Progression Pathwaysto Trinity 2021Opportunities forQQI-FET awardholders
Message from the Dean of Undergraduate StudiesTrinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, has aglobal reputation for excellence in teaching, researchand innovation. We pride ourselves on diversity andtoday, Trinity attracts some of the most able, motivatedand hardworking students from all thirty-two countiesof Ireland, and from around the world, who are providedwith world-class teaching and learning facilities.In our degree programmes students attain specialisedknowledge and skills through engaging in lectures,seminars, tutorials, and laboratory classes, with astrong emphasis on small-group teaching. Studentsalso learn from each other, from involvement in clubsand societies, and from attending lectures in disciplinesother than their own. In this way, through the TrinityExperience, we encourage our students to realise theirfull potential and we support them in acquiring the skillswhich will enable them to be active, thoughtful learnersin their life after graduation, and to make a valuablecontribution to society.We recognise the talent and experience of studentsin the Further Education and Training sector andacknowledge the excellent foundation that a Qualityand Qualifications Ireland – Further Education andTraining (QQI-FET) award provides. As such, we offerQQI-FET progression pathways in Science, Engineering,Nursing, Midwifery as well as programmes across theArts, Humanities and Social Sciences. To all those inthe Further Education and Training sector with anaptitude for the education we offer, and a pioneeringspirit of adventure, we invite you to apply to join usand prepare for a journey that will open your mindto new experiences and ways of thinking.Dr Kevin MitchellDean of Undergraduate Studiesand Senior Lecturer
Contents1Trinity’s Commitment to QQI-FETProgression Pathways2Why Choose Trinity?3Open Day 20214Student Life at Trinity6Meet our Students8Your Support Network10 Applying as a QQI-FET applicantfor degree programmes at Trinity10 QQI Maths for STEM/Engineering (TR032)10 QQI-FET Scoring10 QQI-FET Offers10 Garda Vetting10 Health Screening10 Fitness to Practice11 QQI-FET Progression Pathways for 202114 Maths for STEM CertificateUseful ContactsFor information on how to make an application and to view requisiteQQI-FET Level 5 or Level 6 awards and specific requirements, please visitwww.cao.ieFor information on QQI-FET Level 5 or Level 6 awards please visitwww.qqi.ieIf you require more information on making an application toTrinity please contact the Academic Registry:Academic RegistryWatts BuildingTrinity College Dublin, the University of DublinDublin 2Ireland 353 1 896
Trinity’s Commitment toQQI-FET Progression PathwaysTrinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is committed to providing entry to the first year of many of its degreeprogrammes to students who have been awarded recognised QQI-FET (formerly FETAC) Level 5 and Level 6 awards.There are QQI-FET places available across the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; the Faculty ofEngineering, Maths and Science; and the School of Nursing and Midwifery. Over the next five years the Universityaims to more than double the number of FET students progressing to degree programmes from QQI-FET. 1
Why Choose Trinity?Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is an international university, steepedin history with a reputation for excellence in education, research and innovation.Trinity is Ireland’s leading university and has been inspiring generations of brilliant thinkersfor over 400 years. Join our 18,000 students from over 120 countries around the world andbe taught by some of the most influential and reputable professors in their field.World RankingsTrinity is ranked 1st in Ireland and 101stin the world. Trinity also ranks in the top100 in 18 subjects globally 1.1QS World University Rankings 2021Your CareerTrinity is committed to preparingits students for the ever-changingchallenges of the 21st centuryworkplace. Trinity ranks 92nd in theWorld for graduate employability2.2QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020Study Abroad & ExchangeTrinity also ranks as the 17th mostinternational university in the world3.The university provides an everexpanding number of opportunities forstudents to undertake a global mobilityexperience at one of our many partneruniversities overseas.3Times Higher Education World UniversityRankings 2020Dublin – one of theworld’s best citiesTrinity’s campus is located in the heartof one of the most popular and safestcities in the world4. Dublin is a vibrantand multicultural European capital, whichranks as the 37th best student city inthe world5. Trinity’s central locationmakes it highly accessible for all formsof public transport: Trinity has its ownLUAS (tram) station and there is a DART(Dublin’s suburban rail system) stationopposite the campus. Peace Index 20205QS World’s Best Student Cities 20192Strong researchreputationOur students receive world-classeducation in a research-centred,collaborative environment and have theopportunity to work with global leadersin their field. Trinity is also the only Irishmember of the prestigious League of 23European Research Universities (LERU).Find out more at: our diversecommunityOur current students come from everycounty in Ireland and from over 120countries around the world. 28% ofthe student body are from outsideof Ireland, providing a true globalcommunity on Trinity’s campus.Join our esteemed alumniTrinity has produced some of theworld’s finest and most enquiring mindsincluding the writers Oscar Wilde andSamuel Beckett (Nobel Laureate), thescientists William Rowan Hamilton andErnest Walton (Nobel Laureate), thepolitical thinker Edmund Burke, and theformer President of Ireland and UNHCRMary Robinson.
VirtualOpen Day2020Saturday 7th NovemberINSPIRINGGENERATIONSWelcome to our BIGGESTand BEST day of the year!› Hear all about the Trinity experience,course choices and student life› Course presentations› Clubs & societies› Q&A sessions with Professors,BringTrinityto you!Students and StaffWe would be happy to participate in school presentationsor careers fairs, or to send you our prospectus.Contact: ug.recruitment@tcd.ieFind out more at 33
Student Life at TrinityYour First Year at TrinityStudent LifeFreshers’ WeekStudent EntertainmentWhat happens after you join us in Trinity? Yourfirst week is known as Freshers’ Week. Thereare no classes, so it’s all about meeting yournew classmates, information sessions, seeingwhat sports clubs and societies you want tojoin, meeting your student mentor who willgive you a tour of campus and organise socialevents, meeting your tutor who will providesupport to you throughout your years inTrinity, and, of course, the Freshers’ Ball.University life is about so much more than justeducation and nowhere is this more evidentthan at Trinity. Trinity sits in the heart of Dublincity where there are endless extracurricularand recreational opportunities. You canimmerse yourself in a broad range of sportsclubs and student societies and throughthese activities you will get a real sense of the‘Trinity Experience’, something that extendsfar beyond lectures, tutorials and exams.What happens afterFreshers’ Week?Trinity BallAfter the excitement of Freshers’ Week,teaching starts and you get a chance to settleinto your course. Most classes are a mixtureof lectures and tutorials and some havepracticals as well. The tutorials are less formaland give you a chance to explore and discussthe topics covered in lectures with yourclassmates and teaching assistants.Your class representative and your mentorsorganise events throughout the year that giveyou further opportunities to get to know yourclassmates.Trinity in Twelve WeeksThe “Trinity in Twelve Weeks” programmeaims to continue your orientation duringyour first semester and help your transitionto university life. The ‘Trinity in Twelve Weeks’programme has a new theme every week,through study and exam skills to how to lookafter yourself while you’re at university. Yourmentors will be in touch with you every weekto let you know what the week’s theme is andto arrange events and activities.4At the end of the academic year, Trinity hoststhe biggest private party in Europe. TheTrinity Ball sees more than 7,000 students inball gowns and tuxedos enjoying Trinity’s veryown music festival. Marquees and stages areset up across campus, with festivities kickingoff at 10pm and acts playing until 5am.The PavThe Pavilion Bar, affectionately known asthe Pav, is located at the heart of Trinity,overlooking College Park. There really isnothing better than sitting out on the grasswith your friends when the sun is shining andthe Pav provides a place for you to chillout and enjoy a green oasis.Student SocietiesAt Trinity, we have 120 student societieswhich constitute the most dynamic andactive set of university student societiesin Ireland, everything from the AnimationSociety to the Zoological Society. We arehome to the world’s oldest student societies,the ‘Hist’ or Historical Society founded in 1770and the ‘Phil’ which is the oldest debatingsociety in the world, founded in 1683, andwhose guests have included everyone fromHollywood heavyweights such as MartinScorsese to International Space Stationcommander Chris Hadfield. Find out moreat:
Sports CentreTrinity PublicationsTrinity students produce the widest rangeof student publications of any third levelinstitution in Ireland including Trinity News,the University Times, Icarus, The Piranha,TCD Miscellany and Trinity Film Review.Contributors are regular award winners at theNational Student Media Awards and many ofour alumni have had very successful careersincluding author and journalist Mark Little;Peter Murtagh (reporter, The Irish Times) andEoin McVey (managing editor, The Irish Times);Paul McGuinness (former manager of U2);Ed Mulhall (former Managing Director of Newsat RTÉ and former Financial Times editor).Find out more at www.trinitypublications.ieTrinity SportTrinity Sport offers something for everyone,whether you want to perform at the highest levelor simply want to participate in our social sportprogramme and have a bit of fun. Whateveryour preference is, Trinity Sport has got itcovered. Find out more at: Sports Centre,located at the WestlandRow end of campus, is wherethe majority of our fitnessclasses and programmes take place,seven days a week. Facilities include a25-metre swimming pool, climbing wall,fully equipped gym with free weights andcardio machines, virtual cycle and a wellnessroom. Students are automatically membersof the Sports Centre. There are smalladditional costs for some classes.An Ghaeilge/The Irish LanguageSports FacilitiesIn addition to the Sports Centre, Trinity hasa number of other sports facilities both oncampus and off.›Botany Bay – tennis courts and indoorsoccer›College Park – rugby, soccer, cricket,hockey, athletics›Santry Sports Grounds – a short bus ridenorth of the campus, Santry is the homeof Trinity GAA, hockey, soccer, Americanfootball, rugby and ultimate frisbee›Iveagh Sports Grounds – a short bus ridewest of the campus, this multi-purposesite was recently acquired by Trinity›Islandbridge – the boathouse is the basefor Trinity men’s and women’s rowingSports Clubs.Sports ClubsIrish language and culture is a vibrant aspectof campus life and Trinity offers a rich andvaried programme of events, as well aslearning and social opportunities throughIrish for students of all levels of ability.Free Irish classes, from beginners toadvanced levels, are offered to all students.Our Irish Language Residency Schemesprovide accommodation and a grant tostudents who are seeking to live with otherIrish speakers and promote the language.For more information, see:á an Ghaeilge agus cultúr na hÉireann beobríomhar ar champas na hollscoile aguscuireann Coláiste na Tríonóide clár éagsúilimeachtaí agus deiseanna foghlama agussóisialta ar fáil trí Ghaeilge do mhic léinnag gach leibhéal cumais. Cuirtear rangannaGaeilge, ó bhunleibhéil go hardleibhéil, ar fáilsaor in aisce do gach mac léinn. Cuireann árScéimeanna Cónaithe lóistín agus deontasar fáil do mhic léinn ar mian leo cónaí lecainteoirí Gaeilge eile agus an teanga a churchun cinn sa choláiste. Le haghaidh tuilleadheolais: are 50 sports clubs to choosefrom including: aikido, American football,badminton, barbell, basketball, boating,boxing, camogie, climbing, cricket, croquet,cycling, equestrian, fencing, Gaelic football,golf, handball, harriers, hockey, hurling,judo, karate, kayaking, lawn tennis, netball,orienteering, rifle, rugby, sailing, snowsports, soccer, squash, sub aqua, surfingand bodyboarding, swimming, table tennis,taekwondo, trampoline, ultimate frisbee,triathlon, volleyball and windsurfing. 5
Meet our StudentsAvery McLoughlinBusiness, Economics and Social Studies – BESSDrogheda Institute of Further EducationFrom the moment I entered Trinity College Dublin inFreshers week, I was welcomed with open arms fromstudents, lecturers and staff. One of the first thingsI was introduced to were the clubs and societies, whichare a fantastic way to meet new friends and try out newexperiences. I was encouraged to get out of my comfortzone and even joined the Snow Sports society (I don’t ski!).My course, BESS, is academically demanding but Trinityhas an abundance of supports that make the transitionto college smooth and the workload manageable. FromS2S mentors, college Tutors, Trinity Access supports andPeers and Library workshops, there is support there foreveryone to help you succeed. One thing I was concernedabout was the commute. I live in the countryside, about 90minutes from Trinity and commute in every day for classes.I adjusted to this quickly and find this time useful to relaxbefore class, read over notes or just rest before starting abusy day.Studying at Trinity is a life altering experience and I amproud to be part of the Trinity community.Amanda Jonaityte LawRathmines Collegeof Further EducationI was born in Lithuaniaand currently living in Meath.I commuted for my first yearand Trinity felt like my secondhome. I spent my first fewmonths getting used to the campus, finding all the nooksand crannies and very soon, I didn’t feel like a strangeranymore. Joining lots of different societies helped me tomake new friends and learn about different activities thatI could get involved in.I chose Trinity because of its reputation and location. Not onlywas I surrounded by brilliant students, teachers and societies,but also the history of Trinity and the history of Ireland’scapital city. Law was the course I chose as I always wanted tohelp people. In third year, I will have the opportunity to studyabroad in one of the many partner universities of Trinity. Fromsecond year, I can study modules outside of Law and canexplore new subject areas. My professors are very supportiveand always encourage me to do my best. Even the hoursof lectures and tutorials are manageable and give me timefor my own study in the library and the opportunity to stayinvolved with social activities and society events.I would describe Trinity as welcoming, memorable andadmirable. As a first year, I didn’t know anyone, but theywelcomed me on campus with events like freshers’ weekand meet-and-greets with S2S mentoring. I will alwaysremember my time at Trinity as positive and joyous,through all the different events and activities that I tookpart in. Even after two years, I still admire the beauty andhistory of Trinity – a history I am now a part of.6
Leah Heron ZoologyJana Gerks LawKillester College of Further EducationRathmines College of Further EducationIf you are passionate about something then it is worthgoing for it.I am German and currently live in Dublin. I chose Lawbecause I like the idea of representing something so muchbigger than myself in order to help people. Law is intriguingand quite flexible, which you do not expect – everythingis open to interpretation and is context-specific, andthat’s what I find extremely fascinating. Learning from theacademic staff at Trinity was incredible, as they are activelyengaged in the industry, bringing both theory and practiceto the classroom. One of my highlights for the year was thejunior mock trial which really brought Law to life for me.When I decided to make a career change, I wanted totest things out first with a one year FET course. Thecourse helped me to gain some experience in highereducation and figure out what I would like to study.I ended up doing two years in Killester College andcame to the realisation that I could actually go intostudy full-time. I applied to Zoology (via Science) atTrinity and fortunately, I got in!The first thing I did when I started was join theZoological Society. The society holds a bunch ofdifferent events, information sessions and workshopsthat helped me to determine my future career path.I loved it so much I ended up becoming the society‘ssecretary in my third year.The course itself was taught by leaders in the field ofzoology. I felt privileged to learn from them, ask themquestions and discuss different topics with them – andthey were always happy to have a chat. I also had theopportunity to volunteer with the science departmentand the zoology department during open days andgave talks on my experience.Trinity has a designated office for Mature Students,which really helped me throughout my first year ofstudy. At the beginning of first year, all the maturestudents are brought in together and you sit with themover lunch – we chatted, became friends, set up studygroups and are still friends to this day. Trinity offersevery kind of service you can think of and I made use ofthe likes of the counselling service and health facilities,sports centre and student learning supports. It was allof these supports, together, that helped me throughthe final years of my course.My top 3 tips for coming to Trinity would be to; familiariseyourself with the support structures and make sure to usethem (like peer mentors, tutors, IT services and the Students’Union), get involved with different societies and make newfriends, and build a structure around your study so you stayon top of everything (time management and organisationare extremely important when it comes to university life).Dublin is a melting pot of global culture with the perfectcombination of a capital city alive with business, but wherenature still finds it way. I loved to hop on the DART (train)with friends and ride out to the seaside town of Howth andthen come back to the city and enjoy its famous night life.Trinity is inclusive, achieving and vibrant. Inclusive, becausethe student body and staff are extremely welcoming andsupportive. Trinity not only offers opportunities to studentscoming through access routes, but also keeps up thesupport throughout your time there. Achieving, becauseof the outstanding quality of education and high calibre ofgraduates throughout Trinity’s history. Vibrant, because itis in the heart of the city, it offers such a variety of activities,sports, societies and academic events throughout the year.I loved every moment of my time in Trinity. It’s notalways easy, but the staff and students are there tohelp you to succeed. 7
Your Support NetworkMature Students OfficerTrinity is an exciting place, full ofopportunities to learn, make friends, andexperience new things. While Trinity deliversworld class courses, it is not just about youracademic development: we also want Trinityto be a place where you can develop socially,morally, culturally and personally. There isalways someone to listen and help. We wantto make sure that Trinity is a place where youare given the best chance to reach your goals.Trini
Trinity is ranked 1st in Ireland and 101st in the world. Trinity also ranks in the top 100 in 18 subjects globally1. 1 QS World University Rankings 2021 Your Career Trinity is committed to preparing its students for the ever-changing challenges of the 21st century workplace. Trinity ranks 92nd in the World for graduate employability2.
Trinity Presbyterian Church Rev. Tom Dunlap Pastor Onsite Trinity Worship Services Trinity is now worshiping on Sundays in the sanctuary. Session understands that not every-one will be comfortable returning to . The Good News from Trinity PC March 15, 2021. Page 2THE GOOD NEWS
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