Educator EffectivenessPearson’s approach to evaluation andcapacity buildingKelly Burling
Pearson is empoweringeducators—teachers and schoolleaders—at every stage of theircareer to understand andimprove their performance.By providing the right tools andresources, we’re helpingpracticing educators discoverways to improve their teachingso they can better personalizeinstruction and acceleratelearning for all students.Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.2
Evaluate and Develop Evaluating educator effectiveness– Multiple measures of student and teacher performance data– Online platform and web reporting to support instructionaldecisions via user-friendly dashboards– Evidence of validity and reliability Building educator capacity– Relationship between educator and student performance– Personalized educator growth and development plans– Tools and resources to personalize instructionCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.3
Frameworks and Rubrics The TIGER ModelNew York StateInTASC Board3600 evaluationsResearch and Development for Custom ModelsCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.4
Experience National Board for Professional Teaching Standards––––––Test DevelopmentBenchmarkingRecruiting, hiring, and management of scorersDevelop and implement scorer trainingScoring (Performance tasks and observational video)Validity Scoring for MET study New York Teacher Licensure Assessment New York annual performance review rubric Tennessee TIGER Model for teacher evaluation (DanielsonDerivative) Stanford Teacher Performance Assessment Denver Idaho KentuckyCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.5
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.6
Demands for Educator Effectiveness SystemsCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.7
Growth, Value Added, Teacher EffectivenessCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.8
Growth and VAM Implementing and Developing Measures– Pearson projection measure (e.g., TX, OK)– Growth model for alternate assessments– Pinellas County, FL– Oaklawn ISD, IL Conducting Research– Comparing and contrasting student growth models value-added models Measures of teacher effectiveness– Evaluating practical, psychometric, and policyassumptionsCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.9
Perceptions My Voice iKnow My Class CustomCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.10
Services Growth & VAM Models Developing a legally defensible educator effectiveness system How to combine multiple data sources into an effectiveness rating Survey development and administration Rubric development and refinement Rater-training, certification, and calibration Master Scoring Outsourced scoring of observational evaluations (video) Alignment of PD resources to educator effectiveness systems Individualized educator growth plans The formative use educator effectiveness information How to understand Growth and/or VAM data How to use Growth and/or VAM data Educator effectiveness data for educator developmentCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.11
Huh?94%of teachers receive one of the top two ratings andless than 1 percent are rated unsatisfactory73%of teachers surveyed said their most recentevaluation did not identify any development areas63%of administrators say their district is not doing enoughto identify, compensate, promote and retain the mosteffective teachers50%of students in some parts of the country drop out, andcontribute to a national drop out rate of more than30%The Widget Effect, Our National Failure to Acknowledge and Act on Differences in TeacherEffectivenessThe New Teacher Project, 2009
Teacher CompassAn easy-to-use,customizableonline tool for collecting,organizing, and analyzingteacher performance data
ConvenienceCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.14
CustomizationCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.15
CollaborationCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.16
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.17
The Educator Development suite Implement a multiple measures approach to teachereffectiveness--classroom observation, student perception,professional collaboration, artifacts of teaching and leadingas well as growth in student achievement– Individualize professional growth plans for teachers– Consolidate professional development resources andactivities– Review and report multiple measures of educatordevelopment– Define observation frameworks, create schedules, and trackobservation processCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.18
Overview - An integrated instructionalimprovement systemModular, Content NeutralPlatformAssessment- FormativeCurriculum Summative- AuthenticLearningManagementGrade IAssessment dminParentsStudents
Build Capacity: Teacher Report
Administrator Report
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.24
Lessons Learned Benchmarking– Involve educators in process (district support useful to garnerparticipation)– Level-set participants on prior year materials to promote consistency ofdecision making Video Scoring– Align specifications with purpose For example, whole class videos vs. 15-minute observations Decisions will drive cost and complexity of training and scoring– Create clear media requirements Online video submission simplifies process Physical assets (e.g., DVDs) will require additional specifications aroundsecurity, processing, hardware/software, etc.– Training considerations Consider blend of asynchronous (e.g., independent review of materials) andsynchronous (e.g., instructor-led) Note-taking– Comment codes may be used to standardize feedback– Complex assessments may require evidence tagging to support scorers’cognitive processCopyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.25
Teacher Instructional Growth for Effectiveness andResults (TIGER)Inter-rater Reliability Training:You will be able to Familiarize yourself with the TIGER rubric. Apply understanding of the TIGER rubric toobserve and rate 3 case studies. Share ratings on the TIGER Rubric andresolve disagreements through discussion.
Purpose of Rater Training Calibrate individual observers with expert TIGER rater All observers objectively “see” the same thing and rate thesame way Ensure VALID and RELIABLE observations––Valid accurateReliable consistent
Calibration ProcessDiscussion ofObservablesfor ElementsDebrief &CalibrateRatingsReviewEvidence forCase StudyEnter TIGERRatings
DOMAIN 1: PLANNING AND PREPARATIONComponent 1a: Knowledge of the Learning ProcessElement: Knowledge of the learning processL EELEMENTKnowledge of thelearning processUNSATISFACTORY1Teacher sees no value inunderstanding how students learnand does not seek suchinformation.Example look fors (i.e.,what may the differentperformance levelslook/sound like inpractice).Example Evidence Sources:····Pretest or diagnostic data for class and studentsTeacher and/or school designed process for assessmentLesson plansInstructional artifacts (evidence in the form of student workproducts with comments)· Advanced courses in content or technique· Baseline interview question #2: How do you become familiarwith your students’ skills and knowledge?· Pre-Conference Interview #1: To which part of yourcurriculum does this lesson relate?VELO FP E RBASIC2Teacher recognizes the value ofknowing how students learn, butthis knowledge is limited r’s knowledge of howstudents learn is accurate andcurrent. Teacher applies thisknowledge to the class as awhole and to groups of students.Teacher displays extensive andsubtle understanding of howstudents learn and applies thisknowledge to individual students.- Lesson plans include someactivities in which students areengaged in inquiry.- Teacher plans to make thinkingskills explicit in instruction.- Teacher understands howstudents’ preexisting knowledgerelates to how they develop newunderstandings.- Lesson plans include extensiveactivities in which students areengaged in inquiry to constructtheir understanding of concepts.- Teacher develops a learningprofile for each student thatincludes learning stylepreferences, intelligencepreferences, culture-influencedpreferences, and gender-basedpreferences.- Teacher regularly usesstudents’ prior knowledge is usedin planning lessons- Teacher differentiatesinstruction to meet the learninggoals of individual students- Teacher provides opportunitiesfor student metacognition in thelesson design .
Lesson Learned: Provide training on the rubricbefore IRR Assumptions made about background knowledge of IRRparticipants Participants had access to the rubric prior to IRR, but noformal training on the rubric Formal training on the rubric was needed before IRR– Need a shared understanding for key constructs (e.g., studentengagement vs. compliance; high quality questions, instructionalgroups, differentiated instruction) Newly created online TIGER rubric training for the current andfuture cohorts to build shared understanding
Follow-up contact information 919-627-8893 925-255-3192Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.31
Alignment of PD resources to educator effectiveness systems Individualized educator growth plans The formative use educator effectiveness information How to understand Growth and/or VAM data How to use Growth and/or VAM data Educator effectiveness data for educator development
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