Product Specification36502DAPECS DPG-21XX-00XDigital Controllers forIsochronous Generators Isochronousspeed control Precisionfrequencycontrol: 0.25%Description DPG-21XX-00X digital controllers are used primarily to govern diesel or gas fueledengines of generator sets. This microprocessor-based, digital controller performsacross a wide speed range and allows adjustment of set speed and gain parameterswith the built-in user interface. The COMM port provides access to all other controllersettings, allowing adaptation to each application during service and initialconfiguration.Superiortemperaturestability Reverse batteryprotection Input voltagerange: 9–30 Vdc Smoke controlon start up Remote setup SerialcommunicationsportSeparately programmable Proportional, Integral, and Derivative gains are providedfor tailoring controller response to many engine applications. Other adjustmentsinclude acceleration and deceleration ramp rates, idle speed set, hold time, andmore.Properly tuned, this controller delivers fast engine response to speed or load changewhile providing precise stable isochronous operation.The controller’s internal FAILSAFE reacts instantly to loss of the engine speedsignal, allowing the actuator to return to minimum fuel.Actuator CompatibilityDYNA 2000DYNA 2500DYNA 70000DYNA 8000DYNA 70025DYNA 8200DYNA 10141DYNA 8400Power Flow Series Gas ValvesAPECS Linkage Free Integral TypeOther Models AvailableDPG-2200 Series – for Genset ApplicationsDPG-2300 Series – for Off-Road VehiclesDPG-2400 Series – for EFC ApplicationsCalibration ToolDPG Calibration Kit P/N 8447-1003APECS 0150APECS 0250APECS 0300EPG 512EPG 1724
Woodward 36502D p.2SpecificationsDPG-21XX-00X controllers are compliant with applicable CE Directives—EMC. The controller’s main electricaland mechanical specifications are listed here along with several performance characteristics.The table below shows the controller series’ five available hardware configurations.Connector StyleOptionsSpeed SensingOptionsModel p IgnitionSense DPG-2145-00XDPG-2146-00X12-pinMolex Adj.SetSpeedsRemoteSpeedINC andDEC1 idle 2 idle 1 idle 2 idle ElectricalOperating Voltage Range:Rated Output Current:Maximum Surge Current:Connections:Input Signal from Magnetic Pickup:Input Signal from Engine’sIgnition System:9–30 Vdc *7 A Maximum (continuous)14 A (not to exceed ten seconds)Terminal strip with 7 Euro style terminals ora quick connector with 12 pins2.0 VAC RMS minimum during cranking40 V minimum during cranking(*) All cabling for these controllers is limited to less than 30m (98.4’).Power cabling is limited to less than 10m (32.8’) in total length.See wiring diagrams in User Manual 36526 for specific cable types required.MechanicalAmbient Operating Temperature:-40 F to 185 F (-40 C to 85 C)Sealing:Oil, water, and dust resistant via conformalcoating and die cast enclosureWeight:10 oz. (284 g)PerformanceSteady State Speed Band:Engine Speed MPUMeasurement Range:Governing Speed Rangewith MPU:Engine Speed IgnitionMeasurement Range:Governing Speed Range withIgnition: .25% over ambient operating temperature range10 MPU Hertz to 14,000 MPU Hertz500 MPU Hertz to 11,000 MPU Hertz2 Hertz to 350 Hertz25 Hertz to 300 HertzSuggested Mating Connectors for DPG-2145-00X & DPG-2155-00X ModelsAMP 770581-1AMP 171637-3 or 794407-3AMP 90707-1Mini universal Mate-N-LockDuplex finish socketCrimping hand tool for 18 gauge wireAMP 408-4137Crimping documentationAMP 189727-1Socket extraction tool
Woodward 36502D p.3Parameter ReferenceThe parameter list provides information regarding each of the parameters that can be adjusted when a computer isconnected to the controller via the COMM port and Universal PST program. The COMM port and Universal PST areintended only for configuration and periodic service. Do not leave a computer and/or COMM cable connected tothe COMM port. The following table lists each of the parameters and their default, minimum, and maximum values.Several of the parameters have minimum and maximum values set by other parameters. Speed and Rate values areshown as Hertz values.PARAMETER LIST FOR DPG-2101-00X (MPU) & DPG-2146-00X (IGNITION)(These controllers use the 7-terminal Euro style screw terminal connector.)Opt.Req.N/AOpt.Req.PARAMETER NAME1. No. of Flywheel-001Teeth or Pulses per-002revolution2. Set Speed A3. Not Available4. Idle Speed5. ProportionalDEFAULTMINIMUMMAXIMUM000005721000 (25)Set Speed A MinSet Speed A Max50 (20)25Idle Speed Min1Idle Speed Max99Req.Req.Req.N/AOpt.Req.6. Integral7. Derivative8. OVG @ Set Speed A9. Not Available10. OVG @ Idle Speed11. Gain Factor5009925099Use the controller’s built-in GAIN potentiometer2020 (40)119999Req.Opt.Opt.Opt.Opt.Opt.12. Speed Filter13. Idle Hold Time14. Accel Rate15. Decel Rate16. Startup Rate17. Integral Low Limit16 (4)01000 (3000)1000 (3000)1000 (3000)0101110249999999999999999Integral High LimitOpt.N/A18. Integral High Limit19. Password9999Opt.20. Over Speed LimitOpt.Opt.N/AN/AOpt.Opt.21. Set Speed A Min22. Set Speed A Max23. Not Available24. Not Available25. Idle Speed Min26. Idle Speed Max10015000 (450)10 (2)11000 (300)Integral Low LimitNot Available0010 (2)Set Speed A10015000 (450)Set Speed A11000 (300)10 (2)11000 (300)10 (2)Idle SpeedIdle Speed11000 (300)-001-002Opt.27. Duty Cycle Limit951095Req.28. Startup Speed1000 (25)10 (2)11000 (300)Opt.29. Startup Duty Cycle30595Req. Parameter adjustment is required to achieve basic governing. Opt. Parameter use is optional.NA Parameter is not available.Default, Minimum and Maximum values in parenthesis apply when the controller uses ignition pulsesto sense engine speed, which would be the case for a DPG-2146-00X controllerAll Speed and Rate values are shown as Hertz values (parameters 2, 4,14-16, 20-22, 25-26). Changing the value of parameter 1 will causedifferent default values to be displayed based on the Hertz to RPMformula. These parameters can be changed with PST max by 100(MPU input) or 10 (IGNITION input) at once when engine is running.
Woodward 36502D p.4Parameter Reference (cont’d.)The following table lists each of the parameters and their default, minimum, and maximum values. Several of theparameters have minimum and maximum values set by other parameters. Speed and Rate values are shown asHertz values.PARAMETER LIST FOR DPG-2155-00X (MPU) & DPG-2145-00X (IGNITION)(These controllers use the 12-terminal quick connect.)PARAMETER NAMEOpt.Req.Opt.Opt.Req.Req.Req.Req.Opt.1. No. of FlywheelTeeth or Pulses perRevolution2. Set Speed A3. Set Speed BDEFAULTMINIMUMMAXIMUM-001000-002005721000 (25)1000 (25)Set Speed A MinSet Speed B MinSet Speed A MaxSet Speed B Max4. Idle Speed5. Proportional6. Integral7. Derivative8. OVG @ Set Speed A9. OVG @ Set Speed B50 (20)Idle Speed MinIdle Speed Max251995009925099Use the controller’s built-in GAIN potentiometer20199Opt.Req.Req.Opt.Opt.Opt.10. OVG @ Idle Speed11. Gain Factor12. Speed Filter13. Idle Hold Time14. Accel Rate15. Decel Rate2020 (40)16 (4)01000 (3000)1000 (3000)111011999924999999999999Opt.Opt.Opt.N/A16. Startup Rate17. Integral Low Limit18. Integral High Limit19. Password1000 (3000)0999999Integral High Limit99Opt.20. Over Speed LimitOpt.Opt.Opt.Opt.21. Set Speed A Min22. Set Speed A Max23. Set Speed B Min24. Set Speed B Max10015000 (450)10 (2)11000 (300)10 (2)11000 (300)10Integral Low LimitNot Available0010 (2)Set Speed A10 (2)Set Speed BOpt.Opt.Opt.Req.Opt.25. Idle Speed Min26. Idle Speed Max27. Duty Cycle Limit28. Startup Speed29. Startup Duty Cycle10 (2)11000 (300)951000 (25)3010 (2)Idle Speed1010 (2)5Idle Speed11000 (300)9511000 (300)95-001-00210015000 (450)Set Speed A11000 (300)Set Speed A11000 (300)Req. Parameter adjustment is required to achieve basic governing.Opt. Parameter use is optional. NA Parameter is not available.Default, Minimum and Maximum values in parenthesis apply when the controller uses ignition pulses tosense engine speed, which would be the case for a DPG-2145-00X controller.All Speed and Rate values are shown as Hertz values (parameters 2-4,14-16, 20-26). Changing the value of parameter 1 will cause differentdefault values to be displayed based on the Hertz to RPM formula.These parameters can be changed with PST max by 100 (MPU input)or 10 (IGNITION input) at once when engine is running.
Woodward 36502D p.5Parameter Reference (cont’d.)The following table lists each of the parameters and their default, minimum, and maximum values. Several of theparameters have minimum and maximum values set by other parameters. Speed and Rate values are shown asHertz values.PARAMETER LIST FOR DPG-2111-00X(These controllers use the 7-terminal Euro style screw terminal connector.)PARAMETER NAMEDEFAULTMINIMUMMAXIMUM0001000Set Speed A MinSet Speed A Max5025Idle Speed Min1Idle Speed Max99N/A1. Number of Flywheel TeethReq.N/AOpt.Req.2. Set Speed A3. Not Available4. Idle Speed5. ProportionalReq.Req.6. Integral7. DerivativeReq.8. OVG @ Set Speed AN/A9. Not AvailableOpt.Req.Req.Opt.Opt.Opt.10. OVG @ Idle Speed11. Gain Factor12. Speed Filter13. Idle Hold Time14. Accel Rate15. Decel .Opt.N/A16. Startup Rate17. Integral Low Limit18. Integral High Limit19. Password100009910Integral Low LimitNot Available9999Integral High Limit99Opt.20. Over Speed Limit1000100Opt.Opt.N/AN/AOpt.Opt.21. Set Speed A Min22. Set Speed A Max23. Not Available24. Not Available25. Idle Speed Min26. Idle Speed Max101100010Set Speed ASet Speed A11000101100010Idle SpeedIdle Speed11000Opt.Req.Opt.27. Duty Cycle Limit28. Startup Speed29. Startup Duty Cycle9510003010105951100095500992509920199The controller’s built-in GAIN ADJUST potentiometerprovides a /-20% adjustment range of thenominal gain value entered.Req. Parameter adjustment is required to achieve basic governing.Opt. Parameter use is optional.N/A Parameter is not available.
Woodward 36502D p.6European Compliance for CE MarkingEMC DIRECTIVEDeclared to 89/336/EEC COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 03 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the MemberStates relating to electromagnetic compatibility. See the Declaration of Conformity in Manual 36526 and Manual36536 (DPG-2111-00X).EMC LIMITATIONSCablingAll cabling for this unit is limited to less than 30m (98.4’).Power cabling is limited to less than 10m (32.8’) in total length from its source; power is intended to be from a localbus structure. The control is not intended to have a power bus that is derived from a plant-wide distribution system,remote source, or similar ―mains‖ type distribution systems. The power to the control should also be a dedicatedcircuit, directly to the battery or source via a power and return wire that are routed together.See Manual 36526 and Manual 36536 for additional regulatory information, limitations, and wiring diagrams withspecific, required cable types.Power BusThe power bus is intended to be a local bus and to have inductive load kickback events suppressed. Therefore, thecontrol’s power input is not designed to withstand a charging system load dump, heavy inductive kickbacks, or heavysurge type pulses. If the control is installed outside its intended usage, as described in this manual, centralizedvoltage pulse suppression should be implemented to help protect the control and other components on the bus. (Seethe installation instructions in User Manual 36526.)COMM PortThe COMM port is intended to be a service port, with only temporary connection during service or initialconfiguration. The COMM port is susceptible to some EMC phenomena and possible unintentional battery returncurrents.1. Battery return (B-) is also the communication signal common; typically PCs connect the communicationsignal’s common to protective earth. The PC grounding can provide an unintended return path for Bcurrents. If B- and the PC are grounded to protective earth, a communication isolator should be usedbetween the PC and the control. Damage to the PC or control, and/or unintended operation may result froma broken battery return wire or the parallel path.2. The pins inside the COMM port plug are susceptible to damage by ESD discharges, static electricity arcs.Care should be taken not to touch them with tools or put fingers into the port. Always touch your hand or toolto a grounded piece of metal (discharge ESD) before coming in contact with the COMM port.3. The input is susceptible to RF noise such as switching transients and transmitter signals coupled into thecommunication cable. Cable orientation and short cable length may be used to eliminate these issues,depending on the severity of the environment.Related DocumentationManual 36526: DPG-2101-00X / DPG-2145-00X / DPG-2146-00X / DPG-2155-00XManual 36536: DPG-2111-00XPO Box 1519, Fort Collins CO, USA 80522-15191000 East Drake Road, Fort Collins CO 80525Tel.: 1 (970) 482-5811 Fax: 1 (970) 498-3058www.woodward.comFor more information contact:Distributors & ServiceWoodward has an international network of distributors and service facilities.For your nearest representative, call the Fort Collins plant or see theWorldwide Directory on our website.This document is distributed for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed ascreating or becoming part of any Woodward Governor Company contractual or warrantyobligation unless expressly stated in a written sales contract. Woodward 2010, All Rights Reserved2011/1/Skokie
DYNA 2000 DYNA 70000 DYNA 8000 APECS 0150 EPG 512 DYNA 2500 DYNA 70025 DYNA 8200 APECS 0250 EPG 1724 . Ignition System: 40 V minimum during cranking (*) All cabling for these controllers is limite
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Manual 36523G DPG-2201-00X Controllers Woodward 1 Chapter 1. General Information . Introduction . This manual provides information on the following DPG controllers: DPG-2201-001 and DPG-2201-002 . The DPG-2201-00X digital controller is used primarily to govern diesel or gas fueled engines of generator sets. This microprocessor based, digital .
DYNA 2000 DYNA 7000 DYNA 8000 APECS 0150 DYNA 2500 DYNA 70025 DYNA 8200 APECS 0250 DYNA 10141 DYNA 8400 APECS 0300 Power Flow Series Gas Valves APECS Linkage Free Integral Type . Ignition System: 40 V minimum during cranking (*) All cabling f
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DPG, APECS, L-Series & EPG Electronic Speed Controls Woodward's worldwide reputation as a leading manufacturer of control systems is enhanced by this full line of products for industrial engines: DPG (Digital Programmable Governor) digital controller family with enhanced software features.
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