PRIMARY ONESECTION 1DIVERSITY OF MATTERGeneral Objectives : The pupil will: the great variety of living and non-living things and their interconnectedness in awareness that materials as well as organisms can be grouped based on their properties or characteristicsclassify living things into broad groups according to common observable characteristics based on similarities and differences.appreciate the importance of measurement in everyday life.UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESUNIT 1The pupils will be able to:LIVING ANDNON-LIVINGTHINGS1.1.1group materials into livingand non-living things.CONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESLet pupils:Living and Non-living thingsGo round the school compound (Nature Walk) and collectdifferent materials and bring them to class. Group thematerials into living and non-living things.Note: Real objects or cut-out pictures can be used forthe grouping.1.1.2state the characteristics ofliving things.Characteristics of living things: Need air, water, light and food tosurvive Grow, move by themselves,reproduce and dieDiscuss the characteristics of living things. Supportdiscussions with living things intoplants and animals.Plants and AnimalsObserve and sort out living things into plants and animals.1.1.4describe some externalappearance of plants.External appearance of plants:- Size (tall, short, small, big)- Colour of leaves.Collect plants of different sizes and colour from thesurroundings or home and bring them to school.Group them according to sizes (tall, short, small, and big)and colour of leaves.Page 1Sort pictures of thefollowing into livingand non-living things:Insects, lizard, toad,pebbles, beads,glass, plastic cupsand trees.List two (2)differences betweenplants and animals.1.1.3Natural Science 2012EVALUATION
UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESCONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESThe pupils will be able to:1.1.5UNIT 2MEASUREMENTOF VOLUME,MASS, LENGTHAND TIMEdescribe the externalappearance of animalsLet pupils:External appearanceof animals:small, big, tall, shortUse chart, pictures and models to group animals according to theirsizes, big, small, tall, short.1.1.6identify some common nonliving materials around usNon-living materialsaround usName different kinds of materials, such as plastics, rubber, paper,metals, glass, textile, wood and stone.Give examples of things made from these materials.1.2.1measure and compare lengthof objects using the feet handspan and arm span.Measuring LengthMeasure distances or lengths of objects such as tables, writingboards and classroom using their feet, hand span and arm span.Note: Help pupils to infer from the activity that different pupilshave different lengths of hand and arm span.1.2.2estimate and compare massof objects using their palmand double pan balance.Estimating andcomparing MassesCompare the heaviness or lightness of different sizes of the sameobject such as balls, oranges, stones, wood and pencils.Compare the heaviness or lightness of the same size of differentobjects such as balls, stones and wood.Note: Show that big size does not necessarily mean heaviermass.1.2.3estimate volume ofsubstances using the terms‘more’ or ‘less.Estimating volumeDemonstrate that different sizes of containers (milk tin, milo tin, bigbottles, and small bottles) can hold different volumes of materials(water and sand).Demonstrate that the same volume of materials (e.g. water, sand,oil) occupies the same space in containers of different sizes.1.2.4Natural Science 2012recognize the passage oftime.EVALUATIONPassage of time:Morning, afternoon,evening and nightTeacher guides pupils to develop awareness of the passage of timeor time taken by events e.g. Morning, afternoon, evening and night,sunrise, sunset, breakfast time, school going time and closing time.Page 2Explain how livingthings are differentfrom non living thingsMeasure the length ofthe followingmaterials:a sticka strip of papera leaf.
PRIMARY ONESECTION 2CYCLESGeneral Objectives : The pupil will:1.2.recognise that there are repeated patterns of change in nature and understand how these patterns arise.recognise that the Sun is the driving force behind many cyclic events and processes in nature.UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESUNIT 1The pupil will be able to:SUN ANDEARTH2.1.1describe events that occur incycles.CONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESLet pupils:Cyclic events: analogueclock, Merry-go-round,circular cardsDemonstrate cyclic movement using the second hand of ananalogue clock, of merry-go-round and circular cards.Note: Explain to pupils that the appearance of the Sun, Moonand stars follow a cyclic pattern.2.1.2identify the Sun and clouds in theday sky with unaided eyes.Objects in the day sky:Sun and CloudsObserve the Sun and clouds in the sky during the day withunaided eyes.2.1.3identify the Moon and Stars in thenight sky with unaided eyes.Objects in the night sky:Moon and StarsObserve the Moon and Stars in the sky at nightCompare day and night sky along these lines: brightness,darkness, objects in sky. the changes in lengthand position (direction) ofshadows from morning throughmidday to evening.Changes in length andposition (direction) ofshadows during the daystate that the Earth is round like afootball.Shape of the EarthObserve the length and position of shadows in relation to theposition of the Sun in the sky.Caution: Pupils should not look at the Sun directly.Observe the globe and relate it to the shape of Earth.Go outside to observe the horizon and relate it to the roundnessof the Earth.Natural Science 2012EVALUATIONPage 3Mention names ofthree (3) objectsfound in the sky.
PRIMARY ONESECTION 3SYSTEMSGeneral Objectives : The pupil will:1.2.recognise that a system is a whole consisting of parts that work together to perform a functionrecognise the human body as a system which has different parts to carry out different functionsUNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESUNIT 1The pupil will be able to:THE HUMANBODY3.1.1 identify the differentparts of the humanbody.Natural Science 2012CONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESEVALUATIONLet pupils:Parts of the human body:Head, neck, hands, chest,abdomen, ears, mouth, eyes,nose and legs.Identify and name the parts of the human body as listed in thecontent through games, songs, models and dolls.3.1.2 identify the functions ofthe different parts of thehuman body.Functions of the parts of thehuman bodyDraw and match the human body parts to their functions.3.1.3 predict what happenswhen one loses a partof the human body.Effect of losing part of thehuman bodyName parts of thehuman body that is inpairs.Teacher to assist pupils understand that, the stomach is found inthe abdomen. It cannot be seen from outside.Do a miming and tell the parts of the human body involved in theactivity.Discuss the effect of losing part of the human body.Page 4State a function eachof the following partsof the human body:Neck, head, legs andhands.
PRIMARY ONESECTION 4ENERGYGeneral Objectives: The pupil will: 1The pupil will be able to:SUNLIGHT4.1.1state theimportance ofsunlight.recognise that energy has a source, can be transferred and can be transformed into various forms.recognise that the Sun is the primary source of light energyrecognise that an electronic circuit consists of an energy source and other circuit components to form an electronic systemrecognise the importance of safe use of electricityCONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESEVALUATIONLet pupils:Sunlight as a source of energyDemonstrate that sunlight helps us to see clearly.Demonstrate that sunlight helps things to dry.List three (3) uses ofsunlight.Demonstrate that sunlight can make things warm.4.1.2UNIT 2BASICELECTRONICS4.2.1show that light fromthe Sun is a basicsource of energyfor all plants.Sunlight as a basic source ofenergy for plants.Demonstrate that sunlight helps plants to grow well.tell that batteriesmake electronicgadgets (toys)work.Batteries as sources of energyGather different battery-operated electronic toys.Operate the electronic toys using different batteries.Group the toys according to how they work:Identify what the batteries make the toys do e.g.1. movement2. making sound3. producing light4. playing musicDraw different types of batteries.What happens tosmaller plants thatgrow in shady areasunder bigger trees?Note: Assist pupils to realise that a battery is a source ofenergy that make electronic gadgets work.Natural Science 2012Page 5Tell what batteries doin electronic toys.
UNITSPECIFICOBJECTIVESCONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESThe pupil will be able to:UNIT 3ELECTRICITYLet pupils:4.3.1identify appliances inthe home which useelectricity to work.Appliances in the home which useelectricityList the different types of appliances in their homes which useelectricity to work.4.3.2recognise that safetyis important whenusing electricity.Safety in the use of electricityDiscuss safety measures to be observed when using electricityNatural Science 2012EVALUATIONPage 6Name two (2)appliances in thehome that useelectricity.
PRIMARY ONESECTION 5INTERACTIONS OF MATTERGeneral Objectives: The pupil will:1.2.3.appreciate that interaction between and within matter helps humans to better understand the environment and their role in it.develop positive attitude towards personal hygiene and environmental sanitation.appreciate the role of machines as a tool for making work easier and faster.UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESUNIT 1The pupil will be able to:PERSONALHYGIENE5.1.1explain the need for handwashing.CONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESEVALUATIONLet pupils:Importance hand washingDemonstrate how they wash their hands using soapand running water and give their comment on thedemonstration.Why do you washyour hands beforeyou eat?Teacher to explain the need for hand washing anddemonstrate the right way of hand washing usingrunning water.5.1.2explain the need for cleaning theteeth.Importance of cleaning the teeth.Discuss the need for brushing the teeth.Demonstrate the proper way to brush the teeth.5.1.3explain the need for bathing.Importance of bathingDiscuss the need for bathing.Demonstrate the proper way of bathing using dolls.Natural Science 2012Page 7Describe how towash hands andbrush the teeth
UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESUNIT 1PERSONALHYGIENE(cont)The pupil will be able to: AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESEVALUATIONLet pupils:explain the need for keepingthe finger nails short andclean.Keeping the finger nails short andclean.explain the need for takinggood care of the hair.Taking good care of the hairDemonstrate ways for keeping the finger nails short and clean.Demonstrate the proper way to keep the finger nails clean.Discuss the need for taking good care of the hair.Name the parts ofthe body that mustbe clean.Demonstrate the proper way for taking good care of the hair.UNIT 2SIMPLEMACHINES5.1.6explain the need for washingclothes and underwear.Care for clothing.Discuss the need for washing clothes and underwear.Demonstrate the proper way of washing clothes andunderwear.5.2.1name some simple devicesused for making work easier.Simple devices for doing work:Bottle opener, scissors, screw driver,hammer, and knife.Name some simple devices that make work easier to do.5.2.2use appropriate machines todo specific work.Uses of simple machinesChoose appropriate simple machines and practice how to usethem in the following activities:Opening a firmly secured bottle top.Cutting a piece of cloth.Natural Science 2012Page 8Why do you washyour cloths?What will you use toopen a bottle of softdrink easily?
UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESUNIT 2SIMPLEMACHINES(cont)The pupil will be able to:CONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESLet pupils: Cutting through a piece of cloth.Removal of a screw stuck in wood.Driving a nail into wood.Attempt to perform the above activities using bare hands.Compare their experiences to when using the tools and when usingtheir bare hands.5.2.3infer that devices that help tomake work easier are calledmachines.MachinesDiscuss and bring out the meaning of the term machine.5.2.4develop skills for using simplemachines.Skills for using simplemachinesTeacher assists pupils to handle and use tools efficiently as theygo through the above activities.Note: Teacher should design more activities involving the use ofsimple machines for pupils to practice.Natural Science 2012EVALUATIONPage 9Why do we usemachines to work?
PRIMARY TWOSECTION 1DIVERSITY OF MATTERGeneral Objectives: The pupil will: the great variety of living and non-living things and their interconnectedness in nature.recognize reproduction in living things as the basis for the sustainability of aware that water, air and rocks are substances that sustain life.appreciate the importance of measurement in everyday life.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESCONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESEVALUATIONThe pupil will be able to:Let pupils:UNIT 1PLANTS1.1.1describe various kinds ofplants.Kinds of Plants: Erect,Creeping and ClimbingGo on a nature walk. Observe and describe different kinds ofplants e.g. Erect, creeping and climbing.Note: Build stock of the different varieties of plants.1.1.2group plants according to thecharacteristics of their leaves.Characteristics of leaves:broad, narrow, thin, thickand colouredIn groups, collect different kinds of leaves. Each group should puttheir leaves together and sort them into broad, narrow, thin, thickand coloured1.1.3mention ways by which plantsproduce baby plants(seedling).Reproduction in PlantsBring planting materials to school (seeds, cassava sticks, sugarcane and ginger).Examine the planting materials and predict the part that growsinto a young plant.Draw some of the plant materials.1.1.4demonstrate ways by whichbaby(young) plants areproduced from seeds andcutting.Producing baby (young)plants from seeds andcuttings.Sow the seeds in transparent containers filled with wet cottonwool/saw dust/ soil. Plant the cassava sticks/sugar cane/gingerin soil and observe daily to see where the baby plant emergesfrom.Watch a video/digitized clip on seed germination and talk about it.Natural Science 2012Page 10List two (2) ways bywhich plants producetheir young ones.
UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESCONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESUNIT 2The pupil will be able to:ANIMALS1.2.1group animals into birds,insects, fish, reptiles andmammals.Groups of animals: birds, insects,fish, reptiles and mammals.Go on a nature walk to observe and record the different kinds ofanimals found in the community.Group animals into birds, insects, fish, reptiles and mammals.Draw a fish, butterfly, bird and a snake.1.2.2group animals accordingto the way they move.Movement of animalsWalking, swimming, flying,crawling, running and galloping.Demonstrate how some animals move, e.g. walking, swimming,flying, crawling, running ,galloping and hoppingEVALUATIONLet pupils:Give one example each of an animal to match with the differenttypes of movement. Observe the type of movement and reporton what you see.Watch a digitized content/video tape on how different animalsmove.Visit a fish pond to watch how fish moves.1.2.3group animals into howthey produce their youngones.Reproduction in animals: Laying of eggs Giving birth to young onesaliveObserve and discuss a wall chart showing animals and theirbabies (young ones).Prepare a chart by cutting and pasting/drawings of animals andtheir babies.Identify and mention names of animals that produce babies bybirth.Identify and mention names of animals that produce babies bylaying eggs.Natural Science 2012Page 11Name two (2) animalsthat produce babiesby birth.
UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESUNIT 3The pupil will be able to:WATER.1.3.1name sources of waterSources of WaterMention sources of water.1.3.2state the uses of water.Uses of water.Mention some uses of water in the home and at school.1.3.3identify good drinking waterQualities of good drinkingwater: Tasteless Free from solid particles Odourless (should notsmell)Discuss qualities of good drinking water.Differences between water andother liquids: Colour Smell TasteAssemble different types of liquids in clean and transparentcontainers.Identify water from other liquids using smell, taste andcolour.1.3.4identify water from other liquids.CONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESLet pupils:Note: Pupils should not taste any liquid unless instructed byteacher.UNIT 4AIR1.4.1demonstrate the presence of air.Presence of airUse activities to demonstrate the presence of air, e.g.wave apiece of paper across the face and discuss their observation1.4.2mention some uses of air.Some uses of air: Breathing Burning FlyingMention some uses of air, e.g. filling balloons, parachuting,and pumping tyres.Natural Science 2012EVALUATIONPage 12Where can water becollected for use inyour area?
UNITSPECIFICOBJECTIVESCONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESThe pupil will be able to:UNIT 5ROCKS1.5.1describe types ofrocks.EVALUATIONLet pupils:Types of rocks:Rough, smooth, big andsmall rocksCollect stones from the surroundings and group them as small, big,smooth and rough as discussed in the content.Note: Explain to pupils that stones are forms of rocks.1.5.2UNIT 6MEASUREMENT OFLENGTH, MASS ,VOLUME AND TIME1.6.1state some uses ofrocks.measure the lengthof objects usingpace and sticks.Some uses of rocks:Carving, roofing, decoration,building houses, bridges,roads, dams, ports andharbours, making waterclosets and sinks and beadsDiscuss uses of rocks.Rocks as a storehouse forwater beneath the EarthPick some stones from the school compound or environment. Makesmall holes or cavities in the stones and pour some water into them.Keep the stones in a cool place and observe what happens for a dayor two.Measuring lengthMeasure length of objects using their pace.Make small rock gardens.Use rocks to make patterns.Teacher to show pupils pictures of things made from rocks.Teacher to mark out a 15m distance and ask pupils to walkindividually across this length. Pupils to record the number of paceseach pupil used to walk across this length.Teacher assists pupils to relate the number of paces each pupilwalked to their heights.Teacher guides pupils to use a piece of stick (30cm long) as astandard to measure the length of tables, books and writing board.In pairs, mark their heights on a wall in the classroom. Repeat thisexercise monthly as a measure of growth.1.6.2measure the massof objects using abalance.Measuring mass,Using a sling/bathroom scaleand kitchen scaleMeasure the mass of objects e.g. stones, bags, books, mathematicalset, using a sling/bathroom scale and kitchen scale.In groups, measure the mass of their bodies with a sling/bathroomscale and record them. Compare their masses to find out whose isheavier.Natural Science 2012Page 13State four(4) uses ofrocks.
UNITSPECIFIC OBJECTIVESCONTENTTEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIESThe pupil will be able to:Let pupils:1.6.3predict the quantity of smallcontainers that will beneeded to fill a big container.Measuring VolumeBuild stock of containers of different sizes.Guess the quantity of small containers that will fill a biggercontainer.Measure to find out if their guess is correct.1.6.4demonstrate how todetermine the volume oftheir fist using the displacemethod.Measuring Volume of the fistFill a displacement can to the brim and place it in a bowl.Curl the thumb and fingers together to form a fist and insertinto the displacement can up to the wrist.Measure the volume of water displaced by the fist.Repeat the above exercise using the open hand. Comparethe two volumes.Natural Science 20121.6.5 tell the time on both digital andanalogue clocks.Reading the time.Mention some devices for measuring time.In pairs, pupils tell time from preset analogue and digitalclocks.1.6.6 design and make an analogueclock from cardboard.Making an analogue clock.Design and make analogue clocks from cardboards.Page 14EVALUATION
PRIMARY TWOSECTION 2CYCLESGeneral Objectives: The pupils will:1.2.UNITreco
UNIT 1 The pupils will be able to: LIVING AND NON-LIVING THINGS 1.1.1 group materials into living and non -living things . Note 1.1.2 state the characteristics of living things. 1.1.3 group living things into plants and an imals . 1.1.4 describe some external appearance of plants . Living and Non -living things
tion diversity. Alpha diversity Dα measures the average per-particle diversity in the population, beta diversity Dβ mea-sures the inter-particle diversity, and gamma diversity Dγ measures the bulk population diversity. The bulk population diversity (Dγ) is the product of diversity on the per-particle
diversity of the other strata. Beta (β) Diversity: β diversity is the inter community diversity expressing the rate of species turnover per unit change in habitat. Gamma (γ) Diversity : Gamma diversity is the overall diversity at landscape level includes both α and β diversities. The relationship is as follows: γ
AFMC Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Training 2 2 Diversity in BusinessDiversity in Business 3 Minutes 3 The Importance of Diversity The Importance of Diversity3 Minutes 4 The Power of Diversity 4 Minutes The Power of Diversity 5 The Threat of Diversity 2 Minutes The Threat of Diversity 6 Diverse Teams Deliver Results 1 Minute Diverse Teams Deliver Results
2:1 Matter and Energy MATTER: anything that has mass and takes up space Three States (phases) of Matter 1. SOLID: matter with definite volume and shape 2. LIQUID: matter with definite volume but no definite shape 3. GAS: matter with no definite volume nor shape How does Matter Change? PHYSICAL CHANGE: c
alpha, beta, and gamma diversity. Alpha (α) diversity is local diversity, the diversity of a forest stand, a grassland, or a stream. At the other extreme is gamma (γ) diversity, the total regional diversity of a large area that contains several communities, such as the eastern deciduous forests
Alpha, gamma and beta diversity are theoretical constructs that describe the hierarchical, multiscale nature of diversity. Phyto-chemical alpha diversity is the average diversity at the scale of a single sampling unit (i.e. ‘local’ diversity). Gamma diversity is
local diversity (alpha diversity) and the complement of species composition among sites within the region (beta diversity), and how these diversities contribute to regional diversity (gamma diversity) [35, 37]. The influence of alpha and beta diversities on gamma diversity is an essential aspect of local and landscape level conservation plans [38].
Managing Cultural Diversity Training Program Resource Manual . Training Program Resource Manual Introduction 5 Section 1: The Business Case for Managing Cultural Diversity 7 Understanding Diversity Management 8 Diversity Management: The Big Picture 15 The Industry Environment: Cultural Diversity and Business Challenges 17 .