INDUSTRY: PULP AND PAPER Cascades Tissue Group

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INDUSTRY: PULP AND PAPERCascades Tissue“The level ofengineering startup,system commissioning,and site support fromthe Invensys OperationsManagementapplication engineers,service engineers, andtechnical team wasoutstanding.”Mike ArmstrongElectrical and InstrumentationManagerCascades Tissue Group achieves operating efficiencies withInvensys Operations Management SolutionGoals Reduce standard deviation of basis weight andmoisture Automate controls and save time, maintain specand ensure product consistency Increase uptime, greater overall capacityutilization and lower maintenance costsChallenges Update outdated controls at the Eau Clairemill and continue to strength its position in theincreasingly competitive global paper industrySolutions and Products Foxboro Distributed Control System I/A Series Wonderware InTouch HMI SoftwareResults Improved product quality reduced breakage,resulting in improved uptime, greater overallcapacity utilization, and lower maintenance costs The multivariable expert adaptive control bringsgreater efficiency in energy utilization, improveswaste and discharge handling. New system prevents to the corrosiveenvironment at the mill floor

Eau Claire, Wisconsin – Founded in 1964,Cascades, Inc. is a North American leader inthe production, conversion, and marketing ofpackaging products, fine papers, and tissuepapers. Internationally, the Cascades Groupemploys more than 14,000 people and operatessome 160 modern and versatile operating unitsin Canada, the United States, Mexico, France,England, Germany and Sweden. In addition to itsbrands, Cascades Tissue Group is a major supplierof private label products for major chains anddrugstores. Its bathroom tissue, paper towels,paper hand towels, facial tissue, paper napkins, andrelated products are offered under brand namessuch as Cascades, Doucelle, and Capri for the retailmarket, and New Horizon, North River, Decor, andPerkins for the commercial and industrial markets.A hundred years of continuous serviceCascades Tissue Group, a leading supplier of tissuepaper products for more than 100 years, recentlyexperienced growing concern that outdatedcontrols at its Eau Claire mill would jeopardize itsposition in the increasingly competitive globalpaper industry.Paul Olson, Paper Mill Superintendent, said,“Making tissue that is soft, yet strong andconsistently high in quality requires superior controlover the moisture and gauging, especially duringpaper grade changes. Adjusting for basis weightand moisture after a grade change manually cantake the better part of an hour — and there is stillchance of human error. By automating, we cannotonly save time; we also maintain spec and ensureproduct consistency.”To meet this challenge, Cascades automatedcontrol of moisture and gauging on two tissuemachines — migrating from an ABB AccuracyModel 1180 QCS system running a conglomerationof single-loop controllers to a modern Foxboro I/ASeries Distributed Control System.Implementing New TechnologyThe new Invensys control architecture built onFoxboro technology includes a fault-tolerant I/ASeries system controller, a server, two humanmachine interface (HMI) workstation terminals, with200-series Fieldbus I/O modules, all communicatingacross a high-speed Ethernet network. This networkconfiguration enabled the I/O to be located nearthe tissue machine wet end operation, reducingboth control room space and field wiring.Using this Invensys solution, the operationsengineers have implemented regulatory andsupervisory control functions in a unified, opensystem architecture. Operators receive bettertrending analysis that enables them to correlatevariability for each production run. Stockpreparation controls help reduce disturbances thatcan significantly impact paper quality and papermachine performance.The pulp and paper industry experts of Invensyssupported the Cascades production managementteams throughout their engineering efforts.Results and Future GrowthCascades set out to reduce standard deviationof both basis weight and moisture. With the new

controls from Invensys, it met both objectives. Inaddition to contributing to product quality, thenew system has reduced breakage in parent webs,resulting in more uptime, greater overall capacityutilization, and lower maintenance costs.Another important benefit of the upgrade waslaying the foundation for implementing moreadvanced process controls. For example, the newFoxboro I/A Series Distributed Control Systemcurrently uses multivariable expert adaptivecontrol, which reduces consistency swings whileenabling performance trending and simplifiedtroubleshooting. This brings greater efficiencyin energy utilization, plus waste and dischargehandling. Because components are now housed ina central control room, equipment is not exposedto the corrosive environment of the mill floor.System maintainability and reliability also improvedramatically. Consolidated controls reduced theoverall number of system components, with manyof the components deployed equipped with selfdiagnostics.Cascades Tissue Group’s capital investment is wellprotected. The open architecture of the FoxboroI/A Series Distributed Control System is designedto accommodate advances in process control,information technology, application developmenttools, instruments, networking, and communicationsas benefits become available. This includestechnology resulting from Invensys engineeringor third-party commercial off the shelf (COTS)solutions.Commitment to backward compatibility of newtechnology ensures that Cascades Tissue Groupwill continue to receive substantial return on itsautomation investment for years to come.www.wonderware.fiRīgatel. 371 6738 1617info@wonderware.lvHelsinkitel. 358 9 540 4940automation@klinkmann.fiSt. Petersburgtel. 7 812 327 3752info@wonderware.ruMoscowtel. 7 495 641 1616info@wonderware.ruYekaterinburgtel. 7 343 287 1919info@wonderware.ruSamaratel. 7 846 273 95 85info@wonderware.ruКievtel. 38 044 495 33 370 5 215 1646info@wonderware.ltTallinntel. 372 668 4500info@wonderware.eeМinsktel. 375 17 200

INDUSTRY: PULP & PAPERAracruz Celulose Pulp“We chose toimplement Foxborointelligent remoteI/O because of theincreased architecturalflexibility and lowercost it provides.”Luiz Renato Chagas FigueiredoAutomation ManagerAracruz Celulose Modernizes, Upgrades Production at World’sLargest Pulp Producer using multi Invensys SolutionGoals Allow each Fiberline to operate independentlyand provide a unified view into all operations forbetter management of overall plant productivityChallenges Plant has multiple systems from differentvendors, most of which are outdated Current plant capacity is limited and needs to beexpanded to meet demandSolutions and Products Foxboro Distributed Control System I/A Series Foxboro Measurements and Instruments Triconex Critical and Safety Systems SimSci-Esscor Dynamic Simulation Wonderware InTouch HMI SoftwareResults Plant was expanded to become the largest singlepulp production facility in the world, capable ofproducing more than two million tons of marketpulp per year Boiler using Fisher Provox DCS with 1000 I/Owas migrated to Foxboro I/A in 3 hours and7 minutes Provides a strong avenue for future growth inproduction capacity Expanded overall production capacity andeliminated production bottlenecks

Espírito Santo, Brazil – Lush green forests sweepgrandly from the mountains to the ocean in thecoastal states of Espírito Santo and Bahia, Brazil,about 450 kilometers north of Rio de Janeiro. Whatis unusual about these forests, however, is thatthey are part of nearly 420,000 acres of eucalyptusplantations owned and managed by AracruzCelulose, one of the world’s leading producers ofmarket pulp.Project ScopeAracruz Celulose is unusual in that the mill hereuses eucalyptus trees for making pulp, which isshipped around the world to paper producers whomake tissue, fine printing, writing and specialtypaper products. The advantage of eucalyptustrees is that they grow so quickly, reaching matureheights of about 35 meters within just seven yearsof growth. This means that they can be harvestedmuch more frequently than the slow growing pineforests of North America. In addition, while theirfiber was originally considered to be secondaryquality, because of their shorter length, it nowis sought after because of its characteristics thatprovide high opacity, softness and good absorptionof inks.For all of these reasons, the Aracruz pulp mill hasnow grown to be the largest single pulp productionfacility in the world, capable of producing morethan two million tons of market pulp per year.Operations just east of the city of Aracruz beganin 1976 with the building of Fiberline A, whichwas capable of producing 400,000 tons a year ofbleached pulp. This first line was controlled byFoxboro PCI-100 pneumatic instrumentation. Theplant’s production capacity was expanded in 1986when Fiberline B was brought online to produce anadditional 600,000 tons of pulp a year.In 1995, Aracruz management overhauled bothlines to modernize and eliminate productionbottlenecks – while expanding their overallproduction capacity to 1.2 million tons per year.At this time, they replaced the original pneumaticcontrol systems with Foxboro I/A Series DistributedControl System. These were configured in a fivenode local area network, combining multipleapplication processors, user workstations interfacedto programmable logic controllers (PLCs). As manyas 125 field enclosures provided the I/O interfacingto more than 1,500 field instruments, using FoxComcommunications. In addition, InTouch HumanMachine Interface software from Wonderware wasinstalled to create new process visualization screensfor operator control of wood yard operations.This approach to production control worked sowell that in the year 2000 Aracruz managementundertook their largest project of all – theconstruction of Fiberline C and the upgradingof Line A and B controls. The goal was to alloweach line to operate independently but to providea unified view into all operations for bettermanagement of overall plant productivity.Following a year of planning, consultation andproject definition, Aracruz management decidedto continue their strong relationship with InvensysOperations Management and use the Foxboro I/ASeries DCS to operate Fiberline C and upgradethe majority of lines A and B – including interfacingto all the production equipment for major processsteps.Fiberline A was upgrade from its original pneumaticcontrol systems to the I/A Series system. TheFiberline A controls architecture was so effectivethat it was used as the basis for the Fiberline Cplant expansion. Significant savings in reusableengineering were realized.Fiberline B’s boiler and evaporation units werecontrolled by a Provox system. Retrofittingcontrols on Fiberline B was simplified usingFoxboro’s plug-in migration strategy. I/A Series I/Omodules, manufactured to be one-for-one, form fitreplacements for the original Provox I/O modules,plug-in to the legacy I/O racks. The physicalswitchover was accomplished without moving anyfield wiring. Total process downtime to migrate this1,000 point system was 3 hours and 7 minutes.Production on a Massive ScaleDespite its enormous size, the Aracruz plant is atypical modern pulp mill. Logs arrive daily by truckfrom the plantations. Much of the wood is storedin the wood yard, for use as a buffer supply, while

the remainder is unloaded directly into debarkersand chippers that feed each line. The chips areconveyed into the pulp digesters, where they arecooked with caustic liquors to form the pulp. Themodern stainless steel digesters, rising high abovethe plant floor, look more like rocket ships thanproduction equipment.The brown pulp stock is washed and screenedbefore being bleached white and fed into dryingmachines. These dryers look much like standardpapermaking machines, but instead they simplydry the pulp to form continuous blankets. At theend of each drying machine, the pulp blankets arecut into rectangular sheets and baled for shipping.The wrapped bales are transported by truck to thenearby port at Aracruz where they are shipped tocustomers around the world.In addition to the production equipment deployedto make the pulp itself, Aracruz operations includeseveral production support systems. These includethe chemical plants that produce the caustic liquorsused in the digesters; the recovery boiler thatreclaims used liquors for recycling in the productionprocess; the evaporative systems used to reclaimwater from the washing and screening process; achemical plant for producing bleaching agents; anda power plant for supplying electricity for the entirefacility. All are managed using the Foxboro I/Acontrol system.Sophisticated Remote I/OThe complete Foxboro I/A Series DCS on FiberlineC consist of five network nodes with Windows NTworkstation processors. A Trident triple modularredundant safety shutdown system from Triconexis used for protection of the oxygen reactor. AllFoxboro field instruments – ranging from pressureand temperature devices to magnetic, mass, pHand conductivity devices – are all interfaced withthe system by means of the FoxCom protocol,using remote I/O racks that are physically closeto the process. Motor controls are connected viaintelligent MCCs to as many as 25 Micro I/A nodesvia Profibus networks, without having to use PLCs.Foxboro I/A Advanced Controls packages werealso installed in each production area to gatherbaseline measurements for evaluating performanceimprovements obtained from the advanced processcontrols.All engineering work for regulatory control is beingmanaged by Invensys as well, through subcontractswith the nine primary equipment suppliers.Simulation packages for this effort, to emulateactual use of all control processors and Micro I/Aunits, were supplied by SimSci-Esscor.Foxboro Command Centers with thin profileLCD displays have now been installed in all threecontrol rooms. The processors and I/O cards fromthe competitive system have been swapped outfor Foxboro I/A replacements that have the sameform factor, but which incorporate today’s latestelectronics circuitry technology. This helped bringthe new line on-stream faster – and under budget– and it provides a strong avenue for future growthin production capacity. In fact, with this facilityupgrade Aracruz was the first pulp mill in theworld to start up with all advanced controls inplace and running.That is a good situation to be in because the socalled “paper-less revolution” that people havetalked about for years has never really occurred– and that means the world will always need finepapers for use in computer printout, copiers andold-fashioned hand-written letters.

www.wonderware.fiRīgatel. 371 6738 1617info@wonderware.lvHelsinkitel. 358 9 540 4940automation@klinkmann.fiSt. Petersburgtel. 7 812 327 3752info@wonderware.ruMoscowtel. 7 495 641 1616info@wonderware.ruYekaterinburgtel. 7 343 287 1919info@wonderware.ruSamaratel. 7 846 273 95 85info@wonderware.ruКievtel. 38 044 495 33 370 5 215 1646info@wonderware.ltTallinntel. 372 668 4500info@wonderware.eeМinsktel. 375 17 200 Moscow tel. 7 495 641 1616 Кiev tel. 38 044 495 33 40 Helsinki tel. 358 9 540 4940 Vilnius tel. 370 5 215 1646 Rīga tel. 371 6738 1617 Мinsk tel. 375 17 200 0876 Tallinn tel. 372 668 4500 info .

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