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IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSFor Household Use OnlyWHEN USING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES,BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SHOULDALWAYS BE FOLLOWED, INCLUDING THEFOLLOWING:READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFOREUSING YOUR NINJA PROFESSIONALBLENDER 1000.POLARIZED PLUGWARNING: To reduce the riskof electric shock, this appliance has apolarized plug (one blade is wider thanthe other). This plug will fit into apolarized outlet only one way. If theplug does not fit fully into the outlet,reverse the plug. If it still does not fit,contact a qualified electrician to installthe proper outlet. DO NOT modify theplug in any way.WARNING:Extension cords arenot recommended for use with thisproduct.WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OFFIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK OR INJURY:1234567811-877-646-5288WARNING: Remove utensils prior toprocessing. Failure to remove maycause the jar to be damaged or toshatter which may cause personalinjury.WARNING: Stacked Blade Assemblyis sharp, not locked in place andremovable, handle with care. Whenhandling the Stacked Blade Assemblyalways hold it by the shaft. Failure to sowill result in risk of laceration.WARNING: Stacked Blade Assemblyis sharp and not locked in place. Ifusing the pour spout, ensure the lid isfully locked in place. If pouring with thelid removed, carefully remove theStacked Blade Assembly first holding itby the shaft. Failure to do so will resultin a risk of laceration.CAUTION: Do not blend hot liquids,doing so may cause excessive pressurebuildup, resulting in risk of the userbeing burned.To protect against electrical shock, do notsubmerge the appliance or allow the powercord to come into contact with water or anyother liquid.DO NOT allow the appliance to be used bychildren. Close attention is necessary whenused near children. This is not a toy.Never leave an appliance unattended whenin use.Appliance accessories are not intended tobe used in the microwave as it may result indamage to the accessories.

English9 Turn the appliance Off and remove the powercord from the electrical outlet when not inuse, before assembling or disassemblingparts and before cleaning. To unplug, graspthe plug and pull from the electrical outlet.Never pull from the power cord.10 DO NOT abuse the power cord. Never carrythe appliance by the power cord or yank itto disconnect from electrical outlet; insteadgrasp the plug and pull to disconnect.11 DO NOT operate any appliance with adamaged cord or plug, or after the appliancemalfunctions, has been dropped or damagedin any manner. This appliance has noserviceable parts. Return the appliance toSharkNinja Operating LLC for examination,repair or adjustment.12 DO NOT let the power cord hang overthe edge of table or counter or touch hotsurfaces such as the stove.13 Always use appliance on a dry, level surface.14 Keep hands, hair, clothing, as well asutensils out of container while processing toreduce the risk of severe injury to personsor damage to the appliance. A scraper maybe used but only when the appliance is notrunning.15 Avoid contact with moving parts.16 DO NOT attempt to sharpen blades.17 DO NOT use the appliance if blade assemblyis bent or damaged.18 To reduce risk of injury, never place the bladeassembly on base without pitcher or bowlproperly attached.19 DO NOT operate this appliance on or nearany hot surfaces (such as gas or electricburner or in a heated oven).20 The use of attachments or accessoriesincluding canning jars, not recommended bythe manufacturer may result in fire, electricshock or personal injury.21 DO NOT remove the container from themotor base while the appliance is inoperation.22 To reduce the risk of injury, NEVER operatethe appliance without the lid in place; DONOT try to defeat the interlock mechanism;make sure that the attachment is properlyinstalled before operating the appliance.23 DO NOT expose containers to extremetemperature changes.24 DO NOT overfill.25 DO NOT operate the appliance empty.26 To reduce the risk of burns, always allow theappliance to cool before taking off parts andbefore cleaning.27 In the event that the unit overloads, the unitwill shut down. Unplug the appliance and letit cool down for approximately 15 minutesbefore using again.28 THIS PRODUCT IS INTENDED FORHOUSEHOLD USE ONLY. Do not use thisappliance for anything other than its intendeduse. Do not use outdoors.SAVE THESEINSTRUCTIONSwww.ninjakitchen.com2

MESURES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANTESPour usage domestique seulementLORS DE L’USAGE D’UN APPAREILAVERTISSEMENT :ÉLECTRIQUE, DES MESURES DESÉCURITÉ ÉLÉMENTAIRES DEVRAIENTTOUJOURS ÊTRE RESPECTÉES, YCOMPRIS LES MESURES SUIVANTES :LISEZ TOUTES LES INSTRUCTIONSAVANT D’UTILISER VOTRE MÉLANGEURPROFESSIONNEL 1000 DE NINJAMD.FICHE POLARISÉEAVERTISSEMENT : Afin deréduire les risques d’électrocution, cetappareil a été muni d’une fiche polarisée(une lame est plus large que l’autre).Cette fiche ne peut être insérée que d’unseul côté dans une prise polarisée. Si lafiche ne s’insère pas complètementdans la prise de courant, inversez-la. Sielle ne s’adapte toujours pas, contactezun électricien compétent afin d’installerla prise murale appropriée. N’altérez lafiche d’AUCUNE façon.AVERTISSEMENT :Il n’estpas recommandé d’utiliser des rallongesélectriques pour brancher cet appareil.POUR RÉDUIRE LE RISQUE D’INCENDIE,D’ÉLECTROCUTION ET DE BLESSURES :1AVERTISSEMENT : Enlevez lesustensiles avant de mélanger lesaliments. Le non-respect de cettedirective pourrait endommager ou faireéclater le récipient, ce qui pourrait causerdes blessures.2AVERTISSEMENT : Le jeu de lamessuperposées est tranchant et amovible; iln’est pas verrouillé dans le récipient.Manipulez-le avec soin. Lorsque vousmanipulez le jeu de lames superposées,tenez toujours l’arbre de cette pièce. Lenon-respect de cette consigne peutentraîner des lacérations.3AVERTISSEMENT : Le jeu de lamessuperposées est tranchant et n’est pasverrouillé dans le récipient. Si voustransvidez un mélange par le bec verseur,assurez-vous que le couvercle est bienverrouillé sur le pichet. Pour verser sansle couvercle, retirez d’abord le jeu delames superposées avec précaution en letenant par le manche. Ne pas procéder dela sorte augmente le risque de lacération.4MISE EN GARDE : Ne mélangez pas desliquides chauds, car cela pourraitentraîner une accumulation de pressionet causer des risques de brûlure.5 Pour éviter les risques d’électrocution,n’immergez pas l’appareil et assurez-vous quele cordon d’alimentation n’entre pas en contactavec l’eau ou un autre liquide.6 NE LAISSEZ PAS l’appareil être utilisé par desenfants. Une surveillance attentive est nécessairelors de l’utilisation à proximité des enfants. Cecin’est pas un jouet.7 Ne laissez jamais l’appareil sans surveillancependant l’utilisation.31-877-646-5288

19 N’UTILISEZ PAS cet appareil sur une surfacechaude ou près de celle-ci (brûleur à gaz, plaqueélectrique ou four chaud).20 L’utilisation d’accessoires non recommandés parle fabricant, y compris des bocaux de conserve,peut causer un incendie ou des blessures, ouentraîner l’électrocution.21 NE RETIREZ PAS le récipient du bloc-moteurlorsque l’appareil est en marche.22 Pour réduire le risque de blessure, n’allumezJAMAIS l’appareil sans d’abord mettre lecouvercle en place; NE TENTEZ PAS decontourner ou de désactiver le mécanisme deverrouillage. Lorsque vous utilisez un accessoire,assurez-vous que celui-ci est bien installé avantd’utiliser l’appareil.23 N’EXPOSEZ PAS les récipients à deschangements extrêmes de température.24 NE REMPLISSEZ PAS excessivement le pichet.25 NE FAITES PAS fonctionner l’appareil à vide.26 Pour réduire les risques de brûlures, laissertoujours refroidir l’appareil avant de démonter lespièces et de nettoyer l’appareil.27 En cas de surcharge de l’appareil, l’appareils’éteindra. Débranchez l’appareil et attendez 15minutes pour qu’il se réinitialise.28 CET APPAREIL EST CONÇU POUR UN USAGEDOMESTIQUE SEULEMENT. N’utilisez l’appareilqu’aux fins pour lesquelles il est prévu. N’utilisezpas cet appareil à l’extérieur.VEUILLEZCONSERVER CESDIRECTIVESwww.ninjakitchen.com4Français8 Les accessoires ne sont pas conçus pour êtreutilisés dans le micro-ondes car ceci peut lesendommager.9 Veuillez éteindre l’appareil (position « Off ») etdébrancher le cordon d’alimentation de la prisede courant lorsqu’il n’est pas utilisé et avant lenettoyage, l’assemblage ou le démontage despièces. Pour débrancher l’appareil, tirez sur lafiche et retirez-la de la prise d’alimentation. Netirez jamais sur le cordon.10 PRENEZ SOIN du cordon d’alimentation. Netransportez jamais l’appareil en le tenant parle cordon. Ne débranchez jamais l’appareil del’alimentation électrique en tirant sur le cordon.11 N’UTILISEZ PAS l’appareil si sa fiche ou soncordon est endommagé(e), s’il a fait défaut ous’il a été échappé ou endommagé. Cet appareilne contient aucune pièce pouvant être réparéepar l’utilisateur. Retournez l’appareil à SharkNinjaOperating LLC pour vérification, réparation ouréglage.12 NE LAISSEZ PAS le cordon traîner sur le dessusd’une table ou d’un comptoir. Ne le laissez pasentrer en contact avec des surfaces chaudes,comme la cuisinière.13 Posez toujours l’appareil sur une surface sèche etde niveau.14 Afin de réduire le risque de blessures graves oude dommages à l’appareil, gardez les mains, lescheveux, les vêtements et les ustensiles horsdu récipient pendant l’utilisation. Vous pouvezutiliser une raclette, mais seulement lorsque lemélangeur est éteint.15 Évitez le contact avec les pièces mobiles.16 NE TENTEZ PAS d’affûter les lames.17 N’UTILISEZ PAS l’appareil si le jeu de lames esttordu ou endommagé.18 Afin de réduire les risques de blessures, neplacez jamais le jeu de lames sur le bloc-moteursans y avoir bien fixé le pichet ou le bol.

INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDADPara uso doméstico solamenteAL USAR APARATOS ELÉCTRICOS,SIEMPRE DEBE SEGUIR PRECAUCIONESBÁSICAS DE SEGURIDAD, INCLUYENDOLAS SIGUIENTES:LEA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES ANTESDE USAR SU NINJA PROFESSIONALBLENDER 1000.ENCHUFE POLARIZADOADVERTENCIA: Para reducir elriesgo de una descarga eléctrica,este artefacto posee un enchufepolarizado (una pata es más anchaque la otra). Este enchufe sólo puedeconectarse a un tomacorrientepolarizado de una sola forma. Si elenchufe no entra completamente enel tomacorriente, inviértalo. Si aunasí no entra completamente, llamea un electricista calificado para queinstale un tomacorriente apropiado. NOintente modificar el enchufe de ningunamanera.ADVERTENCIA:No serecomienda usar cables de extensión coneste producto.ADVERTENCIA:PARA REDUCIR EL RIESGO DE INCENDIO,DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA O DAÑOS PERSONALES: 1234567851-877-646-5288ADVERTENCIA: Retire los utensiliosantes de procesar alimentos. De locontrario, la jarra podría dañarse oromperse y causar lesiones personales.ADVERTENCIA: Las cuchillas apiladasson filosas, no quedan trabadas en su lugary son removibles; manipúlelas con cuidado.Al manipular las cuchillas apiladas, siempresosténgalas del vástago. De lo contrario,podría cortarse.ADVERTENCIA: Las cuchillas apiladasson filosas y no quedan trabadas en sulugar. Si usa el pico vertedor, asegúrese deque la tapa esté completamente trabada enla jarra. Si vierte el contenido con la taparetirada, antes retire cuidadosamente lascuchillas apiladas sosteniéndolas delvástago. De lo contrario, podría cortarse.CUIDADO: No licúe líquidos calientes, yaque hacerlo podría causar una acumulaciónexcesiva de presión y un riesgo dequemaduras para el usuario.Para protegerse de una descarga eléctrica, nosumerja el artefacto ni permita que el cablede alimentación entre en contacto con agua ocualquier otro líquido. NO permita que el aparato sea utilizado porniños. Se requiere supervisión cuando se usacerca de niños. Esto no es un juguete.Nunca deje un artefacto desatendido cuando louse.Los accesorios del artefacto no estándiseñados para usarlos en el microondas quepodría dañarlas.

20 El uso de accesorios no recomendados por elfabricante puede causar incendios, descargaseléctricas o daños personales.21 NO saque la jarra de la base del motormientras el artefacto esté funcionando.22 Para reducir el riesgo de heridas, NUNCA useel artefacto sin la tapa colocada; NO intentealterar el mecanismo de traba; verifique quelos accesorios estén correctamente instaladosantes de usar el artefacto.23 NO exponga los recipientes a cambios bruscosde temperatura.24 NO la llene de más.25 NO haga funcionar este artefacto cuando estévacío.26 Para reducir el riesgo de quemaduras, siempredeje que el artefacto se enfríe antes deremover partes o de limpiarlo.27 Si la unidad se sobrecarga, las luces del panelde control parpadearán y la unidad se apagará.Desenchufe el artefacto y déjelo enfriardurante unos 15 minutos antes de usarlonuevamente.28 ESTE PRODUCTO ELÉCTRICO ES PARA USODOMÉSTICO SOLAMENTE. No utilice esteartefacto para ningún otro destino distinto alindicado. No lo utilice en el n.com6Español9 Apague el artefacto y desenchufe el cable dealimentación del tomacorriente cuando nolo use, antes de colocarle o quitarle partes yantes de limpiarlo. Para desenchufarlo, sujeteel enchufe y retírelo del tomacorriente. Nuncatire del cable de alimentación.10 NO maltrate el cable de alimentación. Nuncalevante el artefacto por el cable, o tire del cablepara desconectarlo del tomacorriente; agárrelopor el enchufe y tire para desconectarlo.11 NO utilice ningún artefacto si el cable o elenchufe están dañados o luego de una falla, osi ha sufrido cualquier tipo de daño. Retórneloa SharkNinja Operating LLC para que seaexaminado, reparado o ajustado.12 NO permita que el cable cuelgue por el bordede la mesa o mesada, o que toque superficiescalientes como la estufa.13 Use siempre el artefacto sobre una superficieseca y nivelada.14 Mantenga sus manos, cabello, ropa yutensilios fuera del recipiente al procesarpara reducir la posibilidad de daños graves apersonas o de dañar la unidad. Puede utilizaruna espátula, pero únicamente cuando elartefacto no esté funcionando.15 Evite tocar las partes móviles.16 NO intente afilar las cuchillas.17 NO use el artefacto si las cuchillas estándobladas o dañadas.18 Para reducir el riesgo de heridas, nuncacoloque las cuchillas en la base sin tener lajarra o el tazón correctamente colocados.19 NO use este artefacto sobre o cerca desuperficies calientes (como una estufa eléctricao de gas, o en un horno caliente).

THIS BOOK COVERS MODEL NUMBER:BL610TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSVoltage:120V., 60Hz.Power:1000 WattsPitcher Capacity:MAX Liquid Capacity:72 oz. (2.1 L)64 oz. (8 cups, 1.9 L)CE MANUEL CONCERNE LE MODÈLE :BL610SPÉCIFICATIONS TECHNIQUESTension :120 V, 60 Hz.Alimentation :1000 WCapacité du pichet :2,1 L (72 oz)Capacité maximale de liquide : 1,9 L (8 tasses, 64 onces)ESTE MANUAL CUBRE EL MODELO:BL610ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICASVoltaje:120V , 60 Hz.Potencia:1000 VatiosCapacidad de la jarra:72 onzas (2,1 L)Capacidad líquida máxima: 64 onzas (8 tazas, 1.9 L)71-877-646-5288

Thank you forpurchasingthe Ninja ProfessionalBlender 1000.EnglishContentsGetting Started 9Before First Use 11Assembly and Use of the Pitcher 12Care & Maintenance 14Replacement Parts 14Blending Chart 15Troubleshooting Guide 15Warranty 16Merci d’avoiracheté lemélangeurprofessionnel1000 NinjaMD.FrançaisTable des matièresÀ faire au début 17Avant la première utilisation 19Assemblage et utilisation du pichet 20Soins et entretien 22Pièces de rechange 22Diagramme des réglages 23Guide de dépannage 23Garantie 24Gracias porcomprar lalicuadorade Ninja profesional 1000EspañolÍndiceIntroducción 25Antes de su Primera Utilización . 27Armado y uso de la licuadora 28Cuidado y mantenimiento 30Partes de reemplazo 30Cuadro de licuado 31Guía de diagnóstico de problemas 31Garantía 32www.ninjakitchen.com8

Getting StartedabcdePULSEfLOWgMEDIUMHIGHhia Lid with Locking Handleg Motor Baseb Locking Handle Release Buttonh Control Panelc Pouring Spout with CapiNon Slip Bottomd PitcherjPower Cord (not shown)e Stacked Blade Assemblyk Cord Storage (in back, not shown)f Gear Shaft91-877-646-5288

EnglishThe Ninja Professional Blender 1000 is a high powered kitchen tool that is perfect for ice crushing, blending, pureeing andcontrolled processing. Create all of your favorite recipes quickly and easily with just one touch of a button. For best results,be sure to carefully read all the instructions contained in the manual before using this appliance.PULSELOWMEDIUMHIGHFEATURES: 1000 Watt Motor Base Total Crushing Technology Extra Large 72 oz. Pitcher Easy Lock Lid with Built-In Pour Spout Easy Clean Control Panel BPA Free Pitcher Cord storagewww.ninjakitchen.com10

Before First UsePLEASE KEEP THESE IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS IN MIND WHEN USING THEAPPLIANCE:IMPORTANT: Make sure that the motor baseis plugged in for use.IMPORTANT: Never add ingredients into thecontainer before placing the Blade Assemblyin first.WARNING: StackedBlade Assembly issharp and not locked inplace. If using the pourspout, ensure the lidis fully locked onto theblender pitcher. Failureto do so will result in arisk of laceration. IMPORTANT: DO NOT attempt to operate theappliance without the lid on.IMPORTANT: Never run the appliance empty.IMPORTANT: Appliance accessories are notintended to be used in the microwave as itmay result in damage to the accessories.WARNING: StackedBlade Assembly is sharpand not locked in place.If pouring with the lidremoved, carefullyremove the StackedBlade Assembly first,holding it by the shaft.Failure to do so willresult in a risk of laceration.CAUTION: Do not immerse the motor base intowater or any other liquid.1Remove all packaging material and labels from theappliance. Separate/remove all parts from each other.2Wash the lid, pitcher and Stacked Blade Assemblyin warm, soapy water. When washing the bladeassemblies, use a dish-washing utensil with a handle toavoid direct hand contact with bladesCAUTION: Handle the Stacked Blade Assembly withcare when washing, as the blades are very sharp.111-877-646-52883Handle blade assemblies with care to avoid contactwith sharp edges. Rinse and air dry thoroughly.4The pitcher and Stacked Blade Assembly are dishwashersafe. It is recommended that the lid and Stacked BladeAssembly be placed on the top rack. Ensure that theStacked Blade Assembly is removed from the pitcherbefore placing in the dishwasher.5Wipe the motor base clean with a damp cloth.

WARNING: Handle the Stacked Blade Assembly with care, as the blades are sharp.WARNING: Remove utensils prior to processing. Failure to remove may cause the pitcher to be damaged orto shatter, which may cause personal injury.WARNING: Never leave the appliance unattended while in use.CAUTION: Do not blend hot liquids, doing so may cause excessive pressure buildup, resulting in risk of theuser being burned.IMPORTANT: Make sure that the motor base is plugged in for use.ASSEMBLYFig. Fig. 1MEDIUMPULSEHIGHLOWFig. 2MEDIUMHIGHFig. 3bSESLUPHGIH1Review warning and caution statements above beforeproceeding to number 2.2Place the motor base on a clean, dry, level surface suchas a counter or table top.3Align and lower the Pitcher onto the motor base.(Fig. 1)4Rotate the pitcher clockwise until it locks in place. Youwill hear a click when the lock is engaged. (Fig. 2)5The pitcher can be placed on the motor base two ways;the handle can be on the front right corner or the frontleft corner. (Fig. 3a, Fig. 3b)6Holding the Stacked Blade Assembly by the top of theshaft, place it onto the drive gear inside the pitcher.Ensure that the Stacked Blade Assembly is seatedproperly and is standing upright. (Fig. 4)NOTE: The Stacked Blade Assembly will fit loosely onthe drive gear.7Add the ingredients to the pitcher, making sure thatthey do not exceed the highest measured marking lineon the side of the pitcher.MUIDEMWOLFig. 4SESLUPHGIHFig. 5MUIDEMWOLNOTE: If you need to add additional ingredients whilethe appliance is processing, open the pour spout capand pour the ingredients in through the opening.NOTE: When blending any kind of liquids, such asmixtures of any drinks or smoothies, do not exceed the“Max liquid” mark (64 ounces) on the pitcher.8Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet and pressthe power button ( ).IMPORTANT: As a safety feature, the powerbutton ( ) will flash and the motor will not workif the pitcher and lid are not installed correctly.When the pitcher and lid are installed properly,the power button ( ) will be solid, indicating thatthe blender is ready for use.9Holding the lid by the handle in the upright position,place it on top of the pitcher aligning the arrow ( )located on the lid with the arrow ( ) located on thepitcher’s handle. (Fig. 5) Press the handle down untilyou hear a click.www.ninjakitchen.com12EnglishAssembly and Use of the Pitcher

Assembly and Use of the Pitcher - cont.USEREMOVALPULSEPULSELOWMEDIUMHIGHFig. 6LOWFig. 710 Review warning and caution statements from page 12before proceeding.11 Select the speed according to your blendingrequirements*: Use the LOW setting for processing and mixing. Use the MEDIUM setting for blending and icecrushing. Use the HIGH setting for pureeing and liquefying. Use the PULSE button for controlled chopping andprocessing.*See Blending Chart.NOTE: Pulse ingredients for even chopping by pressingdown in short intervals.12 When you have reached your desired consistency, stopthe appliance by pressing the power button ( ) andwait for the Stacked Blade Assembly to stop turning.(Fig. 6)13 To remove the lid, press the release button on the lid,pull the lid handle up to a 90 angle and lift the lid off.Turn the pitcher counter clockwise and then lift off thebase. (Fig. 7, Fig. 8)131-877-646-5288MEDIUMHIGHFig. 8CAUTION: Never insert your hands in the pitcheras the Stacked Blade Assembly is sharp. Alwaysuse a spatula to dislodge food that has stuck tothe sides of the pitcher.14 Open the pour spout cap and use the spout to emptyliquid contents.15 For thicker consistencies, first remove the lid bypressing the release button and pulling the lid handleup to a 90 degree angle to lift lid off the pitcher. Then,carefully remove the Stacked Blade Assembly by thetop of the shaft. Place Stacked Blade Assembly awayfrom the work area to avoid accidental contact. Finally,empty contents from the pitcher.16 Make sure that the unit is unplugged when not in use.

EnglishCare & MaintenanceHOW TO STOREHOW TO CLEANCAUTION: Make sure that the motor base isunplugged from the power source before insertingor removing any attachment and before cleaning.1CAUTION: DO NOT immerse the motor base intowater or any other liquid.Store the Ninja Professional 1000 upright with the bladeassembly inside the container with the lid secured ontop. Do not place anything on top. Loosely wrap thepower cord around the cord storage hook in the back ofthe unit.1Separate/remove all parts from each other.RESETTING THE MOTOR THERMOSTAT2Hand Washing: Wash the container, lid, and bladeassembly in warm, soapy water. When washing theblade assembly, use a dish-washing utensil with ahandle to avoid direct hand contact with blades. Handleblade assembly with care to avoid contact with sharpedges. Rinse and air dry thoroughly.The Ninja Professional 1000 features a unique safetysystem which prevents damage to the unit’s motor anddrive system should you inadvertently overload yourappliance. If the appliance is being overloaded, themotor will stop. Allow the appliance to cool forapproximately 15 minutes. To reset the appliance,follow the resetting procedure below:Dishwasher: The container, lid and blade assemblyare all dishwasher safe. The lid and stacked bladeassembly are top rack dishwasher safe. Ensure that thestacked blade assembly is removed from the containerbefore placing in the dishwasher.WARNING: Handle the Stacked Blade Assembly,with care when washing, as the blades aresharp. Contact with the blades’ edges can resultin laceration.3Wipe the motor base clean with a damp cloth.Please call customer service if any servicing needs tobe performed on the appliance at 1-877-646-5288.1Unplug the appliance from the electrical outlet.2Remove and empty the container and ensure that nofood is jamming the Stacked Blade Assembly.3Allow the appliance to cool for approximately 15minutes.4Re-install the container onto the base and re-plug theappliance into the electrical outlet.5Proceed to use the appliance as before making sure notto exceed the recommended maximum capacities.Replacement PartsTo order additional parts and accessories, please visit our website: www.ninjakitchen.comor feel free to contact customer service: 1-877-646-5288.www.ninjakitchen.com14

Blending ChartBUTTONPOWERFUNCTIONUSEOn/OffAlways turn appliance 'Off' when not in use.LOWProcessing &MixingUse to mix thin batters, gravies and marinades, scramble eggs, puree cookedfoods and uncooked fruits and chop vegetables for dips and salsa.MEDIUMBlending & IceCrushingUse to grate hard cheeses, cream soups*, beat dips, grind nuts, thoroughchopping, blend sauces* and spreads. Blend mixed drinks, powdered drinks ormilk shakes.HIGHPureeing &LiquefyingUse to mix smoothies, frappes, liquefy thick mixtures and blend whole fruitsand vegetables.PULSEControlledProcessing &Bursts of PowerUse to control chopping and processing.* When blending sauces and soups, make sure they’re cooled to room temperature first - Ninja containers are not intended forhot blending.Troubleshooting GuidePROBLEMSPOSSIBLE REASONS & SOLUTIONSMake sure the pitcher is securely placed on motor base.Make sure the lid is securely on pitcher in the correct position (align arrows).Motor Doesn’t Start or StackedBlade Assembly Doesn't Rotate.The blender is turned 'Off'. Press the power button ( ) to turn 'On'.Check that the plug is securely inserted into the electrical outlet.Check the fuse or circuit breaker.The unit has overheated. Unplug and wait approximately 15 minutes before usingagain.Food is Unevenly Chopped.Either you are chopping too much food at one time, or the pieces are not of evensize and processing smaller amounts per batch.Food is Chopped Too Fine or isToo Watery.The food has been over-processed. Use PULSE button for controlled processing.Food Collects OnLid or On the Sides of thePitcher.The mixture is too thick. Add more liquid.You Cannot Achieve Snow FromSolid Ice.Do not use ice that has been sitting out or has started to melt. Use ice straightfrom the freezer and make sure that the pitcher is completely dry before adding ice.151-877-646-5288

EnglishONE (1) YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYSharkNinja Operating LLC warrants this product to be free from material defects and workmanship for a period of one (1)year from the date of purchase when utilized for normal household use, subject to the following conditions, exclusions andexceptions.The liability of SharkNinja Operating LLC is limited solely to the cost of the repair or replacement of the unit at our option.This Limited Warranty does not cover normal wear of parts and does not apply to any unit that has been tampered with orused for commercial purposes. This Limited Warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse, abuse, negligent handling ordamage due to faulty packaging or mishandling in transit. This Limited Warranty does not cover damage or defects caused byor resulting from damages from shipping or repairs, service or alteration to the product or any of its parts, which have be

AVANT D’UTILISER VOTRE MÉLANGEUR PROFESSIONNEL 1000 DE NINJAMD. FICHE POLARISÉE Le jeu de lames AVERTISSEMENT : Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, cet appareil a été muni d’une fiche polarisée (une lame est plus large que l’autre). Cette fiche ne peut être insérée que

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Independent Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns in Hebrew Person, Gender, Number Singular Person, Gender, Number Plural 3ms (he, it) א ִוה 3mp (they) Sֵה ,הַָּ֫ ֵה 3fs (she, it) א O ה 3fp (they) Uֵה , הַָּ֫ ֵה 2ms (you) הָּ תַא2mp (you all) Sֶּ תַא 2fs (you) ְ תַא 2fp (you

5/44 INTRODUCTION 0 F 0 Introduction 0.1 Comment lire et utiliser le manuel d’instructions 0.1.a Importance du manuel Ce MANUEL D’INSTRUCTIONS constitue votre guide à l’INSTALLATION, à l’UTILISATION, à la MAINTENANCE du compresseur que vous avez acquis. Nous vous conseillons de suivre scrupuleusement tous les conseils qu’il contient dans la mesure où le bon

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Manuel Système GEOM6 DP3323-06-CM GEO M6 GEO M620 & GEOM6B Modules Tangent Array Manuel Système . TABLE DES MATIERES Page 2 / 64 Manuel Système GEOM6 TABLE DES MATIÈRES

Manuel utilisateur. Comment lire ce manuel Symboles Ce manuel fait référence à la série de symboles suivante. Indique une situation susceptible de provoquer des dysfonctionnements si les instructions ne sont pas respectées. Veillez à bien lire ces instructions. Indique des informations supplémentaires pertinentes. Ce symbole indique l'endroit où vous pouvez trouver de plus amples .