Unit-5ISOMETRIC PROJECTIONImportance Points in Isometric:1. For drawing the isometric, the object must be viewed such that either the front -right or the leftedges becomes nearest.2. All vertical edges of the object remain vertical in isometric3. The horizontal edges of the object which are parallel to the isometric axes are drawn at 30 tothe horizontal.4. The inclined edges which are not parallel to the isometric axes should not be drawn at thegiven inclination in isometric. These inclined edges are drawn by first locating the end points inisometric and then joined.5. All circles are represented as ellipses in isometric.6. All construction lines have to be retained as thin lines and the visible edges are to be shown asthick lines.7. Generally the hidden edges need not be shown in isometric unless otherwise required eitherfor locating a comer, or an edge, or face, or mentioned.8. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned to draw the isometric view or isometric drawing alldimension lines parallel to the isometric unless otherwise if mentioned.9. No dimensions are indicated in isometric unless otherwise mentioned.10. The given orthographic views need not be drawn unless required for consideration
Isomertric view for different geometrical surface.
Isometric view of triangle1) Draw the isometric view of a cylinder of diameter 30 mm and height 65mm.
2) Draw the isometric view of a cone diameter 50 mm and height 60mm.3) Draw the isometric view and isometric projection of a hexagonal prism of abase side30mm and height 70mm when it rests on one of its ends on the H.P. with two of its basesides parallel to the VP.
4) Draw the isometric view of a hexagonal pyramid of base of side 30mm and height 65mmresting on its base on the HP with two sides of the base parallel to the VP5) Draw the isometric projection of the combined solid shown in figure.
6) Draw the isometric view of a cylinder of diameter 35 mm and height 55 mm when it isresting on one of its ends on the HP. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to the VP andinclined at 45ᵒ to the HP. The plane passes through appoint on the axis located at 15 mmfrom the top.7) A cone of base diameter 40 mm and height 50 mm is resting on its base on the HP. It iscut by a plane perpendicular to the VP and inclined at 45ᵒ to the HP. The plane cutting theaxis of the cone at a height of 25 mm from its base. Draw the isometric view of thetruncated cone.
8) Draw the isometric view of a frustum of a cone of bottom base diameter 60 mm, top facediameter 40 mm and height 60 mm when it is resting on the ground vertically.9) A pentagonal pyramid base 30 mm and height 60 mm stand with its base on HP. An edgeof the base is parallel to VP and nearer to it. A horizontal section plane cuts the pyramidand passes through a point on the axis at a distance of 30 mm from the apex. Draw theisometric view of the frustum of the pyramid.
1) A point P is 20 mm behind PP and 30 mm above GP. The central plane is 25 mm to theleft of the point. The station point is 30 mm infront of PP and 45 mm above GP. Draw theperspective view of the point.
2) A straight line PQ measures 40 mm is parallel to and 15 mm above GP and inclined at30ᵒ to PP with an end 20 mm behind PP. The station point is 30 mm above the groundplane and 35 mm infront of PP and lies in a central plane that passes through the midpointof PQ. Draw the perspective view.
3) A circle of diameter 30 mm lies on the ground plane with its center 25 mm behind thepicture plane. Draw its perspective view as seen from a station 45 mm in front of the PP, 30mm above the ground and 40mm to the left of the centre of the circle.
4. A square plane of side 30 mm is resting on ground plane with a corner of the planetouching the picture plane. One side of the plane inclined at an angle 50o to PP. Stationpoint is 50 m infront of PP and 50 mm above GP and 30 mm to the right of the restingcorner. Draw the perspective projection of te plane by visual ray method.
5) A cube of side 30 mm is resting on the ground on one of its faces, with a vertical face inPP. and the rest behind it. The central plane is located 50 mm to the left of the center of thecube. The station point is 30 mm infront of PP and 50 mm above GP. Draw the perspectiveview of the solid.
6) A square pyramid of side of base 30 mm and altitude 60 mm stands on the groundvertically with an edge of base parallel to and is 15mm behind PP. The station point is 35mm infront of PP and 60mm above the ground. The central plane is located 35 mm to theleft of the axis of the solid. Draw the perspective projection.
7).A square prism of side 50 mm and height 80 mm is resting on ground plane with one ofits ends. One of its rectangular faces is parallel to PP and 15 mm behind it. The stationpoint is 25 mm to the right of the rectangular face on right. Station point is 40 mm infrontof PP and 60 mm above GP. Draw the perspective projection by visual ray method
8) A cone of base diameter 50 mm and altitude 80 mm rests on ground plane with its axis30 mm behind PP. Station point is 40 mm infront of PP, 70 mm above GP. The axis of thecone is 52 mm to the left of station point. Draw the perspective projection by visual raymethod.
9) A pentagonal pyramid of 25 mm base side and axis height 50 mm is standing on its baseon the ground plane with a base parallel to and 30 mm behind PP. The cental plane is 30mm to the left of the apex and the station point is 50 mm infront of PP and 40 mm abovethe ground plane. Draw the perspective view of the pyramid.
ISOMETRIC PROJECTION Importance Points in Isometric: 1. For drawing the isometric, the object must be viewed such that either the front -right or the left edges becomes nearest. 2. All vertical edges of the object remain vertical in isometric 3. The horizontal edges of the object which are parallel t
Isometric drawing is a drawing drawn on an isometric axes using full scale. Isometric projection (True projection) Isometric drawing (Full scale) Foreshorten Full scale . 10/2/2012 10 2. Define an isometric axis. 3. Sketching the enclosing box. 4. Estimate the size an and relationship of
Lesson 8: Creating Isometric Drawings About Creating Isometric Drawings 04.3Creating, and Adding Data to Isometric Drawings Specification Sheets and Files Process to Create Isometric Drawings Create Isometric Drawings 1-Hour 1-Hour 0.5- Hour 0.5- Hour 02.00 pm - 03.00 pm 03.00 pm - 04.00 pm 04.00 pm - 04.30 pm 0 pm - 05.00 pm
Engineering Graphics with SOLIDWORKS 2017 Isometric Projection and Multi View Drawings . PAGE 2 - 1 . Chapter 2 . Isometric Projection and Multi View Drawing s . Below are the desired outcomes and usage competencies based on the completion of Chapter 2. Desired Outcomes: Usage Competencies: Understand Isometric Projection and 2D ketching.s
Multiview Orthographic Projection Projection plane parallel to principal face Usually form front, top, side views isometric (not multiview orthographic view) in CAD and architecture, we often display three multiviews plus isometric top front side Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions.
a) Perspective projection b) Isometric projection c) Orthographic projection d) Oblique projection INDIAN SCHOOL AL WADI AL KABIR Class: XII Department: SCIENCE – 2021-2022 SUBJECT: ENGINEERING GRAPHICS Date of Completion: 06.05.21 Worksheet No:1 With Answers Topic: ISOMETRIC
Orthographic Projection. TOPICS Object representation Glass box concept Line convention Orthographic projection of point, line, plane, surfaceand object. Multiview projection. OBJECT REPRESENTATION Axonometric projection Multiview projection. MULTIVIEW PROJECTION Three principle dimensions
Drafting: Orthographic and Isometric Drawings Plumber 14 Youth Explore Trades Skills Activity 4: Create Piping Isometric Drawings Have students create an isometric drawing based on an existing system of pipe. See below for sample pictures and drawings that could be created. As students gain skill, more complex systems could be shown and drawn.
Social Studies Research and Practice www.socstrp.org 14 Volume 7 Number 1 Spring 2012 VI. The World Economy (3 weeks) Major economic concepts: Comparative advantage, voluntary trade/exchange, barriers to trade, exchange rates, trade deficits and surpluses, internati onal organizations.