Realization Of The Creative Potential Of Future Engineers .

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 516Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Seminar on Education Research andSocial Science (ISERSS 2020)Realization of the Creative Potential of FutureEngineers-Teachers of the Food Branch as a Factor ofSelf-Creation in the Professional ActivityO. Kurilo1,*1Department of Vocational Education, Labor Training and Technology, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University,Berdiansk, Ukraine*Corresponding author. Email: olgakurilo 1990@ukr.netABSTRACTThe paper scientifically substantiates realization of the creative potential of future engineers-teachers of thefood branch as a factor of self-creation in professional activity. In particular, there is considered the essence ofthe professional activity of engineers-teachers of the food branch in the context of the creativity phenomenonas an ability to realize professional functions and to solve specialized problems and practical tasks of theprofessional (professional-technical) education and food branch of production. Possibilities of realization ofthe creative potential of future engineers-teachers of the food branch, based on rethinking and transformationof own experience at mastering the chosen specialty, are revealed. Creativity is considered as a condition ofeffective personal self-creation that determines the personal creative essence and provides a possibility ofcontinuous changes in its structure. Contradictions, based on results of the analysis of the modern educationalpractice in training future engineers-teachers in the food branch and its development tendencies areestablished. Ways of the professional training improvement of future engineers-teachers in the food branch,oriented at realization of their creative potential, are determined. The effective mechanism of self-creation offuture engineers-teachers in the food branch in the professional activity is determined as an orientation oftheir professional training at the optimal realization of the creative potential and provision of correspondentorganizational-pedagogical conditions (activation of incentive motives to creative self-expression in the futureprofessional activity; using of didactic possibilities of disciplines of the cycle of the professional and practicaltraining in achieving expected results of creative type; organization of the psychological-pedagogical supportas to formation of components of the readiness to the professional activity).Keywords: Engineer-teacher, creative potential, food branch, professional activity, professional-technicaleducation, self-creation1. INTRODUCTIONUnder modern conditions the problem of formation of ahuman as a competitive creative person is the most urgent.An accelerated speed of scientific-technical development,transfer to market relations and fast changes in all spheresof human activity, especially in the food branch, needformation and development of creative specialists (in thecontext of our research - engineers-teachers), able to reactfast and to work constructively, to make non-standard andcreative solutions. Priorities of socio-economicdevelopment raise requirements to education that is a mainfactor in reproduction of the intellectual, spiritual andeconomic potential of society. Especially, the Law ofUkraine “On education” accents that the aim of educationis the comprehensive development of a human as a personand the highest value of society, development of his/hertalents, intellectual and physical abilities, education ofhigh moral qualities, formation of citizens, able toconscious social choice [1]. That is why education must bedirected on the development of creative potentials of aperson, giving possibilities to manifest own creativeabilities and satisfying needs in self-creation, selfrealization and self-confirmation. This important task maybe successfully realized under condition of training highcompetent, professionally skilled specialists, especially,engineers-teachers of a certain profile, able to realize owncreative abilities both at studying at higher school and infurther professional activity that is of wide profile(because graduates of this specialty may occupy posts bothin the sphere of production and in one of education) thatneeds constant cоrrection of approaches to its realizationunder changing conditions of labor market, by highereducational institutions.We connect the process of self-creation of futureengineers-teachers in the food branch and their possibilityto develop own creative abilities in the process of ownCopyright 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license 7

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 516creative professional activity with the notion of creativepotential.The notion “creative potential” is considered in works ofboth foreign and native researchers. At that this question iselucidated from different positions, namely: as a structuralformation that includes talents, inclinations, interests,manifestations of general intellect, intuition, abilities andso on (V. Moljako [2], D. Boghojavlenska [3], Е. de Bono[4], S. Rubinstein [5], О. Leontiev [6], О. Popel [7]); asfour groups of personal qualities of creativity, namely:worldview, value, intellectual and willing qualities(G. Guilford [9], К. Taylor [10]); as a manifestation of thepersonal essence (P. Kravchuk) [11]; as a means ofrealization of creative and intellectual activity of a person(D. Boghojavlenska) [3]; as a process of revelation of ownindividuality by a human (E. Yakovleva) [12]; as asynthetic (integrating) quality that characterizes personalpossibilities (N. Postaljuk) [13]; as a potential creativity(G. Glotova) [14]; as a cognitive creativity (K. Guskova)[15]; as a typical characteristic, which manifestationdepends on creative uniqueness of a person(E. Varlamova, S. Stepanov [16]). Despite the widestudying of this question, there is no single definition ofthe notion “creative potential” and the problem of itsrealization in future engineers-teachers in the food branchas a factor of self-creation in the professional activity hasnot been studied yet.2. PURPOSE AND QUESTIONS OFRESEARCHThe research aims to substantiate theoretically realizationof the creative potential of future engineers-teachers of thefood branch as a factor of self-creation in the professionalactivity.Research tasks:1. To consider the essence of the professional activityrealization of future engineers-teachers of the food branchin the context of the creativity phenomenon.2. To reveal possibilities of realization of the creativepotential of future engineers-teachers of the food branch asa factor of self-creation in the professional activity.3. To determine ways of improvement of the professionaltraining of future engineers-teachers of the food branch,oriented at realization of their creative potential.3. RESEARCH METHODS1. Analysis of normative-legal documents, scientificstudies, philosophical and psychological-pedagogicalliterature for revealing special features of the creativeprofessional activity of future engineers-teachers of thefood branch and requirements to its realization.2. Content-analysis and abstraction for specifying andconcretizing the categorical apparatus as to understandingconstructions of the creative professional activity, creativepotential, self-creation process.3. Synthesis, comparison, generalization of scientists’views on the problem of realization of the creativepotential of future engineers-teachers of the food branch asa factor of self-creation in the professional activity,revelation of certain regularities and discrepancies,formulation of conclusions and determination of directionsof further definition of the studied phenomena.4. CONTENT OF THE RESEARCH4.1. The consider the essence of theprofessional activity realization of futureengineers-teachers of the food branchUnder today's conditions, requirements for a competitivespecialist as a worker become higher, and professionaltasks – more complicated. A human takes thesechallenges, consciously sets aims, strives for adequatesolution of problems, works on him/herself (for owndevelopment and growth), achieve goals, chooses morecomplicated tasks, develops own abilities, professionalcompetences, tries to correspond to higher standards,searches for possible ways of activity optimization and soon. A subject acts and it allows him/her to manifest anddevelop in own behavior (including professional one) suchqualities, knowledge, skills, competences that correspondto growing requirements. So, self-development, revelationof own potential, creation of “Me”-conception areindicators of self-creation as a base of professionalformation of a person [17].A modern engineer-teacher is a specialist with a doubleintegrated competence. The list of possible posts ofengineer-teacher is presented in the National classifier ofUkraine SC 003:2010 «Classifier of professions» [18] andin the Directory of qualifying characteristics of workers’professions [19]. According to these documents, a futureengineer-teacher can occupy posts of junior specialists andprofessionals in the education branch, posts of specialists,professionals, managers and officials – in the productionone [18; 19], that is can realize professional functions inboth pedagogical and engineer activity.Just the multifunctional and wide profile type of engineerpedagogical activity makes it creative at solvingprofessional-pedagogical and engineer-technical tasks. Asit is noted by L. Gurier and L. Redin, the ability to creativeactivity, creativity and independence in making decisions,mastering scientific-practical skills are main features,organically inherent to the engineer-pedagogicalprofession, and most important preconditions of highcompetitiveness of one’s potential at employment [20]Creativity in the professional activity of engineers-teachershas own features. In the production sphere the special typeof creativity is engineer one, more often connected withnon-algorithmized activity, namely: improvement of oldtechnique and technologies or creation of new technical ortechnological means with a production and socialimportance; introduction of new, more progressive forms188

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 516of labor and production organization. The need in engineercreativity arises, when in the production processtraditionally known solutions, methods and means don’tsatisfy needs, and it is necessary to offer or to invent newsolutions [21].In the context of our research, the interest is the creativeactivity of engineers-teachers of the food branch. Theprofessional activity of engineers-technologists is directedon the search for new ideas, creative transformation,solution of non-standard tasks in production.The professional activity of engineers-technologists needscontinuous creative searching, setting creative goals,forming plans and projects of innovative development ofan enterprise, systematic work for a certain scientific,technical idea or project, creative use of standardizedelements, norms of scientific and technical activity,bringing ideas to introduction into the production process.That is the engineer activity is oriented on solvingtechnical-technological problems and tasks of a certainproduction branch, especially food one.In the pedagogical sense “creativity” is characterized bypersonal and social importance of obtained results inovercoming certain contradictions, appearing in theeducational process. We enjoy the experience of V.Andreev, who interprets creativity as “as one of the typesof human activity, directed on solving contradictions(creative task solution), for which objective (social,material) and subjective conditions (knowledge, skills,creative abilities) are necessary, which result is new andoriginal, personally and socially important and alsoprogressive” [22]. The researcher considers the problem ofpedagogical creativity as “a science about the pedagogicalsystem of two dialectically conditioned types of humanactivity: pedagogical education and self-education of aperson in different types of creative activity andcommunication for comprehensive and harmonicdevelopment of creative abilities of both separate personand certain group” [22].So, creativity plays the important role in the professionalactivity of engineers-teachers, favors effective solutions ofspecialized problems and practical tasks of theprofessional (professional-technical) education and thefood branch.At that creativity acts as a factor and necessary conditionof the effective self-creation of a person that determines itscreative essence. The role of creativity in self-creationintensifies the creativity process of a person him/herself[23]. An essential sign of the process of self-creation is itsactive character, organic penetration in differentmanifestations of activity and personal behavior. Thisprocess is an internal, active principle, pivotal essentialability that provides a possibility of continuous changes inthe personal structure as a dynamic, self-regulating andopen system [23].We agree with the idea of N. Negovska, who accents thefact that a successful realization of the professionalactivity of an engineer-teacher directly depends on thecontent and organization of his/her professional training ata higher educational institution [24].We understand professional training of future engineersteachers as a system of external and internal factors:firstly, the organized process of formation of the readinessto realizing professional tasks, main professional functionsthat correspond to certain types of the engineerpedagogical activity; secondly, the process of masteringgeneral and special competences, based on realization ofpotential possibilities of higher education applicants.The ability to self-determination, self-development, selfimprovement is realized, when a person becomes a realsubject. Moving forces of personal self-development arelocalized in a person him/herself, and external factors losetheir programming role [25]. The most constructive way ofself-creation is reflexive rethinking and transformation ofown experience, opening of the potential and developmentof a person by own efforts, by activity [17].4.2. The possibilities of realization of thecreative potential of future engineers-teachersof the food branchThe term potential is translated from Latin as “force” andis interpreted in the wide sense as sources, means, reservesthat are present or can be mobilized for attaining a certainaim [26].Creative potential is a system-creating quality of a personthat reflects a type of interconnection of all human abilitiesand integrative phenomenon that combines essentialcreative forces of a person in real practice and overactivity relations [11].We share an idea of the researcher P. Kravchuk that a “keymoment in the training system of a specialist with a highereducation is the development of his/her creative potential,because just the development of searching, analytic,transforming abilities of a student rises a mastering levelof professional knowledge and also abilities and skills ofsocial orientation on new conditions, fast reaction tochanges of a situation, making operative decisions” [11].So creative person is a person, able to realize own creativepotential through creative activity. At that the potentialitself acts as one of most important qualities of a creativeperson, as a source of creative activity under condition ofwhich formation and development, a person transformsinto creative one [27].The creative professional activity of a future engineerteacher may be realized at different levels and by differentmeans, but in any case it is constructed on principles ofhis/her competences and readiness to creative professionalactivity under conditions of organization of botheducational process and production sphere of any profile.The professional training of future engineers-teachers ofany profile is connected with formation of the integralprofessional competence or its components – general ative, organizational, managerial and creativeones. Attention is paid to certain aspects of the readiness tothe professional activity in the context of creation ofprofessional-pedagogical projects, using information-189

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 516communicative technologies, introduction of personallyoriented learning and so on. It is accented on the necessityof development of the creative potential and creativity offuture specialists, especially, in the food branch.4.3. The ways of improvement of theprofessional training of future engineersteachers of the food branchDepending on a scientific-pedagogical aim and expectedresults of the professional training of engineers-teachers ofa certain profile, researchers offered ways of itsimprovement, such as: coordination of pedagogicalcomponent with other training ones and succession inmastering just pedagogical experience achievements;integration of engineer and pedagogical components,based on the principle of unity and interconnection ofcontent and procedural aspects of the educational process;use of the integrative approach to studying generaleducational and professionally oriented disciplines, basedon information technologies; use of the creative approachat solving theoretical and practical tasks; formation ofseparated knowledge, abilities and skills andprofessionally important abilities, qualities and skills (forexample, projecting knowledge and skills, researchingskills, ability to learn something new continuously, to findand to use necessary information; humanistic ence,responsibility, creativity, pushfulness; ability to see and tosolve problems, ability to self-cognition, selfdetermination, self-development and so on); organizationof subject-subject interaction between a teacher and astudent that provides realization of their intellectual,communicative, regulatory-behavioral resources andpersonal potential as a whole; formation of an experienceof the creative professional activity, based onquasiprofessional actions at solving professionally orientedtasks and so on.But these ways of improvement of the professionaltraining of future engineers-teachers only partially satisfyrequirements, set to creative professional activity. Thus,according to the results of experimental works of a seriesof scientists, the creative (high) level of formation ofgeneral or special competences after the targeted influenceis: 25.4% (J. Gvozdetska) [28], 34.06% (О. KerekashaPopova) [29], 32.8% (J. Коzak) [30], 18.78%(О. Krivilyova) [31], 28.1% (М. Меfanyk) [32], 10.59%(О. Potapchuk) [33], 16.08% (А. Shaura) [34] and others.In the category of higher education applicants, whoseprofessional training was realized, based on thetraditionally formed practice, this percent is even lower:8.8% (Y. Gvozdetska) [28], 22.73% (О. KerekeshaPopova) [29], 26.4% (Y. Коzak) [30], 9.98%(О. Kriviliova) [31], 15.6% (М. Меfanyk) [32], 9.88%(О. Potapchuk) [33], 7.58% (А. Shaura) [34] and others.Taking into account the results of the analysis of themodern educational practice in training future engineersteachers of the food branch and its developmenttendencies, there have been established contradictions,appeared between:– grown requirements to the professional activity of futureengineers-teachers of the food branch and their trainingcondition;– the necessity to raise the level of the creativeprofessional activity readiness of future engineers-teachersof the food branch and the absence of an integral model ofthis process;– the need of future engineers-teachers of the food branchin professional growth and insufficient orientation of thetraining on the development of the creative personality of alearning subject;– potential possibilities of the professional training offuture engineers-teachers of the food branch atpedagogical educational institutions and their insufficientrealization in practice.So, we connect prospects of further searches in ourresearch with verification of the formulated hypothesis,based on the idea that intensification of the staff potentialof the food branch as to the readiness to orient fast inchanging labor conditions in the sphere of branch andeducation is provided, especially, by the training of futureengineers-teachers of the food branch to the creativeprofessional activity, namely: orientation of the training onthe optimal realization of the creative potential of futurespecialists and creation of correspondent organizationalpedagogical conditions (activation of incentive motives tocreative self-expression in the future professional activity;using of didactic possibilities of disciplines of the cycle ofthe professional and practical training in achievingexpected results of creative type; organization of thepsychological-pedagogical support as to formation ofcomponents of the readiness to the creative professionalactivity).5. CONCLUSIONSummarizing the aforesaid ideas, we may formulate thefollowing conclusions.Engineers-teachers of the food branch are specialists withdouble integrated competence, manifested in the ability torealize professional functions in both pedagogical andengineer activities. Their creative professional activityfavors effective solutions of specialized problems andpractical tasks of the professional (professional-technical)education and food branch under changing laborconditions.Creativity acts as a factor and necessary condition ofeffective self-creation of person that determines his/hercreative essence and provides a possibility of continuouschanges in its structure. Reflexive rethinking andtransformation of own experience, opening of the potentialand personal development by own efforts in theprofessional activity is the most constructive way of selfcreation. The potential acts as one of most importantqualities of a creative person, as a source of creativeactivity under condition of which formation anddevelopment, a person transforms into creative one.190

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1. To consider the essence of the professional activity realization of future engineers-teachers of the food branch in the context of the creativity phenomenon. 2. To reveal possibilities of realization of the creative potential of future engineers-teachers of the food branch as a factor o

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