Bulletin 2020-21Legal Studies (02/28/21)Neil Richards file/neil-richards/)Koch Distinguished Professor of LawJD, University of VirginiaLegal StudiesThe Legal Studies minor is an interdisciplinary program thatallows students to study the role of law and legal institutions insociety.Professors EmeritiDavid Konig , Harvard University(History and Law)Students who minor in Legal Studies learn about law in coursesfrom anthropology, economics, history, philosophy, politicalscience and other disciplines. The curriculum emphasizes theforces that shape law and the ways that peoples of differentcultures and from different historical periods have used andinterpreted the law.William R. Lowry D, Stanford University(Political Science)Because Legal Studies is interdisciplinary in nature and offersa variety of courses, each student can design a course of studythat addresses their individual needs and interests.MajorsThere is no major available in Legal Studies. Students interestedin undergraduate, preprofessional preparation for the study oflaw should contact the pre-law adviser /) in the College of Arts & Sciences,who is available to help plan a course of study and prepare astrategy for students applying for admission to law school.Students may choose to take advantage of internships availablein law and government. Legal Studies is an excellent pre-lawprogram. It also prepares students well for other graduate study,as well as for careers in academia, business, politics or MinorsThe Minor in Legal StudiesFacultyUnits required: 18ChairThe minor in legal studies requires six courses (18 graded units),at least three of which must be upper-division (300- or 400-level)courses. Two of the six courses may be drawn from the student'smajor, but, as in all College of Arts & Sciences programs, theycan not be double-counted (i.e., applied to both the major andthe minor). The six courses also must be distributed across threeof four thematic subject areas. For details, please visit the LegalStudies website (https://legalstudies.wustl.edu/) or consult theDirector of Legal Studies.Frank Lovett ofessorPhD, Columbia University(Political Science)ProfessorsJohn R. Bowen Dunbar–Van Cleve Professor in Arts & SciencesPhD, University of Chicago(Anthropology)CoursesThe following is a list of courses that have been offered inLegal Studies in recent years. Note that some of these coursesare not currently offered and that some new courses mayalso count toward the minor. For a current list of courses inLegal Studies, please visit the Legal Studies website (https://legalstudies.wustl.edu/) or contact the Director of Legal Studies.Elizabeth K. Borgwardt rdt/)JD, Harvard UniversityPhD, Stanford University(History)Visit online course listings to view semester offerings forL84 Lw St (https://courses.wustl.edu/CourseInfo.aspx?sch L&dept L84&crslvl 1:4).Michael Cannon (https://ogc.wustl.edu/people/michael-rcannon/)JD, Yale Law SchoolJohn Inazu file/john-inazu/)Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and ReligionPhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillL84 Lw St 105G Logic and Critical AnalysisIntroduction to the elementary tools of logic required forconstructing and critically evaluating arguments and the claimsthey support. Topics include: the nature of an argument;argument structure; how arguments can fail both in structure and1
Bulletin 2020-21Legal Studies (02/28/21)in content; formal and informal fallacies; propositional logic andpredicate calculus; and critical analysis of rhetorical strategies forpresenting arguments. Students will be encouraged to developcritical reasoning skills that can be widely applied.Same as L30 Phil 100GCredit 3 units. A&S IQ: NSM, AN Art: NSM BU: HUML84 Lw St 2020 The Immigrant ExperienceThis course explores the history and politics of immigrant groupsin the 19th and 20th century United States. Topics includelegislation, patterns of migration, comparisons of different wavesof immigration, and changing social attitudes.Same as L98 AMCS 202Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: LCD, SSC, SC, SD Arch: SSC Art: SSCBU: BA, HUM EN: SL84 Lw St 120A Religious Freedom in AmericaThe intersection of religion and law in American society hassparked some of the fiercest cultural engagements in recentmemory: Should a for-profit religious corporation have a rightnot to fund birth control for its employees? Can a public collegeexpel campus religious groups whose membership is not open toall students? May a Muslim in prison grow a beard for religiousreasons? Should a cake baker or a florist be permitted to refuseservices for a gay wedding? Can a church hire and fire itsministers for any reason? These current debates and the issuesthat frame them are interwoven in the American story. Thiscourse introduces students to the major texts and historicalarguments underlying that story. Drawing from the respectiveexpertise of the instructors, the course will expose studentsto a variety of scholarly methods related to the issue: legalhistory and case law, intellectual history and canonical texts,social history and narrative accounts, and political philosophyand contemporary analyses. This course is for first-year (nontransfer) students only.Same as I60 BEYOND 120Credit 3 units. EN: HL84 Lw St 203C Early Political Thought: Text and TraditionA selected survey of the political and moral thought of Europefrom the rise of Athenian democracy to the Renaissance,with emphasis on analysis and discussion of writers such asThucydides, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Castiglione andMachiavelli. The course aims to introduce students to basic textsin the intellectual history of Western Europe, understood bothas products of a particular time and place and as self-containedarguments that strive to instruct and persuade. The texts aresimultaneously used to chart the careers of such fundamentalnotions as liberty, virtue and justice. Preference given to Textand Tradition and IPH students.Same as L93 IPH 203CCredit 3 units. A&S: AMP A&S IQ: HUM, LCD Art: HUM BU:HUM EN: HL84 Lw St 2062 Sophomore Seminar in HistoryThis course is a sophomore seminar in history; topics vary persemester. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.Same as L22 History 2062Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM Arch: HUM Art: HUM BU: BA, ISEN: HL84 Lw St 126 Ampersand: Law and SocietyThis course considers the basic aspects of the American legalsystem: its foundations, processes, institutions and rights. Wewill also study some specific substantive areas of the law. Thecourse consists of two 90-minute Socratic lectures per week.Upon completion of this course, students should have a basicknowledge of the American legal system, which is an importantpart of a general education. The hope is that such knowledge willenable students to better understand and assess current legalevents and to develop an increased interest in those events. Thiscourse should also enable students to consider law as a futurearea of study and career. Interested students may continue theirstudy in the spring semester with an optional 1-credit seminarfocusing on contemporary Supreme Court cases. Course is forfirst-year students in the Law and Society Program only.Same as L61 FYP 1261Credit 3 units. A&S: AMP A&S IQ: SSC BU: BA EN: SL84 Lw St 207 Crossing Borders: An Introduction toInstitutions and Concepts in International and Area StudiesThis course provides an overview of the emergence ofinternational governing institutions, the ideologies that shapedthem, and concepts helpful for understanding them. Identifyingthe systems that have emerged to govern modern humansocieties at the national and international levels provides themeans to consider how human beings are categorized withinthose systems, as citizens, subjects, asylum seekers, refugees,and the stateless. We engage a few classic works -- including"The Communist Manifesto," "Imagined Communities," and"Orientalism" -- and consider how they have transformedknowledge. The goal is for students to gain an empirical graspof world institutions and a critical vocabulary that will provide themeans for an informed engagement with international issuesacross different world regions and academic approaches.Same as L97 IAS 207Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: LCD, SSC, SC BU: IS EN: SL84 Lw St 131F Present Moral ProblemsAn investigation of a range of contemporary moral issues andcontroversies that draws on philosophical ethics and culturewidemoral considerations. Topics may include: racism, world hunger,war and terrorism, the distribution of income and wealth, genderdiscrimination, pornography, lesbian and gay rights, abortion,euthanasia, and capital punishment. The aim of the course isto present diverse points of view regarding these topics and toprovide conceptual and theoretical tools that enable the studentto make headway in thinking carefully and critically about theissues.Same as L30 Phil 131FCredit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM Arch: HUM Art: HUM BU: ETH EN:HL84 Lw St 207C Modern Political Thought: Text andTraditionWhat is power? Why are societies divided along lines of race,class, and gender? When did politics become split between theright and the left? Can religion be reconciled with the demands ofmodern life? Can democracy? These are some of the questionsthat will be addressed in this survey of modern political thought.Thinkers covered will include Thomas Hobbes, Immanuel Kant,Karl Marx, WEB Du Bois, Hannah Arendt, and Michel Foucault.Same as L93 IPH 207C2
Bulletin 2020-21Legal Studies (02/28/21)how and why each generation changes the past as it seeks tomake it "usable"; and to develop the skills of exposition andargumentation necessary to describe and analyze complexhistorical issues and to express critical ideas effectively.The subject of this inquiry will be the Nuremberg trials: theinnovations and critiques around the law and politics of the trialsthemselves as well as the trials' legacies with regard to ideasabout international justice in postwar America and the world.Course is for first-year, non-transfer students only.Same as L22 History 2443Credit 3 units. A&S: FYS A&S IQ: HUM BU: HUM, IS EN: HCredit 3 units. A&S: AMP A&S IQ: HUM, LCD Arch: HUM Art:HUM BU: HUM, IS EN: HL84 Lw St 2110 Social Inequality in AmericaAmericans face different challenges and opportunities thatdepend on a variety of characteristics, including race, class,gender and sexual orientation. This class examines theseintersecting categories from a sociological perspective — notsimply as ways to classify people, but as social constructionsthat help to explain social inequality. We examine these systemsin a variety of institutional contexts, such as popular culture,family life, education, the criminal justice system and the laborforce. Introductory level, no prerequisites.Same as L40 SOC 2110Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: SSC, SC, SD BU: BA EN: SL84 Lw St 260 Game Theory in Science and CultureIntroduces the major intellectual insights of game theory in anontechnical fashion, and examines the influence game theoryhas had on geopolitics, social philosophy, psychology, art andthe humanities. In addition to covering the basic machinery of thetheory, the class: participates in numerous illustrative classroomgames; examines game theory in film, literature and literarycriticism; sees how game theory has contributed to social theory;and learns about the background of game theory and its historyand perception as a hoped-for tool in the Cold War. Gradesbased on problems, short essays, two short-essay exams, andparticipation.Same as L32 Pol Sci 260Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: SSC EN: SL84 Lw St 225 Religion and Politics in American HistoryThe United States has often been imagined as both a deeplyChristian nation and a thoroughly secular republic. Thesecompeting visions of the nation have created conflict throughoutAmerican history and have made the relationship betweenreligion and politics quite contentious. This course surveysthe complex entanglements of religion and public life fromthe colonial era through the contemporary landscape. Topicscovered include: religious liberty and toleration, secularization,the rise of African-American churches, the Civil War, nationalidentity and the Protestant establishment, the religious politics ofwomen's rights, religion and the presidency, the Cold War, thereligious left and right, and debates over church-state separation.Same as L57 RelPol 225Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, SC, SD Arch: HUM Art: HUM BU:BA EN: HL84 Lw St 263 Linguistics for Legal PurposesThis course exposes students to an array of legal mattersin which forensic linguistic science can play a key role.It simultaneously introduces them to linguistic concepts,theories, and methods that can be differentially applied for acombination of forensic and legal purposes. Topics includetrademark disputes, defamation suits, civil litigation, authorshipidentification, and linguistic evaluations of testimony presentedduring murder trials. Assignments will include the formulationof affidavits and the production of legal opinions derived fromdiverse linguistic analyses.Same as L44 Ling 263Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: SSC Arch: SSC Art: SSC EN: SL84 Lw St 233F Biomedical EthicsA critical examination, in the light of contemporary moraldisagreements and traditional ethical theories, of some of themoral issues arising out of medical practice and experimentationin our society. Issues that might be discussed includeeuthanasia, genetic engineering, organ transplants, medicalmalpractice, the allocation of medical resources, and the rights ofthe patient.Same as L30 Phil 233FCredit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM Arch: HUM Art: HUM BU: ETH EN:HL84 Lw St 299 Undergraduate Internship in Legal StudiesStudents receive credit for a faculty-directed and approvedinternship. Registration requires completion of the LearningAgreement which the student obtains from the Career Centerand which must be filled out and signed by the Career Centerand the faculty sponsor prior to beginning internship work. Creditshould correspond to actual time spent in work activities, e.g.,8-10 hours a week for 13 or 14 weeks to receive 3 units ofcredit; 1 or 2 credits for fewer hours. Students may not receivecredit for work done for pay but are encouraged to obtain writtenevaluations about such work for the student's academic adviserand career placement file.Credit variable, maximum 3 units.L84 Lw St 235F Introduction to Environmental EthicsA general survey of current issues in environmental ethics,focusing on problems such as the obligation to futuregenerations, protection of endangered species, animal rights,problems of energy and pollution, wilderness, global justiceand business obligations. Students also learn some ethical andpolitical theory.Same as L30 Phil 235FCredit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM Arch: HUM Art: HUM BU: ETH EN:HL84 Lw St 3012 Biblical Law and the Origins of WesternJusticeThis course will explore how law developed from the earliestperiods of human history and how religious ideas and socialinstitutions shaped law. The course will also illuminate howbiblical law was influenced by earlier cultures and how theancient Israelites reshaped the law they inherited. It will furtherL84 Lw St 2443 First-Year Seminar: The Nuremberg Trialsand International JusticeThis course is an exercise in understanding how professionalhistorians and the general public discover and use the past. Themain goals of this course are to understand the many differentmethods and standards applied to the past; to understand3
Bulletin 2020-21Legal Studies (02/28/21)analyze the impact of biblical law on Western culture and willinvestigate how the law dealt with those of different socialclasses and ethnic groups, and we will probe how women weretreated by the law.Same as L75 JIMES 3012Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, LCD BU: ETH, HUM EN: HSame as L32 Pol Sci 3255Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: SSC BU: BA EN: SL84 Lw St 330C Culture & Identity: The Voice: SingingDifference in the United StatesTopics course focusing on instances of identity and culture withinthe American scope. Varies by semester, consult course listingsfor description of current semester's offering.Same as L98 AMCS 330CCredit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, SD Arch: HUM Art: CPSC, HUMBU: BA EN: HL84 Lw St 301U Historical Methods: United States HistoryThis is a small-group reading course in which students areintroduced to the skills essential to the historian's craft.Emphasis will be on acquiring research skills, learning to readhistorical works critically, and learning to use primary andsecondary sources to make a persuasive and original argument.Required for history majors. Preference given to History majors;other interested students welcome.Same as L22 History 301UCredit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM Arch: HUM Art: HUM BU: HUM EN:HL84 Lw St 331 Topics in Politics: Theories of Social JusticeThis course is intended primarily for sophomores and juniors.The topic of this course varies by semester, dependent onfaculty and student interests.Same as L32 Pol Sci 331Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: SSC Arch: SSC Art: SSC BU: ETH, HUMEN: SL84 Lw St 312 ArgumentationThis advanced writing course examines the strategies ofargumentation, exploring such elements of argument as theenthymeme, the three appeals, claim types and fallacies.Prerequisites: Writing 1 (Writing 100) and junior standing. A notefor students and advisers: when registering refer to WebSTACfor updated information on section times and available seats.Same as L13 Writing 312Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, WI Arch: HUM Art: HUM BU: HUMEN: HL84 Lw St 331F Classical Ethical TheoriesIntensive readings of great works in the history of ethics,especially by Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, and Mill. Topics mayinclude: the sources of moral knowledge, the nature of practicalmoral judgment, the moral role of emotion and desire, weaknessof will, moral autonomy, and the universality of moral norms.Prerequisites: one course in Philosophy at the 100 or 200-level,or permission of the instructor.Same as L30 Phil 331FCredit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM Art: HUM BU: ETH EN: HL84 Lw St 314W Topics in Composition: Writing and the LawAn advanced writing course focusing on selected topics relatedto writing. Topics chosen by department/instructor. Consultsection description for details about specific class emphases.(Note: In some cases, this course may be cross-listed with otherprograms/departments and may satisfy the writing-intensiverequirement.) Prerequisites: CWP 100 College Writing 1 andjunior standing.Same as L13 Writing 314Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: HUM, WI Arch: HUM Art: HUM EN: HL84 Lw St 3325 Constitutional Politics in the United StatesThe principal purpose of this course is to introduce students tothe politics of constitutional interpretation. We first discuss theorigins of the constitution, the structure operation and work ofcourts, and judicial decision making. Afterward, we examinevarious areas of the law relating to institutional powers andconstraints (e.g., federalism, presidential powers, Congressionalauthority). In so doing, we develop an understanding for the legaldoctrine in each area of the law and also examine explanationsfor the legal change we observe.Same as L32 Pol Sci 3325Credit 3 units. A&S IQ: SSC Art: SSC BU: BA EN: SL84 Lw St 315 Introduction to Social PsychologyIntroduction to the scientific study of individual behavior in asocial context. Topics: person perception, stereotyping andprejudice, attitudes, memory and political psychology, amongother issues. Prerequisite: Psych 100B.Same as L33 Psych
Legal Studies (02/09/21) Legal Studies The Legal Studies minor is an interdisciplinary program that allows students to study the role of law and legal institutions in society. Students who minor in Legal Studies learn about law in courses from anthropology, economics, history, philosophy, political science and other disciplines.
injury case - may apply for civil legal aid (since this leaflet deals only with civil legal aid, where we refer to "legal aid" we mean "civil legal aid"). Legal aid is financial help from public funds. It helps people who qualify to get legal advice and the help of a solicitor to put their case in court.
Legal Advocacy Essentials: a core training for legal advocates Presented by the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2008. This information is not intended as a substitute for legal advice. 1 Legal Advocacy Essentials . A core training for legal advocates . Table of Contents . What is a legal advocate?
There are many legal clinics or legal information centres you can contact to obtain legal information, educational resources or legal referrals. Alberta Central Alberta Community Legal Clinic (Red Deer) Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta Pro Bono Law Alberta Women's Centre Legal Advice Clinic (Calgary)
the provision of legal advice, managing legal risk and managing the legal supply chain. By doing this well, the team will move towards its vision. Legal Services is made up of 4 teams, each serving different customers with a dedicated legal resource. This is summarised in the figure right. Although Legal Services has customerdistinct, -focussed .
If asking for legal advice, say so, and start new email chain If giving legal advice, say so Involve lawyers (before litigation contemplated) Maintain confidentiality of legal advice documents Limit dissemination of legal advice (need to know; original only) Make internal communications re legal advice factual
Is a CLC the same as Legal Aid? Community legal centres are not the same as Legal Aid. Legal Aid NSW is a government body that provides legal services to people who experience significant disadvantage across NSW. Legal Aid provides assistance for criminal, family and civil law plus domestic and family violence.
5. George Washington is honored on Valentine's Day. YES NO 6. Washington State is on the East Coast of the U.S. YES NO 7. George Washington's birthday is in January. YES NO 8. George Washington's face is on the 5 bill. YES NO 9. George Washington was a general in the Vietnam War. YES NO 10. George Washington was an important movie star .
The Power of the Mind Copyright 2000-2008 A. Thomas Perhacs http://www.advancedmindpower.com 3 Laws of the Mind Law #1 Every Mental Image Which You Allow to Take