RF/Microwave Coaxial Connectors - Conexiones Condal

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Amphenol Connecting People and TechnologyAmphenol RF EuropeRF/MicrowaveCoaxial Connectors

Cable Applicable 122232425141/ 303/ 58/ 58A/ B7806A/ LMR195/ KX15/M17-28/ L190-16/ L910-30142/ 142A/ 142B/ 223/ 400/ 55/ M17-84/ KX23B7807A/ LMR200122/ 58 Plenum/ 58 Thinnet/ B88240/ B89907140/ 210/ 59/ 59A/ 59B/ 62/ 62A/ M17-30/ KX30/M17-29/ KX25/ KX52/ KX53/ KX61/ L910-12/L910-1359-20AWG59 Plenum59 Plenum-20AWG174/ 188/ 188A/ 316/ B7805A/ KX3/ KX22/M17-113/ M17-119316 Double Braided179/ 179A/ 179B/ 187/ 187A/ B9221/ M17-94/L910-22/ KX55179 Double Braided213/ 393/ 8/ 8A/ KX4241/ KX138X/ B7808A/ LMR240B7810A/ B8214/ B9913/ LMR400B8991311/11A11-14AWG/ B1859A/ B7731/ B8213/ B9292/ KX8143/ 212/ 6/ KX50/ KX51/ L910-8B1694A/ B92486 Plenum/ B1695AB8227/ B89207.141 semi rigid/ RG402/ KS52.085 semi rigid/ 405/ KS51.250 semi rigid.047 semi rigid178/ 178A/ 178B/ 196/ 196AB8281/ B9141/ B9231B88281180/ 180A/ 195/ B1855/ B1865A/ B8218/M17-95/ L910-19/ FLEX3BT3002/ L910-34/ L910-39LMR600AT&T734A/ B1505AAT&T735A/ B735A1ST212/1/ ST212/2ST214/1/ ST214/2FLEX 5/75RA7000Mini-Coax (2mm)BT2003/ TR-SP109/ Suhner 2SPTT6010See page 219 for coaxial crimp tools

up.047 semi rigid.085 semi rigid.141 semi rigid.250 semi rigid66 Plenum88A8X1111-14AWG11A555858 Plenum58 Thinnet58A58C5959A59B59-20AWG59 Plenum59 178B179179A179B179 Double 223303316316 Double 92B9913BT3002BT2003FLEX3FLEX -119Mini-Coax (2mm)RA7000RG402ST212/1ST212/2ST214/1ST214/2Suhner 06160505242310202021212525

AmphenolAmphenolThe CompanyAmphenol Corporation is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products of the world.The company designs, manufactures and markets RF/microwave connectors; flat ribbon cable andinterconnect systems; CATV cable and connectors; electronic connectors; and fiber-optic connectors.The primary end markets for Amphenol products are communications and information processing,including cable television, cellular telephone, data communications and instrumentation; aerospaceand military electronics; automotive, rail and other transportation; and industrial applications.Amphenol Corporation is a world leader in providing intergrated interconnect solutions to thetelecommunications industry. Recognized worldwide as a technology leader in the wireless market,Amphenol offers a full complement of RF coaxal products from MMCX connectors used on cellularsubsciber units to low intermodulation 7-16 DIN connectors used on cellular base stations. Today,Amphenol is a major player in this global arena; a position founded on the combined strengths of abroad product line and a leadership role in product innovation.As the information super highway expands, the demand for interconnect solutions continues to growinto new and exciting areas. Amphenol is a leading producer of broadband coaxial cable, connectorsand fiber optic interconnect components. Amphenol is uniquely capable of supplying the completeHybrid Fiber/Coaxial ( HFC ) interconnect systems which form the backbone of the information superhighway.1

AmphenolAmphenolAs a result, every household, business, privateand government institution is a potential customerand will depend on Amphenol's commitment toquality and product innovation.In the area of computers and electronic datainterchange, Amphenol continues to concentrateon the fastest growing segments; such as cableassemblies and line terminators which bringreliable, miniaturized solutions to LANS and otherinteractive communications networks, to highdensity connectors utilized in next generation globaltelecommunications switching systems.Amphenol's ability to provide fully integratedsolutions even extends into the arena of smartcard technology, where microchips and sophisticated chip card acceptor devices are being combined for a growing number of applications frombanking, to security, to medicine, to voice recognition systems.Maintaining this position as a leader in the field ofcommunications requires close interaction with aworldwide customer base through internationalmanagement teams, distributed manufacturing,global quality assurance programs and sophisticated distribution networks. By remaining totallycommited to the customer, Amphenol providesthe very highest levels of quality and responsiveservice, anywhere in the world.2Amphenol RF DivisionsAmphenol is the world's largest manufacturer ofRF connectors with experience extending over halfa century. Our complete range of RF interconnectproducts are used in the cellular/ PCS, telecommunications, computer networking and instrumentation industries. These include Standard/Miniature connectors (UHF, Mini-UHF, N, 50 & 75ohm BNC, and RP-BNC, Twinaxial, DIN 1.6/5.6,TNC and RP-TNC); Subminiature connectors(SMA and RP-SMA, SMB, SMC, DIN 1.0/2.3, andsize 8 contacts); MicroMateTM Microminiatureconnectors; DIN 7-16 and corrugated cable connectors. Amphenol offers a full line of semiflexand drop cable connectors to meet the demandingrequirements of HFC broadband infrastructurebeing developed by CATV MSOs and telephonecompanies worldwide.Complementing the RF connector product line isa comprehensive collection of low frequency connectors used in telecommunications, computer,and instrumentation markets. These includemass-terminated IDC connectors, D-Subminiatureconnectors, SCSI 2&3 connectors, Micro-Ribbonconnectors, MeMs, Mini-DIN, Flexprint connectorsand DIN 41612.

AmphenolAmphenolCommitment to Customer ServiceFor over 60 years, leading manufacturers of communications, consumer, industrial and aerospaceproducts have relied on Amphenol to provide totalinterconnect solutions.Maintaining this high level of customer trustrequires a total concern for complete customersatisfaction at all levels - from engineering, tomanufacturing, to quality assurance. Since manyproducts are custom designed to individualcustomer specifications, often for the harshestenvironments, it's critical that a teamwork approach be taken, involving the customer at all levels.It starts with the design engineers who listen closely to customer needs, combining solid analyticskills with the latest CAE and CAD tools to quicklysolve problems.Amphenol also employs multifunctional teams toensure that all products are designed for manufacturability. Serving the needs of our customersalso requires a strong worldwide manufacturingpresence. That's why we operate advanced production an assembly facilities strategically locatedacross three continents. Yet, our quality remainsexceptionally uniform and internationally standardized, from raw materials testing, through designengineering, to automated manufacturing andsub-assembly, to fully documented and traceabletest procedures developed in accordance withcustomer specifications.Amphenol also employs Statistical ProcessControl and has obtained ISO 9000 Certificationfor all its production facilities worldwide. As aresult, we offer precisely what every customer islooking for - world class quality at the lowestpossible cost.Did you know? UHF - Invented in the 1930's by anAmphenol engineer, E. Clark Quackenbush,for use in the radio industry. N - Was the first coaxial connector capable ofmicrowave performance and was invented byand named for Paul Neill of Bell Labs. C - Invented by and named for Amphenolengineer Carl Concelman. Type C has quickconnect/disconnect bayonet couplingfeatures. BNC - A miniature version of the Type C.The name stands for Bayonet Neill Concelman. TNC - The name stands for threaded NeillConcelman. This series features threadedscrews for mating.COAX CABLE ASSEMBLIESAmphenol cable assembliesAmphenol RF Europe is dedicated to providing high quality RF microwave cable assemblies tomeet any application. We can work with any coax, twinax or triax cable currently beingmanufactured, semi-rigid or flexible, with cable length to any customer specification.With our acquisition of Connexus, a leading Swedish RF cable assembly producer, we are in theposition of supplying you with cost competitive Coax assemblies.3


ContentsMMCX Seriespage7MCX SeriespageSMA SeriesN Seriespage 133177/16 Seriespage 149page25UHF/MINI-UHF Seriespage 159SMB/SMC Seriespage51F Seriespage 167SMZ type 43 Seriespage65Twin Seriespage 175Shielded Terminationspage71D-sub Seriespage 179SMP Seriespage73FME Seriespage 181FAKRA Connectorspage771.0/2.3 Seriespage 183BNC Seriespage791.6/5.6 Seriespage 189TNC Seriespage 108Filtered Seriespage 1975Coax Connectors & AccessoriesCoax Connectors & Accessories

Coax Connectors & AccessoriesCoax Connectors & AccessoriesContentsSSMB SeriesBetween Series Adapters6page 203page 207Toolspage 219Cable Assembly Instructionspage 221Index of Part Numberspage 249

The Amphenol MMCX series is the next generation of micro-miniature connectors.Offering a reliable broadband performance from DC to 6 GHz.These 50 ohm connectors incorporate the industry-approved MMCX interface, assuring reliablesnap-on/quick-disconnect mating and proven electrical performance.It's low-profile PCB receptacles make this series ideal for high-volume cellular, GPS and wirelessbase station applications.Electrical SpecificationsImpedanceFrequency rangeWorking voltageDielectric withstanding voltageVSWRContact ResistanceInsulator resistance50 ohm0-6 GHz170 VRMS max. at sea level500 VRMS min. at sea levelStraight 1.3 max.Right angle 1.5 max.Center contact 5 milliohms max.Outer conductor 2.5 milliohms max.1000 Megohms min.Material SpecificationsParts NameBody, Metal partsCenterContactsInsulatorsCrimp ferrulesMaleFemaleMaterialBrass per QQ-B-626Brass per QQ-B-626Beryllium copper, per QQ-C-530PTFEAnnealed copperFinishNickel or gold per requirementGold platedGold platedNoneNickel or gold per requirementMechanical SpecificationsEngagement forceDisengagement forceContact retentionDurability (matings)3.4 lbs max.1.4 lbs - 4.4 lbs2.3 lbs. Min.500 cycles min.7MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsMMCX Coaxial Connectors

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsMMCX Coaxial ConnectorsInterface mating dimensionsPlugLetterMillimeters [Inches]MinimumMaximumABCDEFGH2.70 [.106]0.001.58 [.062]1.45 [.057]0.38 [.150]-2.40 [.095]0.25 [.010]3.15 [.124]1.62 [.064]0.42 [.017]0.20 [.008]JackLetterMinimumABCDEFGHIJ82.40 [.095]2.60 [.102]0.90 [.035]0.68 [.027]1.40 [.055]3.00 [.118]2.87 [.113]1.57 [.062]2.30 [.091]-Millimeters [Inches]Maximum1.20 [.047]0.72 [.028]3.04 [.120]2.90 [.114]1.63 [.064]2.34 [.092]0.23 [.009]Note: 1. I.D. to meet VSWR and Contact Resistance when mated with 0.38/0.42 mm Dia. Pin.

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsMMCX Coaxial ConnectorsAll connector bodies, unless otherwise noted, are machined brass, 3µ” gold-plated.All insulators are Teflon.All center contacts are 30µ” gold plated.All dimensions are in millimeters and [inches].Direct Solder Attachment for Semi-Rigid .047" and .085" CableStraight Solder Plug - Semi-Rigid flonTeflon5050N/AN/AAssembly Instruction C - page 225Assembly Instruction E - page 227Right Angle Solder Plug - Semi-Rigid flonTeflon5050N/AN/AAssembly Instruction F - page 228Straight Solder Jack - Semi-Rigid flonTeflon5050N/AN/AAssembly Instruction C - page 225Assembly Instruction E - page 227For Reversed Polarized connectors contact local Amphenol Sales Branch.9

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsDirect Solder Attachment for Semi-Rigid .047" and .085" CableStraight Solder Bulkhead Jack - Semi-Rigid flonTeflon5050N/AN/AAssembly Instruction C - page 225Assembly Instruction E - page 227Crimp Attachment for Flexible CableStraight Crimp Plug - Miniature 121Assembly Instruction J - page 232Right Angle Crimp Plug - Miniature MCX1112D2-3GT30G-5-50MMCX1112D2-3GT30G-14-50Low cost version, diecast514GoldGoldTeflonTeflon505011P.N.Low cost versionAssembly Instruction I - page 23110For Reversed Polarized connectors contact local Amphenol Sales Branch.

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsCrimp Attachment for Flexible CableStraight Crimp Jack - Miniature 121Assembly Instruction J - page 232Bulkhead Crimp Jack - Miniature 121Assembly Instruction J - page 232Printed circuit Board ConnectorsStraight Plug for P.C. 0N/AMMCX1251N1-002-3GT30G-50 N/Asurface mountGoldTeflon50N/AP.N.MMCX1251N1-3GT30G-50For Reversed Polarized connectors contact local Amphenol Sales Branch.11

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsPrinted circuit Board ConnectorsStraight Jack for P.C. urface TeflonTeflon5050N/AN/ARight Angle Jack for P.C. .CrimpToolN/AGoldTeflon50N/AEdge Card or Vertical Mount Plug for P.C. mp.CrimpToolN/AGoldTeflon50N/AFor Reversed Polarized connectors contact local Amphenol Sales Branch.

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsPrinted circuit Board ConnectorsEdge Card or Vertical Mount Jack for P.C. 0N/AMMCX6251S1-001-3GT30G-50 N/AOffset PC 1S1-3GT30G-50MMCX6251S1-001-3GT30G-50Surface Mount Jack impToolN/AGoldLPC50N/AFor Reversed Polarized connectors contact local Amphenol Sales Branch.13

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsPrinted Circuit Board ConnectorsSurface Mount Jack Receptacle - Tape and ReelP.N.OS-908-22101T1500 per /AFor Reversed Polarized connectors contact local Amphenol Sales Branch.

MMCX Coaxial ConnectorsIn-Series AdaptersJack-to-Jack mp.CrimpToolN/AGoldTeflon50N/AJack-to-Jack Bulkhead mp.CrimpToolN/AGoldTeflon50N/AFor Reversed Polarized connectors contact local Amphenol Sales Branch.15


Amphenol MCX Series connectors are ideal for applications and designs where weight and spacesavings are critical. This series has a 50 ohm impedance structure which operates in a frequencyrange of up to 6 GHz. It's push-on/pull-off mating design facilitates a quick connect/disconnectcapability.Amphenol MCX connectors are popularly used in the cellular telephone, information systems andcommunications market.MCX connectors are available in 75 ohm version by replacing the last two digits (50) of the partnumber into 75.Electrical SpecificationsImpedanceFrequency RangeWorking VoltageDielectric Withstanding VoltageVSWR50 ohm and 75 ohm0-6 GHz335 VRMS1000 VoltsStraight: 1.3 max. 6 GHzRight angle: 1.5 max. 6 GHzCenter contact 5.0 milliohm max.Outer contact 1.0 milliohm max.5000 megohms0.1 dB Max./1 GHzContact ResistanceInsulation ResistanceInsertion LossMaterial SpecificationsParts NameCenterContactMetal partsInsulatorsGasketCrimp ferruleMaleFemaleMaterialFinishBrass per QQ-B-626Beryllium Copper per QQ-C-530Heat- treated per MIL-H-7199Brass per QQ-B-626PTFESilicone rubberSeamless copper tubing alloy30 µ"Gold30 µ"GoldNickel or gold per requirementNoneNoneNickel or gold per requirement17MCX Coaxial ConnectorsMCX Coaxial Connectors

MCX Coaxial ConnectorsMCX Coaxial ConnectorsInterface mating dimensionsPlugLetterMillimeters [Inches]MinimumMaximumABCDEFG0.48 [.019]2.00 [.079]3.66 [.144]0.002.81 [.111]4.16 [.164]2.81 [.111]0.53 [.021]2.07 [.082]3.76 [.148]0.30 [.012]3.20 [.126]3.20 [.126]JackLetterMinimumABCDEFG181.80 [.071]3.43 [.135]3.61 [.142]2.31 [.091]2.61 [.103]4.00 [.158]0.75 [.030]Millimeters [Inches]Maximum1.97 [.078]3.48 [.137]3.75 [.148]2.79 [.110]2.79 [.110]4.12 [.162]0.85 [.033]Note: 1. I.D. to meet VSWR and Contact Resistance when mated with .48/.53 mm Dia. Pin.

MCX Coaxial ConnectorsMCX Coaxial ConnectorsAll connector bodies, unless otherwise noted, are machined brass, 3µ” gold-plated.All insulators are Teflon.All center contacts are 30µ” gold plated.All dimensions are in millimeters and [inches].Plug Crimp Attachment for Flexible Cable and Direct Solder for Semi-Rigid CableStraight Crimp Plug - Miniature -3GT30G-5-5005MCX1121A1-002-NT30G-5A-50 5AMCX1121A1-002-3GT30G-5A-50 22211Assembly Instruction J - page 218Straight Solder Plug - Semi-Rigid 30G-13-50Assembly Instruction C - page 211Assembly Instruction E - page 213www.amphenol-online.com19

MCX Coaxial ConnectorsCrimp Attachment for Flexible Cable and Direct Solder for Semi-Rigid CableRight Angle Crimp Plug - Miniature 033441122112211Assembly Instruction I - page 231Right Angle Solder Plug - Semi-Rigid 0G-10-50 &MCX1182A1-3GT30G-10-50MCX1182A1-NT30G-11-50 bly Instruction F - page 228Straight Crimp Jack - Miniature A1-NT30G-14-50MCX6121A1-3GT30G

SMP Series page 73 FAKRA Connectors page 77 BNC Series page 79 TNC Series page 108 N Series page 133 7/16 Series page 149 UHF/MINI-UHF Series page 159 F Series page 167 Twin Series page 175 D-sub Series page 179 FME Series page 181 1.0/2.3 Series page 183 1.6/5.6 Series page 189 Filtered Series page 197

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Each panel will hold up to six connectors each. The box has a capacity of 24 dual SC connectors, single SC connectors, dual LC connectors, ST connectors, M-series type copper connectors, BNC connectors, F-type connectors, or any combination thereof. Connector types can be mixed and matched within the box by using two different panels.

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