The Service For The Lord’s Day — May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday

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The Service for the Lord’s Day — May 30, 2021Trinity SundayA special welcome to those visiting with us today!We are grateful for your presence with us and hope you find this time of worship to be meaningful.We Gather to WorshipPRELUDEGott der Vater wohn uns beiDietrich Buxtehude(God the Father, be our stay)WORDS OF WELCOME, CHURCH LIFEDEACON’S MOMENTSuzanne BaxterFIRST CHIMEINTROITPraise Ye the LordLOBE DEN HERRENSanctuary Singersarr. W. P. Jones*CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 9:1-2Leader: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;People: the whole earth is full of God’s gloryAll:Let us worship God!FAVORITE HYMN SING FOR TRINITY SUNDAYHYMN 611Joyful, Joyful, We Adore TheeHYMN TO JOYJoyful, joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before thee, opening to the sunabove. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, fill us withthe light of day.Mortals, join the happy chorus which the morning stars began. Love divine is reigning o'er us, joining all inheaven's plan. Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife. Joyful music leads us sunward in thetriumph song of life.

HYMN 370This Is My Father’s WorldTERRA BEATAThis is my Father's world, and to my listening ears all nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.This is my Father's world; I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees, of skies and seas, his hand the wonderswrought.HYMN 519You Are My All in AllLAUDES DOMINIYou are my strength when I am weak; you are the treasure that I seek; you are my all in all. When I fall down, youpick me up; when I am dry, you fill my cup; you are my all in all. Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is your name! Jesus,Lamb of God, worthy is your name!HYMN 300We Are One in the SpiritTHEY’LL KNOW WE ARE CHRISTIANSWe are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord; we are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord, and we pray thatall unity may one day be restored: And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love; yes, they’ll know weare Christians by our love.All praise to the Father, from whom all things come, and all praise to Christ Jesus, God’s only Son, and all praiseto the Spirit, who makes us one: And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love; yes, they’ll know weare Christians by our love.HYMN 643Now Thank We All Our GodNUN DANKET ALLE GOTTAll praise and thanks to God, who reigns in highest heaven, to Father and to Son and Spirit now be given: the oneeternal God, whom heaven and earth adore, the God who was, and is, and shall be evermore.HYMN 394Christ Is Made the Sure FoundationWESTMINSTER ABBEYChrist is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and cornerstone, chosen of the Lord and precious, binding allthe church in one; holy Zion's help forever, and our confidence alone.Laud and honor to the Father, laud and honor to the Son, laud and honor to the Spirit, ever three and ever one:one in might and one in glory while unending ages run!*PRAYER OF THE DAY (Unison)James BoughmanFather, we praise you; through your Word and Holy Spirit you created all things. You revealyour salvation in all the world by sending to us Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Throughyour Holy Spirit you give us a share in your life and love. Fill us with the vision of yourglory, that we may always serve and praise you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God,forever and ever. Amen.*CALL TO CONFESSION*PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison)God of grace, love, and communion, we confess that we have failed to love you with all ourheart, soul, and mind; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We ignore yourcommandments, stray from your way, and follow other gods. Have mercy on us. Forgive oursin and raise us to new life that we may serve you faithfully and give honor to your holyname. (silent confession)

*ASSURANCE OF PARDON*PASSING OF THE PEACELet the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.To this peace we are called as members of a single body.The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.*HYMN OF RESPONSE 582Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on MeGLORY TO GOD (Vasile)Glory to God, whose goodness shines on me,and to the Son, whose grace has pardoned me,and to the Spirit, whose love has set me free.As it was in the beginning,is now and ever shall be. Amen.We Proclaim God’s WordDISCOVERY TIMECyndi StumpfTHE LORD’S PRAYEROur Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as weforgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine isthe kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.ANTHEMGod the Holy TrinityDavid HallsSanctuary SingersGod the Holy Trinity make you strong in faith and love, defend you on every side, and guide you in truth and peace; and the blessingof God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen.PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATIONSCRIPTURE READINGRomans 8:12-17 (pg. 158)This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.SOLOI Need Thee Every Hour (hymn 735)Rose Mansell, sopranoAnnie S. Hawks, Robert Lowryarr. Eleanor WhitsettI need thee every hour, most gracious Lord; no tender voice like thine can peace afford. I need thee, O I need thee, every hour I needthee! O bless me now, my Savior—I come to thee! I need thee every hour; stay thou near by; temptations lose their power when thouart nigh. I need thee every hour; teach me thy will, and thy rich promises in me fulfill. I need thee every hour, Most Holy One; Omake me thine indeed, thou blessed Son.SERMONChildren of GodRev. John C. McKinnon

We Respond to God’s Word*AFFIRMATION OF FAITHThe Apostles’ CreedI believe in God, the Father Almighty; Maker of heaven and earth,and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried;He descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven,and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints;The forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.*HYMN 4Holy God, We Praise Your NamePRAYERS OF THE PEOPLERESPONSEGROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICHAmenPeter C. LutkinSanctuary SingersOFFERINGCALL FOR THE OFFERINGGIVING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGSOFFERTORYChoral*PRESENTATION HYMNFlor PeetersDoxologyLASST UNS ERFREUENPraise God from whom all blessings flow;Praise God all creatures here below; Alleluia, Alleluia.Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Amen*PRAYER OF DEDICATIONWe Go in God’s Name*HYMN 1Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!NICAEA(Stanza Three: Organ Alone)*CHARGE AND BENEDICTION*POSTLUDEWo soll ich fliehen hinGottfried August Homilius(Where Shall I Flee)The flowers in the Sanctuary today are given to the glory of God and in memory of Ens. Evan WallingMiller, USN, beloved son, brother, and uncle.-Lolieta Miller & family

004-holy god we.mus, Page 1THE TRIUNE GOD4Holy God, We Praise Your Name& b 43 œœ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ . œœ œœ œœ œœ .Ho - lyGod, wepraise your name;Hark! The gladce - les - tial hymnAlla - pos - tlesjointhe strainHo - lyFa - ther, Ho - ly Son,1234? b 43 œœ œœ œ œœ œ œ̇ œ œœ& b œ œ œœœœ œœ Œ bowbe - fore you.bove are rais - ing;name they hal - low;three we name you, ?b œœAllcher proph whileœ œ œ Œ . .Lord ofan - gelas yourHo - ly all,wechoirs a sa - credSpir - it:œœ œ̇œœœœœ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ . .onearth youru - bimandetsswell theines - sencescep - ter claim;ser - a - phim,gladre - frain,on - ly one;œœ œœ œ œœ œ œ̇ œ œœ .& b œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œœ œœ œœ Œ œœ œ œ œœallinandun -inun thedi -heaven a - bovea - dore you.ceas - ingcho - rus prais - ing,bless - edmar - tyrs fol - low,vid - edGod we claim you,? b œœ œ̇ œ œœ In - fi fill theand fromanda -œœ . œœ œ œ œœ Œ œœ œ œ œ œ œœ œ ? b œ̇ œ œœ . œ œ & b vastsweetsetbenddo - main,ev - er - last ac - cord:“Ho - ly,ho of sun, through thechurchthe kneewhile weowningly,thetheœœniteyourheavens withmorntodor - ing, œœ .œ œ œœ œ œ .œœisyour reign.ho - ly Lord!”songgoes on.mys - ter - y.Based on an 18th-century German metrical version of a celebrated 5th-century Latin hymn, Te Deumlaudamus, this abbreviated 19th-century English paraphrase is sung by both Protestants and RomanCatholics. It is set here to the tune composed and named for the German version.TEXT: Attr. Ignaz Franz, c. 1774; trans. Clarence Alphonsus Walworth, 1858, alt.GROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICHMUSIC: Allgemeines Katholisches Gesangbuch, c. 1774; harm. Johann Gottfried Schicht, 18197.

001-holy holy holy-840.mus, Page 1THE TRIUNE GOD1Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!w# 4& # 4Descant#& # 44 œ œ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœ œœœœ œ4 Ho1234Ho - ly,Ho - ly,Ho - ly,Ho - ly,--ho - ly,ho - ly,ho - ly,ho - ly,hohohoho-œ œ-ly,God Al Lordall the saints a though the dark - nessGod Al Lordly!ly!ly!ly!mightdorehidemightœ œ? # # 44 œœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœœ œœ œ#& #&##jœœ . œ œ œœhoœ-inEar - lycast - ing downthough the eyethy worksAll? # # œœ œœœœœ--- y!thee,thee,- y!œ œjœ wœ wœœ œœ œœ œœ œœ.œ œœ œœ .œ œ # œ œ œœœ œ œ œœ œ #œ. œœ œ œ. œJ wthe morn - ing our song shall rise totheir gold - en crowns a - round the glass - yofsin - ful - ness thyglo - ry may notshall praise thy name, in earth and sky andly,thee.sea;see,sea.Much of the imagery of this hymn comes from Revelation 4:2–11, which its author, an Anglican bishop,# ' & # %% #( & & # (- )# - ()# & (( # '% / !!- & ( ' ( ,( & # & ' ( Trinitarian theme by strong dependence on the D-major triad.NICAEATEXT: Reginald Heber, 1827, alt.; trans. The Christian Literature Society of Korea; Spanish trans. Juan B. CabreraMUSIC: John Bacchus Dykes, 1861; desc. David McKinley Williams, 1948Korean Trans. The Christian Literature Society of KoreaMusic Desc. 1948, ren. H. W. Gray Co., Inc. (a div. of Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp.)

001-holy holy holy-840.mus, Page 2#& # &##w THE TRIUNE GODj.œœœ œœœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œho--Ho - ly, ho - ly,cher - u - bim andon - ly thou artHo - ly, ho - ly,ho - ly!ser - a - phimho - ly;ho - ly!## & Godœœœœœœœin three per - sons, bless - edœTrinœ.-ly, mer - ci - ful andmightfall - ing down be - forethere is none be - sidemer - ci - ful andmight? # # œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœœ œœ . œJ# & #-œ œ - y!thee,thee,- y!œ œ œJwi - ty.œœ œœ œ n œ œœ œœ œœ .jœJ w w? # # œ œ œ n œœ œ œœ wwJGodin three perwhowert, and art,per - fect in power,Godin three per-sons,andinsons,SPANISH1 ¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! Señor omnipotente,siempre el labio mío loores te dará.¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! Te adoro reverente,Dios en tres personas, bendita Trinidad.2 ¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! La inmensa muchedumbrede ángeles que cumplen tu santa voluntad,ante ti se postra, bañada de tu lumbre,ante ti que has sido, que eres y serás.3 ¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! Por más que estés veladoe imposible sea tu gloria contemplar,santo tú eres sólo y nada hay a tu lado,en poder perfecto, pureza y caridad.4 ¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! La gloria de tu nombrevemos en tus obras, en cielo, tierra y mar.¡Santo! ¡Santo! ¡Santo! La humanidad te adore,Dios en tres personas, bendita Trinidad.bless - edev - er love andbless - edTrin - i - ty!more shalt be.pu - ri - ty.Trin - i - ty!œ œ œ.œ œ œ.KOREAN거룩거룩거룩 전능하신 주여이른아침우리주를 찬송합니다거룩거룩거룩 자비하신 주여성삼위일체 우리주로다2 거룩거룩거룩 주의보좌 앞에모든성도 금면류관 벗어드리네천군천사 모두주께 굴복하니영원히 위에 계신 주로다3 거룩거룩거룩 주의 빛난 영광모든죄인 눈어두워 보지뭇하네거룩하신 이가 주님밖에 뉘뇨권능과사랑 온전하셔라4 거룩거룩거룩 전능하신 주여천지만물 주의이름 찬송합니다거룩거룩거룩 자비하신 주여성삼위일체 우리주로다1

The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the Turnbull family upon the death of AileenWilkerson Turnbull, who died on May 25, 2021. A Service of Witness to the Resurrection andCelebration of Life will be held on Friday, June 4. Visitation with the family will begin at noon in theParlor. The service will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the Chapel.Please keep the Turnbull family in your prayers during this time of loss.TodayPatriotic Bike Parade After 11:00 a.m. ServiceWho doesn’t love a parade? Especially a parade to honor our great country and the heroes who dieddefending it! Join our Children & Youth for their bike parade after service today.The parade will take place in the parking lot and the congregation is invited to watch and cheerthem on.Upcoming EventsKirkNight Kick-Off — Wednesday, June 2 5:00-7:30 p.m.We are having a picnic in the playground area next to the Community Garden to kick-off oursummer. Kids will have an inflatable to play on and there will be lawn games for the adults. Pick upa KirkNight To-go meal from Jenn and bring chairs or blankets!Menu: Grilled Chicken and Asparagus Pesto Pasta Salad with Summer Salad (Spring Greens,Strawberries, Oranges, Candied Walnuts, and Blue Cheese), and Chocolate Chip Cookies for dessertOrder by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday at the latest. To order, call, text or email Jenn Snow at 405-4083608 or Meals will be available for pick-up from 4:30-5:30 p.m. by theramp behind the kitchen.Family Meal for 4-6: 20 Dessert 5.00 Meal for 2: 10 Dessert 2.50

Children & YouthTiny Garden and Enchanted Woods — Sunday, June 13 1:00 p.m.Join us for the Children’s Garden Festival: Tiny Gardens and Enchanted Woods at MyriadGardens! This festival is an annual event featuring children’s literature. Local artists will createenchanting vignettes based on “Thumbelina,” “The Borrowers,” “Unicorns Are the Worst,” andmore.After 11:00 a.m. service, grab something to eat and then meet us at the main entrance of theChildren’s Garden (near the SW corner of Myriad Gardens). RSVP to Miss Cyndi( if you can come.Presbyterian WomenPriscilla Circle — Tuesday, June 8 10:00 a.m.At Susan Perry-LeGrand’s house.Abigail Circle — Tuesday, June 15 6:30 p.m.At Pizzeria Gusto.Sip and Stroll at the Zoo — Thursday, June 17 6:00-10:00 p.m.Everyone is on their own for admission and transportation, but we may arrange carpools if needed.General Admission: 25/person. Includes entry between 6:15-7:45 p.m. and access to Dino Safari.VIP admission: 40/person. Includes early entry to the event with check-in times from 5:45-6:15p.m., special sea lion presentation at 7:00 p.m., and access to Dino Safari, Stingray Bay, andlorikeets. VIP is limited to 300 guests per night. You can also purchase a drink passport for 30/person.Click here or visit for more info and to purchase tickets! Only adults21 admitted.

FAVORITE HYMN SING FOR TRINITY SUNDAY. HYMN 611 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee HYMN TO JOY Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before thee, opening to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day.

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