Disclaimers:All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latestinformation available at the time of publishing. The illustrations used in this manual areintended as representative reference views only. Moreover, because of our continuousproduct improvement policy, we may modify information, illustrations and / or specificationsto explain and / or exemplify a product, service or maintenance improvement. We reservearethe right to make any change at any time without notice. Yanmar andregistered trademarks of Yanmar Co., Ltd. in Japan, the United States and / or othercountries.All Rights Reserved:No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form by any means - graphic,electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storageand retrieval systems - without the written permission of Yanmar Marine International. 2007 Yanmar Marine International0907iiYM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International
TABLE OFCONTENTSPageIntroduction . 1Record of Ownership . 2Safety . 3Safety Precautions .General Information .Before You Operate .During Operation and Maintenance .4444Location of Safety Decals . 8Product Overview . 9Yanmar YM Features and Applications . 9New Engine Break-In . 10Component Identification . 11Service Side - 2YM15 . 11Non-Service Side - 2YM15 . 11Service Side - 3YM20 . 12Non-Service Side - 3YM20 . 12Service Side - 3YM30 . 13Non-Service Side - 3YM30 . 13Location of Nameplates . 14Function of Major Components . 15Control Equipment . 16Instrument Panel (Optional) . 16Single-Lever Remote Control Handle . 19Before You Operate . 21Diesel Fuel . 21Diesel Fuel Specifications . 21Filling the Fuel Tank . 24Bleeding the Fuel System . 25YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine Internationaliii
TABLE OF CONTENTSEngine Oil . 26Engine Oil Specifications . 26Engine Oil Viscosity . 26Checking the Engine Oil . 27Adding Engine Oil . 27Marine Gear or Sail Drive Oil . 28Marine Gear Oil Specifications . 28Sail Drive Oil Specifications - SD20 . 28Checking Marine Gear Oil . 28Adding Marine Gear Oil . 29Checking and Adding Sail Drive Oil . 29Engine Coolant . 29Engine Coolant Specifications . 29Checking and Adding Coolant . 30Cranking the Engine . 32Daily Checks . 33Visual Checks . 33Checking Diesel Fuel, Engine Oil and EngineCoolant Levels . 34Checking and Refilling Marine Gear Oil . 34Checking the Battery Electrolyte Level . 34Checking the Alternator Belt . 34Checking the Remote Control Handle . 34Checking the Alarm Indicators . 34Preparing Fuel, Oil and Coolant in Reserve . 34Engine Operation . 35Starting the Engine . 36Restarting After Starting Failure . 37Starting at Low Temperatures . 37After the Engine Has Started . 38Remote Control Handle Operation . 39Acceleration and Deceleration . 39Shifting the Engine . 39Shutting Down the Engine . 40Emergency Shutdown . 40Checking the Engine After Operation . 41Periodic Maintenance . 43Safety Precautions . 43Precautions . 45The Importance of Periodic Maintenance . 45Performing Periodic Maintenance . 45The Importance of Daily Checks . 45ivYM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International
TABLE OF CONTENTSKeep a Log of Engine Hours and Daily Checks . 45Yanmar Replacement Parts . 45Tools Required . 45Ask Your Authorized Yanmar Marine Dealer orDistributor For Help . 45Tightening Fasteners . 46EPA Maintenance Requirements . 47EPA Requirements for USA and Other ApplicableCountries . 47Conditions to Ensure Compliance with EPAEmission Standards . 47Inspection and Maintenance . 47Periodic Maintenance Schedule . 48Inspection and Maintenance of EPA EmissionRelated Parts . 51Periodic Maintenance Procedures . 52After Initial 50 Hours of Operation . 52Every 50 Hours of Operation . 56Every 100 Hours of Operation . 58Every 150 Hours of Operation . 59Every 250 Hours of Operation . 59Every 1000 Hours of Operation . 62Troubleshooting . 65Troubleshooting After Starting . 65Troubleshooting Information . 66Troubleshooting Chart . 67Long-Term Storage . 71Prepare Engine for Long-Term Storage . 71Draining the Cooling System . 72Specifications . 75Principal Engine Specifications . 752YM15 Engine Specifications . 753YM20 Engine Specifications . 773YM30 Engine Specifications . 79Marine Gear and Sail Drive Specifications . 81System Diagrams . 83Piping Diagrams . 83Wiring Diagrams . 88Emission System Warranty . 91Non-Road Emission System Warranty . 91YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine Internationalv
TABLE OF CONTENTSYanmar Co., Ltd. Limited Emission ControlSystem Warranty - USA Only . 91Maintenance Log . 94viYM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International
INTRODUCTIONWelcome to the world of Yanmar Marine!Yanmar Marine offers engines, drivesystems and accessories for all types ofboats, from runabouts to sailboats, and fromcruisers to mega yachts. In marine leisureboating, the worldwide reputation of YanmarMarine is second to none. We design ourengines to respect nature. This meansquieter engines, with minimal vibrations,cleaner than ever. All of our engines meetapplicable regulations, including emissions,at the time of manufacture.To help you enjoy your Yanmar YM seriesengine for many years to come, pleasefollow these recommendations: Read and understand this OperationManual before you operate the engine toensure that you follow safe operatingpractices and maintenance procedures. Keep this Operation Manual in aconvenient place for easy access. If this Operation Manual is lost ordamaged, order a new one from yourauthorized Yanmar Marine dealer ordistributor. Make sure this manual is transferred tosubsequent owners. This manual shouldbe considered a permanent part of theengine and remain with it. Constant efforts are made to improve thequality and performance of Yanmarproducts, so some details included in thisOperation Manual may differ slightly fromyour engine. If you have any questionsabout these differences, please contactyour authorized Yanmar Marine dealer ordistributor. The specifications and components(instrument panel, fuel tank, etc.)described in this manual may differ fromones installed on your vessel. Please referto the manual provided by themanufacturer of these components. Refer to the Yanmar Limited WarrantyHandbook for a complete warrantydescription.YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International1
INTRODUCTIONRECORD OF OWNERSHIPTake a few moments to record the information you need when you contact Yanmar forservice, parts or literature.Engine Model:Engine Serial No.:Date Purchased:Dealer:Dealer Phone:2YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International
SAFETYYanmar considers safety of greatimportance and recommends that anyonewho comes in close contact with itsproducts, such as those who install,operate, maintain or service Yanmarproducts, exercise care, common senseand comply with the safety information inthis manual and on the engine’s safetydecals. Keep the decals from becomingdirty or torn and replace them if they are lostor damaged. Also, if you need to replace apart that has a decal attached to it, makesure you order the new part and decal at thesame time.!This safety alert symbol appearswith most safety statements. Itmeans attention, become alert,your safety is involved! Pleaseread and abide by the messagethat follows the safety alertsymbol.! DANGERIndicates a hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, will result in death orserious injury.! WARNINGIndicates a hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, could result in death orserious injury.! CAUTIONIndicates a hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, could result in minor ormoderate injury.NOTICEIndicates a situation which can causedamage to the engine, personal propertyand / or the environment or cause theequipment to operate improperly.YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International3
SAFETYSAFETY PRECAUTIONSGeneral InformationThere is no substitute for common senseand careful practices. Improper practices orcarelessness can cause burns, cuts,mutilation, asphyxiation, other bodily injuryor death. This information contains generalsafety precautions and guidelines that mustbe followed to reduce risk to personal safety.Special safety precautions are listed inspecific procedures. Read and understandall of the safety precautions before operationor performing repairs or maintenance.During Operation andMaintenance! DANGERThe safety message that follows hasDANGER level hazards.Crush HazardNEVER stand under a hoistedengine. If the hoist mechanismfails, the engine will fall on you.Fire HazardEnsure that appropriate firedetection and extinguishingequipment are installed andchecked periodically forproper operation.Before You Operate! DANGERThe safety messages that follow haveWARNING level hazards.NEVER permit anyone toinstall or operate theengine without propertraining. Read and understand this OperationManual before you operate or service theengine to ensure that you follow safeoperating practices and maintenanceprocedures. Safety signs and decals are additionalreminders for safe operating andmaintenance techniques. See your authorized Yanmar Marinedealer or distributor for additional training.4YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International
SAFETYSever Hazard! WARNINGThe safety messages that follow haveWARNING level hazards.Explosion HazardWhile the engine is running orthe battery is charging,hydrogen gas is beingproduced and can be easilyignited. Keep the area aroundthe battery well-ventilated and keep sparks,open flames and any other form of ignitionout of the area.NEVER wear jewelry,unbuttoned cuffs, ties orloose-fitting clothing andALWAYS tie back long hairwhen working near moving /rotating parts such as the flywheel or PTOshaft. Keep hands, feet and tools away fromall moving parts.Alcohol and Drug HazardNEVER operate the enginewhile under the influence ofalcohol or drugs or if you arefeeling ill.Fire and Explosion HazardDiesel fuel is flammable and explosiveunder certain conditions.NEVER use a shop rag to catch the fuel.Wipe up all spills immediately.NEVER refuel with the engine running.Store any containers containing fuel in awell-ventilated area, away from anycombustibles or sources of ignition.Fire HazardUndersized wiring systemscan cause an electrical fire.Exposure HazardALWAYS wear personalprotective equipmentincluding appropriateclothing, gloves, work shoes,eye and hearing protection asrequired for the task at hand.Sudden Movement HazardALWAYS stop the engine before beginningservice.NEVER leave the key in the key switch whenyou are servicing the engine. Someone mayaccidentally start the engine and not realizeyou are servicing it.NEVER operate the engine while wearing aheadset to listen to music or radio becauseit will be difficult to hear the warning signals.Stop the engine before you begin to serviceit.YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International5
SAFETY! WARNING! CAUTIONPiercing HazardAvoid skin contact with highpressure diesel fuel spraycaused by a fuel system leaksuch as a broken fuel injectionline. High-pressure fuel canpenetrate your skin and result in seriousinjury. If you are exposed to high-pressurefuel spray, obtain prompt medical treatment.NEVER check for a fuel leak with yourhands. ALWAYS use a piece of wood orcardboard. Have your authorized YanmarMarine dealer or distributor repair thedamage.Burn HazardSome of the engine surfacesbecome very hot duringoperation and shortly aftershutdown. Keep hands andother body parts away fromhot engine surfaces.Exhaust HazardNEVER block windows, ventsor other means of ventilation ifthe engine is operating in anenclosed area. All internalcombustion engines createcarbon monoxide gas during operation andspecial precautions are required to avoidcarbon monoxide poisoning.6The safety messages that follow haveCAUTION level hazards.Poor Lighting HazardEnsure that the work area is adequatelyilluminated. ALWAYS install wire cages onportable safety lamps.Tool HazardALWAYS use tools appropriate for the taskat hand and use the correct size tool forloosening or tightening engine parts.Flying Object HazardALWAYS wear eye protection whenservicing the engine or when usingcompressed air or high-pressure water.Dust, flying debris, compressed air,pressurized water or steam may injure youreyes.Coolant HazardWear eye protection andrubber gloves when youhandle Long Life enginecoolant. If contact with theeyes or skin should occur,flush eyes and wash immediately with cleanwater.YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International
SAFETYNOTICEThe safety messages that follow haveNOTICE level hazards.It is important to perform daily checks aslisted in the Operation Manual.Periodic maintenance prevents unexpecteddowntime, reduces the number of accidentsdue to poor engine performance and helpsextend the life of the engine.See your authorized Yanmar Marine dealeror distributor if you need to operate theengine at high altitudes. At high altitudes theengine will lose power, run rough andproduce exhaust gases that exceed thedesign specifications.ALWAYS be environmentallyresponsible.Follow the guidelines of the EPA or othergovernmental agencies for the properdisposal of hazardous materials such asengine oil, diesel fuel and engine coolant.Consult the local authorities or reclamationfacility.NEVER dispose of hazardous materials bydumping them into a sewer, on the groundor into ground water or waterways.If a Yanmar Marine Engine is installed at anangle that exceeds the specifications statedin the Yanmar Marine Installation Manuals,engine oil may enter the combustionchamber causing excessive engine speed,white exhaust smoke and serious enginedamage. This applies to engines that runcontinuously or those that run for shortperiods of time.If you have an installation with two or threeengines and only one engine is operating,the seacock of the non-running engine(s)should be closed. This will prevent waterfrom being forced past the seawater pumpand entering the engine. The result of waterentering the engine could cause engineseizure or other serious problems.If you have an installation with two or threeengines, and only one engine is operating,please note that if the propeller shaftthru-hull (stuffing box) is lubricated byengine water pressure and the engines areinterconnected, care must be taken thatwater from the running engine does notenter the exhaust of the non-running engine(s). This water could cause seizure of thenon-running engine(s). See your authorizedYanmar Marine dealer or distributor for acomplete explanation of this condition.If you have an installation with two or threeengines, and only one engine is operating,it is important to limit the amount of throttleapplied to the running engine. If you observeblack smoke or movement of the throttledoes not increase engine rpm, you areoverloading the engine that is running.Immediately throttle back to approximatelytwo-thirds throttle or to a setting where theengine performs normally. Failure to do somay cause the running engine to overheator cause excess carbon buildup which mayshorten the engine's life.YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International7
SAFETYLOCATION OF SAFETY DECALSFigure 1 shows the location of safety decals on Yanmar YM series marine engines.YM gure 11 – Part Number: 128377–072602 – Part Number: 128377–073503 – Part Number: 196630–129808YM Series Operation Manual 2007 Yanmar Marine International
PRODUCT OVERVIEWYANMAR YM FEATURESAND APPLICATIONSThe YM series are four-stroke directinjection diesel engines equipped with liquidcoolant systems.The 2YM15 is a 2-cylinder engine and isnaturally aspirated.The 3YM20 is a 3-cylinder engine and isnaturally aspirated.The 3YM30 is a 3-cylinder engine and isnaturally aspirated.These engines are equipped with a marinegear or sail drive unit.These engines are designed for pleasurecraft use.It is recommended that new vessels bepropped so the engines can operate at100 - 200 rpm above the Maximum RatedPower Output rpm (3700 - 3800) to allow forsome added weight and hull resistance. Theengine m
Welcome to the world of Yanmar Marine! Yanmar Marine offers engines, drive systems and accessories for all types of boats, from runabouts to sailboats, and from cruisers to mega yachts. In marine leisure boating, the worldwide reputation of Yanmar Marine is second to none. We design our engines to respect nature. This means
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SMP Series page 73 FAKRA Connectors page 77 BNC Series page 79 TNC Series page 108 N Series page 133 7/16 Series page 149 UHF/MINI-UHF Series page 159 F Series page 167 Twin Series page 175 D-sub Series page 179 FME Series page 181 1.0/2.3 Series page 183 1.6/5.6 Series page 189 Filtered Series page 197
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Windlass Selection Guide and Chart 2 Maxwell Product Innovation 4 An Introduction to Maxwell’s Products 5 RC6 Series 6 RC8 Series 8 RC10 Series 10 RC12 Series 12 AnchorMax and VC Series 14 VW Series 16 VWC Series 18 NEW - HRC6 and HRC8 Series 20 HRC10 Series 22 HWC Series 24 Accessories - Controllers and Counters 26 Accessories - Control gear 28
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