Travel Concerns During Covid-19:Airline Industry Analysis
Table of ContentsBackground and Methodology3Key Findings5Detailed Results7Demographics14
1Background &Methodology
Background & MethodologyThe project was conducted to investigate how leisure travelers view airline travel during the Covid-19 pandemic.Total n 1573 18 years old or older US resident Flown for leisure in the last 12 monthsThe study fielded from 7/31 – 8/6/20We implemented quotas on demographics toachieve the following distribution: Age – minimum of 200n for each: 18-34 years old 35-54 years old 55 years old Gender – minimum 500 for each: Male Female Product use – 200n for each: Low frequency 0-2 flights in last 12 months Medium frequency 3-7 flights in last 12 months High frequency 8 or more flights in last 12 monthsn 2434
2Key Findings
Key FindingsConcern about Covid-19 is high in general, with 70% extremely or very concerned about thepandemic and 76% very or somewhat concerned about exposure. The most common waysrespondents have been affected is through restriction of their movements (41%) or workingfrom home (34%).Nearly half (48%) say that they are somewhat or very likely to travel by air in the next sixmonths. Despite this high likelihood to travel by air, 71% are very or somewhat concerned aboutCovid-19 exposure in the airport and the same number are concerned about exposure onboard.Most important to respondents is passenger mask requirements (44%) and enhanced cleaningprocedures (35%)Respondents are most concerned about exposure on head/arm/leg rests (38%), tray tables(36%), lavatories (35%), and air filtration systems (35%). Perhaps related to these areas oftransmission, they are most interested in receiving information from airlines aboutaircraft/airport cleaning, social distancing (32%), and information on how to fly healthy (32%).Although a plurality of respondents (36%) do not have an opinion on which airline has beencommunicating the best about Covid-19, they would like to receive information from airlinesonce a month (39%) but once a week (43%) prior to a trip.6
3Detailed Results
Airline UsageAmerican and United were the airlines most used in the past 12 months. Along with Delta, they are also the most frequently used andsubscribed to frequent flyer programs.Airline Used in Past 12 MonthsAmerican Airlines39%United Airlines11%Frontier Airlines10%7%Other6%Q1.4 Which airlines have you used for round-trip flights in the past 12 months? N 1573Q1.5 Which airline frequent flier programs, if any, do you belong to? N 1573Q1.6 Which of the following airline frequent flier programs do you use the most often? N 1573Q1.7 Have you purchased airfare using frequent flier miles in the past 12 months? N 157312%17%10%10%5%9%9%Hawaiian Airlines22%21%17%Alaska Airlines15%28%26%Jet Blue Airlines22%23%32%Southwest AirlinesMost Used Frequent Flier Program27%37%Delta AirlinesSpirit AirlinesFrequent Flier Programs4%10%6%7%1%4%0%54% ofrespondentshave boughtairfare usingfrequent fliermiles in the lastyear8
Covid-19 Changes7 in 10 respondents report being very or extremely concerned about the Covid-19 pandemic. The most common ways to be affected arethrough having movements restricted and working from home. Despite these concerns, nearly half (48%) are very or somewhat likely totravel by air in the next 6 months.In general, how concerned are you about theCovid-19 pandemic?My movements outside my home are restricted3% 6%Not at all/very20%27%44%SomewhatVeryExtremely41%I am working-from-home34%Someone I know has been ill71%24%Someone in my family has been furloughed orexperienced job lossHow likely are you to travel by air in the next 6months?23%I have been furloughed or experienced job loss18%I am home-schooling my likelyNeitherSomewhatExtremely17%Someone in my family has been ill14%I have not been affected12%48%I have been illQ2.1. In general, how concerned are you about the Covid-19 pandemic? N 1573Q3.2 How likely are you to travel by air in the next 6 months? N 1573Q2.2 In which of the following ways, if any, have you been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic? N 1573Other7%2%9
Covid-19 Exposure ConcernAbout half of respondents are generally very concerned about Covid-19 exposure, while 46% are concerned aboutexposure onboard an airplane.Not at all concernedGeneral ConcernAirplane - OnboardAirport3%6%5%Train Station8%Local Restaurant7%Local Grocery Store8%7%14%10%Not very concerned13%46%28%18%15%Q3.3 Overall, how concerned are you about Covid-19 exposure? N 1573Q3.4 How concerned are you about Covid-19 exposure in the following locations? N 157343%24%17%41%31%22%Very concerned48%24%15%9%Somewhat concerned28%14%9%Neutral32%30%25%10
Areas of Exposure and CommunicationRespondents are most concerned about being exposed by the head/arm/or leg rests or by the tray tables. They are most likely to wantinformation about cleaning procedures on airplanes.Areas of Most Concern for ExposureAreas of CommunicationHead/arm/leg rests38%Tray table36%Air filtration systems35%Lavatories35%Seat cushion30%PillowsAircraft and airport cleaning proceduresAircraft and airport social distancing procedures22%Blankets21%Food/beverage items21%Windows17%17%18%Flights to reunite family and friendsAmenity kitsNone of these13%18%Updates to frequent flier programsSeatback screenCarpet22%Guides on how to process refunds and/or use Large-scale flight schedule changes16%24%Alterations to cancellation and change policies18%Safety cards/magazines31%Contact-less technology solutionsSeatback pocket17%32%Use of personal protective equipment20%Overhead bins32%Guides on how to fly healthy and safe25%Airplane walls35%16%Cargo fl ights being conducted to support 16%Donations and partnerships with organizations 8%6%Q3.6 For which of the following aircraft areas are you most concerned about the potential for Covid-19 exposure? N 1573Q3.7 What content areas are you interested in receiving communications from airlines about their handling of Covid-19? N 157314%All of the aboveNone of the above14%9%11
Flying During Covid-19Respondents are in favor of airlines enforcing temperature checks, and three in ten are willing to pay more to fly on an airlinewith the best Covid-19 response.T2B62%34%60%31%49%27%Strongly agree22%28%29%Somewhat agree24%22%Neitheragree/disagree22%Somewhat disagree9%10%7%8%Enforcing temperature checksPay more to fly on airline with best responseStrongly disagree15%Q3.8. To what extend do you agree with the following statements? N 157312%Will not fly until vaccine12
Most Important PoliciesRespondents would like to see mask requirements for passengers as well as enhanced cleaning procedures. Monthly or bi-weeklycommunication from the airline is expected.Airline Policies Most ImportantCommunication ExpectedPassengers required to wear mask in the airplane44%Enhanced aircraft cleaning proceduresPassengers required to wear mask in the airportterminal20%31%Blocked middle seats27%Enhanced airport cleaning procedures27%Temperature screenings for passengers22%39%23%Utilizing HEPA filters for boarding and deplaning, inaddition to during flight18%Temperature screenings for flight crew17%Passengers required to complete a detailed healthscreen16%Alter travel plans without incurring change orcancellation fees16%Floor decals and signage at check-in as a reminder tostay six feet apart19%35%10%Q6.1. Please select the airline policies most important to you during this time. N 1573Q4.3 How often do you expect communication from an airline overall? N 1573Q4.4 How much communication to you expect prior to your trip? N 1573Once a weekOnce every other weekOnce a monthNever43% expect communicationweekly prior to a trip13
Demographics therLess than high school12% 25,000 to 49,99921% 50,000 to 74,99920% 75,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 124,999 125,000 to 149,999 150,000 or more15%10%9%35-4455-6465 2%High school graduate15%Some college, no degree18%Associate degree12%Bachelor's degree26%Master's degreeDoctoral degree14%45-548%EducationHousehold IncomeLess than 25,00025-3410%Professional degree20%3%4%
Alaska Airlines Jet Blue Airlines Southwest Airlines Delta Airlines United Airlines American Airlines 1% 7% 10% 9% 10% 17% 21% 28% 23% 27% 0% 4% 6% 4% 5% 10% 12% 22% 15% 22% American and United were the airlines most used in the past 12 months. Along with Delta, they are also the most frequently used and
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