RAC’s and Medical NecessityICD-10 will Change EverythingDeborah Grider, CPC, CPC-I, CPC-H, CPC-P, CPMA,COBGC, CEMC, CDERC, CCS-PPresident & CEOAAPCAuthor of many AMA publications including:ICD-10 Implementation Guide, Make the Transition Manageable,”AMA Press1
Medical Necessity– Medical Necessity determinations not just hot buttonfor the RAC’s, MICs, or ZPICs, but also withgovernment auditors Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) Fiscal intermediaries (FIs) Comprehensive Rate Testing Contractors (CERT) Clinical judgment based on documentation in the medical record isthe best defense Providers should examine any and all medical necessity denials todetermine when an appeal is warranted Engage your medical staff in the review process—hospitalists,physician advisors, specialists, and of course, the attendingphysician—should all be actively involved2
Justifying Medical Necessity The issue of medical necessity for theproviders’ services remains a recurringtheme for all of the government’senforcement efforts Medical necessity will be one of the mainvariables in their data-mining hunt lookingfor irregularities and mismatches3
ICD-10 Final Rule CMS-0013-F Published January 16, 2009 October 1, 2013 – Compliance date forimplementation of ICD-10-CM andICD-10-PCS (no delays) No impact on Current ProceduralTerminology (CPT) and Healthcare CommonProcedure Coding System (HCPCS) .pdf4
Why is it Such a Big Deal?Just a version change? cornerstone of Health Information– ICD9/10 diagnosis codes define the health state of the patient– ICD9/10 procedure codes define the institutional procedures thatpatients may receive to maintain or improve their health stateMajor change in the coding system–––––14,400 ICD9 codes to 69,368 ICD10 codes3,800 ICD9 procedure codes to 72,000 ICD10 procedure codesMajor changes in structure of the codesMajor changes in coding rulesMajor changes in terminologyPervasive use through most healthcare systems– Many business functions Impacted– Many IT systems impacted– Paper and electronic
ICD10 Quick FactsDiagnosis6Procedure6
Why Are There So ManyDiagnosis Codes? 34,250 (50%) of all ICD-10-CM codes arerelated to the musculoskeletal system 17,045 (25%) of all ICD-10-CM codes arerelated to fractures– 10,582 (62%) of fracture codes to distinguish‘right’ vs. ‘left’ 25,000(36%) of all ICD-10-CM codes todistinguish ‘right’ vs. ‘left’7
ICD-10 Compliant Code SetReportingEncountersHospital InpatientDate of ServiceCode Set09/30/2013ICD-9-CM10/01/2013ICD-10-CMDate of DischargeCode Set09/30/2013ICD-9-CM10/01/2013ICD-10-CM & ICD-10-PCSOn October 1, 2013, the usual coding rule for inpatient services will apply. Providers and insurerswill use ICD‐9‐CM edits and payment logic for claims relating to encounters and hospital dischargesoccurring prior to October 1, 2013. Beginning on October 1, 2013, ICD‐10 will be used for allencounters and hospital discharges. For hospital inpatient claims, the code in use on the date ofdischarge and NOT the date of admission will be used.HCPC and CPT codes will not be affected.8
The Code Freeze On October 1, 2012, there will be only limited codeupdates to both the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 code sets tocapture new technologies and diseases as required bysection 503(a) of Pub. L. 108-173 On October 1, 2013, there will be only limited codeupdates to ICD-10 code sets to capture newtechnologies and diagnoses as required by section503(a) of Pub. L. 108-173– There will be no updates to ICD-9-CM, as it will no longer beused for reporting On October 1, 2014, regular updates to ICD-10 will begin9
Advantage of Moving to ICD-10 More consistent with the rest of the worldConsiderably more information per codeGreater expandability in codesMore logical tabular structureBetter definition of co-morbidities, complications anddisease manifestations Improved support for analysis related to:––––10Risk and severityPredictive modelingQuality and cost efficiency analysisPopulation epidemiologic research
Let’s Look at a SnapshotICD-10-CM11
Format and Structure12
ICD-10 CM FormatXXXCategory13X X XEtiology, Anatomical site, SeverityXExtension
Hierarchy Structure Differences in ICD-10-CM– Alphanumeric Structure– Addition of 6 and 7 digit extensions to provide a higher level ofspecificity– More specificity– Reorganizing and adding chapters– Diagnostic codes will be more precise– Expanded to include health-related conditions– Creation of combination diagnosis/symptom codes to reducethe number of codes needed to fully describe a condition– The new structure will allow further expansion than waspossible with ICD-9-CM14
Additional Observations and Challenges The addition of information relevant to ambulatory and managedcare encounters Expanded injury codes in which ICD-10-CM groups injuries by site Diabetes codes include over 210 choices Creation of combination diagnosis/symptom codes which reducedthe number of codes needed to fully describe a condition The length of codes being a maximum of seven characters asopposed to five digits in ICD-9-CM Challenges for OB/GYN with codes beginning with letter “O” whichcan be confused with number “0”– Potential keying errors which could lead to claim denials15
Up to Sixth CharacterSubclassification A six character sub-classifications representsthe most accurate level of specificity– L89.510 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, unstageableL89.511 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 1– L89.512 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 2– L89.513 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 3– L89.514 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 4– L89.519 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, unspecifiedstage17
Seventh Character Extension Certain ICD-10-CM categories have applicable 7characters– The applicable 7th character is required for all codeswithin the category, or as the notes in the Tabular Listinstruct– If a code that requires a 7th character is not 6characters, a placeholder X must be used to fill in theempty characters18
Dummy Placeholders The ICD-10-CM utilizes a placeholder character “x”. The“x” is used as a 5th character placeholder at certain 6character codes to allow for future expansion Example:– 032.1 Maternal care for breech presentationof fetus 1– Code requires 7th character Code reportable: 032.1xx1Note: 7th character 1-9 identifies multiple gestations toreport the fetus which the code applies19
Combination Codes ICD-10-CM consists of greater specificity.Sample Examples– I25.110, Arteriosclerotic heart disease of nativecoronary artery with unstable angina pectoris– K50.013, Crohn’s disease of small intestine withfistula– K71.51, Toxic liver disease with chronic activehepatitis with ascites20
Complications7th characterA initial encounterD subsequentencounterS sequela T81.535-Perforation due to foreign body accidently left inbody following heart catheterization T81.530-Perforation due to foreign body accidently left inbody following surgical operation T81.524-Obstruction due to foreign body accidently leftin body following endoscopic examination T81.516-Adhesions due to foreign body accidently left inbody following aspiration, puncture or othercatheterization– 7th character required21
Code Mapping ExampleMaps 2:1ICD-9-CMDescription625.6Stress Incontinence,FemaleStress Stress incontinence,female, male
Code Mapping ExampleMaps 1:2ICD-9-CMDescription454.0Varicose veins oflower extremity, ionVaricose veins ofunspecified lowerextremity with ulcerof unspecified siteVaricose veins ofright lowerextremity with ulcerof unspecified site
Diabetes Mellitus 25Over 210 codes to identifyDocumentation must include:Type of Diabetes (1 or 2)ManifestationsOther mitigating factors
Diabetes Mellitus There are six diabetes mellitus categories in the ICD-10CM They are: E08 Diabetes mellitus due to an underlying condition E09 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus E10 Type I diabetes mellitus E11 Type 2 diabetes mellitus E13 Other specified diabetes mellitus E14 Unspecified diabetes mellitus 26Note: All the categories above (with the exception of E10) include a note directingusers to use an additional code to identify any insulin use, which is Z79.7. Theconcept of insulin and noninsulin is a component of the diabetes mellitus categoriesin ICD-10-CM.
Mapping Diabetes27
Diabetes with Manifestation A 60 year old patient presents with Type 1 diabetes hasa chronic left heal ulcer with muscle necrosis due tothe diabetes. Diagnosis code(s):– E10.622-Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer A note underneath the code identifies to “Useadditional code to identify site of ulcer– Secondary diagnosis-L97.413 Non-pressure chroniculcer of right heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle28
Gestational Diabetes A patient with gestational diabetes is seen by theOB/GYN for her routine visit during her seventh month ofpregnancy. The patient is doing well and her gestationaldiabetes is well controlled with diet. O24.4 Gestational diabetes mellitusO24.41 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancyO24.410 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy diet controlledO24.414 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy insulincontrolledO24.419 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecifiedcontrol 29Diagnosis Code: O24.410 gestational diabetes mellitus inpregnancy, diet-controlled
Burns Information necessary in documentation:–––––Burn or corrosionDepth of burn (first, second, third degree, etc)Extent burn or corrosionAgentBurn codes used for thermal burns except sunburns that comefrom heat source Fire Hot appliance– Corrosions burns due to chemicals– 7th character required A Initial encounter D Subsequent encounter S Sequela30
Example A patient who has Type 1 diabetesmellitus is treated for a second-degreeburn on her left knee which radiated downto her ankle. The patient was burned whena hot skillet fell and hit her left kneecausing the burn. She was in her kitchenwhen the injury occurred.31
How it is Coded Tabular List: L24.222-Second degree burn of left knee When reviewing the tabular list instructions, theinstructions indicate a 7th character is required. Thechoices in category T24 are: The appropriate 7th character is to be added to eachcode from category T24. A Initial encounter D Subsequent Encounter S Sequela32
How it is Coded In additional the instruction notes instruct theuser to select a code to identify the source,place and intent of the burn. Since the patient was injured by a skillet whichfell on her knee while she was cooking in thekitchen at home, the following needs to also bereported.– What injury occurred and;– Place of Occurrence33
How it is Coded Correct diagnosis code sequence and reporting:– First listed diagnosis: L24.222-Second degree burnof left knee– Secondary diagnosis: X15.3XXA- Contact with hotsaucepan or skillet– Tertiary diagnosis: Y92.010 - Kitchen of single-family(private) house as the place of occurrence of theexternal cause– Fourth diagnosis:E10.69 – Type1 diabetes mellituswith other specified complication34
Fractures Documentation required:– Anatomic site– Laterality– Fracture type– Displaced or Nondisplaced– Open or closed– 7th character extension required35
Fractures S42.022-Displaced fracture of shaft of leftclavicle initial encounter for closed fracture– Requires 7th character A for initial encounter– S42.022A– Site-Left Clavical– Laterality-left– Initial encounter36
Fractures Fracture codes require seventh character toidentify if fracture is open or closed The fracture 7th character extensions are:––––––– A Initial encounter for closed fractureB Initial encounter for open fractureD Subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healingG Subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healingK Subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunionP Subsequent encounter for fracture with malunionS SequelaeS42.022-Displaced fracture of shaft of left clavicle initial encounterfor closed fracture– Requires 7th character A for initial encounter– S42.022A37
Example A patient underwent surgery for an open burst fracture ofthe first lumbar vertebra which became unstable.– First listed diagnosis: S32.012B-unstableburst fracture of first lumbar vertebra Seventh character “B” identifies the initialencounter for the open fracture.A Initial encounter for closed fractureB Initial encounter for open fractureD Subsequent encounter for fracturewith routine healingG Subsequent encounter for fracturewith delayed healingK Subsequent encounter for fracturewith nonunionS Sequela38
Injury Coding Injury Coding– Initial encounters generally require three codes External cause codes– Are used for the length of treatment– 7th digit extender changes with stage of healing Place of occurrence– Used only once at the initial encounter– No 7th digit extender Activity code– Used only once at the initial encounter– No 7th digit extender39
Example CC: Hurt left knee-TV fell on it 40HPI: Patient hurt her knee and it is bruised and it hurts to walk. Shewas moving a TV in her bedroom last night and she fell into the TVwith her knee causing her to collide with it. Her lower back has beenhurting since then as well.A/P: L knee strain– Lumbar strainS86.812A—Strain, left knee, initial encounterS39.012A—Strain, Back, initial encounterW18.09xA—Fall striking other object, initial encounter(activity)Y92.013—House, single family home, bedroom (place ofoccurrence)
Cardiology A 75-year-old male, 2 days post-coronarybypass grafting patient, presents today withunstable angina and shows a fresh thrombus inthe saphenous vein graft. A PTCA is performedin addition to a percutaneous intracoronarythrombectomy to remove the thrombus.41
Code ComparisonICD-9-CMICD-10-CM996.72-Other complicationsof internal (biological)(synthetic) prosthetic device,implant, and graftT82.817A Embolism of cardiac prosthetic devices,implants and grafts, initial encounterT82.827A Fibrosis of cardiac prosthetic devices,implants and grafts, initial encounterT82.837A Hemorrhage of cardiac prosthetic devices,implants and grafts, initial encounterT82.847A Pain from cardiac prosthetic devices,implants and grafts, initial encounterT82.857A Stenosis of cardiac prosthetic devices,implants and grafts, initial encounterT82.867A Thrombosis of cardiac prosthetic devices,implants and grafts, initial encounterT82.897A Other specified complication of cardiacprosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounterT82.9XXA Unspecified complication of cardiac andvascular prosthetic device, implant and graft, initialencounter42
Asthma Documentation for Asthma includes:– Severity of disease (mild intermittent,moderate, persistent, etc.) Does acute exacerbation exist? Does status asthmaticus exist?43
Asthma Codes44J45AsthmaJ45.2Mild intermittent asthmaJ45.20Mild intermittent asthma, uncomplicatedJ45.21Mild intermittent asthma, with (acute) exacerbationJ45.22Mild intermittent asthma, with status asthmaticusJ45.3Mild persistent asthmaJ45.30Mild persistent asthma, uncomplicatedJ45.31Mild persistent asthma, with (acute) exacerbationJ45.32Mild persistent asthma, with status asthmaticusJ45.4Moderate persistentJ45.40Moderate persistent, uncomplicatedJ45.41Moderate persistent with (acute) exacerbationJ45.42Moderate persistent with status asthmaticus
Asthma Codes45J45AsthmaJ45.4Moderate persistentJ45.40Moderate persistent, uncomplicatedJ45.41Moderate persistent with (acute) exacerbationJ45.42Moderate persistent with status asthmaticusJ45.5Severe persistentJ45.50Severe persistent, uncomplicatedJ45.51Severe persistent with (acute) exacerbationJ45.52Severe persistent with status asthmaticusJ45. 9Other and unspecified asthmaJ45.90Unspecified asthmaJ45.901Unspecified asthma with (acute) exacerbationJ45.901Unspecified asthma with status asthmaticusJ45.99Other asthmaJ45.990Exercise induced bronchospasmJ45.991Cough variant asthmaJ45.998Other asthma
ICD‐10‐CM for Conduction DisordersThe ICD-10-CM codes for conduction disorders will vary depending ondiagnosis. In order to code conduction disorders in ICD-10-CM thefollowing is necessary:–Type of disorder–Site involved46Atrial fibrillationI48.0 Ventricular fibrillationI49.01Atrial flutterI48.1 Ventricular flutterI49.02Atrial premature depolarizationI49.1 Re-entry ventricular arrhythmiaI47.0BradycardiaR00.1 TachycardiaR00.0
Heart Failure Following are the ICD-10-CM codes from the I50 category for heartfailure The instructional notes for I50.- that if heart failure is due to another condition,that condition is listed first.Left ventricular failureUnspecified systolic (congestive)heart failureAcute systolic (congestive) heartfailureI50.1Heart failure, unspecifiedI50.9I50.20Unspecified diastolic(congestive) heart failureI50.30I50.21Acute diastolic (congestive) heartfailureI50.31Chronic systolic (congestive)heart failureI50.22Chronic diastolic (congestive)heart failureI50.32Acute on chronic systolic(congestive) heart failureI50.23Acute on chronic diastolic(congestive) heart failureI50.33Unspecified combined systolicand diastolic (congestive) heartfailureAcute combined systolic anddiastolic (congestive) heartfailureChronic combined systolic anddiastolic (congestive) heartfailureAcute on chronic combinedsystolic and diastolic(congestive) heart failureExample: Heart failure due to hypertension (I11.0)-first listedFollowed by the type of heart failure47I50.40I50.41I50.42I50.43
Hypertension ICD-10-CM code range for hypertension isI10 – I15. 9 In order to code hypertension in ICD-10CM the following is necessary:– Essential or Secondary– Causal relationship of other conditions– Elevated blood pressure versus hypertension48
HypertensionEssential hypertensionHypertensive heart disease with heart failureHypertensive heart disease without heart failureI10I11.0I11.9Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 5 chronic kidney disease or end stage renal disease I12.049Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease orunspecified chronic kidney diseaseI12.9Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and stage 1 through stage 4chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney diseaseI13.0Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 1 through stage 4chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney diseaseI13.10Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 5 chronic kidneydisease, or end stage renal diseaseI13.11Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and with stage 5 chronic kidneydisease, or end stage renal diseaseRenovascular hypertensionHypertension secondary to other renal disordersHypertension secondary to endocrine disordersOther secondary hypertensionSecondary hypertension, unspecifiedElevated Blood pressure readingI13.2I15.0I15.1I15.2I15.8I15.9R30.0
Ulcers Information required in documentation:– Type of Ulcer– Acute or chronic– Hemorrhage– Perforation– Hemorrhage with perforation– Without hemorrhage or perforation50
ExampleAcute gastric ulcer withK25.0 hemorrhageK25.1Acute gastric ulcer with perforationK25.2Acute gastric ulcer with both hemorrhage and perforationK25.3Acute gastric ulcer without hemorrhage or perforationK25.4K25.5Chronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with hemorrhageChronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with perforationChronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with both hemorrhage andperforationChronic gastric ulcer without hemorrhage orperforationGastric ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, withouthemorrhage or perforationK25.6K25.7K25.951
Hernia Diagnosis codes range from K40.00-K46.9– Docu
ICD-10 will Change Everything Deborah Grider, CPC, CPC-I, CPC-H, CPC-P, CPMA, COBGC, CEMC, CDERC, CCS-P President & CEO. AAPC. Author of many AMA publications including: ICD-10 Implementation Guide, Make the Transition Manageable,” AMA Press
Safety Precautions Operating Instructions Installation Instructions Care and Cleaning RAC-WK0511CMU RAC-WK0611CRU RAC-WK0811ESCWU RAC-WK1011ESCWU RAC-WK1211ESCWU RAC-WK1511ESCRU RAC-WK1821ESCRU Warning notices: Before using this product, please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference. The design and specifications are subject to
Apr 12, 2018 · RAC AGENDA – MAY 2018 . 1. Welcome, RAC Introductions and RAC Procedure - RAC Chair . 2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes - RAC Chair . 3. Wildlife Board Meeting Update INFORMATIONAL - RAC Chair . 4. Reg
1.12 Overview of Managing Oracle RAC Environments 1-36 1.12.1 About Designing and Deploying Oracle RAC Environments 1-37 1.12.2 About Administrative Tools for Oracle RAC Environments 1-37 1.12.3 About Monitoring Oracle RAC Environments 1-39 1.12.4 About Evaluating Performance in Oracle RAC Environments 1-40 2 Administering Storage in Oracle RAC
2.4 Installing Oracle RAC and Oracle RAC One Node Databases 2-3 2.4.1 Installing Oracle RAC and Oracle RAC One Node Database Software 2-4 2.5 Simplified Upgrade of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE Data 2-5 2.6 Overview of Installation Directories for Oracle RAC 2-6 2.6.1 Overview of Oracle Base Directories 2-6 2.6.2 Overview of Oracle Home Directories 2-7
SPLIT TYPE AIR CONDITIONER INDOOR UNIT/OUTDOOR UNIT MODEL RAS-260GHA/RAC-260GHA RAS-350GHA/RAC-350GHA OUTDOOR UNIT INDOOR UNIT RAC-350GHA RAS-260GHA RAS-350GHA Instruction manual Page 1 26 To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble free use, please read this instruction manual completely. RAC-260GHA RAS/RAC-260/350GHA (EN1) 1 18 .
7. What is medical necessity and what tool can you refer to for the medical necessity of a service? Answer: The term "medical necessity" relates to whether a procedure or service is considered appropriate in a given circumstance. Tools to determine medical necessity include National Coverage Determinations (NCDs), Local Coverage
Administering Database Instances and Cluster Databases. Overview of Oracle RAC Database Administration 3-2 Required Privileges for Oracle RAC Database Administration 3-3 Oracle RAC Database Deployment Models 3-3 Using the Same Cluster for Administrator-Managed and Policy-Managed Databases 3-4 Tools for Administering Oracle RAC 3-5
Automated Deployment of Oracle RAC continued from page 19 load Archived Software Binaries to the Software library For the initial RAC deployment, we loaded the Archived Oracle RAC Software Binaries into the Software Library by using Oracle clusterware installation media and Oracle RAC Database installation media.