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August 2017Power Up with a healthybreakfast everyday!Prevention ProgramsChronic Disease, Nutrition & ObesityHealthy Communities- Health EducationContents¡Elija comenzar un día energéticocon un buen desayuno todos los días!Health Note.1-2Health Screens. 3Classes & Trainings.4Get Fit! . 5Nutrition Ed. 6-9Garden & Food . 10Partnership for aHealthy VC. 11Partner & CommunityResources . 122220 E. Gonzales RoadOxnard, CA 93030Tel. (805) 981-6657For more information visit us on line:

August 2017Health NoteBreakfast simply means to “break the fast.” By the time your children wake up, they’ve gone 8-12hours without something to eat. Many children leave for school without eating. It’s estimatedthat approximately 8-30 percent of children and adolescents regularly skip this morning meal(Pediatrics, 2015).There are many good reasons why breakfast is called the most important meal of the day.Breakfast makes a big contribution to both the mind and body. Breakfast eaters are healthieroverall. Kids that eat a nutritious breakfast (versus one that includes doughnuts or soda) get thevitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates their growing bodies need. Studies show thatkids who eat breakfast: better academically in schoolhave improved concentration and focushave greater school attendancelearn healthy lifestyle habitsare more physically activeare less likely to be overweightThe Chronic Disease Prevention Programs encourages you and your family to start your day offright and Power Up with the benefits of a healthy breakfast. a good role model: make sure you take time to start your day with a nutritiousmeal.Prepare the night before: set the table and place items that don’t need refrigerationon the counter to grab quickly in the morning.Add time in the morning: get everyone up 15 minutes earlier to make time forbreakfast.Take it to go: pack portable items for kids to eat on their way to school like ahardboiled egg, cottage cheese, fruit, single size low-fat milk or 100% juice boxes, PBon whole wheat toast or yogurt.Now is the perfect time to make breakfast a priority for your family and start the school year off ina healthy way!References:Pediatrics, A. A. (2015, November 21). The Case for Eating Breakfast. Retrieved from .aspx1

agosto 2017Nota para Su SaludEl desayuno simplemente es “romper el ayuno.” Para el tiempo que su niño despierta, ya hanpasado de 8-12 horas sin comer algo. Muchos niños se van a la escuela sin comer. Es estimado queaproximadamente que 8-30 por ciento de los niños y adolescentes se brincan la comida de la mañanaregularmente (Pediatrics, 2015).Hay muchas buenas razones porque el desayuno se conoce como la comida más importante del día.El desayuno contribuye a la mente y el cuerpo. Los que comen desayuno, son más saludables engeneral. Los niños que comen un desayuno nutritivo (versus algo que incluya donas o soda) obtienenlas vitaminas, los minerales, las proteínas, y los carbohidratos que sus cuerpos en crecimiento necesitan.Los estudios demuestran que los niños que desempeñan mejor académicamente en laescuelatienen una mejor concentración y enfoquetienen una mayor asistencia escolaraprenden hábitos de estilo de vida saludablesson físicamente más activosEl Programa de Prevención de Enfermedades Crónicas lo anima a usted y a su familia a comenzar el díabien y a que se “Recargue de Energía” con los beneficios de un desayuno saludable. un buen modelo a seguir: asegúrese de tomar el tiempo para comenzar su día con undesayuno nutritivo.Prepare lo más que pueda la noche anterior: deje la mesa preparada y las comidas que nonecesitan refrigeración en el mostrador para que esten a la vista.Para tener más tiempo por la mañana: despiértelos a todos 15 minutos más temprano paraque tengan tiempo de desayunar.Prepárelo “Para Llevar”: empáqueles alimentos a los niños que se puedan comer en elcamino, como un huevo cocido, requesón, fruta, una cajita de leche baja-en-grasa o dejugo 100%, pan de trigo tostado con crema de cacahuete o yogur.¡Ahora es el tiempo perfecto para hacer que el desayuno sea una prioridad para su familia y comience elaño escolar de una manera saludable!References:Pediatrics, A. A. (2015, November 21). The Case for Eating Breakfast. Retrieved from .aspx2

Early Detection - Free Health ScreensAugust 2017blood glucose, blood pressure and body fatThe Chronic Disease Prevention ProgramPromoción de Detección Tempranaexámenes de salud gratuitosDateCityTue 1 AugFillmoreTue 1 AugLocationHoursFillmore Active Adult Center 533 Santa Clara Ave9:00-11:00 A.M.Santa PaulaCentro Cristiano Emanuel505 W Harvard Blvd12:00-3:00 P.M.Thu 3 AugWest VenturaVentura Catholic Charities303 N Ventura Ave9:00-11:00 A.M.Fri 4 AugWest VenturaRed Barn Market995 N Ventura Ave11:00-1:00 P.M.Mon 7 AugSaticoySaticoy Food Pantry*11168 Violeta St4:30-6:00 P.M.Tue 8 AugSanta PaulaOur Lady of Guadalupe Church427 N Oak St10:00-1:00 P.M.Thu 10 AugSanta PaulaGodinez Barber Shop961 E Main St2:00-4:00 P.M.Sat 12 AugOxnardLa Colonia Village Tenants AssociationUSDA Food Pantry- 1500 Colonia Rd7:30-9:30 A.M.Tue 15 & 29AugSaticoySaticoy Food Pantry 11168 Violeta St5:00-6:00 P.M.Wed 16 AugWest VenturaWestpark Community CenterUSDA Food Pantry- 450 W Harrison Ave4:00-5:30 P.M.Thu 17 AugOxnardTue 22 AugSanta PaulaThu 24 AugMoorparkAmar Ranch Market1111 E Channel Islands BlvdOur Lady of Guadalupe Church427 N Oak StMoorpark NfL*612 B Spring Rd-Suite 4019:00-11:00 A.M.2:00-5:00 P.M.8:30-11:00 A.M.*Site where health risk blood sugar tests will be offered. Limited to blood pressure screens only.3

August 2017Diabetes Self-Management & Healthy Living ClassesTalleres de manejo personal para personas lideandocon enfermedades cronicas, la diabetes, promoción de clases para vivir mejorAsesoría y manejo personal parapersonas con diabetes Tipo 2The Chronic Disease Prevention ProgramDiabetes Self-Management ProgramA Stanford Self-Management WorkshopSession 1Session 2Session 3 What is diabetes? Monitoring Healthy Eating Plan Dealing with stress Preventing Low BloodSugar Preventing or DelayingComplicationSession 4Session 5Session 6 Dealing with DifficultEmotions Menu Planning Dealing withDepression Exercise Strategies for Sick Days Foot CareSanta Paula Senior Center - 530 W Main St - Santa PaulaHours: 9:00-11:30 A.M.Mon 31 JulyMon 7 AugMon 14 AugMon 21 AugMon 28 AugMon 11 SepTalleres: “Tomando Control de Su Salud”Aprenda a manejar mejor sus sintomas, y a evitar complicacionesSesión 1Sesión 2Sesión 3Sesión 4 Manejando sussíntomas Durmiendo bien Alimentación y ejercicio Evitando caidas y elequilibrio fisico Mejorando larespiración Relajacion muscular Manejando ladepresiónSesión 5Sesión 6 Un peso saludable Evaluando remedioscaseros y otros. Trabajando con suproveedor de salud Celebración deGraduaciónFillmore Active Living Center - 533 Santa Clara Ave - FillmoreHorario: 9:00-11:30 A.M.martes 1 demartes 8 demartes 15 demartes 22 demartes 29 demartes 25 de julioagostoagostoagostoagostoagostoMeet the first cohort to complete the 26-hourChronic Disease Self-Management LeaderTraining facilited by Ventura County PublicHealth, Master Trainers. -July 21, 20174

Get Fit! and walking clubsAugust 2017promoción de actividad física y clubs de caminataThe Chronic Disease Prevention ProgramExercising with others is fun!¡El ejercicio en grupo es divertido!GET FIT! Classesclases de ejercicio para ponerse en formaDateClass TypeMonday &WednesdayZumba for aSanta Paula Senior Center530 W Main St1:00-2:00 P.M.Sara Rivera(805) 981-6657VenturaSaticoy Community Center11168 Violeta St6:00-7:00 P.M.Sara Rivera(805) 981-6657OxnardColonia Memorial ParkVeterans Gymnasium195 N Marquita St10:00-11:00 A.M.Sara Rivera(805) 981-6657Instructor: Karen AnkromMonday &WednesdayZumba for AdultsInstructor: Rosario MaldonadoWednesday& FridayZumba for AdultsInstructor: Rosario MaldonadoTo learn more about how to participate or host an activity for your community, please call (805) 981-6657.Walking Clubsclubs de caminataDateCityLocationHoursMonday &WednesdaySantaPaulaSanta Paula Senior Center530 W Main St9:00 A.M.FridaysOxnardDel Sol Park1600 Camino del Sol Park8:00-9:00 A.M.Contact InformationLed by Liz (805) 933-4226Led by Sara Rivera (805) 981-66575

Piense en lo que toma - receta de agua sabor a frutas y verdurasPlum Peach Infused WaterMakes 4 servings.1 cup per serving.Agua de Ciruela y DuraznoRethink Your Drink Infused Water RecipeIngredients2cups of plum,cut in slivers,remove the bone2cups of peach,cut in sliversremove the boneIcePrep Time:5 minutesPreparation.1. Fill pitcher halfway with ice.2. Add the plum and peach slivers.3. Fill with water. Chill for at least 30 minutes before serving.4. Store in refrigerator and drink within 24 hours.Rethink Your Drink Infused Water RecipePiense en lo que toma - receta de agua sabor a frutas y verdurasRinde 4 porciones.1 taza por porción.Ingredientes2tazas de ciruela,en rebanadas,remueva el hueso2tazas de durazno,en rebanadas,remueva el huesoHieloTiempo depreparación:5 minutosPreparación.1. Llene media jarra con hielo.2. Agregue las rebanadas de ciruela y durazno.3. Llene con agua. Deje enfriar por lo menos 30 minutosantes de servir.4. Guarde en el refrigerador y tome dentro de 24 horas.

Healthy RecipePeachy Peanut ButterPita PocketsDelicious, nutritious, and sure to be a kid favorite!Makes 4 Servings. 1/2 pita pocket per serving l Prep Time: 10 minutes l Cook Time: 10 secondsINGREDIENTS2 medium whole wheat pita pockets¼ cup reduced fat chunky peanut butter½ apple, cored and thinly sliced½ banana, thinly sliced½ fresh peach, thinly slicedPreparation1. Cut pitas in half to make 4 pocketsand warm in the microwave for about10 seconds to make them moreflexible.2. Carefully open each pocket andspread a thin layer of peanut butteron the inside walls.3. Fill with a combination of apple,banana, and peach slices.Nutrition information per serving: Calories 180, Carbohydrate 26 g, Dietary Fiber 4 g, Protein 7 g,Total Fat 7 g, Saturated Fat 1 g, Trans Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 0 mg, Sodium 217 mg7

Receta SaludableBolsillos de Pita con Fruta yCrema de CacahuateEsta receta deliciosa y nutritiva se convertirá en la favorita de sus hijos.Rinde 4 Porciones. ½ bolsillo de pita por porción. l Tiempo de Preparación: 10 minutosTiempo de Cocimiento: 10 segundosINGREDIENTES2 panes de pita medianos de trigo integral¼ taza de crema de cacahuate con trocitos,baja en grasa½ manzana, sin semillas ni centro(corazón), cortada en rebanadas delgadas½ plátano, cortado en rebanadas delgadas½ durazno fresco, cortado en rebanadasdelgadasPreparation1. Corte los dos panes por la mitad formando4 bolsillos y caliéntelos en el horno demicroondas durante unos 10 segundospara ablandarlos.2. Abra con cuidado cada bolsillo y unte lasparedes interiores con una capa delgadade crema de cacahuate.3. Rellene los bolsillos con una mezclade rebanadas de manzana, plátano ydurazno. Sírvalos a temperatura ambiente.Información nutricional por porción: Calorías 180, Carbohidratos 26 g, Fibra Dietética 4 g,Proteínas 7 g, Grasa Total 7 g, Grasa Saturada 1 g, Grasa Trans 0 g, Colesterol 0 mg, Sodio 217 mg8

August 2017One-time Nutrition Workshops & Eventtalleres de nutrición y eventosLocationHoursContactinformation6:30-7:30 P.M.Yaderi Salazar(805) 981-6628DateActivityCityTue 1 AugNutriton EducationWorkshopOxnardTue 1 AugPower Play! WheelOxnardTue 1 AugRethink Your DrinkOxnardThu 3 AugRethink Your DrinkOxnardLas Islas Family Medical GroupHealth Center- 2400 S “C” St11:00-1:00 P.M.Alejandra(805) 981-6649Fri 4 AugRethink Your DrinkFillmoreNeighborhood for Learning-Fillmore425 Orchard St8:30-10:30 P.M.Perla Macias(805) 981-6649The Wellness Center **Programa Latino Indigena, PLI2697 Saviers RdNational Night Out 20171800 Camino del Sol RdNeighborhood for Learning- El Rio3300 Cortez St5:00-8:00 P.M.2:30-3:30 P.M.El Concilio1:00-4:00 P.M.301 S “C” StSantaSt. Paul’s Episcopal & EmmanuelSat 5 AugRethink Your Drink8:30-9:30 A.M.PaulaLutheran Church- Food PantryBread of Life-All Saints EpiscopalMon 7 AugRethink Your DrinkOxnard1:00-2:00 P.M.Church-144 S “C” StHarvest of the MonthSnapdragon Place ApartmentsTue 8 AugVentura5:30-6:30 P.M.Healthy Food DemoCEDC - 11094 Snapdragon StCatholic Charities Cabrillo VillageWed 9 AugRethink Your DrinkVentura10:00-11:30 A.M.Food Pantry- 1515 S Saticoy AveVocational Skills Services, Inc.Wed 9 AugRethink Your DrinkVentura10:00-11:00 A.M.549 W Hueneme RdCity CenterThu 10 Aug Harvest of the Month Ventura8:30-10:30 A.M.837 E Thompson RdMixteco Indigena CommunityThu 10 AugRethink Your DrinkOxnard12:00-1:30 P.M.Organizing Project- 520 W 5th StSantaSpirit of Santa Paula-Many MealsSat 12 AugRethink Your Drink2:30-3:30 P.M.Paula113 N Mill StPortEvangelistic Baptist ChurchTue 15 AugRethink Your Drink9:00-11:00 P.M.Hueneme Senior Kit Program- 125 E Pearl StNutrition Education *Lighthouse Recovery ProgramWed 16 AugOxnard9:00-10:00 A.M.Workshop150 N Hayes StHarvest of the MonthAzahar Apartments-CEDCWed 16 AugVentura6:00-7:00 P.M.Healthy Food Demo11370 Mimosa StOur Lady of Guadalupe ChurchThu 17 AugRethink Your DrinkOxnard9:00-11:00 A.M.500 N Juanita AveThousand New Life Mission Church- SeniorTue 22 AugRethink Your Drink12:30-2:00 P.M.OaksKits- 950 Warwich AveAmerica’s Job Center of CaThu 24 AugRethink Your DrinkOxnard1:00-4:00 P.M.2901 N Ventura Rd* Not open to the public. ** SpanishFri 4 AugRethink Your DrinkOxnardAlejandro Elias(805) 981-6622Alejandra(805) 981-6649Martha Gomez(805) 981-6649Martha Gomez(805) 981-6649Alejandra(805) 981-6649Alejandro Elias(805) 981-6622Martha Gomez(805) 981-6649Liz Hoffman(8050 981-6636Perla Macias(805) 981-6649Yaderi Salazar(805) 981-6628Alejandra(805) 981-6649Alejandro Elias(805) 981-6622Martha Gomez(805) 981-6649Alejandro Elias(805) 981-6622Perla Macias(805) 981-6649Alejandra(805) 981-6649Alejandro Elias(805) 981-66229

August 2017Community Garden & Fresh ProduceGarden Meeting August 19, 2017 Saturday8:00-11:00 a.m.jardín de frutas y verdurasCamino DelSol CommunityGardenFor information contact Blanca Arias at(805) 981-6627.Location:Where Camino del Sol Road, EntradaDrive and Garfield Avenue meet in LaColonia, Oxnard.Days: Monday - SundayHours: 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.La construcción de un macetero de maderaes posible, si todos colaboramos. Aquí losmiembros del jardín comunitario, se unenpara construirle un plantero a una personacon limitaciones físicas.Building a raised bed for someone with physical limitations takes a village.Community garden members pitch in to make it happen!10

August 2017Partnership for a Healthy Ventura County2016 Meeting ScheduleThe healthy ventura county partnership is a coalitionMeetingsPartnership meets on the 1st Thursday of the monththat includes ventura county public health, First 5Ventura County and a wide range of communityorganizations and individuals, including businesses,schools, non-profits, local government and networksseeking to improve the health of Ventura Countyresidents, policies and community endeavors. We sharethe vision that Ventura County will be the nationalDateTypeAugust 3September 7GeneralGeneralLocationAALocation A:2240 E. Gonzales Rd., Suite 200Oxnard Ca 93036Location B:2220 E. Gonzales Rd., EMS Conf. Rm. 200Oxnard Ca 93036model for healthy eating, active living and communitywellbeing. We promote community and personalFeatured Harvest of The Month:changes that lead to healthy eating and regular exercisePeachesto reduce obesity and related chronic diseases.The Partnership Meetings take place on the firstThursday of the month. For more information, pleasecontact Sara Rivera at (805) 981-6657 us for some nutritious ng/heart-healthy-diets/11

August 2017Partner & Community Effortshealth and wellness opportunitiesBig kids and small kids learn that physical activity can be aboutdance, fun and laughter at the 2017 Fruit & Veggie Fest!Los niños grandes y hasta los más pequeños, aprenden que laactividad física puede ser el baile, diversión y muchas risas, en laferia de Frutas y Verduras 2017.“Community Markets” free seasonal fruits and vegetablesDateFrequencyCityLocationWestpark Community Center450 W Harrison AveThis event is a collaborative effort with partner community organizations.Wed 16 AugustmonthlyWest VenturaDateServices/EventsCityTue 15 AugA Matter ofBalanceOxnardTue 1 Aug1st Tues of the monthWed 2 Aug1st Wed of the monthWed 2 Aug1st Wed of the monthWed 23 Aug4th Wed of the monthTue & ThuMon-FriMon-FriCall for datesLocationSt. John’s RegionalMedical CenterLivingston MemorialVentura1996 Eastman AveCamarillo Community CenterCamarillo1605 Burnley St Rm 7Free Diabetes ClassSimiSimi Valley Senior CenterValley3900 Avenida SimiThousand Goebel Senior CenterOaks1385 E Janss Rd-Foothill RmChildren’sPediatric Diagnostic CenterDiabetesVentura3291 Loma Vista RdManagementAdult DiabetesLas Islas SouthOxnardClinic325 W Channel Islands BlvdVentanilla deOxnard Mexican ConsulateOxnardSalud3151 W 5th StTobacco Educationcall it quits& rsContactInformation4:00-5:30 P.M.Anita Diaz(805) 648-1895HoursContactinformation1:00-3:00 P.M.(805) 988-28651:00-2:30 P.M.2:30-4:00 P.M.10:30-12:00 P.M.Linda Hampson(805) 642-0239Ext. 7231:30-3:00 P.M.8:00-5:00 P.M.Kay Urban(805) 652-62558:00-5:00 P.M.Irene Guerrero(805) 804-95108:00-12:00 P.M.Giselle Lembo(805) 984-1372(805) 201-STOP (7867)For more information please visit us at: / Para más información visite nuestra página:

August 2017Programs DirectoryChronic Disease Prevention Program publishes thismonthly Events Calendar to encourage healthy activeliving through physical activity and healthy eatingin all communities of Ventura County. Educationalopportunities are free of cost and available toresidents, families and communities who are readyto lead healthier lives.Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Programprovides nutrition education classes, train-the-trainernutrition workshops, and cooking and physical activitydemonstrations to promote informed food choicesand healthier lifestyles.For more information please contact:DirectorSilvia Lopez-NavarroBlanca AriasAlejandro EliasYaderi SalazarRita RubinElizabeth HoffmanIsabel GómezEddie Munizichsilvia.lopez-navarro@ventura.orgHealth ScreensBlood sugar, blood pressure, and body fat screensand individualized health education and referrals tolocal resources.Chronic Disease Prevention ProgramsGet Fit ClassesCommunity physical activity classesRethink Your DrinkUrges everyone to choose refreshing water to quenchtheir thirst instead of sugary drinks. The goal of theinitiative is to reach all residents and organizations inVentura County to increase the consumption of andaccess to healthy beverages.Walking ClubsAssistance with forming a walking club in thecommunityDiabetes Self Management ServicesIndividual Diabetes Self-Management servicesFor more information please contact:Sara RiveraFor more information please contact:Deanne MoralesDelfina ZermeñoSara ventura.orgsara.rivera@ventura.orgCommunity & School Garden SupportOffers support and education to families andeducators growing their own vegetables and fruits attheir local community gardens and schools.For more information please contact:Blanca Ariasblanca.arias@ventura.org2017 Fruit & VeggieFestOxnardFamilies celebratedhealthy eating andactive living in theircommunity and had aChampion Provider:Dr. Ray LopézChampion Retailer:La Tapatia #2little fun too!13

533 Santa Clara Ave 9:00-11:00 A.M. Tue 1 Aug Santa Paula Centro Cristiano Emanuel 505 W Harvard Blvd 12:00-3:00 P.M. Thu 3 Aug West Ventura Ventura Catholic Charities 303 N Ventura Ave 9:00-11:00 A.M. Fri 4 Aug West Ventura Red Barn Market 995 N Ventura Ave 11:00-1:00 P.M. Mon 7 Aug Saticoy Saticoy Food Pantry* 11168 Violeta St 4:30-6:00 P.M .

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