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'' FRIDAY, AFRIL 4» IITWENTY-TWOlEttieningEnrloo F. Reale o f 11 BonnerRd. ‘was elected vloe presidentof the Guild o f PrescilpttDn OpTIm C hU fe Conference endtidana o f Oonnecttcut Tuendayw w m J me«Un« of South Unit night at the Qulntpiao Club,ed MethiMUat Church will be New Haven.held Monday at 7:90 p.m . In thechurch reception hell.The Rev. Carl Saunders ofa t Jotm’a Potiah Nhtlonal South United Methodist ChurchOatboUc Churph will obeeree the will conduct a servioe Sunday atBtaMtns d the' New Fire and 9:15 a.m . on radio steition WINF.BUy Water tomorrow at 7:90 The program la sponsored by theManchester Council of Churchese.m. at the dnirch.and the Mencheeter Clergy Aseoclatlon.B dgw Circle of South UnitedMethodist Church will meetPro. Robert M. Topping, sonTuesday at 9:90 a.m. at Susaratadi Wesley Hall of t h e of Mlm. Flora E. Topping of 10chim h. The Rev. Cari Saund Wadeworth St., Is sendng as aers will speak about "The Unlt- mlaaile technician at the 24thArtillery Group Headquarters,inr of the Churches.”of the U.S. Army Air DefenselUaa Jo-AnneBoudreau, Command at Coventry, R.I. Hedanghter o( Mr. and Mrs. A. recently returned from servingRaymondBoudreau of23 with Battery A, 2nd lOsslIe Bn.,Battiata Rd., and Mtae LesHe 962nd Artillery In Fairbanks,Rubin o f 114 Plymouth Lane, Alaska.have been lending CollegeJames Mbn ighen, son of Mr.Week at the Elbow Beach Hotel,and Mns. Cliftm Monaighan of 21Bermuda.Hendee Rd., recently was elect H m Mountain lau rel Chapter ed treasurer of Delta Zeta Chap Chorus of Sweet Adelines will ter, Delta Sigma Phi fraternity,be featured Sunday at 1 p.m. on and as vice president of thethe "Weekend” program of Junior Class at High Point(N.C.) College.WHNB-TV, Chaimei 80.T&ucn 4-W ers Take PartIn County Food Show A b o u t Tow nGOING O U T OF BUSINESSSEUIN G A TWHOLESALEPRICESJoins PracticeDr. Harold R. Nix has JoinedDrs. Walter Schardt and S. A.Mtlewski In the practice ofopthamology.Dr. Nix received his degreeof doOtor of medicine from theUniversity of Alberta, CanadaIn 1961 and did post graduatework In opthamology at the Uni versity of P*ittsburgh, Eye andEar Hospital, and in neurologyat the University of AlbertaHospital.He has come to Manchesterafter two years of private prac tice in Toronto. He is marriedand te the father of an infantCopper Items, Large Asst, of WestmorlandMilk Glass. Also Colored Glass, VictorianFresh Strawberries, Plums, Peaches, Nectarines, Red ABlue Seedless Grapes, UgUs, Ccuitaloupes, Spaidsh Melons,Watermelons, Honeydews, Jaffa Oranges, Temple A NavelOranges, Pineapples, Ldmes, Kumquats, Bose A D’AnJouPears, Crisp Aire Macs, Red Delicious, Russets, Golden De licious, Cortlands.Fresh Asparagus, Spinach, Dandelions, Cherry Tomatoes,Boston Lettuce, Green A Yellow Squash, Artichokes, Lesks,Shallots, Cauliflower, Broccoli, White Sweet Potatoes, Bests,Horseradish Roots, Rhubarb, Com-cn-Cob, Bruasels Sprouts,Eg;g PUint, Romaine, WUte A Black Radishes, ButternutSquash, Hot Peppefs, Frying Peppers. Lamps, Large Selection of Pictures, Black andGold Eagles, Antiques, Large Selection of An tique Picture Frames.30% OFFFURNITURE REPAIR SERVICETAUCOTTVIUEOpen Every Day Including Sat. A Bun.PERUVOL. LXXXVm, NO. 1B8H ALE“O hugb AooauuimaHGKEENLAWN 1 0 - 5 - 5 50LBSPRO-GREEN1 6 - 8 - 8 50LBSTURFOOD1 0 - 6 - 4 50LBSTURFOOD-SPEC-10-6- 4 50LBTURFOOD w ith INSECTKILLER50LBSEVERGREEN8 - 4 - 4 10 LBSROSE FOODlOLBS 3 .9 5 5 .1 0 1 .9 9 2 .7 5 4 .5 9 1 .9 5 1 .3 050LBS 2 .7 550LBS 2 .7 550LBS 3 .2 5URANITE50LBS 1 1 .7 5PINK BARK MULCH 2 .7 9RED BARK MULCH 3 .5 0PEAT MOSS 6 CU.FT 4 .2 5PEAT MOSS 3 CU.FT, 2 .9 5the chemise bra slipFUEL OILILBILB3LB5LB5LB5LBDOWNTOWN MAIN STREET M A N C H E S T EIllnra.R Nttea ttU 6So Bevolntionary.Makcs all other Bra Slips Old FasMoneiONatur’ellebySTOP CRABGRASSNOW!V .tS' V aste h arg 1 THEINTraa CARD jPerma-Set Contour Band, tool’Qives permanent undercup support,f, without wires!I T EM ERGES.INCLUDES ACOMPLETE SP R IN G P E R T IL IZ lO tPERMITS SAME DAY SEEDINGCOVERS 2 5 0 0 S Q .F T . 7:95White, A32-36,lO U t , COMOH S4smBAG2 0 " HIGH WHEEL - EASY TO PUSHVISIT OUR POPULARGARDENCART 36.95BUCKLAND STOREAN D SEE O UR COMPLETE SELECTIONOF VERY FAM O US N A M E ITEMS . . .AGWAY HOME & GARDEN CENTERHOUSElingerie depf.IL «.HALE1310 TOLLAND TNKEMANCHESTER 6 43 -5 1 2 3 DAILY 8 - 5SATURDAY 8 - 4]fDowntown M to St., Maneligstar *. Open 6 Days—Tlniraday Nights tU 9:00I,A i m Matag an FOge U )PRICE TEN CENTWChristians SetT o CelebrateResurrectionrying signs and enlaiged photosat wounded and dead to Viet nam.In Son BVandsoo, a rally out side the gates oC the 8th Army’sPtotodio was planned today byBy THE ASSOCIATED FBES8 ute candy and ploturas at snlthe O .L-dvitian Peace MarchPope (Paul VI will ligM a Pas mnls.Oomanlttee following a proces chal candto at a vigS servtoe to White MMea and other tprktgsion from the Otvlc Center.day as Christians around toe flowers ware being set up inIn Seattle, ttw O.L-OvUlsn Al w oild prepare to celebrate the dnirohes and at many outdoorliance for Peace prepared areaurteoUon o f Christ.loeattons wiiars early m d m li«weekend series of anUwarTliounnds o f pUgrima, who Easter services were planned.oonferencs to acquaint OIs andhave been dogglqg the streets litlta . P a., a tromtesteclviUans wMh the nationwide an o f Rente tor the post few days. choirfromthellocavlaatiwar movement.were expeetd to 8t. Peterie Ooqgregatton* paraded tfaroiwhIn Honolulu, about 20O antiwarBaoUlca to join with the pontiff the etreete at 8 asn. to waJee tosdemonstrators proceeded Fri in the vigil and the Maoa o f joy townspeople for toe 6 asn . eerrday through the Wiaiklld area tocommemorating theIce at Ood’aQod’e AcTe, s Cemeterytoo Army’s Ft. de Russy.Chrtrt’s entombmentsite.About 60 of the marchers,Vestments were set asideMany o f the servlcaa will Inmost o f them students, brokefor the Pope to change into dur chide dramatic praaentatfone.past pohoe lines to sit on theing today’s ceremony after re A «aat of 4,000 persona to M ar lawn of the fort. Police carriedmoving his purple robes. This ion, &mL, wifi react the events tothem back to the entrancesignifies the end o f mourn where they were releasd. The(Saa Page Fanrteen)ing for toe death o f Christ onmarchers left In about twoGood Friday and toe com ing ofhours.Easter.Demonstration leaders saidIn tbe Holy Land 1,000 pUThiouaiuids of p«griin8, tourists end Romans ciOwdthe protest was aimed at the Ingrtms were gatliMed in JbeuraduoUon station located insideinto the floodKbWted area in ffiont of the CWlosseumlamvigil servloas at toethe fort.400-year-oM Church o f the Hofyin Rome, Ttaly, last niigiht, as Pope ftftiJ VI presidesIn Baltimore, about 80 proSepulclme, whMi tradition holdstosters walked through down over a somber Good FridUiy procession 'to commem is the site of Christ’s tomh.town rtreets chanting “ PeaceIt was the second Holy WeekNow,” "E nd toe War in Viet orate the Passibn and Deai of Jesus Christ. (APto Jerusalem under Israeli rulenam " and "Hell no, we won’tPhotofax vih dable from Rome)and It pasaed aa peaoefidly aago.”any other. White-capped aecixlIn Chicago, several thousandtyguards nStogled wltii theVATICAN e n r (AP) — FUpeout-of-town demonstrators werePRIAQUE (A P)—Top Oommu- comimunity of socialist states.” crowd, tMnned by the absence Paul VI today ordered bWiopaO A I G O N (A P )-A m epican expected to join today in a nlat leaders sharply rebuked theHiestatementwasseenasc f Arab pHgrfana who need toforces lured Viet Cong and march from downtown State Czechoslovak Journalists Unionthrong the d ty when it was di and canUnate to simpUIy theirNorth Vietnamese troops out of Street to the South Side OOUse- today tor resisting the new So- the forerunner of a sweeping retouffleatnewspaper,radioand.uiuoiwiu BiHi lIsa mode of dreaa to kaaptagvidedunder JordanianandCambodian sanctuaries today, um.viet-dlotated crackdown on the television editors. (Demotion ofraell rule. The Israelle captured"almpUcity, praetteaUthen mowed them down with ar Mayor Richard J. Daley, to occupied natkm’s news media.it-, -withmui- tvtwo Rude Pravo deputy editorsty Sfuiand aniritspirit nfo f linmnitw**hum flity" em it Airtnaduring tfiAthe Jtme 1987 mmwartillery, dive-bombers and heli the wake o f disorders ahursdayRude Pravo, organ of the already has been announced.toe Arabs.phasised by the Vatican Ecu copter gunahipe, U.S. oftlcera in predominantly Negro nelghCsechodovak Communist party,aaid.In Vietnam, chaplains in com menical Council.The party executives coin'borlKxxto said Friday night heThe order, affaotiva April 19,bat fatigues visited jungle outThe two-hour battle 80 miles would make a final decision to pUUished a stateonent o f ithe in plained the journalists unionner eight-member EbcecuUve "does not express anywherepoets to oonduet services tor will make the April 98 conaiatonorthwest of Saigon was theday on whetoer to aMow toe aft Committee o f the party Presidi ry to create 88 new earti)dlaasupport: for the declaration ofAmerican servioenMO.only significant ground aoUon ernoon parade.um attacking the journalists’ the Communist party Centralreported by the U.S. and aUledIn the Uhtted States, mllUons one o f the most auatere'to cen Mlaxwell Primack, oo-riiair- stand against censorship thatNBW YORK (A P) — The gram ,” Wood said, ” wie believe o f peisona proponed to attend turies.commands aa thousands ofCommittee Presidium or theman of the Chicago FVace Coun was imposed after anti-SovietIt aboliahes toe uaa o f rodBrothersComedy that the program in ito present vigil or pre- toa«i Easter eervAmerican troops prepared todeclaration of the federal gov Smotherscelebrate Baater. H iere were 20 cil, told newsmen no "form al or demonstratioius last weekend.ernment. The union’s statement Hour televtoion abow hae been form would not be acceptable.” Icee, many of them In outdoor tiioee, shoe buckles, tos broadinformal”wordhadoomefrombrimmed Qalere hat, the redTheExecutiveOomnnlttee is, on toe contrary, an indirect canceledovernight rocket and mortar at by the ColumbiaHe said toe network under- arenas.tacks acroaa the country and the city or state concerning can “ rejects 'in principle the state expressionofdisagreement Broadcasting SystMn for next etood /that the program IncludedAs thousands o f college stu plush hat traditionally worn bycellationofthemardi.ment o f the Uidon of Csechoslo- with the party declaration — a season after several months of “at the very least . . . a mono dents romped on beattoee from cardinals, aaehes with teaselsthree U.S. aircraft were shotMeanwhile, about 6,000 Na vak Journiaists, condemns itsdown.polem ic with its basic ideas.”argument between the network logue which In our opinion CaUfoRda to Florida, women and the mantelletta, a short redAbout 600 Infantrymen of the tional Guardsmen remained on liresponsible approach to seri andIts stars about the pro would be considered to be irrel were shopping tofinal cape.H ieCzechoslovak leaders’The new rules do not stripU.S. Stti Division sprang the tsndby. None has been as ous probtems and the present statement said flatly the atti gram 'e content.touchesontheirEasteroutfitsevant and offensive to a largecardtoala end leaser prelates ofborder trap on 600 men of the signed to the march area, but crisis situation,” the statement tude o f the journalists ” oan beandchildrenweredyetogeggsRobert Wood, prealdent of eegment of our audience, andall their finery, but aim to elim Viet Cong’s 9th Dlvtalon, moat 600 specially selected policemen said.objectively assessed aa a pro CBS-TV said Friday that Tom therefore unaccqatotde even If to preparation tor egg hunts.of them North Vietnamese sol- were slated for duty.R added that the party tection of antisoolallst foroas.”Airports, railroad and bus ter inating toe royal red, erminethiswerenottheweekoftheEl andDick'SmothershadbrokenIki PhUodelpbia, Sunday serv "deem s it necessary to takeand silver comm only worn bydlera. Spokesmen said 81 enemyThis lis a serious charge in the their oontraot by foiling to sub senhower funeral rites and even minals and highways were them.were killed at a coat of four ices were scheduled In the Ge* steps which wilt lead to restor janxnedwithtravelersonweek prasentCoechoslovakcrisis,mit Sunday’s program to time if Sunday were not Easter Sun The rules are entitled: "In Americana klUed and 18 wound mantown section -by antiwar ing the high responalfaUlty ofend tripe or beginning a p rii«groups urging "reatot the war to mass media toward the sover with the Prague government un for a screening last WMnesday day."structions on the drees, titlesed.vacations.r .kad coats o f arms at biabopa,der severe pressure from Mos by the network and its sttflltotes. -T h e monologue, CBS sold,O fficen aaW X a j- .Gen. siin. Vietnam and renew hope In eign interests o f socialism InIn todlanapolis, tod. childrencow to curb anti-Ooimnunism” CB9 hae baen.trylng to force was by comedian David Stein hetwled tor the soo where a cardinals and laaaer prelates.”WlUiamaon, commander of the Am erica.”our country end tow aid the and anti-Soviet feelings pro The Introduction states that26th Dlvlaion, enticed the enemyus to to a breach o f contract,” berg and was described as a giant Easter bunny was to ar duced by the August 1968 inva Tom Smothers replied in Losto crosa the Cambodian border(See Page Seven)sion.rive to a helicopter and dlstrlb(Sen Page )into South Vietnam by establish Angeles. "CBS is obligated byIn announcing prepubUcation cmitract to atr 28 Smotheraing an artillery and patrol basecensorship last Wednesday, the Brothers shown next season.”just aeroas from tha enemy’sgovernment emd party had ac Angel's Wing sanctuary."They’ve harassed us andcused the press, radto and tele want us o ff (he air because theyLeas than 94 hours later thevision of contributing to anti-So- think we’re a ttum t to toem ,”enemy seddiere, camouflagedvlet feelings. Today’s party Smothers told newsmen, " , , .with rice straw on their backs,statement said the journalists they have lied to us crnisistentlaunched their attack acroaahad raactod with “ a repudiation ly, we have complied with ourpaddies under cover o f a heavyHOUSTON, Tex. (AP) - An but ceased to funoUen a few of the criticism of the mass me mortar barrage.contract at aU tim es.”dia.”But the Americans were wait artificial heart made o f fabric blocks from St. Luke’s.The brothers have tedoverthis,The peuty statement said: previoualy with CBS over cuteing. When the enemy troops ysaid.“I’mwithin 80 yards of the fire baae,“ The leading workers o f press, whirii the network made In theBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Henry Loeb and cool rain emp head of toe Soutoerntwo 106mm howltsera lowered the first recipient of such a de waiting. We’re still waiting for a radio and television, with full show. The Jan. 5 ahow waavice.donor.”On the first anniversary of his tied the streets during toe night. Leadership Ootiference, w w totheir barrela and opened fireresponsibility tor thefar papeis dropped and an earlier one aubA surgical team headed byaseasslnation. Dr. Martin Lu Police had arreeted more than lead toe march. He beoiUd illsKiarp, father of three children, and broadcasts, could havewith deadly shrapnel shellsrtltuted after folk sli nr Joan ther King Jr. was memorialised70 persons by midnight for cur servicca for King in Memphiswhile two helicopter gunahlps Dr. Deitoon A. Cooley performed was conscious two hours after proved many times and afterBaez, who was appearing as a in servloes, marches and vigils few violations, looting, burglary Fritoiy.thethree-hourop tionFridaytheoperationandrespondedtoand dive-bombers sprayed frommany warnings how they imple guest, dedicated a song to herat St. Luke’s Episcopal Hoepl- commands to raise and lower ment responsibly the decisionsacross the notion. Speakers and assault.above with machine guns.The day poosed calm ly In Chi husband who is a draft resistor. pleaded for a rededlcaUon to Me. his bands and open and close his"There were North Viet tial.of the govermnent and party.In Montgomery, Ala., several cago, the only other city whereTherecipient,HaskellKarpofIn announcing toe cancella battle for human righto.eyes, the spokesman sold.namese soldiers up and runningThey have not done so, so thatthousandNegroeocamped mourning was marred by vio toward the firebaae,” said Spec. Skokie, m ., was in satisfactoryA hospital administrator re their present assertion awakes tion of the toow next season.The observancee Friday in through the night In a huge field lence. There were outbreaks In4 Robert Odom of Memphis, condition after physicians re ported at 6:80 a.m. today that serious doubts about their sin Wood said that the Smothers hundreds of towns and cities beMndaRomanCatholic two neighbrnboods Thursday byBrothers“hadconsistently were peaceful. But In Memphis, school. They were waiting the groiq 8 o f Negro youtoa.Tenn. "It looked like a football moved hts ailing heart and re Karp was "awake end alert and vertapesoftheirteam 's end around. We pickedPolice and 6,000 Nationalhis condition remains stable andThe party chiefs also accusedTenn., where King was killed on atari of a march on toe Statemost of them off as they came device.satisfactory, as he awaits the the joiOTalists union of attempt shows In time for the network to April 4, 1968, a mass march wae Capitol today In memory of Guardunen stood by In coos ofCooley,whohasperformed18running back across the riceavailability of a suitable human ing to weaken party authority review them.further trouble but otdy one mi taken as an opportunity by van King.human heart transplant opera- heart donor.”paddies.”In Ms telegram to Tbm dals to amasli store windows.by expressing support for ,onIynor shooting incident was rsTheRev.RalphDavidAbei Military spokesmen said sun tlone, more than any other sur His wife Shirley visited him five members of the leadership Smothers Friday, Wood said theA curfew ordered by Ifayor nathy, who succeeded IO i« m ported.rise Baater services Sunday geon, said the device "ie built in briefly in ecu-ly morning and his — Blrat Secretary Alexander tape o f Sunday’s show hod notThe Rev. Dr. Martin Lutherwould be limited to small a way that it could work indefi son Michael, 22, watched from Dubcek, President Ludvlk Svo- been received In time to be re King Sr., leaking at « specialcongregations In the battle nitely’’ but emphasized it.w illGood Friday service In subur an operating room gallery. Two boda. Premier Oldrich Oerndk, viewed. He said a ehow orlglnelzones, to avoid providing large be used only until a donor can other children, Joel, 19. and a d National Assembly Deputy ly broadcast on Nov. 10 wouldban Evanston, called on blacksbe found for a human hearttargets for the enemy.be subeUtuted tor It.and whites to follow the nonvloMartin, 11, stayed home in RU- Chairman Josef Smrkovsky.Lt. Gen. FTonk T. Mlldren, transplant operation. The body nols.“ On the basis of our informa eint principles of his son.In ite statement the Czechodeputy commanding general of of a Cleveland, Tex., woman"Violence gatas nothing.” theThe administrator re-empha COlovok Journalists Union had tion about parte of that pro the 860,000 U.S. Army troops In who died in child birth wassized that the artificial Implant expressed confidence in theseelder King said. “ Good men wlBbrought to Houston as a poten was "on interim step" until aalways be opposed to looting, '(See Page Fourteen)tial donor. The woman’s heart(See Page Fourteen)killing and rioting. We mustwas maintained by a respirator(Nm Page ItoB teoa)strive continually tor peace. Jus tice and fair jS sy ."President Nixon oent a meosage of condolence to Dr. King'swidow, (foretta, in Atlantawhich waa deUvered by RobertH. Finch, secretary of health,LONDON (A P ) — A six-dayeducation and welfare, on thestrike by pilots of British Overeve of the aimlvereary.w as Airways Corp, ended todayMrs. King avoided public cer after marathon talks that lastedemonies during the day but did23 hours.visit her husband’s grave wtthBOACplaneshodbeenher four cMIdren. She placed agrounded around toe world andred and wMte cross o* flowerstoe national airline estimated Iton the gravestone inscribed:lost te million because of toe"F ree at last, free at last,strike.thank God Almighty I’m free atCapt. Laurie Taylor, chair last.”man of toe British AlrUnee Pi lots Association, jolqed BOAC’eIn Nashville some SOO demon chief negotiator, James Ather strators marched to the groundeton, In announcing toe agree of toe Tennessee State Prieonment.where James Bart Ray Is serv Terms of settlement wereing a 99-year sentence forwithheld until the pilote’ execu King’s murder. Ttiey aaid theirtive council and membershippurpose was to remind Ray "o fratify toem. The airline was un what he did.”able to say bow quickly normalBoston Mayor Kevin WMteflight schedules would be re called on Oongreee to declaresumed, but one official said nor King’s birthday a national holi mal operations might now beday. Later hundreda of Negroespossible before toe end of nextheld a black-only rally in King'sweek.honor, at one point asking a R o TTie pilote have been demand man Catholic priest and fouring a basic minimum of 18,000nuns, all arhtte, to leave.a year for 600 credited hours of ' B artin LuHver King, father of slain civfl flightsIn Alaska a member o f thetlylng. BOAC ooimtered withJohn Birch Society led the oppo 16,10 for 660 hours.leader, speaks before a cross draped in btack onsition foroCa that defeated a res *nie8e pfiotoB show the mechanical device used yes A senior captain now is paidthe aorta. lYie other ties to 'the pulmonary artery.the annversary of the death of his son. Th6 memo olution In the State Senate to 13,920.terday for the first time to replace the total hu ask Omgreas to declaro Kbag'sIn the right hand photo is the front side of the1110 pay wrangle has beenrial service was sponsored i y six United Methodistbirthday a national day ofman heart. In 'the telt photo, showfng the -backgoing on tor several years, withunit, showing respectively the right and left venmourning.congregations last might n Evanston, IH., a northone two-day sUppege and a 17side of the device, the valve «t Hie left ties oiito tridea. (AP Photofax)day strike lost summer.OhkagD suburb. (AP Photofax)(la o Page Fenrteen)P op e O rd ersRed Leaders RapCzech JournalistsS im p le D ress5F or B is h o p sNew Heart DeviceFunctions in ManAPTributes Across NationMemorialize Dr. KingB O A C P ilo ts’Slip Into your allnklait - and Im Ic aa Ifthara a nothing beneath but « beautiful,natural youl Saamlatt Parma-Set cupt airaflawleitly smooth, with natural contoursthat can navor wash out of shape. Parma- olvas firmer, lovallaraRf rl, ihift or bind - even“ laca-adfad nylontaffeta slip that never rides op . . . alvasyou the smooth, natural look you love —top to bottomiA niHFDOOWITHTUPERSANK IL L S CRABGRASS BEFOREeWE HCWOR 'WITH AGWAY CRABGRASS KILLERCONTROL GRANULES.ALSO CONTROLSPUSSLEY, PURSLANE,WITCHGRASSAND MANY OTHERS.10-6 4 TURFOODIWith the firstSEAMLESS BRAthat’s Perma-Set to hiddits natural shape forever!WEEKENDS PEC IA LVI NAVI TNI lAlUiST SillCTIONOF SEIIS IN TNI AMA. n Read Herald AdvertiseineiitsCONTAINS DACTHAL 1 .9 8 1 .7 9 3 .7 9 4 .2 9 5 .7 9 2 .9 9. . . *6Lightly shaped bra top with fiberflll and underwlrsd far uplift. Ira andbodice In nylen tricot. A32-36, 632-38."THE KINGOFPRO DUCE"Vow 10 to 46. Ibmormr IrtrnaiCBS To CancelSmothers Hour. ’6*TRUCKLOAD SALEON LIMESTONEGRASS SEEDPROFESSIONAL MIXSPOT MIXSHADY GREENWEAR GREENVELVET GREENQUIK GREEN.J*'xt**'**' control of powernet In nylon and lycra* Spandex. SIzoi S, M,REG, 89 SHEEP MANURECOW MANUREBOVUNGMANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1909Onnaakinal tain orlOi poaMbOttr of ttuBdanlwwasa ipta MTiff over Show’s Contentthe life fiberfill lura . . . . 4the long leg pantyBANTLY OIL(FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION)M ow ed D ow nEmbroldsrsd nylon tricof cupt and nylan LyeroB Spandsx itrstch tldetand back. Just for gentle ihaping In A32-36, 632-38, C32-40.GASOLINEtag fair, ooolar to the afttfnoosLF rom S afety,you need underyourfaahion.WELDON DRUG CO.RANGEManeheetw - 4 CUy o f Village CharmE n em y L uredIf that’sFROJBCTOll ilAMPS167 Mala Bt.OM day. n ote ondtav tinl MA nti-W ar ProtestsCalled in 43 CitiesaalyH ie Weatherila ttrifF H tF r lEuFittitg I k r a U iNEW YGCUC (AP) —A ooaHtlon o f anU-’V Mnam war oegani aftona called for demonatrattona today in 48 clUea aixaindthe natlott, renewing proteststhat have been ganeraly afboentIn the first two months o f theNixon odmlniatration.The Nattonal Action Grotq , a aHWon of a dooen organlsattona oppoelng UJB. policy inVietnam, said titousands wouldmarch In New York aa part ofthe Blaster weekend proteata.R also planted "deatii watch« ” at draft hoards, "teachoute” at defense plants, andpuUic vigda tar peace.On Friday a group of womenPtoidad 813 croeses—one for«««h American soldier killed kiVietnam the past week—to a man park acroes from the fed eral courtttoisse In lower Man hattan.The women wer« joined laterby a number of men, all car-YOUR LAWNMAKERS HEADQUARTERSNOW IS THE TIM E TO LIM E !!!LAWN AND GARDEliFERTILIZERS1 5 ,5 3 5AH TJrpM Ahvaya la Stoek NOW. OPENSATURDAY8 -4Al YA IG8-4H2 SEItelightfrrm Sheila Mtaovlch and DeborahLaurinttla, Junior Leaders ofthe club, participated as evalu ators at the exhibits.Members o f the Manchester4-Jl Homemakers Club whoplanned a 4th of July picnic inbuffet style w ere: Jill Acker man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Edward Ackerman, Keeney St„an election cake; Heidi Lundberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Ralph Kurts, Erie St., pups inblankets; Cynthia Kurts, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. RalphKurts, Erie St., potato salad;Linda Nelson, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Carol Nelson, SunsetSt., biscuits; T«Sri Johnstondaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben jam in Johnston, Spring St.,hamburg drumsticks; Mary El len Putlra, daughter o f Mr. andMrs. Francis J. Putlra, KeeneySt., toss6d salad; Ann Maszotta, Keeney St., deviled eggs;( mthia Hultgren, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Carl Hultgren,Jello salad.Nancy Romanowlcz, had an in dividual exhibit of brownies. Sheis the daughter o f Mra. CarlaRomanowlcs, Village St.Others from the club who partldpated aa ev duator8 weiieJanet and Susan Ackerman,daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Ackerman, Kenney St.;C ard and Sylvia Pella, daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. PeterPella, Bldwell St.; Susan Nel son, daughter of Mr. end Mrs.Carol Nelson, Sunset St.; andM arjorie Pella, daughter o f Mr.and Mrs. John Pella, Bldwell St.Mrs. Michael Minovich waschairman of the event whichended in a tasting party.MELONS .each 3 9 «VINE RIPE TOMATOES . .lb . S 8 «FANCY, FRESH ASPARAG U S. lb. 5 9 «NATIVE DANDELIONS . lb.SEALTEST ICE C R E A M .gal. 8 0 «H ie tk iB iM iM rnm knetmOpen 6 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily276 OAKLAND ST.—MANCHESTER—643-6384TELiBraONE 649-7440NON OPENSATURDAYWEEKEND SPECIALSSee Our Display of Easter Flowers A Candy OPEN AXi, DAY EASTER SUNDAY WE CARRY LCE CUBES "OUR ENLARGED STORE NOW HAS EVERYTHING!”We Carry The Manchester Evening HeraldOOMPLirrE UN E OF SUNDAY PAPEiRSON ALL ANTIQUESNEXT TO FMtBtOUSEThe annual Hartford County4-H d u b Food Show was heldrecently at the Penney HighBctiool in BhMt Haitford.M embers o f the Mancheoter4-H HomemtUcers Chib end theZippers and Spoons 4-H d u bwere partldpents.The Food Show Is one o f theannual highlights of 4-H eventstar members enrolled in theFftod and Nutrition projectGreen ribbons were awardedto the 197 members participat ing from Manchester and areatowns, South Windsor. Wethers field, Marlborough, EnMeld andEast Berlin.'Girls participating from theZippers and Spoons d u b were:Marlerro MLsovich, devil's floodcake; Allison M lsi ch, pepper mint patUes; and ChristineMlsovksh, Jiffy Fruit Bread; alldaughters o f Mr. arid Mrs. Mi chael Misovlich, Bell St.Diane Keeney, ooffee cake;Theresa Ifeeney,peanut buttercookies; Joan Keeney, ginger bread cookies; all daughters ofMr. and Mrs. Alfred Keeney,Keeney 8t.Deborah Gryk, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Henry Gryk,Wetherell St., Jellocheese mold;Rhonda Foster, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Nicholas Olanokas, Buah Hill Rd., sunshinelayer cake.HI KATHY, HAPPY EASTER!Easter Greetings from Pero'sPine Accessories, Wrought iron, Brass andDriJjr Not PkwMBRwbVWStrike E n d sfliV‘V15

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN,. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1969B u d g e t P r o p o s a lsP u b lic A ir in g M o n d a yVernonLogP o lic eSchool MenuNext WeekSirhan TrialNears JuryMANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATU R l Y, APRIL 6, 1999t:M O V IE A UDIEN CE* * * * * * * q U IO E * * * * * * *A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERSAND THEATERS.SheinwoW on Bridgef o r g e t o ld SLOOAIfBEST d e f e n seFOBNORTH 653,A320 QJ 1094 AQ' IABBB8TSTh«tt rating* apply to himtralaaaad after Nov 1,1968I By ALFRED SHBINWOLDi m «nA ooM o( lU nTIm aohool board bad raHenri R. Mathieu, a , of WIILOS ANGEn:.X38 (AP) — The a .aohool bud(ot pro- quoatod S,S8«,»14. Woiaa had outUmanUc, charged with intoxica murder trial of Sirhan BisharaTHISSEALI When you know that an optor IMb-TO aro aocpected 08,380 from that figura.Skinner Road School; Mon- tion. Court date April 31.Sirhan, is expected to go to theWESTiponent conswrely win two t i i eastinsdsindicatssthefilmwasiU M lSaBday*a publicTha out haa prorvote d much day, ravioli with meat, cheese,Jury next week, iU 14th week,A 10 2submittadaqdapprovsdundtrinyourlot K Q 987(Ml Toam Manatar Rob- diocuaalan, favotaMa and uitfav- toMed salad, buttered mixedRichard C. Johnston Jr., 10, after three dajrs of closing argu 9 10986Ineed to decide

pink bark mulch 2.79 red bark mulch 3.50 peat moss 6 cu.ft 4.25 peat moss 3 cu.ft, 2.95 grass seed professional mix ilb 1.98 spot mix ilb 1.79 shady green 3lb 3.79 wear green 5lb 4.29 velvet green 5lb 5.79 quik green 5lb 2.99 truckload sale on limestone weekend special reg, 89 stop cr

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