www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 1 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteFun Ways to Stay Fitthrough ACTIVITIESByDanny Wayne Pettry IICertified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist 2006, Danny Pettry, All Rights e.Com1Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 2 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteCopyright NoticeCopyright 2006 by Danny W. Pettry II. All rights reserved. Printed in theUnited States of America. This book contains activity worksheets that areexclusive with the author.Important: You have full permission toemail, print, and distribute this e-book toanyone as long as you include its fullcontents including this title page and alllinks shown throughout this e-book.Disclaimer NoticeThe author and publisher are not responsible for actions taken by anybody wholeads group activities that are presented in this book. Group leaders areresponsible for their own actions. The activities in this book are designed to teachthe basics of a healthy leisure lifestyle for participants. The safety of participantsor anyone who participates in activities should be taken into consideration at alltimes when leading group activities. For information, shing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 3 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteContentsFun Ways to Stay Fit through ACTIVITIES eBookContentsLearning Objectives34Activity P-1 Introduction to Physical FitnessActivity P-2 Physical Fitness ChecklistActivity P-3 Physical Fitness Secret Code ActivityActivity P-4 Physical Fitness Word Search PuzzleActivity P-5 Physical Fitness Crossword PuzzleActivity P-6 Physical Fitness Matching ActivityActivity P-7 Physical Fitness CollageActivity P-8 Physical AppearanceActivity P-9 Fun Ways to Stay FitActivity P-10 Physical Fitness and NutritionActivity P-11 Diet PlanActivity P-12 Physical Fitness and Muscle RelaxationActivity P-13 Ten Commandments for FitnessActivity P-14 Physical Fitness and Adaptive TechniquesActivity P-15 Physical Fitness Pros and ConsActivity P-16 Physical Fitness Goal PlanningActivity P-17 Physical Fitness Exercise PlanActivity P-18 Physical Fitness 27293133353739Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 4 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteFun Ways to Stay Fitthrough ACTIVITIESLearning -13P-14P-15P-16P-17P-18To understand physical fitness, its benefits, and foods a person needs to eat whileparticipating in a fitness programTo identify need for physical fitnessTo increase awareness of the benefits for participating in physical fitnessactivitiesTo increase awareness of fitness activitiesTo increase awareness of physical fitness activitiesTo increase awareness of the different levels of activityTo identify physical fitness activitiesTo understand concepts of self-careTo increase awareness of physical fitness activitiesTo increase awareness of a healthy diet that a person needs for starting physicalfitness program and to plan a diet for one weekTo keep track of eating habits and plan better eating habitsTo increase awareness of muscle relaxation techniquesTo increase awareness of your capabilities for fitnessTo increase awareness of adaptive techniques for people who have disabilityTo compare the benefits of physical fitness to the consequences of not doingfitness activitiesTo increase goal-planning skills and to increase physical fitnessTo keep record of participation in fitness and exercise programTo demonstrate awareness of physical fitness activities, benefits of fitness, andtips for a healthy dietwww.TeachLeisure.Com4Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 5 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteActivity P-1: Introduction to Physical FitnessInstructor’s GuideACTIVITYObjective: To understand physical fitness,its benefits and foods a person needs to eatwhile participating in a fitness programDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. What was the purpose of thisactivity?2. What did you learn from thisactivity?3. What are benefits of physicalfitness?4. Would you be interested in startinga fitness activity program if you arenot already involved in one?5. What are the consequences for notparticipating in any fitnessactivities?Supplies: Copy of activity found on nextpage for each participant.Group Size: 2 to 10 membersIntroduction: Purpose of activity is tointroduce physical fitness to participants.This activity is a reading assignment. Itdiscusses physical fitness, benefits offitness, and the four food groups a personneeds to eat while participating in a fitnessprogram.Process: Explain purpose of activity. Passout supplies. Randomly select participantsto read aloud sections from the first part.SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Allow use of colored pencils forcreativity. RECOMMENDED RESOURCEThis book provides positiveencouragement for starting to run. Thesame basics could be applied to startinga fitness program. This book is gearedtowards adolescents, adults and possiblysenior citizens. Recommend for yourparticipants to read this book.Provide one-on-one assistance withparticipants as needed.Binghham, J. (1999). The courage to start,a guide to running for your life. New York,NY: Fireside.www.TeachLeisure.Com5Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 6 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteName: Date: Activity: P-1Introduction to Physical FitnessThis activity is a reading assignment. It introduces the topics that will becovered in this section.Once you have completed them, you will be able to: Identify the three levels of fitness activitiesIdentify benefits of physical fitness (and)Identify the four food groupsWhat are the three levels of fitness activities?o Low active activities. These activities are not considered to be fitness. Infact some may be non-active. Examples: watching television, reading abook or magazine, taking a nap, etc.o Moderate active activities. These activities have some degree of bodymovement to them. Examples include: bowling, gardening, walking, etc.o High active activities. These activities require major body movement.Examples include: tennis, running, gymnastics, football, etc.What are the benefits of physical fitness?The benefits of fitness are endless. All people can benefit from participating infitness activities. Fitness activities can build muscles and bones, decrease bloodpressure, decrease fat, increase flexibility, decrease chance for disease and illness,promote positive mood, and decrease stress and anxiety. These are just a few ofits benefits. There are many more. You may be more likely to start a fitnessactivity program by understanding the benefits of physical fitness.What are the four food groups?Doing fitness activities alone is not enough. People need to eat the right foods sothey can have energy to participate in fitness activities. It is recommended that aperson should eat 3 meals per day that include foods from all the food groupslisted below. A person should also drink 8 cups of water per day to preventdehydration.ooooMilk. Examples: milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, dairy productsMeat. Examples: chicken, fish, turkey, ham, steak, etc.Fruits and Vegetables: apples, bananas, tomatoes, lettuce, etc.Grains (breads): bread, pasta, rice, cereal, etc.www.TeachLeisure.Com6Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 7 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteActivity P-2: Physical Fitness ChecklistInstructor’s GuideACTIVITYObjective: To identify need for physicalfitnessDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Do you feel your results are correct?Explain why.2. What are your strengths? Focus onlines you checked yes for answers.3. Share at least one of your personalstrengths.4. What areas do you need to improveupon? Focus on lines you checkedno for answers.5. Share at least one area of neededimprovement. Even if you checkedall yes, think of one area that youcould benefit from improving.6. What did you learn about yourselffrom this activity?7. What are the consequences for notparticipating in any fitnessactivities?Supplies: One copy of activity found onnext page and one pencil for eachparticipant.Group Size: 2 to 10 membersIntroduction: Purpose of activity is todetermine participant’s need for physicalfitness activities.Process: Explain purpose of activity. Passout supplies. Require participants to checkoff the appropriate answer for eachstatement. Tally scores. Add up all theanswers checked yes in the first columnand all the answers checked no in thesecond column. Determine which columnhad the most checks.SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Allow use of colored pencils forcreativity. Provide one-on-one assistance withparticipants as needed. Provide assistance with tallyingscores as needed.www.TeachLeisure.Com7Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 8 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteName: Date: Activity: P-2Physical Fitness ChecklistDirections: Place a checkmark in column to identify your answer.Physical Fitness1. I perform stretches 5 out of 7 days2. I have a 30 min. workout 5 out of 7 days3. I go for a brisk walk 3 out of 7 days4. I do activities that require me to move a lot5. I am involved in a sport 3 out of 7 days6. I swim or bike ride once per week7. I take the stairs instead of the elevator8. I DO NOT smoke9. I feel that I get enough physical activity10. I get at least 8 or 9 hours of sleep at nightAdd total answers checked yes and no. TOTALSNutrition1. I eat fruits and vegetables every day2. I drink 8 cups of water every day3. I drink 2 or 3 cups of milk every day4. I DO NOT drink more than one cola every2 or 3 days5. I do not eat sweets more than once every 2or 3 days.6. I eat three balanced meals every day7. I feel that I have a healthy weight8. I eat healthy snacks: crackers, cheese, sliceof turkey on bread, veggies or fruits.9. I feel that I eat healthy10. I eat 2 or 3 pieces of meat or forvegetarians: beans, seeds, peas or nuts.Add total answers checked yes and no. TOTALSYesNoYesNoResultsPhysical FitnessMostly yes for physical fitness You may already have a goodhabit of physical activityMostly no for physical fitness You probably need to start doingfitness activities to preventdisease or other healthproblems.www.TeachLeisure.ComNutritionMostly yes for nutrition You may already have good,healthy eating habits.Mostly no for nutrition You probably need to start eatingbetter to prevent disease or otherhealth problems.8Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 9 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteActivity P-3: Physical Fitness Secret Code ActivityInstructor’s GuideACTIVITYObjective: To increase awareness of thebenefits for participating in physical fitnessactivities1.2.Supplies: One copy of activity found onnext page and one pencil for eachparticipant.3.4.DISCUSSION QUESTIONSWhat was the purpose of thisactivity?Require participants to sharebenefits they already have.Require participants to sharebenefits they would like to have.What did you learn about yourself?Group Size: 2 to 10 membersIntroduction: Purpose of activity is toincrease awareness of the benefits forfitness.Process: Explain purpose of activity. Passout supplies. Require participants tocomplete secret code activityindependently. Answer questions aloud aspart of group at end of session.SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Make copies on bright coloredsheets to enhance creativity. Allow use of colored pencils forcreativity. Provide one-on-one assistance withparticipants as needed. Provide younger participants withchildren’s dictionary. Explain words as needed.ANSWERSBenefits of Fitness Live longerSleep betterFeel positiveStrong musclesLess lonely and shyLose weightStrong bonesBetter self-esteemReduce depressionBetter blood pressure*Note: There are many more benefits tofitness.www.TeachLeisure.Com9Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 10 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteName: Date: Activity: P-3Physical Fitness Secret Code ActivityDirections: Write the letter for each number to solve the 8R19S20T21U22V23W24X25Y26ZBenefits of Physical Fitness12 – 9 – 22 – 512 – 15 – 14 – 7 – 5 – 1819 – 12 – 5 – 5 – 166 – 5 – 5 – 122 – 5 – 20 – 20 – 5 – 1816 – 15 –19 – 9 – 20 – 9 – 22—519 – 20 – 18 – 15 – 14 – 7 – 5 – 1812- 5 – 19 – 1913 – 21 – 19 – 3 – 12 – 5 – 1912 – 15 –14 – 5 – 12 – 2512 – 15 – 19 – 518 – 5 – 4 – 21 – 3 – 52 – 5 – 20 – 20 – 5 – 1819 – 8 – 2523 – 5 – 9 – 7 – 8 –2019 – 20 – 18 – 15 – 14 – 7 – 5 – 182 – 5 – 20 – 20 – 5 – 181 – 14 – 42 – 15 –14 – 5 – 1919 – 5 – 12 – 6 - 5 – 19 – 20 – 5 – 5 – 134 – 5 – 16 – 18 – 5 – 19 – 19 – 9 – 15—142 – 12 – 15 – 15 – 416 – 18 – 5 – 19 – 19 – 21 – 18 – 5 What other benefits do you get from doing physical activities?www.TeachLeisure.Com10Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 11 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteActivity P-4: Physical Fitness Word Search PuzzleInstructor’s GuideACTIVITYObjective: To increase familiarization offitness activitiesDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. What was the word search puzzleabout?2. What fitness activities do you do?3. What fitness activities would youlike to try?4. What did you learn from thisactivity?5. Why do you feel it is important toparticipate in fitness activities?6. What are the consequences for notparticipating in fitness activities?Supplies: One copy of activity found onnext page and one pencil for eachparticipant.Group Size: 2 to 10 membersIntroduction: Purpose of activity is toincrease awareness of different fitnessactivities.Process: Explain purpose of activity. Passout supplies. Require participants to findwords on word search puzzle. Answerquestion at bottom of page.SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Assign partners in groups of two.See which group completes thepuzzle first. Reward person or persons whofinished first with applause. Make copies on bright coloredsheets to enhance creativity. Allow use of colored pencils forcreativity. Provide one-on-one assistance withparticipants as needed. Provide younger participants withchildren’s dictionary. Explain words as needed.www.TeachLeisure.Com11Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 12 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteName: Date: Activity: P-4Physical Fitness Word Search PuzzleDirections: Find all hidden words listed below in word search puzzle below. Words cango forward, backwards, or diagonal.BaseballBasketballBike lfGymnasticsHikingIce SkatingInline SkatingLacrosseTennisRugbyRunningRock climbingSkateboardingSoftballSoccerSwimmingVolley ballYogaWalkingL L A B Y E L L O V P O I U Y T R E IG N I D R A O B E T A K S W E O W Q CW X R J S B M I B P D N Y R S P L R EE C Y M C O O K O E H E N U T L P T SR I N L I N E S K A T I N G A I A O KS V U L V B M S S L A E I B N U F Y AC B O P G Y M I T E N R T Y O T R U TI N L O Y N Y R I T Y E R S B U K I IT M J G N I D I R E K I B A R Y S O NS L G I G E A H C S O G L E T T A P GA J F Y O N E C A D T L V U H R G L UN G S U L L A B E S A B A O S E N K YM D A T F A D Y S A S N B M O W I M PY A W R J O D M C I E Y C Y U Q N N OG Q R E C C O S H C R H H I K I N G LT E S I N N E T A G E F A E N K U B AY T G W M D Y M B E E D O K Y G R V BU U H Q K Y C I R A A G O Y H L N C GI W J A L N A L D O L O N C E M D X NO A K N P N E J H D N L L I A N R Z IP L L A L A C R O S S E D M M O E A NL K P N D E X E R C I S E L S M C S OK I O I O U R E A Y A B S O T W I D IJ N N B I B A G N I C N A D W T R W TH G N I B M I L C K C O R H E S E A S Which fitness activities do you already do? Which new fitness activities are you interested in trying?www.TeachLeisure.Com12Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 13 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteActivity P-5: Physical Fitness Crossword PuzzleInstructor’s GuideACTIVITYObjective: To increase awareness ofphysical fitness activitiesDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. What was the purpose of thisactivity?2. What did you learn from thisactivity?3. Answer questions from crosswordpuzzle allowed as a group.4. Require participants to sharephysical fitness activities that theyalready do.5. Ask participants to share fitnessactivities that they would like to startdoing.Supplies: One copy of activity found onnext page and one pencil for eachparticipant.Group Size: 2 to 10 membersIntroduction: Purpose of activity is toincrease physical fitness activities with useof crossword puzzle.Process: Explain purpose of activity. Passout supplies. Require participants tocomplete crossword puzzle independently.Answer questions aloud as part of group atend of sessionSPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Copy activity on transparent page.Complete activity on overheadprojector with group. Allow use of colored pencils forcreativity. Provide one-on-one assistance withparticipants as needed.ANSWERSDown1. ropeBasketballTennisExerciseAerobicsDanceAcross Provide younger participants withchildren’s dictionary. Explain words as needed.www.TeachLeisure.Com8. Walking9. Bike10. Center11. Yoga12. Gymnastics13. Jog14. Soccer13Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 14 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteName: Date: Activity: P-5Physical Fitness Crossword PuzzleDirections: Identify correct fitness activity and write in spaces below.1386910572121141314Down1. An exercise, which you travel through water by rotating your arms and kickingyour legs back and fourth.2. An exercise, which you swing a rope over your head and jump over after the ropecomes back down again.3. An active game, which you run, dribble a ball and must throw it into a hoop toscore points.4. An active game, which you use a rack to hit a ball over a net to your opponent.5. Using your muscles to keep strong and fit.6. Exercises, which you move your body and are still able to talk without gaspingfor air.7. Moving your feet to the beat of music.Across8. An exercise, which you use your feet to travel9. An exercise, which has two wheels that you travel with by pushing pedals withyour feet.10. A place where a person can go to use exercise equipment to keep in shape.11. Exercises, which help you to control your body as well as improve spirituality andmental well-being while listening to music and while using breathing techniques.12. A sport, which requires you to use strength, balance, agility, and movement.13. An exercise, which is a slow pace of running.14. A game, which two teams of 11 players run and try to kick a ball into theopponents goal to score a point.Aerobics Basketball BikeCenterDanceExercise GymnasticsJogJump rope SoccerSwimming TennisWalking Yogawww.TeachLeisure.Com14Wishing Well Publishing
www.DannyPettry.Com ::: 15 :::Fun Ways to Stay FiteActivity P-6: Physical Fitness Matching ActivityInstructor’s GuideACTIVITYObjective: To increase awareness of thedifferent levels of activityDISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. What was the purpose of thisactivity?2. What types of activities would aperson need to do for a goodfitness activity program?Answer: A good mix of moderateand high active activities.Supplies: One copy of activity found onnext page and one pencil for eachparticipant.Group Size: 2 to 10 membersIntroduction: Purpose of activity is toincrease awareness of different levels offitness participation.Process: Explain purpose of activity. Passout supplies. Require participants toindependently complete matching activity.Answer questions aloud as part of group atend of sessionSPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Allow use of colored pencils forcreativity. Provide one-on-one assistance withparticipants as needed. Provide younger participants withchildren’s dictionary. Explain words as needed. Allow participants to use activitysheet P-1 for assistance.ANSWERS1. Gardening, M.2. Watching T.V., L3. Bowling, M.4. Running, H.5. Walking, M.6. Tennis, H.7. Reading, L.8. Movie theater, L.9. Arts and crafts, L.10. Baseball, H.11. Bike riding, H.12. Huntington,
P-15 To compare the benefits of physical fitness to the consequences of not doing fitness activities P-16 To increase goal-planning skills and to increase physical fitness P-17 To keep record of participation in fitness and exercise program P-18 To demonstrate awareness of physical fitness activities, benefits of fitness, and tips for a healthy .
All About the Alphabet Reading Alphabet Fun: A Reading Alphabet Fun: B Reading Alphabet Fun: C Reading Alphabet Fun: D Reading Alphabet Fun: E Reading Alphabet Fun: F Reading Alphabet Fun: G Reading Alphabet Fun: H Reading Alphabet Fun: I Reading Alphabet Fun: J Reading Alphabet Fun: K Reading Alphabet Fu
A) 5 ways B) 15 ways C) 16 ways D) 4 ways Objective: (10.5) Solve Apps: Complements Principle of Counting 32) If you toss six fair coins, in how many ways can you obtain at least two heads? A) 64 ways B) 63 ways C) 57 ways D) 58 ways Objective: (10.5)
work/products (Beading, Candles, Carving, Food Products, Soap, Weaving, etc.) ⃝I understand that if my work contains Indigenous visual representation that it is a reflection of the Indigenous culture of my native region. ⃝To the best of my knowledge, my work/products fall within Craft Council standards and expectations with respect to
6. I can handle any life event 7. I know different emotions 8. I am happy about 5 out of 7 days 9. I know my positive qualities 10. I can cope with my feelings 11. I enjoy free time 12. I know how to have fun 13. I put my talents to use 14. I express myself through activities 15. I do activities I enjoy 16. I know activities to do when feeling .
Nutrition Education Handouts for Adults . Content List Easy Ways to Add More Fruits and Vegetables to Your Meals Easy Ways to Build a Healthy Meal Easy Ways to Choose Colors of Good Health Easy Ways to Choose Healthy Portions Easy Ways to Cook with Beans Easy Ways to Cut the Salt Easy Ways to Eat a Variety of
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HAVING FUN: It seems like every time I pick up a book that has anything to do with fitness, they never say a word about having fun. The people in the pictures demonstrating the lifts have absolutely no trace of a smile on their face. A coach of mine once told me there are 2 kinds of fun: 1. Having fun building your house 2. Having fun at a .
5.1 Before accepting the appointment or as soon as the relevant facts are known, the arbitrator will disclose to the parties any actual or potential conflict of interest or any matter that might give rise to justifiable doubts as to his or her impartiality. 5.2 In the event of such disclosure, the parties, or either of them (as appropriate), may waive any objection to the arbitrator continuing .