2020 – 2021 Year 5 / 6 curriculum planning Term BTerm 1Through the doorTerm 2VolcanoesEarthquakesMountainsExtreme earthTerm 3SpaceWOWVisit to London – unable due to COVIDNational Space CentreLiteracyreading and writing narrativethe power of imagery throughpoetryinstructionsPersuasive writing- Downingstreet lettersargumentrevisionexplanationsSpeaking andListeningEscape from rompompeii.htmlDescriptive writingNewspaper reportLettersShort storyChronological reportDiary entriesThe London Eye MysteryNovels and stories bysignificant authorsDescriptions andcharacterisationStory writing (Historicalsettings)Persuasive writingPoetryHistorical reportsRecountsFables, myths and legendsPerform my own compositions, poems and plays.Develop speaking skills by thinking of the audience and varyingexpression and vocabulary.Develop listening skills to show you understand the main pointsof a discussion.Talk confidently and fluently in a range of situations.Use the formal language of persuasion.Term 4biographies and autobiographiesclassics and narrative poemsrevisionTerm 5Term 6What a wonderful world!Residential Y6Forest schoolsYorkshire Wildlife Parkthe power of imagery through poetryexplanationsrevision- explanationsdramatic conventionsscary storiesspooky talesteacher choiceHoles- Novels and stories by significant authorsNon – fiction textsPoetryDebatesMyths and legendsNarrativeExplanation textsInstructions- hover bikeScience FictionWhile the Whales Came- Novels and stories bysignificant authorsFilm tsInformation textsPerform my own compositions, poems and plays.Express my point of view.Understand the need for Standard English.Ask questions to develop ideas and take account ofothers’ views.Explain ideas and opinion giving reasons and evidence.Take an active part in discussions.Perform my own compositions, poems and plays.Listen carefully in discussions and contribute myideas.Begin to use hypothetical language to considerdifferent outcomes.begin to select the appropriate register accordingto context.1
dramaSpellingEngage listeners.Sustain and argue a point of view in a debate.cultures customs traditionssilent nightWords ending in iousWords ending in ciousWords ending in tial / cialChallenge wordsChallenge wordsglobal warmingdisaster disasterWords ending in ableAdverbs of timeAdding suffixesSilent letters at thestartSilent lettersChallenge wordsSuffix – full (convertingnouns or verbs)Words with o spelled ouor owWords with soft cspelled cePrefix – dis, un, over, imWords ending in ant / anceent / encewords ending in ible and ablewords ending in ibly and ablyChallenge wordsChallenge wordsShort vowel i spelled with yLong vowel i spelled with yPrefix – overI before e except aftercOughModal verbsChallenge wordsf spelled phWord origins from othercountriesUnstressed vowelsWords ending in shuhlafter a vowelWords ending in shulafter a consonantMake deliberate choices about how to convey ideasabout characters, contexts and atmosphere.the rhythm of lifefunky machinesHomophones or nearRevision of year 5 keyhomophoneswordsacc at the beginning of***do Y6 summer inwordspreparation for year 6Words ending in ablyAdverbs and synonymsWords ending in ibleof determinationAdding ibly to create anAdjectives to describeadverbsettingsChanging ent to enceVocabulary to describeEr / or / ar at the endfeelingsof wordsAdjectives to describecharacterGrammar andmathematicalvocabularySPaGDictionary skills, thesaurus skillsRainbow Grammar - adverb, adjective, nouns, subordinating clauses, linking adverbs, subordinating conjunction, speech, collective nouns, determiners, phrasal verbs, indefinitepronouns, adverbial phraseYear 5- relative clauses, modal verbs, build cohesion within a paragraph, brackets, dashes, commas to indicate parenthesisYear 6- synonyms and antonyms, informal speech, formal speech, active and passive, cohesive devices, repetition, adverbials, ellipsis, independent clauses, colon, semicolon,hyphensReadingApply knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixesread and discuss an increasingly wide range of fiction, poetry,plays, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks .Identify and discuss themes and conventions in and across awide range of writing.Check that the book makes sense to them, discuss theirunderstanding and explore the meaning of words in context.Ask questions to improve understanding.Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings,thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifyinginferences with evidence.Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion.Explain and discuss understanding of what they have read,Increase familiarity with a wide range of books,including myths, legends and traditional stories,modern fiction, fiction from our literary heritage,and books from other cultures and traditions.Read books that are structured in different waysand reading for a range of purposes.Summarise the main ideas drawn from more than oneparagraph, identifying key details that support themain ideas identifying how language, structure andpresentation contribute to meaning.Participate in discussions about books that are readto them and those they can read for themselves,building on their own and others’ ideas andchallenging views courteously. Recommend books thatMake comparisons within and across books.Learn a wider range of poetry by heartPrepare poems and plays to read aloud and toperform, showing understanding through intonation,tone and volume so that the meaning is clear to anaudience.Discuss and evaluate how authors use language,including figurative language, considering theimpact on the reader.Retrieve, record and present information from nonfiction.Provide reasoned justifications for their views.2
NumeracyScienceHistoryincluding through formal presentations and debates,maintaining a focus on the topic and using notes wherenecessary.Numbers to 1,000,000 –Negative numbers10,000,000Roman numerals to 1000RoundingMultiples and factorsAdd / subtract beyond 4Long multiplicationdigitsLong/Short divisionMultiply and divide by 10, 100, 3D shape1000NetsDecimal fractionsAnglesConvert measuresRegular / irregular polygonsLine graphsCo-ordinatesY5 – Material World (Spencer Y6 - ElectrifyingSilver and Ruth Benerito)Explain how the number andCompare and group materialsvoltage of cells in a circuitbased on propertieslinks to the brightness of a(magnets)bulb or the volume of aDissolvingbuzzer.Separating materialsDraw circuit diagrams withReversible and irreversiblethe correct symbolschangesCircuit componentsMaterials for differentpurposesthey have read to their peers,Give reasons for their choices(World book day)FractionsPrime numbers / primePercentages Readingfactorstables and timetablesSquared and cubedUse formulaenumbersNumber sequences.Percentage and decimalArea of 2D shapesequivalentsPerimeterReflection andVolumetranslation of shapesMissing numbersRatio and proportionPie ChartsAveragesYear 5 – Out of this world (Ptolemy, Copernicus,Alhazen and Galileo Galilei)Y5 – Let’s get movingY6 - pioneering scientistsExplain gravity and the impact on our livesIdentify and explain air / water resistance / frictionExplain how levers, pulleys and gears allow a smallerforce to have a greater effect)Earth and spaceMovement of planetsNight and dayScaling by simplefractionsOrdering fractionsAdd and subtractfractions with differentdenominators.Metric / imperial uivalent fractions,decimals andpercentagesMultiply properfractions and mixednumbersMultiply and divide pairsof proper fractionsArea / volume andcapacityY6 – Classifying Critters (Carl Linaeus and JaneGoodall)Y6 – We’re evolving (Charles Darwin and AlfredWallace)Stages of growth in humansCirculatory systemImpact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle onhealthTransportation of nutrients and water in animalsand humansDescribe the life cycle of different living things(mammal, amphibian, insect, bird)Differences between different life cyclesReproduction in plantsReproduction in animalsClassify living things into groupsDescribe how earth and living things have changedover timeExplain how fossils can be used to find out aboutthe pastVariation in offspringAdaptation linked to evolutionExtended chronological study – a significant turning point inhistory (parliament)Interpret historical evidence3
GeographySelect and organise relevant historical information makingappropriate use of dates and terms - Time line – key events /people (London)Place features of historical events and people from the pastsocieties and periods in a chronological frameworkUse dates and vocabulary relating to the passing of tieincluding century and decade BC, BCE, ADChanges / things which have stayed the same in historicalperiodsExplain how parliament effects decision making in EnglandExplain how London has changed over timeI can devise my own questions about change, cause anddifference and investigate to find possible answers ie How hasLondon has changed over a period of time / How is Londondifferent to The Mayan civilisation?Summarise the main events from a period off historyexplaining the order of events and what happened (History ofLondon).Summarise how Britain has had a major influence on the worldwith London as its capital city.Summarise main events from a period of history Similarities,differences, changes between periods of history (London /Mayans)Describe a key event in Britain’s past using a range of evidencefrom different sources (Magna Carta)I can recognise the social, cultural and religious diversity insocieties (London)http://www.mayankids.com/Place knowledge – LondonHuman and Physical geographyGeographical skills andMountains, volcanoes,fieldworkearthquakes, biomes andWhy is London situated closeclimate zonesto a river (Thames)Name an locate the world’sWhy are people attracted tomost famous mountain regionslive by rivers (Thames)in an atlasExplain the course of theRiver Thames.Name and locate many of theworld’s most famous rivers inan atlasGeographical Skills and FieldworkHuman and physical geographyVegetation beltsName the largest desert in the world and locatedesert regions in an atlas Tropic of Identify ndname the Cancer / Capricorn /Arctic and Antarctic Circles.Explain how time zones work and calculate timedifferences around the world.4
Explain how London fits intoits wider geographicallocation with reference tohuman and economicalfeatures.Explain how a location fitsinto its wider geographicallocation with reference tohuman and economic features(London)Answer questions using a map(London activity)Describe how are some placessimilar and dissimilar inrelation to their human andphysical features (Belper –London – Mexico – Peakdistrict)Use maps, aerial photographs,plans and e-resources todescribe what London mightbe likeDTDesign, Evaluate and Make –tea light jar for enterpriseprojectCooking and Nutrition – making soupDesign, Evaluate and Make – a bug hotelDesign and make a healthy snackCollect information and come up with ideasProduce a detailed step by step plan and suggestalternativesExplain how a product would appeal to a specificaudienceEvaluate appearanceand functionUse a range of tools and equipment competentlyShow I can be hygienic and safe in the kitchenTest and evaluate productsShow how products can be stored and give reasonsWork within a budgetEvaluate product against a clear criteria5
ArtBritish ValuesREPSHCERSEDrawing of a personPrinting / textilesCreate accurate print designfollowing criteriaOverprint to create differentpatternsAndy WarholDigital artUse image which I havecreated scanned and found;altering them wherenecessary to create art (AndyWarhol)Use a range of E-resources tocreate artAndy Warhol Christmas cards/ calendarsPainting of a personSculptureAndy GosldworthyIdentify and draw objects and use marks and lines toproduce texture (environment)Use shading to create mood and feelingExplain style of work and how it has been influencedby famous artistsArchitect / designerFrank Lloyd Wright's workWhat can be learnt from the lives of others – Scientists, religious leaders, historians, composers, artistsFund raising / enterprise dayTolerance of faithsRights / responsibilities / class rules / making good choices /Acceptance of others opinionsschool behaviour systemMeeting the mayor / town councilSchool council elections / voting / class ambassadors / peerAge of criminal responsibility (Y5 / 6)tutorsGovernment (link to police force)Values and punishmentsY4/5 – what makes a leader worth followingAnti-bullyingLocal MP visit / visit to houses of parliamentWhat can we learn from aWhat do different peopleWhat do religions teach about the natural world andMuslim way of life?believe about God?why we should care about it?Pilgrimage to the HajjReligious practices and ways of livingQuestions of values and commitmentsBeing MeGrowing UpBeing SafeDrug EducationY5 – friendships andrelationshipsY6 - Gender based prejudiceY5 / Y6– Safe internet / grooming / Alright CharlieDrawing of a personPaintingUse feedback to make amendments andimprovements to my workDrawing and sketchingLink to plants / animalsArtist study –Any WarholMatisseHunderwasserOrganise line, tone, shape and colour to representfigure and form in movement.Express emotion in my artResearch the work of an artist and use their workto replicate styleExplain why I have used different tools /techniques to create artI can explain why I have used specific techniquesto create my artMaking informed choicesDo all countries have individual liberty?How and why do believers show their commitmentsduring the journey of lifeMoney MattersChangesY5 - understand how to deal with physical andemotional changes (Puberty)6
ComputingE-safetyembeddedthroughoutDedicated esafety sessions:Term 1- includecreating AUP’sTerm 3 - Saferinternet daywith a theme of'Be the change:Unite for a betterinternet'ComputingresourcesY6 – media / peer pressure.Healthy / unhealthyrelationshipsY5 / 6 - Aspirations for thefutureCreating year group foldersto organise workThe environment.Recording, analysing andpresenting of data. includingspreadsheets with formulasCreating/discussing AUP’s& e-safetyResearching the Internet forpresenting the information inown words (plagiarism), usingthe spellchecker,Checking validity ofinformation on the Internet(facts checked on 3websites),y 6 to link to &reference www’s,Y5 to link to websites.Hyperlink using text, images,buttonse safetyPowerPoint / clickerSpreadsheets, data, tablesand graphsComparisons betweencivilisations –Mexico/todayMayans - civilisationsY6 – Revise pubertyFGMHow babies are conceived / how babies are bornMovie maker, voices, sounds, manipulating images,transitionsPowerPoint writing an adventure story – usinghyperlinks to different slides depending on the‘decisions made/where the decisions take you’. Usingsounds, voice recordings and animations.USING photographs / images relating to Earth &SpaceInput / output – microphones, headphones, printers,data loggers, mouse, cameras, thermometers5. Coco -3, programming& fault finding onscreenCoding6.Serial boxes –creating circuits, faultfinding in circuits &programmes (scratch)Project based,consolidation of skillsUsing apps e.g. Scratch.computer sciencemultimediacomputer science/multimediaYear 6 SATs revisionKeyboard skills practiseeach weekdata handling information Use my music diary torecord aspects of thecomposition processY5 throughout yearBreathe in the correct place when singingMaintain my part whilst others are performing their partImprovise within a group using melodic and rhythmic phrasesCompose music which meets specific criteriaUse notation to record groups of pitches (chords)Change sounds or organise them differently to change the effectChoose the most appropriate tempo for a piece of musicDescribe, compare and evaluate music using musical vocabularyExplain why music (I think) music is successful or unsuccessfulIdentify the style of work of Beethoven, Mozart and BrittenMusicWho knows? (music expressy6)Stars, hide your fires (musicexpress Y6)PowerPoint / moviemakerTextease turtle/purple mash, coco 3, scratchYear 6 throughout year(As above) use musical vocabulary to describe passages from their workSing in harmony confidently and accuratelyPerform parts from memoryTake the lead in a performanceUse a variety of different musical devices in own composition (including melodyrhythms, chords)Evaluate how the venue occasion and purpose fits the way piece of music is created.Analyse features within different pieces of musicJourney into space(music express y6)Cyclic patterns (Musicexpress y6)Song writer (musicexpress y6)Roundabout (musicexpress y6)7
Recordersthrough the yearCreative / improvisation – Ajourney down the ThamesCreative music basedaround a poemPEIndoor – AthleticsOutdoors – Rugby / footballIndoor – DanceOutdoor – hockey(RESTRICTIONS DUE TOCOVID)(RESTRICTIONS DUE TOCOVID)Indoor – GymnasticsOutdoor - BasketballY6 playIndoor – DanceOutdoor – netballOutdoor – TennisOutdoor - Cricket /roundersOutdoor – outdoor /adventureOutdoor - athletics8
Spelling Words ending in ious Words ending in cious Words ending in tial / cial Challenge words Challenge words Words ending in ant / ance ent / ence words ending in ible and able words ending in ibly and ably Challenge words Challenge words Short vowel i spelled with y Long vowel i spelled w
August 2, 2021 15 August 2, 2021 16 August 2, 2021 17 August 3, 2021 18 August 4, 2021 19 August 5, 2021 20 August 6, 2021 21 August 9, 2021 22 August 9, 2021 23 August 9, 2021 24 August 10, 2021 25 August 11, 2021 26 August 12, 2021 27 August 13, 2021 28 August 16, 2021 29 August 16, 2021 30 August 16, 2021 31
Cadillac Escalade, Escalade ESV 2020 2020 Cadillac XT4 2020 2020 Cadillac XT5 2020 2020 Chevrolet Blazer 2019 2020 Chevrolet Express 2018 2021 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 2018 2020 Chevrolet Suburban 2020 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe 2020 2020 Chevrolet Traverse 2020 2020 GMC Acadia 2019 2020 GMC Savana 2018 2021
EU Tracker Questions (GB) Total Well Total Badly DK NET Start of Fieldwork End of Fieldwork 2020 15/12/2020 16/12/2020 40 51 9-11 08/12/2020 09/12/2020 41 47 12-6 02/12/2020 03/12/2020 27 57 15-30 26/11/2020 27/11/2020 28 59 13-31 17/11/2020 18/11/2020 28 60 12-32 11/11/2020 12/11/2020 28 59 12-31 4/11/2020 05/11/2020 30 56 13-26 28/10/2020 29/10/2020 29 60 11-31
2020–2021 UMGC Catalog. and represents changes and additions made after original publication. Refer to the . 2020–2021 Catalog. for information on all other programs, services, and policies. 2020 2021 UMGC Catalog . 2020 2021 UMGC Catalog . 2020 2021 Catalog . 2020 2021 Catalog . ABO
1ST STAGE RESULT 2ND STAGE RESULT PAINTING 9th –20 THOCT, 2021 25 THOCT, 2021 (International Artist Day) 30 OCT –7 NOV, 2021 14TH NOV, 2021 (FINAL RESULTS) WRITING 9th –20TH OCT, 2021 25TH OCT, 2021 (International Artist Day) 30TH OCT –7TH NOV, 2021 14TH NOV, 2021 (FINAL RESULTS) LYRICS, SINGING AND MUSIC 4TH NOV (To be
2021 CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTING DATES (Not applicable to candidates running for Federal offices.) TYPE REPORT COMPLETE AS OF FILING DEADLINE** 2020 Annual Report December 31, 2020 February 1, 2021 *6th Tuesday Pre-Primary March 29, 2021 April 6, 2021 2nd Friday Pre-Primary May 3, 2021 May 7, 2021 30-Day Post-Primary June 7, 2021 June 17, 2021
Dear Families, YSafe Cyber Workshop Tuesday 17 July. . Thank you for supporting our Scholastic book sales throughout the year as money raised from these . Year One Boys Year Year Year One GirlsOne GirlsOne Girls Year 2 Boys YeaYear 2 Boys Year 2 Girr 2 Girls Year 3 Boyls Year 3 Boysls Year 3 Boys s Year 3 GirlsYear 3 GirlsYear 3 Girls Year .
Sep 09, 2021 · Ready Schools, Safe Learners: Guidance for School Year 2020-21 version 7.5.2 issued on May 28, 2021. The Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework for the 2021-22 School Year becomes effective on June 30, 2021. The Resiliency Framework may be used for summer school 2021 as well as school year 2021-22.