309704R - Ultimate NOVA 395, Ultimate Super NOVA

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PartsUltimate NOVAt 395Ultimate Super NOVAt 495/595Ultimate MX II 490/495/595309704REN3300 psi (228 bar, 22.8 MPa) Maximum Working Pressure120 VACUltimateStandSeries Lo-boyNOVA 395t826014B826015B826016BSuper NOVA 495t826017A826018A826019A826052A826046ASuper NOVA 595tSeries Hi-boySeriesMX II 490t825028C825029C825036CMX II 495t825037C825038C825039C825046B825045BMX II 595tRelated manuals826014ti2399. . . . . . . 309365. . . . . . . 309665. . . . . . . 311861. . . . . . . 309713. . . . . . . 309250. . . . . . . 309055. . . . . . . 309709

Parts Drawing - Ultimate Nova/Super Nova Stand Sprayers5312395: 826014, A, B495: 826017, A236366696554179 14477254224722162038523478PARTS,PAGE 8Ref 451015Ref 56247068714274743473635265529315951212403932Ref 5545244147673376621461604657ti2400d602309704

Parts List - Ultimate Nova/Super Nova Stand Sprayers395: 826014, A, B495: 826017, 422464282870554328705344287054BEARING, thrustPACKING, o--ringPACKING, o--ringPIN, groovedGASKET, seat, valveWASHER, thrustWASHER, thrustBEARING, thrustSCREW, mach, hex washer hdO--RINGMANIFOLD, fluidFILTER, fluid, 60 meshCAP, manifoldGROMMET, transducerCOVER, front, Graco, paintSHIELD, motor, paintedNIPPLE, (1/4 npsm x 1/4 npt)BEARING, thrustSEAT, valveHANDLE, valve, drainNUT, jam, pumpSPRING, retainingPIN, straightFLUID, TSLVALVE, drainincludes 5, 26BASE, valveTRANSDUCER, pressure controlincludes 3DEFLECTOR, threadedGEAR, reducerincludes 8, 10PUMP, displacement (includes 32)HOUSING, driveincludes 12, 70ROD, connectingincludes 31, 32GEAR, crankshaftincludes 1, 9, cription45464752287003240794117493HOSE, cpldHOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ftSCREW, mach, hex washer hdLABEL, front, SW395495LABEL, side, SW395495MOTOR, 110V395 and 495includes 77HOSE, drain, standincludes 39, 62STRAINER, 7/8--14 unfFRAME, standmountKIT, hose suctionincludes 14, 57, 62, 76GUN, Contractor II(includes manual 311861)CLIP, drain lineLABEL, dangerLABEL, warningGRIP, handleCAP, legCUP, suction/drainHANDLE, sprayerincludes 47, 66COVER, pump rodSCREW, drill, hex washer headWASHER, garden hoseFAN, YExtra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free.* Motor Brush Kit 287735 is available.† Other filters available: 246382, 100 mesh; 246383, 200mesh; 246425, 30 mesh3097043

Parts Drawing - Ultimate Nova/Super Nova Lo-Boy Sprayers12395: 826015, A, B495: 826018, A595: 826052, TS,PAGE 8Ref4540121210Ref 4743Ref 564715476244727363526293159541Ref 55 30970474 337160

Parts List - Ultimate Nova/Super Nova Lo--Boy Sprayers395: 826015, A, B495: 826018, A595: 826052, 244242414224642828705543287053BEARING, thrustPACKING, o--ringPACKING, o--ringPIN, groovedGASKET, seat, valveWASHER, thrustWASHER, thrustBEARING, thrustSCREW, mach, hex washer hdWASHER, garden hoseO--RINGMANIFOLD, fluidFILTER, fluid, 60 meshCAP, manifoldGROMMET, transducerCOVER, front, Graco, paintincludes 12SHIELD, motor, paintedincludes 12, 63, 65NIPPLE, (1/4 npsm x 1/4 npt)BEARING, thrustSEAT, valveHANDLE, valve, drainNUT, jam, pumpSPRING, retainingPIN, straightFLUID, TSLVALVE, drainincludes 5, 26BASE, valveTRANSDUCER, pressure controlincludes 3DEFLECTOR, threadedGEAR, reducerincludes 8, 10PUMP, displacementHOUSING, driveincludes 12, 47, 76ROD, connectingincludes 31, 32GEAR, crankshaft, includes 1, 9, 25395 and 495595HOSE, OSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ftSCREW, mach, hex washer hdLABEL, front, SW495595LABEL, side, SW395495595MOTOR, 110V; includes 77395 and 495595HOSE, drain, standincludes 39, 62STRAINER, 7/8--14 unfFRAME, cart, LOKIT, hose suctionincludes 13, 14, 57, 62GUN, Contractor II(includes manual 311861)CLIP, drain lineLABEL, dangerLABEL, warningCLIP, retainingRING, retainingCAP, hubSCREW, pan hdBUTTON, snapPLUG, buttonSLEEVE, cartWASHERWHEEL, semi pneumaticHANDLE, assemblyCOVER, pump rodFAN, motorSCREW, drillCUP, suction/drainPLUG, 11111111112224222221112111111YExtra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free.* Motor Brush Kit 287735 is available† Other filters available: 246382, 100 mesh; 246383, 200mesh; 246425, 30 mesh3097045

Parts Drawing - Ultimate Nova/Super Nova Hi--Boy Sprayers12395: 826016 A, B495: 826019 A595: 826046 RTS,PAGE 8Ref45812401210Ref 4743747024472731155547363526295Ref 630970433

Parts List - Ultimate Nova/Super Nova Hi--Boy Sprayers395: 826016, A, B495: 826019, A,595: 826046, 4224642828705543287053BEARING, thrustPACKING, o--ringPACKING, o--ringPIN, groovedGASKET, seat, valveWASHER, thrustWASHER, thrustBEARING, thrustSCREW, mach, hex washer hdO--RINGMANIFOLD, fluidFILTER, fluid, 60 meshCAP, manifoldGROMMET, transducerCOVER, front, Graco, paintincludes 12SHIELD, motor, paintedincludes 12, 63, 65NIPPLE, (1/4 npsm x 1/4 npt)BEARING, thrustSEAT, valveHANDLE, valve, drainNUT, jam, pumpSPRING, retainingPIN, straightFLUID, TSLVALVE, drainincludes 5, 26BASE, valveTRANSDUCER, pressure controlincludes 3DEFLECTOR, threadedGEAR, reducerincludes 8, 10PUMP, displacementHOUSING, driveincludes 12, 47ROD, connectingincludes 31, 32GEAR, crankshaft, includes 1, 9, 93HOSE, cpldHOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ftSCREW, mach, hex washer hdLABEL, front, SW395495595LABEL, side, SW395495595MOTOR, 110V, includes 77395/495595HOSE, drain, includes 39STRAINER, 7/8--14 unfFRAME, cart, HIKIT, stinger tubeincludes 14, 57, 69, 76, 84, 87GUN, Contractor II(includes manual 311861)CLIP, drain lineLABEL, dangerLABEL, warningSCREW, pan hdNUT, jamHOOK, pailPLUG, holeHANDLEPLUG, tubingWASHER, garden hoseFAN, motorWHEELCLIP, retainingCAP, hubWASHER, suctionTUBE, 111114111121122211111YExtra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free.* Motor Brush Kit 287735 is available.† Other filters available: 246382, 100 mesh; 246383, 200mesh; 246425, 30 mesh3097047

Parts Drawing - Control Box and Board Ultimate Nova/Super Nova395495595113037481964975058125156479537AParts List - Control Box and Board Ultimate Nova/Super Nova395, 495, 11616711750115B118195428256219117493SCREW, mach, phillps, pan hdSCREW, mch, slot/hex, wash hdKNOB, potentiometerSCREW, mach, hex washer hdBUSHING, motor wireBOOT, togglePOTENTIOMETER, assemblySCREW, mach, hex washer hdBOX, D029195429DescriptionCONTROL, board, 110V395/495595COVER, controlLABEL, control, SWCORD, power395/495, Stand595, Lo-boy and Hi-boySWITCH, toggleQty.1111111

Wiring Diagram -- Ultimate Nova/Super NovaBlackON/OFFSwitchRef 58BlackRef 37 Ref 38GreenRef 56Red ( )Black (--)from Motorti24712 x WhiteFig. 13097049

Parts Drawing - Ultimate MX II Stand Sprayers12MX II 490: 825028, A, B, C53MX II 495: 825037, A, B, C236673541259 14425566342126471722Ref 45208PARTS,PAGE 24452447364 27355572614114463913606233ti7375a103097045760

Parts List - Ultimate MX II Stand SprayersMX II 490: 825028, A, B, CMX II 495: 825037, A, B, 2024424241246428422878994328705344287054BEARING, thrustPACKING, o--ringPACKING, o--ringPIN, groovedWASHER, thrustWASHER, thrustBEARING, thrustSCREW, mach, hex washer hdWASHER, garden hoseO--RINGMANIFOLD, fluidFILTER, fluid, 60 meshCAP, manifoldINSERT, filterGROMMET, transducerCOVER, front, paintincludes 12, 65SHIELD, motor, painted, includes 12NIPPLE, (1/4 npsm x 1/4 npt)BEARING, thrustHANDLE, valve, drainNUT, jam, pumpSPRING, retainingPIN, straightFLUID, TSLTAG Warning (not shown)VALVE, drainBASE, valveTRANSDUCER, pressure controlincludes 3DEFLECTOR, threadedGEAR, reducerincludes 8, 10PUMP, displacementincludes 32HOUSING, driveincludes 12, 70ROD, connectingincludes 31, 32GEAR, crankshaftincludes 1, 9, iption454647515228700324079411749315G830HOSE, cpld1HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ft1SCREW, mach, hex washer hd13LABEL, MX II Smart Control1LABEL, front49014951LABEL, side149014951MOTOR KIT, 110V (includes 125, 126)490/495 Models, Series A and B1(includes control box--not shown)490/495 Models, Series C1HOSE, drain, stand1includes 39, 62CORD, power, 490/495 Stand1STRAINER, 7/8--14 unf1FRAME, standmount1KIT, hose suction1includes 13, 14, 57, 62GUN, includes manual 3118611CLIP, drain line1LABEL, danger1LABEL, warning1GRIP, handle1CUP, suction/drain1COVER, pump rod1SCREW, drill, hex washer head1CAP, leg4HANDLE, sprayer1includes 47, 66FAN, 15B58912266715G85727686412512615D088115477Qty.111Y Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free.† Other filters available: 246382, 100 mesh; 246383, 200mesh; 246425, 30 mesh30970411

Parts Drawing - Ultimate MX II Lo-Boy Sprayers12MX II 490: 825029, A, B, CMX II 495: 825038, A, B, CMX II 595: 825046, A, B53231175412556179 1511812644254224716382083Ref4563474715PARTS,PAGE 165270124724431231Ref 5535364 676257ti7377a478283816146123097043360

Parts List - Ultimate MX II Lo-Boy SprayersMX II 490: 825029, A, B, CMX II 495: 825038, A, B, CMX II 595: 825046, A, 20244242414224642828789943287053BEARING, thrustPACKING, o--ringPACKING, o--ringPIN, groovedWASHER, thrustWASHER, thrustBEARING, thrustSCREW, mach, hex washer hdWASHER, garden hoseO--RINGMANIFOLD, fluidFILTER, fluid, 60 meshCAP, manifoldINSERT, filterGROMMET, transducerCOVER, front, paintincludes 12, 65SHIELD, motor, paintedincludes 12NIPPLE, (1/4 npsm x 1/4 npt)BEARING, thrustHANDLE, valve, drainNUT, jam, pumpSPRINGPIN, straightFLUID, TSLTAG, warning (not shown)VALVE, drainBASE, valveTRANSDUCER, pressure controlincludes 3DEFLECTOR, threadedGEAR, reducerincludes 8, 10PUMP, displacementHOUSING, driveincludes 12, 47, 76ROD, connectingincludes 31, 32GEAR, crankshaftincludes 1, 9, 25490/495595HOSE, cpldHOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ftSCREW, mach, hex washer hdLABEL, MX II Smart 555624S022287807246381DescriptionQty.LABEL, front490495595LABEL, side490495595MOTOR KIT, 110V (includes 125, 126)490/495, Series A and B(includes control box--not shown)490/495, Series C595HOSE, drain, standincludes 39, 62CORD, power, 490/495 (Lo/Hi Boy)CORD, power, 595STRAINER, 7/8--14 unfFRAME, cart, LOKIT, hose suctionincludes 13, 14, 57, 62GUN, includes Manual 311861CLIP, drain lineLABEL, dangerLABEL, warningSCREW, pan hdCUP, suction/drainCOVER, pump rodSCREW, drillHANDLE, assemblySLEEVE, cartBUTTON, snapWASHERRING, retainingWHEEL, semi pneumaticCLIP, retainingCAP, hubPLUG, holeFAN, motorSCREW11111111111111111411212222222111Y Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free.† Other filters available: 246382, 100 mesh; 246383, 200mesh; 246425, 30 mesh30970413

Parts Drawing - Ultimate MX II Hi--Boy SprayersMX II 490: 825036, A, B, CMX II 495: 825039, A, B, CMX II 595: 825045, A, B1253117231754182203812556169 970482333969628759462212PARTS,PAGE 1647465705760

Parts List -- Ultimate MX II Hi--Boy SprayersMX II 490: 825036, A, B, CMX II 495: 825039, A, B, CMX II 595: 825045, A, 20244242414224642828789943287053BEARING, thrustPACKING, o--ringPACKING, o--ringPIN, groovedWASHER, thrustWASHER, thrustBEARING, thrustSCREW, mach, hex washer hdWASHER, garden hoseO--RINGMANIFOLD, fluidFILTER, fluid, 60 meshCAP, man ifoldINSERT, filterGROMMET, transducerCOVER, front, paintincludes 12, 65SHIELD, motor, paintedincludes 12NIPPLE, (1/4 npsm x 1/4 npt)BEARING, thrustHANDLE, valve, drainNUT, jam, pumpSPRING. retainingPIN, straightFLUID, TSLTAG, warning (not shown)VALVE, drainBASE, valveTRANSDUCER, pressure controlincludes 3DEFLECTOR, threadedGEAR, reducerincludes 8, 10PUMP, displacementHOUSING, driveincludes 12, 47ROD, connectingincludes 31, 32GEAR, crankshaftincludes 1, 9, 25490/495595HOSE, cpldHOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ftSCREW, mach, hex washer hdLABEL, MX II Smart 555624S022287807243993DescriptionQty.LABEL, front490149515951LABEL, side1490149515951MOTOR KIT, 110V (includes 125, 126)490/495 Series A and B1(includes control box -- not shown)490/495, Series C15951HOSE, drain1includes 39CORD, power, 490/495 (Lo/Hi Boy)1CORD, power, 5951STRAINER, 7/8--14 unf1FRAME, cart, HI1KIT, stinger, tube1includes 13, 14, 57, 69, 84, 87GUN, includes Manual 3118611CLIP, drain line1LABEL, danger1LABEL, warning1SCREW, pan hd4NUT, jam1HOOK, pail1HANDLE1WHEEL2CLIP, retaining2CAP, hub2WASHER, suction1TUBE, suction1HANGER, stand1CAM, cart2SCREW, mch, hex4PLUG, tubing2FAN, motor1SCREW1Y Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free.† Other filters available: 246382, 100 mesh; 246383, 200mesh; 246425, 30 mesh30970415

Parts Drawing - Control Box and Board Ultimate MX 1aParts List - Control Box and Board Ultimate MX H176116167117501115498287911256219BUSHING, control boxSCREW, mach, phillips, pan hdSCREWKNOB, potentiometerSCREW, mach, hex washer hdSCREW, mch, slot, hex, wash hdBOARD, filter, 110V GFIPOTENTIOMETER, adjust, pressureBOX, controlUltra Max II 490/495Ultra Max II 595KIT, control board, 110VCOVER, 5428120165120406158674LABEL, Ultra Max II Smart ControlCORD, power, 490/495, standCORD, power, Lo/Hi--boy 490/495CORD, power, 595BOOT, toggleSCREW, mach, phillips, pan hdSCREW, mach, hex washer hdO--RING1111111

Wiring Diagram -- Ultimate MX IIRef 37PotentiometerON/OFFSwitchPressureTransducerRef 38GreenPowerPlugRef 56Black WireGreen WireWhite WireBlack Wire30970417

TO PLACE AN ORDER OR FOR SERVICE, contact your Graco distributor, or call this number to identify thedistributor near you:1--800--690--2894 Toll FreeAll written and visual data contained in this document reflect the latest product information available at the time of publication.Graco reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.For patent information, see www.graco.com/patents.Original instructions. This manual contains English. MM 309704Graco Headquarters: MinneapolisInternational Offices: Belgium, Korea, China, JapanGRACO INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES P.O. BOX 1441 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440--1441 USACopyright 2002, Graco Inc. All Graco manufacturing locations are registered to ISO 9001www.graco.com18309704Revised December 2013

Parts Drawing - Control Box and Board Ultimate Nova/Super Nova 37 56 12 58 11 51 50 6 48 49 9537A 19 7 30 47 395 495 595 Parts List - Control Box and Board Ultimate Nova/Super Nova 395, 495, 595 Ref. Part Description Qty. Ref. Part Description Qty. 6 115494 SCREW, mach, phillps, pan hd 6 7

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Service Level Agreement For any other Business Broadband Service, We’ll aim to restore the Service within 24 hours of you reporting the Fault. Where we need a site visit to resolve a Fault, we only do site visits on Working Days during Working Hours (please see definitions at the end of the document). Service Credits are granted at our discretion date by which Exclusions (applicable to all .