was sucha gift for our teenagers to get away and betogether in God’s creation. It was long overdue.Huge thank you to the Benkos for helping usall get to Beech Mountain, and to Matt Reed,Kyle Warren, Anna Klepzig, and BennettNeece for taking time out of their busy livesto spend three nights with all of our highschool friends. –Laura Cutter2:00 p.m. for ages 0-54:00 p.m. for ages 6-10
3700 Keowee Avenue Knoxville, TN 37919865.522.9804 sequoyahchurch.org03.21Strength for Today, Bright Hope for TomorrowCHURCH RECORDSBirthMary Collins Haysdaughter of Marty and Danielle HaysWednesday, February 3BaptismsGibson Graham Fryeson of Gib and Katie (Mayfield) FryeSunday, February 14Eleanor Ann Heinsand Cal McCLain Heinschildren of Jake and Whitney HeinsSunday, February 21DeathsDon HassonMonday, February 15Whitney DunfordSunday, February 21We are thrilled to welcome our talented flower guild volunteersback to the flower room in small numbers. Thanks to Samma andTommy Bromley for this lovely arrangement in February. Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church 865.522.9804 03.21 SHPC Family, Two Sundays ago, we began our series “Into the Fire” in Luke 4, looking at Christ’s temptations in the desert. Forty days he spent in the wilde
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Adopted on March 6, 1968 Amended on July 10, 1968 February 20, 1969 March 20, 1969 June 16, 1969 February 7, 1970 February 6, 1971 November 23, 1971 February 4, 1972 November 29, 1972 February 12, 1973 February 5, 1974 February 8, 1975 February 6, 1976 February 8, 1977 February 25, 1978 .
Dec 22, 2014 · February 5th PPR 4 February 10th Cognitive Approaches 8 February 12th PPR 5 February 17th Thinking, reasoning and problem solving, Exam Review 9 February 19th February 24th Exam 1 Study! February 26th Motivation 10 PPR 6 March 10th March 12th Student Diversity 6 PPR 7 March 17th March 19th Quiz 2 (O
Important Days in March March 1 -Zero Discrimination Day March 3 -World Wildlife Day; National Defence Day March 4 -National Security Day March 8 -International Women's Day March 13 -No Smoking Day (Second Wednesday in March) March 15 -World Disabled Day; World Consumer Rights Day March 18 -Ordnance Factories Day (India) March 21 -World Down Syndrome Day; World Forestry Day
February 2014 Safety Focus Topics February 1 - Complacency February 2 - Safety, It's your Choice February 3 - Luck Has Nothing to do with Safety February 4 - Are You Safe or Just Lucky? February 5 - Slips, Trip and Falls - Pay Attention February 6 - Give Yourself a Hand February 7 - Lifting Properly
Orlando, FL Amway Center Saturday, February 11 Tulsa, OK BOK Center Thurday, February 16 St. Louis, MO Scottrade Center Friday, February 17 Wichita, KS INTRUST Bank Arena Saturday, February 18 Des Moines, IA Wells Fargo Arena Friday, February 24 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center Saturday, February 25 Martina McBride celebrated the release of
Hijri years of the official Afghan calendar. Based on the official calendar of Afghanistan, March 2011/March 2012 is 1390 in Hijri years, March 2012/March 2013 is 1391 in Hijri years, March 2013/March 2014 is 1392 in Hijri years, and March 2014/March 2015 is 1393 in Hijri years.
Tues. March 10 St. Hyacinth, Deer Park 7 pm Wed. March 11 St. Paul, Nassau ay 7 pm Thurs. March 12 St. Mary, LaPorte 7 pm Mon. March 16 Mary Queen, Friendswood 7 pm Thurs. March 19 St. lare, Houston 7 pm Tues. March 24 St. Helen, Pearland 7 pm Wed. March 25 St. Luke, Houston 7 pm No Saturday Confession March 21 & 28 and
3 Spring Semester February 8 First Class Day (MCM & PTD) February 15 First Class Day (OCE) February 19 Last Day to Add Courses (MCM & PTD) February 26 Last Day to Add Courses (OCE) February 26 Last Day to Drop Courses with no record (MCM & PTD) March 5 Last Day to Drop Courses with no record (OCE) March 22-26 Spring Break (MCM & PTD) April