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SkTJX 2300323national accelerator laboratoryCAPACITOR BANKS FOR BOOSTER RESONANTPOWER SUPPLYJan ntforthe14,regardingthePower Supplywerestartedthefollowing.capacitorswere1.Low losses2.Low stray3.Low variationtemperature4.High5.Easy replacement6,Possibilityof mountingmagnet supportgirder7.Low Theto groundof capacitancedegreeThe following1970as a functionofof as obtainedfromin thedifferentmanufacturers,McGraw Edison Company(Line materialindustries)a.The typicaloftemperatureFigure1,variationbetweenof capacitance20'and 50'as a functionC is23i%, see

TM-2300323-2-b,Capacitorenergycans willusuallydumped intonota faultedruptureifcan does nottheexceed5 kJ,C,The typicalcapacitorstrayto thefromcan iscapacitancea given2.capacitanceistheterminalsof afarads.This2000 picaconstantto within10% fordesign,Sangamo Electrica,Typicalvariationof temperature20' 50'overC isSangamo suggestsrangeof2.for15 Hz restricttheenergyinabank to 15 kJ based on considerationof ruptureOiltemperatureexpected.6%1 see Figureitortheas a function2*%, see Figurefactorcapacitord.of capacitancestrengthof standardfusesand capac-cans.impregnatedusuallyindividualature,used formultilayerpacksand dustpaperisThe windingdielectric.capacitorhumidity,kraftisofdone in a temper-controlledenvironment,

tionoperationb,Typicald.isTypicalimpregnantsat 15 Hz4.dependenceon temper-5.used are:.Aroclor,IISiliconeoil,k 4, AC/AT - 1% overdoubles the cost200 - 50' C, practicallyof the siliconeSilicatester,k 4, similaroil,both siliconeoil and silicatesterrequires50% more volume for the samedue to the low k.capacitance,.Mylar,AC 20% over 20 to 50 C,capacitors;cost :: 2 times that of aroclor2 times those for aroclorcapacitors.losses;air-coolede,factorshown in Figurek 6Water-cooledisexpected.25%, see necapacitors,film.papercapacitors,about30% larger,20% higherdue to coolingcooling35% ossescostiskraftcoil,thancost30 to 40%.paperandabout25% of thosetwiceas high,ofvolume

TM-2300323-4-f,Filmforcapacitors:the paperlarger,Prototypemanufacturers3.and guided10% lowervolume4 timesaboutthan6 timeshigher,receivedby entsforcapacitortheBoosterbanks.The dissipationfactorofto furtherdischargeresistorsThe minedby theexceedlosses, internalan insulatednow betweenthebe minimizedThecapacitors,thesinglecan connectedcapacitanceinsulationoperatingbe used.unitsappearscan.notto groundusingand hecapacitancebushingat the50 o C shouldIn orderby costbank,. we came to the1.aboutWorkBased on thecapacitorlossesto grounddistanceto theisnowto groundcan be large,Use paperimpregnatedwitharocloras thedielectric.

nd the most compactnonflammableA reparedmonsantounit.good forby Underwritersaroclor1248 and 1242attached,Can rupturestoredisenergyunlikelyto occurin a BoosterIn spiteof this,be fusedto definitelywillbe derItemand fuseclearingbank is6 kJ.capacitorcans willpreventcan rupture.FusesPreventionof the papercan cause toxicthe maximumindividualtype,burningsinceof can rupturedielectricas indicated4.curvesinCapacitorthewhichreportcan ruptureare attachedcurves(see Figures6 & 7).6.The capacitorsdesignedIndividualmountingto assembledin the magnetcapacitormay be removedachievedwillmountingbe such thateasilyin modularsupportand fusestructure.and eor modulescan beeasily.Air-cooledcapacitorswillbe ts.of the

TM-2300323-6-a,Smallervolumeb,Lower costC.Eliminationof extracapacitorsiscouldon ourthreeto evaluatedifferentFinalCapacitorThe finaldesigna totalintheair*cooledareaof3700The tiesa prototypecapacitordifferentwere evaluatedplantsforand testsandbank means of testsatat NAL.Bankscapacitorbanksdecidedupon have thefollowingparameters.Totalingirder.from threedesignsthe manufacturers'be fittedto obtainspecificationsover.28 watts/sqsupportwe decideddesigns,ornotthe magnetIn order1040 wattsinchesunitsequipmentthe maximum dissipationFurthermore,squarecoolingcapacitanceper bank3Number of modulesNumber of capacitorper bank8300 .IF 301 1Funits17 1 trimmerOperatingvoltage815 V rmsOperatingfrequency15 Hz

TM-2300323-,DielectricVoltage450 ImpregnantNumber TabbedNumber of tabs/foil2Number of sections/can12Can dimensions26" x 13%'" x 6'"CapacitanceperDissipationfactorLosses.2%per bank atAC over50'F to490 9 10 I-IFcan815 Vrms120'Can temperature1120 V peakriseSpacingcansLifebetweenexpectancyFat1040 watts2.37%150 c1%cs20 yearsFuse rating1200 V-75AFuse typeWestinghouseTrimmerUnitCLC1242

TM-2300323-8-respectively,4 bushings,thecapacitanceat l/8,valueof a standardnumber of sections:identical,l/8,l/4,can,and l/2ofconstruction16.TeststhatThe followingfactorythecapacitorbanks met the NAL requirements.1.The dissipation60 Hz,testsfactorwere performedwas measuredunits)room temperature60 Hz, 600 Volts,120 C lo C (10% selection)The capacitance60 Hz,All(all60 Hz, 600 Volts,was measuredat:room temperature600 Volts,(10% selection)room temperature120 Hz, low voltage,3.units)room temperature120 Hz, low voltage, C i: 5O C (all815 Vrms,to assure(allunits)(10% selection)60 Hz, 600 Volts,85'60 Hz,120 C !: lo C (10% selection)unitsconsistingFull600 Volts,were subjectedto a switchingsurgetestof:ratedvoltage,Zero voltageFullC f 5' C (10% selectionratedforratedtwo secondsone secondvoltage,Zero voltageTwo timesfor60 Hz, for60 Hz, fortwo secondsone secondvoltage,60 Hz, fortenseconds.

TM-2300323-gnThe capacitancewiththe4.and dissipation120 Hz bridgea low voltage,switchingsurgeafterOne unit,was chargeditwere measuredbeforeand afterof theabove tests,test,had passedallup by means of a dc powerThe unitdestruction,ponds with(7000)2factora storedfailedenergyatofsupply7 kV, whichl/2Joules.quantityof thecorres-x 490 x low6 xThe can bulged 12,000untilbutdidnotrupture.5.A smalldielectricin open airimpregnatedwas burnedopen flame,The papercausedsmoke withblackaroclorburnsby means of anreadily,irritatingLaboratoriessee the naroclor.)In additionto thebank was operatedditions,supportfactorytests,at NAL undernormalThe capacitorstructure,The can temperaturesp lacedina stablethewere recordedtemperaturerisecapacitor10 GeV operatingbank was mountedThe maximum can temperatureto reachone completeBoosterunderina typicalPrototypethesewas 15O C.was 4% hours.conmagnettunnel.conditions.The timenecessary

TM-2300323-lO-ConclusionsTypicalperformancein Figuresshipmenting8 throughbe ultsincefailurea fireat normalpaperwillwas smallfactorytestswe assume thatconditionfactoryin the6 kJ and thewind-cans.the maximum energyisduringThe resultfromfrom oneintestmayone unittestBoosterNo. 4 thatsystema capacitorcan didisisbanknotruptureat 12 kJ.Under theseto formand 10 GeV operationundertheare shownwere fabricatedindividualwe may concluderepresentative,can ruptureunitscapacitorswas controlled.toleranceThe unitsof theThe temperaturecapacitorscapacitanceAll12.of paper.of thecurvesconditionshazard.temperatures.notburn.we do notexpecttheThe aroclorimpregnantisAs longas no can rupturecapacitorsnon-flammableoccurs,the

&JAI SMALL.VICE CHAIT MANiftrlsR. WELBORN,P ES DENTA. NEALE.VICEPRES. AND CHIEF-117FOUNDEDM. M. BRANDON.W. S. AUSTIN.H. F. DUNCAN.1894ENOR.- SPONSORED207EASTOHIOT M -2300323VICE PRES. i.NDSECRETARYTREASURERBYSTREET.CHICAGO11M iscellaneous Hazard 2581ApplicationNo. 49C2096November @ , 1949REPORTonLIQUID DIELECTRIC AND CiK)LING XEDIUI\riSGeneral ElectricCo,,Schenectady, N.Y.INTRa DU CT I O Nc----------.--ySincc'issuanceof our listingsof Pyranolscovered in our re?orts of September 29, 1934, 'April 14,1936, April. 9, 1940E August 7, 1941, December 1, 1942,and March 16, 1944, this manufacturer has developedadditionalliquid dielectricand cooling mediumsdesignated as "PyranolNos.1498 and 1499",DESCRIPTION----------PRODUCTSCOVER :DRY., THIS REPORT:llPyranolLiquid dielectricand coolingNos, 1498 and 1499."mediums,ELEC.ENGR

TM-2300323-12ANovember 8, 191‘9MI42581GENERALcCHARACTh%AND USE:The products which are the subject of thisTheyreport are chlorinatedaromatic hydrocarbons.are intended for use as dielectricand cooling mediumsThey are not intended toin electricalapparatus,renlace oil as a -dielectricand cooling medium unlesseqkipment is designed for either oil or these products,MARXIYG;VyranolNos. lb%and 1499,"

TM-230032313MH25dlNovember R, 1949THE--determineINVESTIGATION---L--c----- The object of this investigation'wastothe fire and explosion hazard of the products,In planning the'investigationconsideration.wasgiven to the-GeneralNature of the products,their Fireand Toxic Hazard, Corrosive Action! Stability,andUniformity,The method of investigationof each ofthese phases is given below.productsInformationWas obtainedas to the general natureby means of Identificationof theTests,In the study of fire and toxic hazards, theproduct was investigatedas to flammability,explosiveness of the vapors when mixed with air, products ofdecomoosition,arid decomnosition temnerature,Thetests*includedFlash Point Tests, Fire Tests, IgnitionTemperature Tests, Tests for Zxplosivenessof Vap0r.s inAir, Explosive Range Tests, Decomposition TemperatureTests, and AnalyticalTests of Decomposition Froducts,Corrosion Tests on metalscommonly used inelectricalapparatus were conducted.In view of-thesimilarityof the products,corrosion tests were conductedon only one of the two products submitted?Informationbearing on the stabilityof theproducts was obtained frbm Decomposition TemperatureTests, Corrosion Tests, and considerationof thechemical propertiesof'thenroducts.The process for manufacturingthe products issubject to definitecontrol,and a detailedinvestigationof factoryprocess was not t;herelfore considered necessary.

TM-230,0323-14-November 8, 1949MI%!581EXAMINATIONC I-m.-.--l--ANDTESTRECORD----------aDESCRIFTION OF SAMPLESThe manufacturer furn,ished 5-gal samplesof the products,Pyranol Nos. 1498 and 1499.IDENTIFICATION-CCL---.----S--.-.--- TESTS:NETHODSdetermined-Snecific'Gra--The stiecificcnometer?gravitywasTest for Chlorine - A few drops of .the pro ducttogether w ?-%i&plzeof metallicsodium areheated in jl test tube over a bunsen-burner,After thereactionis completed, the test tube is broken in water;the resultingsolutionis filtered;and nitricacid andof asilver. nitratesolution, are added,, The formationwhite precipitateindicatesthe onTest r A 100-g .sample was distilledusing the m ?%d fthe American Society forTesting ?4aterials,:RESULTSrecordedThe resultsin Table I.of the identificationtestsare

TM-2 30032.3-15-November d, 1949MH2y31TABLE; IRESULTS OF IGENTIFICATION TESTSPyranolNo. 14991,384PresentChlorineII 0 C379335 Ct 3581fi/III(662 F) toC (714 F)(635 F) to(3 (676 F)330,O c (626 F)% O C (594 F) fiAmount'.distilledAmount distilled60.5% iy weight88.7% by weight-27.5% by weighti9,5% by weight1.kciiI1iii10,2 by weight 1II,379 C (71i F)1.3% by weight1;2 by weight'358 C (676 F)i0,s by weight f0.35 by weightIII

TM-2300323-16-November 8, 1947m12y31FLASH POIET.-deTESTS:METHODThe flash noint was determined with the PenskyMartens closed tester using,themethod (D93-46) of theAmerican Society for Testing Materials.RESULTS'allows:,The resultsof the flashpointtestsare asFlash Point----(2)196,l c'(385 F)17697 C (350 F)14981499FIRE TESTS:The fire tests were made with.theCleveland opencupi using the method (D92-46) of the American Societv forTesting Materials,RESULTS(3)resultsThe -samnle Nos, 14.98. and 1499 gave negative'-in the fire tests,(4)(2)In this(3)Intermittentflashes were obtained but the product,did not continue to burn:The sample 'was heated toboilingpoint; the test was then discontinued.(4)In view of the neFative resultsobtained,inthe FireTests, it is clear that the flash point test cannotbe depended'unon to give a true measure of the fireIt was thereforenecessaryhazard of these.productstforExplosivenessofVaporsin conduct TestsSee Page 9,connection,see Note 4,

TM-2300323-17-November g, 1949IGNITION TEMFZRATURE-.--7 TESTS:METHODThe apparatus consistsessentiallyof acombustion chamber surrounded by a solder bath,which is heated at a constant temperature duringThe temperature ofthe test by a bunsen burner,the solder bath is measured by means of acalibratedthermocouple provided with a quartztube to grotect the hot junction.The combustion chamber consists of a quartzflask of conical form with flat bottom 4-l/2 in,(11,4 cm) in height,2-J/8 in, (6.0 cmj in diameterat bottom, and l-1/8 in. (2.8 cm) in diameter at top.It is of about 160-cc capacity*(ratedcapacity 125 cc)having a ratio of surface area to volume of aboutLLMeasured test samples in the liquidphaseare introducedinto the heated combustion chamber byDifferentamounts of themean5 of a.micro pipette,'sample are admitted to the chamber in successivetests in order to.deterninethe minimum temperatureat which the vapor of the liquidin any proportionThe‘residualvapors or gaseswith air will ignite?in the combustion chamber are comnletely displacedby a. stream of air in the intervalbetween tests,

TM-2300323-18-November g, 1949NH2581RESULTSThe resultsof the ignitionare tabulated below:14981499c--.--,--.AtestsIgnition emn rature .c672 C (1243 .F).652 C (1206 F)Sample .-N&*.-7temperature. .-.(5)-I*----c-----m-The main value of the ignitiontest is todetermipe the minimum temperature required toproduce .ignitionunder the most favorableconditionsin the absence of a flame or sparkincludingratio of vapor to air and ratio ofheated.surfaceto volume of vapor-airmixture.Under less favorableconditionsas when theliquidisappliedto a hot plate a highertemperaturefor ignitionis required?.Alimitationof the ignitiontest in a smallv.essel is that it does not show whether flamepropagation'for any material. distance tilloccur,After determiningthe 'ignitiontemperaturethereforeit is necessary to.obtainadditionaldata having a bearing on flame propagation.These data are given by Tests for Explosivenessof Vapors in Air,

TM-2300323-19-November 8, 1949MHiStllTESTS FOR EXPLOSIVENESS-,w--OF VAPORS IN AIR:METHODThe apparatus consists of a cylindrical-steeland 26 in. long0vessel 6 in. in diameter (internal)It is provided'witha small mica window and,an outletThe apparatus is heated externallybyto the atmosphere,gas burners,Openings are provided half way betweenthe ends ofthevessel to admit electrodeterminalsconThe electrodeterminalsnected to an inductioncoil,are spaced to give a spark gap of l/l in.An iron-constantanthermocouple connected to anotentiometeris used for rough measurements of thetemnerature of the vapor inside of the vessel.Samnles.ranginEin volume from 20 to- 80 ccwere introducedinto the cylinderwhich had previouslybeen heated to a predetermined temperature.The ,out'let of the cvlinderwas closed with a loose asbestosterPlW 7 Spark&Were passed,bettveen the electrodeminals at .i.nte'rvals of one-half minute,Residual gases and vapors were displacedthe cylinderby a stream-of air in the intervalbetween tests?from3.ESULTS1498 - No propagati on of flameSample No, --c--Flameoccurred at temperaturesup to 14.8 C ( 29Ei.4.F).(sufficienttopropagationwith weak pressure effects.nder)occurredpush asbestos plug from outlet of cyli(asbesto Sat 150 C (302 F). Moderate nre,ssure'S effectslyfromoutletplug-thrownabout 3 or 4 ft horizontalof.cyJinder)wer.e obtained at temperat ur es smewhatabove 150 C (302 F).Samole No. 1499 - No propag,stion of flame occurredat temperatusesypto.141 C (285.8 F).Flame propagationwith weak pressure effects(sufficientto.push asbestosplug from the outlet of cylinder)occurred at 144 C(291,2 F) Moderate pressure effects(asbestos plugthrown about 3 or 4 ft horizontallyfrom outlet ofcylinder)were obtained 3-t temperaturessomeWhat above144 C (291.2 J

TM-2300323-2O-November 6, 1949MH2@1EXPLOSIVERANGETESTS:IThe apparatusconsists essentiallyof a plass.Thechamber equipped with a spark gap and a stirrer.chamber is cylindricalwith the lower end hemispherical3 in, in .diameter by'8 in? inand is approximatelyheight;it has a net volume of 863 cc, The' apparatus isprovided with a glass lid supportingthe stirrerand theleads to the spark gap near the bottom of the chamber.An opening in the -lid is provided for introductionofThe-glass' chamber is immersed,in a,moltenthe sample.solder bath to a depth of 6 in.In, conducting tests the solder bath was main-rtained at a constant temperature of 400 C (752 F),a measured quantityof the liquidto be tested wasplaced in the apparatus, and the vapors stirred.Sparks were then.passed at the spark gap while observa?tions were made for flame traveland pressure-effects?Following the testy -the vapors were displaced by a slowstream of compressed air in preparationfor the nexttest,RESULTSThe resultsof the explosiverange tests of.Samnles Nos,&.yE! and 1499 in air at 400 C (752 F)are'shown in Table II.METHODThe apparatus described in connection with IgnitionTemperature T.ests was used in these testso,The vaporsevolved on introducingsamples into the heated chamber weretested with moist blue litmus paper., a change in the colorof the paper.from blue to red indicatingdecomposition .ofThe minimum temperatureat which litmus paperthe product,showed an appreciablechange in color withina short time(3 min) was considered to be the decomposition temperature,RESULTStestsThe resultsare recordedSample Nor,of the decompositiontemperaturein the followingtable.Deconpositi.nTemperature---305 c I581 F)309 c (588 F)

-21-c --q---.C-.--eI. .TM-330November 6, 194.932:- .-.----iIn cb4’ A,- - .- 4--I.------. .----

TM-2300323-22November 8, 1949@JALVTICAL TESTS OF DECOMPOSITIONPROXJCTS:METHODThe cylinderpreviouslydescribed under Testsfor Explosivenessof Vapors in Air was also used forexposing vapor-airmixtures to hot iron surfaces.Connections for withdrawingsamples of the decompositionproducts for analysis were insertedin the outletwas externallyheated to a tempipe,, The cylinderperature of 600 C (1112 F) by gas burners?Samples of,the product in the liquid phasewere introducedinto the heated cylinderat a uniformSamples of the decompositionproducts wererate.withdrawn from the pi,pe and hydrochloricacid,free chlorine,phosgene, carbog dioxide,oxygen, carbonacid andmonoxide I gases absorbed by fuming sulphuricmethane and other paraffinhydrocarbon gases, weredetermined using the followingmethods,'Tests for free chlorine were made by liberationof iodine from aqueous potassium iodide solutionandsubsequent titrationwith sodium thiosulphatesolutionA measuredusing starch solutionas an indicator,sample was drawn by a calibratedaspiratorbottlethrough a train consistingof two spiral form bubblingtoweri: containingpottassiumiodide solution,Phosgene was determined by absorptioninPhosgene reacts quantitaaqueous anilinesolution.tivelywith anilineto formdiphenylurea,one moleculeof phosgene'being equivalentto one molecule ofd

TM-230 -5- 0323 This is the lowest cost and the most compact unit. Aroclor is nonflammable and, therefore, good for . 7. Air-cooled capacitors will be used, because of the . 17 1 trimmer 815 V rms 15 Hz . TM-230 0323 Dielectric -, Voltage stress Material Paper density Impregnant

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