BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICAMERIT BADGE SERIESGardening“Enhancing our youths’ competitive edge through merit badges”
Requirements1. Do the following:a. Explain to your counselor the most likely hazardsassociated with gardening and what you should doto anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and respondto these hazards.b. Discuss the prevention of, and treatment for, healthconcerns that could occur while gardening, includingcuts, scratches, puncture wounds, insect bites,anaphylactic shock, heat reactions, and reactionsfrom exposure to pesticides and fertilizers.2. Do the following:a. Grow six vegetables, three from seeds and three fromseedlings, through harvest.b. Grow six flowers, three from seeds and three fromseedlings, through flowering.3. Give the nutritional value of the following:a. Three root or tuber cropsb. Three vegetables that bear above groundc. Three fruits4. Test 100 seeds for germination. Determine the percentageof seeds that germinate. Explain why you think some didnot germinate.5. Visit your county extension agent’s office, local universityagricultural college, nursery, or a botanical garden orarboretum. Report on what you learned.6. Explain to your counselor how and why honey bees areused in pollinating food crops. Discuss the problems facingthe bee population today, and tell what you think wouldbe the impact to humanity if there were no pollinators.4 Gardening
7. Identify five garden pests (insects, diseased plants).Recommend two solutions for each pest. At leastone of the two solutions must be an organic method.8. Do ONE of the following:a. Build a compost bin and maintain it for 90 days.b. Build a vermipost bin (worm compost bin) andmaintain it for 90 days.c. Build a hydroponic garden containing three vegetablesor herbs, or three ornamental plants. Maintain thisgarden through harvest or flowering, or for 90 days.d. Build one water garden, either in a container (at least12 by 6 inches and 6 inches deep), or in the ground asa small, decorative pond no larger than 6 by 3 feet and24 inches deep. Maintain the water garden for 90 days.e. Prepare a honey super for use on a hive or colony.Remove a filled honey super from the hive or colonyand prepare the honey for sale.Gardening 5
Gardening Resources.Gardening ResourcesScouting LiteratureArchitecture and Landscape Architecture,Bird Study, Insect Study, Nature, PlantScience, and Soil and Water Conservationmerit badge pamphletsVisit the Boy Scouts of America’sofficial retail website at for a complete listingof all merit badge pamphlets andother helpful Scouting materialsand supplies.BooksBartholomew, Mel. All New Square FootGardening. Cool Springs Press, 2006.Bradley, Fern Marshall, and Barbara W. Ellis,eds. Rodale’s All-New Encyclopedia ofOrganic Gardening. Rodale Press, 1998.Bush, Michael. The Practical Beekeeper:Beekeeping Naturally, volumes I, II, andIII. X-Star Publishing Company, 2011.Gillman, Jeff. The Truth About GardenRemedies: What Works, What Doesn’t,and Why. Timber Press, 2008.McGee, Rose Marie Nichols, and MaggieStuckey. Bountiful Container. WorkmanPublishing Company, 2002.Phillips, Ellen, and C. Colston Burrell.Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia ofPerennials. Rodale Press, 2004.Pleasant, Barbara. The Complete CompostGardening Guide. Storey Publishing, 2008.———. Starter Vegetable Gardens: 24 No-FailPlans for Small Organic Gardens. StoreyPublishing, 2010.Richardson, Fern. Small-Space ContainerGardens: Transform Your Balcony, Porch,or Patio With Fruits, Flowers, Foliage, andHerbs. Princeton University Press, 2004.Sanchez, Janet, and the editors of SunsetBooks. Perennials, second edition. SunsetBooks, 2000.PeriodicalsCranshaw, Whitney. Garden Insects of NorthAmerica: The Ultimate Guide to BackyardBugs. Princeton University Press, 2004.Bee CultureToll-free telephone: 800-289-7668Website: http://www.beeculture.comElzer-Peters, Katie. Beginner’s IllustratedGuide to Gardening: Techniques to HelpYou Get Started. Cool Springs Press, 2012.Garden GateToll-free telephone: comFlottum, Kim. The Backyard Beekeeper: AnAbsolute Beginner’s Guide to KeepingBees in Your Yard and Garden. QuarryBooks, 2010.94 Gardening
.Gardening ResourcesMother Earth NewsToll-free telephone: Organic GardeningToll-free telephone: mOrganizations and WebsitesAmerican Horticultural SocietyWebsite: http://www.ahs.orgBack Yard Beekeepers omBee Research LaboratoryUSDA Agricultural Research ServiceTelephone: ite main.htm?modecode 12-45-33-00Home and Garden TelevisionWebsite: http://www.hgtvgardens.comNational Gardening AssociationTelephone: 802-863-5251Website: Wildlife FederationToll-free telephone: 800-822-9919Website: http://www.nwf.orgOld Farmer’s AlmanacTelephone: 603-563-8111Website: http://www.almanac.comTrust for Public LandToll-free telephone: 800-714-5263Website: http://www.tpl.orgU.S. Department of Agriculture1400 Independence Ave. SWWashington, DC 20250Telephone: 202-720-2791Website: http://www.usda.govU.S. National Arboretum3501 New York Avenue NEWashington, DC 20002-1958Telephone: 202-245-2726Website: http://www.usna.usda.govWorld Aquaculture SocietyTelephone: 225-578-3137Website: http://www.was.orgAcknowledgmentsThe Boy Scouts of America thanks RandyLynn, D.V.M., for lending his subject expertise,time, and assistance with the bee-relatedinformation in this merit badge pamphlet.We are grateful to Kim Flottum,editor, Bee Culture magazine and authorof The Backyard Beekeeper, for providinghis subject expertise and time.The Boy Scouts of America is gratefulto the men and women serving on theMerit Badge Maintenance Task Force forthe improvements made in updatingthis pamphlet.Photo and Illustration CreditsScott Bauer, USDA Agricultural ResearchService,, courtesy—page 60 (plant roots)David Cappaert, Michigan State University,, courtesy—page 65 (butterfly)Carl Dennis, Auburn University,,courtesy—page 82 (queen bee)Digital Vision Ltd., Little Creatures —page 69 (snail)Susan Ellis,, courtesy—page 64 (assassin bug)HAAP Media Ltd., courtesy—cover(garden rows)Barry Rice,,,courtesy—page 51 (periwinkle)Gardening 95
94 GardeninG Gardening resources. Gardening Resources Scouting Literature Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Bird Study, Insect Study, Nature, Plant Science, and Soil and Water Conservation merit badge pamphlets Books Bartholomew, Mel. All New Square Foot Gardening. Cool Springs P
plants. Tuck a plant or two in a basket and place it on a shelf. Dwarf and slow growing plant varieties, vertical gardening and square foot gardening methods can add to your eye appeal as well as your table. Flowers, fruits and herbs can be Gardening for Small Spaces Article and photos by Terri Simon, Master Gardener cont’d on pg. 6
INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC GARDENING WHAT IS ORGANIC GARDENING Organic gardening is a process that promotes and enhances biodiversity, natural biological cycles and soil biological actives that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Organic gardening basic tenets are feeding the soil though decaying organic matter and utilizing
Straw Bale gardening is more economical, easier on your back, and is great for people with mobility issues. After over 40 years of gardening in four states, Wanda has experimented with many forms of gardening including Ruth Stout’s raised beds, keyhole gardening, and the French Intensive Gardening Method. She has tried many
school will have a more comprehensive gardening program to teach students valuable life skills. We designed the manual in two main parts: a general organic gardening guide that any school can use to create a comprehensive gardening program and a more specific section to address the specific needs of the Baan Huay Euen School.
stain concrete and wood decking. Container Vegetable Gardening 6-8 hrs sun for warm season vegetable crops 4-5 hrs sun for cool season vegetable crops. Container Ornamental Gardening If your area gets at least 6 hours of direct sun, you can choose plants for “full
Straw Bale Gardening Basics Would you like to grow a vegetable garden, but you have poor soil or you are unable or unwilling to get down on the ground to plant and harvest, or do you simply hate pulling weeds? “Straw Bale Gardening” is just what you need! Easy access is one benefit of gardening in bales
Indiana Vegetable Gardening Planting Guide . Wheat, the “staff of life”, has been the mainstay of the human race for centuries. Dr. C. W. Bailey, leading expert on wheat from the University of Minnesota, has noted increases of 600% in vitamin C and higher mineral and . Humanure Info (Do It Yourself Composting Toilet)
Alfredo López Austin TWELVE PEA-FashB-1st_pps.indd 384 5/4/2009 2:45:22 PM. THE MEXICA IN TULA AND TULA IN MEXICO-TENOCHTITLAN 385 destroy ancestral political configurations, which were structured around ethnicity and lineage; on the contrary, it grouped them into larger territorial units, delegating to them specific governmental functions that pertained to a more complex state formation. It .