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ISO 17024 COMPLIANT ACADEMIC TUTOR CERTIFICATIONSCHEMEStéphane Jacquemart1, Jean Menthonnex2, Didier Blanc312Public Research Centre Henri Tudor (LUXEMBOURG)Centre interuniversitaire EUROQUAL (SWITZERLAND)3ProCert (SWITZERLAND)AbstractAcademic tutor is not a recognized and regulated profession across Europe. Like many othersprofessions, no formal training and diploma recognize teachers’ competences to support their studentsduring their internship in companies.The European Leonardo da Vinci project CERTITUDE has been launched to develop a Europeanacademic tutor certification scheme that is ISO 17024:2012 [1] compliant. The certification willcontribute to the tutors’ validation of non-formal and informal learning. It will also contribute to thetransparency, the recognition and the evaluation of tutors’ competences and qualifications. In thispaper, we will explain how the project partners are developing the certification scheme respecting aprocess that ensures its quality. We will also explain how we ensure the quality of the process itself.The development of the academic tutor certification scheme is following a standardization andevaluation process that ensures its quality and its recognition by interested stakeholders. It is basedon the process used within ISO (International Standardization Organization) to draft and publishstandards that take into account stakeholders’ comments to reach a consensus.The certification scheme manual proposes an assessment process based on an academic tutorcompetence specification. The manual is drafted with the involvement of an experts committeecomposed of twenty-two European stakeholders representing tutors, public and private trainingorganizations, personal certifications bodies, research centres, financing bodies and public authorities.The experts’ committee is open to interested parties who have an interest to recognize and to valoriseacademic tutors’ competences.The ISO 17024 compliant academic tutor certification scheme is entering the testing phase in January2014. Two phases are planned before its commercial exploitation at the end of the project. During thefirst phase, project’s partners will test the certification scheme with tutors of seven educationalorganisations. Test's results will bring a first list of improvements to the certification scheme manual. Itwill also provide information for the training and the calibration of the future certification bodies’examiners who will test the certification scheme in a second and last phase. The results of the two testphases will lead to the publication of the academic tutor certification scheme. Once it will be published,certification bodies will be able to use it to certify academic tutors’ competences.The entire certification scheme development process and test phases are assessed within the project.A risk analysis is managed to ensure the achievement of project's objectives.Keywords: certification, assessment, competence, academic tutor.1INTRODUCTIONIn organisations, some jobs are regulated while others are not. If your job is regulated, this means thatthere are legal requirements and restrictions you must meet to work in that occupation. You must havea licence, a certification or a registration to work in that occupation. Before you can begin to work, youhave to learn what you will be required to do and you have to prove that you meet the requirementsand standards of practices set by a regulatory body.On the opposite, if your job is not regulated, no regulatory body has set standards for your occupation.You then do not need a specific licence or certificate. This does not mean that trainings do not exist.Some training organisations propose their own trainings and even certificates associated to theirtrainings. Learning outcomes are then not the same and professionals trained and certified by these

training organisations may present different levels of skills. At the end this means that there areprofessionals that do not have the same minimum level of skills. This does not mean that you will notbe able to find a non-regulated job. You can work in such an occupation if you satisfy an employer’srequirements.This situation concerning regulated and not regulated jobs exists in Europe and outside Europe. InEurope, some jobs may not be regulated in a given country while in another one, they are. To dealwith this issue, if you want to work abroad, you will be asked to go through an accreditation process ifyou want to practice a job that is regulated and if you do not have the adequate licence or certificate.This accreditation process will generally be organized by a professional regulatory organisation thatwill recognized that you have the necessary set of credentials, trainings, and /or experience for a givenoccupation.In Europe, some jobs are regulated whatever the country, (e.g., electricians, teachers, nurses,doctors). This does not mean that standards and requirements are the same in all countries. Eachcountry may have its own system for regulated professions. A person licensed in one country mayhave to re-apply for a licence in order to be able to work in another country (e.g. a Belgian nursehaving been licenced in Belgium will have to apply for a recognition of equivalence of his/her diplomaat the Luxembourg Ministry of Education and Vocational training if he/she wants to work inLuxembourg).Some jobs are not regulated, whatever the country. This is the case for the job of academic tutor. Theacademic tutor works in initial or vocational education and training organisations. He is often a teacherwho has also, as a part time, the function of the academic tutor. He supports youngsters and adultsduring working periods of internship, apprenticeship or mobility to facilitate transition from training toemployment. This job is still widely unregulated in Europe despite its increasing presence withineducation, training, work and professional reintegration. Like many others professions, no formaltraining and diploma recognize academic tutor’s competences to support students during theirinternship in companies.1.1CERTITUDE projectA way to recognize the essential role of the academic tutor in the quality and the success of the routeof apprenticeship is to define a European standard based on academic tutor generic competences.These competences would be requirements that could be assessed and recognized through acertification process. The certification scheme would be approved by interested parties across Europeallowing new certified academic tutors, working in European countries, to have the same certificationand to avoid a re-accreditation process. These were the main ideas that have led to the definition ofthe CERTITUDE (certification de la function tutorial – tutoring function certification) project.CERTITUDE is a two-year project co-funded by the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of InnovationEuropean programme. The project will end in September 2014.1.1.1 Project objectives and expected outcomeThe CERTITUDE project aims to address the need for professionalism, employability and mobility ofEuropean academic tutors. The project’s objective is to develop and to test a European academic tutorcertification scheme that is ISO 17024 compliant. Following ISO 17024, the certification schemerelates to competences and other requirements related to specific occupational or skilled categories ofpersons. The certification will contribute to the tutors’ validation of non-formal and informal learning.Competences acquired by non-formal and informal learning will be assessed following an examinationprocess defined in the certification scheme manual. The certification will contribute to thetransparency, evaluation, and recognition of tutors’ competences and qualifications. The certificationneeds to be remotely accessible, reproducible, usable by accredited certification bodies and approvedby market players and stakeholders.To achieve the project objective, i.e. the certification scheme, the consortium will produce differentproject’s outcomes. The first outcome is the skill card describing the academic tutors’ competences.This skill card has been adapted from the one developed in a former European project to propose 3levels of professional capacities: practice, control and excellence. A business model is beingdeveloped also to launch the creation of a structure that will allow interested parties to continue tomaintain and develop the certification scheme after the end of the project and to commercialize its usevia certification bodies. Finally, the certification scheme is based on a dematerialized examinationprocess.

1.1.2 Project partners and workplanThe consortium is composed of 7 partners, a French VET (Vocational Education and Training) school,a Belgian certification body and training centre that is working on the certification schemedevelopment, an Irish private company delivering services through dematerialised integrated tools anddatabases, a Luxembourg public research centre specialized in quality development that will managethe test phases, a Swiss inter-university centre specialised in quality management, a European multiactors cooperation network organizing the dissemination, and a French vocational training fundmanaging organisation working on the certification scheme development and on the testing phase.The French VET school partner coordinates the projects and brings the academic tutor’s competenceframework that was developed in a former European project. The certification body coordinates thework concerning the development of the certification scheme manual and assures its compliance withthe ISO 17024 standard. The research centre organizes and coordinates the certification scheme’stests with academic tutors and with certification bodies. The Irish partner proposes its services todematerialise the certification exam. The European network is in charge of the results’ dissemination.The inter-university centre is in charge of the quality aspects of the project management system. Thefund managing organisation brings its expertise in the exploitation of the project results, together withthe other partners. Together they work on the business model for a commercial exploitation of thecertification.The project has started in October 2012. End of September 2013, the certification scheme manual hasbeen proposed in a version 1.0. Since this date, the testing phase preparation has begun. The teststarts end of January and will last until end of May 2014. The last 4 months of the project will bededicated to the exploitation of the project results via the creation of a European foundation that willmaintain the certification scheme up to date and that will assure its use by certification bodies inEurope. Intellectual property rights of the project’s results have been defined in a contract that will besigned by each partner before the project ends. At the end of the project, an exclusive commerciallicence will be delivered to the not-for-profit foundation that will be created.1.1.3 Project’s quality management processConcerned about providing an efficient instrument corresponding to users’ needs, European projectCERTITUDE partners have implemented a quality management system since the project kick-offmeeting. This quality management system is based on an international standard and on one Frenchstandard.The international standard used to manage the project is ISO 10006:2003 [2]. This internationalstandard is a guidance document. It has been chosen because it is applicable to any kind of projects,whatever their complexity, scale, and duration. ISO 10006:2003 has also been chosen to proposepartners a same systematic approach to ensure that the stated and implied needs of customers,certification bodies, academic tutors, and VET schools, are understood and met. As the project seeksto attract interested parties to participate to the certification scheme development, this approach isalso used to understand and evaluate their needs.Partners have produced a risks analysis and follow-up dashboard, see extract of this dashboard inTable 1, to analyse and follow project’s risks all along the project. The project’s risk analysis is inaccordance with the principle of IEC 62198 Ed.2 [3] (IEC stands for International ElectrotechnicalCommittee). The CERTITUDE’s risks analysis and follow-up dashboard contains eight categories ofrisks composed of thirty-one risks identified by partners. Risks categories are: human resources risks,operational risks, social risks, informational risks, commercial risks, financial risks, legal risks, andinstitutional risks. Each risk is defined in function of its gravity for the project’s success, and in functionof its probability of its possible occurrence. For each of these factors, a scale going from one to four isproposed. For the gravity factor, “4” leads to the project failure. For the probability of occurrencefactor, “4” shows the highest probability of occurrence. The product of the combination of these bothfactors gives the importance of the risk, “16” being the maximum rate. For each risk a preventivemeasure has been identified. Partners have been designated as responsible for a risk if this risk isinfluenced by the work done in the workpackage they lead. This table is used during each face-to-faceand online meeting. Risks’ gravity and probability of occurrence are checked and preventive actionsare taken if the rate is higher than “8”.Table 1: Risks analysis and follow-up dashboard

Projet CERTITUDE - ANALYSE et SUIVI des RISQUES et des OPPORTUNITES (version provisoire enrichie avec chaque responsable de WP; validée le 2013.12.20)Nomenclature colonnes G (4: échec vraisemblable du projet; 1: perturbation momentanée) et P (4: forte probabilité de survenance; 1: probabilité infime de survenance)G * P:P probab. deCatégorie deG gravitéRisque identifiésurvenance (1 importanceMesures préventivesrisques(1 à 4)à 4)risqueRisquesopérationnelsRisquessociauxétat durisquelacunes de gestion liées à une mauvaise définition et àune mauvaise gestion du projet, ne capitalisant pas lesenseignements des expériences vécues326définition et mise en place progressive d'un dispositif decertification du TU adapté et d'un manuel du dispositif, puisd'un règlement du détenteur du projetexpérimentation et actualisation du produit gérées sansentretenir les synergies nécessaires339utilisation d'un outil de gestion de projet commun et tenu à jourpar chacun sur un Intranet communrejet du produit proposé par certaines parties prenantes(par exemple: rejet du public cible)4312les principales parties prenantes disposent de représentantsactifs dans le comité du dispositifinadéquation du produit qui entraînerait un rejet parcertaines parties prenantes ou par le public cible4312339326Risquessécurité des données de l'organisationinformationnelsdifficulté de remettre à un autre collaborateur laresponsabilité d'une activité non ou mal documentéeresponsablerisqueexistantbien tester; bien communiquer sur les améliorations apportéespar le projetprocédure de sécurité informatique définie et auditéepériodiquement (ordinateur autonome; version .pdf ou zip surIntranet; back-up chaque mois, etc.) selon la règle "Sécuritédes informations"WP4WP4, WP5 &WP6OK trimestre4.2013existantWP1 OK trim. 4.2013existantWP4 OK trim. 4.2013existantmise en place progressive d'un manuel du dispositif, puis d'unrèglement du détenteur du dispositif de certificationsuiviWP1 & WP6 OK trim. 4.2013existantWP1, WP2,WP3, WP7The other standard used to manage quality is the French FD X 50-171 [4]. This standard proposes amethod to identify, develop, implement and use a system based on indicators and synoptical tablesuseful for the management of a quality system. Partners have identified the main deliverables andhave decomposed these in sub-deliverables. Indicators have then been defined by each partnerleading a deliverable production. These indicators have been gathered in a quality dashboard, seeextract of this quality dashboard in Table 2, which is used during each monthly online or face-to-facemeeting. On a monthly basis, partners review the realization or not of the sub-deliverables and takecorrective actions if the workplan is not respected.Table 2: Quality dashboardCERTITUDE - tableau de bord qualité TBQ (enrichi et mis à jour par les partenaires le 2013.12.19)situation au:WP No du WP responsable avec contribution systématique de chaque partenairela qualité de chaque livrable par le partenaire responsable du WP sera vérifiée avant toute diffusion!WP:livrables et leurs indicateursvert orange rouge nonrempligris sans objetà mettre à jour leen cours30.09.2014: fin du projet4er trim. 20143e trim.20142e trim. 20141er trim.20144e trim. 2013historiquehistorique 3e historique 2etrim. 2013trim. 2013répertoire complété et validé parchacun avec suivi mensuel des 17risques et opportunités avec impactégal ou sup. à 8un ou 2 risques importants n'ontpas été suivis ou traités durant letrimestresuivi et reporting du planqualitéTableau de Bord Qualité TBQ conçu,connu et validé par chacun(2013.11.15)mise à jour et suivi mensueldisponible dans les 48 h. aprèschaque meeting mensuelWP3 dispositif de certificationdisponible en français pour les testsle 2013.08.31 (et disponible enanglais)comité du dispositif connu avantle 2013.08.31 (appels lancésavant le 3WP2 suivi du répertoire des risquesWP2 WP3 outillage complet pour le testde certificationvalidation du manuel duversion actualisée disponible endispositif par partenaires faitefrançais pour les tests le 2013.08.31 (2013.06.03) / plateforme du test(2014.01.15)WP4bilan des tests, préconisationsselon liste 2013.11.19 CRP HT: 5tâches de préparation du test le2014.01.15 / test 1e partie (2 tâches)examinateurs 2014.03.1522e trimestre 2014: test 2e partiecalibration des examinateurs &évaluation des compétences dututeur 2014.05.14 / bilan etpréconisations disponibles le2014.05.3129/12/2013 JM et partenaires28/01/2014historique1er trim.2013historique3e 0.06.201330.09.201330.09.201320.09.2013ACADEMIC TUTOR CERTIFICATION SCHEMEBesides the overall quality management of the project explained above, the development of theacademic tutor certification scheme is also following a standardization and evaluation process thatensures its quality and its recognition by interested parties (person or group having an interest in theperformance or success of the certification scheme). It is based on the process used within ISO todraft and publish a standard that take into account stakeholders’ comments to reach a consensus.2.1.1 ISO 17024 compliant certification scheme manualTo be able to develop a certification scheme that can be used by certification bodies, project partnershave decided during the drafting stage of the project to develop the certification scheme based on ISO17024 requirements. This standard describes conditions for application, examinations, surveillanceand recertification. It specifies information confidentiality conditions, competence of staff, and the needfor stakeholders’ inputs into certification schemes. ISO 17024 requirements were considered as anecessity to give chances to the project’s results to be accepted and used by accredited certificationbodies at the end of the project. The standard itself is not enough to certify a person. It is designed tobe used in conjunction with a "scheme protocol", which lays out the education, knowledge, skills andexperience requirements that a certified person in each occupation would be expected to meet. Tomeet the standard requirement, the project partners have developed an academic tutor certificationscheme, the “scheme protocol”.

The academic tutor certification scheme manual contains ten chapters. The first one refers to theno

The ISO 17024 compliant academic tutor certification scheme is entering the testing phase in January 2014. Two phases are planned before its commercial exploitation at the end of the project.

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ISO/IEC 17024, was prepared by the . ISO Committee on conformity assessment (CASCO). It was circulated for voting to the national bodies of both ISO and IEC, and was approved by both organizations. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 17024:2003), which has been technically revised. This is a preview of "ISO/IEC .

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9 Tutor Dr. Sanjana Joshi 10 Tutor Dr. Dipin Kumar Yadav 11 Tutor Dr. Mayakalyani Srivathsan 12 Tutor Dr. Koushika Saha 13 Tutor Dr. Shivangi Garima 14 Tutor Dr. Jyoti Mummaneni 15 Tutor Dr. Lubna Bari Sr.No Designation Name of the Staff 1 Professor & Head Dr. Subamaniam Saha 2 Professor Dr Vijaya Haldankar 3 Professor Dr (Mrs)Rekha Bhagwat 4 .

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